T ~ ~ 'Wr. *fjw4 r '-~ ~ The Canadlan Statesman, Bownianville, Oct. 13. 10959j SPORTopucs By Frank Mohun 6237234 HOLE-IN-ONE Bob Gallagher, former Bowmanville resident, play>ingè with bis son Ferry, scored a hnle-mn-anc on the Oshawa King St. W. course, Thanksgiving day. Bob u.sed a four iran to register the ace on the 140 yard par three, eighth hale. TheY-_____________ didn't realize the bail was In the cup until they reached theSt. Joseph's Mixed ýSt. Mary's Cernent Juveniles top of the bll and there it was. _____ t t t t Bowling League * HOCKEY ACTION October 12, 1969 week, high-]ighted by the Junior "1C" home opener, Sunday 6 Presidential-- 28 15751 3 Spartans - ----- 26 16133 aternoon. Bowmanville Cable TV will take to the ice at 1:30..5~ Allev Cats 24 15879 E way, with Locke TV meeting County Chrysier at 7:15 and 4 Mad Hatters 14 15264 1 ~pe i gT l Kramp's Furniture playing McNulty's Sports at 8:30. 2 Try Hards 13 15494 Men's High Single by Harvey Webster it takes a while to become ad- Sunday is a busy day as the Commercial League begins Jack Brown - 368 We are not making excuses justed ta your fellow players at 9:30 ln the marning, with Mutton & Gould Sheli clashing, Men's Hlgh Triple i however, a larger town with- and get into the swing of the with Brooks' Supertest. The second game at 10:45 bas Walter'Jack Brown 852 out a junior entry can muster game. FakRa.saepaigBryson's Smoke Shop. Ladies' High Single a better squad which was The game was a chippy af- FrTkheaJniLEaepenudyngh.Oeing Kathy Skribe - - 283 proven Saturday night at the fair with bath sides picking up The unio Leaue oens p Suday lght Opcing Ladies' High Triple local shinny bouse. The Red- uncsay pnlis h games will pit Ken's Men's Wear against the Legionnaires at Katihy Skribe 56 e ee topdtyn uRemen occupedalthesnbin 7:30, with NichaIs Motors vs. Bill's Billiards et nine o'clock. 200 Gamem and Over , Orillia's fine passing and; for 30 minutes, while Orillia t . t . Jack Brown 223 - 261- 368 1stronger attacks told the talerested there for 53 minutes t tKathy Skribe 283, Dave Ormeýas Orllia emnerged on top of alwith Bowmanville unable ta OSHAWA WINS TWO ONTARIO TITLES '-76, Paul Laprade 217-233,19-2 score. Rodney Ritter and capitalize. Mats off from the Statesman Sparts Department to two Jim Pair 230, Clarence River, Garry Windover were Orillia's! 20-2.Pat Walker 227. Betty top scorers while Ken Tabb! Pueks In the Press Box Oshawa teams who captured Ontario Softball championships Charland '223, Gary Conw'ax and Brian Bur gess connected' Doug Parker showed ine over the weekend. Gale Lumber, after losing the first gamne, 210. Dot Passant 20ý7, Arnold for -BowCmanville. Te S ot pus contro but ass nt.ble came back ta capture the next twa over Sauit Ste. Marie to Brinklow 206, Allen Maclean Mr' enn rw emdt omserago asn t winthir outh ucessveSenior "B" titie. 205, Tony Horstnman 205, Mike Improve as the game progress- teck. Ken Tabb, Ken Tamblyn win theirfourth sccessiveKennedy24 i krb 0,c. This being, their first gameiand Bill Eeuws combine as a Bunny's Food Service swept two straight over anathier Teresa Ri-vers 202. Sault Ste. Marie opponent, to take the Intermediate "A" Averages ~I I"lI provincial crown. We nt the Statesmnan are espe-cially proud because one of our printing staff members, Howie Bryan Is Mike Kennedy Jim Pair Jack Brown - ---- a member of the Bunnys teamn. 'Gary Conway ---- t t t t t jAllen Maclean _.