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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 2

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2 The Canaditin Statesman, Ieowmanville. ?4ov. 19, 16 Respiratory Disea ses Are Stîli Increasîng, Says bpeaicer at i it IVeeting Whiie the Inridrnrè of tsh 'compete financial r P.- !tark e pat In ommunlty pro- Tuberculosis fit.Iii thé past sniIty with respect tea grms7b exercise some con- few yeers on t.he docline the! raie finding. treatment and trol and every program la Incidence of respiratory dis- follow up of TB the Associa- incr.tasing In magnitude. Mrs. Neffla 13rIsing. ald DrC C Lion van now turn the major1 E.R. Lovekin, President of Gray, t.he ExeCUtlve Medit-ami part of lis attention and fin- the local Asiociation. empha-: Director of the Ontario Thor-! ances to respiratory diseasca. sized the need for co-opera- mc Socety. Dr. Gray was1 This doesnt mean that they tion between volunteers and sp.akIng ai. a meeting of the l are neglecting the problem of! professionai persons. Execut.ive Couril of the TB however, Dr. G ra y sa id. Dr. Charlotte Horner, MOH, Northumberland-Durham Tub-, Provision hait been made ln reported that the Northum- erculosls and Respiratory Dis-, flve nmedical sehools foi, berland and Durham Counties ease Association held At St. respira tory units ln the south- Board of Education had and Peter's Church Hall. Cobourg. wcst and southeast parts of would be givIng every assi.mt- on Novemnber 13th.i the province but although the j ance and co-oiperation with the Dr. Gray gave details on the f orth and northwest areas are Health Unit and the local As- historical background of the1 without a medical school as sociation, tn thie anti-smoking Ontario Tuberculosis Associa-1 yet. both Sudbury and Port! carnpaign. tion whIcb was formed ln 19451 Arthur have interested phys-i Dr. Gray was introduced by and whieh ln 1968 changed ILs Icians who act as a focus pointjD .Rs fCbug nani toincudeResiraoryand relate te niedical schools.. and Mr. W. Davis. Director of Disease. 1IL1,la hoped that with tour1 Prog'rams, Ontario TB-RD The Ontario Government complete and several Incom- Association congratulated the having this year taken over plete units already existing, ,Northuimberland-Durham TB- that witht'n the next 5-8 RD Association on iLs pioncer 0S years. 18 tçaching hospItalsiwork ln the field or anti- E lection will have respiratorv units. !smoking. We arp hoplng that There Is, said Dr. Gray. a this experimental work will Sneed ta encourage lay educa- prove to be such a success that Certa in ion with professionals and iL wvill be extended right acros (FROM PAGE ONE) j leading role ln getting ipfor-! vhich. vou have. and the pro- Reg. Willatts, Don Allun and mation Lo the people ln every gram you have envisaged James Bell are also expected; community. Their job will wvith the Departinent of, te qualify, and several other be te colleet Information. ln-;j Education. Department oti naznes have been mentianed as terpret It and distribute IL in Health and this local As- possibles, incluçuing formerý readable fashion to dIfferent sociatlon have Inspired me", I Counicillor Glenn Fry, Dlrkareas.I he salcd. Brinkman, Dr. E. D. Hubbard! Referring ta the antl-smok-i nalDrT.W wk ; Ig pogrms Dr Gry sldwho thanked the speaker re-, Biggest surprise of the cur-: hs eebstcridotmînrier that the Christmas' ren cmpagncae a Tesat the early school level ln an Seal camp aign is now under- ren day monincamen Publi attempt te get children to[way, and he urged that everv Utiates arnian enneubli understand the problemn and: resident of the Cotinties should Ifooper, a former councîllor, lo1 tat mk1g give lb their support. There is, he said. some suc--, annouiiced that he would bel cess with adults who are not seeking a seat on council,1 being neglected ln these cam- rather than re-election ta the paîgns, particularly when they PUC. o ncl No iformtio hasbee want ta stop smoking and want help ln this direction. forthcoming concerning the Thrw r 12syed"or- (FROM