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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvUllc, Dec. 3. 1969 Red Cross Members m <PROM PAGE ONE) held here. She was presented with her Badge of! Service 13Y W. R. McAdam.' Assistant- Commissioner. Ontario Di- vision. The presentation of a Badge of Service was made to W. W.I B.agneii. Water Safcty Chair-1 man, by Mr. McAdam. Bill Bagneli bas been active in Red _Cross work since 19461 « ,4<, when he received his Instrue- .. tor's certificate. His Inter- est and enthusiasni have en- abled m a ny hundreds of youngsters throughout the dis- trict to benefit fromn water safety and swlmaming classes. Two films were shown dur- lng the evening. "No Red Tape", an excellent resurne of the mnany programs carried on at the local, provincial and national levels of Red Cross, and "Vlew from Geneva". a film produced by the CBC with commentary by Prlnccss Grace of Monaco. This stark heart-breaklng film showed the sufferlng of victims of natural disasters. wars and lamine throughout the world a.nd the efforts o! the Inter- national Committee o! the Red ~ Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion Societies to relleve this suffering. The Canadian Red '" Cross takes an active part In OnMna mongataemlasealcr-pinfrDpyRevo this international work and, nMna onn tasmlaseilcr-pinfrDpt-evt inany times has sent teams of mofly took place at Bowmanville High School wheri bers of the Red Cross Yout disaster workers throughout the Red Cross Youth group received the Jack Meachin Marlene Gibson, Kathy Bui r. cAa spk o!the wrd trophy for having the best youth float in the Santa King, Mr. Stephen, Float Ch work bclng carried on by this Claus Parade. The presentation is being made here by 'David Gilchrist, Nick 0ee commlttee In Vietnam and in Parade Comnmittée Chairman George Stephen who, on Pat Bothwell. the Biafra-Nigeria confiict. election day, took time out fromn his successful camn- Generai Wrinch, the National - Commissioner of the Can- In the Canadian Governpient9 adian Society, has just return- lu i ose ctct wthEBpsiblaan n neffothe lprlieethe Acc cd ir osa tntatBifr ad Exn-ffrto h do aeil ethe c is R un mu tena ffir inserMic- esituation there. Mr. i e t R u d u ell Sharp and his department McAdam stated that. Red Cross efforts in Biafra-Nigeria could, Four people recelved minorto receive treaimen!. for a bark be descrited Ir, c.ne worid - injuries. and three cars and the ýinjury, but was recovered suf! FInE QUALfTY "frustrating'. Hoxever. lin front steps raiiing of a house ficiently to return to his home1 MONUMENTS AND ýspite of difficulties with theselwere damaged in an accidentUfrom hospital on Sunday. Mr.! MA.RKERS ýtwo opposing governments,'at 1:45 arn. on Saturday. A Dobson, and his other passen-, "W over 2,000 relief flights have car driven by Charles Dobson. ---- ommot2'% f P-mr"WO been made bringing thousandsl East Beach, came out of a side OR0(kUL~\ SAFR of tons o! food, medical sup-1 street onto Ontario Street' TAFOD plies, clothing and bedding tol uh itapred car, con-' .r J RS.LTD. the starvlng people. Two mil- tinued dlown Ontario Street to1 ~A P lion have heen 'Vaccinated head on collision with a car - d ~*~ galst malpoxandmeasies.1driven by Douglas Murray Dealer Relief supplies and moneY Tighe, 15 Orchardview Bue Dea have aiso been sent to Yugo0-vard.Bol- slavia. Tunisia and the Hion-1 The Dobson car then crossed 8~wduras In the wake o! earth- a lawn and struck the railingi P C A StafordBroher quakes and flooding there. and front steps o! the house MonumentsMrs. P. Goddard thankedlat 119 Ontario Street. Dolores1 ens the volunteers o! the Womnen*s1 Dobson, wife of the driver, rec- LIMITED Work Committee for theirleived treatment for multiple efforts over the years. She!lacerations in the out-patienti Box 133 stated that 75% ot the On- department of Memorial Hos-, 318 Dunda. St. E. - Wltby tarlo quota of relief garments pital. Mr. Tighe was admitted, Phone Whitby 668-3552 Is noW tropical wear. Thir- teen countries in Africa have received shipments s fan this vea r nd wrp1,nî,potr nt DELQITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFCES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES 0811AWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIERL, C.A., R.LA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE S/¾ co 728-7527 2 & 3YEAR G.I C.'s 4, 5YEARS -. .