- ---- iBill W ilks ---- PLENTY OF ACTION :Arnold Brinklow The Bowmanville Recreation Department recently an- Dave Orme------ rionnced their activities for the feul and winter "eason - and'Gerry Dwyer as uluel. there is plenty o! sports action available for everyane ClioneHikcy ---- o! ail ages. Eleen Hinke% Probably the largest undertaking is the minor hockeyBnePast programme - af which Bowmnanvilie ha.q a tremendous set-'Kathy Sknibe - --- up. The bantams, pee wees, etomsç,and midgets stant on Setur- Pauni Laprade ------ SBill Sknibe day. Oct. 25th. There Is mare pee wee hockey on Mondays'Jim Jeffreyýs and Pidays, with the Tykes gaing nt it on Tuesdays and'Stew Cbisbolm Thursdays. Betty Cbarland Pigure skating classes also get underway that same week !Teresa Rivers -- with the juniors holding forth an Mondays framn four ocîlock iMaly C1hishora until seven, and the seniors and ntermediates practising P.d Dwyer from four p.m. ta seven p.m. on Wednesday evenings. Gary Lane --- Naturally enaugli, the Memarial Arene is a busy place Ton 'y Horstman SMayLn during the winter season. The young gaff ers get thein chance, aryP Lanet te try the bledes on Tuesdays tram three o'clock until five, Pet Walker while there is open skating on Friday nights, two hours Canal Orme starting nt eight oclock, and Sundays from four p.m. until Rose Marie Canwey six o'clock. Agnes Maclean Other arena activities include: DotisPaior - Mens Commercial Hockey League - Sunday mornings Mary Brinklow - Men's Town Hockey League- Thursday niglits Doris Jeffreys --- Junior Men's Hockey League Sunday nights Isabel Laprade Little N.H.L. - Saturdays from four p.m. ta seven p.m. Midigets and Juveniles In OMHA play - seven p.m. Saturdays Junior C Hockey - Sunday afternoons and Tnesday nights! M onts Tc - -In addition te thettst skating on Tuesday atternoons, the're Is aise a pre-sehoolers learn ta skate programme every Monday afternoon from two o'clock until 3:30, startingofl Oct. 16 - Locke's October 27th. The fee is 75 cents per lesson. rm The Men's Town Basketball League, just getting undpr- Kam way, et the High School gymnaslum, has four teams in action!Ot 3-Cut i ~MeNult .very Tuesday evenlng, wlth the gamnes starting et seven Oc.3 ok Octc30 -Lock There wili be two golf instructional classes under DaveNo.6-Cut Zinlk, bead professional at the Bowmanville Country Club.Cov 6 Meut The 'teen division cests five dollars, while aduits wil pa. ov: 1 -- ounke seyen dollars for seven lessons. Golf instruction begins in! Kramp' January.Nov. 20 - McNu] Swimming classes are already in full swing et the Pine Kam Ridge School, but there Is still time ta join the nen's surim, ovj 2 -Lockea and gymn club, which bas. expa nded ta two days a week tram1Nv 2 kem 4:30 te six p.m., also nt the Pin. Ridge School. De. a-Cont The badminton club, beginning this year, will be under Meu the Recreation Department, with play eta the High ScoiDcMl-Lel gymnasium on Mandays and Thursdays, from seven untill Cotinty. ten o'clock each night. There will also be a badminton club Dec. 18 - McNuli formed for teenagers, with action aiseoin the boys gymeat! the higli sehool. Details will be announced later. County The men's weight-lifting club, held their initial session! Jan. 8 - Locke lest night, and will continue tram Monday through Friday,! n 5 rm nine ta il p.ni., in the Scout Hall of the Lions Centre. Ja.Kra-M pNl Besides the rnany leagues, Liberty Bowl Is aiso kePt busy Jan. 22 - Locke under an impressive Recreation Departmnent programme, cat- Kr1 ering from ages eight ta 25. Jal 2 -Cut Bantam, junior and senior leagues are ln full swing evenMcu Saturday morning and afternoon, with the yaung aduit league Fe.5-Lckel bowling every Sunday evening, cammencing et 5:30. C.5 ocket' Boys gymn classes for ages seven ta 13, will begin the1 Feb. 12 - MeNul, first week in November irom four until 5:30 p.m. One graup will work ont on Tuesdays nt the Ontario Street