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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 11

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and Dr. J. Watt, General Secretary of the Fellowship of Evangelic Churches of Canada, Toronto. Councîllor Frank Hoar, substituting for Reeve D. J. Cunningham who was iii, brought greetings from the municipality and citîzens of the village. In addition ta those men- tioned above, Rev. Grant Gardon and Rev. E. Boomer also participated and B. Wight of Oshawa was soloist for the day. Morgan 184, Shirley Black 182, Rama Sbortt 181, Ingard Zul- Hallowe'en Dance So Packed arro18. _sZuaf17,A Fauf w175,lusZlu 15 r FRIDAY MIXED 200 and Over Some Had to Be Turned Away Ben adill 262. Tim Waltoru Newcastle:~- What bas longl florn, raise it bîgiher than tht! for quite a bard time neî ogkamp 245. George Kupery benpedicted since the firstl dancing portion of tht roain! chnosing any winners. At îast,'241 George Zwier 229, Albert =onthly dance eld afew andf ter cansiderable time and eac28,ud Po ll27 years ago by the members ofian partition it off separately, thinking, prizes wcre finaly'Ron Good '223, Tracey Ernbley the Newcastle Artificial Icel fan tables and chairs. COmI-, awanded. Frain Newcastle, 222, Don IlLubcr 221, Bill AlunI Oomrittee and now being ru.nýpleted, tht levelled raised, winners were Mn. and M'rs' . PaicaKd 21, ik by the Newcastle Lions Club, floon is covered wall ta wali Gardon Garrod, chôsen as Budel 204. has been ac*hieved. 'Me cnawd in a rich gald oarpet with a:Best Original Couple, Jack was sa big, saine had ta be 'brown fleck thraugh it, this ýChard as Best Original Single,, turned away on Saturday.;alsa cavers the steps ta tht;and Mr. and Mrs. Ivaxr Braw. ub ,hu sHod l'ht main hall of the Com- liet, right and centre of thisi ley, as the Best Dressed Cati-,C b , hu s od and with everything passiblefloar. Tt is partitioned by an!was wonf by Miss Sandra, being donc ta let as many imon railing, which gives this = Pgarents"roiio and th couples in as could be donp village a hall whimr rates sec-'Best Man's Original was won! earntortably and safely, it did' ond best ta fnoetany o! the! by Jin Johnson o! Whitby.' Newcastle - Parent Night1 meacb the poiunt whene severali large city aiglit clubs an, Du ring thteevening, tickets' was held an Monda v evenlng couples had to be turned awav i theatres. 'wene sold on a Sno-Suit, witb for Cubs an-d Chuins o lst' at the dean. There just wasnit Ttetr alwsdcrtI ., ap inrbigMr Newcastle Cub Pack. Meeting j ronleft. Ped in black and orange in 1 tin Wind. for this occasion In the main i'oom auditorium of the Cammunit.y Stappingi intô tht hall. ap-ikeeping with thein Hiallowe'en, It was a good dance, as a1lT Hall, wandq af welcome tol proeiation wax sounded by; theme. Pumpkin. aima decor-'of these danees bave been.'ý tht parent,, were expresed onn mep and womnen alike as they i ated the hall. The nover end- 1 t.s success bas been mae behaif of the Cubs y Doale d viewd for the iirst time, tht! nig line ntf couples, attending possible by the faith!ul whnoTWilks-who lntrnduced tht ead- eomnpleted project begun just in ahl types o! fancy get-ups, have attended regulanly, but' ens. Mns. Flornre~ TilIson, a short time agb by membens cornicai costume and best. as wae proved, disappoirit-. Norman. Tilîson and George of the Lions Club. Remo,.ingi dnessed and original outfits,ý ments cao happen. Plan now, Gray. the thoastre seats anme tirnel sean made t obvious ta the; ta b.e t the head of the lifle Addingto tht weicome, Mns. ago teniake noom fan a lang-, jud.ges that they were headedi for tht next dance. __. Tilîson spoke