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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 11

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Mms Bruce Tilison, Editor Phn . 84213 Elect First Woman ta Newcastle's Village Council On Monday, history was made in Newcastle when pointed not elected. This photo shows the successful Mrs. Sam Brereton was elected to council, the f irst candidates, from lef t to right, Fred Couch, who resigned woman who has been elected to this position. Miss earlier this year and then sought re-election, Aif Gray Joan Frith served on the present council but was ap- who headed the poils, Mrs. Brereton and Frank Hoar. Newcastle-The last th:ree miunicipal elections have nr women stirring at the nomin- ation meetings and running for office of council for the village af Newcastle. In 1967,ý defeated In the election, but later sworn inta office when * vacancy was caused, Mrs. Doreen Neabltt became the flrst woman ever ta ak seat on Counili. Runnlng ag.ain In 1968, Mrs. Nesbitt, as wereý el other women candidates,! was once again defeated, and once again, due ta a vacancy caused durlng the term, the second woman, Miss Joan Frith was sworn lnto office of Cauncil. The only woman nomlnatedý In this year's race for any seat ta public office, Mrs. Margaret Brereton, candidate for Coun- cil. sought votes for that office and dld become the first wo- mnan ever to be elected. Hav- Ing successfully been elected ta office of Public Sehool Board until defeated In Iast year's flrst area Board Elec- tion. Mrs. Brereton Is un- ctestionably proud af the fact iihe recelved anly 19 votes Iess than the man- leading this year's polis, re-elected Coun- cillor Ai! Gray. The final total votes for Caundil were: Gray, Alfred 288-Elect. .Hoar, Frank 279-Elect. Couch, Fred. 270-Elect. Brereton, Margaret, 269-Eiect. Adams, Jack 169-Dftd. Reeve Douglas Cunningham was elected eariier by accia- inatlon. Three candidates were In the' racc- for office af Publie Utili- tiçs. wlth two eiected. They were: ]Rickard, John 339-Elect. McCuilough, Ikv. 205-Elect. Stephenson, Lloyd 174-Dftd. As can be seen by the num- ber of votes, there was a poor showlng at the three poils, open from 10 arn. until seven p.m. The weather wasn't the very best, but the Interest proved even more so. Election Cards of Thanks My sincere thanks ta the Electors of Newcastle for their support In re-eiectlng me es a member o! the P.U.C. Compliments o! the Season to ail. Slncerely, John Rlckard. 49-1 Many thanks ta, the voters who supported me at the polis on Monday. Season's Greetlngs. Fred Couch. 49-1 Many thanks ta those who supported me at the poIls on eiection day. Compliments o! the Season toalal. Irv McCuliough. r MOVE AHI ~3n Ba8h1Toranto, 364 t Marjorie Cuningham, Mns. Margaret Farrow. George Hodgson, Mrs. Lais Huban, Miss Arn Jayncs, Master Ai- bert Landry, Master Robert irnouf of l/oters Reid, Mrs. Pst Twe n recentîy home iran tha Osha- d wa Generai Hospital, Master lin Rlcky Dillon. Tha Newcastle Horticultural rW s L st M nday Society hald a pot luck sup- ________________________________________per. Thursday, November 27 M.t. 60 people attending ard the "pot luck" turrad intoas nost delicious dirner wlth a New PUt. Commissioners large variety of casseroles sud desserts ta pleasa averyone. The GaîlopIng Gourmet. sean daily an TV, would do wall ta try sama o! the Newcastle recipes. Among ail their oth- or talants, thay ara very good 1 cooks, sud Thursday night was au excellant opprtunity ta try the spaclal dishas ai at iaast six diffaraut national-. The slate o! officens for 1970 was raad sud appnovad. Mr. Charles Magit gave the secretany-treasurar's repart.