honey WiIIigh to Keep Custo.ms OffloieOe VOLUME 115 be~îrn1b1~rnt4te~mrnt 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE;, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1969 150 Per Copy NUMBER 43 At council meeting October 2Oth, Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Northumberland-Durham was present along with a committee of local industrial representa- tives ta discuss the proposed closing of the Bowman- ville Customs Office. Mr. Honey stated at this meeting that he was not satisfied with the way Ottawa officiais had been 'k.,t l; re c2firtirn mA «hn ur.1M iinnnyfL L+6,= .1tA.....LJ Mayor Says Gas CompanySi Hi% Worship Mayo1r Ivan Hobbs informed Town Council on Monday that no agreement bas been reached with Consumers Gas concerning a franchise ta transport natural gas to consumers in this com- munity. The town tecbnically owns the lines because of an agreement with the company that insta lied them originally and nt the moment could be beld respon- sible for any gas explosions that might take place. So far, Consumers Gas, wbo bougbt out tbe orig- inal company, bave failed to recognize the situation or do much about it, he continued. Some time ago, tbey made a settlement with the Town of Whitby but ta date have completed no agreement with Bow- manville. In the meantime, and for the past several years, since the original agreement terminated, their gas bas been flowing througb local mains, without, a local franchise. Council was tinanimous in agreeing tbat a fuliý investigation sbould be made of the situation and a report sent ta the Ontario Energy Board. If this fa ils ta bring a settiement, further action is contemplated, even taking it as far as tbe Supreme Court. Three readings of By-law 69-29 were approved, appointing J. M. Mllroy the new Clerk-Administra- tor. He was also appointed a signing officer. A request from the Lions Club for one of the old stop lights replaced recently at the corner of King and Temperance Streets, was approved. The club originally donated tbese to tbe town and the Publie Utilities bave indicated they bave no furtber use forl tbem.1 Mrs. Eadie Mitchell Wins Legîon's 50-50 Draw for $1300 Prize Mrs. Eadie Mitchell, 38 Nel- draw and the wlmner af thE son St., Bowmanville, was a second prize $100 was won by happy and surprised persan on Mr. Doug Joice af R.R. 3, Bow- Saturday evening, October 18, manvifle. whem Building Fund Chair- The seller awards wemt tc mean Stan Dunn telcphaned ta the followlng branch memberf tell her she hadt won $1300 in1 who sold the tickets: Keiti the draw. The October draw Whitney $130 for selling Mrs was made at the Branch Hal- Michell's ticket No. A3937 lowe'en Costume Dance by and H. "Rab" Brown $10 fai ~.Ms.Buc acDonal anat- the winning ticket Nô. A1867. î r. ~ dy coer 18th.Hebus- which was actually sold by hiq ."1ffBuce, maeteeod TURN TO PAGE TWO) Moderator Speaks at Trinity Must Adopt Modern WhliIe Retaining OId On Sunday marning, Trlnlty speakers in Canada, former United Church markcd is medîcal missIanary McClure 134th Annlversary by welcom- suggested that members of the lng as guest speaker Dr. Robert church nced bbe spirit af thase B. McClure, the first layman who starbcd bhe church 134 ever elected Moderator of the years aga and kept lb going, United Church a! Canada, ]but that thcy must adopt the One of the mastsaught alter- new techniques that are aveul Surprise Storm Drops Blan Oernight on Tuesday, Bowmanville and the arg fi iofOntarioa received up to i ive inches af irest 'lurries are not unusual at this time of year, 2tew rem quantity oi the white stuff had fallen in previous yeý md here, but in Toronto, hydro lines were down andt Best hine of the dav