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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 13

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New Telephone Era Cornes to Manvers Township On Dec. 7th, this combined residence and office1 System. It has been used since 1931 as headquarters. will no longer house the Manvers Municipal Telephone1 This modern Bel] Telephone building holds the sufficient space in this building to take care of over complex telephone exchange equipment ta be brought 1,000 phone lines, about triple the number that will Sito use next Monday. At the moment, subscribers are be in use at the beginning of the operation. X using bath the old and new in their homes. There is chased the present building. a combined dwelilng and af- fice. During the years thera have been other Commissioners foi- lowing the above mentioned originais. Those recordad are Henry Smith, Byron Davis, Alba SisonWalter Neals, LH.Staples, Fred W. Reyn- olds, Robert Morton, Harry Preston, Ernest Cavano, Em- ery Smith, Barry Preston and *~'--*.~i~ ewis McGill. IL Is af note here that Walter Neals has ~ ~ served for a perlod of 39 years. Christopher Cummis- key and Ross Davidson have been successive secretary- .*~-:5~*~*- ..*treasurers. Thera have been many falth- filswitchboard aperators. Those who will now be retir- lng from service are Mrs. Ad- dison Scott, Mrs. Morgan Bigelow, Mrs . Gardon Smith, Mrs. William Jordan and the nilht operatars, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sta pies. Mr. Staples has also been the lina repair man and will continue ta work with the Bell Telephone Ca. S They are moving ta their S newlv nurchased farrn home, Tal& took iUV thes coection agii. Rev. Snlgrove spoké to the young IOks on flotlie- ing able to be on two sides at the sarne Urne. We cannot serve both God and Mam- mon. He read fram the 2th chapter of Act.s. verses 28 ta 35 and spoke on "God's Giv- ing and Ours". That itlis more biessed in give than ta receive. We were pleased ta mec seven of our girls ln thé choir, Sunday. Hope they con- tinue to take an Interest In It. Miss Kathy Turansky was home from University Satur- day and assisted. in the job of taklng stock during the week- end. It must have been quite an undertaking - more about lt next week,, as there was à big stock ln. Kendai was vlsited Sunday and Mondlay by a reai snaw starm with qulte cold wéath- èr. The snaw piows were out trying ta keep the raads open. It was a very poar day ta get peôpie ta came out and vote' on Monday.1 Syrnpathy lm extended te the wife and famiiy of John Stark wha pfissed away li Memoriai Hospitai. Saturday,j Nov. 29th. Th.e funierai wasý held Tuesday afternon. On Saturday, NOvember 29, legg, approxlfitèiy 1IN play- ers, coaches. league officiais,I parents and basebail fEknç. gathered ln the J.O.O.F. hall*ý at Orono. The dlnner meet-, Ing was held ta honar the 1969 Ontario Midget "D"I Champions from Kendal After a very enjoyable meal, the chairman called on 1969 E.O.B.A. President Jini Gil- nmer who congratulated ail concerned on behalf of the league and aiso gave the mem- bers of the teamn a few words which proved ta be food for thoug.ht. OBA. Executive Member Arnold Wade presented the traphy tô Captain Bill Robin- son. Mr. Wade In his remarks taid sanie aid basebail stories and aiso brought the best wlshes af the O.B.A. Captain Bill thanked one and ail for their support. He then pre- sented the Coachlng Staff with a gift from the teani. Ceci] Carveth of the E.O. B.A. presented the Newcastle Lions Award in Steve West as the Champs aIsa won a tourn- ament in that centre this year. Mr. Carveth in his remarks gave a briet hlstory of the trophy awarded. The hlghllght ai the nlght for the bail players was th6 presentatian af new jackets. They will al be sprtlng the jackets thraughout the com- munlty in the future months.' Manager John, Coaches Mort. Ted and Ralph each said a few wards of appreciatian ta players, fans, etc. After a few remarks by the chairman the meeting ad- jaurned and a very enjoyable dance finalized a champion- ship year for Kendai. ce sese NEWS s north