-At the aunual show held iu Aug- ust thare wera 324 adult sud 133 junior cutries. The New- castle Society started s flower bcd at Bond Head Cametery and plarted 100 tulip buibs, plus sathar 50 bulbs arourd thc urus at the Conmunity Hall. The guest speaker, Mr. Wm. Bunting. Supernteudent af Ororo Forestry Station, gave his audience something ta thlnk about lu bis excellent speech sud film or Pollution aud Conservation. This cou- cludad the evenirig, snd sitar washlng s mourtain of dishas mlxed with frlendiy visiting, ail depsrted for home with their enpty casseroles sud plates. Escaplng the snow ard the cald, Mn. sud Mns. Tom Mes- senger flaw ta Bermuda for s The wo ewcatlePublc Uilites ommisiaerstwo weeks' wlrter holiday ai The wo ewcstl PulicUtiitis Cmmisioersfun sud sun. Wa hope they for the comning termn wiIl be Irv McCuliough, left, and thiuk "warnily" o! us, as we veteran Comnmissioner John Rickard. are thiuklug of than with _________________________________________each shovelful ai snow ta dlean off the walks or driva- if wsy. sud wlsh we were theneE 1 lewcastie Social and' Personal Newcastîe-Siucare apolo- ta the street ta walk. Par- gles are expressed ta Mns arts, be wlsa - axpiain ta your Jsck Chard, Acting Captainj daughtan ta chack out any o! Ist Newcastle Girl Guides such 'phare cali - the extra sud han assistant, Mns. Dennis minutes taker ta check may Rudman sud the girls o! that weil be warth the troubleanad Compary for having hait then the tima. out ai the congratulations ex- Mn. sud Mrs. Neil Voutt, tendad ta the Guides aud Toronto, were waekend guests Leaders ast week in remark- at the home ai Mn. sud Mrs. ing on thair Iaveiy float enter- Siord De Joug, atteuding thei ed in the Sauta Claus Parade. Lions Christmnas dance wlth Also lntendad ion last waak 's them news, was the repart on the Mn. sud Mrs. Tom Boyce1 nystery 'phare calîs received sud Jeiiary, Minden, were ai ate by sevenal local youug waakeud guasts at the home girls lu towu. Thesa cails ana of Mn. sud Mrs. Lawrence1 made Vo, the homes where the Kelly aud family. They, tao, girls are usually visiting, lu- attendar. the Lions Christmas1 slsting they eave and go dance.9 straight home xvth nu explan- Others atteudlug the Lions atioin as to the reason. The! Christmas dance mairn out ai calien bas ber ifoiled so fan ton, wane Mn. sud Mrs. Ted wlth the girls first checking Denny iran Ottawa, who, wlthi thein home sud laarning that ýthain family were weekendi ao such urgent cali had beau guasts at the home o! Mn. sud made inom thana. Othen cails .Mns. Win Collier. gave detaied instruction as' The dance, suothar succass- fuI avent, was again well at-i tanded. Beautifulhy decorated m lu the Christmas theme sud1 colons. green sud red stream-t ens were strung hlgh aboves 0 , the dance floor sud ahong the backdnop o! the stage. Multi-s colared papar baîls sud glit-s terng designs lu gohd sud silv-t an wera also strung high aboya the fonr, Christmnas trees dec-t orsted the stage. Several spotr pnizas were awsrdad, with they main drsw, the Mata-Ski, h-a- lng won by Miss Susan Thamp-a sou, a thrilled sud excitedd teenager frain Kendal holdingt -- the wlnning ticket, No. 249. f Tickets for the gala Newe Year's Eva dance go on sale this week. Good sdvice ls ta i EAD WiTHi plan uow ta speaic for your b resarvations ta avoid disap- i polntmeut, there are a lilxnted4 rumben ai tickets.È STS ~~Remember, the H oceke yn Mothens card party wlll be R ~held on Tbursdsy evening. RAMON Decamber 4th. If you do not li have your ticket. thay msy be purchased at Uic door. AiU a pnoceeds are for Minor Hockey. m 495 Also Barrie and 0ormil Our frleud3 and neighbors ir lu Memaniai Hospital are: a] Lloyd Alldread, Menvin Alli- ià 8014 nMm "t, u u . 