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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 13

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The ronoNewsan~NESTLETON lMrý Tom Wood, Toronto, viend N. S. Gbson, A .. T h e O r ti Nw scalled recently et the home ni King City, ... th. us Mr. rs.Gardn Gliso. seaker. He chose "'Your Own; *Mrs. Otto Virture oi Carson- i The annuel service et the1 SkyUne Hntel, Toronto. Mise Karen Ha.milton, Tor- Picture Galery" is the theme' vIlle, Michigan. was a housi Leskard United Church wazl Mr. Wayne Mereer recenUyv ont>, was a weekend visitftrl for hisa plendid sennion. Mr.! guest for seei days nt Mr. 1 held lest Suria evening. Bey. conipleted a escial course in 1wîth Mr. and Mns.- Morley R. Hainen presidéd at the or- and M.rs. Harry Mercer and A. Woolcock of St. »Mark'si Ou Burner MiechanicuuIn ot-1 Mtchell at the manse. gsz and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- 'visited thir *relatives andi Anglaçn Church, O"hwa, was tawa and là employed by Mr. Eddie Williams and: colm fav'ored witih two solos, 'friends in the Orono district. !the guest speaker. Specjal] Harvey Partner Limited, 01 Miss Mac Reynolds were Fni- " How Great Thau Art" and! Mn. ranis allai gin muie y tt H-C rau. Oonoday evening dinner guests' "God Hath Not Prowised, ,court 'vi4ited Mrs. Cecili Robin-! Mr. and Mi'm. Orro Fallut1 Banni# and llbryjQ with Mr. and Mrs. Normant with her son Barry acm don, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin-! and son Harvey afi,1 arkville, of Millbrook spent the w niU. nSaudekvn-pnyn. et1tc> ends son on Thursday of tast weekiwer. recent Suria evening end with Mr. and Mns. Wm. ing Mr. and Mns. Samnells! wish tg ay a sincer. 'thanki Mr.AraldWalae i o adinner guests of Mn. and Mrs.- Robinson. wene dinner guests with the; yoti" toail the visitons who three weeks' visit withà hi$, Carlos Tamblyn. Mr. Laverne Harncss who' Bolan fa.mily. attended this annual anni-I niohe an oherreatiesin Mns. Norman Kennedy of bas been a patient i Memorial Mr. Clarke Williams attend-! versary. !Edinburgh, Scotland. Lola 's Beauty Shoppe attendedý Hospital, Bowmanville, was cd an installation service ini United Chureh Wop.n' the annuel Radient Beautylmoved ta the Osh.awa Genenal 'the Masonic Temple, Port Miss Diane Nicholson. daugh- Show, Oct. 26 and 27. at theiHospital test week. Hope, Tuesday evening. Mns. Emierson was hostess; ter of' Mn. and Mrs. Floyd- Mr. and Mrs. Byron flyland, 1for the Octnber meetini ni Nicholson is now a patient InRI ÂrCTEOmeniee, were Sunda v dinneni Nestleton U.C.W. which was the Toronto General Hospitai "l,, %NEW CASTLELguests with bis brother .ndi held on 1ruesday aftemnon Mrs W. L. Campbell ni, - sistcr-in-law. Mr. and Mnsi witb a unit of Part Perry -Ifaifaxhasbeenvlstlngin ' (<7' rI 1 1 Athur Hyland, and att ended U .C.W. as guests and several b0ooadwt er mother, I.I L , J anniversary service ini tht e r iitr ret Mn.i Hector Bowen, et the; c£ et2ters c7o 0 (' e &'dLit0 f United Church.1 Vice President Mns. Sleep SEunset Lodge, Bowmanville. i , Mn. and *Mns. Cecil Wilson teck the chair and after wel- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar vis-! Andrew Street, ment ln Septemben 1968. vi 'sited Friday witib Mr. andý coming ail, opened witb a Ited Mr. and Mrs. Pau~l Snod-; Newcastle, Ont . This proposaIinctur e a Mrs. Norman Lyons and fam-1poern "My Thariksgiving", and -grass ai Lindsay last Saturdav 1 October 27th, 1969. 