The conal .isds tâtemo eUwmanvfleNv. le, 1909 r DEA FOR CLAS IIED Tuesday, 4:30 -#à*n _____nM moim___g vns ad o hak rtce for Sale Articles for Sale_ Cars for Sale 1 Help WantdW r_ cie BMR -Ji adarehs SI I emorieam r- Co--'-TmiE veoèonts Crd fT aks IAtils _ ___-b X~~~W-.John and BARNESIn - OldTime HoedownKedron, We would like ta thank the WATER for sale and delivered. ELECTRIC stove, four burn- 1'62 CHEV. pick-up, Fleetside.1 MALE or female kthnhl ILlo fe hlrni (z«. Chant> are happy in of aur dear grandson Danny. Community Hall, Nov. 22. community of Hampton for Cali Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. er, 623-3245. 47-1 p Newcastle 987-4456. 47-l* required. Apply ChfGy.m1w om.Cî 2-63 announce the blrth of a son who passed away oebr7-1 the lovely wedding gift we3-tti-bxtaerlke'DO E,6 attî: 623-7242, afternoons.- 4- on November 6. 1969, at St. What we wouid give If w Dance In Solina Community r.ivd r.RrMfa. STUDEBAKER Service, new new. Phone 623-7044. 47-1 4 hn 2-82 EL atdt n ATL eonn.Pge Joueph'a oipwtalaeter-Scoud say w Nvember 22. M.adMs ae oft and used parts. Graham ' PLAYPEN. Phrnseat,-ba8y.47El* ploughJlarge drivewaysat 85 Heh4r-1r. Arterlasgeicrede jsp' optl Pee- ou s wt alronOrhsr.Garage,__416-263-2233. * aî 78 65. _ 7- b0rough. 4-1 Hello, Danny, In t i ih ar1BowwoOrhe'tr fr r ii43tfi lune 96 2dor, - A. hed w-'t'mejEveryone wellom47.1nends BUINGndurLloyd1 ari63250ri a191oEAtRîc, 2do ig t al 2- old wa, frinds ad neihborsfor BYING r seling frnituelTelephon230.LADIESatomho drive. Tcan makeADESA.h BrAv COPPING-Robert and Judith To hear the voice and sele is! Old 'lime Dance, Tyrone' cards, flowers and aIl their or appliances, caîl Elmer, QUANTITY of stacking chairs97456 (nee Obera) ae hapy ta srnie. IlIl. Novber 22. Mu sic bY kindnesses duning my stay In Hampton: business 263-2294. ecnd,7ie4516,o soc 47-l! $80 weekly with Fle announce the arrivai at Osha- To sit with hlmn and chat, Bob Burton and the Band. hospital and since I have been 9tNeinFuiurLd. Orono 1'63 PONTIAC sedan, AI con -1 o728-4922n.conty PL MBN wa General Hospital an Nov. awhile. __ron eloe 47-1 home.CMMRIL sds,5; 47-1 dition, 4-door, radio, 6 cyl., - - ___-- n E TN l5th, 1969, of twIn daughters, So, you who have a grandson, Sieém U.C.W. baz-ar- and Birdie Laird. 471*CBMuEBRCIAd, sides, 56c; ed- I"IV-pedîtesuitS-- i standard, $350. Telephonei TUTOR wanted, ld r-~Nlo t omntl 1<Imberly Ann, Karen Mav. Cherish hlm with catre, lafternoon tea wiii be held at Bu Brand, sides,59clb. ½ PI pc. dinvians d eig , excllnt I987-4052. 4-'fre.frGae1 ah 6t 47-1 For youIl neyer kio the, the churcht, Wednesday. Nov. The family of the late Ross 49c lb. 623-5578. 46-4 condition, $45. 623-7023. '66 FORD Cust. 500 automat and French. PhoneNwtn heartache 26, commencing at 2:30( p.m. Knowiton would like to MAa ot ie-3,dr 71rdo nwtrs îterzect ville 786-243.__ - SETCTN AtEL -Maarten and Pat 'TiI you see is empty chair, 47-l* thank frIends, neighbors and MA t' h o t i 6, excelleadi, nonition erifed. AYSITRfr w r d Lovingly remembered hy ---excepletonitio, ea PUMPINGYITERfo <nee Adam.s) are very proudC.N..B. Sle-o-f -B -1ii-ndcraft relatives for flowers, cards of grecen wit macng lecce KINDERGARTEN table and bu, nl $95 shoîrs cunryhoe taanauceth ariai0fGrandpa and Grandma Barnes.itabea sympathy, donations ta Heart Iining. Almost new, $15. Cal chairs, girls' winter coats, uy623-3812.9471 I Bowmle; peounrmaetat ther t hid, snn ied47- Wr. nths ae, Fund, Tyrone U.C.W., Morris 263-2161 after 5. - 47.1* 12 and 14. Phone 623-3088 --_ - - irtcidasnnmdKing St. West, November 27, Funeral Chapel, Rev. Hopkins NEW -*40 '-ft.