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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 1

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v. i P ARADE STARTS 10:30 A.M. i L ô CDnteAIoLu 0 I e -ju àÉüÀ«tU/ù Councîl Apologîzes ta PUC For Usurping Ifs Powers During the last three years, soccer has become increasi- Ing]y more popular wlth stu- dents In the Lake Ontario District, which stretches froiT Newcastle te Dunbarton. This year the L.O.S.S.A. League consisted of nine school teams whîch played every Monday and Wednesday during Sep- tember and October. Soccer gives ail students the opportunity to play whether they are big or small; it Is a good spectatcir sport, does not cost too much and has rela- tively few injuries which ap- MAESTOSCouncil on Monday night against such a practice. lTis year the competitior MARESTOPSfound itself accused of usurp- He aiso stated that counoilifor the L.O.S.S.A. Trophy Twe mares brought home ing the powers and responsi-1had no authority to grant thisl (TURN TO PAGE TWO) trophies Friday for, V. E. blities of the Publie Utilities permission, because under By1-- Cookson of Maple Grov*e as Commission. law 1491, passed in 194,hi ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT the tok tps n teirclases PUC Chairman Ken Hooper became the exclusive jurisdic- CorieecnaySho ai te RyalAgrculura sad h ha red in The States- tion of the Public Utilities! will hold Commencement Winter Fair in Toronto. Justa- man that council had agreed Commission. Eeee hsFia vn mer Stilh Sela tokthetoallow the sub-divider onl After considerable embarras-ý ing and the foilowing Fri- reserve grand and reserve sen-; Waverley Road to hook up the ýsed discussion. it wa oved dy omnvle Hg ior championships, with Linda1 weeping tile from 132 homes i by Councillor Bob Dykstra andSchool wiil stage their annual Laet coming through as junior so they would drain into the 1 seconded by Councillo olin event. The p ublic is invited champion. Mr. Cookson's farmisanitary sewer, although the!Cooke that a letter be sent to to attend these funetions, ion RR 6, Bowmanville. itown has a specific _bylawï (TURN TO PAGE TO without charge. Courtice Secondary School Soccer Team Wmns Three Trophies ~jT socerteam from Courtice Secondary Sehool Vanderku ut, Coach; back row, Gord Westlake, Roy lbâ P,,ùWg Up trophies this year, as shown in the Youngman, Joe Hurcock, Don Archer, Herb Tink, Gary -t oe.gron. Team members are, front row, left to right, Gorr, Jizn Potter, Don Trewin, Ken Burgess, John Manager Jennis Deeley, Lee Penfound, Bob Howes, Huggins and Dave Johnson; absent, Phil Broome. Mad aIhiy # JaumBaker, Ivan GrIfinMgGog VOLUME 115 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1969 15e Per Copy NUMBER 47 Nominations Thursday Election AlmostCertain For Ail Co-uncil Positions Municipal nominations for the Town of Bowmanvile's council and Public Utilities Commission will take place to- morrow (Tbursday) and at the moment it appears that edec- tors wlll have a wide choice .~ .~ __of candidates. There are three running for Mayor, the Incumbent Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Reeve Annie Oke and Herbert W. Knapp. [t is expected ail of these will be nominated and will qualify. Incumbent Councillor Rob- ert Dykstra and former Coun- cillor Kenneth Nicks are the only two who have indicated Spencer New Chairman of Board Eleci H. Gardon MacNeîII Pres. of Goodyear Canada So, wben sommoe ap- proaches you to buy a button, nlo-.%Lah. pýpo H. Gordon MaeNeilI they will be seeking the posi-' tion of Reeve. For Deputy-Reeve, incumb- ent Councillor Leslie Coombes and former Councillor George Stephen appear t6 be the only contenders. The six council seats are wide open, with possibly 10 or 12 prospects. Included are incunibent Councillors Maurice Prout, Keith Shackelton, Colln Cooke, and Murray McKnight. (TURN To PAGE TWO) BURLEY BUS LINES Information provided last week by a Burley Bus Line Ltd. spokesman, that an off er to purchase the company had been acccpted, has been term. ed "'incorrect" by general -manager M. Harris. ' Ho said, "'There are many things to go through yet. Any further statements on the rnatt. er wlll be given out by senior company executives. Principal Presents Plaque Valleyfield, Quebec, Novem- - ber 14-L. E. Spencer bas been elected chairman of the board and chief executive officer of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Cana- da, Limited, and H. G. MacNeill has been .elected president and general man- ager of the company, it was announced foilowing a meet- lng of the Board of Directors "~ here today. At the same meeting D. W. Moriarty was named vice president of tire sales, and G. F. Turner, vice president of Goodyear replacement sales, announced he will retire at the end of the year. Spencer,, M a cN e 111and Moriarty will assume their new duties January 1, 1970. During the Cartwright High School Comnmence.