School. with'C nt the othler flexing their muscles et the Lord Elgin Schoal, on! (First gamne schec Wednesday atternoons. ;at 8:30 p.m.). There wili aisoelie a girls gymn class et the High School on Saturday mornfings tram nine ta Il a.m. The age limit is seven te 13 years of age. Basketball for boys 13 to 18 years of age will begin on November lSth at the BHS gymnasium. The league operates on Saturday mornings from nine to il. The younger boys aiso will be able to play basketball. at the Lord Elgin School. The age group is from eight to 13.' More details later, When weather permits, the popular children's and teens' ski clinie will again be held at the Oshawa Ski Club. Pabs Cab FOR SERVICE i p I I Brian Martyn Russ Hately ,Bill Jol i Norm McKeen - ---- ~~ ~J J Dot Collins -- fmIeII9-2 Leon Com'iors Pete Dobbins - ---------- j ,iHelen Reynolds------ ~nIrivJohn Powler ---- Jack McNulty George Bebee- lîne ta apply pressure in the Ron Haynes --- --- opposition's end on numer u, Pegg Haynes ---- occasions. Harold Leach shdw-1lChanland y-- ed aggressiveness and huýtle'George Caln çt aIl times and was very im-l Don Wright -.------- pressive. Bob Harness. Bruce Simpson and Steve Porsey p os- sess hockey ability and if they NighI jH~awL can concentrate on applying it, they wilI be a tremendousý asset ta the team. October lOth As previously stated, Rab, Johnson had his teamn better HhMgh single organized in tMe third period P. Broome ----1. --1--- and I think they will have a Hlgh Triple rewarding season if they stick M. Ovenden ta hiockey. Watch the paper for future Satnrday niglit encoun- Team Standing ters. Go- Redmen, Go! ,.Mar J. Rowe. ý. ons ----- - Labie i v s i-ita i renton TWF rc ---- ----2101 K. Campbell 12 182 i m er 25 5 - 2 Score in Exhibition 1PBroo))(rne25 - ---- - 188248, .J. Matirs 239, M. ----__18 yHre Wehster Defensive play was alSO streng- Iyon will find many of the boys 2131, E. MtLl 27, 1 -----1821 thenéd with the returo ta forre raching true junior form as 2,P ad27 -181' Bowmanville*s Jr. C entry, of Sandy Brown.1 this is their second year in that 225 180 the Cable Tee Vees on Pnidayl The loosely refereed affaincompany. Who knows, mayhe Averazes ------ 180 in Trenton matched Trenton]îed ta several injuries ta th e:aniother^ Brent Hughes will C. Bruce ----- 179, in territorial play but lacked !Tee Vees, some of which cauldais rm their mldst. I. Wnight -------- ------174'the finish around the goal. Thelhave been quite serions. Bandyý Armstrong, Hull, Duif and,~ Baker ------ . 72 ability ta complete plays at!Rogers was checked Into the Bill White are still having ýB Wilbur..... ---- 171 the net and get shots on goal! goal post but fortnnately did problems negotiating with the. Mains -- --- --169'is one of the main factors o f ot suifer any senious reper-1 management, however, Bow- M. Smith --166 a successful hockey team. The'eussions,. Rick Woolner wasi manville manager report,; K. Campbell 169 members of the Tee Vees have, kinocked cold from a hard, things are better irn his Camp. M. Lcirschner -16.1 shown in the pandt tha hey smash inito the boards andýAlready signed are: Larry: j Rowe - --- 161ý have the ability an roal, arry Devitt picked up a Devitt, Kim Rogers, Joe Hir- ý M. Ovenden - -- --- 157 a few more games wili give1pinchied nerve In his ankie. cock, Rick Woolner, Harvey: P. Bagneil -------- ------156 Ray and Don time to put the The Tee Vees will also be Williams, Dong Taylor, Steve F Bruce .