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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 5

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7.-s. t~ Reports from Womens Isiue N> UITETON W. L. quite interesting and educa. tional and proved the memr 1ýe regular meeting fbr are keeping informed or Nestieton Wcrnen's Intitute current trends. MacomEmr;o n en0<1 uatr and Mn. L. Malcolm Preidet Ms.Cecil Wilson' ported on attending ti Peieextended the wel- Tweedsmuir W o r k s h o p iT con n expressed pleasure Lindsay when 46 ladies at fo r.Emersoni' hospitality. tended from counities of Vie * olwn h pnn Ode toria, North Ontario and Dur adMr.Rcard Stewart Collect , ham. Mm.RicardDavison, secre- Mrs. Malcolm led in singý tateas, read ,'the min- ing "action" songs whicf ue. communications a nd were very entertaining bti gaetefinancial report. rather strenuous on the rheui Lettrs ere read fromn matics. MisKaren Murdoch, Home. Mrs.- Wilson, Nestieton' Daic n Soina r Achievement delegate, gave a splendid re. Day n Soina Community port on the highliglhts of the lilNov. 2t at 1:30 p.m.. Ariea Convention, the themE and School for Leaders in for this year being "To Match I.O.O.F.* Hall, Orýono. The the Magnitude of Our Tasi Nextieton Wemen's Institute W; Need the Energy of Our will again present their gift People." Five hundred and (The Henry Thompsrn Meni- sixty-f'our registered and 33.1 oial) at Commencement in attended the noon luncheon. Blackstcck, to thie student Mrs. Austin Zoeller, Prc. witli the highest standing in vincial President, gave a re. Grade XI. spume of ber trip 10tiith A.C. T!ie roll cali, "Name a man U.W. Confeirence in Ireland of the hour, and what he is and çpoke of the valued doinoe for his c-ountry," was fricndships alle g alIn e NOW OPEN It's Time to be A New You Shape Up with a New Kuri et the J(UT "Np J(URL BEAUTY SHOP 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019 VI COOK JOAN WHILLANS "A Friendly Atmosphere" TIS 1YEAR, YOIJI FAVOUITE SNAP8NOT WOULD MAKE A TRIJLY PERSONAIL *Pick any picture you'd lîke to shore with family and friands. t could b. one of vour home, your family, your pet, or even Vour church. Ali would makte warmn and friendly Photo- Greetings. Juat bring us the suids or negative. We'li tum iît into a distinctive SLIm-LiNE Card. Do it San for& personal grbeting thet wili b. savedi long after other ordinary cards are gone. 67 KRiNG ST. EAST BoWMALýNVILLE PIRONE 623-2546 Lloyd Ellis S 49 KING ST. W. FOR- CHILDREN'S FLEECE-LINED SNOW BOOTS $6.95 to $995 GRIS KODUAK INSULATED 'BOOTS -A1480 - lyl$34.$3 UNtRSULATÈD$5~ '!thogA ftheWomen's Instl tute. Mns. Hermansen readthetA seven resolutions andi another w'as added; five of wbich were sustaineti. Mrm. Norman Payne, netir- ing Board Dinector, addressed the; meeting. In Europe, sii said, Wonien's Institutes have n-, seventy-:five members antia )n waiting list cf twenty-five In many places, girls cf four- mteen join the; W. I.; havea n, pregirain that includes a.] e- ages; read the; Home and ie Country. Tne W. I. bas a big in impact on the; women ef the t.world and thie en;rgy of every n-iember is needeti. r- Mrs. Jennings f rom Betli any sang a number of sangq g-. ta hiem cwn accompaniment h andi ah; and a number cl t Bethany ladies put on a musi- ~cal skit whioh represented in; songs., '~Mrs. Margaret Campbiell ex- tended the Cdvie welcome and le she stressedtheii importance ol le our 'homes. ýh Mrs. Cumrins led the "round k, table" discussion for the pre- ir sidents and vice presidents. îd A review of Modemn Decor ý5 in the Home was conducted by the; five Home Economists. Chief Jutige H. T. G. An- drews, FanIlY Division, statei 7. parents are ton passive, hence ýd so many juvenile tielinquenis. ýd Miss MeKercher in hem ad- d timess said tii; W. 1. will soon -be seventy-fîve years old and the challenges today are as great as at any time. Theii leamning process goes onl;v- ery day. Be prepareti for fail- ure but do net run. If yeu are net part cf a problem 3you are part of the; solution. Report on Hoe Ecenomics anti Health was given by Mrs. Pcrcy Junkin. D un sf ord, HealtJh is everything. Mrs. Zoeller presiet for the clection cf efficers - Sub- division 