PAGE ONE) Intentions of the second PUC es" for stopping smoking, butithe PIC apologizing for coiin- anember Win. J. Morrison. no one prograni has been sald1 cils action and asking them toi 'The only names mentioned as ta be Ideal or perfect for every1 concur in the action taken, on possile successors t M.communlty. teasuac1ta n1uue ooeronth PC re TM WiLh regard te air poIlu- ail such matters would be On atraNv8hheArur ucnPbi Rela- He began bis address on alhave much more than we everý Rehder and James C. Ceyle ltion, Dr. Gray said peapleireferred ta the PUC. This was ýannual Remembrance Day tiens Director for th aahmru oebtrcutng lhad. The, are bigger, better,' Sr., who is now head of the were ripe te strikeonti are without a dissentingidinner was held at the Legion'Shoe Company. The colors atonies from al aven the worldjatranger and brighter than weý Xecreation Commission, Itopie. They were anx us ta voîce. Hall, Queen St., with a large'carried by Bill Bates andjusing apprapriate dialects ta' 'ýwr nertyepeect andi. Donad Ye ofSaunersattendance. One of the featur-,Howard Kairley were piped inýshow that humer Is univenal-Itruth. However, they are goingi Ave. complained that theles of the evening was the at-:by Bill Colville and Grantily important. Later, he spokeito need everything they've got: lp2 .Y AR Cable TV Installations were1tractive. platform decoration Waller under direction of Sgt j of the gratitude we 0w-e ta because the world is more com-1 being made above ground,, sbo>wnaave rprdyPslait Arma Ernie Perfect. Grace toewofunded this coun-iplex than it's ever been and! whleal tersrvce er reien ary Westover of 1was delivered by Acting Chap- try, faught Its wars and died.,ýcompîacency is the only enenyl (;.IC.Içburied. IL was decided that althe Ladies Auxiliary who was lain John Williams. Following He suggested that the spirit thev and we have ta fear in letter would be sent to Cable als otnenor for the banquet. the deliciaus dinner, Special they had' has stood us in good h~cuty ~ T asingthe thir nte- Legion Branch President Ron Events Chairman Ed Majeni stead and that it must be pass-i Past President Jim Wood-. tions. Richards was chairman for the thanked the ladies and intro-'ied an ta aur young people whoriward thanked the speaker for' 4,5 ERS ** I/%Thnee letters on the same event,_ with guest speaker,ducedi Mr. Duncan. imust not be soldshort._Theylhisinspiini address. Swartz, Maria Veitri and W. the CPR railway crossing, but cmeiin hc nlds Subdivision, asking permission advîsed that repairs are ai-' b!oundrg. eas.ll nd sr entai ntajo ru tet:obtain 30 permits for bouses ready in progress. 5cj e s ai E e to outiceSanar vSch. Central Ontario Trust and Lhe right for the purchas- A letter tram L. Lucas con- orieScnay chl este occupy the bouses upon cerning the sidewalk on ________ t Ef c io lae os e ý-SSA completion, although the asph- gag Street was referred ta theAreodnmrofvt eashiya.Qutei- Sav n g s C o p. ~ a fur d1~ nt el Afora E l c tare eligible ta cest ballots i ' tict \as represented by Savings C ' A recordannumbers afuvotera'eteamss this year.foQuinteodis- Open Monday to Tbursday frotn 9 ta 5:30 cmltdutlsrn.Aptto o tr.swrthe'election on Dec.'lt or eona- col a and open Friday evenlng until 7 rCouncillors Cqombes and on Prospect Street wvas refer-- The recently concluded en- wartha by Cobourg West and rout spnsrd mtontatre a ex ea' cuni, sumeration of the town shows, L.O.S.S.A. by R. S. McLaugh- 23 King Street West Bowrnanville the rqucat ed approen u t a s ed toolt eafr ts council s4,608 voters will be able ta cast lin Collegiate and Cutc oryI IC Telephone 623-2527 1ject ta the subdivider provid- ta take action. (FROM PAGE ONE) Iballots for a mayor, reeve,!Secondary School. Bath pre- ing a witten guarantee and' The Northumberlandj andi ive vice president ot sales 1deputy-reeve, six councillors :limirnary games were won by bond, that the aaphalting and Durham County Board o!' earlY in 1969. Moriarty bas and two 'commissioners for the 'MeLauglilin and CourtIce and curba be constructed