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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 2

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- T ---'--.~~*ax- ;~- - - - -..............- 2The Canadien Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Oct. 22, 19691 Stili Some Vacancies For -Evening Courses At Courtice and B.H.S. T ~case f he lmted res- vanced Sewtng, ànd Type- Ics a i= Sho Courses writlng. MtCutc Scna- Sehocls, If yau are lnterested lni tak- registrais being held open ±ng any af these courses, con- ger=antheèr week. tact tie uchool et 728-5146 or -; A few more applicants are go ta the uchool on the night roquired if courses in Book- the course lu offered. AUl cour- keeping and Business Mach- sesexepl Typewriting and #-es, Women's Physical Fit- Boffkeeping end Business nets, Woodwarking, Weldlng Machines are oftered on Tues- and Conversational French, day eveningo. The Typewrit- fte ta b.e llowed ta aperate. Ing lu on Mondays and the The courses which willI defin- Bookkeeping and Business Itely be given but which still Mechines on Thursdeys. Cour- ,have roam for e few mare stu- ses start et 7:00 p.rn. and i-un dlents are Art. Basic and Ad- for two hours per night for 2n weeks. The registration tee àu j. ~ j* $10 per course. Canadin C'UbThere Io aise mome roorn left i Bowmanville Hlgh School's nigt classes and registration Speaker wil1 continue on Tuesday, Oct. 2Mt at 7:00 pru. Dr. MlainIn . L. Baudot an eminent Fr-ench scholar and traveller wha, will address the Canadien Club of West I)urham aon Wed., Oct. 2Mt et 8:15 .m i the ehurch hall 'f Trinît United Church. Dr. Baudot iu currently Assistant ProteÉsor ai FrenchJ and Hunianittes et York Uni- versity. His topic will be "'France ince De G aulle." 8½12vCO Honey <PrROM PAGE CINE) heip but be on au econarnic basis ln 1969 aud assuredly will be'by 1970. In 1968 alane the number ai entries made ta the Customs office inci-eased by 66 per cent over 1967. If thc local office is closed ail erea custaos entries willI have to be cieared through Oshawa whlch is already aver- crowded. Wlth the General Mators probebly recelving pri- arities, Uic umaller industries will be delayed ln receivin~ their goods. Many ai the local industries have regretiully stated i wrltlng that if the Customs office is çiased they mey have ta, move out of Bow- manville for econoniic reasons which would prove disastrous ta, our gi-owiug carnmunity. Aiso the move wauld rocke new potentiel Industries hesi- tant ta, move Into the ai-ca. Mi-. Honcy suggested thet a detalled Investigation be made It te Uceffect of a ahutdown on the industries of this arcs. He was aima intigued by the fact that two of aur newer 12 &3YEAR G.I.Cs 0 8'/4% (entrai Ontario Trust & Savings (orp. Open Mondai' te Thursiay froni 9 te 5:30 and open Fridzy evealng util 1 23 numSKing Street West Bewuanuile or muvics Telejihome 623-35V? 309L i 2tor the price of 1 -plusea perr,! JURY &LOVEI Vour Rexali Store Industries had not been ap- proached by officiels from Ot- tawa who were suppOsed ta make a bons fide attempt to contact ail industries. Also, Mr. Honey wiil check ltot the number and the velue of ent- ries declared ln other Customs offices acrous Canada. When al] thils research Is completed. Mr. Honey will return ta Bowman- ville and report on hlm find- lngs. If there is stil nomne ques- tion, two top officiais from Ot- tawa, Mr-. Fauter and Mr-. Howell of the Dept. of Nat- ional Revenue wIll be asked ta came ta Bawmanville ta dis- cius the matter. Cauncillor Dyksti-a movedi for concurrence with this com- mittee and the motion was caried. ladi. 9Mitchell ('ROM PAGE ONE) daughtei- Tessie. when solcit- ing magazine subscriptians for her schoal, when she caIIed an Unfortunetely, said Chair- man Stan, sales wei-e down agtain for the month, but he sIl Isl trylng ta reach the total af $3500 betare the end of the yeer. Anyane