-he-av --duüty TV 47-1 1968 PONTIAC Parýisienne--2- t'me; $75 monthiy lve no 14, 1969, at Memorlal Hos- .BERTr TOMPKINS6-11 ________-l e11ofadarsn alag 9. -1- $48.9.5. Antenna anîy. instaîl* COB corn. loaded on your iradia, power steerîng ana' 987-43 70,_-Newcastle. alClet 7t thana t Dr.A. p. Slvete who ieft us suddenl as a re- Kirby 'L. C. W. afternoon To ail oaptains and canvsed$10.Poe6326 truck, very dry, competitivei brakes, new front tires and:FML _____________ s uit of an accident Nov. 19. bazaar' and tea, Saturday, sers and toalal who donated 29-if priced. Ralph His, Ennis- brakes. Phone 623-3156. and klnd nurses on Matemn1t64. November 29, ta be held in funds ta Canadian National kffRÏED s63-2ed1.c47n1a4so Caf eteria CahePE RL UW 1964f. D -I - shelled cornlle,2320. 714. taf4-1We tried -,o hard te save yeti. Sunday School room from 2 Institute for the Blind, thei SNOW tires, studded. mount- -- 5 Day Wee Our prayers were aIl in In 5. Admission 50c. 47-2* Bowmanviile West Durham silage. Phone to arrange 1 CAMPER'S Special! - 1961 MUTTON-Clyde and' Linda: vi.FsinFaeb oneAvsr or xed pickuip or deiivery. Browvie .w cd on wheels, 8.25-14, Good- Divro 18 ft. van. 1961 Chev. Monday to Friday -Dy rc lc tn (nee Bowen) wlsh ta an-!Our home %vould seemn like,Oshawa. Thursday, Nov. 27. isincere thank you. Your ef- Farm s, Newcastle, 987-4474. ya hteal oy o-10fIL van. hnth could be con nouce hearrvaloftheri31-tf coat, size 14: boy's suit, sîze etdioilcmrsJ- Pone62 nounce the arrivai of their ~~~~~heaven 731p orieScnay forts are appreciated and vour,- 14 - 15; hoy's Savage shocs, - F 3 , 2.33Poe6325 dagherLene are,6lb. i e had yau balk againiSchiool Cafeteria. Sponsored lnterest stimulating. 47-1 ISULATÀION wn meth- size 101:,D, lîke new. Ph an'. ai S. E.,prncn i.0l. tTVkTI4-t 6ozs., on November 6. 1969 ýSeGod, put your a____ - odFwGtrlRockdmWssionWork.623-5228. t . 47a-ilel71'~L~. ~ RBrar t.Bomnil at em rla H spial Bow aoun h m. y 2E irs.4dmssin . The famly of the late Nel- manship guaranted, fr ee' D U T C HN- manile. haks a r. . Kep lm n ourcae.son A. Bickell wish ta thank estimates. H-arry L. Wade,, OCCASIONAL hostess, swiv- B. Rundl, nuailsanheirafneighborserandllieiendseà BNewcastlee 987-4531.all41-tf: elhopl atdfrmenanderecstin987-45:3. 41MOTOR, INNtMrnO andrNcTi.e of Maternity Floor. 47l And aIl that seemed uinfair. ""11hol It annuai Com-i for the kindness and thought- ÜUSË*D ahrptsmto, chairs, muist be sold ta make O~UALITY 47- Bakho You ieft a lot of broken mencement Exencises inth fui messages. gifts and fiow îpîîvHoe n Moffat; rooam for Christmas items. RUNDLE - Pat and Gord heart,- High School gymnasium on ers during the recent passing applances, nationalîy adver-i Sealy mattresses, $49.95 value USED CARS NEED MCN YTeee onain annonCarte)sare ahaiy ofiThat lne yetihave andneer ingat 8 p.em 8 eg fadear husband and father. tised lune of furniture Paddv*s for $39.95. Murphy Furnîtune, RavfrWntrDiigFOR TH] eteTnsdg&bcfle (ncCrtr r hpytP htIoe1o s icn dau . v44r2, ei-o aKing W., Poe6338. RayfrWne rvn anonetesf ria f htnvrhv n eeJoyce Bickell Market,, Hampton, 263-224«1. Phn12-71 HOLIDAY SEA N loGae their son. Bradley James, atl will MONSTER BINGO and childnen. 