14 recnda tum on vic-" mthe bus fm several nRles be- I 'n Lit ________________________fore being able te pass and J~I *r=sxtdges iter it h ~EIA Pr.UT proceed on an emergency tripl Recen y- ele rated Fir- Bi rtIIhday servtown, badge: itkiz.Co tetehsia.rosa, Needlewomnan, odlr Honda Riding One-Year-OId O nte ccsoa: mbeFrtC '~School bus pulled out directly!, Ruth Paterson. HmmkrElaehil - lbws ini front of. an ambulance and ~' Badge.hedatehoe fHen Start, delaying the emergency " seted teGuaiCe s t In ~ ~ usd Svehicle for many minutes. ~« pany wIth 75% orbetrt-Ial M FaoteihDsh "Needless te say, such deiay ! tendance: Ist Year. ooh1wsasee.NnyFwe could possibly cost a life,'" Visser, Laurel JessupSndardhe mitsadth ! Mr. Lester said. Kean, June Powell.Jcl raue' eotwsgvn He asked t5iat every effort . * ..AdmSdr eeyJenAdicsoldbyM. ~~ç ~~ette Wagar and Maryi re.Batt.uh shwt n b e made hy school bus drivers; >.~ r r er uhPaesr.cuefsfwj ambulance% or any emergencv1y rJon. ane JnyDa el plnig -.~vehicles when such vehc.IOr itit omssoe, are. Mrs. Pauline Storksthnhdths.cpledfroreod the pleasant duty of rsn ok. Hln Te n .ng s.Nn yFower emostrte InngMr Aresolution calling on jathe *y it <\ governiment te ehange the! Service Bars, an awad% ~ ymd hce aa.Ec school loard 'election strue "c. ihydsevd r.Sokmmbrejydatseo ture so that board chairmeni * "~' hnpeetdMs aladtee t <~would be elected by the tax ' ç;îy<.' < Mrs. Seltzer with giftsi p ri Ol pca payers of the entire board prec' <.~<.~.~~ '--iasaad essrt.prearhe1 Jurisdiction was reviewed by ý talent they had spenti h bod ~'~ È. Brownie Packs In Necte.eaeaserdbyoros- The resolution has been sentý Th I ni h ~ . .-~ to the Department of Educa- î ahf-moon and the Bone nt and Municipal Affairs1 . . . . . . .. - flying up to Guides asr b ro he North York Board..................4..k n etween t.hem untltey of Education. making applîca I. 7 re,»a... . .. . .. .hdowesnte thm it BTU R tion for enactment of legisia a r, w. reachedBon Ol Ms Si.-GOREStN tien which would provide for, ~ .. their wings and the os chairmen of boards of educa- Bcr av e fo ron wlale-ngrsdn.fMnvr tion in the Province ofOn .t.. Brhrgaete eah M.RbrGogetnon tario to be elected directlv by 'x They then went ontobme.Twhî the electorate at large in thetr ask ued WbJea es hr?"Tusdyectbr15M99 U bresp ectiv e ju risd ictio n s. ' < a sk* .; b d e"W Jean e s a a b u d n y a i o e o ~~ ~~ '"" Each girl answered be na e T e d c s d w sth ou et T h e N o r t h Y o r k b o a r d a l s o ~ ~ 4 < h n t e e e a k d " y s n 0 h a e R b r t n o requested that the terras of -wa ih.d o on? n ayFwelvn i 'board chairmen should run1 -"'Te nwrd B h ih.etr iei h ou ra R;concurrently with the terms1 ... E omyBone in"'Cp.M.Snsnwsaucefl of office of other elected rs .. r.Beeo n r.Cad amr tuc osra Stees in the same .Iurisdiction. f3'-. privately welcomed cc ilItv npltea ciemm kiOne of the reasons given,~ ~. into Guideland andthncî-brfte Loubacho- by the North York board fori.. ,.~. . '>- ed upon t.he Patrol Ledr1 h O.bfr mlaa I he puoposed change is that it ..;... .....