Plstri bute Gospel of John Chester Jensen hands a free copy to Mrs. EarI Osborne, Cburch St. Bowmanvllle Baptist Chus-ch has purchased 2,000 copies o! the Gospel of :John from the Canadian Home Bible League an-d desires ta distribute these free oef charge to each home in Bowmanville. The distributors will be going door ta ,door for the next two Sunday afternoons, Nov. 23rd and 30th. This issue of the 'Gospel of John is excellent. It is divide d nat only int chapters, but also mbt paragraphs, each with its own title. Som e of the "nid English" wards or phrases h ave been translated int today's langu age so that it is easier ta sead as-d under- 'stand. Key verses and chapters are und erlined. Furthermore, there are suggested study guides to help you gain the most fsrn your Bible reading. Il is their hope that the copies of the Gospel of John will tnt only be received but also Zreadand that they will be of help ta each family in Bowmanville. Social & £JersonaI Phone 623-3303 ren. Aiea attendIng were pfriends, Ms-. and Ms-s. Lew Fox andi their son Randy. Town. iAiter dinner ali were enter- taineti at Mr. and Ms-s. Fox's home. Hunt Street, where the evening was spent dancing, followed by a deliciaus lunch. Mr. and Mrs. John M. James Mina Elsie Oke spent, the Library heid ini Cobourg last and Rick, Mrs. W. A. Edger, Weekend with friends in Tor- Wednesday, November l2th. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart James, ono.Mr. ta Pyn atedi Mr. and Mrs. Douglas James, lento.M1s. Stuartn CandeertMiss Mrs. M. Byers, Newmarketthe recent graduation exercis- Kren Kturt amptow, Mrss id Mrs. Lillian Alldread, es of the Royal Conservatory rn rs toin have returned from a of Music when her daughterjIreneMrr, Newcandle Mr. two-week holiday in Fiorida. ýMrs. Kenneth Jeanes, anciv d Ms onE aeWl Mr. and Mrs. Harry L ynch.' her A.R.C.T. degree in vocal odlïand Mr . Jandmes.i Jason and Sean, Brampton, Music. p dalCand Mead MTront vlstedbismoher Mr. San Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pal- were in Winston-Salem, Northl Payne and Mr. Payne, on Sun-, mer, Queen St., who celebrat- Carolina, last weekend to at- dey. 1 ed their 20th wedding anniver- tend the James-Thornton wed- Mr. Gary Crombie, Libertyisary on Nov. l2th, were pleas- ding last Saturday. Friday St. South, recently retuirned 'antly surprlsed Saturday even- evening, Mr. and Mrs. John M. from a twn-week vacation in l ng when Mr. and Mrs. Perey James, the groom's parents, Jamaica, Florida and New, Allun, Margo and Russell, were hosts for a rehearsal York City. Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Ken- dinner at Forsyth CountrSi Mrs. Victor Ferguson, Con-;neth Hooper, Barry, Pauline Club when the wedding guests ýëssio0n St. West, has returned and Carol, Miss Sandra Rob- from this area were among e4 mPotAt.u heeseInson. Mr. John McMillan, Mr. hs tedn.As nFi Pm PrÏAtu hr h'and Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Mr.n th tendigcallaiso o r1- b. das"b)een visiting hpr brother,!dy h oa aiswr Mr. George C. Wardrope. Geo. Britton, town, Mrs. Geo- guests at a luncheon. held at Mr.Helen Depew.* Mrs.ý rge Clarke and Miss Sylvia Forsyth Country Club. given Mr.Clarke, Oshawa, gathered nt by Mrs. Joie Mason, Mrs. Ern- Reta Glanville and Mr. and1 their home for a party in honorestYrruh Ms .D c Mrs. Jinhn Depew returned on: oif the occasion. . Me Sunday. from a 10-day hliday fteocain Glaughon and Mrs. L. B. Hath- at Monteo Bay, Jamaicn. iMrs. Aibin Clemens, Mrs. away in honor of Miss Thorn.- Olive Norrish, Mrs. Sarahton and ber bridesmaids. A Mrs. Edna Stephens, Goder- Ward, Mr. Russell Franklin, al bachelor dinner held Thurs- Icb Mr ard Ms..Ii Stph-I o Bwmanville, Mrs. Lauretta1 day evening was arranged by ens, Toronto, were SaudyGthel Burketon and Mrs. P.ithe bride's brother, Mr. Tho- vrtstors with their aunt, Mrs. F. LeGresley, Newcastle, at- j mas Thornton. W. Woodley, Wellington St. itended the November meeting, Mrs. Tennyson SameIls,, of the Great Pine Ridge Club: 13lackstock, and Mrs. Gordonfor the Blind heid In Port; N ST E O MeLean. tnwn. visÎted during'Hope Monday evening. Thel E T E O the past week with Mr. andhosts wêre the Port Hope! Mrs. Charles Briggs in Toronto. Lions and joint meetings were . