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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 16

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____________________________ - , -~ ..............................................-.---- ***"'-.w ~. e'. lB Te Canadian Statesman. Igowmanvil1e, Nov. 19, 19691 -MAPLE -GROVE Conrtl tio Mr. and, Mr. Tom Gimblett. Regina. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. Allan Mits. Albet Gre Jr. on their is spendIng this week wlth Snowden. Mrs. Ron Rogers. UCOIIt arage. his parents, Mr.- and Mis. Rus- Mrs. Len Goodmurphy andi S U.C.W. meeting on Thurs- sell Glmblett, sister Mr. and daught.ers. Mrs. Gary Pettit. day evenlng (tonight) at 8 Mrs. John Norris and family, daughter Jo-Anna, Mrs. Wayne jýzn. lni the C .E. Hall. also calling on other rela-1 Pickard, daughter Angela, al At the Brownies meeting tives. of Maple Grove. The mem- htThursday evening the, Recent visitors wlth Mr. bers of the Good Neighbors Mong three girls flew. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman Club also called. Mrs. Wm. Up Into Guides: Marie Brooks,: and %il3, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Bowmanville. called in I)onna Honess, Debble Couli Carlos Cryderman. daughter Ithie mornIng. Everyone had a Mr. and Mrs. yi ar uaep:M. and Mrs. Ivery enjoyable time together. lust week accompanied Mr. Dave Cryderman, Rlchmond! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munroe. and Mrs. Jlrn Henry, Bow- Hill. Mrs. Herb Osborne, Eh- Cobourg. were last Thursday inanvifle, Up ta Golden Valley enezer was a iast Thursda- supper guests at her brother's. Where the men tried their supper guest with Mr. and 'M luck at huntlng but didn't get'Mrs. Howard Cryderrnan. . r. and Mrs. S. S. Morton. anything. Mrs. Neil Brownell. Mrsf.j Mrs. Allan Snowden, se- Sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp. Base Uine, companied by her sister Mr. Cyril Barr and famlly from were last Thursday hostesses and Mys. Reg Taylor, Oshawa, Our comrnunlty. They rnoved'at a surprise blrthday party were Sunday afternoon cali- fil week ta Markham, but for the former's mother, Mrs. ers on their mother, Mms. E. we welcome Mr. and Mrs.I Rov Van Camp. Invited guests H. Wilkins, Port Hope. Charles Johnson and lamily. Inluded the following rela- As a fitting cioslng ta the Boumanville, ta our com- tives and neighbors: Mrs. rhurch service on Sunday. MunIty. They have purchas-INoble Metcalf, Mrs. Sam Mrs. Cedric Russell, Mr. Ken ed the house recently vacated Snowden. Mrs. CyrJI Luke, Brooks sang the duet "Have by Mr. and Mrs. C. Barr. ail of Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Thine Own Way Lord" whlch Mina Susan Van Camp, Wes Down. Ebenezer; Mrq. was quitta ln keeping wlth our Toronto, was a weekend visi- Wes Werry. Solina; Mr. and mlnlster's sermon, so he clos- « ter wth her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcaif, Hampton; ed the service with a prayer, Mnt. Sam Van Camp and Mrs. H. Pettit, Oshawa; Mns. omlttlng the last hymn. daughters, Base Line. L. C. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Herbent. Wright. daugh-i ter Lynda. Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright, son T >' Kenny, Oshawa, were Sunday AT A BERNE. HY S supper guests ihtearn - - er's brother, Mr. and Mrs. VO 'I F N E Fred Wright and famlly. Oh YOUIL FIND TH e~r callers on teweed were Mn. and Mrs. Waynt' V(~ITI Gright, Mr. a.nd Mr%. Mel 'l u NNPaats, Dun. er Stpn Mrs. Anne Creighton, HIlls- dale Manor. Oshawa. was a N~i. t'Sunday supper guest with her i cousins, Mn. and Mrs. C. P. f Mn. and Mrs. C. P. wlo were Sunday alternoon callers on Miss Margaret Perkins at Sunset Lodge. Bowmanville. ,YI ]KENDÂL Last Wednesday and Thur&- day the gravel -trucks and grader worked on Kendal's DR YS T IPPA& Eside streets. filling up the DRY S RIPP BLEholes and getting themn In VALLCLOTII good shape for the wlnter - Mrs. Alva Swarbrick who 'àtL has been In Memorial Hos- Ready paste for easy application pItal, Is some better and able $ tuin resistant and scrubbabls agot hehmPo e AVdaughter, Mrs. CronmIller l *Dry strippable for easy removai Downsview, ta stay for awhile. S1JMAKRTHY'MIss Karen Brentneil ac- companled Miss Andrea Hugh- SEE HE SNWOTHY RY SRIPABLE ATdie to ber home ln Scar- SEE 11ESUNORTY DR STiPPBLE AT borough for the weekend. They attended the Santa A DEKR ETHYS Caus Parade, audy Mr.Jean Allen vislted on PAINTS & WALLPAPERS Wednesday with her mother, Servng hisAre fo' Pst 0 YarsMrs. Wm. Mercer and ber Servng Tis rea or' ast50 Yarssister Mns. Eddie Couroux. PHON 6235431The U.C.W. meeting was 355KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE held Wednesday evening, Nov. 12 at the home of Mrs. Gar- land Cathcart wlth Miss C. W. Stewart pneslding and Mrs. Eleanor Foster as secre- tary. We sang a hymn "I Arn Thine 0 Lord" and read a j\ psalm. We read the Interest- Ing stonies of a number of S. song writers and dlscussed them-r and the hymns they ~1' wrote. Miss C. W. Stewart _________________gave a report on the session fi I N I ~'i I J. i -v,, t. '4' . hedrcnl tRmtn tchoir pract1ce n!t the hurch, * *~ J oslovakia. To pravide a 'irtTJ wsdcddta serid thie cloth- Thurscay evening. j E V R * hand opportunity ta Iset h gij i ing that is being handed in te MrsEleanor Poster àmd adrildtia heetrcor, the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Savto rm.Agf uckLuchonk inowma- ihedt n Car c aactynthi oaiyejydte ~ adfedtilteetatr, th avtonAm.AgitLcy yVelvero huc asmn[On Saturday a number fSnthe local Federatian Ls hnlig Judy Fonh frMisAn ileLI:ýas k ii was yejye h po-a demonstration this week o~ n t e a latabebogh fr is nnviletu patwekat St. Monday evening, Nov. lOth ram 'Happiness" as put on by Thursday afternoon ai the iï m Vostr wh isattending the Pauls Cburch. Judy was when bride-elect Miss Vanetai h ogSinr fLnsy amO r n r.Hwr -jN University atLodn Ou uk nuht eev a Gllwshor iha augmcnted by the Kent Gents Malcoln west of Yelverton.R c '%6 c r Christmas glfts are ta be gift. miscdllaneous shower prier ta Éarbershop Quartet and Barb- Regret thal since County Coun-ýTeBwavil eat handed In and sent te the Jack Fonk la In the north the wedding on Nov. 22nd. ershop Quartet (Champions of' cil is in session this week, we ic omnii ea Golden Plaw Lodge at Co- this weekend and Miss Kathy Following a senies Of gamnes. year 1967) f o crbruhshahI miss viewing the demon- !ment of Recreation Rock and [bourg. The ladies enjoyed the Coatham la stavlng witlcontesta, readings, etc.. Miss Local leaders Satciabnoroughj hol b el orhRoll Concert attracted ani audi- tasty lunch and had a social Judy. cilwspeetdwt eig neo 5 h e fte chttgte.A By-Law pa&sed by threeMcilwsrsetd ih a the program were Mrs. Wilson 1ein!to the sound of rock and, -ah. chttoehe.members of Clarke Township corsage and began opening tie Heaslip, Mrs. Norman Wilson, j The "Willd Otis Graup" et Mr. and Mm. T. Stevens Council dentands a 150 foot numerous gifts assisted by Mrs. Fred Slacey and Mrs.