by June!Education letter asking if coun- been president and general Pblic Utilities Commission.'h~ w easfcdec 15, 1970. and further that the cil was stili prepared ta pro- manager of The Seiberhing hs ouclmmbr !other again for the C.O.S.S. subdivider be advised that al ceed with iLs $100,000 'portion Rubber Companyo andected on voting day, Monday,l tý. t.raphy donated by Bola- future work must be carried af the new composite achool Limited,, a wholly -owned Dec. 1, wil] serve a tbree-yearlhood'aS parts and Plaza out, strictly ln accordance' here was received and flled as Goodyear subsidiary, sînce term. Barbershop. Courtice man- with the subdivision agree- there had been no change ln 1964.. A persan nat on the voters' ment. This was carried. council's position. Spencer joined Goodyear at'list bas missed bis chance ta The Kinsmen Club was On requeat tram the Ontario Akron, Ohio, as a production be registered, as Wednesdayj granted permission te hold an Municipal Board, counicil res- contrai checker ln l9M6 and,j Nov. 12 was the deadline.- TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE auction sale for Cystic Fibro- cinded third reading of By- by 1928, was production-con.. However, if he is on the ant ithe oId tire hall on Nov. law 69-30,. pendlng approval trol head. In 1936, fie became town's assessment ral ra! S nt i 29th. tram the Board. assistant to the chief statis- naturalized Canadian citizen. a' IL was decided that the Dec- Reports tram police, animal ticien and, a yean later, went visit ta town cherk J. M. Mc- CI m mber meeting ot caunicil cantrol, fine department, spec- an a Iwo-yea r special assign- Ilroy's office on election day' r would be held Dec. 2nd in- l committee were concurred mnwthhe production vice- with proof of it, will geL a vot- P r d ~J I<~ Estead of Dec. Ist, election day. in as was the report by Coun-1 piesident. In 1939, he was ing cerýfficate. i h ans NOIELetters of appreciation wÏhl cilior Coambes regarding thelnamed manager of merchan- Candidates for the Ilofcs beeto niidesadorg- Pluin contralinfrneds lnig anizations who assiated witb n Montieal in Otber. In 1942, Spencer went onýcauncil chambers in the new' l QUAiL IY U Notice is hereby given that a Court the Remembrance Day service' Accounts totalling $158.- ban te the U.S. Governmentl1poice building, with nomina-! T u E attecenotaph. Alte wil330.35 wr passed fo aas chief of production and ne- tions to be taken between 7:301 wl ehl usattthOnai oes muller congratuiatîng her on . b er dictaWrPouto Any ehîgible voter may nnm- I Lis Ac byL. . Mson Es., .C.at 0 winning a twirling. trophy in' Board, whene he served until i mate a'- candidate or seconda LitAtb 7C aoEqQC t4 Oshawa recently.Rev nn'1945, when he became man- nmation prviding the can-' Temperance Street, on Tuesday, Novem. Oke and Deputy-Reeve Run- WEMs ae fGoya' Tpkdï.e'5"nepsn eacp hl SEI ber 25th, 1969,aet il .00 in the. forencon on s he.ugS. P r GerGadetths topek as eipeettaeteEI The Building Inspector will P a ad eS.e nnmessstnt this Lieras ing. be advised La check the ditch (PROM PAGE ONE) seilassan oGnrl Al cauncil and PUC can- toha n eemn opansof errors o Jcma oa1a bsj Lucius Clay, who beaded the didiales wilh be elected on an! (61111iAO. ýp onJcmnRa hthsnoti Atter the parade and ever:y Amenican military v enn 1U7 LU and omissions i h otès1Ïe % bldnrplrpf mo - Platform Decorated for Remembrance Dinner trot and admInisten hr n t.îîLand _subsequenthy -be-'ngbac1t1two v' m 98CERLT'2T ing of licences,.cme development manager198CERLT/2T We bliee tat te CuncIýRn plnt anagr. n 160,6 cyl., standard shift,l heavy D EIS O N Wth ee wsip Cake e CounllIanpoi l ntmar.n6, C u tieLic. 