7, Mms. Mormison; Subdivision 8. Mrs. Sain Caw- ker; Subdivision 9, Mrs. West- lake. Mrs. Zoeller said new Hand Bocks ar; being prepar- et. Tii; 75th anniversary goal is ta enlarge MacDonald In- Etitute. Mrs. Adelbert Beacock, con- venor of Citizensiiip and Edu- cation présidet fer the; pro- gramn. She spoke to the; motto, "You can't keep trouble from ceming in, but don't give it a chair ta sit on." She stresseti the; neeti for action when trouble cornes. rouble came te Canada in 1914 anti 1939 anti no chair was offered. It wa,s an ail out effort in those dark tiays. W; give thanks te those whhe facedthtei issue and kept Canada safe througi thi; years. As a cempiement ta the; motta, Mrs. Grant Thomp- son ead "His Way" by Edigar Guest. Mrs. Ben De Jong gave a reading, "Tii; Cana- dian Seldiers i England." An excellent paper on "EFd- ucation" was gven by, Mrs. Walter W;lts. She said, "Edu- cation should b; designed ta teach us the; art of living witii ounseives and witli others no matter what colour, creed or nationality se that-w; ad- just ourselves throug'h youtii, matumity and old age ta that ever chaniging thing "modern if e." Tiie strongest factor in edui- cation is the home. It is the work.shop in which the; char- acter cf the; chulti is moultied. Tii; chlild is imfluenced by the tnaining anti by exemples that are set, as childrnr arc great iniitators. Schools and orgamizatdoms aise influence theur characters. Sccuting is a break-thmough for boys. It is a boy anti a man pregrain desigmeti to bring the; man anti the boy together. It is a boy wîth stars in bis eyes. It Is an itico, an Ideal anti action. The idea. wiiich has be;n growing for more than half a century, is te establish in the lif; of ;v- ery boy ideals of honour, trutb, leyalty, courage andi service. Their keyword is ac- Marie Claire WINTER SNOW BOOTS Sizes 5 - il $9.95 to $16-93 SNO - BELLS by KAUFMAN Womsn's Sizes6. il $9.95 to $12-93 FULL UNE OF OTHE Winter Footwear a ~ BOWMANVILLE (HI STORE HO (CLIP THIS CALENDAR FOR HANDY1 NOVunBE Mon. Tues. Wed. NOV/DEC. 3 1 2 3 Closed 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. SDECEMBER 7 8 9 10- Closed 0 p.ni. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. SDECEMBER 14 15 16 17 Closed 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.mý. DECEMBER 21 22 23 24 Closed 9 p.m., 9 p.m. 6 p.m. DECEïMBER 28 29 30 31 .j Closed 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. ( These store hours are flot conipulsory, buta te ail merchants ini the interests of uni customer convenience. RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMI ~ BOWMANVILLE CHAMBER 0F Ci ANNE WRIGHT BEAIJTY NOOK C HAPPED) RANDS have appeared once again en Sthe; beauty problem Esit. AMd it isn't really surprising. The days have ~ snddenly, turned colder X andi w; stili arent ini the habit of alwayswarn Ont of the best re. medies for rough bands is simply te cover ynnr hands with a generous layer cf skin cream or' petroleum jelly at bed. tine andi then slip on a !VS/A pair of llght cotton gloves. Net oely do the; gloves (cotton, se that your hands won't get ton warm) prevent the cr;am frein rubbing off on thc hed eovers, but aise prevent evaporation and keep the cram penetrating into your skin al night long. When you wake upi the mnorning and remeve the; gloves, your hands will bc beautifully soft. CJ.;ansing grains have long been the most quoted solution for problem skin. Though an effective cleansing agent, they've often proveti toc harsh for young skmn resulting ini your face looking red and feeling taut and dried out. Now, hcwever, beauticians are recommendireg mixing cleansing grains with, net water, but a creamy penetrating cleanser. Yts proveti ta bc twice as effective, is good for your skin, and stili gives you that squeaky dlean feeling. At last - the answer te long fingernails that split, just a little, halfway down the naîl and catch on everythîng until you*re fcrced toeut th;m rigiit off. It's a nail mending kit and includes exactly what yoti think it shoulti, namely little inending tissues that you stick over the break wîth a mending fluid. Available at cosinetic counters i most departnient stores. Se yeu want to brighten up your