on behal! o! tht or crewd, their next inovel_ - eaer vho were always wax ta level out tht sianted' hall 283, John Kntiangen 241., grateful when tht parents Corning ventBo2 Lewis 238, John Fanrester'shared Cub lnterest wlth h in E e ts y 37 Gord Simpson 237, Ron their boy on attendlng Par- --ra adBk Sale, Satur- Bowling Earl Taylor 229. Ross Nickol: ýillned ways In wbich the boys day Nvebe lSbbesnon 223, Lloyd Taylor 219, Tedaeed badgesan encour-' uey 2:00 p.m. In th, egiPanls gal j MNA LDE Watan 219, Jamie Wright 218, aged tht parents ta wonk et 200 ._. n4te-2ri175l. M NDAY OADES 'Gond Cawllng 211. alang wltb the boy In bis Star -Rosemary Kelly 245, Ruth Mhwo teraadk. Ie a N O T i c E î Couch 235, Grace Couch 216, NEWTNVILL LADIES î~ ek~~~ tGoode 207, Penny Breen 200 1Wyllene Rabine 258, Marg MCeadwsbogh1nott GLANVILLE'8 T laine Mencer 195, Ina BrowniDanaid 207, Liz Willems ',0., center of the circle by BIîF VARIETY STORE 193, Bey Lake 192, Nancy Wiî-' Anna Vogels 15)7, Ana Sutton Perrin and Grand Howl gven' 'lirna18, MngWad 1,5,184 ,y Alan Fneethy. The salute' anrore or 1ans 186 ar adw.8,18.to the flag was taken and Oý wGNter sAte hOrI. 'Fran Luan 133, Darothy Tun- ;Canada was sung, DEGNNNGSAT, OV iansky 183, Minit Taylor 181,ý THIURSDAY MIXED 1 The naines o! tht Chunis Monuday te Saturday t Isabell Patton 180, Betty Major; 175 and Over; were then reed aloud by the; 64 & .- t :6 p.m. 179, Vol Watson 177. Aita' Wesley Forget 286, Marilyn1 assistants. Chuins who were j teuudy 11-48 am. Langstaf 177. Joanne Huttoni1 Couch 249, Greg Fanget 243,; invested were Gordon Couvien.1 te 9:0P.. 177, Colleen Piekering 177,1 Bob Glunville 235, Fae Lewis jaey Werheid. Kevin South-' Sunday store hauî's Doroth,,.~ -vr 176. 2,10, jeanne Myles 222. Pauline Pro. stewart Me~ lnl 8ubject ta change later M1l ad 0% McNair 2OF. Mabel Lewis 196. Rowley. )old W lýN'holson. ________________ 5cton'92 George &Lm-lMancah Iiarrow 194. BeatrIà phillp Dos&, George Mclvori Lm -rtIAI.le TV IE'~E14 Schneider's Brand SAUSAGE Mini-Sizzilers i6 9 Now Vacuum Packedi Keeps Fresh Longer A&P's Own Super-Right Brand Smoked, SIio.d, Rindiomu SIDE p 90 BACON 8 CUTRITE PAI FANCY PEASR" COFFEE WIIULtL LLI ORi iukaILJ. r lrnt Tour Ohnk@ vu1olv VIapon BREASTS LIG QU ARTIRS ymwwGe'ciii BRIA&ST QUA&RTERS MIXED QUARTIRS CHICKEN HALVES W1.OLE CUT-Up CIIICKIN Fruk imO LIVERS -Afld I FrhOtckU - _ Ibq.7r1"J,' I SAVE 1 7e Dol Monte Pn.ce 2 fins 55c SAVE 1lie Chose & SonIorn (10c off) (25c in pack coupon) Reg. Prive 95c - SAVE 17c CHEESE SLICES CASHMERE 3 OuLS 1.00 4 'N' Z 9 9ýý 1-LB $AG 7 8 ý Jubile. Pasteurizeci Mitd Cheddor Reg. Prie* 73c - SAVE Sc Toitet lsius, Auwrt.d CoIoaw PK'-65< 4 PKGS Ou flf 14q wker e vgloe «* a a A&P! 4 Otari Gmown, No. 1 Grade POTATOES 504b hmg 0e.39 Feuy Gkmd, ExceU.ot for EaogM or cmqL le, APPLES niv warwme t Io mS fro un"%k., Reported to be the first new church opened in Neswcastle in 93 years, the Newcastle Baptist Church was dedicated during an impressive service Sunday afternoon. These photos show tht incompleted build- ing and the ministers who conducted the service, from leit to right, Alex Watson of Bethal Baptist Church,. Kitchener; Rev. A. G. E. Mitchell, Baptist Church, Peterborough; D. G. Parker, pastor of the new church and ann andBrIn Alin.l' The Canadian Statesman. Eowmanville, oct. 20, 19g9 The Grand Howl, again re- tedclosd Uil portion ofi bycreoy It was given Ie c s l from ail the "nie people." We1 travelling out of town for prar. bC.lI.n Alit.Î e c s ij do hope they will il b. nice tice turne. Pee Wee, Bantwrn The new Siveru were thent people, but we beg you toj Midget and Juveniles are gett. 