- . .. accept the Brownies it hi in n omrtutead- feels the magnitude of thel ~- .. . .. ....patrols.Sey-ra.fteLou operationsq of large present- The Brownies who îw(Pbi cho or.H a Sday boards cf education de-I Gregory Howard Clarke, son of M r. and Mrs. Gr Clarke, Toronto, cele-î te Guides were: BethCuinis7hyar mands the fuli-time energy brated his first birthday on August 31 st. Gregory is the first grandson of Mr. iPhyllis Powell, Wand a. i ietefre ae and talents of the chairmaný and Mrs. Gregory Clarke of Port Hope, and first grandehild of Mr. and Mrs * derstoop.CtyTufrad.Wteie nd amyD- of such boards, equalling the Howard Ormiston, Bowmanville. Joanne Collier. Absnh wr i fLnsy oi Ms S..demands made on themyos Sandra Jessup. AngelaLsiPrySan fBaktc, SehnRobert Cockwell, the littie boy in the above photo, was one-vear old tilagcstr. uncpal *JdyPrtmthad onneeihofLtu ndMure on September 29th. He is the son of Geraid and Karen Cockwell. 15 Summer- Also it fecls Ithere shnuId1 I fIEiu If Bfr h dacmn.ay loasse ide field Court, and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cockwell, Calabogie, Ont., be continuit.y in the office f iceghtfor lvi s, uidesicefremoy toMe.Jme acd)%ad n and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Flintoff, Orillia, Ont. He has one great-grandfather, Mr. chara thd eau o«te Brereton explained thtaboeraodStnnofe- importance of te office the'iLn ane ru Reg. Flintoff of Orillia. Stephen can walk now and is a very busy littie fellow. chairman should be electedl Newcastle -In spite of a able to continue wit.h Brownlesi Wanda Vanderstoop, CathyLadRneGrpwsb-vron peecsd)nd3 He enjoys riding on the Honda with bis daddy and will be happy when it sniows b' the entire electorate in the; very poor attendance wh Quinneywcawho wuill be Captain Funeral services, Jeanewere con-ze by muniipaitie cocern.d. was certainly disappointing to a Pack started in her area. Senechal and Nancy Lake. Qinywowl so he can go for rides on the Ski-don. -McRobbie Photo nuiiaiiscnend girls and leaders alike, Tues- Mrs. Margaret Inness, who lrtesbde eegvnand Miss Judy Powel h tdfomtecae fte day October 14 was Indeed a will be taking a truaining i te Joanne Senechel and Kar- wri be heu LIueant hs cemt-aaae uea Buses Delaying Ambulances BE H N big day and an important. course, was introduced as t.he en Ruttan. girgsanzton ilalwthpoei ort Peryby ev ________________________________________ nigbt i the lives of the new Brown Owl of lst Pack First Year Service Stars their knowledge and sil oo audy cee 8, An~leanChurh Wmen Brownies who were te fly up with Mus. Jean Wagau and were given to Susan Foster, a mucb wider scepe b sn i. nemn ttefml AnlcnCuc oe oGuides and for the Guides, Mis-, Lois Bauchard as berWedLae Sua Warterbitesnsrvcstpe.in elron nte. Fi a c al P o le s S ii P a ue~ ::e:o S.Pur n~wbo were te advance to Rang-!1 assistants. Mus. Joan Hawes, Wendy Laej.;nWgr heraiite nS F ni ca r b e s Ste1 l g LU lcnChurch Women werelleus. ýwho is already a licensed -bao Bak-hercmuty Tegil CuchCmey enetandattehoeo T einteevenîng,th Brown Owl from Ajax, is tak- well, Cathy Metrailler, Karen leaving Guides forRngr, TeplbarsweMsr. Mrs. K. E. Adams for their Girl Guides weue called into in over 2nd Pack with ber Ruttan, Sbelly Racine, Yvonne Mary Grace Pateuson ao lv tnsn li cil October meeting. The worship patrols by Capt. Margaret Tawny Owl being Miss Eliza- Secoera indYauStrgte.re-Loe McLeath Jonve n olrJmsGa n service was in charge of Mr$. Brereten. They weue then beth Kozub, wbo was one of daecobbleickStynrs ae r, Dly ebor hean omdaHre Mlom h lw 'NoelD WoodBoardof alsotireadi~drected inte Horseshoe For- Mus. Cail's Brownies a few Ma F ldck ynPrkr Dbra her1 -bd poem 'Decalog of Damse]s". mation (the