u0Whut Iluppenls to Donuted Blood ? I ns tal1 Officers of Florence Nightingale Lodge by Dr. E. E. Tieman Irigerators. The reasori for this After à blood donaton has vigilance ix ta ensure that thel been completed, the donor willlai . s elements of blond will ofte ask "Wht hapens remain in the best possible con- oftenask,"Whathapp n dition, so that when the blood rny blond now?" The proced- is transfused. th> patient rec- tires and tests whlch are done evn hsui ildrv on each and every unit donot mimum beis neit filro te, vary from clinie tn clinic or mxblond.eitfrm h depot tn depot, nor do they The day following the clinic,; vary with the number of dona-a er of especially trained. tionz. Le. blond from a "50- teamooitsfo hedpt tirne" donor is treated n ex-tehoogssfm tedpt *ctl th sae mnne ~ hatsets up a battrry of tests on acfl the "st-me" dnr. a each s ample of blond, a mini-, of th "Art-tie" dnor. mum of 10 separate tests are: F'rst of al. a specimen nf done on each sample and ail blond is obtained from the the results are checked by an-i completpd pack of blond. this other technologist. These tests" specinien is lahelled in theýtake approxlmately four toi same manner as the unit of, five hours and provide much! blond and will be used to carryvaluable information about1 out the many different tests other blond factors will be ob-! which will be done to obtain tained also. When the labora-! an intimate profle on the tory staff is satisfied with the! donor's blood. resuli of the tests, the units, The- donrs unit of blond is of blond are examlned visually,1 refrigPrated as soon as possible~ properly labelled and pro-1 and should be kept under con- nounced suitable to be issued., stant refrigeration from this to the hospitals. tinie until il is transfused into After the blond bas arrived' a patient. The type of refrig- at the hospital. units are sel-' eration will vary along the, ected on the basîs o! the blond way, from the tinie the blond group and Rh and tests are, is being transported in the ref- done between the blond of the rigerated truck to the depot'patient and the blond of the ]aboratory. stored in refrigerat- unit; these tests are done ta.......... ed rooms in the depot, deliv- Prnstre a safe "match" which i Peinrefrigerated insulated will guaraotee that the blond1 boxes to the hospital, and fln- will give maximum benefit t. eetyteFlrneNgtnal og o 6 allyin ospial lon ban ce- te paIen. iO.O.F. officers for the coming year were installed. A 5 1 'Thev are as folloxvs: bottom row, lef t Ito right, AI Welcome New MembeirsFarrow, Jr. Past Grand; Raymond Boxven, Chaplain; 0 . Harry Wade, Right Support of the Noble Grand; Brian A t L one tes eet ng Caswell, Noble Grand; Stan MeMurter, Left Support Of the Noble Grand; George Michelson, Vice Grand; The Ortober meeting of the Bowmanville Lbonettes was held on Tuesday, October 2lst et 6:30 p.m. at the Lions Cen- tre, with nearly 100 per cent ettendenre on hend to support! the new president Lionette Myrtle Marsden whn was in the chair. Four npw memiberi were welcomned to the Club and two' visitors were also preseot. Five of the members were in Petrr- borough attending a special Lionettes meeting. After the dinner and h,îsi- "--..j n.i ...,,. ,... dthe... spent bln aking Halloween favors for the trays for the Hospitel. The oew list o! officers forý the coming yPCr which were inst.alled et an impressive meeting in September are as follows: Past President Betty Brough. President Myrtip Marsdeo. lst Vice President Bonnie Mcflon- ald, 2nd Vice President Mary- Annft Richards, Secretary Nel- lie Diiling, Treasurer Thelmaý Leslie, Directors. Marie Moses. New H & S Assn. Kolds leadership Workshop The newly formed Northum-ý Holroyd re-centl "v was Mrq. hertand and Durham County~ GertudeWorman ,Badfrd.Couincil o! Home and Schooli England. and friends from,, Whentlev. Mrs. Worsman whjle Associations hosted a Leader-ý on vacation here also \risîted ship Training Workshop at witha nehew and iamly.Cobourg East Collegiate oni Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barrett Saturda ' v October I8th. Mrs.C at Rndnex'. Creamer, ProvincialVc-P- The Canaqdian