47-1* - 43-tf 47I*Pi-d aSael'iM 1e You can make It siiigR~-Pox lcsok964 Memorial Hospital, Bowman-! Fonget yeti Dannyv dean. N . 47-1ce ee! lihComtc ville, Wednesday, November'-Forever loved and sadly , THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'eioek Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ma- RECONDITIONED TV towers SEED CORN 1970 Noifae nie ee eigh ose tsadotr i2thh196919i9s. gradchil grmssedhMomdnd1DdnDonad S onoreand teDIuno Donnyau!dSikentsexpessbnd rahrsJtrndorns,40,fy Cal 98-4331196tCHEexpeleirstamake Bigprofi. Wrte DlNNX7A 7U40, .50 r for Mi-. and Mrs. Thomnas Doug.Daend eana Chamber of Commerce their many thanks tealal thein nr 0fo tic~rs i 4-door. 6 cylinder. standard~v1v.~Lv.ILL Carter and Mi-. and Mrs. Ed- 47-11 JUBILFE PAVILION 'friends, neiglibors and rela-lexcellent condition. Oshawa if you wvish to larder any of transmission, in Apple Green 1 RA\VLEIGB DY H P ,ward Rundie. ail of Bowrnan - O0S H A W A 8-tf* tives for ealling on them and TV Supply Limitcd. 723-8131. flc olwng Brds of cou-exlettasp- ville. 471 DADSON -In laving mnimony, for50-tfh SEED CORN id3,tation. Licence L30384 _____-of aur dean datighten Ada, PPonty'pool Chamber - oralebuifulcrd,1TF PAG'-SNCA4005 Richelieu t Comerc Hll Bigo Fr-,gtts and flowers they receiv-ItGET yaur aluiminum storm ,UNT.- PA EE Price $400.01Kn t at omnil who passed away Novemben CmereHlc-Bno Fi d on their Diamond Weddin idw and doors before' or STEWARTS EARLY iM nra 0 SIMPSON-Steve announce Nov. 21. 8 p.m. Dance,'Anvrsr nSud inv rez-pgaî aeAln :IEiIS1964 CHEV. Impala 1968jivesr nSnaN,'wi deýu.Cl on li1ýVREIS2 door hardtop, anc owner,471REESIAE <nee Biggs) happlly Looncj:ving« memorleq sîîentîy Saturday, Nov. 22. $3 per 'l6th, 1969. 47-1* 623-3871 or office 723-9843. E .SZI 8 cy1dr uoai rn- I AIGBSNS the birth of their son. Michaeli ket:Couple, couples oniy. Music' 47-2W I .yIdr uomtctasý I AIG1 James, 8 Ibs. 51,4 azs.. on Fni- No. need for woîds we shall by Fay Adams and the Coun- ey-sièr-Shaky upreme!WFndR anMADo0 trv - i A eryesinceruthank yauProducts, Oshawa (Ltd.>, 173 lcsokmsin oe tei O A VR4 day Noembr 1 atMe- neyer forget. r Strings. - 47-1 ta my friends, neighbours and; Simcoe N., Oshawa. 47-3 47 ck power brakes. Finished in We want a man forteo- RE H LS R maralHopitlBoman1lc.Lovingly remembered bx' iBreakfast will be served by 1 relatives for eards, flowers.! gleaming manoan.h A brother for Karen. 41 1mother and dad. 47-f*! the Odd Fellows tram 9 a mi fruit and inquinies. Speclal SAND FILL - Licence L3,1488 who quallifiea esigh a RCAfS reEtmt Cei eeyS ndasatnia thanks ta Drs. Ewert and Pit Run, Cement, Gravel MOTO-SKI Price------ $950.00 rnuch ~lfe wnh asYORC STRED STAPLETON-Bonny. Mai-vin j DOLAN- Leonard (Paddy) oebr9hau etnaljRnlnrigsffnMd-16.CHVBsay 1200IA and Nadine are happy ta an- Do1an who passed auav No-,j Hall. Queen St. $1.00 per! Cal Floor Memorial Hospital, BRICK SAND - ('ALL SNO'WMOBILE 19Sedan, caynde$12,000 IN euAr EA R 2-55 nounoe the airival of their ý'ember 17. 1968.j serving. Pancakes and sausage; 1Rayai Canadian Legion, the B1H ITTCt SALES & SERVICE lc, radia, white waiis, wheel 1 We pay earnings I dac ht sU hltr baby sister Sharon Lee. on lin_ tears I saw yeti sinking. *bacon andeggs. 