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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1969, p. 7

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' *~'~¶*i~fj. . , . I ' ................................................................................................ , i Iil. Young__ 88IThe afla8 LONG SÀULT HandsmuLle O ne v.. Q-IO d M._____ Loc181 6Per onal Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston LII f ~ r-M. _______17 S c a er o a were weekend visitors of Mr..Wlsn______ 7 Iand lits. Bill McLaughlin, .Lxo Phone 623-3303 Haley's Station. The Misses L.Rnu ____ 6 I ~ Dloeo nskleIre-1 M. Mcbonald_____15MIC - land, were visitors of their -.-,. F. Steadmian_____ 164,M « r 'uncle, Mr. J. Johnston. They, - .Det _____ 6 lI.Bob Noble was ln New'glving weekend guests of Mir. left by plane on Monday fori S . DLepp 163 York over the long holiday aM.ia . .Blw f o- oe LE rnt____ 161 o onto ai thefr summer home Mr. ndrMy. Cha.1Pe Mrt. Raymnond Dudley, Cmn- near Minden. warden and family were Sun- R. Wray 158 by Harvy dinnati, Ohio, visited on Tues- day supper guests of lMt. and J. La -______ _158ý day wih Ia mother, Mr& . c.Mr. and Mrs. A. Marjerrison, lirs. Robert Canieron. Raym- - E. Coombes____ 158 The visiting H. Dudley, Couitice. jFlou Su., spent Thanksgiving end Cameron, Kemptville, Mr. R o nweekenewithUnivMarserty-spent Thanksgiving weekend S. Niholsonl _15___ 8Midgets justma of Waterloo spent the weekend 'on s brother and sister-in- W1w, 't his parents and sister. .Lxon_____ 18thlca.at w1th hi. prets M. and Mrs. M.adMs.ReG M.dMrs Wisto The Petez Bert Syer, Hlue Street. jerrison, Cornwall. Mar- Mr ad rseeni G ibsonh .....ane._......__ 155 g ~pent ridayevenig wit ihe - '~ J. Spears_______15 arrlved lacking Mis Karen Kranip, WesternliMr. and lira. L. Haoey, Lib J. Parkinson's, Courtice Lb1,-- ______ 155 players se th University, London, Ont., spent erty St. North, were Sunday A speedy recovery ta ailu.~M Chishni ____ 15cahn n the holiday weekend with ber dinner guests of their son, those in tbm communlty whoR.iknon_____ li.adlt.Fe daughter-in-law and fanilly, are suffering tbe effects of this E. Dclaknso 154 of Dave Wright .arenia, M.an152 re ? .Clreand Bill McKnig] kramp. ~ n is .L oe real bad cold and aiso the fluR.hakto 150 Gary Murphy, li. o g ays U ivr ity and Paul, Toronto.' that Is golng the rounds. R. Mh ceonr.a d L ui a M r. youGuRMyssDorohy Gallager, M ac- . . .elpu. .r P of Watehoo, s ent b oP maGets on Wednesday cf last tuer spent Thanksgiving hall-i. Mrh adG weekend with bis parents, lit. week with Mr. and Mi. A. day at her sister's home,Mr M. 3. ROflfl SCHOOL NEWS three cf the and lira. Jack Hayes and Mari errIson, Flou St., were and lira. G. Bernard. gas brother Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Taylor of _________ M. J. Hobbs hias now gotten lcrgrsb Mis Krln lcDnlCobourg. During th aalInto "full swing". Evory dayencfa8-s Montreal, Que., spent Tbanks-iPaid a visit to the Museumn. A ni als__ busy. House Leagues, at edfn 8.2prov givlng weekend with ber par-, Miss Joan Synions of Guelphb nnm iCo to noon hour play soccer. We i niIbmpl 2 enta, lit. and Mrs. Hugh Mc-'Uiverslty spent Thanksgiv- .e gin t lay hockey Repog f of!'I Thuradays, &t ImBwa-Crough blinked lirs. Ethel Thompson, lir. and lira. Frank Symons an lt. e t. dRd-rn.fmlyadgrnp R epntt for Sept ville Arena, soon. bath Bowmanvijl andionterbSer ndio-Septembeanranparnt I1969of ch ljakessecond goal illus noy were Sunday dînnier gueste lit. and lira. Garnet Symons. 