wishing ta as- sist iu the raisIng af tunds for the Building Fund could get tickets trorn the local branch or tram Chairman Stan, ai- bis Ca-Chai-man Rau Pingie. Phone Stan L. Ilunn, 623-5769 sud he wiil briug books ta yotl. For those wha would like ta purchase tickets locelly, and get e 'windtall" of rooney, either In thc November lSth draw or the December draw cen get thern et the fallawiug stores: Gaheen's Hendy Store, Bryson's Srnoke Shop, Hoop- er's Jewellery. WebeyDis- count, Frank's Srnoke Shop or tramn Legion members. For those in Newcastle just cali Ed Majer 987-4236, Doug Wal- ton 987-4375 or Don "Red" Pai-ker 987-4274 and they wilI sec that you get your ticket. This seerns to be a wondertul way ta get that extra Christ- mas rooney, so mnake sure yau have your ticket betore the next draw, Nov. l5th. Must Hold Farewell Party for Therapist - Lest Wednesday eveni A dot Crippled Children's School four was honored on her (FROM PAGE ONE) tributes were paid ta heri revolution taking place i. in cess of the school. She is s the rlsiug expectetIons af the drumn table and tri-light lau 50% af the world's populationDretroth OtaiS who ai-e hungry fi-on-ithe Drco fteOtroS day thcy are bai-n until they ies and made the presenta dit. They outnurnber us 9 ta the picture. Other speakerE 1, he continued and ai-e not Orippled Ch ildren's Society likely ta sit Idly by while we have 1.3 billion bushels ai un- Committee for the school sold wheat that we are afriad the Hall. lu going ta rat.-- Dr. McClure spiced bis ad- here for your church's birth- dress wlth humai-oua asides day, even If you do meet et e that kcpt his audience chuck- ridiculous heur". (Trinity's ling with leughter. Son of a service started at 10 a.m.). missionary In Chine, he asked "Modern churches with their if enyone remembcred those wall-to-wall martgagcs". bales of clathlng thcy used te Shortly atter ha becarne send ta the missionaries over- Moderetar, someone asked Dr. seas. "I wore some of theni McClure "Whet lu a church?" and they really were for the He telt he should have an birds". "I'rn delighted ta be answer and, atter gtvlng It M sorne thought, came te the con- clusion that a church lu a tel- lowship of people tryirg ta apply the teachings af Jesus ê .S T . 3 t rsn a i ASDr. McClure and gave deal )A Y S of his medical work in the mission fields In China, India and other cauntries. Speciel rnusic for the serv- * ice was In charge of organist William H. Fiudlay who play- ed e recital prier ta the service and also led the chairs In sev- eral anthemns. Mrs. A. A.: Merkley and Mrs. Sam Black * sang a duet "Wc Shall Feed His Fiock" and violinist Robert Gardon plcyed during the Oftartory. For the tii-st tirne * closed circuit television hed * V kbeen Instclled by Locke's TVl * MMIIte enable those unebie ta flnd L L LTD O scat.s lu the church ta follow the service Iu the Sunday Scheel room. Following the service, a Bowmaville thc Sunday School ta enable __________ofthe__________ita The Town of Bowmanvilie wilI return to EASTERN STANDARD TIME at 12:01 ar. Sunday, October Z6th lus9 -q. du eiocb, and it Saviuq Ti,. ing, a sad par ting took place at the Simcoe Hall I and Treatment Centre, Oshawa, when Mrs. Wm. Bal- retûrement as the school's therapist since 1963. Many dedication, personality, and contributions ta the suc- shown here being presented with a walnut marbie top np in appreciation of her services. George Fletcher, a aocicty for Crippled Children was Master of Ceremon- ýtion. Mrs. Balfour's husband is standing at the left in rs included Ray Auld, Executive Director of the Ontario [y, Frank McCallum, who was chairman of the Building and Judge Hai-old McNeill, the Executive Director of 5mai! Turnout for ýAnti -Rabies CIinic The anti-rables ciinic held lest Friday ln the aid Fi-e Hall failed ta provide the ex- pected turnout. Lest yeer the Hcalth af An- Imals Brench, Canadien