Wt~ v * *-~* ~.---'t~r~--~- ~ ýl -- ,- -- -.-------.~....~. ~--~--'t"-~-.. ~ i gn ¶l.Canadian stats.nan. nownamnfle, ? le1. lofSfsjj gMuir. ..A. Johnatorn. Tui I ee My rretiy riower M.ad .Ralph T Qubc.à Rot arian 'Hub' Hooper Returns Î= n= ndS Turner and girls. Mi',. L. Bradley, Eoi Former Club Secretary vile ws wekndg MrU. ads OsecerdG the weekend. Abus load of high students and some te To Mark Remembrance Day pnSaudyiT pnt SatueRoal in te by Arthuir E. iber Training School work. w hich;derstand the. feelings one exc-Mran s.Vce 11U11i . (ub.)Hooer.had culniinated this year in iperienced as he stood before RuetM Hb)HoeIsà being transferred toithe headstone of a former Whltby Mer.Ac and M former BOwînavflle Rotai-ialt Mimico wjhere a laremd conrade who tell 'n somne h yMran M" rge mouFlemming and Misq Ch and Iast year's Secretary Of erni acil is being built.His long-to-be-remembered action Dulaba, Oshawa, were thxis Service Club, returned being chosen for this super-j 'n a nearby battie ground dyget o r n fromn Mimâco, Thresday, No- visory responslbiliit yMr. He also spoke of some pri- Wilbgetarofhr. ande Vember l3th to be the guest Stîlike attested, was a genuine v~ate irodividual graves, main-Malyn'tA brchdray. e speaker onl the occasionOfl itestimonial ta "Hub's" caps- tarned by French, Belgian and aiy'brtd. Rotairys ReMembrance DaSy bilities. Mn. Hooper expres- Dutch familles. The Canadian . Mr. and Mrs. Walter1 ineetigig. sed appreciation for the in- veterans met some o! these Otanlo conentaio at 1- lMr. Hooper wa.s ixroduced vitation ta participate in the citizens who corne once week Inntrocontion ritya Y PeUt Presldent W. Ross Remembrance Day meeting, ly to vîsit part1cular graves Inndayoranto, vidMam Strike Who described hlmn as and said it was a distinct on behaif of loved ones Brow. nd Hamiton, iS a Bçwmanville boy whose pleasure to return ta a Rotary abi'oad. The personal atten- Bn , HtamiSndltoren career he had watched over meeting in bis own home tion of these individuals, it Mr.h and S. Lly od the years, and of whom he town, as he cherished many was stated, was flot so per- Chr.l and ar.odM was ppoud, because hie had happy nemaories o! bis asso-j manent as the more profes- Eleanorand HEld mnade 'good. He referred ta diations while a member of sional grooming dons by em- wlear nd y diine gu the sPeaker's tive and one- this club.1 ployees of the War Graves Mn. aSndaMrs. Keithu lieu yea' s ervice ii WOrid This speaker immediately CornuTission, but titeir con- . Mr.':and mily, Osbawa. War Il and ta his successfui esablise rapport with bis cei'i for t es falien soldieN . .r i - and M rl sh aa. prolessioeial cancer in BOYS' audi c dpoie e- Of other lan~ds was deeply felt Mr.sonducph sitGerd t1 ting for his Rernembrance Mr. Hooper said he found donSroGups turdthe Day thouglits, by stating he' the settings o! the nine cerne- don . r Rud Heaslip, Ti was aware there were several teries tranquil and beautiful Mr. isspedng as!ew de prescrit wbo, wlth pnide and ibeyarid words. A wet spring. us ,M.adMs honour, could cdaim the sta-1pnor ta theiropnai on, hdof' Marlow and visiting oth, tus o! 'Vetenan". Somne, he1b gttecopnaino latives. continued. vould as 11old brigt green grass; tbe brch- ........... On Sunday Mr. and t) Of't sweats" remember the mud es. beeches, maple, ash, lin-',. Wallace Malow and and gloom o! tbe Somme, Ar- den and oak, bnought from * Harry Van Camp callc or asshedal; thesCanada in 1948, were heavyl M.NmaMNl1b be .with new foliage and the MH oianPeterborougn as "clps asbanger "abundance o! fl'owers andHspna, PetboouMi and survivors of Dieppe, as - af "foot sloggers" who were at decorative shrubs were typi * Ms. Bnda uat f!y Mrd Anizio; or D-Day -water rats" cally Canadian, n. Mrs. Bob Mfyan xa who bave grim memlonies of During bis address theMr andDaidS. BbM' nroeciu ~ ~ speaker made frequent