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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 10

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10 ?hCadaSttma1cw nvlc e.31H Jr. Farmers Receive Awards On Saturday, November 22 the Durhlam County Junior Award Night was held in the Orono Town Hall. President of the Durham County 4-H Club Leaders' As- odlation Wm. Tamblyn began -the evening w1th remarks -conoernlng the association. There were several special presentations made during the evenlng. Mre Bowman was the winner of t.he, Marr's Jewellery trophy presented to the Grand Champion Live- *stock Showmian which was based on the Inter-Club Live- stock competition at Orono p'air. * The Secretary of! the year awards were presented to the top three secretaries and were handed out by Bill Tainblyn on behahi! of the club leaders. The winners were Louise Budd, Nancy HUis and -Arlene AiUn. Three prizes were presented tthe top three press report- -esand these awards were s iven out by Gary Jeffery, tO Lorna Budd, Diane Beatty and Walter Taylor. Thel Royal Bank Branch ab~ ]Blaekstock &ain awarded à ,7plaque for the 4-H Club of the year. Mr. Francis Jose *'~prsenedthe award this year tthe leaders of the Swine _Club, Jim Byers and Glenn -Larmer. A 4-H pen and pencil set was aiso presented to the president of the club Jimn Walker. The $200 Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board Schol- arahip was presented toaa -JOHN F IEU 1ITH General Insurance ALL CLASSES 0F PERSONAL and COMMERCIAL LINËS Contact : JOHN McMILLAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 14 FRANK STREET, BowmANVILLE student who Is enrollng for the fIrst time ln an agricul- tural school. George Blylev- en of tic Board made the presentation ta James Alllin. He was also given a trophy for a onc year terni. The $300 Walter Frank Real Estate Scholarship was award- cd ta a student who is study- lng agriculture ln a recogniz- ed Canadian College or Uni- versity. Mr. Roy Foster 'made the presentation ta Erie Bow- man on behaîf o! Mr. Frank. Alex Carruthers, ML.A.. prcsented $10.00 ta the wlnning exhibit at Orono Fair in the Junior Famer and 4-H sec- tion. This prize had already been forwarded ta thc winners the Nath Durham Cal! Club. 4-H Club Certificates were handed out by Mcl Wood, Past President of tic Leaders' As- sociation. Those receivlng certifloates for six projects were Tom Barrie, Louise Budd, Dean Knox, David Larmer, Barry Malcolm, Gordon Mal- colmi, Donald McCamus, Ian Page, Rodger Porter, and Brenda Yellowlees. Those with 12 projects were Arlene Allin, Erie Bowman and Don Heeinga. Those with 18 pro- jects were John Larmer andý Jim Walker. Bey. Ellis presented Club, Leaders' Certificates and Pins ta tiose qualified. Those re- ceiving certIficates were Kari Heeringa-5 years, Wm. Tamb- lyn-5 years, Don Welsh-5 years, Gary Jeffery-5 years, Glenn Larmer-lO years and Roy Mc- Holm-l0 years. Pins wcrc awarded to Wm. Tamblyn. Don Welsh, Gary Jeffery, Jim Byers, Don Rickard, Jimn Ric- kard and Lloyd Kellogg. Bnian Wilson and David Kellogg were selected for the O.A.C. Seminar held ln Guelph which has already taken place. Neil Allun was selected ta represent Durham County at the 4-H Leadership Week at the O.A.C. last summer. As a result o!hils pqrticipation at this conference he was select- ed as one of the Ontario Re- presentatives at the National 4-H Conference at Ottawa and Toronto on November 13 and 1A wist watch was present- Got a problem stock? LOt aur team of experts evaluate the latest developments and recommend a course of action. We pay attention to special situations and high performance stocks. Why flot give us a cail!? Our aim is to make your money make money. BARCLAY & CRAWFORD LIMITED Business Establshed 1902 37 King Street East, Oshawa Talephone: 723-3423 BRANCR MANAGER-Mr. Douglas