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis of held following a delicious Toast Toronto, spent the weekend 1 Ottawa were In Toronto oniheef dinner. Lion Bud -Mosesq in their Nestlet.on home. Dur- Thursday, Mrs. Davis spent and Lion Bob Williams werPi the week they will be re- three days here with ber moth- drivers, with Mrs. D. W. Arm-! turing ta their Toronto homne er, Mrs. Annie Wright, Church istead, Mrs. C. Burdett Jr., and, to spend the winter. Street. Mrs. Ron Hawthorne, guides.! Mr. Delton Fisher and bis Congratulations and best' The next meeting is to be in ýstaff from Mason Road Schnol, wtshes to that iovely lad,' Cobourg in January. Scarborouh enjoyed a car Mrs. William Cann, who wi ll A birthday dinner was held rally iast week. They had celebrate hier 93rd bîrthday on Saturday evenlng at the home check point% along the route,ý November 24th, at 106 Church of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ben,- One of which was at the St., town. nett, Duke St.. in honor ofhome of Mr. and Mrs. Miltoný Mrs. M. Middup and Mr,. D.: Mrs. Bennett's birthday. Those 1 Fisher where tlhey were serv- Pollock. Librarlans, attended atteiiding were Mr. and.rsIed caffee and do*nuts. Return- the Library Faîl Workshop <,1W. Mnynes and Ronbbie. Mr.fing ta the borne of Mr. and, the Lake Ontarin Rgi nard Mrs. Allan Mnynps andi Mrs. l3eltcvn Fisher at Westl -Shelly. al n4i Ottawa; Mr. and' HilI fhey enjoyed a spaghettUý Mr,. John Stainton. Johnny,iSupper.i 7 iRonnie and Cheryl. Maple, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fisherl REHOBOTH ýGrove, Mr. and Mrs. Randv, Caesarea, and Mr. and Mre. T Gonyea. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barry Fisher, Leanne and 7 Christian Reformed Xiniberley, ;;Ilini Toronto.!, SuFan, Blackstock, spent Sun- Church Stainton are dauighters of Mrs.idinner and supper guests with, Bennet.Shellv k a great-, ~*JenHooper. Seugog Street rndaghe.and the others1 cogautinto rJak Minuster: . name.d ahove are grandchild- MfrKague, Mx-s. Clarke Wil-i Rev.A. andeRer, lams nd rs.Jim Gibson' Vandnflrg, i. lIVon their recent appointment B.A., B.D., M.T1I. st. Poui'S ta offices in the Blue Ray Phone 623-7407 Chapter af the Eastern Star, Worsip ervces United Church Port Perry. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Har- 10:00 am Minster: Iris, Whitby, Mr. and Ms-s. Rev. Hf.A. Turner !Jack Dempsey and family, 7:00.A.,.B.A.BDMaple Leant, Mrs. Albert Backto Cd Hor oranis: 1Wright, Blackstock, Mr. Jim Back a Cd Hau Orgnki:Udell, Ottawa, and Mr. and Dil130Rdi r.R 0taf Mrs. George lrwin, Port Per- a.m. ASR.C.T.10:30a.M. ' ,vîsited rpicently with Mr. Ever Suda9.4:5 - Church Scisool and Mrs. Clarence Gnin. "Everyone Weieome" Il &.M - Publie Worshlp1 Mr. Douglas Davison, B]ýn- heim, was a Saturday oves-- infant eare during service 1night guest with bis parents, î Mr. and 'Mrs. Richard Davi- son. Friends will be interest- ?.IL ITV ILIT~h UI I lU Pd to know that Doug. a for- UKINIIlI fU1 TED CHfUKR.E1 mer Cartwright iesident, isi Miniter Re. Gerge . Wrd, A., .D. Departmerit Head nifGeogra- phy in Blenheim High School. Organist- Mr. Williamn M. Findlay, B.A., Mr. and Ms-s. Richard Davi- A.C.CO., .T.CM. 'son enjoyed Sunday evening A.C..O.,A.T..M.dinner. with Mr, and Mrs. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1969 iCarl Elliott, David and Kim, Leaskde.le. 10:00 am Miss Denise Malcolm and 0W E HESN F friend Miss Lynda Wilson, WHEN TE0SOiGbath of Peterborough Teach- THE LORD BEGINS" ers' College, spent the week- Rev. G. K. Ward iend with her parents, Mr. and [Mr%.' Victor Malcolm. On Specla music ta commeemorate anniversary of Sunday evening Denise and The. Royval Conscrvatory of Music. her parents along with othe~r Grade XIII graduates andi Chureh School Houri fheir parents. were guests of the Studeats' Councsl of Cart- V 101,psKindergarten and Primary Depts. wlgtRg ralfrdn IT 1,& at 10:15à a.m. ner at the Bon-tire Restaur- Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. anit. Lindsay. nt 11:00 a.m. Mr. Mark Malcolm. a stu- dent of eclectronicsaiatPort!