3M counry eAMPTONo J dmThé Canadian Statemman, Zowmanvlfe, kbeS, 1M Commlttee trled ta farce any-- Mns. Grace Chant visited oni anc ta sel tickets. The par- Tuesday aternoon with Mr. a d o e O-Y r O l L d ents who werc at the meet- and Mns. Martin Fisher. Sea- I ng acccpted the responsibil- grave. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. ........ . .. . lty ta sel tickets but, nobfdy Chant were Tuesday evening suggcsted they seli or eisc. suppr guests wth Mr~. ana....~~.. . . . 10. The RecreatIon Corn-Mi.And Venner, Seagrave. mittee has nathing ta bide, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cie- * .,\. and aur booksa are open for mens and Mr. and Ms-s. A. H. ~~ the publie ta Inspectet a n time.As fr runors n Clemens, Bawmanville, visit- like ta meet Mr. or Mrs. Rum- OfWendywthM. Q or some time . With regardis adMs omnCees .,~ ta commlttec members being Sabruh ..~ thrown ta the woives, 1 think Visitors during the week '~~~" ~ Hockey Mothers are acting like with Mrs. Stella Baison were . .., , . a bunch ai aid hens and they Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camneron, « . shouid get thoir facts stralght Zion, and Mr~. and Mi-s. Bill ~ bei are sundlng off. Chatterson, ai Saskatchewan. M~~~~" Yustruly, Sunday visitors were Mr. Ger- .¶ Eari Foster, N.R.C. aid Balson and Ma's. Phillip -Reprlnted iram The New- Baison and Todd 2\.castie Reporter. Weekend visitars with Mr~ and Mrs. Bruce Hurst and . , ianiiiy were Mr. and Mrs. à* - Sam Gibbs. Oshawa M ~ .~ *., Commun"Y Visitlng lest Monday wlth . .. aw. Bowling.aand Mrs. Les.Hunt and MONDAY LADIES M.sdMi e utm famlly were Sunday supper 75and Over guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Theresa Langstaif 237, Diane McRoberts, Tyrone, Langstaff 235, Helen CourouxC 227, Betty Major. 227, Dorepn Sunday supper guests ai Mr. Neal 225, Dorothy Mercer 216, and Mrs. Eari Luke and iam- Grace Couch 207, Penny Breen iiy were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 206, Fran Lunn 205, Vicky Luke and iam.iiy, Oshawa. ~ Biight 200, Mary Garrod 198, Miss Mary Nlddery spent a Coileen Pickering 193, Joanne !ew days rccently visitlng ln Huttan 193, Mabel Goode 190, Toron-to wlth Mr. and Mii. 'Lillian Farrow 186, Veida Fernandes. k..: .... .... Watson 181, Isabel Patton 180, Miss Lynette Holroyd was ~ Mary Henderson 178, Juanîta a lunalieon guest on Sunday . . Martin 177, Bey Lake 175. with Mr. and Mrs. Glifford MEN - 200 and Over Burton and family, Zior. Gord Simpson 341, Greg Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd« Forget 299, Ric Pearce 298, were Sunday visitors wîth Mr. Clarence Rivers 295, Ron and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and Goode 287, Jobn Kneiargen famiiy, Bowmanvile. 272, Earl Taylor 240, Jin Bru- Saturday visitors with Mr. ton 245. Lloyd Taylor 240, and Mrs. Cecii Siemon were, Bill Farrow 232, George Kim- Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Trewin, bail 231, Merrill Henry 230, R.R. i. Bowrnanvilîe. Don Good 205. Hampton Are& Guide News NEWTONVILLE LADIES Mrs. Barbara Hindnian, Dis- 175 and Over trict Cammissiorer of the .4. Mary MacDonald 336, Wv. Guides and Rangers, saw her Iline Rahme 274, Hilda Wii- efforts ta have a visitingý h adoe tryyugflo nteaoepooi ei ihr lemsi 256, Anna Vogels 218,1company oi Cadets revealed Th hadoesud ycn iow i te bvep tolKenRiar Wiida Simpson 207, Liz Wil- this past weekend, when ten White who celebrated his f irst birthda y on November 28th. He is the son of Mr. lems 203, Velda Gray 198, Cadets and two leaders from and Mrs. Reg. White, Parkway Crescen t, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. N. Alian Dorean Camneron 193, Mary the Niagara District arrlved of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. L. Connors of Bowmanville. MeRobbie Photo Smith 180. Gwen Hughes 170. here for a weekend visit. Up- THURSDAY IJXED an their arrivai Frida y aven. 