R. Armstrong R.glted Reprsentativ-John P. Purcell Meibourne- Swirling stone beauty recreated in vinyi So easy ta dlean- Sa easy ta care for SOFTREO VINYL FOAM FLOORING A wonderful new kind of comfort! Warm. Soft. Quiet. - Luxuriaus, easy to clean, vinyl flooring cushioned with * vinyl foam. Softred is richly embossed to help hide heel m. ars... mask uneven floors. Just roll it eut. No mess. N o cementing needed. Ideal for suspended floors. So *- ilovely *.so comfortable .. so inexpensive. Stop in ~today and smo ail the lovely Softred patterns and colors! From $3.39 Sq. Yd. Up mcrl.r ~Hardware U KÏNO ST. W. BOWMANVMU 1 ed to the girl ln 4-H-1 A culturali club work who shown outstandlng Interest her club slnoe finst becom a member. The watch1 donated by the Canad Imperlal Bank of Comme: 1and the presentation was m by Mr. Gunter of the Qi Brancil ta Karen Yellowl A similar award was made the top boy and a wrist wa was presented ta top boyr Allin by Mr. Gunter on bel of Mr. McKenzle of the Bg manville branch. Tis year a copy of Mo son's "Feeds and Feedii was awarded to a top dalry beef member on the ye; work exclusive of the aw, on the calf. This booki presented to John Heer1nga Milfred Creigilton of Port i on behaif of Eastern Bne ers. Eric Bowman was the u ner of the James T. Bno trophy which Is presented e. eacil year ln memony of late James T. Brown, P President cf the Canad Holstein Fresian Associati to the Durham County C Club member showing a da caîf at Achievement Day w. the highest number of pot on the year's work.1 [trophy was presented by 1V Everton White. Don Welsh presented1 Durham Hostein Club Awi which Is given ta the exhi tor of a dairy caîf ine dairy or mlxed club ln Dt hamn County who secured1 highest number of points the year's work. prev]( winners banred. This yee wInner was Lorna Budd. Again thus year the Duri County Milk Committee spi sored a trip for a group four juniors ta Ottawa Nov. 7th and atil. Louise Bi Karen Yellowlees, Jim Wall and Don Heeringa, with1 and Mns. Don Welsh as leaci and chaperones, took the ti The $100 E. A. Sumrr Memorial Scholarship Fu was presented to Miss Eli beth Kellogg. This Is the1 year ln which this scholarsi will be given. In the pE funds had been contributec memory of the late E. A. Su mers, who was Agricultu Representative for Durhi County for some 20 yearsa also from donations by1 Toronto Mllk Producers. A slecial pnoject this yt for club members wvas1 Safety Essay Competition: the Ceresdale Fertilizers Li lted Trophy. Mn. Don Ric ard mae tie presentation the winner, Miss Chrisi Hill. Dean Knox o! the Pouli Club was presented witht Junior Farmer Trophy. second and third place wi 1John Lane and Walter T1ay: respectively. - Net! Allin was the winr of the Durham County B Producers Trophy whichm presented by Jim Byers, & retary-Treasurer of the Di ham County Hog Produce Gerry Cornish was seconda Brenda Yellowlees came third, In the Durham 4-H Fli Crops Club, Grain Section1 Garnet B. Rickard Trophy m awarded ta Miss Brenda Y lowlees. In second placev David Larmer, and ln thi was Entc Bowman. In thc Corn Section,t Agnico Trophy was present ta David Larmer by a repi sentative o! thecocmpa Maurice Hallowell. The rt ncns-up were Neil Allin second spot and Brenda Y lowlecs in third. The Durham 4-H Potz Club's 500 Bushel Trophym presented to the top rnm ln the 4-H Potata Club foi number cf years. This yea winner, Philip Olan. receiv hus award from Bey Els. Fi- and Vegetable Specialist. ' second and third placef lshers Jirn and Nancy Wall rcceived donations of fertil ers, an award given by 1 Wood. Silver trays were preseni ta the top boy and girl int tropiy and a miniature Gerry Cornish, who wast judge at Judglng Coml tition. Beth Hayward of Port Hc rcceived the C.N.E. Shielda was pncsented with thc a" by Bob Watt, Assistant Ag