came from the 7,ditor's l1-year-c md "Good, we may have a white Hallowe'en." Senior Cheerleaders Keep Team Spirits nLLIa JLann ie l ia o an ewu .LLL.. .JJ...L....LVY'Li..L.s committee ail the way until it becamE that a reasonable case for closing the t a I i iin a brie! presented ta the this project some of which- Miiter of National Revenue, consisted of advertising, mieet- Hon. Jean Pierre Cote, by Rob- ings and the circulation of a - -ert Lawton. Mayor Hobbs, Town brochure emphasizing Robert Byron. Don Krain and the fact that Bowmanviile had at igh L ve Roger Canant, it was stated port failties available. Ini 1968 at Hîg Level that the- Customs Office not the Indiistrlal boomn began in only serves Bowimanville but this area and* has been going also the municipalittes of New- strong since then. The mcm- castle and Orono as well as the bers af the cominittee felt that Townships of Darlington, until 1968 the operations of Clarke and a portion of Man- the Bowmnanville Port ci Entry vers. In 1967 the Town began were uneconomical but now. an expansion pragram ta at- with ail the new industries ln tract new industry to this the Town and area, it can't 'area. $500,000 was devoted toa <TURN TO PAGE TWO)- e evident to him office had been Anniversary Speaker Blac kstock man P Dies in Collision On Taunton Road A 67-ycar-old Blackstock Rev. R. Brawn, B.A., B.D. me 7th when the car in whichma ga ildFrd c.raduateofMGlUnvriy Stan ard imehe was a passenger collided and at present associate min- r I. wit anthe aut atTautonister of Trinity United Church, i<~ii c jlitRoa and theOauaTnon- Cobourg. He is a native of Rag- Returns llme an, therefore has many friends1 Sunday at 12:01 înoa Rad Road. The second car waing and evening services. This le the weedwe headed north on the Townlime. At the evening service, Mr. dock ar tured ACKThe driver was George Ed- Chs.Kng of the Oshawa b a~~~~~~n hour as Daylight Sav- odon 1 o 9 ibosCvic Band, andfrerFec ing Time reverts ta Stand- St., Oshawa. Horn player ini the Toronto ard, and residents catch up, Mr. Burakas was pronounc- Symphony Orchestra will pro- on the hour's ep they (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ivide special music. leto iastS pring. Officiai time for the chandeay mrdig tbuc m o i i i7 S I e cil Proclamation, la 12:01 i l Jï s i a donc before retirlng Satur- u dsaIy wlb nat te for: To he ifepresenteif t '. The senior cheerleaders at B.H.S. had plenty ta captains to join the girls f or the poo The leaders chu h e ay riser 7, hee aoutonThusdy ad heymae te ostof ron lftto igt ae arge ephoAt. Aanis wltnogthce moe al ise ,r it, encouraging the Redmen to greater efforts as they LuAnne Lavergne, Susan Burgess, Lisa Samuel, Suz- when they are having O nitufrlo Convention 7, breakfast, most of us willl defeated Pickering High School. For a change The anne' Lucas; and kneeling in fr-ont, John Froats, Charles miss the daylght heurt for The Memnorial Hospital. the variaus general and sec- Statesman photographer lured a couple of the team Cattran. add Jobs In the evenlng. Bowmanville will be well rep- tien meetings. Th9se repre- BOAD EETNGresented amang the several senting the Memorial Hospit BOARD MEEnN thousands ai hospîtal staff at the convention will be Mr. The IguJeeoarleetin members and volunteers f romn R. E. Elston - Administrator, barnhu County Board o! Educa-ýMr l a s a e Ne e be attemding the annual three- of the Board af Dlrectars, Mré * a.ullamIaC tion will be held in the Board day convention ai the Ontaria K. W. Jackson, Mr. H. A. Bar. Te h iq e Roomn at 335A King St. E., iç,, Hospital Association and the ran, Mr. W. A. Kilpatrick,M. noorOtai t73 p.m. ~l a r e r a Hospital Auxiliaries