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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 9

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' ~ ..s. 5PORTopmcs B15y Frank Mohun 623-7234~ SLIGEHTY RIDICULOUS Gone are the days when wp cari number otir.çples -mjgthe fartunates who were able to watch the Hamilton andArgonaut football games on television via channrel 12 in Peterborough. Jt was good while it ]asted, but the bubble auddenly burst early Iast week, when we called the CBC --___ _____________ stations in Toronto and Peterborough, only to be Informed a n if Wayne Johnson and Rob. Or-j ~I that CHEX had been added to the blackout area. 'r t Ij f j I I nm l,+ ,. / mistcin. putting the locaislNew'vlue - StarIkville Our "scoop" in ]ast weeks Statesman feil flat, when lb Al/ .fyI L ft VLoc eIYk MNlIII7 4 -2 ahead 2-0 at the end of two B wigLau Tuesday night ail of the Toronto dailies had the story. Admit- prsa The P t" narrio thegLe g tedly we have been fortunate in being able to avoîd the CBC gap when Danny Floyd assist- Gall Milison - 197 black-out In the past, aur only problemn being that we tI f i II) # .ii ed by Scott Cameron and Doris Tompkins 191: couldn't do anything about games blacked out on channell ~ W E f ~ uu I1 ~ ~ Dave Eakins slipped one byMreeStcy- 17 ne.Bowmanville goalie B r ittIBernice Henderson 179i nin. AI e I1 ' EMurphy. At the 730 mark Dorothy Stark - . 1781 Even at that we are luckier than many other areas i We s 1-L r i ir e ii of thle period the "Petes" tied Joyce Stacey . 16, Ontario, which have te settie for only one network or the: nVV lrn t reT emit up 2-2 by a goal by Dale Olive Henderson -. 18' ethr.Itsemsno tatyor es bt s o iv i a aea ýWilson. One minute iater the Marie Trim 165, othr.It eea aw ha yur es be i t lie n n aea . by Jim Clarke1 outscored the lasers two ta! the score read 2-2. The Win- i"neyer say die guy" *Gerry Grace Farrow, 165' served by both CTV and CBC, with bath stations beyond the Locke's TV and Countv i ane In the last period as Mc- ners began to display their'Ldypkdoei rm3 Denise Fry - -1641 75 mile radius of Toranto and Hamilton. 0f course Iooking Chrysler continue t hr ulysbgntosg ael uEirty i h i d eet ot ssed n yin frank30 Vaine Marchant~ --- 16U to iln h e'sTw rlldteprdsfrtgalfrmestikngfr hreoas eahw i roed btankthePenny Boisvert ---------- 153! at the other end - you would aiso have ta be mare than 7 tpbiln i heMnsDonalelldth ero' Foraolnrm srkngfr he gas.ech hc--roe o eth151 oan11 miles from Ottawa and Montreal. ýLeague hockey race, follow- at 1:08, with Burns and Som- and adding their final one In game winner. Next home SilyMrel11 :Ing last Thursdays doublej mersci' es adding assists to the third, while smothering game for the <"Preston hreyn oardel 1510 An ideal location would be Kingston, of course that's bill. make he score 3-1. Vanstane the Furniture club's attack. M er"w beS t.,Nv.2hernice Sark ------ _ 150- providing you can get bath netwarks - and we didn't feel In '.he opener, the TV group shaved the edge ta a lane MDon McMurter on Nv. 2 Brnce agaankt 3:45p-m.,w-----h---îsti1gn Jik boheingterunup ponebil t fid ut.OnSdy bested third spot McNulty goal, as he outfought several cantînued th highight the teamn being Lindsay. lik bthrin t rn u aphne u]tofin ot.On naVSports 4-2, while the Chrysler TV defenders te slip in front Chrysier scorers with a pair 200 Club Winners: No. 167 ta the best of aur knowledge, the only channels within driv- squad nailed down a 6-2 ver-! and beat goalle Grant Wright Of goal, and two assists. Grant John Porter; No. l1n, ing range that carried the game were Wingham and Kingston. dict over lowly Kramp ,s 1ai, 11:39. Gary Wilson's goal, Flintoif, probably one of the, Now apparently tbey tell us that the television contracti Furniture. The winners bath. coming at the 19:26 mark. league's solldiest twa - way 1 is muualageemnt etweneac cofernc an th ~ spart. identical records of four'l locked up the verdict for the players, turned In a great 1 Liers Ia uulareetbteneh ofrteanthIw;victories and one defeat.: Locke gang. Ifîh' ok ikn pa y B le inetworks. Of course the football teams and their management Lockes