refer- .and Da.vid, and.Mrs. Ra 1944. thPRecwad o estdrapence ta tihe splendid bospi- -.a Dnis. Sraeord; Mn others, he continued, had tliyo! the Dutch, French Densenn MrahaffyMr sre ihdistinction aboard and Belgian citizenis they met ~vl Mrs. Roent asefy a fighting ship i the "Senior in the numerous towns and v isse;JoycRoertahaffy T Et y o r n u- an e pr gr m S erv ice", o n in t h e A ir F orce . v illag es thxo u g h w h ich th ey '~~M iss aJo e M e ntio n e d at d.ocn't adequately coe o or had donc ther bit in passed. Typcalo the touhn The sweet littie miss in the above photo is Tiffany Lee 'Anne Rowe, daughter the 60tb wedding aiinivg against major possiblties of But whereven theyGazad serv- goodbyes xvhich were ex of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rowe of Newtonviîîe, who celebrated her first bîrthday ofMr.indBomas n i=B, you miay walce iP onoc d, in common with millions chainged with the wonderful on October 31st.Tiffany LeeAnne is the granddaughtem of Mr. and Mms. Bert hafyerno a seei. da ofo a!i nSeiw o other servicernen in manypoleo Bernîcres-Sur-Men Trim and Mr. and Mrs. tne Rowe, ail of Newtonville wniltefon ind5 cal di ca 1 trd o b e e csr t ou n tries of th e w orld , t e y on w h o se d o orstep tihese 'v et- P h to b y A st r tu io t d c o ngr a ltio ns t have the ight toa ____dd 5yas Poo-b-strSui tn ogatltost Id us cb ek yoqr ur Sf bers hp in the "Fra trnity o ! earlier. It w as a po gnant[ and_ _ - M rs. C. P De itt Bo heSW-f o omne, Veteoeans". moment for ail, as many of F" M f r~vils .P.tSudayi, anc nodsno-otyOr n Hopn et n a these people. at the risk o!, D villeAibent 'nigt as ando car, amly oS business. Wel r oprweto egytheir lives. bad offered the!peAlbesWrt wM.and Moi Sim m apmot. fankap* that he and lus wife were Canadians help during the!' ) C Kpe us fM.adM fortunatetae been amang landings. Sevenal of the vet- The a!ternoon unit met in George Skelding gave an in- 0Broolin, visited Mn. and!M.adMr.Rnl stuI S sin 150 andia Vternserasitwasstted rnewd bechumch vestry Tuesday, formative paper on somne Mrs. Richard Wall and Mns, hein. Toronto, were we =M « uto okgatoo. who were privileged ta re- personal acquaintances and Nov,.llth. Mrs. Walter Wnight "Leaders o! China." Mrs. Lar- F. Hamilton on Sunday. guests of Bey. and Mrs. turn ta the Normandy Beaches exchanged gifts and mem- opened the meeting by reCit- mer (getting her incentive Tedyvstn ihM.Pnosadgrs lat Tueonth ocsin !ories. ing "In Flandens Fields." Mrs, frorri the picture of carnels and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy Sunday guesrts af Mu the 2.5th anniversary o! D- Remembrance Day w i l Kenneth Samelîs led the de- arriving in Bowmanville ZoowneM.ad rsAlxC-Ms. oy cLuln Day Terewee 8 mmb rnely nover losc bts signifi- votionai. H y mn "Glorbous last week) read a veny inter- ments, Norwood an-d Mns. O. Debbie were Mn. and in thec speaker'& Regimental cance If we cari occasionally Tbings o! Thee" was sung. esting story of the characten- Watts, Warkworth. Walter Murphy. New, party, ail o! whom bad par» ho reminded o! its truc mean- Beatitudes w er e repeated. istics o! the camnel, making Mn. -Keith Johnston, Belle- Mrs.. Charles Wood, ( STUA T Ltbcipated In the original land-. îng by addresscs such as the After o!!ering, prayer and several references ta canicîs if ville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mns. Editb Murphy, T, ST AI * . ing. anc delivered by this speaker neading a scripture passage, Bible times., Meeting closed Ferguson, Oshawa, visai t ed Mn. an-d Mns. David Kyl neseke ttlndi who demonistrated that he Eph. 4: 11-16, she gave a medi- with benediction. A dainty - -___________________ JAMES ame detail their plWgimage knows what Remembrance is tation on "Peace w1akers", of- lunch and social ball! ou ta, visit tihe Gardens o! Be- ail about. !ered another prayer and ail was