Homemade Camper Trailer Goes Up in Smokel'lç * .(Itededfo Ist ee) 1 Sunday morningz. Mrs. John Peterborough. wvere SundaY (I teCongraoulaos to ConnieVaneyk. organist, invited the visitors of Mr. n r.W a "-Ferguson. Grade 5 stujdent,ý Hampton students of Grade 5 Park. howon flrst prize for aand 6th room toi sing "Theý Mr. and Mrs. Don Staintofl, poem she wrot.e, "I Like to Lord's My Shepherd" whichtM r. and Mrq. Henry Stainton. <Xme'd. Saturday a*moon, was much appreciated a 81.! attendedi the 25th wedding waspreen.edwth nneYou are welcome to attend! celebration of Mr. and Mrs. libr ry books by. Gro Suday School at 10:10 arn. and Lloyd Stainton, Flint, Mich., Gerrlsori of CKLB, at the ,church service at 11 ..over the weekend. ý,>aaLibrary. Mrs. A. Werry, Enniski11en.ý Mr. and Mrs. G. Canfield. i,'"-Alare nmbe frm tisand Mrs. A. Knowlton spent Mr. and Mrs. K. Maguire at- %itmunlty attended the Santa i an enjoyable two days in'tended the Royal Winter Fair '~1au prad Satrda mc- IToronto as guests of t.he 4-H; last week when Linthan, 7-yr.- Homnemaking Club Leaders old Arabian stallion owned by Rev.R. . Hpkis dliv ri tp. They motnred up on Canfields did vpry well. In 7cd mct Îteretîn semonThursday. Nov. 20, returning the rostume class hie placed __________ in semo on Frlday, Nov. 21 and spent 3rd. ln the park horse class hie ,the night at the Lord Simcoe placed 4t.h. In the latter class Hotel.lhe was the only Canadia MEftIET Congratulations to Miss entry ta get. a ribon. Througzh- flEEUMLIFIE Grace Moore who was mar- outi'the 1969 season Lînthan ý.1 ried on Saturday, Nov. 22 to was in 12 Arabian shows, win- 40- Mr. Charles Nielson MeGreg- nlng 52 ribhons. i:j or at St. Pauls United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bartlett Bowmanville.anid Mattliew, Patidatishla -ke. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare visited her parents Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Waler, Mrs. D. Davey on SundaN. y 'Rahm were SRturday eveninn Mr. and Mrls. liarry Hath- dinrguests of Mrs. R. B. eirîx and Karen, Toronto; Mr. RENT ýsott. Bownîanville. ànd Mîrs. Franik Hatherly, A Mr. and Mrs. H. lia rdy Lakevie%.vl siterd their nioth,1- tAI,. Bowman\'ille. werp supper Pm. Mrs. Annie Hothlv -1ýand NELW guests of Mm, and Mrs, George visited Mr. Jatîk 1liaiherly ln Alldmearf. Satumdav evrning. Memiorial HlospitalRownan- CARMr. and Mrs S. Goble and ville. Bruce were supper guests aof Fridit.\ venliîig Iihre wr PROM . . .andMr5z.Keith Goble. 19 tables f pogesv Courtice Penclirr. flri7.c winners werp Mms. Then Dntwn. Lakefield. as folaows: Il. AeiMq M aCUUNALU ;spent thp. weekend \vith ber .10e cî'awford. Mmr. Lloyd brother Mr. Leon Moore and Crago. Mrs. 1. Store 'v. Miss FO- on Paul. Elva Orchard, Mrs. Eleanor, FORD i bMr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott de jonig. 5-5o draw m7on hy 813 Kng st. W, Othown attended the wedding of lier M\rý Carl (Gimiblett. MVaurice Ramsbottorm spent two years constructing his camper-trailer, but it niece Miss Jovce Murrav ta Mmr. and Mis. Charlie Jolîns-j took mîîich less time Ihani that foi- it ta bc reduced lu ashes about five a.m. Sat- 576-1800 Mr. Fred Smy v'ai Donlands ton. Os a.\ve eMon1daviudv .).2n.Bwmnil iee h a ut eundfo nt lz Mustangs, Glaxies, Falcom, Utnited Churrh, Toronto. on callers af Mrs. Rov Mavnard. ura.Nv 2n.B1avlefiec zohd utrtrejro nte Iz Delly - Wookly - Maithly. Saturday. The Tvrone 4-11 CIlubnem- 1 answýered the call south of Lloyd's Store, west of Courlice. The camper was Rensoobl* Rtés. Mrs. N. WoodleY anid Mrs. bers had thieir final meeting! parked on the pi opet ty of John Whyte and caught fit e when a defective gas valve H. Skinner. Bownanville were for this unit at the hbora failed to function proper ly. There was somne insurance. Saturdayv aiternoan callers of Mrs. A. Kiio\\vltor. Wein- RENT4-AR Mrs. L.' Hooper at the homie \ited aur mîîthers as guestq ofilber daughter Mr. and Mrs. As special guests we itnvitediD i Eà 1I er, Doi,, not