--- ----1 56' polish on this part of the withant the services for a short West, Warren Aider, Sandy D* Ogden - l11game. lime of Doug Taylor. ont with Brown and Danny Nolan. L. Coombes ------ 154 Hall, Terwilliger and Poirier a broken nase an'd Doug Park- Before Priday nlght's gm .Bn -- 154 handled the sconing for Treni-!er, nursing pulîed ligaments in Carl hopes ta have more n ame, AL Wosd ----k ------- 146 ton with Hall picking up the'his knee. on the cards. However, this A' Dvkstra --- ------ 143 bat tnick. Kim Rogers and The sehedule opens for the wilI probahly cali for a con-:E. ' to-lî* -141l Larry Devitt each scored once, Tee Vees in Lindsay this Pni- ference with coaches Ray Pres-, A. Larusso - 141 for the Tee Vees in the 5-2 day night with the first home ton and Don McGregor. A, Burgess ---136 game. game going on Sunday. Octo- In closing 1 would lik e ta P. Broome -- 1----- 6im Bob Jack mani turned tru a tre-: ber l9th at the local arena at comment from mv expenience P Dvkstra --- --- 1,1. mendous effort in goal with, 1:30. Came ont and give the of working with teenagers. As F Land --129 Trenton outshooting Bowman-, boys -yanr support. They are a resident of Bowmanville l' Ga 11 vle y izabemagr.playing tinder Bowmanville bave been very pleased In the!D* Cochrane - ---- ______________________________c oos so they need Bowman- past ta see aur local athietes,* cNi jville encouragement, in ail sports iTleet game t'meW.eel Ho ke . I a Shots from the Stands looking neat and trim as an G. Downeyý wn L a u o k y iSap West at hîs regular athlete shouîd look. ModemnB iio rw ea u orward position increaséd styles of long hair have been ECabs-- 9-7SCEUEmomnentum as the game went eround for some time and Tý E. Perfect - - ------ 1969-7 SCHEULE 1on and came up with an ont- hope that the local pnide endý D. Devos 'TV vs. County Chrysier 'standing contribution for the joys don't feel that it's neces- N. Van Abliema -- Furnturevs, eNtlty'% Sprts Tee Vees. Sendy Brown's en- sary ta, keep warm with extrE eo Furniture anvs.forMaNsoldy'd ongpgri.hs racuElDeboos y Cryservs. Kramnp's Furniture etrsa smend effothealso e advegowtsnfdece nyokS. ~Dilling -------- Chryier xtrastregthto te tem. WMhae cofidece ivo ty's vs. Locke TV As the year progresses 1 think fellows. Go! Bowmanville, Go!: M....w.er TV vs. Kramp's Furniture yChrysier vs. McNulty's Sports .ty's Sports vs. Kramp's Furniture y Chrysier vs. Locke TV TV vs. McNulty's Sports p's Furniture vs. County Chryýsier .ty's Sports vs. County *Chrysier ps Furniture vs. Locke TV STV vs. County Chrysier 's Furniture vs. McNulty's Sports y Chrysier vs. Kramp's Furniture Ity's Sports vs. Locke TV TV vs. Kramp's Furniture yChrysier vs. McNulty's Sports ty's Sports vs. Kramp's Furniture y Chrysier vs. Locke TV TV vs. McNulty's Sports * 's Furniture vs. County Chrysier Ity's Sports vs. County Chrysier ps Furniture vs. Locke TV TV vs. Ccunty Chrysier ps Furniture vs. McNulty's Sports y Chrysier vs. Kramp's Furniture ty's Sports vs. Locke TV TV vs. Kramp's Furniture y Chrysier vs. McNulty's Sports ty's Sports vs. Kramp's Furniture y Chrysler vs. Locke TV duled for 7:15 p.m., with the second (hris tmas ÀMEXICO, SAVE THE BEST GIIT THIS (CHRISTMAS FOR YOURSELF! Waken on Christmas mornintg ta brilliant colour, sparklng sunshine and the super. sounds of Mexico. Teke la a bull fight ... cec a play in Spanlsh... visit the Pyramids and the Indian Markets. 