csjoyed by the nine membrance whene many comn- The appreciation o! Mn. read the hymn "Where Cross ladies present I ' ENIA DS1RACE rades lie at rest in nine cerne- Hooper's audience was well the Crowded Ways o! Life."' The Township Hall was 114 ingnt. . Bw anfleteries, beautifuilly designed expressed in a warm-bearted Following a hittle business filled for the Remnembrance P A E R B 84Kh t.E Bwmnifeand well maintained hy the motion a!ftanks by Past Pre- period, Mrs. Harold Larmer Day service Tuesday morningc Office Residmnce Waa- Graves Commission, in sident Rex Walters. Thisj ead a short item on "Age is when Rev. V. M. Pansons1 gaveý thff Serate countnies. Mn, 'notion was cooveyed to, theý a quality Of mind." Mrs. a very tbought!ul and timehy 61 Hooper nidL only those who speaker by President -omaddreàss. The Guides, eBrown-. were veterans could fully un- Cowan, along with his per- i Courtice, Mrs, H, Hall (Mur- les, Scouts and Cubs, with W H . sonal thanks. iel), Tyronie, Ralph o! sh Leaders, marched ta the hahll'T R £ ____________________________awa and Ken o! Bowmanville. for the service, then ta the'i 20 Ibs. and Over Th edlt ga- ever daredi i He was pnedeceased by ayebro- Cenotarkh where the Honour: gabl SJJ..UZS.J.L.L ld bot w yarýRoil aredbRevLw-fo ,ago. rence Malcolm, the wreath l 'Ol~.MYNR The funenal service was, placed by a Silver Cross mno -_______ held from the Nortihcutt El-1ther, Mrs. Malcolm Emmer-l FULLY COOKED SMOKED iFollowing an illness o!fXiflC liott Funeral Home, Bowmnan-1 son, two minutes' silence ob- 1 months, the death o! Boy ville, on Monday, Novernberiserved, an-d God Save thel l i James MaYriard occurred at îoth, and was conducted by Queen was sung. .I U TOM STERN-JEREMYMLTE C» FAM Memonial Hospital, Bowman- Rev. A. Cresiswell o! Hampton PIiewnnrCt NIucr ClfE AMIKANiNiR - vile on Friday, Novemnber 7, and Bey. R. C, Hopkins of Wednesday night - High lady,1 H 019MAmiem iterrrtwwFcbx« 969.He was in bis 56th year Enniskillen. Iriterment wasl Mrs. Mervyn Graham; second,l H U D R PLUS jthon ofathBroole n he w1in Orono Cemnetery. !Laurrena Bright; high gent, c Ui sn ! iclae n Many lovely floral tnibutes Richard Mannis; second, Han-' Jessie Maynard and received 'attested to tbe higb esteem inield lMcDeanmid; lucky drawJ lb 197 ieuaied i theBroi nl wbiàh the deceased was held.!George Bowens. W IL Ma e MaRrdthe former Palîbearens were Messrns.' The Women's Institute met i Mabe McRbert whoSur-, Stanley Hall, John Stainton, in the Township Hall Thuns- i ~ vies Leslie Hunt, Ben Klein Nien day niglit, Nov. 13th, with 21 . F00PRUS M IISTPUum WMS'The deceased had residcd at huis, Ross McBoberts laid, members in attendanc. Ater ERTY IUI19,2,21 Tyrone for 28 years and was 1 Duglas Walker. the Ode idClet n.V - .oWIu.. for many years, until bis ill- s. andlete bt, ur. V ness. !arm manager o! the Bsns»ieîr Baihey conducted the busi -__________________ iMcLaughlin Farms situated ati,]usn s adoptr ' ed boy was readby Mnsuri B Prom:I Tyr ne. H was a menben o K. a melîs, - a --so - one _fro fh_ i,~ , .l :4 ~ M F I I I ~ 9a.m. t 6 p.m daily ta stand -and take a baw. Mrs. .-. Closed Saturday and Sunday W. W. Van Camp gave a read- ty p DI Office Phone - 623-5790 ig GaimohnSek1MARsHmALLows 2=63 '~o DR C F ATRA, -D Out". A sing-song o! old- lIAL DIL . F CATRAN D..S.time sangs was led by MrsL. IS1 A ESN 4 8-oz, - 35cValue222wKiang 1St. PE. -fess Suit e 204'Thompson, îh Ms .ý S U R SI O~ 4 FREE W-35THVTHe jOfc or:Taylor at the piano. Mrs. Mc- F E IH T E9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Artbur gave a report of ai »IL URCHSE 0FI Closed Saturday and Sunday wonkshop on Histonical Be-i ORANGE JUICE m19 2l Phone 623-545 search wbich she had attend- ONE QUART 0F DR. STANLET GERT cd.phoosof ta eeweg ________ 67 King St. E., BowmanvilhO ,'babies, were posted Up aroundi Offie Hors:the walls and ladies guesscd 9 a.m. ta, 6 P.m. whose picture; Mrs. Chas.i E G G N OG - 7 5 c 9 am . ta 4p.m. FrSitsy ldy, RI H T LE T Phoe 63-762basket of munts. Stili -haviîig WINTER SUGEESTIONS ThInsurancebo ok CHOCOLATE MILK ................... .............. .......qt. 36c DONALD A. MaeGREGOR wee on djisay, glGUARDe Life, Auto. Home vcny aid newspapcrs which' PINEAPPLE COTTAGE CHEESE .......lb4< Insunance ail enjoyed looking aven. Fol-i WHIP ING REA .... .... .......