1oga CaftSetem- thi y w regin o 1 teniorkcaibr of lir. and Mrs. Reg. Rackbam lisDrtoBongonBruh n5s ..' M have sweaters. Thoy are white jGe ie sI and family, Pickering. anhlra LiC Sn__n u52 36 card tIigans with an orange inhis own end.C lira. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, liaple Grave, worm weekend Returned to, wnes 5 - ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .Otbegarpîtrs up ta bis c, and lits. J. E. Leishinan, Osh- guests of the ]atter's daughtor. Impounded ----- --- 3Ocoer7 u Pcup weeDoug passed t( awsent the holiday week- son-in-Iaw and family. lit. and Dispos~ed of-------- 12 9 ~Field Day Iandcto 17 end with their sister, lits. T.'Mr . OtIa Pritchard. John, Soîd 17 ------..--------------ay--Oc177sic adhe fi W. Cawker, King St. Eat eter and Paul, Manotick. edfrosraini i~ ~.. We've sure been busy! it. The calot is. lira. K. J. Ferguson, Con- ltadlt. onSotiComplaints .------.------ .-z il, - -- -r -ad y eeiin cession St. West, recenthy t0 li1 cenc - ts Spectator P_ u rn e d fro m a p ro lo n g e d v isit Er .litaMr . H . T ru l, lr e 1R c i t R a , R n 4 p e a o with her daughter, lits. Fred- . IdBi.BotQinv oard ----ng- 2$4.00 ~- - . and Mrç. E. Wessells enjoyo&Baded- 4.a motn o er k Fo f aaen, Cai.the Fall Foliage bus tour taO thr!-_ _ _ _ _ 72.00 SA LEM Hockey is a con Several flocks ai wild geese Vprmont, Whiteface Mountain,Syptyaexeddtte a player le boun w erm seen er w y th w oendN Y. and Lake Placid, N'Y',1 Mile s Travelled 1160 relatives and frlnds f li. However, hockey w~ m r i es - a ue înw ekend. S m o ss Is e Howard Gaud who passed f skilh and it é il-' colder weather la on the Vi -_________Mr._and_ . away hast week. Aise te the skihl ta end up i family and frlends cf lits, box. Rather skil Donad Crmp nd MssGordon C. Miartin wre lir. and U IUAl eto h aD'Aconto. Long Island itrs. Alec MeNeil cf Ottawa, DR .W- SO eto hs community who'temadntbà Worm holiday weeken lirs. .Jovce Bingham and fam- R.EW.SSNpssdayFra.itmtnteca gupsta with bis parents, li ily of Toronto. lit. and lira. The death cf a highly te -- -lt n ia aeolltost hs end lits. R. Cramp, Fte erick A lec G. liartin and family. spected citizen, Dr. E. W.Bakunateddtefn Avenue. Newcastle, lit. and lits. Lloyd1 Sîsson, aged 83 yBrslaccre'ural f lts.Nanandoth fn-a etviasw M et o.Wm rwlartin and iamily, Dorval,1 at Memaorial Hospital, ]Bow- The handsorne ltile chap in the abo ve photo is Bradley Bruce Adams, son Ebenezer Church on lionday Mir. end lits. W, --et o.W.BonQue and lir. and lits, Mla-'manville, on lionday, October cf Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adams, Concession St. East, who celebrated his first aiternoon. and lits. Gordon SBrown, John and Wendyl coî avyon'khm 6 99 ehd en11snebrhdyo etme 4h.Hsgadaet reM.adMs usllHl- Slm UCW of Ottawa, were weekend visit- Hrvy i iakam 6 169 of hisyad been 111 aince birthdat ors with their parents,.lira. J.1 Thanksgiving