'susan Pie ebeRy L Floene0 can 255. Bobiicîous supprervte C.de. rm.DebeR 200ene can 255Over lig, they erein e C.a E- nolds, Ken Rice and Donna a e i O e f1~ Glarvilae 251, Marilyn Couch Wing to help them get sc- Terrill. Graduation dipiomasT i n o g t o 237, Mary MacGregor 223, quaiuted. Thay were bilieted ln Four Year Business and Jeanne Myles 215, Ingard Zu- in the differant homes o! Commerce ware givan to Bar- lau! 1,Wse ogt24 some o aur own Gudes, andi bara Kozak, Chnistina Rid , ave Uis f rorri lo llution 214, Wr esriey0, F orge 214. aGide Gu aingaTrudy Wilkins, and Stanley~ Eleaor erri 20, Gergethoe Gudesnot avig aYeo. Spacial congratulations, Jerry Gaodis, president of ti ll be ton iste," MeNair 200. visitiug Cadet in their homes ta Sharor Fitzgerald, winner, the Goodis, Goldbert. Sorenll 1suggsethnht ab FRIAY IXE wee aka tajoi jrandst ofa an Ontario Schoarshp, Ljmited advertising agency lho shouid cniist the Hon. Les-, 200 and Over in the different homes w'here having 80% or more in sevar'speakîng ta the Younsg Men's ter Pearson's help, aud # Albert Pearce 333, Ross the girls would bs Nicholson 308. Ron Good 275, one was lait out.l 0 ha n Grade XIII subjects.1 Sharon Advertising & Sales Club, la cou ple ai days later I was RanBurey263 Gorg Ku Drin teirsta teywraa lsa won the highest standing: Toronto: visiting with Mr. Pearson. pe r e 46,,DGceogel K3 , er iver atour os. Gladeys award ir Mathematics and Aiter that, my next point af Hoogka40p 233, Bih 27,Brniatt B arr ronsGf rShop whereChemistry. The Roy Nichols In Vancouver, a iew weeks contact was wlth anc ai Mr. 232,BihA lu 223, ill riclet a eyre tatadta mik suaward ta the studant in Grade mgo, a coupla ai people toid Trudeau» aides. And this marn 2K, idd 222, ack , Hola 27cakias suetrd ta ikird nhosi- dispiaying the bcst per- me the horror they feel ln the made me start ta feal that Mayd Br2iffett me 2 17,.udy o aiy ond Mres Barro An- sonality and voted Most popu- fact that warid environnent is people like you and 1 who are - a 21, eril He21, uy 211 Ed otherfpar aer our An-la r by the staff ard class- in a state of decay. They toid profassionaily lnvoived in coin. Naslt203, race Eben y 1,zo par t o thetorein- mates was won by Debbie me, but they didn't reaaly coin- munications might irdeed ho Nesit 20 , rac E ble 2 0. ler, athe Egg tadiheg Staion, Reynolds. The Athletic Soc- municate, because I laughd at able ta pay a significant; roIs. the Geishargar Dairy Farn îlety award to the outstandmngCtem. I said: "You guys lu B.C. For example when I niumb- the tomcgPlntl in Athletics, was also won sure krow how ta exaggerata." led sonathiug about rat beinig Hocke News ncem the y wmcPlntwere rate Debbie Reynolds. Bar-isa then they told me that evari a politician, ha stopped me fil onc moe tey eregretedbara Kozak was awardad a the sacratary-ganeral ai the my tracks. Ha said: "YOu CQ&>M Thrsa, ov 7,Jue ite:smi a rm n dha r asts. A ophy for obtaiuirg the high- United Nations, U Thant, 15 communicata. Maybe that'S Marhan, Nv.27,astî e visit a am m c wa hs A-st standing in Bookkaaping tarribly alarncd, because in 10 ýwhat we need around here. awchastl ewok ast-le ad ' ter apar c aih rv sit ahee. ad won the Commercial yaars, If tha presant rate O S ebody ta ut through alf on goals by Brian Andersan, On Saturday evenlng a fira- plaque aud prize for highest rat continuas, wa wiii reach the verbiage and get ta thie Bill McCuilough with Brian sida gathering was held in standing in Grade XII Com- a point ai no raturr. heart afiit."l Ardrso asistng su Gir ta C E Wig wan ha a-mercial subjects. nea Local And 20 years sitar that Poo- Naw I waut my kids ta graw Mudrhy. siThey lakd ta e pIe Grava.sd Courien res' 2 U.A.W. awsrds were wonpie by the million will