1)epart Toronto December 2th, retura January 3rd. Spend six nlghts ln Mexico City, motoreoach ta Acapulco, stopping for lunch ln Taxco, then spend the remainlng elght nlghts of your Christmas vacation soaklnt Up sua la Acapulco. Don't we thlnk of everythlng . . evea Christmas dinner sasour tuent 1 FROM TORONTO s4300 Including Air Fane Phone 623-3182 Juty,& Loveil Travel Agency DO WMAN VILLE 19 KING ST. E. Mixed Major League Octoher 6, 1969 Wow! - What bas liappened ta Liberty Bowl? The alleys are reall * bot or the new rub- ber, sut be adjusting to the stratin .As was shown again Monday evening when Prank Eccles rolled 875 for high tri-. pie for the evening and for, the sehiedule so far, withl gamnes of 356, 279, 240. Very' nice, Frank. Bernice "our way ta go girl" Buday did it again with high single of 369 and triple of 767. Those pins were really, falling for you in the lastý game, toa bad that corner pin. stayed up in tihe iast frame eh! Doris JolI, back in there again, rolled 770, eiong withý ber husbaind Bill who bowled, 751 (308). Boy Bill it's neally nice ta bowi a good game and be able to compete witb Doris!, Jim "Goodyear" Murphy 746; aur Orono cousin Maurice Annaeet 745 (304). Were you a)n yonr knees again, Maurice? How.ard Southward Brommell 744 (312). Our new one Russ. H-ately 728 (316). Back in the limelight again Brian Martyn 724. The faithful Ron "bus driver truck driver" Sutcliffe 7231, whicb ineluided a beanti- fui 345 game. Oh, those neNv pins. Also on(-iof oui- nev bowiers, Don Bisbap 721 (303). The Old Pro Erniie Perfect 71.Pete Dobbins back wit! us afteîr a lengthy' illness 706. Mike-Mike-Mike Murphy 704. Our new father George Char-ý ]and 701. Pinishing off aur 700 triples is Hector Ballan- tine witb 700. Like the three musketeers, Bernice Buday, Prank Eccles and Ernie Perfect top the av- erages with 247 each, giving Bennice a substantiel lead for the ladies. *Reynolds leads the team standings with 13 points, fol- lowed by Dunn and Haync-ý with 10 points each. Over 300 Games Bernice Buday 369, Prank Eccles 356, Ron Sntciffe 345. Rnss Hatelv 316, Howard i B5rommeli 312, Bill Joli 308, Norm McKeen 307, Maurice jAnnaert 304, Don Bishop 303. j Over 250 Games Dave Reynolds 286, Bniani Mantyn 282, Gond Cowling 282, Ross Wright 282, George Chanland 280, Frank Eccles 279, Doris Joil 277-256, Ernie Perfect 277, Pete Dobbins 274- 251, Jim Murpiy 266-266,1 Jack McNuity 264, Mike Mur-' phy 262, Helen Reynolds 260-i 255, Albert Saman 254. Averages Bernice Buday Frank Eccles Ernie Perfect Mau rir. A n n a- * Il Howard LBromineil 247 247 247 232, 2322ý Mike Murphy Doris JolI ----------- --- Deve Reynolds........----- :Ross Wright - --- - Jim 1Bruton ---- Albert Saman IC 166 KING ST. E. SPORTopics GREAT SHOW! Although it meant missing a couple of Ontario SaftbÉil S championship series. a junior A hockey encounter, and the World Series opener. the sports editor. decided that ton many years had gone by since we had travelled northward et this colorful time of year. Unlike other occasions when we made it a one day jaunt, Ion the weekend we took plenty of time. While we don't hesitate in recommending aur particular route, we also sug- gest making it a two day trip - at least. maybe three. This reporter used up ail three days of the holiday week. end, mainly because we used the televisien screen tn take li 211aur sports action - and there was plenty of ItL 18 Saturday night, we thought Brent Hughes plaved aàfine 21W game as Los Angeles bowed to Montreal in NHL hockey. 210 Shortly afier that, came the Montreal - British Columbia 208, football game - well - you don't see any scenery et night 208 20F) However the basebali bug got us on Sunday afternoon. 208 and we couldn't resist watching Koosman and the Mets, upset 206 Baltimore in the World Series. 205 This fail so far, the old scribe hasn't secn ton much 204, football, being fan happier, enjoying the fine weather on the 24 2041 golf course. However Sunday produced two more CFL clashes 201 - Ottawa and Regina and the Argos - Calgary replay. To 2001 top it off we were back home in time to watch the Alouettes 20j again - this time against Edmonton. But back to the expedition, which took us to Huntsville, 's with plenty of time to stop along the way and enjoy the beautiful autunmn colors. Between Huntsville Pnd Bracebridge, we discovered a fine beautv spot - Hlgh Falls where we spent a good hour or more, tramping over the-various rocky fails and through the woods. 