[* 1 oug Luxtan. Jerome Billet haereund rm tertrpfonaean n ar n raMisses Anne and Normna Wil-. John. Burns. P iCI havte restedfrthe r tnp foroantage and oeare ta aea eson. mn h ovl it offee party ý rv l S îlck Allan Bragg socked the Audi- tea ticvest. hey vlslan d frWinn-efm.l rsiece .Aon t ticYlvely nGirls Acfollowing the 1 tonium witll top kilt rock in- reltiesInKeta ad Iin Kendal and Newtonville.wsoefmYevrnGil performance at the Masonic .srmnasadsns h nPegs Mitobwa . evelso icThis seema unutterably stupid ail em of hchVanea -Hall was particularly enjoyed1 Gu est Fiddler newly formed "Clapp Band" of Parl whme. M. Se n nthe fact tiat lots o! this was amme.V nta weeenx- ml abrsoiRon Therleli, Gerald Eldridge, frantage and area do not ex- pressed ber thanks net oai ir nifrmiBres~pMk Gbo.RnRw n We wish ta express aur sym- lat wîtîîn tiecocnfines o! the "givers of glfts" but to the msical comîdueTk;illJoh Mik e made th oerfiatd pathy ta Mr. Roy Veniot these hamnlets. But we would comiteewh aranedth 111 appearance on the show a very whose father passed away.Iliketascurvlge no shower. A bountiful lunch con-. On Friday, Nov. 2lst. Nom-!%Lî 1O ucesuloe and the body was taken back Mytouseeis urllo aag rtei cluded the evenlng's entertain- 'nation Day will be held In' uThefu oe ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M NoaSctafo una.Th c e i nd it oa qarlts ent Manvers Township. Terni of' heBowmanville Depart- i Judy Warren o! Oshawa was taNoa coiafo bril.Th cr lt ndthreislos en.ment of Recreation Jamboreetbc gi n a elrc father was on a trip and had of noom for a ganden and The Farm Saleo! the Robert office for ensuing 1970 council will feature Orvel Sellick, oIld 'b y the in adiecas hellr lntended golng on ta the West. plenty of grass ta get cut Stinson estale of Lotus was will be for one year only, saevdbyteadenea'h The Venlots live In what was Wbat wauld happen ta another well attended on Nov. 121h and that municipal council and Itymne Fiddler as guest artist, sang a number of popular folkc the Sixth Line Sc'hool. ¾i acre? It would be apt ta satlsfactory pnices were real- county education board williti oigSna vnnsn is We were plcased ta sec more graw up In weeds and look ized under lie careful scrut- coïncide. No.'r."The Pleasuners". a Picker folks out ta church Sunday most unsigîîly. iny of Messrs. Spenceley and During the past year or IWO, etcJmre Wild alan feat- Iiggro urouwdoI i morning. Rev. Snelgrove talk- A meeting ta being held Jackson auctioneens. A fine the Ontario Federahion of Ag- ure scn apa-!Oeo the 'Wil Oti Grop" Irockshhw cd te tic boys and girls on Friduty, Novembar 21 from herd of Hereford cattie >was ricultune bas saved farmers 10jmaking terscn periOeo h ihihso h *"Road Signa and Life Slgns". 