cultural Representative. The Soil and Land 1 Judging Competition was hg this year ln the Peterborou area wltil Durham and Pi erborough Juniors taking pf under the supervision Harvey Wright from Llndsi Prize money was provided the Ganara.ska Region Cc servation Authorlty, the Cel rai Lake Ontario Conser% tion Aughort.y and the Otor bee Region Conservattoù A thorlty and heu alrcady be iven out. In the North Durham4 Cal! Club. the Kil Heerin trophy wus precentsd ta D MeCarnua, the top man %i club. Mmii J&IWNe W-uàzIpr Lgnl- has it ln ning was tdian erce, nade ,rono rlees. le t 'atch Neil -bal! l0w- orri- Ingp" y or ear's vard was aby lope ,ed- ,awn ach the Past dlan ion, Calf amry with Ants The Mrs. the rard ibi- any )ur- the on Lous can' ham on- o! on udd. ker Mn, ders rip. ners ,und liza- last hip )ast, J ln irai am and the rear the for Am- ck- lta tine try the In ere ylor iner Rog vas Sec- ur- !ers. and ln leld the wvas wvas .ird thc ted pre- ,any ,un- ln ato was iber r a ar' s Ived Iruit Win McLean Foundation Scholarships J. A. Dairymple, Vice-Principal, K.C.A.T., centre, isshown with the winners of McLean Founidation Scholarships at the recent Kemptville CoUlege of Agri- cultural Technology Awards Night. The winners are, Win Hog Producers Bursary Ken Thompson, a Director. of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association,. centre, presented the Ontario Hog Producers' Association Bursaries ta Graham Burgess of Bowmanville, lef t, and Lawrence French fromn Port Sydney, at the recent Awards Night at the Kemptville College of Agricultural Technology. Photo by Ontario Dept. cf Agriculture and Food $1,900 Top Price for Holstein Bull from the' lef t, Ronald Blackburn, Bowmanville; Gerry Cornish, Tyrone; William DeMille, Bowmanville, and Raymond Cameron, Tyrone. Photo by Ontario Dept. of Agriculture & Food the F. K. Morrow Foundation Scholarship, a nd D o n ald Brown, Pontypool, the third1 Leeds Co-operative Medical1 Services award. AtkInson Charitable Found- ation Bursary winners were: Faye Galway, St. Catharines; Lorraine Hanrni s, Dorion; Bridgittc LePage, Welland; Julia Lucyk, Port Arthur, Helen Van Tocu, Powassan; Tieresa Fox, Lancaster; Shir- ley Freeburu. Lake!ield; Jan- et McLaggan, Dobbiuton. Mrs. Nina Quinn, Kemptylle, and Mlaine Seguin, Oxford Milîs. County awards wcrc pre- sented as follows: tic Dundas Co-operators' Insurance As- sociation bursanles ta Greta Sicling, South Mountain; Pet- er Byvelds, Brinstan; Gordon Fetterly, Mountain; Douglas Fry, WIlliamsburg, and Tony Ketelaars, South Mountain McLeau Foundation scholar- siips ta William DeMille, Bowmanville; Raymond Cam- eron, Tyrone; Gerry Cornisi, Tyrone, and Ronald Black- burn, Bowmauville. West Kingstou Kiwanis Club sciol- arship ta, Dudley Shannon o!ý Sunbury. Rotary Club o!ý Kemptville bursary ta, Barbara Forgie o! Bisiop's Mils. Lionsý Club o! Alexaudnia sciolar- ships to Nancy Vallance, Max-, ville; William MacNaugiton,! Williamstown, and Bruce Mun-! ro, Lancaster. George T. Ful- fond scholarship ta Ruth Me- Fadden, Elgin. Stewart Burs- aries ta Betty Boese, Arn- pi-ior; Mrs. Alexis Bar-r, G las-' gow Station, Sandra Miller,: Ren!rew; Herb Buske, Pem- broke; Ian MacMillan, Brae- side; Allan Hamilton, Al- monte; Edward McEweu, Lau- ark; Donald McRae, Carleton Place, and John Miller. Perth. Kiwanis Club o! Coruwall bursary ta Yvon Racine fromn Moose Cneek. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATE SMA N Phone 623-3303 ker lz- ted Richard Schleissner, Jerseyville, Ontario, paid $1,900. the top price for a bull thc at the Ail-Canadian Holstein Sale held recently at the Brubacher Sales Arena, ner Guelph, Ontario. This sumn was paid ta J. H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle, Ontario for 1 in Gladibrae Triune Dandy, a son of the "Excellent" and Class Extra sire, Seiling wu Rockman. and A I mond, and TIm Catteau of res > 4~ê4 arasGuelph, each won two awards. ýaîse Pr sentAwar s atMarion neceived the Leeds tie Co-operatîve Medical Services -trie award and tic T. C. Infelise WK m tilii Cle award. da Shuewo ~.Ta K Paudthe Leeds Co-operative Mcdi- cal Services award and an R. lle Bursaries, scholarships adcently. B.Wîyte memorial sciolar- nt- awards amounting to overi Awards Night was ield iii ship, while Tim Catteau won ted $4.000) were presented at the conjunction with a student 'tie'Rideau St. Lawreuce Re- keni 4th annual Awards Nigit ield variety showInu is address tail Feed Dealers' Association at the Kemptville College of !ollowing tic student pro- hursary and tic Brockville itci Agicultural Tcchnoiogy__re- gi-arn, Dr. Ford Stinson, Pin- Co-operative A s s o c i a t 1 a n -ded-___- cipal, thanked the genenaus award. the second and Dorotiy Moiton donors, particularly tic service The Kemptville College ive- was third. clubs. aud cialleuged the stu-' Alumul Association gift awards Ion. i'Lcsotg Farm dents to prepare thcmselves The ocus Cotagewere won hy Donna Stokes o! ý969 Trophy was awarded ta Terry for tic changlng and unpre-LisyanMuryFgso Ow- Malcolm of the Bc al! dictable times. o!iJdsyvandlcurTayserwius re- Club and the presentation was Douglas Kennedy of Peter- are seîected by tic students ýnty made by Mr-. Bey Gray. Gerry borough was tic wInner Of tiemselves for their contribu- Cornish and Neil Allin were Itii-ce awards: tic Dr. Helen tion ta tic educational, social thc the second and third place fin- K. Giif! ciemistny award, thc and atiletlc activities. iers isiei-s. Hou. G. Howard Ferguson Otraadwneswr: to A Waterman Peu and Pencil memorlal award. and tic F. Jame Glenn ofKene, ticre top set was donated by tic Can- C. Eligh memorial sciolar- Jaes lCitiz e eward he .pe- adian Imperial Bauk o! Com- siip. ttamal itson o awanc e ti [ope merce, Port Perry, ta tic top Maiion Long o! Hamilton, Kemptvllle Weekly Advance sud siowman at the Achievement Edward Sciauten o! Rici- Bursary; Duncan Buist of rard Day at Blackstock Fair. Terrv Midd]epont. tic K et chiurm gri- Malcolm was the winuen. Manu!acturing Sales Limited Tic Canada Permanent award: Jean P. Bourgeois o! Use Mortgage Corporation Award rila-A Fowehr St. Albert, tic second R. B. ield was preseuted ta Lorna Budd' Wiyte memonial award; Mur- ugi by a representative o! tic ray Ferguson o! Jerseyville, Pet- Port Hope Brauci. In second 6 3-5757 the Rotpny Club o! Smitis rtplace were Vicki Brown and Falls award, and tic Maiatnne o! June Mai-vin. . for Mant4et o! Trenton, tic Otta- say. Te Gladibrae Fanms Trophv wa Journal award. by was presented by Francis Jase Thomas Kelly, Manotick, :ot- onabGranlf fon. ic Farru: POINSETTIAS and Alan Stuart. Northield, n- toGnthalfladlbrac re w I utheGui! 011 Company o! .va- a tic for second place between Free Dally Delivery Canada bursartes; Brnu ce une- Chai-les Stevens, David1Larm- Hownmmvîiê - Ouhawa Beatty o! Marmora, tic Ou- Au- er, and Arthur Doyle. taio Sciool Trustees' and mmn Tic Durhami County Milk Municipal Councillors' Associ- Commlttec Trophy was pre- I~g ation bursany; Lawrence 4-M sented ta Ente Bowman by W2 L French o! Port Sydney and nga Carlos Tamblyn, Sccrctary. Iun Graham Burgess o! Bawmau- Don second place was John Heer- rLoRS1TflI ville, tic Ontario Hog Pro- the Inga end tied for third werc rtucers Association bursaries; faU LoleBudd a" dTom "Burrii Larry BennU, BurUngton.1 lSpeaker Stresses vital Importance 0f Family Circle ArthunrA.Dunan, publice. don't have ta take rny word relations of ficer, ata Shoe Co. for it." he said. Tie records cf Canada, was the guest show tiey swlm faster, run speaker at tie annual com-1 faster and certainly know mencement o! Clarke Higi, more . .. and they have muade School on Friday, November 1 It sol. 14th. In