45-tf staff of U.I.C.. Oshawa, and, B &-H '-' i . discs. An excellent car Fit, and require no lnvetetyf Monday, Novemnben 10, 1969,.1T watched you fade awa. I1Lios- Clu D -nce--- - Beehive Rehekah Ladge. ý 2.7Q Just reecived - A fresh ship- reasonable pnice. FinishedlYoU are aven 40, hav ein 5Kn t omnll I Memorlal Hospital,. Bow- IMy 'heant wis almost braken, cListiClmunce Hl, SNtu-Herb Calme. 471 62-794ment lneluding the nAtmnGI.epnncndrieaa,32t maniville. Proud parents are You fought se hard ta stay i day, Nov. 29. Dancing 9-12:30. tJtf POrVGRA neRI Licence L30q78 write me a persanlnt. Glenn and Shirley. 47-1 But wxhen T saw you sleeping 1 Royal Ambassadors Orchestra. 1 would like ta take this 1 Execuline ai Pine-R-d- -Ati-ue1Autos0- iesident, Dcpt. ABIPO o arh a rs Sa peacefully, free from Banpivileges. Spot pnizes. opportunity ta thank Dr.'1a ieRde niu uo 1965 PONTIAC 10Stion R, Torontr 7 7iFORC Engagement 1 pain. IResenvations on request held Sprouil. Dr. Rundie and Dr. !ffice Furniture Co.[ W.3 OTPO Sedan., 6 cylinder. automnat- CREAKR ON HÉ 1could net wish yau back utIct:0ran 7- Wsgathmissuseinonr-CAETK Miss Dareen Van Hattumn, To suffer that agaîn. uni 030pm 7- ea orth:aionrses nSung-Rentai - Lease - Purchas'l Lavern owp a I rnmiscar. A reliable wî h e CO ME - ici lor orkîd hamo nc i ar 1Applications i daughter of Mr. Abert Vani'-Lovlngiy remembered by O-E TOURS thorough at t ent i on, alse PlansLiecL3î2evdfaaprtîm cn-McheadHadToi Hattum, Orono, and the late, sons Jlm and Rick and family. f&-SendsLicesentL3o5e3s. fuit iforFiniphrt announc het- egagemen tn--------------- e±wone ehoor util 5:0---m.--v-m- -dustria aforComercia Mi-s. Van Hattum. wishes te! 47-1 iToronto udcakanpeil thaksTelepoe987-4715 B195O SM IEbe2,16.Duist Il#-. Glenn Eldridge, son cf Mn. HAMILTONInlvn me Shopping Tour ! , ail who offened ta heip in'pNEWCASTLE - ONTARIO tnn 14-1 1Pi-ODSice O15.0 ae anKna ieetrLE392 34 -I n*n e any way duning my stay mIn 1t 7.* 4 doar sedan. 8 cylinden, mence. December 1 99 ____________ anid Mrs. Leonard Eldridge of mory of a dear motJher andiVednesday, Dec. 3; the hospitai. Thanks again. For Excellent Quality Ipower steering, p o w e ri Apply In writing,stincx B&wrnanville. . 47-1'* grandmother Elsie Hamiltani - AI Fletcher, 47-1* AP1SAN ERS i .owmafllle brakes, radio. A onc owner penience and qualifictosa: A ERN who passed away Novemben' Telephane APLShoNpEa c4 -- local car, serviced bv us M.A0aLoi~ (f1fTTT' F ortncoming 219, 1958. 623-.3265 or 623-3093! A special thanks ta Dr. H. raae since new. Luxury car a t Business Administaa Wondrfu memnie, woen B. Rundle and Dr. Keith Slem- FE v compact price. Finished I n adTesrn ODN RNHN MvarniageS in goid, C L E o, ienresadsaf nTi aturdayAutumn Gold. liIr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trew a picture we tenderly COLMER'an, loonurses and taf on HRUIT MARKET * * Licence L38972 DurthamumndadUnd rvi TpSl ilh toi announce the forth- hold, TRAVEL SERVICE 1tird fire Srge ile a Treat yourself ta SEE OUR LINE OF Price . -- $1400.001 of DuaContyBad2-or AE EVC their Deep o tei DepInou n aur re heartaaten a Mmoia HsptartinH,'WETC-ER196 AMLE P -Bo 40 dâtghter Joari, to Wayne, son To memry 4g-2 atinta Memolatiespital. FRE5, SoEth ofTDE R nq ooas 196RMLRPOBo47,eaoaeRts Hear Gerald B.MKaiMaItakÏt eaies w.15,Suhe RONOi Si Station Wagon, e cylinderI Cohourg, Ontario. 4-.6255 O MNIL o ~ ~ ~ ~ T r.Mr eeondte love, ta cherish, taecuie ieta1t c-neighbors and fniends fan their _46_21________ ___ __transmission.