start ta up with a chance ta wslk auto on their waey tateir rt epGavce an uts. Ou Sra:. b Sharan Fitzgerald sud dia, because there wiii not be siewithout being poisoned by points ai the season. But day a church parade was helD' von Tofil o ampton anough air lait ta breatha, nor nan-flltered air and ta be able somae stroug Play exiabied ta finish of hieii ir vroe a o apa naugh rutriauts lu the sal ta ta swîm iu a laka instaad a1 Markham ta catch sud aven- The Leaders wished they ývr ru. fftervs he.says "Congratulations, we'ral rnw food. just lu pools fillad with chiar- take the Newcastle squad. could hava said more than W ay rud"Thay sald they wanted ne You krow what som Po- Penalties went ta Dale Wat- mare "Thank You" for aIl thea Please note! Hampton Dau- invoîved bacause I might be p le say now? If you fail inte sou Iu the first perlod, Glan effort put irta makiug the blas Club Chnistinas Trac, able ta heip get the massage Lake Eria, you dan't drow, Murphy one lu the second vîsîtiug Cadets sud their iead- Saturdsy, Dec. 6th. C.E. Wiug.,acrass, but I still thouglit they'You deay.. and two In the third sud Tiincssowiov eeinta~ p.m., "Pot Luck Picmic." wravrtîn itSahy Mary lu this room have the Wond. it nai tese community ai Hampton, but Plesse bring yaur owr silver. said: "How would you lika ta typa ai talents ueaded to, lit. Friday, Nov. 28, Atain- they are sure evaryoue in- Christmas Customs, aid and: get the word inom U Thant, erSlly. sava the warld. Bacause Newcastle 3, Bownanvîîîa 2. valvcd reccived great satis- new, when trsced ta thein be- hinseli?" governments only act when Newaste hld n t wi aferfaction "for a job weil doue"l. ginuings can occasioually laad' Two days latar I had a calÜthe people ara aroused. And Newcsstle ha ld awnater Caurtica Sacondary Schooi you on a merry chasa. The saying that the secretary-gau- people get aroused anly whcn goalie. Scoring for Newcastle FCom-mencement Exercises, or Sauta Claus as we know him 'ersi agneed ta sea me. The somneone camniufficatas wîth ware Brian Ebinsar, ursssist. 0iay Nv. 2lst, whena taday is a jolly fellow with communications pnacass was lhem effectively. Sa I thiuk we ad, Kevin Hawes unassistad Hampton students did axcep- great rosy chaeks. This image!hotting up. Twcnty-four hours should wark tagether ta get aud Danny Allir assisted by tionally waIl. Listed below was created by cartaonistllater I was lu New York, aloug the people araused about paio Kevin Hawes. ana the rasuits of thair ai- Thomas Nast. Ha sketched with a fine, dadicatad Unitar- lution. Pea Wae - Staufiville 5. forts. Valedictorlan Miss Sha- Sauta as a combination o! ian ministar, Jack Kart o! Van- Newcastla 2. Scoring for rou Fitzgerald racaivari the "oid King Cola" and "Fathen couver. GET CASH TODAY Nacatl wneNik ilems highest standing iu Grade Nickarbocker." This portrait, U Thant gave us half an hour FOR OLD APPLIANCES jo UUKOinson 1receivea tue oniy penalty. Bantam: Bay Ridges 4, New- castle 0. Penny Maadows ne- iceivad thraa penalties for Newcastle. Mldget--Newcastle 3, Pick- erin g 2. Scornug for New- castle were Norman Tilisor unassisted, Rick Stephienson iran Gerry Thompsou sud Bnad Harris iran David Shear- an sud Rick Stephenson. Pen- alties weut to R. Stevenson 2, Greg Gray 2, Bob Bayle oue sud Doug Rickand ane for flghtIug. Nov. 30 - TownU Lague- First game, Combines 9, John. tou's i. Sconing: Combinas, Gary« Van dan 3 goals, 5. assists; Chanlia Green, 2 goals, I 2 assists: R. Dunochel 2 goals., 5 asslsts; P. McCullough, Iý goal, Bob Dsrach i goal; Fred Aldrad 2 assists; Glen Rowe 3 sssists, Lau Brown 2 asslsts; E. Stevens 1 asslst. Johns- tau's: R. Farrow, 1 goal, W. Myres 1 assist. Penaltieq: Combines, Albert Green 2. Chanlia Green 1. Fred Aldred 10 min. nlscorduct, Lau Brown 2, Bob