* 81/2% Central Ontario Trust &Savings Corp. Open Monda>' to Thursday from 9 ta 5:30 and open Frida>' evening until 7 23 Klnt Street West Bowinanvllle ERox rICZEA Telephone 623-2527 by ...* ELIZABETH ARDEN " PRINCE MATCHABELLI " YARDLEY " DESERT FLOWER and for HlM " OLD SPICE " REVLON PUB FOR MEN Photographic Supplies STORE HOURS: MON., TUES. - DEC. 8, 9 - Open 'tii 9 p.m. WED., DEC. 10 - Closed 12:30 THUES. FIL - DEC. 11, 12 - Open 'ti 9 p.m. SAT, DEC. 13 - CIosed 6 P.m. JURY & LOVELL LTD. z jug BUwmauvlel Amenica and Singapone have heen stocked, with work done by Ontario branches. The local branch keeps a supply o! warm, knitted articles and quilts on hand to be used In the event o! fines in this area. Branch President F r ed Giffin inforrned those pnes- cnt that the High Sehool Red Cross Youith Group bad won a trophy in the recent Santa Claus panade held here. He con gratuiated these Young people for their effort and enthusiasm. Harny Davey, Bloor Donor Chairman, mioved a vote of thanks ta the guest speakers. The evcning concluded wlth a social hour and cof!ee. Council ADoves PFROM PAGE ONE) snow clearing on Scugog Street, North and Liberty Street *North. A communication from the, Corporation o! the Town o! Stoney Creek regardlng legis-1 lation pertaining to civil dis- obedience was neceived and- r fled on a motion by Councillor [Coombes, seconded by Coun- cillor Prout. Councilior Cooke, scconded by Councillor Coombes, moved that a letter f!rom N. H. Karal, rcgarding a land conveyance requested by C. Goldsbie, be, r refenred to the town's solicit-ý ors, Stnike and Strike, and this was canied. Councilior Dykstra, second-' cd hy Couneilior Cooke, moved: that a letten be sent to Mrs. ý A. M. Clark advising ber that' she should make ber request, for the pianting o! trees sur-1 xounding St. Mary's Cernenti plant to Darlington Townshipri Council and the St. Manys, Cernent Company instcad o! to Town Council. This motion was carried. A letter from the Town of. Mankham with information ne- gai-ding that municipality's pol- iry reganding theatres, maga- zines, and books, was recelved and fied on a motion byý Councilior Coombes and Coun-' cillor Cooke. Council decided to concun xvîth requests reganding the removal of two rees, anc at, 64 Wellington Street and the, other at 130 Church Sreet If Itý La found that these bwo trees are on town property. It was agreed that council! invite ail the members whoi bave been elected to the new1 Town Council to attend the, Board o! Works meeting to be~ held next Monday evening when the Oshawa District I Planning Consultant will dis- t onal Government for t arca. Councilibr Dykstra, second-1 ed by Députy-Reeve Rundie moved that council extend Christas aGreetings 'and Best Wishes for the New Year ta Ithe towrwpeople through an ad- Ivertiseinent ln The Statesmnan. This was oarried unanimnouly. On a motion W'Y Couicilor Dykstra, seconded by Coun. cMfor Cooke, councti sutbor1s- ed necesuary repairs to the flng Contrai truck as dutlined b>' Dog Controi Officer Ray GibbB jj à4 Mia ort Gel tbis new rH Casual-Aire water repollerit jacket and matching cap Iree with aur new Red Jacket Special offer. This jacket and cap are the extra bonus you'II gel when you hava yoear tractor overhauled ln our. Servic Departmant. Take a gcod lookc at your tractor. ls t, rusty? ls the paint faded? Is Il gtvlng you full power? Corna in todlay and gel the bull detalis on Iisgernerous offeu'. J -MAR EQUIPMENT Co, 134 King St. E. Bowmanvll NOTICE THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWIN 0F BOWMIANVILLE