formation used years ago. rows and Nancy Lake. middle of the Guide es-npesadcoerltvs The Northumberlanid - Dur- the minister stating that. the reached or exceeded 50) peu The roll call "Are Yeu Sa for most Guide cerernonies) Mrs. Hawes explained ColleTir ear. taTufrsJandra twoeb y wb Ms re rtnhuetelsNwcse lhar County Board ofEduca- rsltonwl egiven every cent. Cobourg adNewcastle 1sidwt h ... aIy Atn at o l ohr htwa en oe ole.CtyTfod adatob wb r tien is stili saddled with a consideration.1 are the only ones te bave al- rep1ied te with defînite 'No'S'lCard. The grswr iaýinteBonecrmn n Jessup. Audrey Vandersteop, te Mus. Quinney Uh se Rne o financial problem, and the A letter was aise recejved ready exceeded this amount to and a discussion was held re- structed te 'stand easy" and aise about the eider Guides Phyllis Powell, Beth Couch, each girl if they weepeife ac ilhdbe deadline for municipalities te from the township of Darling- any great degree. Cobourg sulting in a change of name rernainsefrteBonleigwcmd into a new Judy Portsmith, Angela Lesnic pared te become werldctzn ecmdRne iu.Pw pay 75 per cent of their levies ton wbich is one &t the few was assessed $977.840 and has for next yeau when the grou ceremeny.I Ranger group that Mus. Quin- and Joanne Senechal. and look wideu? Ec ile atoe h il hsy is fast approadhing witih, only municipalities in the select paid to date $600,000 or about will be known as "Anglican Te Brownies were called 1 ney was stauting. The following Guide pues- answered, "I arnpeme."udsa rwi o a few even a the 50 percent group f havingyout moneo6th5per cant. Ringstle raGoldenchBarserwereetceny pue-lentateionsawereingadeybyGActninarTheeeGuide PuomisetaandnLawrefmadedbaActanryTRingidtePenmis ame natrke.b3 pu c n p er ceng s adre 61.5 peuct 5.7 ewcastlef ba Churh Wofmers omun- Brown Owl, Mrs. Seltzer, withI sent.ed te Susan Foster, Wendy Capt. Chaud and heu assist- are my tools". ThE grs ncoeyu uist h oe Thmark. atd rslu ta 5 ipecet:seCoar.il id abou05 8. eu cen i se orvico, ore cornnmuo- tien to be sent te the minister of the opinion that, while the The woust offendeus auefiu.nction with tihe entire con- th rsnain of badges Kelly. Sharon Blackwell, Cathy Joan Caîl, Hiker and Wood- a certificate c eoto of Hosheteicld yu ot education requesting cer- financial situation tiat exist- Mu ray township Wbicb basi gregation. Mus. Hilda Caîl, the former ýMetuailler, Karen Ruttan and man Badges; Jenny Munro, their Guide serviceby ap.orendcnmit.A - tain powers te make the ed this year shouid be avoid- pai on 1Y a scant 3.28 peu: A bale cf clotbing fou flou- Brown Owl of the Brownies, j Shelley Racine. 1 Hostcss Badge, Jenny Payne, Buereten who askedthmeRagryowilpnwde tepangdte mBothieLaou etiGlen eHands were anpresent-Chd Cae aisrysaidg e-sawlutRanheir Cmpn nfr-ytt eoeabetrct municipaltiest-yteifpoessiblfithe fut ug re, c entCa an t 4.05 pert a okwllb kdnx h AtThrda igts e "mnt.Th ecearMr.er.Mus. Seltzeu has moved Jessup, Angela Lesnic, JudylArlene May Munro,"who was then shook hands %ibec s n awit e ie ing in Cobourg, an acknow- gested in your resolution are cent, and Cartwrigbt whicb Ross Neals rcad minutes of te Pontypool so will not be Poutsmith, Phyllis Powell, unable te be puesent, will be girl and privatelywlcmd or. ledgement was received from much tee great, and could recently paid an initial cen-I puevicus meeting, cards cf resuit in the municipalities