~ em Hgh IMt at la rhul Ake this e WUE&bSWi. Ilday vfstm gwith Mw. and! areeding andMm. rrani!f Grandefl eserve honotlrable 1The Canadiarn Statesman, BowmanvIlle, N'ov. 18, 109 ' is work. alepein nMr. Cand Mrsw. Grdn oo-,m nt. a delluson retire-' mention for their fine per-' -- --.--.--- ihiswor. M. ad Mr, Grdo Col-,mnt.A dlicous"9it-down", formance in thee ac t play,' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cain. edge extend their sincere' meal was provîded by the, "Well Married". Bailey, Howard and Tara r m St. Mark 4, verses I1-41 Bethany, visited during the tianks for the many acta of Institute. Mrs. 'Élack of Mss. Walter Ferguson was; Lymn, al af Blackstock. Ia'nd chose 'Fmili" as the tub- week wit' the Victor Mal-, kindness they received when; Islay-Zion expresdthi ap- an oveenight guest with Mr., Mr. and M"-. Norman Ir-1ject of bis sermon.Jos e coem family. Mrs. Cýoledge was in Port. preciation and Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. George Bowers and' vine and Mrs. MciFmyden. buked his disciples for thel Ms- an Mss. alc]m niPe's-y Hospital and &ince her' Heaslip extended Nestleton'siail attended the deliciousiBowmanville, were Saturda aka at fe eelc erson were Saturday over- return home. "thank yo .chicken dinner at Pontypoo<l. ieenn dinner guests with;thriates in the t t night guests with On Thursday evening Ms-s.! Prize winnern from Nestie- Mr. and Ms-s. Lawrencer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Cistaslc htfiht Mrs Dn lek a Curicp. Grant I'horpson, Mrs. R. W. ton aresaI Port Pers-y High i Malcolm, Gail anid Laurie ! Sunday Services day, ton, as they did in Bibi Mrs.DanBlak a Cos-lce. Jackson, Mrs. Walter Welts, School Commencement were cailed an Bannie Malcolm au In the United Church Sun-I times. Ms-s. R. Davison ,re M.r. Mdat rv yins Tor- en1 Mss George Bowers, Miss, Peter Pantsohuk, Janice Hunt- Annesley Hall, University ai, day morning, Reverend Vidas-1 iddtthergn one t rda n o- Ruth Proutt. Mrs. Fred Dayes,'i ington, Trevor Nesbitt. Bon-;i Toronto, on Sunday mafternoon. Parsons chose "Stewardship"' ~ --___ ona.Mm-. George Johns and Mrs.' nie Malcolm, Glenn Malcolm Gail remained in Scarbor- as the theme for hi.s splendid' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas-! Bruce Heaslip af Nestieton'and Bars-y Malcolm. At Cat- ouglh where she is employed1 message. Responsiveness and, Get Cash Tsda'y î bergen accampanied yM. Women's Institute wereen wrigiht High School Com- as nurse and companion tai respansihility are' the essen- and Mrs. Lloyd Brittain,, tertained by Janetviile Wo-I mencement the prize winnes-s Mrs. Ross, mother ai Mrs tials in the christian's partici-~ o Dunsord atende Wetgae ýmen' Intitte t thir.r iForOId Appliances: Dunf'od, ttnde Wetgae en' Intitteat hei. egu-ý from Nestleon area wes-e ame, Lwrence, Nestleton. pation. A trio consisting of Speedway Annual Dinner aidý lar meeting a'nd pinny sale.'Denise Malqolm, Lynda Fallil,l In honor af several birth-j Mr. Lawrence Malcolm, dau-ý Dance aI the Labour Centre,' Other guest.s were Is1ay-Zion Gail Hart, Valerie Frew, Su-1 days Mr. and Mrs. Grantighter Gail and son Barry; through eerborgh a atra Women's Institute. For th& san MeCall, Suzanne Wilson,I Thompson were hasts ta their'sang "Just Such a Frîend,"ý evensng. ~~prOgram M"s. Wessel a-tidHerb Vine andi Bruce Fish. ifamily for Sunday eveninglwith Mrs. Lawrencc Malcolm C Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rod- Mrs. Webster ai Islay-Zianl Carol Werry, Harold Amas. diqines-. Guests were Mr-. and i et the organ. man, Karen, Wilson and&canducted two contests, and; Leanne Dorreil Bruce Fish,l Mss. Neil Wer.ry. Carol Larry! In the Presbytes-ian Chus-ch! Ph.. 823-3303 Blair. Little Britain, were 1 for Nestieton Mrs. Johns gave! Susan MeCoil and Pers-yitand Joy, Mr. andi Mrs. NeilI Mr. Morley Mitchell r-edj____________ MeEeEnRY FeR ALEX. CG REGOR PRESCRIPTIONS 5 KING STREET WEST I.D.A REME[ DRUGS! )MES PHONE 623 m5792. -1