ý Spencer has served as presi- ment Exercises on Friday evening, Valedictorian dent and general manager of the company sirîce 1959 and Dianne Taylor was presented with a special plaque MacNeill was named execu- by Principal Gordon Paisley. 1(TURN TO PAGE rWO)_ Photo courtesy Port Perry Star ÀMosport Plunning Construction 0f $15 0, 000 Cluhhouse uPr ~Planning for tho construc- ---____________ tion of a club house at Mos- a port Park having a projectedO h v a undertaken. To be located, so w n u e the start-finish straight withfl uU lin' fI ç l acestotepaddock area. the newd club house wîllng A 20-year-old Oshawa man, Hospital following surgery equppe wih mdemdinngwho was mistaken for a rab- for pellet wounds to an eye. facilities, showers, swimming bit in a hunting accident In Ahoptlskemnad pool area and lounge. Du~rham Forest near Orono, Adot soetosa te ey Dr. Irwin IM. Finebcrg, the Saturday, Is In satisfacto 0f Jorsephonartoski the, o President of Mosport Park condition In Toronto Gene__. 131Josehnimco St. S. , o Limited, stated: 11 iceS.S -ru.N . TC) AGEr Afl -- - -Mr. TCna.rowk n d,,11 2n Y piese nezeneous. TUbRIN Tb r b - .Q t KINBITS m PIECES ~ KIG- At the Royal Winter Fair last week, one of the best farmers in the area, Wes Yellowlees of Solina was crowned the oat king of the world. Con- gratulations to him on this great achievement. t t t t ri PIANIST - A long tirne professional is enter- taining at the Flying Dutchrnan this week, in the person of Sir Charles Thompson. Those who have heard him tickling the piano ivories bave been most enthusiastic about his- jazz artistry. Drop down this evening and hear him in action. They tell us it's well worth it! t t t t WINNERS - Ron Brock and Manseil Davis were the winners of the two $25 prizes in the Kin Invest- ment draw last nîght at the Kinsmen meeting. MEN NEEDED- Six good mcen and true are needed to complete the cast of South Pacific now in rehearsal every Wednesday at seven and Sunday afternoon and evening at the high school. The musical will be presented in Feb- ruary. If you are interested and feel your talents will be beipful, please phone Margo Samnuel 623-2473 or Elsie Wilson 623-5891. t t j. t 2- t MOON MEN - Our apologies to the US astronauts f or not staying up to watch them land on the moon early -Ihis morning, and our congratulations for repeating this magnificent feat. Apparently, those Soviet space boys haven't been doing quite so well, what with reports seeping out of blow ups, etc. 7-MILLION - A special ceremony will be held at General Motors in Oshawa next Tuesday morning when the seven millionth vehicle pro- duced by General Motors of Canada will corne off the line. Most of thern seem to be on highway 401 every tirne we try to go sornewhere in a hurry. t t j-t WEATHER - Last weekend the Editor was in North Carolina where it was supposed to be warm. We'd looked forward to a quick sunburn, but it was colder there than here, with the natives blaming us for bringing our winter weather with us. Where we were at Winston-Salem, they told us a couple of inches of snow closes everything. Now that we're back home, the temperature there has bounced back up to between 65 and 75. Disgusting! t t ts t t SCOUTS - Neit Tueday çeeng at the Lions Centre, the . disrc Scout Ceuncil wlll hold thefr annual mneeting, with diils and an x- oelleut programi. Everybody inas flto uee thie fine wonk carried on by this hard-woakIng 1 HARDWAR CLSES . ,iièovLbL aa a One cf Bowmanvllle's old- est hardware stores was closed this week and ne In- formation bas been released en if or when it will re- open. For many years, it operated under the name Mason & Dale Hardware. More recently, It bas been called MeMullen Crest Hard- ware Ltd. frlend,, Lonny Dunn, 19, of 15 Sandra St. W., were hunt- Ing in thick brush in the for- est when Mr. Konarowskl was hit. The Newcastle OPP. In- vestigatlng the mlishap. de- dlined to release the name of a third hunter lnvolved or de- tails of the accident pending completion of their investiga- tion.-Times. Col. Lawrence Will Address Canadian Club Members of the Canadian Club of West Durham are advised that Nornman K. Rebin, the speaker schedul.. ed for the meeting this Fr1- day evenlng at 8:15, wlll not be present. Instead, the speaker wil be Col. A. B. R. Lawrence, MC, QC, MLA, the newest member of the Ontario cab- Inet, and member of the Legislature from Carleton East. CoL Lawrence was form- erly Chairman cf the Nat- ional Executive cf the Asso- ciation cf Canadian Clubs and is an excellent speaker. He bas chosen as bis toplo "'New Trends in Politlcs". The meeting will b. beld in Trinlty United Church Sunday School Room startlng promptly at 8:15, because Col. Lawrence baà to catch a plane to Ottawa. Two - Speakers at Cla rke Commencement At Clarke lUM e ollC Uïncmnt1ercimeslust rfdaylii.two main' spaers cfthe evenig, got, together to discausthe progràa.They are, Keith e4un, ii.Vledictorian and Arthur 1)unican, Direotoe of Public Reations, Bate, 1 -

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