The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bow- manville has constructed as a local improvement. the following %works: Construction of 8 Inch Sani- tar>' Sewe.rs, Appurtenances and House Connections on:1 Loyers Lane From 161' East of Centre Street to 250' East of Centre Street First Street From Hlgh Stre~et to 218' West of Hlgh Street Third Street From HIgh Street to 250' West of Hlgh Street Blrown Street From Queen Street te 257' North of Queen Street Fourth Istreet From Hlgh Street to 171' West of Hlgh Street Construction of 6 Inch diameter watermaln on: Third Street Froni Elgin Street to HIgh Street Fourth Street Froni High Street te 170' West ot ElIIYStreet A Court of Revîuion will b. held en Wednesday the l7th day of December, 1969, at 10:00 o'clook a.m. at the Town Hall for the purpose Of hearhsg complainta againat the propoued azaen ment Or the aceuracy ol froutage meamnrunents and a37 other consplint that PiOUU Interated may du. )re. te mke and that la by Iaw .*093babl. W' the .1. M. MeILROY, Detuiled Resufts of Bowm un vîie Election?- COUNCILLORS PoIls Ad van ce Poili 1 - Poil 2 - Poil 3 - Poli 4 - Poil 5 - Poli 6 - Poli 7 - Poli 8 - Poil 9 - Poli 10 - Poli il - Poil 12 - Poil 13- Totals - Allin 38 114 92 107 96 130 134 126 100 91 74 123 106 24 1355 Bell 54 145 133 173 134 192 175 197 140 139 li8 186 168 26 1980 Brinkman 10 47 -25 41 46 48 44 46 27 41 42 25 30 9 481 Cobban 33 102 106 82 130 116 137 83 76 65 110 95 20 1234 Cooke 17 43 45 64 46 84 62 63 47 40 48 77 63 13 '12 oegemla 7 38 14 18 ~35 33 31 17 18 24 17 25 25 2 30.5 Hooper 41 78 81 94 64 Ili 101 79 18 104 98 123 98 19 1169 39 122 109 150 117 166 157 147 104 119 102 134 155 30 1651 MrKnight 18 56 65 80 82 99 79 65 57 53 go 119 90 972 MAY( Poilis Advance - -------- ----- 1 - Lord Elgin ------------- 2 - Lord Elgin 3 - Town Hall 4 - Town Hall -- --- -- -- 5 - Lord Elgin --- 6 - Vincent Massey ------- - 7 - Town Hall-- ---------- 8 - Vincent Massey 9 - Ontario Street School-- 10 - Ontario Street School- il - Memoriai Park --- ------ 12 - Mlemorial Park - --------- - 13- Memonial Park --------- T otals ----- ------ --- REEVE 'OR Hobhs 58 150 135 162 125 2 01 159 173 141 144 128 103 138 12 1939 Knapp 4 il 14 14 16 15 14 7 27 25 25 42 13 12519 6 38 55 47 28 45 23 39 25 40 58 42 14 512 0k. 8 20 29 37 36 27 24 33 25 19 33 29 32 3 355 DEPUTY-REEVE Polis Fry Advance ---------- - I26 Poil 1 63 Pol 2'72 Poil 3 83 Poil 4 65 Pol 5 ------ -. 94 Poil 6 71 Poil 7 83 POli 8 ------- 57 Pol 10 88 Pol 13 ---------- - - - 12 present the award. Mem-! Potl 13 14 th are, from left to right,1Totals rgess, Sue Bryson, Donna 1 Newcastle. Constable Stevens, Hlggon 42 122 108 139 108 166 138 163 121 99 loi 150 116 24 1597 Morrison 43 84 81 116 77 134 105 119 90 79 85 126 l0i 24 19264 ELI.T.ABETH-VTT.TF. gema, Nancy Gilchrist and :dent. Edward Thompson, age 56,1 On Mondav afternooni the'Advance -- ---- 47 21 Advance --- - -- 35 34 Coe Hill, Ont., lost control o! ladies gathered at the chuirch Pol I1----------- 105 J5 Poili1i--- ---- 100 '77 - - - is car at eight o'clock on hasement to have their third poili9_.........9---o] --------- -1 2 -77 9 gPeeWila Brca ,0Mondas' morning on No. 15 meeting of The Main Dish Pol, 3----------- 123 91 Poili3---------- Ili 96 LiertyPeSreetllamNorclaysfere Highway, north of Kirby. The Makes the Meai. Chicken Mc/r.x-Pi4--------- Ii fl ol4------- 7 9 irinSuries.Nrh sfee vehicie went off the roadi and icano xvas demonstrated. Our Pi ------1 1 Pl 7 9 m ag o h Dboncr injres ;istained about $200 damage. leader, Mrs. L. Muldnew serv- Poli 5 ------- 140 109 Poil 5----------:0 8 136 amane to theproximnarîCongtable McLeod, OPP, in- Pd cookies as wpll. Mrs. H. Pol] 6 -----2--Pl 6 - 17 9 $,0, r.Tgescrssvestigated. Muldrcw madle the chicken Poli 7 - ---- 148 71 Poli1 7---------- 122 96 '- tained about S1,000) damage,ý A pedestnian, Philip Wiosn'. meetings uintil after the hoit- PoiI ------- - 106 63 Poil 8 ----6 ethere was appr .1,R .4 haw a.Pl oximately $200 age 5 .. 