Statesmnan, lgnanville, Oct. 2g, 1j9 5 for The Many Moods of Fashion! h1 Jim Youngman, Conductor. Top row, left to right, Gord MeMurter, Left Support of Vice Grand; Everett Winnacott, Inside Guard; Gord Lamont, Outside Guard; Mac Moore, Treasurer; Harry Farrow, Right, Support of Vice Grand; Herb Powell, Financial Sec-' retary and Bob Mitchell, Recording Secretary.1 Local Writer Wins Again ncsperi u ookplae e-rranmoin '_o- n ," iMr. lDonald Ropers :ýon ut sidnt eur d~eeration nifi-ome and mainder of the evpning was Evlyn Duno _____ Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Rogers, School Associations, represent- Hampton. was onue of the Con- Ing Che Area Board, who spon- stables with the Toronto police:sored the workshop, introducedý H A M T O Nforce to he c-hosen for the the guest speaker. Mr. A. H. H. H A M P T O Npolice guard for the visit o! Strike, Q.C., a member o! the! Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant at- Buma, Bowmanville and Mr. Prince Philip while he was in Liaison Advisorv Committee of' tended a birthday partv foriLarrv 1-uren, Blackstork; Mr. Toronto rpeceotly. the Northumberland andi Dur- Mrs. Charles Vvian, Bowman !Gary Atherton. Oshawa, And Mr. and Mrs. George Gibçon ham County Bnard of Educa- ville, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hîckeyilvwere the recipients o! many tIno. Trustee StrikP spoke on. The community o! Hampton Hampton. On Saturdày even-1 lovely gifts when their fellow the topic "Parents, Teachers ý1eeý wlshes ta extend their sincere rng. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho1- workers et. the Canadien Forces andt the Board."'lHe stressed. sympathy to Mr. W. E. "Bert" royd andi Lynette. an! Mr. anti Base. Shelburne. Nova Scotia. the needi for a working liaison' Stevens on the loss o! his dear Mrs. William Holroyd, Bow- gave Inemi a welcome borne betwee(n thesp three groups wife. manville, attendeti a Haliowe'- party.r. Gibson was the andi good éommunications with, ~ Last week quite a few frnm en masquerade part.y belti At former Miss Susan Hoîrnyti. parents, in view o! the changes' Hampton attendeti a barbecue; the home of Mr. anti Mrs. John daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred'taking place in the ediucatmon beef dinner helti et Keene. Morisette, Beau Valley, Osh- Hoiroyti. Hampton. sYstiem tnday. quoting fronim.... We'e er gati eprtawa' A number of Hampton lad- hoth the Hope report o! 1955 Mis. Hosen Smiadt r'po0W Mr. Roy Metca[f has retiien- ies a[tendeti a tee aod ba7.aar anti the recent Haîl-Dennis ce- home from the Priincesq Marg- eci home after having a three recently held ai the Goldeni port on Edlucation. He theni ,ret Hospital anti much im- week visit in Detroit. Guests 'Plough Lodge in Cobourg. .ioiried in a lively discussion of ~ ~vedon Sunday with Mr. anti Mcs) A hello to Mrs. A. W. Prrs- the problenis Involved. ~4nothe younglass, Miss Roy Metcalf were Mrs. Bruce cott froni her manv frientsisnO Ms rae hne stîli Mr.1g rs Ceaerthn X41hy Hickey is home from Stevenson, Mrs. Vi Wrght anti Hampton. Mrs. Presot Srk nt xrs ed eHMr. Memorial Hospital , Bowman- 1Mrs. Sutherland, Detroit, Mich- a patient in Memnorial Hospi-- anti School CouncIl's apprecia- ville. after havîng sustaîneti aniigan, anti Rev. Robert Brawn tai. Bowmanvillp. tionofo the Board's co-opera- eye injury. Who was the guest speaker et Please note! Tlhe Caniadian' inadspot Mr. anti Mr%. Percy Dewell St. Paul's on Suntiay. National Institute for ihe Blind'tn at upot had as guests for luncheon on Mr. anti Mrs Douglas White canvass !s on this week In Atter lunch, a job-training Suntiay. Mc. anti Mrs. Cruick- and family hati as suppe"Hampton. Please give gener- session was helti for the bene- shank. Peterborough. guests on Suntiay, Mr. and Ously xvhen your volunteer'fit of the new executive, fol- Sunday visitors with Mvr. And: Mrs. Howardi Christy, John canv'esqer cails. ýlowed by a discussion o! corn- Mrs. Fred Hoîroyti were Mrs., and Ann tif Siuffville, Mr. and Mrs. Glenni Smith mon concerois witb visiting, anti famuly were Satiîrday repre>sentatives o! neighboringi Doris Holroyd, Mr. Jîi Hol- Recent visitors with Mrs. A.: evening vîsitors wîth Mr. anti Home andi School Counicilsi royd, Tomnol; M . lerHt-! Bachri eeir. onMrs. Herb Prescott, Maplejfrom Peterhorough, Belleville rov, Bwmavile;Mc.Aieet Begqist Bufan. Y. ndGrove. Mr. And Mrs. Glenn'anti Oshawa. Mis, Elise Stainton. Oshawa. mt anti !amily wprp Suni- Tefrignra etn R H EUM AT C Mr. AL. Banchard partici- dav supper guests wit.h Mr. The Nortumberln eetng Dur- ? iimu~pated in the former Wardensan «d Mrs. Pauil Vaneyk and 'hemontyumlndianof Home ~ worth Regional ,ail aI. Ca mp- Unéloubtetily by the tuep anti School Associations Wl 1 Mrs. Marguerite 3. Fraser of Solinla was recently, Ru aascpu eblr ati attntthe in- aithîs reaches the news stands.!tbe Coborg Eas Cober241het'awarded frt prize of $200 bv the Provincial Chatr 'the the CollegoatHamptonpa gv rvnrelief Inern. rad tteRvea h omnt fHmtna when it is planned to have' of I.O.D.E. for hec short Christmas story. She was i give rovenInn.eell a eote!othhecnmmnitydiscussions with Trustees and cmeiinwt rtr rr i vrCnd h luate a gîe ou scrlifom- lae nt! Te Gop.sholltibe readx' for the in- Amnsrtoso h co ad ubitted a th rterof 187 entres. an yaraMr.s. uacparsecalfom-Committ.ee o! Guides. Rangers vasion bv chiltiren on Hallowe- hol1adsbit aoalf18enrs.atyaMs' lated t fist dat rm aing anti n Brownies are heving ae en. An 'extra word o! cautio0n Bri. Mbebero! atthi eeubli' ae o is riefroe fhr tre naUie Ivr is a-rmngig Coffee Break and Home Bake l to your chiltiren to be on the wl ewloee hi e-rsrwnfis rz o n f e tre naU i rheumnatic Pains anti aches. Aiso Sale anti Tuoperware Demon-, cntn okutfrmtr ~ing 'Chu rch Observer writîng cornpetition. proven effective for relieving lum- sratin on November 6th romi anti even more "o the motor- ~I~ bagc'. Sciatica, hpatiache and H1.0 t 41 tts2c hien 1 ,shoulti take extra painsWvin Unanimous Su p r tleuritic pains. Ask for new Hal dls2c.Citrn1c. tr be alpci. Parents shoulti ar -__ RumacaPs-a distinctive blue Please plan to attend and give 1company 3'ounger chiltiren antiý anti white capsule o ooh n our support ta these fine'otlaeten ntecr r m o t e o rl c ld u p s ' . grnups. o ! an o lder sister or. bro th er I A Co;fot-atyu:i:cidruMr.s awnd pivlunHosen Sihja hldetend tb be a little V O ' i. i Il bs l e cl e s Rumaepsarecapule wee Spda luchen gest, tn 'ighspiriteti on Hallowe'en f soothing comfortl rot Mr. anti Mrs. Wen TrulU, maintan the caution neeti- ....Bowmanville. eti in looking after e ynuingec Il M. admptn;. satnt Masndo n aearpa fsm IB > rlo \e~ ~u s . M. nt Ms Ls un. ntchilti. Let's hope this year we ý e l Ba 'Ben Klein Nuhuis anti family., Or the satiistîc things somne Ulcalia Hampton. anti Mr. antid r people do ta muin a child's ( 1Ken Kavenaugh, Essex, wece, spirit o! Hallowe'en. ~~ jSunday luncheon guests xith, Intelligence anti courtes, f G o w h E e v l pe t IMr. anti Mrs. Ken Chamber-,are often ont conibirieti. For lain, Oshawa. Mr.ant Ms. en îcn Ne-ofter, in a wooden Iouse a The new bhuman gro\vth of the new course vvhich Miss early January. Mri n r.BnKenNe golden ronni we finti .-'ee y-oul anti development proposeti forl Osbornîe categoi.ally inainl- Vice chairman o! the board' os* huis anti family were Suntiay next weck. Bye now! a pilot prnject at the M. J tains is flot ",sex educaiioii". A. A. H. Strike said "I am uiacao evening supper guests of Mc.! ___________ lobbs Senior Public Sehool' No mnattei' what it's calleti,moretha peseia oe' anti Gle Wison Toont.in Hampton, won unanimousý a meeting of 250 parents at; that the board approve thie* Visiting wiLfl ivrs. Dori .ISbN IJIk..