of Bethany. Thera are approximatalv 450 Lis Nielsen, 12t, !.homes served by the present sYstem i wth lines going out November '21 was Com- frorn the Bethany Central ai- mencement night at Courtice S~fice to Janetville, Fleetwood, and was very successful. Shar- Lifford, L o t u s, Ballyduffl izgrldvaso icl- S:- .'r~'Pontypool, Cavan and sur-' dictorian and we ail congratu- rounding areas. late her for the hard workr she has done in the past fiV., The endl af one era and the years ta achieve this end. begInning of a new ana. Magda Vierhovet' is also to b - conaratulated, for she also re_- cei\ecd an Ont.ario Scholarship. I & KENDAL Our guest speaker for the ev- 1ning a Mr. W. F. Thom, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark ýDIrector ai Education, and Secratary oi the Northumber- have comae aut af Mamorial land and Durham County~ Hospital and are going toardo dBain Inside the new building. experts put the finishing touches on the machinery.'edtewnrlvn r.ar fEuain ,McTaggart's house. The graduates had a partyr They are f rom lrf t ta right, Dick Aoki, Northern Electrîc Supervisar, Donald Hop' Wfe Wre very sorrv about at The Acres later ta celebrateý kins, Plant Dept., Bell Telephone, Peterborough and M.E. Oke, of the Engineer- Lhe passing ai Harvey Farrow the night, and everyone had ing staff ai Bell fromn Toronto. an Sunday, Nov. 23. at the age a wild ime and seemned ta en- ai 62 years. Ha was the father loy theniselve. Bethany-*On Deuembei î1 .iassats wili be dlvlded among ment with Dr. Hamilton ai Alta, Mrs, Artal Langstaif, On Thursday Novamber 27,1 there will be a new SOUND the registered shareholders af whereby ha was to provIde and Arthur. He was bunied we had en aseembiy end Mr. tilroughout the Township of~ the present system. The assets the office and the switch-j Tuasday, Nov. 25 at 2 p.mn. Fleming, a mamber ai OXFAM Manvers, the sounid of ilew include investment manies; board and the ' were ta payli romn the Morris Funaral Chap- shawad us a film about the telephona bllîs. as The Bell the C entrai Telephone Office operators, except at. night. el with Interment In Lakeview hunger situation In Blaira. Ha Telephone Ca. of Canada takes with attached residence and This arrangement was main-lCametery, Newtonvlle. Our nmade us realize how bad the over the aId Manvers Muni- garage In Bethany; the service tained until the year 1921. sympathy Is extended ta the situation In Biafra ls. 1 think cipal Telephane Systern. ýtruck, tools, telephones, etc 'Early In 1921 a demand wasifamîîy. he made us realize how well Bell Telephone employees;al of which will be ofiered made to form a Municipal I Miss Susan Thompson, Van- off we are and what we. as ]have been busy t.hroulghouIt for sale at an advertised date, Telephone System and amal- covr îîe e asîst udents couId do La help the past month laying cableiatter the Bell take.9 over. gamated ail af the independ- 1wouerwlLh haraunt, Mrand a remedy the situation. eico~,d ire, nsthlng.ne Paros wlcme henew ent elaphone uines. Petitions Mrs. Garland Cathcart, and Grade 12E had a Fashion c.al telephones and erecting'lsystem with ail iLs advant- were clrculated In advance andibruce Atu hnpson.Shw nNoebr2.adI their n e w' administration 1ages, yet there is a feeling of a public meeting was heldat,ýhrs. leA4 rrickThomeShw&soa huge ucess2, snowIg building at Bethany. The last1 regret at the loss of the pers- Bethany on September 2lst, MsAvSabik honwsahueucssDwg fw veeký theY have been anal service given by the 1921. On this date Mavr'gi after spending sanie ime many vdiffeenclthfashios. Th busy checking and re-check -, switch board operators at the Municipal Telaphone System with her daughters Mnrecieh lohsfo.o Iiîg ai the service wiLlî theicentral office. These tehe- was organlzed. Three Com- ronmîîîer In Toronto and Mr. anne's and the shoos frorn transfer niow, comiplete andlphone operators have given missianers were appointed- and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley In BonlLa Shoes, bath of the everythlng set ta, "Go"' on thej s:ervice Plus; inging the local Henry Ward. J. J. Clark and Oshawa. However, she