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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 18

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18 T'he Caadian âtatemian, EowmanvllleCet. 20, 1989 etetters to th4e C&itorl flear Sir: We ar e dlighted with the ~Ont.ario Govermnent's new reégulation permitting em- - ployees, who are hlred on or mter October 26, and who object "on the basis of re- li1gious or moral convictions" to paying dues to the Civil Service Association of On- tario, to have the equivalent et such dues remnitted toaa regltered charity. This leg- Isintive actUon constitutes an Important step forward lni our efforts to have full frnedom of association ex- ténded to ail and to have *'very form of compulsory untonisrnabolished. Let's hope that the Gov- elient will have the cour- age of political conviction to ensure that this new legal 1priviiege of civil servants will also be granted to the thousands of workers who presently are *ceaptive SUp- porters" of secular union to whose social and political views they are entireiy op- Eventually Ontario shouid have legislatlon safeguard- Ing man's God-glven right to work ln freedom and allow- Ing hlm ta support the trade Senior Citizensi HoId Meeting The October meeting of thel Seniior Ctizens Club was heldi en. October l4th at the Lions Centre wlth approximately 80 members present. Mlrs. Isobel Harris, the pre- giclent of Club 15, welcmed the large nuxnber of senior citizens. Mms Helen Browes showed nme excellent colored slides en her trip to Hawaii, which w"ere enjoyed by ail. A short business meeting was conducted by Mr. R. Gil- bert alter which the niembers dlivided imto groupe l'or carde and gaies.. Mrn. Pat Lucas was in charge of the reading group in the. Green Roomn. The lucky door pr!lze was won by Mis. R. Gilbert. Lunch was served by mem- bers of Club 15. Election of new officers for the coniing year wil be held et the. next meeting on Nov- iwmber llth. union of hlm own choosing and flot someoe eLse's. Sincerely yours, Geraid Vandezande. Executive Secretary, C. J. L. Foundation. Editor's note: The fol- lowing article, published recently in the Fallbrook Enterprise, California, was written by Henry D. Fowlie. He has been a Canadian Statesman subscriber for many years. RESPECT: TWO-WAY ROAD I wish to extend my thanks for the opportunity to read the many letters from your loyal and gifted writers on your editorial pages. I also wish ta give my definition of the word RE- SPECT which I believe is a two way road. Now with respect in your heart, one faces towards civilization, the land of learning, bro- therhood, and getting along with other people and na- tions. However, disrespect ai- ways precedes furth er crime, stops learning, dis- qualifies one as being a student and one becomes a barbarian without country, society, or friends. Now al young are born barbarians. unçrejudiced. Therefore it is the duty of respectful, worthy parents to teacih their young who have asked for life, as have ail living things, whiie ravaging the bodies of their parents de- mandîng birth, to respect life, birtih and death, themn- selves, their parents, bro- thers, sisters, all other peo- ple. religions, teacihers, the police and courts of justice and their society that gave their life protection in their heipless years. If the par- ents do flot performi their duties, then the police and courts must pick up where the parents left off. T1he police on his lonely tour of duty must require respect of his person, his office and oiety invested in himn to bring the dis- respecttul to court, where the judge surrounded by his çourt orf many law en- Iorcement officials main- tains respect by contempt of court proceedings pun- g TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Clerk's Notice of First Posting' of Voters' List Voters' List, 1969, Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham. Notice is hereby given that 1 bave complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that 1 have posted up ut my office nt Bowman- ville, on the 29th day of October, 1969, the iist of ail persons entitledl to vote in the munici- paiity_ at municipal elections and that such list romains there for inspection. And 1 hereby cali upon.ail voters to take Immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day for appeai being the l2th day of November, 1969. Dated this 29th day of October, 1969. JOSEPH M. McILROY, Clerk-Administrator. Regional B. & P. Clubs Hold Conference Here inirocluces thi4er N<lanagement Head table guests at Conference here includeè Jean Devitt, Pres. of Bow Cameron,_Vice-Pres. of 1 Iihable by fines or lmi prisonment and should deni the disrespectful one$ c their freedom tii tihey hav proved thear respect b memorizing and repeetin the oat-h of allegiance, loui and dlear in court and shel wear essigned copy of sam embellîshed by an Ameni can Flag on their persoi a- ahl respectful citizen should do. I, Henry D. Fowlie, di hereby promise and swea xny allegiance to the Flaý of the United States o America and to tihe Repub lic anid Society for Whic] it stands one Nation, Unde Gad, Individable with Lib erty and Justice for ail, mi help me God. Henry D. Fowlie. P.S. I arn sure the Amer! can Vets. would be proud t( issue these buttons. 