~pi-aise from the cNorthum bei - iiiiusl ,vet îeir support Wetinesday nînrning folks lairid-Dtirliarn county board of to the projt'ct with (in1\ t\\ uJ wet:e given a most unpieasant education at its regular meet- people dissentiiig anti thîree ýsurIp'i-se when they looketi out-, ing in Cobourg Thursday abstaining. sitie to see five loches o! snnw night. Course to Start on the ground. The trees with' At its lest meeting. the Now with the boards ap-1: their leaves mostly stili on huard heard froni Ha rvey proval andi gond xishes, the wece loatieti town with snow. Webster, anti Miss Mary Ruth. prograni may go aheati et the The teroperature was barely 20 Osborne along with a few, school, anti accortiing ta the degrees anti remaineti freezing parents f ro m Dariington' co-authors of the course. will aIl dcx'. The next night was township, explain the outine start either iin December or about 30 tiegrees anti it tonk a few days before the snow al Arihur Grant, in Uxbridge. Mrs Jerîr' Byers anti chilti- disappeareti. The leaves camei The Kential Guides anti cen visiteti Suntiay with Mrs., down into the snow, stemi tirst,' Brnwnies helti their bazaar anti M. E. Foster anti Mrs. Marlatt anti looketi mositiunusual sitt- llunc-h down et the school anti while Jerry went to the hospi- ing up In it, The yniing lads nadi manv fine anti useful art- lai in Peterborough to sec his enjoyeti the snow-balling, idles. The baking was espec-ifather who rnay have Io untier- Mc. Arthur Thompsnn hati iallY attractive. It was held.go au operatini iis week. the great misfortune ta have Saturtiay afternoon tram one Out- Turkey Supper lest bhis house and al l is contentsta five. Wetinestiay eveniiîg was qulte tiestroyeti by five about 1:00' Sympathy is extendedti taa success. We wish to express p.m. Saturtiay morning. On Mrs. Mar.tin Foster, ber bus-'aur appreclatian ta Mrs. Ev- being ewakened by the smoke banti anti !emuly on the pass- ecett Brown wPio jlayeti the1 he got the fice 'extinguisher' lng o! hec father Mc. John organ while the folks werei but It was nId anti ont much Awtie )f Jarvis. Mr. anti Mrs. awalting their turn ta go inC use. He gai the latider anti Ajlen Foster alsa attendeti the for supper. We would also likes went in the up-stairs mwiniow: funeral Saturtiay. to thank those who helpeti getc 'and secureti the chuirch books)' Miss Kathcyn Turansky was it readv, brnught so much bak-t Luckily he hati put the moneyi home for the weekend from Ing anti helpeti with the secv., froni the Anniversary anti the lthe Universitv in Londion. ing. We were afraiti afterr île Turke.v Sîîpper in the bank. Mcs. M. Eý Foster has been fixe Inch fail of snow that we The fire hati startet In the visîting arounti with hec fam- wouîdnont have mnany ou-,. kitchen anti burneti the bouse ilY anti spent the weekend Miss Katie Stewart ý-!it% down very rapidly. with Mrq. Malatt while Allen the latter part o! the weekt Are you intecestet ini blan- Fosters were away. with hec sister Mrs. Loftbousea kets? The WlI s sending away, Some fromn here attendeti while hec husband Mr. G. for a shipment. Contact Mrs. the Anniversary service ai Lo!tbouse bati a cataract re-v E. Couroux, Mrs. H. Foster or' Shiloh Sundey when Rev. Mr.imoveti froni bis eye.V MIrs. W. Mercer. 'White was the guest preeacher.ý My Kendel news last 'f E Mc antri Mcs. E. CnucouixMiss C. W. Stewart anti Miss went out Moodày macning as l and Mr.,. W. Mercer visiteti'Marion McKplvey were guestsusuel hut 1I id flot see l itin Suaday with her brother. Mr.!oi M. Dôbsun the papar. introduction o! the prugra ni ýas a pilaitpr,ect." lie went un to tell the boardi niemnbeis wvho wei'e unable ta attend the general parents meeting last T'bursday about the en-. thusiastic response anti bow smnoothly the evening went. Following the adoption o!' the motion boarti member' Ilowarti W. Sturràck f rom~ Bowmanville saiti, 'I arn soi mu<b in favor o! the courseî that 1 think it shoulti be in-' stituteti as soon as possible toý aIl grades seven anti eig1it' throîîghout the Unitedi Cnun-ýI ties.", A Big Step Board chairman J. Rolph,ý commenteti that sucb cn-op-ý eratian between the protes-' sional teatibers anti the layi parents is cectainly a big step, in the right direction anti ougbt ta be adopteti by otheri schools on many o! the new' concepts in curriculum con-f tent anti teaching methotis. He recommentiet that schoolsi wv'ere . interesi in the newî gc nw t h and dtevelopmentj course is high, shoulti begin wocking with a representa- tive bodiy of parents in thet area anti consuit closely with thel Hob reti o o tahet ilbe obhs seoo ta heyd when anti if the program troves uecsu and the1 lioard permits it to proceeti et Pli ;#-hnnl.1;under th@, bnardesKING j urisdictim Exmie. ST.EL BOWMANVLLE