Associa- T. Cowan, Mrs. S. G. McMur. TIek. o ForsdSyntactCbaus3,Parade tion ai Ontario at thec Rayai ter, Mrs. A. Oke, Mr. E. C. *F2,u rIAfl on Th At he lat meting f th23,__1969.1___Yrk Hotel beginning Monday, Leslie - Board. af Directors Atth lD metngo temcor hn267. thr osîtlsaprars.Ae mereg art- *MrUdMit MM* E "Santa Claus Parade Comuuittele BARN DESTROYED Octbeir cu. rt mmbes A numbero eat- N ~~ Tt ~~ i it was reported that the res- Mmbrso!te roo npWththi cuneratmeem e t wing as at aen r able. Tradition still counts D I '~ ponse for floats has been en- Clarke Township Pire Depart- in the province, the local dele- aus times throughaut the three- he stated, but the world is i § ~talg u or r nee ment last F'riday wcre umable gates wîîî participate in a com- day levent. chagig a apdl tht he LTTRS- I rcet eesman Satsmn ea- e.parade is to be a suc- e-ve adtin barnndngth of gngsu rvia i d ata- ETR l eetwesmn ttsanra.csAny group or individual ta saveabanfull of 1,500 prehensive program aof meet nadto aatnigti lsecretofsria sdpt- ers have been using the Letters to the Editor columns itrse las otc r.bales ai hay which was de- ings. Amang the scheduled meetings, the hospital dele- tien. HlnRdlNwate stroyed by fire about five speakers are federal Finance <UNT AETO He aise warned his overflow ta air their opinions and discuss controversial sub-Ooo Teha inse Egr eso n lcongregation that the latest ject of general interest. In fat their efforts have 4261 or Mrs. Ede Cale, Bow- miles northeo!ilroo.mThedamsoynai'snHa MinisterEga eso ,n (TR T AE W) become so overwhelming that they have pretty well tin. Te ee,2-45finforCarto Simcoe, Ont. Destroyed with Tom Wells. Si Re uire squeze te Eitoias ot o te ptiroterewasCa ers." i Catonthe hay were a late model Altogether, more than 70 ie iket of Snow no need for them. This is fine with the Editor who The parade xii follow a ickpleets.k aav ndfam pke rs iscusntrIPaye rs for wsborn lazy anyway, and can always find some- new route which should pro.- thing else to do. Just keep those letters coming it's vide the participants the op- pruiyt ofi u i h 'Uf ~ 'I ~ l%.u&.iL.mluu wonderful to discover that many people really' are way. It is as îoilows: Depart Ions C erk->Administrh.I.> iraai..uIc intresed n wat' gong n.from Central School yard, west ~*~ fie" bas gene very won »s t t t t on Wellington St. ta Scugog, . lhaot3 a4 ELECTION - Latest word on the municipal outhKncg og Lbetyandimges trylng eut. Hawever, since election is that Reeve Annie Oke is planning to south ontaLberty and then , no definite declalans have run against incumbent Mayor Ivan Hebbs. Neth- Park. Y ae e a et ty eut for ing else new bas been announced, except the The milk botties are in theaprt Citizens Committee bas arranged for a panel st.ors and if the parade The utial.rqu... discussion on Regional Government on Nov. 5th, cotinue, total support from *. the whole community is need-- chlldren, one young girl, at Memorial Park Clubhouse. Incidentaliy, it e.svrlyugwmn n would appear tel us that a good platform plank Gebendyiromte mlddle-aged woman, several for a candidate would be te bave council elected and make this year's edition Young men, and most Im- for nlyone earinstad f thee.portant anc mlddle-agedl frolonyarisedftre.the best parade lever on Nov.? man (baritene) for the lead I t t t22nd.pat iUNICEF- Hallowe 'en is approaching rapidly and If yoii are at al l nteest- sofrw avnthadofayocnze lnt d, or even curions, corne 50 fr w haen' head o an aranizd pan a Ite the Bowmanville lHIgh * ~~~~ use this particular levent as a fund-raising, organized Edtr iame heludormTsay collection day for that most worthy of causes October 28, 7:00-9:00 p.m. or, UNICEF. This has always