De- partment of Agriculture, span- sored 1,200 fi-ce vaccinations ln this ai-ca while this year there wcrc oniy 847 which in- cluded 200 cats and 447 dogs. It seernu thet people failed ta realize they could save thernuelves $5 by takiug their pets ta these clinics rather than golng toae private veter- nai-ian. At the same tirne they elirninate the ever presen"t thi-cat of rabies ta themselves and their pets. For those who missed the Bowmanville cllnlc, they stili have a chance ta have theiri Receives BA 1pets vaccinated free ai cha-ge bIn the Newcastle Community Centre an Octaber 24th troun 9:30 a.rn. ta 12:00 maon, or In the NewtonvIlIe Community Hall on Octaber 24th troun 2:00 p.rn. ta 5:00 p.m. The vets administerlng the Inoculations et the Bawmau- ville Clinle were Dr. John Hendry, Dr. Alan Steel and 1Dr. A. Harris. Why not make the iittle effort ta meke certain your pets ai-e protected against rables. Blauckstodoc Mon Diels (PROM PAGE ONE) ed -dead on arrivai et Oshawa Generel Hospital fallowlng the 5:50 p.m. accident. In satisfactory condition was Regina Pniauskas, 30, R.R. 2, Bleckstock, the victirn's daugh- ter, and driver af anc of the cars. Mrs. Edmondson, the other drlver's wife, was reported ln fair ta setisfactory condition. The mishap Is bcing inves- tigated by the Newcastle det- achment af the Ontario Pio-av IW M M~ M Uficers are Constable Gary Brunton and Corporel Morris Hospital Nimigon. (PROM PAGE ONE) gaies will have an oppartuiyS l 51 ea ta inspect the latest develop- ments in hospitel equiprnent, put an dlsplay by some 150AtS o k r al supply hauses. The dominantLstwe ethe ura them ai the onvntio ContySales Ai-ena, Orono, which lest yeer attracted more Cotheewsamstsceuu than 7,700 registrants, is 'Pi- tce aei hc 1 vention - The Key ta Tomai-stce saei hh51 row's Health" cnd rnanv of theý head werc sold with the top major session topica i-eflect thisi lot of cattie beiug sold by Mr-. concern. Bruce Cathcart, K e n.d a 1, The 5th nnua O.HA. Cn-,bringing 35ce apaund, wcigh-' The 5thannul OA. Cn-'ing 500 lb. vention reelly meens ta pi-cc- Rager Farrow One af the big local buyeru tice whet It will preach - pre- son oi Mr-. cnd Mrs. R. Farrow, was Wm. Bragg, R.R. 6, Bow- veution. Weik-in screcning Hampton, rccently received his manviiie, who bought 65 head clinics wlll be evailable et the Bachelor of Arts degree at the et 30!'~c a pound. These were gates. Tuberlcuosvisnglucome Octaber 3rd Convocation, Uni- consigned by Durhamn Fax-ms gaes ubrulsigluomversity af Guelph. Ltd., Orono, Denny Hall, Or- heart, diebetes and cancer test, anoaend Eiliott Matai-s, New- clinicu are being oi-geizd by' tonvilie. The auctioncer was tehospital association, with, hre ed te active co-operation ai, LONG SAULT Ca-e ed medical graupu, equipment sup- pliers and physiciens. Mi-. and Mrs. Raymond'H î P The Ontario Hospital Asso-1 Osbarne and fcmily, rixice ciation is the voluntai-y oai- Mi-. cnd Mrs. Alvin Johuston Hol P rt 0t zetion o ail hospitals lu Ont- and Jeiffi-y, Tyrane, and Mr.1 aria. Charles Ian Black, wha and Mrs. Alan Cale and Scott, O pen Se s n bas been active in hospîtel Bowrnenville, were Sunday! affgIrs since 1980' as a trustee supper guests ai their parents,! oi St. Thomnas Elgin General Mi-. cnd Mrs. J. Johnstan. On Wednesday, October 15, Hàasptal, will be înstalled as Mi-. Raymond Carneron,ý in the beautîful lounge ai thel preskIdêxt of thc association for Kemptville Coliege, spent the; Bowmanville Country Club,: 1969-76. Mi-. Black succeeds weekend et home wlth his the ladies ai the afternoon Wlter L XMGregor. Q.C.. a parents and sister, Mr. and section of the rnerbee-shîp premi 1 lVbbW lso awyer and Mrs. Robei-t Cameron and heid their tii-st generai meet- in bWe the B of a Essex, Ruthenne. ing ai the oeming season in County Asociation. 