30 acre lagoon, four pern~- ily, Uxbridge, and wene even- followed with the theme hymn Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ba Il CONFIRMS STATEMENT anient pumping stations and ing dinner guests. and the Lord's Prayer ini uni- -an MrugHsonnie ant dDear Editor.an emoan.Mr. Don Proutt, Scarbor-,mon. Suan, MerrespcsowrdSaeta I arn writing this test letter Estimate cost fora home ou«h, was a Thunsday caller; A memnnal for a depanted * pjd hei repecs o Sudaytosubstantiate the stand I witb occupancy of 35 and a e t the bomne of bis aunt, Miss' member was given 1y Mrs. in their cousin the late Mrs., bye awastgkentht by froztage of 65 feet was i Rutb Proutt, and Mr.' and1 Emerson and two minutes' Cordlon Walker of Willowdale a ou.s 5,9. "Mfrs. John Buchan, Carolyn Jýsilence were observed by al. tAhe former Ola Findlay, aithe .v aiting a white the Gavera- $20.9.ana adDoga.bdsy cled Te evto, wt th Ring Funerai Home et Tborn-' ment would- assist us ln Total estlmated anul ndD gasLisycle Te evto wh te bi.putting ln sewens, and at a revenue r eq utrcd, wa$ on Saturday. tibeme "Give Thanks", was Mril. W.MEryo rde-lwrcsi$719.0adttletmt Mr. David Johns neturnedl conducted by Mrs. Vine with norh lu visltg Mr.BandgM. Onte-ft ctbr 16 ed cost was $1.244,277.00. frorn Osbawa Hospital on iMrs. SadIen reading the sçrip- Wm. Robinson. the Hon. George Kerr, Min- A peiin sigaed by aven Wednesday and is convalesc-' ture passages. She said, "We Conratlaion taMis Anaisten of Energy and Resour- 370 c=iten as pnesented ta ing favorably at his bame. train our cbildrea te say Coari ctltionasgteoMis n.a ces made a statement in the Cauncil by Mr. Jack Adams Mrs. Hilda Mappin is teach- tb'ankS, but have we tnained end Mrs. Roy Scott, wbo nec-1 House that was pubiishcd ln protestlng the blgb cast. ing. basic and intermediate! ourselves ta tba'nk God? Gel ently recelved ber B.A. dcgree' the three Toronto papens, The Councli agreed that sew;ng in nigbt classes at shouId be first and ot4r tam- tram the University of GueIphý and as a statement was nad the cost was tao high and Part Penny High Scbool. Sheiily next." Hymn 577 "Corne, -,-at the Fait Convocation. Miss' "You can't always belleve sald tbey would Investlgate reports that she is thorouglhly' ye thankful people, came" Scott Is now attending the! what you read in tht papers" the matter. enjoying the work. and prayer ciosed tii part of Ontario Hamilton's Teachers'l 1 bave been in touch with The changes that were Sonny ta report Mr. Kitch- the meeting. Coiee bee heistaîn aAlex Carruthers, MPP, to made anc as follows:f ener Burton is a patient !i Mrs:' Williams very ably1 Pnllman e ciale hist ourse. confirmi the statement and (1) The sanitary sewerj Bowmanville Hospital. deait with the topic "Count' am quoting below the rele- (00 et h acmi Court Lady Snowblrd YurBesns" Seaed vant portion ni bis nepîy on and the permanent puni or Ld nwbr ee"D id we say tbank you tn Godi this subject: Ing station senvlag tbe area ot tadya nowi~hrod tadaY for al aur blessingg oni I I I the ~"Iamn enclosing -a copy aiof onKing Street East af Ant<b-sowrlbnraIM.ad rnain>O uyadto HonraleGeogeKer' Street wene excluded. were weing We should mak statement witb respect to (2) The proposed sewer MnsSeer)onSata (een Leo our Thanksgiving last tb& aboassstaceror ewage and ian Monro Street was esitnefrsx- Robren) oun apueopye eningI year round instead of just one! tended irom 300 feet west a htyun eai ejyd aî. Be proud ta heip othens I water facilities as nequested, M iSrett !roîaey dancing ta good music pro-1 o adigthsw r h andin cviwin th stte- 100 feet east of Baldwin 'vided by a Bethany couple. on5wobeftmt. W men aai tîs orin ~ Street. Leona and Steve wene esould flot mope ahuor