seemed a f ar better pro- Phn iÂIWlsn63 4 ject for the kids than just going around haphazard- vvrong Beauty 8. ly gathering up loot f rom as many spots as they can hit. Readers may recall a t t t t t couple of weeks ago when i CHILLY - The first real breatb of winter teB PClb eda A pple D uy i beauty demonstration and came blowing in Tuesday afternoon as a sample the woman wbo was »Che- of wbat is te came. Gradually, the activities duled ta take charge of It are switching toc, with hockey underway, curi- dldn't show up. Apparently, ie t n ing sean te start, basketball beginning, Santa's thneEdr in bisom oanea parade tempo increasing, and the oil burners merehandise female glori- J qut rpre owlom h heeic al a Beauty Counsellor had ,'c ev u cf snow that arrived during last nigbt. failed te appear. PeiiayfgrsIdct t t t It bas now become quille ~ that Boy Scout Apple Day on SISL -Inkeigwtth itrsaote clear there la a company, Saturday was bthe moat suc- SK SLE- nkepig ih hewite eaon te some 40 yearu lu business, cessful ever held ln the West Kiwanis Club is arganizing a used ski equipment cailed Beauty Counselor cf Durham District. Scauts and sale in the girls gym at Bowmanville High School Canada Llmited. They have Cubs ln Hampton <Hilllcrest>, k on Nov. lSth f rom 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Those who have staetirpdctovra'/-Ml51 an Knal a- equipment frsl rn ti ewe :0ad1 wlde area . . . and tbls ýu "~' ticipated. and a price is agreed upon. After it has been sold, favorable publiclty han vs- Due te late organization the persan brînging it in will receive the money, sulted ln many complaint Joseph M. Mcîiroy, A.M.C.T. Cubs in Brawn's and Newton- -' less a bit for the club, and everybody goes away castatecma. On Manday, Bowmanville's new Clerk-Adminis- Day in their area an Saturday, happy, except the sports stores who didn't seli new Ti aa betaoî trator was officially appointed to the post by council October 25 and when their ______________t t t t trpI w aeIavr and began his duties. Mr. Mcllroy received his basic returma are ln lb is confldently' reps._If____haveGiaagvwr expected that the grass rev- t t t t t ~ tentiy mallgned them we educatian in Gagw Scotland, where he also took a enue will be in excess of WELCOME - The Statesinan extends a wel- arc lndeed orry. Neither five year accounting and business course. In 1946, he sî,ooo. ea, along with many' other cerne te Bowmanviile's new Clerk-Administrator this eompaaiy uer an>'of Ils o! a adtonlaconi ous t te heucWsmt Drap srecto .., wet snow. While nw J M. Mcllroy who assumed his duties on Mon- saies personnel wcrc in-i- co mpleted an ado re acc ntng coe at the CThe Wes mstaDura ticto e snow J. ~~voived ln the founata hn ryCllg n oereetywsoethe wok af the Cubs and nembered when such a large day. May his stay here be an enjoyabie one for affaîr. It was another firrn first ta graduate from the Municipal Clerks and Treas- Scouts and their leaders in ears. No darnage was report- ail concerned. It wiiI probably be a bit hectie cutirel>' whose represcuta- urers course at Queen's tUniversity. He cornes to Bow- this regard. The fine support there were many accidents. for the next iew weeks, witb an election commn tive wau unable te attend. manville front Etobicoke where he has been Assistant by the general public this year aild son Rick who comment- on but after that, gvrtigsol eteaa She feil whlle tu7in.a te.oteBruhCek r clo smridwt ndlcates that they too support evryhig hoidseti aay board a bus and breke -ber ateBruhClr.M.Mlry smridwt le pragram in a very tangible for a whii.e - wm hopn& wrlat.16-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. way. . . . . . . . .. . I À i 1