room without spcnding any money? Well, thie best place ta start is with what should, b; the brightest spot - your lamp. Rejuvenate an old lanip. shade by winding bightly colo reti wool vertically aroundti he shade. Leave a littie sp'ace between each strand so that sufficiert light can corne through. Il yen wish, use more than on; celor. Tne resuit is an attractive but inexpensive addition tn your roorn. Terents Telegram syndicate All Nations be sung at evemy meeting. Mrs. Ben De Jong's group assistedthe i;hostess with lunch and M2rs. J. Wygerde expmessed the; appreciation. BETHANY W. 1. Mr. Bob Humphrey of Home Decoratïng Co. cf Peter- borough was guest speaker at the; Bethany Women's Insti- tut; meeting beld at the; home cf Mrs. Addison Scott. Mr. Humphrey, displayed the; iany new produets now on thie market ini the lime of paints. vannishes, wallpaper, etc. toa ad li home decorat- ing. He aIso discussed decor- ating problenis, showing chas with celer ideas which are the; k;y to good resuits. Suggestions încluded the; use of opposite or iffes-cnt colon in a room for relaxation, nionocb.romatic colon, etc. Be caneful ini choosing the basic colos- for walls as celer is af - fecteti by ïts neighbors. Re-1 'r- r 1r r r ' U vIslted 14r. John Stark' - I.. Ji~ II ~L i .~ ~ho Is i the General Hospital e4 t Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best RIS TM A S and sons. Wesleyville, were Sunday dinner guests w1th I Mn. and Mrs. Bilan Caswell. r ~ Sunday afternoon M rs. ýU R *S Lwrence Farrow was i e chrgeof the music at Shiloli. REFERNCE)Rev. Snelgrove gave a fine ResagFERENthCE)l "om and Go". Froin the Gospel Thurs Fr1. Sat. used the words of issus "Corne 28 29 unto me ail ye that labor and 28 29 are heavy laden and I wlUl 9 p.mi. 6 p.mn. give you rest" and also His 0 words to the disciples, "Go 4 5 6 t ye therefore and teach al 6P.m. 9 p.m. 6 p.m. nations". SMrs. Herb Reid was hostess il 12 13 U for the Shiloh U.C.W. meet- 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 6 p.nm. ing at her home, Wednesday evening lest week wlth 20 In 18 19 20 attendance. With the Presi- 9 P.. 9P.M 6 .M. dent Mrs. Carl Todd in 9 p.. 9p.m 6 .m. charge the meeting was open- ecl by ail singlng "Take my 25 26 27 life and let It be". The scrip- Closed Majority 6 pi.. ture lesson of the; talents In Closed St. Matthew's Gospel was read by Mrs. Brent Farrow JAN. 1 with Mrs. Dobson givlng a Closedmessage "What I Can Do". CloTh is was followed by prayer ,by the President. Mrs. Ross are recommended j~ Todd read the minutes cf the <~previous meeting -and some formity and "thank yu"i notes were also read. The slate of officers for the coming - year was ap- proved and is as follows: ITTEE President, Mrs. Jin Stark-, :OMME RC E Ticri 2d Vnt, r rden Mrs. Ewart Robinson; Secre- Mn tary. Mrs. Orme Paîls and Treasurer,- Mrs. Carl Todd. Also the"Flower and Manse milk, and bad germs which committees were named. A are responsible for diseases. committee was appolnted ta Gem5 11lke a temperature of arrange for the Chnistmnas 70F and will multiply at a concert at the church next terrific rate, The ladies then month. Before the last hymn started asking Mr. Frost ques- was sung Mrs. Dobson read tions and we had a very in-. an lnteresting article on a teresting question and answer grouP of hymns that would Period. Mrs. Burrows V)hank- be used If a new book ls issued cd Mr. Frost for coming and for union services and she had speaking to thie ladies. each lady name a hymn they Mrs. Chant then took theconsldered a favorite. chair again and w; hadl the Tt was a very pleasant even- minutes of the last meeting ing and Mrs. Todd in ber andl the treasurer's report. klnd manner thanked Mrs. Mms. Chant made a lovely Reid and lunch was served. wreafih out of plastic bags The December meeting wflllb; and it was decided te send it held et the home of Mrs. Bert te the convention as Hamnp- Trlm on thi; lOth and It wIll ton's contribution ta the auc- b; a speccial one for the tien.1 Christmas season. The meeting was tumnedý back ta Mrs. Burrows again.f "It takes face powder te get a1RVUMAT IC mani but baking powder will '> hold him". We then went in-! PA N ? te the; Sunday sdhool for: lunch which