2.941 romi Bracebridge, the scenerY continues to present a beautiful picture at everY turn in the road, as we headed 660 through Port Carling anid on to Midland. Then it was across b PFoote's Bay (couidn't find anv rit the kidnappers' loot), on to Balrn Beach, and following Geor- 16 'gian Baý ot oWsg 12. a',othtWaaaBa. 12 Glen Hafey Conservation Park costs a buck to enter, but 11 12 is certainîx- well worth it. Althoughzl there is no fishing thi.c 10 12' time of x'ear. the 'kids", really pot a charge ont of seeing 9 rainbow 'trout close enough to almost reacn out and grab. An hour or so walk along the various trails, brought bark a M1. Smit.h few memories regarding aur younger days toa. Ovendený Perheps the mast beautiftil .cenerv we saw ail weekenh. .J. Baker',end cer.tainly drawing the largest numher of people, was;n't J.Ogden fan from homne. The Porks of the Credit River ib nnaubteffly one of the trtffi great beauJtv spots we havé, ever seen. Ta - reach it voU tUro west just south or Caledan, but don't stay la----he1uc r - gzet out and look eround, because the best viewo - 191 atre not aveilabie fnom the road. 189 - - - 187 -50c Admission 1 q m'" " 178 176; 174 ý 174' 173ý 17 0 170 170 168ý 168: 16.3i 163,ý 162 161 161 160 158 156 1.51 ' 151 117 147 ýV 146 1 45 139 127. 116 M I15 10 Gel Cash Today For OId Appliances through STA TE 8MA N CLAS SIF IFDg Phone 623-3303 THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BI NGO- in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE FRIDAY, OCT. 17 $8,800 IN PRIZES Including Two Big Snowballs $1,200 in the BIGI SNOWBA LL If won In 54 nos.1 15 BIG REGULAR GAMES Yç- We now have 15 Regular Gaines !il $1,000 ln the SMALL SNOWBALL f won in 52 nos. I' J 'j $1,000.00 HI-LO GAME Brand New HOLIDAY MUSTANG Fastback or $2,000.00 Many Free anid Valuable Door Prizes 3 Sperial Games 12 Regniar for $150.00 Each Games Plus 4 Bit Early Bird (Share the Wealth games) ai 7:30 Buses at the Door lKISMENw SAVE $ $$ ON 00 BRAND NEW 1969's FOR EXAMPLE 1969 Pontiac 4 -Dr* Modei 753699 Basic List Price --- ------- $3286.00 M35-Transmisslon Powerglide 191.30 POL-Wheel (.overâ -------------- 25.10 P77-Whitewail Tires -- ------------ 37.10 1'63-Radio, Push Button AM ------------------- 83.70 TOTAL LIST PRICE -------------- You Save ...................... $369.20t 764.20 CLEARANCE PRICE $... 2865 Includes. License, (ias, Pre-service and GM Factory Warrant! 1969 Acadian 2-Dr. Basic List Price - ---- 1- 2832.00 A5i-Strato-Biieket Seats ----- ----- - 267.00 D55-('onsole ---- 62.00 L22-155 Astro Six 250 6 cyl. Engine 30.00 M35-Automatic Transmission 180.00 PL3-F~ibre-GIass Belted White Wall Tires - 65.00 PO1-Wheel Dises ------------ ------------------ 25.00 V63-Custom Radio ------- ------------------ 78.00 TOTAL LIST PRICE -------------------------- $3539.06 You Save ........... ....... 633.00 CLERACEPRICE ....$2906 Ineludes. Licens * (e Gas, Prfa-servire and GM Fectory Warranty ALSO 5 1969 DEMONSTRATORS LEARING AT FURTHER REDUCED PRICE -vOW N- -L P NIA UIKLD M BO MAVILEONTR 0 PHONE 623.33961J 7Tom Cowen, Pres. Stew Preston, Sales Mgr. Roger S waui Ray Lathangue Weldon Brown 623-5500 j,. _________________________________________________________a 8 - MORE 1969's -8 SEVERAL MODELS- COLORS - OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM BUICKS - FIREBIRDS - PONTIACS - ACADIANS Ail Clearing ut Drastically Reduced Prices jj