____This; aléNorman Deremo of Port neyer lorget. l ifts lwrs___, iisi aoeone a n 1~pe Tewedlgtatae-Lvigy emmerd veration of Ontario Naturallsts gtWflAGONad, iis 62I IYLS -TRCLES atmtc rnmsio.Ti EaveoEngSTCA( E th e. aheKlnb CentenniaovngSchool, I d by ad tlpoeenquiries. 18 H.P. - White They Last WGN LIH saan we a n;W av pnnsfrsise ce ~ ~ th Saudy eebr family. 4- Tusay, Novyemer 2. 8l Mry cKnght w -shows lt. Finished In dark i and rales ladies iniaruta U G S plâc auraDàme usaNoebr2,8pmýMr eng "SNOW PRINCE" Auto cesrS blue - a iovely automobile, nmadern Oshawaofce OLB NES-FRAE $th In the Ellzabethville - Lunch. Sponsoned by Clarke PICE t Iesrîs fr comfart an wonk. W FE LAE lJiiIted Church. 47-1 MORRIS-In loving memary 1î~ Ct t wish ta express my deep kT"E7 LceceX283 of a dear husband, father and Ciizens Commtee and a- 1I 'peciatian ta relatives, S.NOWMOBILE L~ Picence........33 000 ononofc - -gi-andfathei-. Charles E. Mon- payeanrsigbos 47-1 rusfrng ~tr. andI Mrs. HaroldI Me- ris. who passed away Navem- S N- EPAK i their vr a ineibrs forndc$595.001966 FORD *Gnru raebnft RN APO Dild of Bowxnanville wlsh ber 19, 1968. SSedan, 6AR vcy grat kndnes ad iPmaJ.ic *Gallery af Home 1 O SERBN O help at this aad time andI for 24edan. 6 $c5.0nde5rinuto.matic * Inter-office referas2325 toî;annaunce the forthcomîing Life goes not aut- but on MO SE BIG the buifi f1oe and 24H.-$6,0 8 igS.I.Bwanvile' transmission. Finished In: *Lîberal advertîsîn alAdes n4rliage of their eldest Hie day has came-not gone Thursday Nin-ht sympathy carda received and ANi~~Phone 623-3134 igîeaming Red. This îs a,* Draws F.Bx4 oninll dgher, Hellen Ann, ta Mr. His sun has risen-not set ' to the nurses andi doctors on RA LJ I 47-11 gond automobile at a neas- Join a highly respece n -___ 0t Rébert Lea Gardon Osborn, His lite not endet-but belu 7:45 duty and the ambulance crew. Phone 263-8847 -ALOUETTE -- onable pnice. expanding campanyr a of mn. andl Ms. Len -Ever remnembened by wife RE BA Nls.Iwn otak ev 44-4 Licence L30228 21 offices ln Ontar.Fo rPr rdtOn-Eaadfml. 4-fiMn. Ward. Mr. Northcutt and ___- AND Price . $1300.00Intrvi rilage ta take place at, O S H A W A Mi-. Ellott for their kindness. jalGro rc Fdith Baptist Church, ___ ATESNInlvn m- - Mrs. Edmund Fowler. JOHNSTON'S ARCTIC CAT ROY NICHOLS eaGrdnTck7621Ras foue-GrasE. b3$, December 12 at 7 p.m. mory of aur dean son Ganry, -OET U SBOE OI 471w--a4-iaa Nv 6 FLORIDA CHRISTMAS Gibson--We wish ta extenti FINA SERVICESN MO IE MOTORS LTDlELO 4I EEA APNR 19 - '65. VACATION TOUR aur heantfeit thanks and ap-1 Corne and check the engineer- -Reprairse Deaths Wonderful memonies of anc. Der. 20 - Jan. 3rd - 15 Days preciatian for the acts of, Allouette ing of thleçe machines and aur Bowmanville Die tednsPoe6338 2s1 dean.j Escorted kindness. messages of sym- 1Ircshfr o u eie o op B4CKELL - At -iMoniai! Treasureti stili wlth a lovei FLORIDA and NASSAUJ pathy and beautiful floral SNOWMOBILE pNicshfaeyu u Riedfrhopti ae' 4t H ~ it I, B o - m n v ll , o n s n e e J a n . 1 2 - F e b . 2 n d - 2 2 D a y . o ffe r in g s e c e v e ti fro m n e ig h - S L S a d S R I E. H t-d ip g a lv a n iz e d C o u r t i c e a m u n cs e v e p r e tl - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TI1trsday, Novembea- l3th, in aur hearts hie l living yet Afise FLORIDA TOUR bons, relatives andi many_____ 47 h 19. Nelsan Blckeil, ageti 531 We loved him ton dearly ta Feb. 6i - 23 - 18 Days fiends In aur sati bereav- Licensed Mechanic SNOWMOBTLE TRAILERS - .