weekend visit-I Son of the late Stephen M.j man and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, B owmanville. He is the great-gcrandson of poatponed until Thursday, Oct. lionday visitorsl J. Brown and lit. and lira. E. ors with lit. and lits. Robert Sîsson and Adelaide Devitt, ho Mrs. Sarah Adair and Mrs. Gertrude Ad ams. -McRobbie Photography 23rd. Ms .Cag S. Hand n GII Wrm thit d ugte nd' was born in Manvera Town- Miss Ruby Lane, town, was The Craig fis lit. and lits. M. L. Roenigk, son-in-law, lir. and lits. J. hiii. Ho attended Galoway a Sunday visiter with lit. Thanksgiving pai King St. West. wero Thanks- B. Ste-von, Willowdale, and S. S. No. 4 Public Schooî and ~~- - E f " L and lits. Lloyd Richards. day wben about 'els aieice, Misa Sandra liargZ- waa a graduate of Port Hopie *L JMr~ i. and lira. Bob Black- attendance. etofToronto. On Monday of; High School and the University hum Osawa lias eshn ias Robetta hast wee, lia. ,lI vlsied n-' i T rona De tal Con-ge.Hfs RecetontotosDwtntir.lnd nd d ugher-n-la , lC.hambmssa e.aHnc n wonsday vîsiarauith lihoamelirfar lir. eB b C REOOI4 othor daughter and aon-in-law, wife, the former Mary Mml-lits. S. A. Cawers were:Mr. iaa doduh-nalPat, M.ind eathsesaged w rta givk e Blackrn it. aBdilsandy sntRhebwCr REHOBOTH Mrli. and lira. Rick liartin of drum, predeceasmd hlm a few sS.A akrwr:M.1MsDoadPoti ar hs ngein a tg, .Blcbn. r. ra lypn heel Chrisfian Reformd Kingston. weeks ago. They worm are and lits. Arthur Cawker, borough.lisRchr thanks? What le the meaning Blackburn af Guelph waa cottage. Mr. ari Beoe oin arwmanCheryl adBryan cf Sauli Ste. lit. and Ms ihr aiofThanksgiving Day? We, in hom for thewoekeui Cuc o e comr 9 Boma1916ri;.Mr and lits. Chas. son visited ber mother, lits. Canada, have se much for lir. and lita.liatthew Mat- with theni at i s vile 4 yeas ag, Dr andCawker and Ken of Scarbor- Charles Gist in Civic Hospital, which we can give thanka. hn iie e obr S t. PaUl'S vle4 er gD.ad a .chn iie e moe ScuoffStrli ra. Sisson resided for a tieliough; lit. and lits. Grant Peterborough on Sunday and, Christian people ihank God for lits. H. Parsons In Si. ,t j L a Whiby. Ho practlsed dont- ýCawker and sons Chris and woro evening dinnor guesta His gift oi Jesus, Hia only Son, liichael's Hospital, Toronto, on suister: United Clnurcn lstry for 60 years and was an Curt cf Oshawa; lit. and lira. with lirs. Davison's brother, for our redemption. lits. Gill- Sunday. >rgHonorary Lfe liember of the Alan Cawker and family, Osh- Mr. Francis Giat and family san, lits. Scott and lits. Visser lit. and lira. Ron Welsb 1ev. A. VandenBerg Minuster: RoyalColecfIonta awa; lit. and lits. Ralph Caw- ai Lang. sang "Came Ye Thankful Pen- and Pati, Foxboro; lit. and B.A. B.D , M.h. olege of D nta B.. BD, LI, ev. B. A. Turner, Surgeans. Ho retired on ker, Chandre and Jason of Sunday Services pIe, Came" with lira. Davison lits. Latry Welsh, town, lit. f Phone 623-7407 B.A., B.D. January lai, 1969. A member Don Milîs. (Presbytorian) accompanying.an r.DnWshwe Wosi evcs Organis: of TrIity Unied Church, Mr. an lits. Chas. Cawker In the Presbyterian Church United Church Sunday visitors wiih lit. and O WosipSrvcsMr. R. Metaf, Bowmanvlle, ho was aiso a and son Ken ai Scarborough. Sunday morning lir. Mrleyi In the United Church Re. lr. L. Welsh. 