46385B - OL lounges i fh n etfltelr he ssinage r o theant. nera1963, S c e bellef that the growtb and Divsioent, geandl pr6, PRMoAE- development af mator sport invice p.esidnt, genralOpro Onaro euiestatmoen dcs was quite close. R. S. Me- VOTE cand ELECT Otrlrqirstatmd r U5tyjoined Goodyear!Luhi olgaefnsd convnienes e mae avll'in 1949 as a salesman at Hall- a ne point bebind Courtice at W able ta &Ill pectators bt fax atter serving three years 1 the end of the season. Court- locally and nationcily wltb the In the Canadilan Navy, and 'ce had won ail of their games consequential benefits tbat wil In 1953, was named sales sup- excepi. tbe encounter with be derived by the Township ervisor for Nova Scotia and McLaughlin wbicb ended In of Clarke througb increased,1 Newfoundhanci. From 1954 ta a ie. McLaughlin, bowever, KOOP ZR evne§ad ret; 91.h hl sales mana- had one more split decisio: i ffoOPAR e reurns to he lecOrs eril p sta In N rth rn n- ithDonevan. t h u s t h e > FOR OW N OU N I Lof funds in the locallty.Y lbec. In 1961, h:was appoint- Courtice team. optio21 FOR TOW N CEMBER lespectt1969eliquor vttesae ttecampany's head Central Ontario Secondai-yKIGS.. MNAelectors w111 flot be votlng on office and three years ae School Association (C.OS.*S * 29]IGS.F MONDA, DEEMBERlst,1969the estabIlsbment o! hatel ýnLmed- pregldent ofSeb-- A.) is ane-fifteenth diviîsin beverage rooms, I lnn& of Ontario for high achool ige tentte ort M-1Meran out. Ne Wàlulor Laughlin's anc and Courtice corner gêkkl weç'4ow< pced up iLs second tob durin g o'vsime' yt of the season. teamn and so bath t.eanISw AiI-Ontarlo t ied at the end of oventm¶e. Invitational Tournament The next stgo.wa IWtW Newjnarket played hoat to kie king. Each teani selected over 40 teanis fnom ail over tour paens It kck;altei4 z - Ontario. Schools were divid- akainealty aktks; 'wr. ed Into leagues from A to Fagin.es ach tem\w red o,' accoding tostudent pplaa,,.emangteco ia comPetitlon would be tai, Because af darknesa'r!<wals Courtice Second'arv Schooi' decided that Courtice 'Sécon. was placed ln the B League dary and George Harveyemeet and managed to win its third'again on Monday, Nov. l01h. 'trophy of the season.. at York Ai-ena in Toronto. The A League consisted o!, This garne, &s well, Proved t* i achools which had more than: be ver-v exciting, with Cour. 2.000 students and here George ice fans supporting theit laryvyCollegfate of Toronto teamn in every possible wavý'-. Iwon. Hlowever, George H a r v e O-.'S.S.iI. Competition rnanaged ta score twice with'. 1,..SA I the hîghest, in the finaL five minute-; ot levI 0 copettio fo h he game. Courtice scorect achool student'. in Ontario alvith seod aian TIht'. .'.cer tournament .-as'Plaved on HarveY's haîf ont held In Aîîrrra on -Sat,îjrdav he ield ot of th, game Nov. 8th. 'rhe tournamei but could not get a goal ceonsittef Of thP tAp nine high Harvey, therefore. won tiib ar-'hool team 1;', I Ontario. The trophy but Courtice boys are ganie .4tartA(l a? 9 a.mBth alrPady planning for next School * tf d ell ihatlng' teài and at 4 p.rn. n-ýt to pla'i for t ý f All Onta rio T ro ph v. *During the irthait Court. tee mlanag#ed to or-orp" on<'e and *George iarvp e7,troredriln the DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIFS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIERL C.A., RA. CIMBING STRAWBERRIE9 Henry Shirk, R.R., Bow- manville, advises that he bau sanie elimbinig strawberrles ln bloomi. The plants are BOWMANVILLE now presents NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENÎ Monday, Nov. 17 thru Saturday, Nov. 22 Sir C/la ries 9J/ompson International pianist-entertainer direct trom ont year's engagement in the King Edward-Sheraton. SSUPPER DANCING' - SAT., NOV. 22 Slu addition to our nightly entertainment we present * Miss Jodie Drake direct from Holiday Inn, Don Valley Specialwith Bob HI and the Quartet Speia -BROILED LOBSTER t~ with drawn butter ----------- -- 6 5 ~~ For Reqeraations -Pho;ne 2-37 aus D A LS# Balance cf New Car Warranty 'PORT CUSTOM 2-DR. HARDTOp ering, power brakes, power windows, 'PORT 4-DR. SEDAN ering, power brakes, radio. PORT 2-DR. HARDTOP !ring, power brakes, radio. Li, radio. ------ ------ ----------- ---$18 95 FEATURE! ON PICKUP yduty suspension. Imrnaculate. -$169 5 -$3395 LIMITED 7 >1 -IIa 1l BOWM4~4VILLE] -~ e- r; BUR7R.WATRSC.A 17» PHONE Must Be Cleared 1 r% rb LIMITED

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