______must hId a ehauffersle H N RN yeurs, belaveti husband of forget. CALIFORNIA TOUR ANDi ment of a ioving son, 'bnoth- dun-i ence, have a gend diln e Jc*ce Bickell, dear father of -Mum anti Dad. 4-* lieraduceKneh se Tune-Ups Special -$19.5 &otice to '..1recudtors card and be medical i. ~i.LLn 47-1 ~~~~~~~~~~HAWAII CRUISE eran unheKtne . spci--- -____---They must possessaFlsAiSPTCAN Inez (Mrs. Howard Burgess, - - Feb. 26 - Mar. 29 - 32 Days aly thanking Rev. Pansons OUR SPECIALTYWhlthyas NOTICE TO CREDITORS CetiaeregnedudrNTAL IN Jri), Donald, Margaret, Daug- RICHARDSON -In laving me- Travel airconditlaned for is kintiness, alsa many LDfI T Complete Line of Snowmabile. AND OTHERS Cthe mbae ericezc. E.6 OMNIL 1a~ Dnis, lan. tephe, Su- moiy 0f deanfathe, Be- Washroom Motorcaach ithanks ta the palîbearers, an d TTTTin7ACSSRE IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY Pnior C NO UNDAYCALL a ' Ted anti Brian. Service tram Colin (Tony), who pass- For Information write the McDermott Panabaker BOWMANVILLE 62.3-2.500Trc ELVA ALBERTA HANCOCK, xeine naet wheldlIn the Morris Fun- cd away November 25, 1967.' 'u7'T U S Funenal Home. 47-1 46-2 late of the Township of Dar1 Nursinq- Orderis6370 erel Chapel, Bownianviile, Sat- Sa many t h i n gshoae iý- ROW_____________TOUR-____ Camper Tos lngton. In the County of D,2ur..-. ______ ur#ay at 1-l o'ciock. Inter- happened, PORT HOPERcetn PURE WOOL HEAVY Tp han'. Widow, decei.h Nursing Orderliesreucd mO#nt Bowmanville Cemctery, -Since you were calied away, j 35A Blaomsgrove Ave. ______________ . rT T Te'U' nI ErI rl ' 11T Il (A r-P IZ>ZT t'Z dlad on or abot.h %l fer -haspital duties In15-ci 71.,..r BISSCHOP, John Ralph-At th# Oshaw'a General c%~ Manday, Navember 17, 1909. John Ralph Bisschop. I4bveti son of Mi-. anti Mrs. G*rt Bissohop, Oshawa, brothcr cf Mns. Arnolti De- robn (Anne), Port Hope; Mrs. Jaik Fetidema (Grace). Oro- .~ Mr. Gerry Othof <Tina), C nirtce; Clarence, Vancouv- ei' Jake, Brooklin; Lawrence, Oliawa, ln hIs 19t1 year. RUotlng at the Armstrongi Fo~era1 Home. Oshawa. until 1 t p.m. Thui-stay. F'unei-ai 6e4ce lni Zian Christian Re- fandChurch . Oshawa. or e~.rday, November 20th at 3 . Plm. Interment Mount lÀnn Cemnetery. Oshawa. flsations ta the Retarded cm.lren's Association, Osha- îiwould be appreciated. 47-i SUIVER-At Toronto East G eriHotl onMonday, Neniber 0117th.a1969, Lorraine (~wn) Scriver. aged 51 yemm .beloveti wifeo!f Hai-- o< Si-Iver, Bowmanvile, d* nother of Kathleen (Mrs. MUhasiMcGtnn), North Bay. *Z Roy Browvn,Osa . at thc Morris Funeral Bwrnanvllle, for ece on Thursdy _t 2 etery. Nowtonvlfle. 8100 KstI 48. Wov- t!Éoe Sio many thlngs ta share with you Hati You been lefita stay. Every day in some amaîl way Memories of you came aur way. --Sadiy misseti anti always ne- membereti by Jim anti Sandra, 47-1* RICHARDSON - In loving memory of a wanderful lus- band and father Bertram Colin (Tany), who passed away Novemben 25, 1967. There is aiways a face before us, A voice we woult Ilke ta hean, A smile we will aiways remember Of a dear Hushanti anti Father we loveti so dean. Our heants still ache with satiness, Oui- eyes still ilf11wth tears, Goti only knows how much we miss him As lt dawnx two long, lonely years. ---.Mways loveti and sadly nlssed by wife Ruth anti fam.lly. 47-1' A Lasting Tribute Par Permaene Md Dlmaity Mount Lawn Memorial Park Bronze Memoricls ros esurteous advk lee. iss V"ait tepark Office ___ 44-6 MONSTER BINGO Next Monday 7:45 P.Md. RED BARN Duiý-hamnFe-deration 0f Agri- culture Annual Banquet will be helti Wednesday, Novemn- ber 26 at 7 p.m. ln Cavan Cammunity Hall. Dave Ci-anc. OFA , guest speaker. Tickets tram Directars or Secretary 263-2325. 