lean. eight man iMcNulty's drew three of the pair of goals and a like num-ele would much sonner have their parks ffiled. insfead oif <e-xroztcr of players showed' gamner, four fenaltiesi, with ber of assists. Heady Bob one sitting at home, viewinn proccedings on the tube. Not, plenty of zip. as they sub- the winners cashing In on a ýaFirey. playing some of his Novembér il1 that the owners would lose any dough. because the networks 1 troupe in the opener. Steve: final tally. Locke's, despite a single, along with dlefence-i.352; High Double-M. Kirk-' would be only ioo glad to dish out a little extra loot, which Burns. Lee Sommerscales. Bill their slim lineup, received al man John Adams. Curt Van- ton 543. C A N Di I they In turn woiîld more than recover from the advertisers,! Wakeiy and Gary Wilson out performances from every- stane made some sparkling, Games over 300-M. Kirk- Who naturallv enough. would reach more people, if no black- counted the winrs' goals. body, with Burns, Wakely and. stops In the winner's rage. ton 352, J. Alexander 304. \vith newcomer Winnie Van- Sommerscales cantinually test-: For Kramp's, stili on the Games Over 200 out existed. stone clicking for bath of the l ng Veitch. For the lasers,j trail of their season's firsi, vic- O. Patfield --- 246-288 In other wods anes are hlacked out because the rans'lasers' scores. Netmlnder Keni Veitch again was a standout,1tr Bucky" Hughes and' H. Reynolds ---- 243-221 Wd e mlght stay home instead of going ta the game, and that Is the' Veitch's amazing work and but the entire club turned in1 Geneý Balson collected their C. Roberts 2.37-20.5 onîy reason.stu eesvplyfo iaiuhmr odsowi goals. Along with th -. -. oe 2 mates, particularly durlng the!I defensively. Newcomers, Van- I pair, Ted Fai47ey gave it a top M. McDonald . -227 Personiallv we believe that good football tans will attend ýfirst 30 minutes, kept Mc-! stone, John Fawler and Steve ieffort for the lasers, with C. Wray- 223 With or without television, and It is rather incredulous that 1 Nultys in contention for mast, Barclav should a Il a d d 1 Keith Anderson solid on de- W. Coombes --- -221 the Eastern Football Con ference lias decidpd that the equallv ,of the scrap. strength to the McNulty out- Ifence. R. Bathgate ---217 asommefnsrscalesnaletogoalae take. re:17e' fit thraughout the year. This Tbursday evenlng, the E. Coombes 212Bo T as on faswhowee uahe tpuchae tike, ae enidof the apening period put Caunty Chrysler, outscoring, opening game at 7 p.m. sees A. Wilson------ 209 the right of witching a crucial game. Lockes in front, but Van- the Kramps Furniture Club McNulty Sparts attempting ta H., Sheehan .--209 Alil candidate- In Bowmanville, we don't ive any great distance from; stone's first goal at 14:21 dead-i 4-0 over the final two periods, derail the full throttle attack M. Gibson ------ 208 Toronto. which prescnits no prohlem in pur-chasing tickets- locked the score. The lonel swept ta an impressive 6-2 wln of the County Chrysler bri- J. Chapple---------- 202 will goal of the niddle period was 1 k'i the evening's second en- gade. At 8:30, Locke TV WEIl Averages If t ey re vaiabj . B t h w a out the poa gu w v l i s tallied by B urns, w ith W il-, c unter. The Josers m atched b e try lng ta chalk up their . Patfield 216, H . Reynolds many more mile" awa.v - p long wav to drive. althoughison drawing an assist. The goals with the Chrysler team fifth traight win, as they 213, J. Alexander 204, L. Cale znany wauld gladly do go. If sents were obtainable, and hie Iwinners. _appearing__stronger,laver the fisrt 20 minutes, as take on Krarrp's Furniture. 