tribution cf 15 thousand dol-f thanks fuorn Mus. Wm. Phil- BIT ÂRYfindn thmsevesina simi- laus at 9.94 peu cent. i lips and from the Sundayk lrfinancial situation. There, Lnreased Enuolment Shol Mifraonrm is ne objection te the sugges-' ýThe nubr0 u isi h eancry Woukshop. F. GEORGE FARNCMB 'tien thatThe uicpitseemnauy schoo pls in ir Oristmas gift plates will be F. GORG FANCOM itonshould theva fundiaIicol- UIned nti chs inae sent te Senior Citizens. Mem- A fermer clerk-treasurerýuldfer theer ds llntdCunisicesdbyfbers weue reminded te tuun In an tx olecte for Eth beared witbin1 5.6 peu cent this yeau. tlieiu "Moncy Apuons" at the Whitby Townshàp, Fuedericki a esondatebleurnt te recl- acThaenord earthatinext meeting whicb will be GereFauncomb o eto aebtterseu culerlet at SePtem-'held at the home of Mus. Da- George New-1 tien requ.iing furnds te ber ber 3f) in elementary schools1 vîd Masters. castle, died Thursdayr, Oct. 23,j paid over "when uequiued by was 17,379 counpared te 16,464. __ _ 1969, in the Memorial Hospi- tihe school boards" wodatteselieasyau tal, Bowmanville. He had Wuda h an iels er bee infalin halt fu toIplace the board in the posi- 1 h was pointed euttateHAI ~-'- .'t beni fîighelhf l w ion of being able te dictate! estimated pecenage tnces ffk 3rears. A~~ tax collection methoda, oufwas ~..dpretg nraeH Y an s et cb the d e- force the munîcipality intel The actual enuolment. foui (lnt.ended fou last week P cad Mus Facmtede Ithe position nf banker for the! secondary srhools on Septem-i Mu. and Mus. Wayne Black-' leceed as ouNcastle. mi ber 30 was 6,977 comparcd' hum. Orono, weue tea guests Newcastle and Bowmanv'illel Stated Times with 6,549 in 1968. Tbe peu-1cf Mu. and Mus. W. Black- and guaduated as a lieutenant.1 "The counicil of the town- . centage increase was 6.5. The hurm and family. Tbe occasion .< ... from the Royal Military Col-1ship et Darlington is of tbel estimated peucentage increase1 was Wayne and Neil Black- i < lége, Kingston, in 1915. , opinion that, if municipalitiesi Ws 5.i burn's hiutbdays. ik Fou five years, duuing the! are te continue te aict as col The number of childuen en-i Rev. and Mus. Lougbeed and. i a aMrIu um m r s f Newcasst.le, conducted the Ber-icember. an.taeln în tde.BwanllwreOECUO OACSO E vic. ntruen ws n t. To date, only in00ethte 24 way behind a sechool bus. was unday visiteus ei Mu. P< Geore'.Cosntex, Necasle. reamunicipales h &v e forced to stop and staut with Mus. Arthur Read. NOETLMRCASPLSE71' _____ y te ahear Mu. Cecil: SaNO Chrîstmas (N MERCHANDISE mouiliHpspital. Bowmnanvllle $,, 1)29999299929929299222292" M kfôrhisbo kletnlght guest ef the F. A. Os-, mond family, Bowmnanv1lle, i and attended'a sboweu for her l'K~E granddaught.er Miss Virginia P IE R S IA L 'E U E BEDROOM SUITES MATTRESSE ta Ieam how you may obtain h M.adMs .R Thompson and Cynthia, Bow- .U an 1DB Joan to assist in starting, manillel . BD.SPRJ.S-CaAIR m -M modernizing or expanding on wee Sunday supper gliesta YA A O O HISM S -A DSV your business anyWhere n lcanada MoIs.Ry rhaLeleLAYA A O HIT A N Guham, claee Woodiey, Roy MeGIII, Harvey, MCGin attended the Plowlig Match _ held at Parts, on Thursd , and RINDUSTRIAL ~ ~ ~ Mr and Mis. J. Potta attend- Iu n t r ic u t Br ed the Plowing Match on DUMENT &W ~Mu. kennsth Graba, M. F r iu eD s o n lenimmm noCIpfa manMum-s.u~xd-t totm&dd t1wl* wul 0f ::~ <~- ~r ~ Hwy. 115-35 at Newcastle Cut-Off phoe9741