47-1 INCLUS~IVEr Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert are cordially invited to attend their 50th Weddlng Anni- versary reception on Satur- day afternoon and evening, December 6, 2 - 5 and 7 - 9, ln Trinity United Sunday School Auditorium. 47-2 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Pickell will be pleased to re- ceive relatives and friends on the occasion of their 6th Wedding Anniversary at Eh-1 enezer C. E. Centre, Courtice Road Sou th, on Monday, Nov. 24th, trom 7 to 10 p.rn. Besit wi.shes only, please. 47-1* Tour Charters to1 Livestock For Sale H A W A I 1I 37 PIGS, fine weeks old. $465.00 ON~EO serviceable thorougli- Thf rost et your holiday ln- bred Hereford bull. Telephone elodos the fallowlng: Return Necastle_987-4418. 47-l fllght via CP Air Jet front 140 HEREFORD stock calves ITarcete - Lei greetint an ar- anti 1 %-year-oîd st oc ke r rivai lu Henolulu - Transfers steens anti heifers. Private ta and tram hotel ln Houe- sale every Saturday. George lul - Parterage - 14 uights A. McGowan 778-2213 Have- xeeOnmaodatiou lu Honolulu - lock. We deliver. 45-4* A Croise te Pearl Harbour - 100 WESTERN anti Ontario ('Ity Of Honolulu, and Mt- stackei-s, solti privately evcry Tautolus Tour - Goverumeut rThursday. (anytime by ap- Rotei Tax - Holiday FlIght Bag pontmcnt). Ivan Johnson, DEPARTING TORONTO Southt Monaghan, BalHebçro EVERY SUNDAY 939-6855, 15 miles north -of front Dec. 21 to Avril 12, 1970 Part Hope an Highway 28. 2 Fer fartheu- înb.41i» , miles est. il-tf eontaet Wanted to Buy UHY & OVELL 209 BALES wheat atrais. AVEL RADIOS dating between 1920 ~ and 1930 - battery operated AGEINCY with earpbones or externel 19 ing8L l. Bemau speaker. Phone 723-3415 andi PhonIf e S. OZ- BWm82 l 1aak for Peter or write "Olti lu a wide choice et calours. Imported tram Europe $1 1.95 yd. Camp. $17,95 LIUXITRIOUS KODEL CARPETS MONACO SUTTON POINT LaRONDE $11.25 Camp. $12.95 MOISTURE PROOF INDOOR - OUT ln loveiy plush $5.25 Camp. $7.95 For the Lowest Piies Best Qualities and Famtest Deliveries cati 668-8895 COUNTY BROADLOOM 1742 BROCK ST. S. 0F 401 Whitby THURS. - FR1. 9 P.M. 45-4 Wanted 1 10 CA TTLE ta feed hay and silage for winter. Phone Betjxany 58 r 21. Dead or Crippled FcamStock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephoae Co1Iect 263-2121 Margwill Fur Fca LioenOeo. 304.C4So r iJj.8.jrI. Z).Ji,fLL.»J and HENTALS Janetville 705-324-2050 Closed Stundays ____________ 4 7- -1 For Reýnt- ONE-BEDROOM apantment, central. Phone 623-5578. - . - - -,-- - - -1 of March, 1967. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O.1 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Creditors and others having dlaims against thc above estate are requiredti t send par- ticulars and full proof there- of ta the undersigneti on or before the lSth day of Decem- ber, 1969, atter whlch date the assets of the estate wili bel dlstributed, havlng regard ta: the dlaims that have tIen beenz _Ê0US E f or- ent. - Po ,ss essi ,on-jnDATED- at Bowmanville, On- date December lst. Telephone tario the 7th day of Novem- 987-4539. 47-1 ber, 1969. ROOMlS in- h ccônty-lose James Arthur Hancock, ta Onono.' AIl conveniences. xctro Phone 987-4985. 