Is stilI Oshawa Plaza. aboc dte.Tol frae calling rfire alan., calling a doctor or' William Whitei ihWl-jtaklng dlzzy speils. i edOn Naveer 28Dane was <extended areasesr%,iceý will poice In emergancy cases; er A. Jakaman to act as sec-ý Mrs. Nichais attended thela smnashing success with the be ertablishea between the keeping tab on the sick and retary-Lneasurer. Until 1923i wedding of her cousin, Marilyn Eîghth Day and The Looklng riew dial axchange at Bethan.Y relderly. Soma senior citizens the switchboard remained jn Rowe]lIIn Barrie recently. She Glass penfonmlng for us. to Petenborough, Lindsay, ara going ta have dlfficulty Dr. Hamilton's office. Atlbecame Mrs. Grenvelle Gra- In basketball the junior ~emee and Blackstock. ,in learning how ta use the this ime It was thought ad- harn. The two girls ware in girls won their gamne agalnst .arly In the vear the trans-: new dial 'phones. r visable that the systern have the Santa Claus Parade with Ajax 25-18. They also won & n was completed between i The first telephana systemîIts w public builigatteTaln nes nBW h .....gm gis the two companties. The Bell lin the township was priva evCarles Reynolds SruiLa manvilla on Saturday. Ajax 40-24. Marie Nesbitt purchased the Municipal Sys-'owned h.v the late Dr. J. J.office according ta sPecifica-! Thera were about as rnany had the high score ai 14 at terr at a -irice of $80.0000 0j Hamilton. In 1915 .1 Mutual'ions, which Wýas rented bY as usual out te Church Sun- this game and Linda Ellis had for the uscsble equipment. A Telephone System was formed' the system uintil 19q31. In this day In spite af the snow. 12 scores. Congratulations. lurther estiniated $12,500-00 aliwho entered itL an agree- :year the Commissioners puW-àMchael Irwln aad Fred N"c. gLrWu The Canadian Statemnan, Eewmanfflls, EWP , 109 1 o * * *.X6 j*5* ITSM I EA à E O HE AT HEAD to TAIL p PORK SALEU FamiIy Pack 6 ta 9 Chops per Tray (Sliced) Quarter Pork Loin Country Style Spare Ribs Fresh Whole or Hall Ham Roast Fresh Park Ham Centre Cuts Fresh Boneless Sliced Side Pork Cholce Meaty Side Spare Ribs Fresh Pork longues Fresh Park Neck Bones Tender Tasty Narrow Back Ribs Ail Meat, No IVaste Pork Tenderloin Ideal for Canadian Bolled Dinner Pork Hocks Fresh Pork Feet Deluclous Boiled or Bakedl Pig Tails Fresh Pork Heads ,liced Nutrltious FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS - SIZE 40 GRAPEFRUI T Red or White 5 for 59C Ontario Growvn No. 1 Canada Large Size 5-lb. Bag California Grown (OOKING ONIONS 49c BRUSSEL SPROUTS lb. 33c Florida Arizona Grow TANGELOS doz. 3 9c RADISHES 2 for 29c lb. 89C. 79c lb. 79c lb. 99c. 79c 75c lb. 59C lb. 19c 1.29 lM. 139. lc. 29c lb. 29c lb. 39C lb. 59C. 49c $1.00 Mb. 69c lb. 89C lb. 39c le-lb. Pkg. 79c 69c lb. 159 1S-1b. Pkg. 79r ST.~~~~~~~pg ofLIM ASRTD9-zla -11T Jarn with Pectin 4 for $1 Tea Bags 49C Klu, MODERNE Pkg. of 2 DOMINION 32-a:. Container Bathroomissue 3for89c Liquid Detergent 49c (ream Style Corn or Honey Pod dassotePa 14-oz. Tin 4fo,89c SWIFT'S PREMIUM -loz. TIn Lu ncheon Meat 59C AYLMER FANCY 48-o.. Tin Tomato Juice 3 for $1 Hl UNT'S 11-03.Boul lomato Catsup 2for45c OPEN THURS. Ail Merchandîse Is C Prices Effective Ut We Reserve1 Land FR1. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M. FREE PARKING Guaranteed To Give 100%1 Satisfaction, fntil Closing, Saturday, Dec. 6, 1969 the Right to, Limnit Quantities KING ST. and SIMPSON AVE. (Ifwy. No. 2 East) M 1da MI4,adFod~& ~ yle resh, Ideal Baked Pork Hearts Tasty Fried Pork -Kidneys MeQuaides - 2 - g o.pie» Steak-Pies 3 for Bittners European Style Ham Bologna Choice Imported Fryer Lamsb Loin Lamb Chops Bttners Bratwurst Pure Pork Sausage Farm Sti Mary Miles Rindless Breakfast Bacon Mary Miles <By the Plece> Fearmans Pure Park (Buik) Sausage Mary Miles VARIETY PACK Mary Miles CHICKEN LOAF Mary Miles Wieners Mary Miles Ready te Serve Vae Pack Dinner Hams Fearmans New Italian Style Sweet Dominions' Own Bakery Feature RICHMELLO 16-os. Loaf Raisin Bread 2 « 45c RICHMELLO pkg. of 12 Scone Roils 27c RICHMELLO 24-os. BLUEBERRY or CHERRY PIES 49c b 1 -77 à 0 1

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