noticed that the pragram is 3 b ago ilb en seats et honor and were, orw bt hn ihen deslnedta ssue te aen- staged and the Initiai stagepnesented with a radionda and dofrVbm e u ry age homeownen that the cast 1add o hm e spa wîl nt nse~boe 1200. will consist of 15 acres ratb-s i dshs.and sing and rise above aur: Il was rny first impression, e hnth npsd 0 ahih rd adgomtroubles." no hvig ce tt ctal It was aise decided ta as- gave "tbank yau" speedhes, 1 The minutes were then read letion would conaect i Lady Snawbird cencluded a by rsR h Sadier and tbc seen othis u niinec- sue a t oe, 0% raingta10popu- nd ln csin.'e yCut eaue'report given. Mns.ý t at heganrthis on; ig50,lnyear fnenra;tao% m nWoc.Sleep kùxdly vluntee et prcent of costs over and Es -tlmated cost for a home Tath nesyServiaac u oorhe the c dun ng ofmena Ina n fcss he afotg f6 ee a udymrigtemdr- h ol al" e elcard" cost aol b ven 1000 nw$140.89. anr, Rcverend George Mal- was wvell answered by ail and because o tefact Totl estatdeicolin, Cobourg, was i hagthe beniedictian closed the. grant will not exceed 50 per revenue requins d was ýo! the service. He choseibusiness part of the meeting. cent af the actuel cost of $5.1,651.00. Jesus, tht Ligbt of theý A ve.ry interesting program the projeçt itself." These pnîces are oaîy esti- World," as tht theme fon the, followed. Mns. MeMulien gave This grant applies ta popu- mates and coutld go tithen Communion message. Jesusý a readi.ng, "My Chi.4nch", and ilotion a! less than, 5,000, and up on down. 1 belleve for served humanity. Our sins are1 Mrs. Cawken favoned with a 1as we bave s fan smallen examplethat tht 60% con- forgiven by the isea Christ -isala with Mns. Ploughman at We h Ve apopul ation bore la Newcastle nectian figure is onîy a by the symbols of His braken' the piano. Readings, "Autuma It is mqst unlikely that the guess siace 1 know of na Body, tht bread, and tihe Tapestry" by Mns. Hyland and cost wili be abave tht $120. public poil. wine, His Blood. Ia the nesun-- "Seek Not Afan for Culture" per bousebold mentloaed. It was reported la the rection we are rn'eminded of bv Mns. Heaslip were also 1 hope tbat Council bave Torontoa papers on October His great gift. Mn. R. Davisongiven. not jumped the gun Ia rush- 17, that George Kerr, On- pnesided at tbe organ. Tbe unit in change senved ing and filing oun sewcr tarte Minîster of Energy Nestieton United Churcb a very daiaty lunch and a pragnam, and se maklng us and Resources Management obeerved its sixty-ninth an- social hour was eajayed. Mrs. ineligible for this Gavera- had announced that assist- aiversary on Sunday, October Johns voiced appreciation ta1 ment asistace. ance wgill1 be availiable for 26tb, with a special service ai:1 ail for a very enjoyable aiten- POW R HMIDFIE Repecfuly, ewae wrks ln smi wonship at 11:00. am. Thef noon. 4r. Hâney extendedi i John (Jack) A. Adams. munîcîpalities sa that local Revenend Victor Pansons con-ý the appreciation et the Part Impravement charges against ducted the service and Rev-iPennyladies. _______ in ur omeOctober 25th, 1969 the aversage homeowner do UNANSWERED nlot exceed $120.00 a vear. arty, Mn. Don Brown show-t led by Mrs. Malcolmn was on r,,, ~1Texnpect nIr (!nriil hqas PA:u . -A 1- 4Vour family can enîoy the luxury of ré. reshing humidified air when you have a Ikuttle drumnatic humidifier installed in pour home. And, as you relax in a more comfortable almosphere, humidified air Iielps proteot Your furniture and saves o'n fuel. * Thf Drumatic Humidifier gives you these advintages PLUS the highest moisturs output at the lowest operating cosi - tÉISS THAN '/t PER DAY' The stainless steel Skuttle DFumîtic Humidifier is a iomplete package. lb even includes a tiumidistat that can be placed anywhere Inl the home. Les you contrai -the proper Indoor humidity wilh a touoh of your linger. Eliminate dry winter air in your home calI us today. Makes Indoor Air - Outdoor Fresh L, A, PARKER: & SONS 152 King St. East Bow sa n v it PHONE 623-5651 Q.UESTOIVNS Dean Editon: .Thene have been un- answered questions regard- Ing the Installation of seni- tany sewers in Newcastle. This han caused a petitior ta be taken pnotesting the hlgb cent and also bas oaus- ed a public spinited -citizen te question the Integrlty of the Council thus leaving bimself opta ta tht ridicule af the uninfonmed. I amn unable te understand wby the Council have been se secretive In such thîngs as sewens, grants and salany Increases. When business Is handled In such a manner it appears that thons hs somnething ta bide. 1 believe any taxpayer any- where bas a rlgbt ta go to thein council anîd expect te -be told the facts on Items that doûflot leopardize muni- cipal business. 1 arn sure If aur Cauncil had behaved pnoperly and had kept the public Iniorm- cd there would have been no netitian or delegation. Trhe tacts a% fan as 1 knaw them are as tolows: Preliminary Repart ne- ceived by tht Newcastle Couacil an Manch 15th, 1966. on a laropased Sanitany Sew- age System by Kllborn Engineering. On Mav l13th, 1966, ap- plication for Sanitary Sew- aq'e System by Newcastle Couincil ta Provincial Gov- ernrneat ac(epted and the fira-, af Kilborn Engineering appolnted lto design report on sewage work nequire- me; is. Repart neceived back tram tht Ont aria Goverament Dl- vision of Projcct Develop- aIý uut u -1--- i cu surriýoe lliglig-4ts of the iow fshM, Iesn, and zowl are aady taken steps ta con- season's game as captured, used at the Third Meal. Janice tact the Provincial Gov- with bis movie camera. Mr.j Stacey demaonstrated salmon trament ta sec If Newcastle and Mrs. Floyd Stinson wcee bat and Candy Malcolm de- can take advantage a! this preseatcd witb an aluminum monstnated cbickea a1ad. We1 new ruling. tray on behalf af tht Yelven-i filled in aur Four Day Meal If Wt can it Is ta ue IIUpedUtn girls by their captain'1 record sheets under our ipad- this wauld allow the stw- Wanda Kerr fon their assist-I e's guidance and discussedi age line ta be extendcd teanc scah n udeitersls the east as plsnned, plus a ac scah n ude~ttrsis waten line, the lagoon in- dollars was realized tawardsý Tht tourtb meeting o! thei; f ceeased ta 30 acres or per- tht girls' hall jackets fnom! Yelverton Yum Yums was 9 haps a proper dispasal sys tht sale af tickets and aven 'held at tht home of Mrs.ý e tamn be Installed and aise thirty dollars from tht tuchreý Myra Page. Ibt three maint water installed soutb a! the party. The girls' tearn extend tapics af tht discussion wert 1 41.their sincere tbainis ta a111 casserole cookery, top-stove 1 There bave been people those wbo purchased ticketsl main courses, and desserts. 9 In town that bave ridiculed and patroaized their partv. Adele Page demonstrated tuna any apposition ta sewage Yelventoa corrmunity is justi-casrlanBrbaWio, regardless af price and ne- fiably proud of their girls' demonstrated tgg scramble. r sorted ta a type of McCarthy ttam effort and tht high cati- fean tactic. They have ae- bre of bail they have pnovid- cysed copie that bave said ed for their spectatars all w ttano Regional Govenn- durng tihe hall seasan. Guests Resurne Tours ment as oaly dclaylag sew- were present from Pontypool, age and castlng the village Manvers