tao long ago. _____________A. Richards. Miss Murdock. aur Homte, ES~L E V I L L E1 Connie Barrowclough ai Mr. and Mrs. James Park., Econoniist: Mrs. Hall. teacher Peterborough spent the week- S (lntended for last week) several familles were unableiend withli er grandparents' ýZ On FridaY evening Noverm- to be present but there were' ber 2lst, the cammnityt en- eigh', tables af euchre piayed, %e,,j(,ed a happy party at the In between the conversation 1# homýe ai Mr. and Mrs. Harold s0 enjoyed by neighbors wboi SBest under the spansorship ai have fewer opporturiities ai the U.C.W. Theme was, and is, seeing each other. Those with'! much iltness in the district sa the highest counit were Mms.ý Il Eanoics t M ~.R. Best for the ladies and Hoi orn c a . Archie Ford for the gentle- r HbbsSenior Public School men. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, presi-1 Work continues on the lake- 1 dent afi-rU.C.W. Earh girl1 shore hydro propemty, with' brought their share af food ta ýtwa big machines being plac- C DL, ~the meal. The supper con- cd there last week by trans- sisted af food we were shown 1part bow ta make during the unit.! Another neighbor ai lake- The supper roomn was very shore people, Mr. Douglasý nicely decorated ini orange and Ferguson, slipped away iast' Sgreen stireamers. Achieve-1 week to thin the ranks of I ment Day was Saturday, Nov. those who have farmed ln the! 29 at Solina. The next unit! area during bis lifetime. His - will be on sewing. 1 death follows that ai bis broth- Kitchen Capers radtizdby Nancy Krain Thelaistfashion in quick breads is a flavor-ful nut bred syliedwilh canned Bartlett peans. Designed with ve rsatility in mmnd, this loai can be mixed and matched ta fa variety ai moods. Just mix in a favorite flavaning and ?!match it with a compimentary spread. Besides thase flavor- Ings suggested in the recipe, you might try a b]end ai spices, ~ia citrus-Hlavored extract an crumbled blue cheese. The pear bread can be served with one or more spreads. ST he two favorites are pîrobably butter and cream cheese. However, interesting combinatians include honey with the 1 h ~ .cheddar cheese flavored bread, currant jellv witb an anise- lavored loai, or a soit cheese on a spiced bread. For casual faire, the bread Is served by slicing right irom the loai. A fancier occasion finds it made lnto small sandwiches. ce Al of these fruit-nut breads are deiicious. They take just a few minutes to whip up, sa when the mood is with ~ 211ELECTROHOME COLOR TE LE VISION ~~a.mk PEAR NUT BREADexrs 1 (1 pound) can Bartiett pear halves Deileraf t Cabinet in Natural Walnut Finish 2 cups siited flour Bu n xede TerIs MyBeA Arrangedon Pcith Tube!e1teabspoons lemg o uier ý taspoons bttemle YO)"' flaVEonHng OLsec beVIow) INYO OM FR HRST AS11à escrvngsrup. Semn pe arhllingh garnish topppad nai. n uls bn pear syrup , glmnjie havea rBudgChanerithy BDî a nge t rdeSyls.Prviin orinlco s on te folowig eapngierclv, Cheddar --e---- Make4- one rai (i /zrs<',uas Spc) * 4. III H ~ '$\,~~*.p $399*00 ELECTROHOME "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL"t Don't Be Disappointed Harry Locke il I ~*I~ t' 14 cup liglit bruwn sugéir. irmly packed 2 cups wlîule wheat flour 1 cup siited ali-purpose flour t easpoan baking soda 2½/ teaspoons baking powder j112 teaspoons saIt 2 cups canncd applesauce 12 cup ligbt molasses up chopped walnut meats Combine sugar. flour, baking soda, baklng powdpr and sait. Combine apple sauce and molasses; add ta dry ingred- ients and mix well. Add nut meais. Pour mixture Into a geased 9 x 5 and 23j inch (or comparable size) loat pan. Let stand 20 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for l1½ 'haurs. Cool 10 minutes ln pan or a rack. Remove fram pan and [cornplete coollnîg on ak. This slices better the day ater baking, s0 bake ahead ai time If possible. Makes 1i baf. BANANA NUT BREAD 3 large ripe bananas, mashed 1 cup sugar 12 cup shortening 2 eggs 2 cups flou r, sifted 