1000a..A..CT. .CC.. member Of the Bowmanvlhe and li. and lis. S. A. Cw-1 Mitchell chose "Giving Thanka Victor Parsons spoke n "Giv- li. and lis. E. Twist have t he 1000 a. . .RC.., A. .C . Lins Club for ver 15 years. ker sp nt an njoyable holiday t G od" a a the them e for isilng Thanksa" for ibm sub et ai fnally recelvd Word iat li. 7:00 p.m. 9.,45 a.m. -Sunday School Durlng Worhd War 1 ho sony- in Septemnber an Lake Missias- his sermon. A "ihank yau", andlis JonTitav THE DRAN ~akt o or 11*30 a.m. - Publie Worship md as a Capiain ln the Dental agaywan ai ihe "Twin Pines" means se mucb; ih can change arrived safely ln Africa and and RE Tie cagd oeabeCrp.smmrrsotad eat odt ho outlook af all who recoive are Weil eatablished ln theit For mo13,i1bisadiotimemibefishlnaittebm ama. A s it; their days are brigbtmned; work. o e t tr Dial 131 Ra io emb rs t atend Tti ity deceased was a sports enthu a- lMr. and lis. S. A. Cawker A sM iIeiJiiiiig w ork can becom e a pîasure. M iss K a hy Twist, Toronto,Co n fo r Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. Church Anniversary Sot- est, botb actlvely and as an spent a couple cf days with Do%_hnkGdfr i n was a weekend vsti iyu' "Evvice at 10:00 a.mDr.aMcClear intersed spectatr. In early lis. Keih Wilson f Duntroon numerable gits or are we like home. Mri. and lr. Fred "Evry ne Welom » r. ic lue.years ho was a m mber af tbe in August. o the lpers ai Bible imes? 0f Twist, Whitby, w mre Sunday ~ I J l Infant are during service Bethany Champion Football lit. and lira. G. Sweatman, saioeu te1 h eehae nysuPe us wtMran SU D Y ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Team o i 19n8 ln tibM lidland Vancouver, lira. John Johnston one gave thanka. la thai ratio lira. E. Twist. B O W J League, and aise won prizes and Anne, Manotick, Worm Fri- o 0prcn h aetada? rs R Shacklet o n d In tracck and field. Down day visiters witb lit. and lira.lita. Lawrence lialcolmfv Sair-etn. Mr.Ja tunnis wot oncuq n uswreMrli. and lits. Rab-bez a ored with a solo 11 Thanlc Geddea worm Sunday spe TRINITY UNITED CHURCH trubhThr epaydGatTapa.Ohr eetLr z i1 et cent wtheMsm ne Sh aclt. adlr.Grl V.r4 was, ai one lime, a member afi mn Umphrey, Cookaville. The Malcolm ai thm organ. acONDA)n ibitr-Re.Gog K ad .ABD h Bowmanvllle Badminton Thompsans spent Sunday tae___Mr.____ and lits. Wm. AllUn, Min te - Re. G or e . ard B A. B D. Club, jolning the Badminton Tusday with er mother, lr.lir. John Aln, Kirby; lir. BOW 1 Clubowhen l was first organ- W.H. Jobnston and sistot, IandIl. s . Bruce Stainion, Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., lied over 35 yoara ago. In hîs lira. James Naylor ai their ego LaleS s hawea.swere Sunday auppor A.... ...Llater ymara ho was an active home ln Pefferlaw. Le in L det M. and lira. Ken A.... ....membet ci ibm Bawmanvilhe lir. and lits. Clarke Wil- gakltnadMrDvi Gofa ring lbm.90sh e liams, lit. and lits. Wayne October 9, 1969 Shackleton, Guph wa a Musical unday Octoer i 969 ae lnte 90' e li. loand is. ito r.alnd.................Averages weekend visitai, Sundy, cto er 9th, 16 aeInierested ln gladioli and liMco.and fa itrly ol,.lt. ---n---- --- 87, riadeAbrta woe r o-hllp, Po pursued that hobby tbrou«h- lin. and lins. Rae Malcolmn, J. Burton ----18 ehrdAlrtwer- aut bis rmmaining ymars. HIs Janeiville. and lit. Bort Gib- M.