47-1 Mary Eva Alberta Hancock, TWO bedromupper apart- Emac .. .Otra46-3 ment. No chiltiren under 10,. $115 nionth; own hytiro. i NOTICE TO CREDITORLS 623-23700. 47-l'P AND OTHERS IOÉY2 bcdraom apart- IN THE ESTATE 0F HORACE' mnent. ail services supplieti, JAMES HANCOCK. late of bnoadlaom, lntercom. Phone the Township of Dariington, 623-5888. 47-tf In the Caunty of Durham, -,Retireti Farmen, deceaseti, who' FURNSEDo u s e keeplng dea h at onhp0 rooms for rent by the monthde thesdTonipf bath. showen. Cable TV. Tele- Darlingtan, on or about the plane 623-3373. Flying Dutch- 3 rd day of December, 1957. man Mator Inn. 46-tf THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. ý-. ôM -- - 1960, Ch. 408, Sec 52. A C MLETELY furnished Creditons and athers hav- bachelor apartment Including lng dlaims againat the abovei two single beda. Close ta bas- estate are requiredti t senti pital or Goodyear plant. Im- particulars anti full proof, mediate possession. Telephone thereof ta the undersigneti on 983-5080 after 5 p.m. or an before the 15th day ofi 623-2926.47 December, 1969, aftei- whlch .1-- -pp date the assets af tIe estate retsj wili be distnibuteti, having re- PARTGeran îcpîrdppsgard ta the dlaims that have rmanSheperd upsthen been receiveti. wonderful for tai-m on rural DATED at Bowmanville, On- home. Reasanable. Plane ta-ila tIc lOtî day of Novem- 723-8605. 47-1 ber. 1969. I NLED a home. My master James Arthur Hancock, ls allergie ta me. I a arn al Surviving Executor of wit short, black hair, a per- Horace James Hancock. fet lady. My Phone nuniber Zinivale, R.R. 2, Ontario. la 628-3156. 47-1 46-3 FU IlAcrdte eerlRs pital. Previous bospitai ex- perlence a requisite. Excel- lent personnel policles andi working conditions. Reply gliving foullresume te::- PERSONNEL OFFICER Memorial Hospital Bowmanville, Ont. Wanted to Rent TWO or thnee bedroom house ln Bowmanville on viclnity. -Cali 623-5240. 4- LADY wiling ta ahane apant- ment expenses with another Young lady, vicinity of Bow- manville. Phone 987-4577. 47-1 THREE-bedroom houm, five chiltire-n; urgently neetiet; wll pay $90-$100 a month i-cnt. Contact Mrs. Drtnkwaltens at ---Tender TOWNSHIP 0F HOPE TENDER FOR V4-Ton TRUCK Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed as to contents, illl ha re- ceived by the underslgned un- tii 10 a.m. E.S.T. Frlday, Deeember 51h, 19,19 for the supply of one 1970 new, 1/2-ton truck. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Road Superintendent. AUl bidders mnust use tender farmi uupplied by the township. LAwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Russell A. Baker, Road Superintendent, Township of Hope, R.R. 1, Port Hope. Ontario. VvJ.L'Jison orv owie Owned and aperated by PHIL VOWLES ]REATING SPECIALISTS 011 sud Gan Installations Piumbing Repaira 17 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvile Phone 623-7591 38-tf Refrigeration and iAppliance Service Commercial and Domestio Ref riteration - 5<11k Coolers Phone SERT STER Day. -623-5774 Nlghte -623-3177 Lander Hardware PLUMBING & HEATINO SALES & SERVICE (Forsnerly Darnes& Byam> 24-HOUR Oil Burner Service SEPTIC TANKS AN'D TILE REDS - PHONE HAMPTON 263-2288 TYRONE 283-2650 15-ti WILSON QIL BURNER Sales and Sèrviç PURNACE iNIT4~A) - FRNACE CL eAN AND»op HEATERS 986-5521 t; 184 G~WYkiten.8 weeks. White rPt on chet. Phone Mms. A. j!i. &V«* <e3M7m0. 474i 1 1: té 1