1 ta 2 àethle Orono Town Hall. the top attraction of, the sale Ontario liousands of dollars 1san, ar itAnderon.Jack- cnc ye w atcored ilgit. He spoke froni tie 28th verse Can wc allow three men (Who bringing top pnices commen- by taking orders and imporh- saon and Mrie A ne ro.aejBron. ytmoeae yDn o! the llth chapter o! Mat- were put In by acclamation) surate to their quality. ing tractons fnom Bnitain someV- Wto niMs ic ru.Bon thew - stressing the "Came ta make Ihis kind of law? Mn. Lerne McKee andi Mr. times at a cost of!lghl more Enînît lie Hoodowrs, eRd ETCS TOA and Go". The Choir sang "I Corne out andi express your-1 Floyd Stinson returned to their than 50 per cent o! ugseýlit h odwes eý GTCS OA Corne ta tie Garden Alone" selves. ihunting camp norhh of Madoc rehail tractor pnice here in Halîman, Joe Bothwell andi FOR OLD APPLIANCES very pleaslngly. Ail thase Mr. and Mrs. Alec Little an Wednesday aflernoon for Ontario. A new opportunityl Ron Luxton and Master o!i THROTJGH who are lnterested In singing spent the weekend at thetitic balance of the bunting has presenteti ilseif with newiCrmnesJ .Cyk' are al ST AT E M A N are asked ta came out ta home here. Iseason. models of tractons from Czech-i, set for another good show. CLASSMFEDS 'E O»za~0 tPkiC $oAkflatauqh Wesbay' Discount has recently obtained through new suppliers greater savings for you, during this Christmas Season. These savings are now available throug'h our store ut 33 King St. E., Bowmanville. We have shopped a major competitor' and compared our, new prices, here are a few samples now in stock with over two tI'ousand more to choose from in our catalogue- corne in todlay or phone 623»7631 G.E. K48 KETILE Competitor 14.98 Wesbay 13e20, Schick Hair Dryer MODEL 307 List Price 39.95 Wesbay 23.851 G..T34 TOASTER Competitor 24.98 Wesbay 2025 s n Schick Hair Dryer MODEL 316 List 47.95 Wesbay 3 4.04 Sunbeam IRON MODEL SD771 Competitor 18.98 Wesbay Schick Hair Dryer MODEL 321 with Remote Control Wesbay 42.56 Sunbeam IRON MODEL SS91 Competitor 22.98 We$bay 20,30 Kodak Camera A124R 19.o65 Wesbay I Competitor 17.98 Wesbay 15085 G.E. HEATER MODEL FH2 Comnpetitor 29.99 Wesbay 23,980 SU»EAM T40 G.E. 40G. FRYPAN G.E.. FRYPAN Christmas (ards TOASTER PERCULATOR MODEL &21 Wra 24 Competitor 39.98 Competitor 33.98 Compêtitor 24.98 List 33.95 W r Wesbay 35.35 Wesbay 29.o9e5a 2.5 Weby 6~ Save 2~ Check our'pri ces before you shop elsewhere. If you do-you will be back to Save at Wesbay on ail these items, SMALL APPLIANCES FILMS FLASH BULBS HAIR DRYERS HLJMIDIFIERS TELE VISIONS LIGHTERS RECORDS STEREO EQUIPMENT CAMERAS VACUUM CLEANERS CLOCKS & WATCHES RADIOS FILM PROJECTORS POWER TOOLS TYPE WRITERS GOLF CLUBS TAPE RECORDERS KITCHEN WARE BILLFOLDS LUGGAGE PENS PEARLS RINGS' ADDING MACHINES BUTANE CANDLES POOL TABLES ELECTRIC RAZORS SNOW BLOWERS HAND TOOLS * * *Welcome Santa this Saturday*** Corne- into Wesbay for a. Hot 5c Coffee and Hot Buys from Our Catalogue for this Christmas Season 33 KING ST. E. RYDISC( OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 PAM )UMTJ BOWMANVI LLý~ 1~ .. ~ t ,.~.. - Rush haur. Every family has one. When there are dîishes to be washed, kids ta be tubbed, Dad scrubbing up. Then Sis decidles ihe has ta have a shower. ft takes in lot of hot water to keep the t cmaving. Thats why you neod the Cescack slectrîc water heater-the big producer. If's got the capacity a busy family needls, and if's eooical, t=o.Cascade keeps ySu in hot waterfor only pennies *day. Mk your, Hydro &bout the IMy«,y quiet, çlen, elo cCascade '- hemv. IN ýl

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