~ ljtf int - 1 ilonSt., Bowmanville hbwing the singing of O Can-1 - Phope 623-5962 aa a diny lnh was,_______________________ gerved. ROTARY ? A E O jkt, t r" y* Services were weillatne JO £4 W-Lr , In bath churches Sunday r it ~urw~*.. zzm. o.~. morniag. In thc United, the !J If 11Imml A.RCinsE c*îor sang"Came Ail Ye e a erythaught-provok- Bwa y el sermonn an B o w I S ew ~ . . ~ ~ » ~ viA ev. R.C. Rase' «Wl.e Givipg Bhood." Mr~ andMra. EWUI Bhightj uad&Y.! Karen and Tricla Sleep. usé 1fiéko.N O. dimèts aslons rursier. , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- as an. O.N.O. memnber be ad Mr. ',1owJm »adamily we. $"~- i omi rhnny,i day' visitors with the Glenn ipl~ans eekend, Larmners. dance .w s. Boy:ý Maurice Edgertotn's famil v was colle j held a surprise party for hmbnsbn wnan- Saturday, Nov. Sth. The even-1 night, Nov. iest of, ing was Mpent visitjng, danc- be there at 7: -ham. iing to records, and entertain,- ta cal et 7:30. ist1nient by Perry Grande], fol-1 Edith had à * visallwed by a buffet luncîh. Rame on Love leyoder Matiric-e was the-n preoented Group 2 served a , ve with a record ployer by hill~ schnol famniiy. H-e alsa ïreived Ifv-I eacher3i eral cardis and lvl it rorontol fromn friendfi, for which hc ii-A Fo e ýr Fair i Lhanked ail very much. Su- nt Ar.! daY. Ma.uric's sister,, and' Ir and: huaba ndm aned familles, also! idJ,,, his mothe,' and father,(*as-i 623-5757 ti onaly dropped in at Evel1yn*s hristina r1equest and had' elîher junch oW eSun- or tsupper. O SGS IMrs. )<),ORA E Pth Melaugdulir, wji hm BOUTONNIERES 3rating, tess to the Noverrîber meeting, reDIyDlvr Wrightiof the O.NO, on 'I'hur8(day noswmanvuîle Oshawa ty evenîng the 131h. Vice-Premi- Holldayý dent Donne Kyte waz in!f d Sat-Ï charge of the inef!titig, J eEvaý retairys î eport wa#ýiread tfoi- aW'i lowed by the tresj"iirer's re- 412It turday' iI1l noon. otionwas rp.ad to Ipi \Uft5lfYwI Wright,,th aisn heSautis 1sad ,Cuha -grotupii, Wright tet of Wright VfI pergu:DON'T HAVE TO BE AN EXPERT beCo- TO QUALIFY FOR A FRANCHISE oronto,' Our, Resparch Dept, has now completed a one year ays asý gallace survey of thr- Canadian market and has compiied a her re- catalogue of 150 franchise opportunities. îM v; ManY of these franchise% caîi be operated from iM r.! led onI youir own home on a full or part time basis. i cvie The National Franchise Association of Canada ib Ir and! now authorized to release this valuable data to b.oys-.l lahaffy, the Canadian public and make available modern ';Mr. ; marketing techniques in the franchise field. ly and i *and1 Many of these franchises are available direct ta Oak- er andý you with no financial outlay and apply ta men as oronto. weli as wvamen. :ended ersaryý The 1970 edition nf otîr Franchise -rrla'e y Ma-, in the Directory can now be obtained at cost (on S Cart- limited basis only.) A must for anyone contemn- ..o ex- >o Mr. , plating entering the Canadian franchise field. ijan To caver cost of publishing and handling...Our Mwrna.- cost ta you is $2.00. r. d. National Franchise Association of Canada Direetor of National Research, Dept. 30-62 Wh- International Trade Mart Bldgr. eekend, Suite 312 - 314 West Hastings V. M. Vancouver, B.C. *r n NAME ---- 1Mrs. AD SS - _ _ _ __ _ 'castie, DRS Oreno, CITY__ PROVINCE -__ ryrne. de and BE',GANS & MOLASS5 BROWN SUGAR BEANS 4 'for $100 Foodliner Mit ~AN VILLE & t / r2 'I I *1 'j 't Il j H 't '4 m 1 1 V(S) MANVILLE