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup walnut meats 1/ teaspoon sait 2 tablespoons sour milk (or 2 tablespoons miik plus 1 drap vinegar m.ixed Logether) Cream sugar and shortening until very creamny. Beat eggs lntomixture. Add bananas and maix well. Dissolve soda in MwmIk and add to maix. Stir ln flour, sait and nuts. Mix if.Pour Intp a weii-greased bread pan and bake at 350* for ' l how&. Va4atlon: for banana-apricot nut. bread, add i C.pUP A04*4$*t0s aerl"to the aboya recipe. TV BOWMANVILLj9 t. -~12 j,- ,. ,* by the members. Before being 'ieated, aur Presiden.. Karen Ster. said "Grace" and 4-H- Piedge was nepeated Follow- lng aur luncheon we bhad a short meeting. Our Rail Caîl, "What I prepared or brought f or aur luncheon" wa.ç answer- cd bh' vthe girls and 'Whir.h dish or dishes 1 cnjoyed most- was answemed hy our guest-,. H-elen Trew rcad her minuites and the Treasuiren's report was given. Doris Beatty gave a summary aofxý'hat had al- rcady heen' donc an aur exh lb- it by the gimls, also gave an outline af hem comments ta be used - definite dishes wcrp decided upan for aur displa for Achievement Day in Sauina an November 29th. Record books and recipes are ta he handed ta oum leaders In arder that they may bave themn ln ta Miss Murdoch at the praper time. On behalf ai the gucs;ts, Mrs. C. Beatty thanked the gimls for the invi-, tatian ta the luncheon meet-, ing. We aIl cnjayed this; meeting very much.i Avoid the Christmas Blush. Mail Early. Out of town December 13 Local December i17 (o untry Don's iture Discount Barn -IWAY 35 -115 AT NEWCASTLE CUT-OFF KISTING. STOCK MUST GO!a ýng: Recliners, Rockers, Wood Chairs, Occasional Chairs, Dining-Room Suites, Assorted Rugs, Bunk Beds, Mattresses, 5pce. Bedroom Suites, End Tables, Student Desks,' Office Desks, Etc, NO RESERVE e EVERYTHING MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR 1970 STYLES COMING IN! SAVE $ $ HERE < V r"' w.-'. Thé Canadian Statesman, gowmnvflle, De". 8. 1969 TYRONE Kr.Lirida Thorndyke BURfTOonto. spent the weerend w> n w-ashome or thl BUR ETON Mm. and Mrs. JohnAr r 5=2d . band lamilv. Mm. d Mr. Wm Temv ne Christmnas tree harvest, Mm, Leslie Taylor has been Mr. nd Ms. W . TerYis almosi completedl here., spending a few, days with Mr. and Sydney of Toronto vislted Several carloads have heen and Mms. Fred Taylor. Suin. vith Mr. and Mrs. Murray shippedi out bath by CI. R. derlîand, Payne on Sunday and Miss Kirk Ca. and Charles Adams' Mm. amnd. Mrs. Dlavid a. Grace Anderson af Toronto of Ohio. Mn. Kirk af G. R. cel saa wn usýa ~'ih M. ad Ms. larnceKirk Ca. arrived ai tnp Mm. and Mrs. A. C. Stephen. 4fchols. Bunketon freighi yard with. -- - -- - their Ontario manager, Mr.ý Russel Conrad. an TuesdaY ETIZABETTHVILLEF morning. Several local men N have assisted ta load the trmecs LONG1TTT'1' 4-H Club Meetint in frpight cars. Mr. Stanley Taylor bas been making daily (Intended for last weelfl "The Gourmet Gais" af trips lasi week wîth truck Sincepre get-we%,ll wishcs go Elizabethville held thein eighth loads af trees to be shîpped ta Mn.' Jack Johnstn -ha meeting ln the Sunday school I mGrlo, n.Cmmut eniered hospital on Wednesdav Room, on November l th - ing on Fridav tramn Burken for an opemation on bis eye. earh member bringing a gues)ta assist tree'Ioading ailGra_- Mm-. W. Penwardpn who hiaq ton wpre Mr. Cliffard Ramsay. spent a couple of week- wlth fr the luncheon meetiniz, An Mr. Stanley Riddell. Mnr. Wal- Mýrs. Brown. Le-ýkérd. eturn. attractive arrangement af lace Ramsay, and Mm. Stanley Pd home on Suinda.y. fruit with ligzhted randle,, Taylor wbo was an overniglit Mr. Raymond Camneroi, centred the buffet table - the guesi ai Kirk & Ca. Tree Ken'ptville College, spent ihe menuIncude ho "3d mal"Plantation farm ai Fenella ora' weckcnd at home with bis par. dishes, saiads, relishes, dessert .neday evening. ents and sister. Mm. and Mrg. and grape punch. RIl arepared1 Mr. HumphreyHewitt, Tam-: Robt. Camemon and Ruithanneip. 'f -Shop Now UKINST W, BUY FOR CHRISTMAS E ry IR el