Station, Fleetwvood, mne, tmstb gai LforNsteon ehayJ M Plant * ying ta anyone that sIga- and Janetville. IObw-eea oosa cd tht petitianthat aur Pro- . Locl resients aquired Canad *vincial Gavernment. bas Locveali dentds at threpublic taday announced that sevmany E en -de a hepbletours of tht Oshawaý bceded the requests of a a stern Aberdeen -Aalgus Assembly lines will resume an! small communities Ilke New- Feeder Sale in Peterborough Monday, Navember 3. castle and is takiag steps ta an Saturday. High pnice o! Scbeduied eacb work day,i btlp. the day surpassed the 38 cent Manday tbraugb Friday a There Is an important per lb. mark for some o! the 1:30 p.m., tht tours will be- meeting on Wednesdiay, No- Angus feeder steers consiga-, gin at the South Main Office,1 vemen tb t tt Mmanal1 ed by Bill Reid of Orono. lacated an Park Road South. Park Ciubbause In Bowman- Winter's f inrs t oaslaught1 Visitars will set Chevralets ville regarding "Regianal ca ughit local residents unpre-' and Pontiacs assembied tram Gavramnt' D smon ,pared as it dumped between metal floor panels ta com-! Newman. Mayar af Whitby, : n 7 loches of fluffy white pleted cars white touring ane, and lexCaruthrsM ~ stuff in this area accompanied of the largest assembly plants i will be an bond ta answer11 quesion regrdig îîs~nw y unseasonably cold weather. in ail of Generai Motars Cor- frm of Government that Teol caaly of this1 poration. Chlldren uinder 14, wil hae gea efecton ilfrostv weather we have heard years of age must be accam-ý of uis very shortly. !of ta date i.s a Bethany bachp- panied by an aduit. I hope aur Councîl wîl on wiho bas decided ta not Speciai graup tours may be jfind tîme ta go and aise that wait for spring but do it now anranged by contacting thte ln tht future they wml and bias indicated bis honour- Public Relations Depantment, a nswcn questions wltb calo- able intentions ta ont Of! aur telephane 644-6720. dldncss. Sucb questions as, local Yelvertoa gais in the; why tht permanent pump- time bonoured fashion. SÂ1 SIng station on Arthur Street Trust no ont torgot ta movei A E was deieted while the, tam- their dlock backwards on Sun-1 King Stonewastadi and day a.m. or confused tht issue Mi,. and Mrs. C. Reynolds, KingSt.wasnetandwhat complettly as did one membenr' Claremont, Mn and Mrs. Herbl stops bas Newcastle taken a u ashi ymvn:Cnaig and family, Janetville,' ta make sure we get a fair tht dlock ahead anc hour in- 1 eeSaa iitr ihM.__ shako when Reglonal Gov- sea ofhack, and ended up and Mrs. Doug. Reynolds. ernment arrives? by getting up at 6:30 a.. i ,, Mn, and Mrs. Bruce Lehman Youns tnuly stead a! the intended 830 . iaad amily, Asbburn, were Murray Waltan. Chronological contusion Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Bob Cnaig. Sorry ta learn tibat Mr.'i Irs. Gerald Shackleton ndi Stobbart, aur mini.ster, 'sber group wene in change af YELVERTON again confined ta bospital. AIl tht U.C.W. meeting held at join in wishing bim improved'tht cburcb last Tbursday Yelverton Church Hall w a eh. night. Mrs. G. Shackleton and filled ta nean capacity on Sat-i Miss Marge Foster a! Ban- Mrs. John Cooxnbes conducted urday night fan the Euchne croit spent the weekend withitht worship service. Mrs. E. Party and Draw spansored by! Miss Linda Gray. Twist read sevenal lettenu, the Yelventan Girls' So!tball Mr. and Mrs. Norma; Wil- tram Mn. and Mrs. John Twist team. Seventeen tables af! son and girls were Sun1daYý telliag of their expeniences euchre wcrc piayed witb the visitors with Mn. and Mrs., and work since arrivifig in winners as !oliows: High lady, Lloyd Wilson af