204, F. Allen 193, C. Roberts can't sec the game because Barrie and Peterborough arel- --C---e199, M. Gibston 16, W O M NI Wlce getut se17, . Ees 15, i n16 blckdou. th td ~ ~ bu ~1I! c' yuîi~ ie M. Leaman 182, M. McDonald If Argos were playing liamilton - wnuld we then have toi mniss al eastern playonffq? Under this senseless set-up we, would.A Tt seems rather strange also that the Eastern Confernce14Jax and M iton 7-3e 4m3 &ter being assured of a seil-out, suddenly decided ta remnember! fhint Peterborouigh was within the 75 mile radius. Here you The local Tee Vees dropped not the mark of a gaod sports-I is true that the checkers and have a channel that has heen carrving the games ail year,aR home game ta Ajax last1man ta complain about offliciat- playv makers are Important as and in the very last game of the season ta be shown only on Tuesday evening ta the tune ing, especially when you lose. well, but it, takes a team et- the BC etwok, he rght aresudenlvdened.of Î-3. The visiting Ajax club However there is good and bad art men. Let's give every game theCB newok, herigtsaresudenv enid.showed plenty of hustle andjin ahi professions and occupa- like you gave in Milton, the GE U Tt is flot the networks as we'have pointed out - but the desire and outskated the locals!tions. home town fans would like ta Pasterni team awners who inflict the black-out restriction., for a well deserved win. Our I Bowmanvjlle tailles for the!scie it. The future sees the Tee Conideingtheclus cu]dmak moe mncybv iioi~gJuniors can play good hockey16-2 score were natched byýVees In Oakvihle Friday night woniderpng telisobu th e wnttahe mte fas bun t have trouble doing it COlo lnr ndLrr Dv nti and at home on Sundaytthle wieoe eeiin u hywn ohv h asturningisistently. the third periad.1 same club. out insteadi - we think this is a most admirable way of look-;1 One of their better nightsî Incidentally, while you are ing nt it - as far as regular season play Is concerned. was last Frlday evening in Facts for the Future: marking your ca1endars the 1 Undoubtedly unrestricted coverage would find fans decid- Milton when they handed Mil- Devitt, Rogers, Brown, Woal- swingers of the last two der- ing it was casier ta stay home than ta attend, partîcularîy ton their first legs o! the year. ner and West are names that ades in the persans of the The cabl e crew were down 2-0 appear frequentiy on the score NHL Oldtimers will be in town if the weather was housy. But playoffs are another s-tory! after one period and Rick Ellsisheet, whether it be for as- on Dec. 7th at 1:30 te play There shouhd be ne restrictions whatsoever. The people livingIwho always gives 100 per cent! sists or goals. Fîve players the past OMHA blades from right In Toronto should. be allowed ta see the gamne on tele-1 potted two ta tie it up. Kim1cifl't win games. T'm looking aur town. 'Vision, every bit as much as the fortunate 33,000, who were Rogers scored one in the sec-, orward ta the future when alI The following statistics show altegttkts ond te again even the score the active personnel en this j club placings and the top 10Sue able a ge tickts.,and Dave Colwell notched the, club contribute their share. It. in the scoring department. Tt wouhd appear that in Ottawa the fans do not support! home run marker ta give Baw- i #r a i e the club, television or no television. But we understand theylImanville the win 4-3. The! SUBURBAN JUNIOR C"I GROUP,- ais hae aprolemwih cbleTV arrin th hoe gmes 1entire home town club turned ' (As of and Tneluding Wed., Nov. 12) o Okay - se let's continue the blackout during the seasoni n oyth eveyngeh satin' Pae amG A ts mIsahav a robem ithcabe T caryig te hme ame. 'n a outtandînehibitingo layrT mG ts H I . P although a 75 mile radius is slightly ridiculous, but its about full tilt and sticking with theirJm Crawford, Lindsay . 7 12 19 time the rules were changed to allow wide open coverage of checks. Tom Daley, Oakville- 5 10 15 playoff games. Sunday's game saw the Mie ran Okile P S91 Exetfor those bumg in Ottawa (they apparently don'tI Cable Tee Vees concede the Larry Devitt, B owmanvil]e---------- 5 7 12 Excptgame ta Milton in aur local, know a good telam when they have one), playoff tickets should1 arena with a poor skating e!-I Gord Grieder, Lindsay ----------- 7 4 i l always be scarce. OOIY go many van squeeze into the haIl-!Ifort and poor puck contrali Bob Kane, Newmarket 4___10_ park, why deprive an enthusiastic million or more other fans Finish seemed ta be the main l Dave Sherlock, Oakville 4 6 10 SoîTie o the heinfthesare unaennisafoidlthRobinsonn attenancopIdhave e7 o! the apportunity o! watching one a! Canada's top sot'diference i tw tmis Bii RbisnPrEop------91 1 attractions s agodoports îh om nie s hsigJim Willis, Lindsay 6 4 1 So-n f h. rt au reIllhfi afodth rie m'natn odnopportuniie. have 1,ýGe ePherson, Streetsvil]e 6 4 .10 "SEE THE GREY . CUP end o! course net min-h van be done in thRt respect, but surely îî agrttrJurnirclire wécoldIfthm iew h payIiagree thast thofenirei e-,LEAGUE STANDINGS I wecuh 1 temie te laofs.and nat even acceptabl.e. Lt iW (Includiîw Sundav <ames IN LIVING COLOR !" 