- Martindale _____1831 many frlends ln Bowmanville .Ptnr-____ 8 Iwlll rememberhfr hi e son, Blackstock, attended týhe i Patne 18 Lvesar.' oldnoeddng nnieRs.yVanessa ____ 80 exhibis and winnings ai local agolit.enWd lis. nVerile clil ry ______17 i3th 9Z n ee s rand district gladbolus shows.ofMrad__________Ml-1 . ra 179 Dryiso nrdue e eon in Bowmanville on Satur- 1 AA.te 179___N I,___ 17 Dr.soze ntros c ldiolus iadyonig______ Pastor Bey. W Harold Dawson Pouty Congress held ln Otta- Bok n erMpeoprtn ot ae nfulcsa o aa'u wa ln 1927. Broaloks areeMac.undav Fa r le eaigstae n f yue ttheoelesBAN- ~ *w n12.Grve. ... SU WhY Wat ... se us today, and LietyBele SPRAY DEODORANT <E,,,, AD , EUè~". i. w. ur;Itving are two sons and lit. and lira. George Bow- welil show you hou' you can contrai ICDOtheonc 30th A niverary to n dughtes, Jaes M.o rs enioyed Saiurday ta Mon-j proper humidity withà humîdistai that3ouc 'li n Iv~~~~~~îrur > f ~~~~ Burns Lake. B.C.: lis, S. R. da wth he C pi n f mly Cflb placed anywhere in the home.w ln99 Va e fo 89 i * H nd rso ( ett ) o f W ind- N orth B ay. 99e____Valu e___ __for_ __8_9 Services g'or: lits. H. Green (Kay) cf lits. George Windsor, Stouif-1 Tuesday, Oct. 1477C 1 Taonto, ad0'epen v lle. wasa aWednmsday dinneri Hlgh Single TheR 7 18 1 To ron a evcewshed est with ber fathet lit. Ell .248e ---------------24 SCO ervices 718, 1sevice w aibl rs. M.and Mr. Bud Vit- :> --HII frein the Nortbcuii Elliatt teBrnd FRDA -630P.LFuneral Homo,,owmanlîloand Donna, Baw- H- jDoubL. CaleQU oWednesday, Ociaber 8th, manirille, Worm Sunday isut- ... . Gamma 200 and Over BATH BEADS Fon-sBnutatLosCnr n w odce vR r.L oe28226, . Patfield 1 Z F o u n e r s a n q u f i LG esrCg e r .a.d w a d o fu c i e c i b v r. a n d M s . A r t h u r H y l a n d 2 4 , H . R e y n o l d s a 2 1 7 , M . C o l- S g . 1 . 5 L I SATURDAY - 7:45 P.M. Unitedi Church. Internient ejyda sei aiv n Sun- Y4ng24,M Film - " O(PERATION LIBERIA " wCi aîavhm Cre dy coe t. Te a hlisholm 215,M. Gibson 213-._____1 .27__________ Rv am LmPabearera wre lir. Gr- travelleci ta Carnaon wherm Ome 0 et200, . R ev C r m a, L y n , ib col ra ai thei bes as bey orne xan3, W .d er t20 0 .S y v n a F s h u bF S N)Y - :5qA &don Staples. nephw, of Cavan; they vlsited frie-ndç. ReurningPia Ps SU D Y - 95 ..Dr. W. G. Bentham, lit, via Kinmount, Bobcaygen Captain TemSadnsS l a i l s b li F Sunday Sco5 hrlsBike Bowmanville; andi Omemee tbey also called .Makes Indoor Air H. Reynolds __ 9789 9 AGI or AGiE1.17Ni RIGereLnMr arGreRvS.R. on friencis ln Bobcavgean. j M. Gibson -___ 9786 9 Pg f1, ug it1*49NE Rv GereL,,Henderson, aons-ln-law, and. Mn. and Mlis. Clifford Hylanci Outdoor Freshii W. Coombes ___ 9781 91 k.o 2 ug it19 11:00 an Worslp lMt. Stephen Siason, son. and dauLihier Gloria. Toronto. B3.Locke --- - 593 '7 M2B Bey. S. G ~~~~~~~Among tbm many beautîful visiteci Thanksglvlne Sundav M..PR E . Leaman-__ 9522 6 Ps.o 2 ug ii22 2:5hm igh eateem In which ibm de- law, lir. and Mlra. Arthur Hy- M. Colville___ 92.35 61 2:5Pc eased was helci, were ihose landi and were