'lntroduced. Arthur Mosenger, * II check anyway. When you are' ing warmed up and will briag Donald Wllks, Calvin Allin, cincLadandtem t a bouse, check the lots of action and exciteniont Robbie Kidd, Bill Perrin n o n e s n l e hn and there. PROOF to Newcastle wIth the opeaing IAlan Frsethy. Secondera: i<%.- %, son 1d . .laI the thing needed to point of the arena and home gammu. T1nM Malwwkz, Will Nichol- lingers at anyone. What yau The arena is due to à,"-* son, Dale Million Ricky Glan- Newrastle - The flowers ljsafety, she also added. I aera nbgct es- audy oebrlt eV ville. David Rowiey and John the library were plâced thora such a heartbreak tn the moth- papers. can, and has happenedlhad no word as yet as ta tbeora Troy. i n memory ci the late John ers and wives et those other1 here. Let'à stop it now! bl:eîng any change #ô it laks Completlng projects and Garrod. Mr. Garrod waa a boys. It's them I think nil Mr. and Mns. Tom Philip,1ike ail is going Weil.t *arnln badge were aey jpoliceman of this village andi now" Oakville, were recent visitonsr h e' onLau Werheld, Tim Malkewicz, Mike 1 caretaker of the Community Friends and neîghbors in with Mrs. Bessie Dean. Theyl Hockey gets underway this Juliennand Robbie Kidd who!Hall for 19 yearu.1 hospital are: Mns. Lillian Aiken, were accornpanied by niecesSunda'y evenlng at the Moni. wlll recelve their Cnllectors' Memben. of the Newcastle Mrs. Margaret Farrow, Master Grace and Mary Ph;lip. 1orlal Arena. Beginning nt 7:0 Badge, Robbie Glanville his Lions Club canvassed the viii- Stephen Duetta, Miss Linda Sunday. Nov. 2nd. Newcastle and going through until 10. Pet Keepers Badge, Jltage on Monday evening for Lempen, James Murray, Mrs. United Church will be cele- Support your Town League anid Innts the House Orderiy and idonations for the Blind. AIl Diana Rawe, Master Gordon bnating its Ariniversary Ser- Iattend these garnes as oltea David Rowley bis Readers1thnaughout the evening, their Simpson, Mra. Dora Smith, Mns. vice, holding two services, the! as possible. Badge and Blue Star. ý headquarters set up tnside the Maria Speziale and Mrs. Shir- regular mornlng hour of wor- ýMrs. William Storks attend. Foiiowing this, words of ap- 1Community Hall front doors,lley Stapleton and Mrs. Carol ship at Il arn. and again atÏed the Tri-Delta *Fraternity preciation were extended to donations were belng deliver-,Brunton, Peterborough Hospi- 7:30) p.m. Rev. Robent Runibail, Tea, Razaar and Bake Sale at both the Scout Mothers Aux- ed for couriting. Total collectedltai. I B.A., B.D., D.IJ.. will be the the North Taronto Memortl Iiary and the sponscringlas oi Tuesday was $402 withi Newcastle Public Scboolf guest speaker. He was former-, Gardens on Saturday. l'h. grotup, the in Club for the some still te be received foriPrincipal Ronald Munra, ne- ly a protessional football play-iproceeds were raised for thit' new scarves and crests nôw the best CNIB canvass in rec-!ports that some of the Public er and is now Minister of tht! CNIB. On Sunday afternôaný bcb wrn y at th Cbsent vears. îSchool students will be caliect- Evangel'ical Church o! the!Mr. and Mrs. William Storke and Scouts o! lst Newcastle. Members of the Newcastie!ing for UNICEF frorn 4:30 to Dea! af Toronto. Ht is no!dro\,e ta Belleville ta visit A presentation for Mre.lFire Department will be can-1six pin. of the eve o! Hai- stranger to the area and any-itheir son Kim, Who attendu Connie DeJong, the Akel.a o!Ivassing the village on Satur- iowe'en. They wili be traveil-lane who has heard hlm speak!Albert College there. - last year's "B" Pack, naw r- day, seeking your help ln their ing in pairs and ceiiing tromlin the past will want to heari tired !rom