Scarbnrou-gh.! Africa. Mrs. James Gray; second bigh, Tht Harvey Malcolms were' Mrs. L. Wclsb gave a report lady, Mns. George Bowers of ý also Sunday 'visitons wltb Mn. of tht regional meeting at Nestieton; high gent, Mn.! and Mrs. AIda Nasato and Hamptan and aiso led in a dis- Morley Wright; second bigh !amiiy af Port Credit. cussian on family ife. Mns. gent, *'Gongeaus" George Reid Marny Yervertonians attend- K. Stephen gave several hu- ai Pontypool. Pnizes were: ed Jaaietville United Church marous short readings. Mrs. provided by courtesy o! Mr., aaniversary services on Sun-, E. Twist accompanied by Mrs. ad Mmi Russel Ker, (Whea day when Rev. Lester of K. Shackleton led in a sing- lu a hustie, caîl Russell', Homne Missions was the guest sang of familiar hymne ta Lucky winner o! the 50-50ý speaker. some new tunes. draw for $100.00 ws e Mr. J.. 4-M Honiemaking Club 'Mns. L. Welsh canducted the LaBrash of 74 Kawartha, Tht third meeting nf the business. Tht date o! aur ba- Heights of Petcnrbonough. Co"n- j elverton Yum Yums was zaar is ta he Wed., Nov. 28th. gratulations ta the lucky win- held at the home of Mns. Mur-; A social time was enjoyed in«. lollowini tiesecdir ay MaIoIm. Ite .discussion, 'owing the meeting. Tha Canadien Statesnm,geow=a2Vil, Oct. 29. IlS Golden DMdend DayN ends on Novlst Don't miss out! Fill in yeur "Goldien FDividend" coins and dle- posit them down at your Domin ion Store. A new Ambassador could! lx yours. "Goilen Div idend Days" ends at store-closing timne Satur- day, November Ist! Ever given a party where cery- lhing w4ent off pertectlly? Friends had a lot of fun and enjoyed themn- sel%,es inîmenisely? Makes ahast feel artat. And lhat's the feeling v4 have at Dominion. Your response ta aur ceichralion bias beei aver- m-helining. Ws've never serv'ed so ,nay new shappers as during aut jubilation of Golden Dividend Davs. Wr're su glad voi ame aud praved aur promise rings truc- mort qîîality; mort servîcmors vaiue. The party's nver but aur **GoIdm Didemd Days"ntdaat*ore-cioslng limSatuniayNov, lati e Alil four-ln-aFrow'uhequmnoeedollar cashcoins amud h. slmhmititof te 301W Dominion Store Manser Iy Clasins lime Saturday, Nov, lit. e Ali pur other coins musi h. tilled luin d deposilti! by tht e a dealu tq bu eligible for Ambassdor car swards a Be sure te fI lnteyour aome and uddress ln the $puce provided on the back eltach coin a Deposit.la the dosignului! hox lu uuy Dominion Store a Renuember, ail soin muet b. ret4mrud by stor.dosiug dim SatrdgyNov. lsfl MW. Dominm o ubomu- mm01 bcddMing ln tl lwt thoirownAma.ua4rSMOWm, ttoor sedan. Top-ftl*lj» Wall tmp a Mss1woei d »MJ du". exciing o1lretoqags trnsmission; pme gapè power brakes; and puuh-bott»pj radio. And, ofcoeurs% Ambus- sador'& exdusive air-emdàm0 Ing. Nat a mers vtfltiletilIS, And Ambassador'; litv4y1 idnesn't end thcre. It begiu.wIt elegant styling. Classie. Bw- rounds you with a sumtuuu intecrior and cordes you inqpm- forting quiet. Oniy the b*cg Dominion cuwtomcr. AMbIMM don. By American MotStr, t4e company an the inave. RICHMELLO (HOCOLATE (HIP Pumpkin Pie 39c COOKIES 49.. I OPEN TUEURS. and FRI. NIGRYS TM 9 MJ FREE PARKING Prices Effective Uni Closint, Saturd., Nov. il lois &IL Merchandîse hs Guaranteed To Give 100% SMsUMl. lu Dwman'ville We Reserve the Right te Limâ iQmantltes DOMINION STORES LIMITE» KING ST. and SIMPSON À&VE. (Hfwy. No. 2 "ti) DOMINION TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Finail Instaliment OF 1969 TAXES DUE NOV*. 3rd., 1969 ANTHONY GEBOERS, Tax Collector. fç Li* ecoeonysixze SupeM=Mietfnd

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