58 Division St., Bowmenville, Ont. October 27th, 196S Dear Mr. James: "Woman to Woman Week' sponsored by the Canadien Cancer Society bas been most successful, and we sincerely thank you for the promimient and most gen- erous publlcity accorded us. W. are fortunate to have such concern and interest from this media. We owe a debt of grati- tude to, the ladies ofL the Sunr.hine Group for their willingness and proficient jway they organized the program. Also, our execu- tive of the Bowmenville Hranch have been most helpful with time and sug- gestions. Ail of these feith- fui people deserve credit for unselfish service. To so many others who have helped In so many ways we are truly greteful for your Interest. To those who cehled door ta door, to those who have made posters and diagrams, ta the church groups and other organize- tions who have joined our meetings, and ail who have used our films and litera- turc, we say thank you. Special mention of the "littIe people" who helped f111 the kits - they may hold a record as being the youngest volunteers for the Cancer Society. Five lIttle girls. under supervision, f111- ed the kits for the door ta door progrem. We thenk Sandra, Dianne and Janet 'n iy Of e :y ig id le ns r tg f e r AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL CITIZENS RESIDING IN CANADA WHO ARE 65 YEARS 0F AGE AND OVER Dear Senior Citizens, We in the Bank of Mantreal share the concern of ail Canadians with the impact of inflation on the purchasing power of the dollar, particularly as it affects those over the age of 65 who may be dependent upon pensions and other sources of fixed income which do.. flot keep pace with rising living coats. ln an effort to alleviate "h burden on our senior citizens, we are launching à plan to help them whether or not they arecustomers of the Bank. Here is our plan. Senior Citizen& may apply to any branch of the Bank of Montreal in Canada for a Senior Citizen's Courtesy Card, which Mill entitle the holder to preferred service at our offices at reduced charges as lollows: 1 . One-haif of the regular commission charges made by the Bank for the acceptance of payment of utiity accounts. 2. One-haif of the regular service tee or the issuance of Canadian- dollar drafts and mone y orders. 3. O ne-ha/f of the regular per item charge on cho ques issued on our True Chequing A ccounts and on our 3112% Savings A ccounts. You are cordially invited te, take advantage of these reduced rates. Yours very sincerely, G. Arnold Hart i. & Sa/es St aff THESE PEOPLE REPRESENT OVER 89 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN AUTOMOTIVE SALES AND SERVICE AND ARE QUALIFIED TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR AUTOMOBILE REQUIREMENTS the recent B & P Regiolnal Prov. lst Vice-Pres; Mrs. Helen Hare, Reg. Adv.; Mrs. the following, lef t to rigîht, Mary Broadbent, Port Hope Pres.; Mrs. Lyda Telford, nanville Club; Mrs. Barbara Peterborough Pres.; Mrs. Reta Fisher, lst Vice-Pres. egion 5; Mrs. Mary Hessar, of Cobourg Club. Region 5, B & P Women's Clubs Hold Annual Conference Here The Nightingale Centennial Hall, Queen St., was the scene of a very lnterestlng meeting of Region 5, Business & Pro- fessional Women's Clubs of Ontario on Saturday, October 18, 1969. Cobourg, Peter- borough and Port Hope Clubs were well represented, with the members of the Bowman- villle Club acting as hostesses. Following registration and light refreshments, Velme Gay, convenor of the meeting, Introduced Mayor Ivan Hobbs who welcomed the club mcm-1 bers and delegeter on behaîf of the Town of Bowmanvllc. Helen Hare, Reglonal Advisor, opened the business session byi asking for a roll calof the clubs, followed by their annuel1 reports. The Regional Advis-1 or prcrented her annual re-1 port, end then conducted a discussion of ncw business, In- cluding Invitations for the1 District Meeting, 1970 (Bow-1 manville) and the Internation-1 al Luncheon, February, 19701 (CobourgY. The memberse wcre rcminded that October 19 ta October 26, 1969, Is Business Women's Week. The