Darach 1. Johustou's: AI! Gray 1. Ken Gray 2, sud 10 min. mis- conduct, Roger McDufi 1, Howvard Qutunev 1, J. Van Wiringham 1, Daug Farrow 1, Hsrry Clarke 1. W. Myres 1. Second gaina- Partuers 6, Newcastle Garage 2. Scoring: Partners--Bili McCullough -4 goals, Bob Tugwood 1 goal, N. Pethenie i goal, Buz Mer- cen 1 assist. Rau Best 1i ssist, James Rickard 2 assists, John Cunningham 1 assist, Bob Stiles 1 asslst, Martin Coola-, han 1 assist. Newcastle Gar-1 age: Tenry Waiton 1 goal, Billi Wright I goal, Tim. Waltan, 11 assIst. Penalties~- Partns:' Buz Mencer 2, Bob Stuces 2. NJewcastle Garage: Wayne Plance 2, Stan Cobbledick mis-' ..ouduct, Tim Walton 1. standings reans W LPtMi Newcastle Garage i 6 Partrier's 3 1 8 Combines___ 2 2 4 rohnstou's O 4 O'l j56 Years of S.A F E MiIk ProductsI From The Canadian Statesman November 21, 1912 "Mi. R. R. Stevens 'Glen Rae Dairy' just west of Town, has decided to commence en Wednesday, November 2th, a milk route in the Town of Bowmanville and will be pleased to receive orders for milk or cream. He hss had his herd of cows inspected by the Government Inupector and bas neia up-to-date equipment for supplying bottled milk BHe hereby respectfully solicits a share of your patronage. Ternis Cash. Phone orders to 175-r-3." From The Canadian Statesman January 26, 1956 "Mr. Reg. LeGresley has announced the sale of his business, the Newcastle Dairy to the Glen Rae Dais-y in Bowmanville, the sale to become. effective on February lst. The LeGresley family founded the Dairy business in 1937, when the daily output of inilk was 50 quarts, business has grown continuously until the present output on an annual basis amounts ta about 500 quarts daily. 1Mr-. Albert Pearce who has been makiug deliveries in Newcastle will continue to serve local customers for Glen Rae. F 1IT'S 1ITn da0 IVl )OD Elect First .Woman Sm ail TL 'At the P( .~, ~1 mq q In the Editor's Mail Dean Editor: Iu answer ta changes made lu last week's Statesman, I will attempt ta set the record straight. $850.00 minus $170, la $680.00, rot $650.00 as was neportad by the H. M. 2. There have neyer beau auy questions asked ai us, so how car we be accusad oi rat auswaning questions. 3. More than $250,00 have alrasdy beau spart on the various hockey teans wlth anothen $250.00 ou onder. 4. The morey spart on the ball park this year wss manay that was given ta the Recra- tion Comnittea by courcl, rot hockey mouay as somne people would have us baileve. 5. It was oniy a suggestion that the Hockey Mothers change the nana o! thair ong- anization, so as to ba eligibla for s goverumant grant ai 25% oi mney spant an aquip- ment. The Recreation Coin- mittea dld 'not damard s change lunna. 6. The Hockey Mothars taîd the Racreation Committea they were only lnterested lu spon- soring the Ail Stars, sud ther lniormed us two weeks later that they wera lnterasted lu sponsaring ail the teains. 7. Anifon the six sets af sweaters for four teams, the sweaters were ordared bafore Uic Snack-Shack had douatad a set. As for the ather set that was douated, ana must resUz. that sitar two or thnee years use It la wisa ta have an extra set ounliard. It was also desixable ta hava four diffenent NHL colons, rathen than have two teams or the Ice with the sane colon sweat- ers. 8. In regards ta) the meet- ing heid lu Octaber pertaiulug to thc Tykes, every Pureant ws Lnvited by 'phone sud -ai the 40 Invited, ail showed tap but six on seven. Since that meeting, another 15 boys have registered, mco « course thase1 parents were not at the meet- i ing. At that meeting 75 par' cent of Uic boys were repre- 1 sented. The method of rais- ing maney fan sweaters ws appnoved by eveny parent at 1 the meeting.1 à. No pm tn u Ibis fr.e 1

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