evenîng dinner Bts26 5PRSITON àANVRAYSERVICE item the Oshawa & District guests. A. Bauts839 2 RSITIS Pentecostalciet.ssembli178s&B Owm N Si ofteRneotlAsmle oard cf Lincoln Rd. United on Ortaber 8ih for bis fourih O. Patfield -_____ 208 IE Chu"cb. Windsor: Warner, çeasn açice-maker and care- o mnil H. Reynolds 204' 7:0P.M. ey. Taltinger Lumberi Lt4i.. ni Toronto;, tpt'pr. J._Alexnder96 Pharniacit oligLmagu lits.. Ivan Proutt sppnt the PHONE 623-5651 19leanet1 -__W_ Toronto.d____________M. Gibson 1__ 92j à KING ST. W. hcZay »knd M er onW. Coounbea ___18 SUat«mm. owmanvlfle, Ott 18, 1969 7 end One uine regor' s Midgets ied by Pefes 8-2 Ty Webster latter sIll g Petrbor Sthandouts or the locals were Peteborughof course Doug Crough, also -ay lay dlaim ta Gary Murphy, Danny Cowl. botroy ve from and Mike Brien who played a Satrda evn-solid game on defense and erborough club' Glen Rice, who knows what ga few shinny, tearn play is ail about. tha nealetaf This mldget club bas a lot t, nra Poladof promise, and I think they àtRonPolardwlll show us some mighty fine ,ht loaned them ýhockey before the geese corne Dave Johnson 1tIis Mway again next spring. y. This provedi Watch the sports page for terborough as' future games. We've gai the y fIgured in ofl team. Let's really go! vIsitors' eigbt lys on the short score showed a rment in play lin Aflo minutes. Doug 1the llgbt for [Ie's goals. The current astrated Doug's eand excellent far the passing offfir oug wound up , Glnws -the eL, 'way ack oln Wo Read the Pulitzer Prizel 6 In and potted ,innn Christian Science sn't all on the Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy-to- Pot Shots read daily newspaper gives enalties played you a complete grasp of le In the garne. national and world affairs. )ntact sport so Plus fash ion, sports, busi- and to pick up nesadters.Rd ntal penalties. san1 h rt.Ra y salso a gamne the newspaper that 91% does not take of Con gress reads. in the penalty, I11lqI requîred, Please send me the Monitor for helpful to your' a regular eus- 1 year $26 [] 6 masr. $13 1ler. Congratu- [] 3 mos. $6.50, who have this Check or money orcler enclosed ltb bis slster, QBill me V. Craig. Mr. ____________ m Phillips and nome Arthur, were s~____________ with Mr. and armily held a irty on Mon- pu zM it50OwereIn T CraIg was Q(à jS'r'« Srjjcz ýraIkend fam: MONiTOR, ýkend at their Dmx 125, Autor Station nd Mrs. Sam BDct, Massachusetts 02123 unday visitai,. the cottage. Casting for TH PA(cIFIC musical fo b. produced by MA WORKSHOP, ROTARY CLUB ECREATION DEPARTMENT -j out for a part or fo discuss how (,ol OCkT.f 19hpbcsa MANVOCT. H9th iAUITOR IUM Y, OCT. 2Oth 7:00 » 9:00 pa. FMANVILLE TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM Director - Wilf Peglg I Director - Rosemary Merkley 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. 'cer - Elsie Wilson - 623-5891 THERA-BLLEM- FOR ACNE, PIMPLES Sugg. list 1.39 1.17 tIGHT GUARD' ANTI.PERSPI RANT % z. S u g.li t1.89 1 .3 7 MAA LOX SUSPENSION 12 z. ugg. li 1.75 98C BENYLIN COUGH SYRUP oz., Sugg. liai 1.20 77C lusliabyes Pkg. of 48 EWBORN, Sugg. lisi 2.34203 EIMor TODDLERS, 21 -.D.A. KEMEDIES ýCGREGOR> RUGS - PRONE 623-5792 m

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