Cuhs but who bas ýannual appeal in their fight door ta door throughout tht himn again. He recentlyvi sited, offered ber help whenever agaitnst Muscular Dystrophy.1 village. As this Is a noble gest- wlth the Onono Young eepe needed, was made by Rod' They ask that you give whet une on their part, and a worth-,Iad it is hoped that the you.th Reeve Confirme orsce a on ubeh. ofte ea-you can. . while cause, your contribution tram Newcastle and ail neigh o eafa h ed il er n uq When newss announced~ however large or sineli, will boring anees will attend oneg liil Just as the ladies tram tht aven radio and television news' be greatly received. 'or bath, cf these services. Of ilg lg Scout Mothens Auxiliary were broadcasts Friday, o! the ex- As you take the turne tolpartUeular interest, at tht even-1 ready to serve lunch, a sr lso on the Canadian dest- ,paint and dress your littît one ing service, Mr. Rumbal li rievsi a md ythe royer, tht U.M.C.S. Koatenay, for the evening's trip around be brInging saine o! bis con-ý For Sewer Grat H-eard, who swung Into the which brought serious Injury the neighborhood, knockiîlg gregation, ail of thein deaf, tal Newcastle: Contrary te line o! tht party and taught ta many a! the men eboard door ta door for trick or treet, panticipate ln the service. Sup-, rumoru that have beon float-. the boys a hnand new fun and took several lives, friends take a little more time... go' ervising ln deaf congregationsý ing around the village, New-, songcompete wth a tios.and neighbors ai Mn.. Bessie with your little one, o haveT roin Montreal ta Windsor, belcatle will definitely h. FolIowing this, a beg o! Hal- !Dean shared in ber aoxious saine other aider, responsibie1I as also started up a schoai eligihie for the provincial îowe'en treats was given out moments, knaw:ng that ber teenager on adult accompany and a tanin for the dtaf nean sewer suhsidy that will aei ta tht Cubs and the eveninglsan, Leading Seeman James him. Hailowe'en ba1 ecm Miltonl Fallawing the evening the annual maximum cost closed. :Dean was aiso ahoard that sad aitfair for thase. w... th......service, thene will be a social, for each tamily dwelllng st Commissioner Htard thenishlp.Jim,welknown tamany up saine mighty weird ways of 1hour. $120 paid a visit ta tht Newcastle throughout, tht village, had getting alaughoantwo at saine-; Tuesday, Novemberl th, i hi norain a e Scouts who were meeting in'been in touch with bis wi!e, ont else's expense. Every yean,iRemembrance Day. Here Wn layed ta Tht Canadiau tht Lions Room. There was !'and she in turn telepboned someone findasomething other Newcastle the day wlll be ah-i Statesnian by Reeve Doué- a Scout Investment also an!'Jlm's mothen ta assure ber that than just an apple or just a served with the annuel Rein-ý las J. Cunninghamî, wh&' Monday evening. However, at he was not hurt in any way. piece of cendy, tgh t something embrance Day service ta bel stated he had been lu toutlif this Urne we do nat have al !While an Saturday, long aften bas proven dengenous, and we heid et the Cenoteph. AIl resi-, with the OWRC by tele- the naines o! the boys andbhearing tht goad news, Mrs. adults bad better do sornething dents are cordially invited tol phone and %hould have j this will ho neported next!Dean was still quite upset1 about it NOW. Check the beg attend and joîn in this service.1 contirming letter witbln wek huhrelieved aif ber san's'o! goodies that were collectedi Hockey teami bave been] tew day. _ All pricon ahown intisd guarante.d throuoh S.turday, Mary Miles, Vacuium Pack Feh C ik n C t a t ~AIIkIEe UaUU~ F Ii!f 'r . -------------

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