a dramatic manner The older people secl that Mr. Duncan emphasized tic youth have everything because Importance o! the family they, the adults, want It til circle as tic greatest part o! way. Here tic speaker sald life. He urgcd that we not you cannot Inject everything forget the things taugit by tic. with gifts. famlly. The speaker spicedl He empiassized the "Sehool his address with plenty o!1 o! Experience" as the great humour aud made the point teacier and this sciool, ho that it was good to laugh. said, neyer closes. "Today's youti are not lost",. Mr. Duncan spoke o! thre he said, and he was grateful 1bard work undentaken by the for tie fact that ticy did not! pioneers of thus country who cntirely follow ln tic foot-'taok time ta appreciate their steps of thefr parents and fore-. achievements. "Things taugh fathers. "They are bigger, ýto corne by arc tic ones ws strongen, brighter and yo il appreciate," he said. He was hopeful that youth would not lose thein sense of apprecla- Legion ladieston November 27 Averages M. Blake 196, B. Partner lô.~, N. Sheehan 181, F. Bruce 181, J. Burton 180, M. MartIndaîs 179, M. Gray 179, A. Bate 178, R. Vanessa 174, E. Demeter, 174, G. Downey 173, M. West- over 163, L. Adair 162, H. Simntck 160, N. Calmer 150 J. Whitney 148, M. McNulty 144, M. Perfect 140, D. Rich- ards 139, R. Bathgate 133, A. Diuling 130, A. Gibson 129, T. Brown 114, M. Harper 92. Hugi single 271, higi triple 687, M. Blake. Team Standings iPis. Gray ---29 Partner 18 Sheehan 17 Blake -14 Over 200 Games M. Blake 271-218, N. Sice- han 245-212, R. Vanessa 228,, J. Burton 225, M. Westoverl 221, L. Adair 217, D. Rich- ards 216, J. Whitney 201. 1 I(sHARVEY OPARTNER ORONO 983-5208 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE NOW MS THE TIME!l To Order Your WIN TER -> Money on DX Premitum Quality Fuel Oil CALL COLLEC? Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL CAIL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 9 In '1 1 ItRetirement Pensions payable ut 65 In 1970 the Retirement Pension age wilI be reduced from 66 to 65. If you are 65 ..if you've been conîributing to the Canada Pension Plan, and if you've retired from regular employment, contact your Canada Pension Plan Office now. If you will be 65 in 1970 sel in îouch with your Canada Pension Plan Office three months before your birthday. The people there wiIl help you fil! out the application form that starts your pension cheques coming. They'll explain how your pension is worked out . . . and when you become eligible. You'l get ail the answers ta questions about your reuirement pension. Payment is not automatic. You must apply. The address of your nearest Canada Pension Plan Office is listed below. Your nearest Canaida Pension Pian Off ice bu: lthDitability Pensions payable for the Sfirit time Disability Pensions for confributors la te Canada Pension Plan will become avoulable in 1970 for those wbo have contribuîed for 5 years. Generally, a person is considered ta be disabied if Fie has a physical or mental disability that is so severe and lîksly ta continue so long that he cannot gel sîeady work. Benefits wilI also be avoulable for a disabled contributor's dependent chil- dren. The Canada Pension Plan also May provide rehabilitation measures where practicol. Eligibility for a pension will be based on an assessment of an appli- cant's medical condition. if you think you rnight be eligible fora Disabiliîy Pension contact your nearest Canada Pension Plan Office. The address is listed below. 2800 Eglinton Avenue E. Elane Plaza Scarborough, Ontario '266-7727 PISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL HEAIJH AND WELFARE, TIIE HONOURABLE JOHN MUNROi MIN1SIt! the Canada Pension Plan wiIl take two Important steps forward for your benefit j-,

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