1Mr-. and Mrs. Rye Gîbson i tai-frn ofai social get-ta- ft* iW -AuüIary ta' called on Mr. and Mrs. Stan] getiier, gabtest and card pai-ty.' >s lt«aoW Hospital. Bow- Gable, Tyrone. ou Friday even- Neediess ta say everyone ~zvIe. m b ?eTested ing and thcy hed supper with h.ad a lovely time Welcame. ~ te pewetlo byMm.E. Mr. end Mrs. J. R. Par-kinson uew curlers. Some planning WXlmpoo-Piidnt. Mrs.1 and fernlly, Courtice, on Set-' was donc concea-ning the ~4~~a4M& . 1.James. i urday. Bridge and Fur i'ashion Show 'te be held at the Club on Oe-1 tober 29th et eight o'clock.,, LiI Hooper was theto prize winner at cards. Thený door prizes were drawn andi prelented. Reireshrnents werpi served by Don Cox, the chef,! to ed a very enjayable even-' ing. WlShow How Stones are (ut This wcekend Mr. John ingraham or Bowmanville wil be puttlnt on an Inter- estint exhibition at Rooper's Jeweliery Store. On Frlday night and ail day Saturday, Oct. 24 and 25th, John wiII be demonat.ratlng how sei- pr-clous and preclous atones are eut, stylet! and poiisbed. Aino there will he a fine aciection of bis work on diaplay. Having talked with Mr. Ingraham, it ln cvidcnt that he ln a man keenly int.crest- cd lu thia field and ln dolnir à0 receivea a tremepdous satisfaction by developing one of nature'. beauties. Ne ln currently taklnt a course ln Toronto on the subject and la anxious te, learn ail he can about %tone. The demonstration should prove ta b. mont Informa- tive and Intriguing, no why not. drop by Hooper's this wfeekend and sec how It's done. Mark Brothers Head Jamboree Sunday Night The Mark Brothers wilii headline the Bawinanvllle Depart.ment of Recreation Country and Western Jam- boree lu the Town Hall, this eomlnt Suuday evening, Oct. 26th et. 8:00 p.m. The Jamboree regulars, Gerald Elllott, Ted Halîman, BilIy Cale, Perey Ellilott, Leroy Glazier, Ivan Wanna- maker, Joe Blothwell aud Ron Luxton wili ail be on hand to entertain the Jam- boree fana. Sharon Park. wiii be making ber firat appearanee on Jamboree and Earle Coop- er In beck by popular. dem- and. Scuator J. C. CoYle fted. be ban a top notch show goiug this coming Suuday ~Pft~AV ALU 25thhI the Town fll A RECREi TIuuu torium rm 9:00 ta 10:3 begInners and 10:30 ta 0 £1.£A C for theadaedrop RE IW Learn ta Skate Class-This class will begin on Mnnday'. Men's Swlrn and Gym Cja3jq Oct. 27th tramn 2:00 ta 4:00 wiIl start on Manday, Oct. 27 p.m. The tee is 75e per week. et the Pine Ridge School fi-arn The Figure Skating Classes 4:30 ta 6:00 p.rn. Regular ses- Iwlll begin on Monday, Oct. sions. Monday and Friday, 4:30) 27th for the Juniors end Wed- ta 6:00 p.rn.- nesdey, Oct. 29th for the 1ChIldren's 011 Painting Seniors. The tee iu: Residents Class-Re 1trations for this $11 and Nan-Residents $12 for clas:zl CsI held on Saturdey, the season. Registrations will Oct. 25th at the Lions Centre be accepted et the ai-ena oa tram 9:30 ta 11:30 for the Be these days tram 4 ta 7 p.m. ginners Class and fi-rn 1:30 ta 3:30 for the advanced class. GET CASH TODAY The tee lu $5.00 for 20 lesson3s. FOR OLO APPLIANCES Children's Drama Cless--1 THROUGH ChIldren's Drarnatic Class will1 STA T E SMA N be held on Saturday, Octoberi Phone «23-3303 DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.LA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE I TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Final Instailment 1969 TAXES DUE NOV. 3rd, 1969 ANTHONY GEBOERS, Tex Collector. YOR CHOIE y e BRAND NEW "69 e t GALA&XIE '500' 2-Dr. HARDTOPS Fastback Or Formai Roofs 14 to choose from *FuIIy equipped with V8, automatic, power st.oring, power disc brakes, whitewalls, wheI covers, radio. oe List Price $4286.00 You Save $989.001 "SKIP INTO SCOTTY'S - YOU'LL SEE" M.<DONALD FORD ON£ LOCATION 815 KING ST, WEST TU CORNER Cerner King W. and Thorntn Rd. OSHAWA AREAS ONLY FORD DEALER 4, 5YEARS 2 King St. E. .Ou this date a&H cison watcheS EACK o». hmgim I v ý 1 728-7527

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