morning business ses- sion was foilowed by a de- Hare, as wcll as the Presidents of three of the clubs, Jean Devitt, Bowmanville; Lyda Telford, Peterborough; Mary Broadbent. Port Hope, and the Secretary of the Cobourg Club, Rita Fisher. Followlng dinner and the Introduction of the other head table guests by Mary Broad- bent, two violin solos were presented by Madeline Merk- ley, accompanlcd by ber moth- er. Mrs. A. A. Mcrkley. This young lady lmpressed every- one with ber remarkable tal- ent, and It le hoped that' she will be able to entertain the members again et future meetings. Mrs. Barbare Cameron then introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Mary Herser ofL the Fort Erie Club. Using the theme "'Face the Future", Mrs. Hers- er emphasized the need of the B. & P. W. Club membens ta become lnvolved wlth the future. Comparing the mem- bers to tools ln God's Garden, she said, as the__size ofL the îworld shrinks, communlty con- cern Increases, and It là lm- perative that we "dig ln" and help with the problems of to- day and tomorrow. Mrs. Hïes-, rer, who teàches a special class of children called "Slow Learners", held the attention ofL ber aduit audience as she developed her argument ln Layon of everyone's participa- tion ln the future welfare of the community and the world at large. At the conclusion of Mrs. Hesser's address, Rita Fisher expressed the appreci a- tion of those present for her thought-provoklng speech. The business meeting ne- sumed et 2 p.m. with a pre- view of "The People's Forum on Federalism" by Barbara Cameron. The members were then divided Into three groups ta discuss "Membership" and "Leadexship". followed by an open discussion on these subj ects. After a bnief question and an.swer peniod, the meeting adjourned. STARK VILLE1 Weatherwise, Oct. 22, 1969 , Above the. blanket on the land.1 1 uu s aii nL Ds1 vCe4 y meVutIC tladies of the Rebekah Lodge. The weather was so nice Btw o ntmk h eThe hall had been attractîveîv As gaily we worked around, weather, -decorated by Marion Jeffery AlI set te enjoy the autumn And It cannot please us ail, eand Shirley Colliss, with thie And the colours that ebound. But methinks we'd aIl have tassistance ofL the cither mem- The geese were winging gouth- A iked -bers ofL the Bowmanvhle Club. , wa rd,A littie longer;Fall. .Using the theme "Face the And passing daily, flock by ILest Mondey Mrr., Carl* rFuture - Color It Bright" fiock; Todd, President of Shiloh U.C. there were panels of brightly But to have winten thrust W., elong wlth Mrs. Dobson, Dcolored Autumn leaves on the l1pofl us Mrs. Brenton Farrow end Mrs. w*ells of the hall, and the pan- One night, came reelly as a Llew Hallowell attended the 1 el bchind the head table out- shock. Presbytery regional meeting e ined the wonds "Color It The trees, not aIl] denuded of et Hempton end assisted with DBright". There were beautiful their leeves the devotional portion. 8blue birds on each end waîî, Are a picture as they stand, Mr. end Mrs. Russell Sav- 1and the guests had been greet- Upholding varaus colons ery wene guests of honor et -ed et the entrance by a draw- Ncwtonville hall Saturday ev- rIng of a vividly colored parrot. f ~ ~ ening on the occasion of their 9 The head table feetured l rge C.a rvetn 4iJth wedding annlversary. -hollowed-out pumpkins, filled The evening, arrenged by their with orange manigolds and agtrBty(r.J oh brigh mape leaes, ith aW ili Not un well), Bowmanville, was wi cornucopia cof fruit as the teddby' their many fniends centre-piece. The head table and relatives, aIl wlth their guests were Mary Herser, lstfo ee ct n congratulatory msae o Vice-President, Ontario Clubs.,I the couple. Lovely music for Barbare Cameron, District n I T the evening of dancing was "C"' Vice-President, end Helenlin 'Cla rke Pf provided by Mn. J. Bothwell jI and Liends and the ladies of McGregor. Andrea and Mcl- In speaking ta members of lunch. isercomamunity gav enie Ward. lnh hscmuiygv We than h otr o the Clarke Township Council Mn. and Mrs. Savery a threc- their cooperation, and the o hi netoso ht-pîcce luggege set and e hes- teahesclrgyen a der or not they will be sèeking sock. In their haRppy and tahrcegmn adre-election to office In Decem- gaeu enrM.adMs merchants who have an- ber ofu1969, we rr.cavdd two nounced aur programs. you d f 19e9anw rs. vd w Savery and Betty thanked Mav each of yue you everyone for their kindness. have had a vital part In this Cauncillor Rod Carvcth was Sundey afternoon Rcv. R. Crusede Against Cancer, emph.atic in that hie would not C. White, Oshawa, gave a finel and m ay you join us in the be a candidate and would not message et Shiloh