'The Canadian St.at.esman, Bomanville, Nov. 19. 1969 Lynda Willsher 148, Pat Mifson ---____141. Delores Walkey ____1391 Martha Farrow- 138 Ellen Farrow 135. Kay Thorndyke -.. 109. 200 Gaines D. Tompkins - 291-265-215, J. Stacey - -239 G. Mîlison___ 234-218~ M. Stacey 223! G. Farrow 212 D. Stark 203 GaintsWon Brazils __ 2 Pecans _________18 Hazel 14, Arctic Cat Snowmobile SALES and SERVICE Mar Equipment (o. PHONE 623-5689 134 King St. E. Bownianville If someone (years younger than you) has been dropping Christmnas hints that have you confused, take heart YoulI fmd "Barbie's Friend, PJ:" and "Tog'1 Busy Builder" Set, with Tog'1 Manf" and "Mail Mason'and the XRG-1 Re-EnlryGider" at these Mattel Chr*stas Fun Centre dealers: *MNULTY'FS SPORTS CYCLE &TOY S 6 KING ST. . BOWMANVILLE 9Funeentre -1%,. L Milton Oakvifll Streetsville Thornhil Georgetown- Newrnaiket. Lindsay Ajax Bowmanville Port Hope WEST GROUP GP W L T Gi' 6 4 0 2 33 6 4 2 0 36 6 1 4 1 23 8 0 7 1 21 2 0 2 O O EASI 7 5 4 3 T GROUP 1 0 2 2 42 49 il 32 33 Little NHL Resuits Bantam:--- On Sat., Nov. 15, teams were held scoî-eless un- the Bowmianville "Ironmien",til the 5:55 mark o! the sec-I hosted Ajax anîd were thorý- ond period when Mike Row-ý oughly defeated by a score uf ley of Whitby put one be-, -3. The firsi, period scoring tween the pipes assisted by opened with Wayne MoringI Dave Allen ta ie the ,score o! Ajax banging one home at 11-I. Early in the third period the 1:25 mark. Then Ajaxiat the .35 second mark, Daveý again scored four mare un- Allen assisted by M. Rowleyl answered goals, the period ý put Whitby ahpad ta stay 2- 1. i ending with A.jax ahead 5-0., The "Traihsleds" play Oshawa' The second period scorngi on Nov. 22. opened quickly with Rory! Novice: - On Tlhurw,., Nov.ý :bbr hangng one in attheý1j omavle"Preston thei Don Spicker and Rbh Jone..bora -and fought to a 3-3 dead- At the 8:36 mark, Guy John-, lock with hosting "Petes". son tallied for the ý'Irenmnen": Bowman ville c in wa assisted by Paul Forsey, Ajax1 done witjh the line of John scored again on a nice goal Conboy, John Davis, and from K. Laing assisted by M. Randy Masterson 9 e t t i n g Stephenson. At the 12:201snlsadMatro de mark Paul Forsey blinked thel two assists ta, his total for! red light for Bawmanvillei threc points. Late in the unassisted, TMis game wasI thîrd period the "Movers"' anc of the paorest games taj pressd bard for the tie- date for the Ironmerq as theylbreaker, having four glorious lacked onc o! the big things chances but were thwartedi in competition, the desire ta by the "Petes" goalt.ending.. win. Sa, let's 90goguys, Put On Sat., Nov. 15, Bowman- your brains and body together ville -Preston the Movers"! and play hockey! Next game had their first victory atý foi- the Ironmen nt home on home, winning over Peterboro Saturday. ,by a close score of 3-2. Roth Pee Wee:- On Sat., Nov. 15, teams were held scorelessa11n tihe Bowmanville "L. & L.j the first period but at -the 55ý Trailsleds'" had the Whitby second mark of thie second AU-Stars as the 'visitors and1periodi the bard workmng right lost a hard fought, close! winger, John Davis drove one checking game by a score of home for tîhe locals, assisted 2-1. Brian Main opened the by Todd Wilcox. Two minutes first period scoring on a nice lter, flashy John Cnnboy lit goal assiqted hy Gary Pcrfect the scoreboard for Bowman-j at Lie 2 mnun. mark. Both;ville on a goal asaaaâted by Aldian Snowmobile Hilis LIMITED NUMBER 0F WINTER SEASON MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 200 Acres of Rolling His, open for inspection on Saturday, Nov. 22nd. PHONE ALLAN J. WERRY - 263-8412 FolIow New County Road (No. 57) north of 5th on., Darlington to Con. 9, turn west first fartn.

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