was ini charge of G~et fast relief the; North Group. the very first dayl On Priday, November 7th, n1ne ladies from HMnpton Ini- Rumacaps are specially formu- stitute and on; from Bew- lated ta give you fast relief-the manville met et Mrs. Mount- very first day-from nagging joy's home for a one day rheumatic pains and aches. Also workshop on "Institute Pr'o- cedures",. Mrs. Pardy of tihe proven effective for relieving lum- Home Economnie Branch con- ba go, sciatica, headache and ducted the workshop and ex- neuritic pains. Ask for new plained many things cf inter- Rumacaps-a distinctive blue est ta us frmm the Hand Book. and white capsule cf soothing We hank Mrs. Mountjoy for comfort-at vour local druggist's. opening hem home to us for Rumacaps are capsules this workshop. , f soo thing comfortl STARK VILLE Mr. anti Mrs. Austin Turn- er, Newcastle, had dinner on Tuesday witb Mr. andi Mrs. Llew Hallewell. Sevenal ladies from aur U.C.W. attended the; bazaar et Newtonville, Frlday after- maon. Mrs. John Stark and fam- 1{umacaos e ...j 1<nIrçaps~ The Canadlan Statesman. BowmnanvMle, Nov. 19. 190 VOTE AND ELECT BOB DYKSTRA A local merchant, and present Counililor interested i a more progressive town. FOR REEIVE MONDAY, DECEMBER let, 1969 Sponsored by "VOTE DYKSTRA FOR REEVE COMMITTEE" CVe 'f-elcome ou Io &santa %C.i'aus £/3ara c/e SAVE $20(orMM0eL:h GRAND PRIX chooso fron 7colours for ladis~~ 2 colours for men's LADIES'WEEKEND AND MEN'S SHORTRIPW At $39.50 each theyre a great buy... ut$2M50e h hèi'e a must Congratulaions ... TO B.H.S. C.O.S.S.A."A FOOTBALL CHAMPS 1969 0(opergs 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE gewellers Royal Witer Faim in Toronto. The sccretary was instruet- ed to order additîonal copies of Dr. Ethel Chapman's bock "Froni A Roatisitie Wintiow". Mns. Addiisosn Scott report-' eti that she and Mrs. Carl Porteous had attendet the; r;- cent training school for lead- ers et- Orono anti will now conduet classes on the; new cookery course "The Main Dish Makes the Meal". The; fimst demonstration will b; helti at Mrs. Scott's home on November 19th. Mrs. Hector Menton gave a report cf thie recont Area Convention helti in the Royal York Hotel in Toronto andi thankedth te memibens for the privilege cf attending. Lunch was serveti by MIra. Adidison Scott, Mrs. Hector Morton, Mrs. Le'onant Driver, Mmc. John Neals, Mmes. Jamnes Kloepfer, M.Ts. Robert Ryley andi Mrs. Levi McGiI1. RIAMPTON W. 1. lating ta thc axes, bolti colors 1%he moSffily meeting of thé adv'ance the size of the roin, Women's Insttute was helti pastel colons recede. Clofflly on November 4th in the pan- blended colors conceal, con- lours cf the C. E. wing of tnasting colons empiiasize. Un- Hanipton chunch. Mrs. Chant, equai aneas of color are more aur président, openeti the plsasmng, It is a good Itea ta meeting by leating us in the pick out your wwmdow dra.pemy Imsttute Ode, Mary Stewart as tiie focal decorating point Colleet andthAe Lorti's Prayer. and relate wall colons to The; roll eal was answeréd thern. with a Hovusctold Hiint. The speaker was intreduced Mme. Bwwows then i ntra- mnd thanket by Ms-s. Hector ducet or guest speaker, Mr. Morton. Freet, who is a Public Hcalth Mrs. Adidison Scott gave Inspecter. Mr. Frost spoke on comments on thé prograru the Phiase 01 Public HéaifAi motte "Onie can value a bouse Inspecters in relation ta Sai- ta thé Iast penny - ne anc tation in the Unitedi Counties can value a home." of Northuniberland andi Dur- Thé roll call waa repiedt t hami. This area bas expandeti with suggestions for Home to take in Victoria andi Hali- Ecoezorics prograins. burton. We werc told there is Members wene inviteti te apprexiately 10.000 germa in attend thé 4-H club Achieve- a spot thé size of a heati ofa ment Day tic be helti at Se- pin.. It ig possible teo 1la lima on November 29th. Mrs. germs into gooti germs whioh Glenn Preston wrnl represent are used in the. making Of the IMÉu14RH club at thalvlaeum, cbem md bàuez 37 ,41 KING ST. W. XtcANVL 1 ~Id 3 FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE BOWMANVILL! L -7 ýl --r- -el -7,81 -4- ellit- umn, uui- octci. 111 ýRum-acaDsl BOWMANVILLE

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