annivensary, Bowmanville Brench ln help- ýbe seeking re-election. He under the heeding "Our Loy- Ing to educate the public seld hie had served is time and elties - Few But Demending". and allay fears. lt was now time for someone Music was provided by some Sincerely, else ta take over. 0 f the members of Orono Councillor Frank Gray raid Choir under the direction of Mr. eogeK Ward, hie would be seeking ne- Mrs. R. Morton. Mrs. Johy ndWEducati lecion.Sunday gucstfs wlth Mrs. A. Pubicit an Edcaton. Reeve Roy Farter spoke Of Dobson wcrc Mrs. R. Lowery. a desre fot ta seek re-ep- Toronto; Miss C. W. Stewart pointmcnt or election due tO and Miss Marion MrKlivv. OBITUARY I business pressures. He also Mr. and Mns. Bill Reid, stated that many feit there Orono, and Miss Norma Hailo- MRS. HILDA STEPHENSON was e conflict of Interest be- weil, Toronto, wcne dinner tween bits profession as e real guerts et Mr. Llew Hallowlls. Rev. David Northey of estate salesman and that of be- Mn. and Mrs. Lerry Sin- Bethany United Church offici- ing a representative on coun- clair and son, Newtanville, atcd at the funerel service of cil. Although he was not with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilda Stephenson, R.R. 1, definite hie left us wlth the Mns. Carl Todd. Pontypool, who pesscd away opinion that hie would not be Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier spent et Peterborough Civic Hos- a candidate. This differs with the wcekend at Mn. Lloydý pital on Friday, October lOth. the opinion ofl two of bis coun- Hallowell's. following a lingering Illness. cil colleagues who were sure Mn. and Mrs, Roy Austin The service was conduct-ed he would be beck as head Of and Kevin, Wcrleyville, with from the Comstock Funerallcouncil. M.adMs olyRbn Hom onMonayaftenonn Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey son end attended service et iwiith bur<al in St. Paul'sisaid be had not given it muchi Shiloh. CmtrCevan. thought as yet. There wes no Mr. and Mrs. A. VanDrunen,! Mr.Stephenson was the Indication from hls comments Oshawa, wene Sunday guests deughter of the late Thomas thet lhe would not be seeking wîth bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. and Bervi (Rose) Mabee ne-election. When asked If lhe Harold Soucli. and bad lived ln the district would seek the recveship If Mr. and Mrs. Carias Tamb- 1 for the Part 23 years. Reeve Foster dnopped out he lyn, Orono, with Mn. and Mrs. She was a member cif the raid "Reeve Foster would be OreFlî LersricSn United Church and e devoted retunning".dy moter o hr fmii . Councillor John Stone was Several from this area et- Surviving Is lher husband enother question mark stating tended the ennlversary service Bruce Stephenson, six daugh- that he would first have ici at Newtonviile, Sunday morn- tens and six sons: Mrs. Leon- consider is position cif em- Ing et which Mn. Allan Mari- and Bradimore (Linda), LittleI ploymnent with the Durham ln, B.A.., B.Paed., Port Credit, Bnitain; Mr. Douglas Bray Co-ciperative and as yet he had was guest speaker, giving a (May),Cafiern;Misses Kar- not discussed this wlth the fine message. en hLxePn e nd Shelly management. Last week we bad a warn- athm;Wayne of Bethany, The election this year will ing-Another season's near at Robent, Janetvillc: Raymond, appoint members cf çoundIl hand, As suddenly we were Oshawa, Kenneth, Thomas, for a cine year period. After plunged, Right Inte wInter Terry, aiet home. Also sur- Ibis appointment.q will retur wendierland. Now wlth some vIving are three grandchildren, te the two year terni and wUI nicer days, We al must, happy three sisters and four broth- then coïncide with the election bel For a hittle extra chance, ers: Mrs. Carl Mintz, Mrs. for the Board of Education. And Nature', grand reprieve. John Prankar.d, boet h ofi Aise et the December elec- -________ Brampton; Mrs Rosa Ander- dion a lquor vote will be held son, Lindsay, halph Mabee. on whether on not residents GET CAS1H TOI>AV Keswick; Allen, Mebee. Au- of the township, Layon the serv- FOR1 OLD APPLIANCES rora; Howard ?4abee. Hennis- 1Iing ofi? 'iuor In dining loulng- TIROUIGH tonand Lloyd 14abee of Erin- les an'd cocktail bars.--Orono~ STATESNAN cil1Times. pheas 03-ZUS Corne ln Today and Se. "The BoId New World of Chrysier" MRS. K. JAMES Secretary and Office Manager DOUG McFADYEN Parts Manager RAE COAKWELL Service Manager RICHARD BUDEL Body Shop Foreman 219 KING ST. E. LLOYD JAMES Presîdent and Generai Manager JERRY KEAN Sales Manager LARRY JAMES Salesman DREW PARKER Salesnian CHUCK WILLSJIER Salesman YOU CAN COUNT ON COUNT County Chrysler mDoo LUdL BOWMANVILLE v .--.i

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