4 saaescaped a'Pl -12 8 ol982 100 *damage to the parked car own-.se1 sinjury receiving List ------- 0 . ol99 o -ed by George Joseph Andrews,1 bruises to bis ieft leg when he Ou last UC'W meeting for, Poil 10 - --------- i 79 Pi107 12 10 Sunset Road, and about $25.was struck by a car at 12:38 this year as hcld ai Mrs. Poll ------- 14q 92 Poliil -- 88 1,56 -4 damage to the raiiing and ps p.m. Monday on Nash Road, Clarence Mercersq home on Poil 12 ----104 Poi12--- 38~ at 119 Ontario Street SouIth. near the 'Courtice Secondary Tî,esdav afternoon. After the Poli,1312 14 Pll1 ----- 6 138 Constable .John Clutni- School. The car was driven by e crw iibepr !---- 24 22 Poli 1,3 -. 150 , vestigated the accident. John Robert Monohan. age 19,ithe North Hope United Chuirch 'Fotals 1492 1023 Totals 1149 14 On Saturday at 3:50 arn. a'R.R. 1, H-ampton. Constable Women. The presidrnt Mrs. - c-ar driven h v Richard F.arl Hoidaway, OPP. investigate.d. Ken Tc presided. Abolit 15 olir own n unit. A flnanciai: The 4-H Club girls held thei?ý, Burt.ch. age 24, R.R. 3, Bow- Minor damage was sustaîned'attrcndred. Mrs. M. McAllitrtr statement was read and a rc.- Achievem cnt Day On Saturday.iý manv'ille, xvcnt out o! control by' two vehicies, a school bus had the devotional part of the port from the sirkcmite.adrpotdt1r lbg~ and stnuck a hydro pole on No.iand a car, in a collision atmeeting. The foilowing werelLuinch was served. 1 oany compliments on their' 2 Highway necar the CPR!Iiberty and Jane Streets at appointed: Mrs. Fred Wheteler Duc Io thie snow!all the ý demnonrstration. bridge at the western limits ol!nine arn. on Monday. The bus'as Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. H. Bowmanville. Damage to the diriver was Victor Ray Bosweli, White as assistant leader, Mrs.Isnowmobilp fans had a bail ini Burtch car amounted to ap- sl.4 King Street East, and the! H. Thickson, Scoial Conveno,1 he .'now on Sunday. Therel GET CASH TODAT pnoximately $1.000. Constablej driver o! the car involved was ,Mrs. M. MrAllister to looikare quite a number planningý FOR OLD APPLIANCES W. Stevens, OPP, investigated. George MacHart, 15 Flett St.ýafter the January meeting and, trails tn fouiow for the winten Constable. Stevens aLso inves- The accident was due to thelthe program convenor wiil be-1nwoiesot HOG tigated another one car acci-'slippery condition o! the road.dedeonlt.Mr..Tew r.nd r.W. udew1 SATESMAN deta :0am nSaturdy osai ilimWkl n's the leader. Voting iwas car-iOsha\va. spent the weekendj dentat 4:20 on hiip loo vestigated. ried out wth the majority forlwth Mr. and Ms. L. Muldrew. Phone 623-3303 age 19. Hanrowsmith, Ontarioa. went off the travelled portion;i o! 401 Highway, west o! Wav-, erly Road, and sustained about' $1,000 édamage. i8i At 7:16 a.m. a car diven by Laverne Tt4omas Clarke, ageý way, west of Nesticton, and IA went off the road. Damage to Mr. Clarks car amountcd to DRU S E about $300. Constable Tom Yardy, OPP, was the inivesti-1 gating officer. Thene was R van and a collision on 401 Highwayý, east *. o! Bowmanvile. on Sunday " ' h l t f S1 miorning at 10:40 o'clock. The drivers o! the cars involved. were Justin Vizginda. age 42,0 Chicago, Illinois, and Anna Mae Agnew, age 47, ScarborCD UI : ough, the driver of the van. in the accident and continucdý into the passing lane, wh ee-k. car dniven by David C. Pear- son, age 22, 9 Stone Street, Oshawa, went uinder the backý part o! the trailer. There wasý 1 considerable damage to the *6 three vehicles involvedi. Con- estable R. J. McLeod, OPP, In Justin Vizgirdiasuffered mu]-i dcaughter, Vida was given em- & M R IT ,ergency treatment at Mrmor- 2 lai Hospital then transferred THESE ARE JIJST A FEW 0F THE MAÀ N Y F hy ambulance to Sick Child- GIFT IDEAS AT GUARDIA ren's Hospital. Toronto. Mrs. GU RD- Joanna Vizgirda. and two of SIIOP NOW FOR A COMPLEE - ber chiidren, Arcydas and Din- SI--TO na, reccived treatment in the out-patient department o! the Perfumes& Christmas Wrap, hospital here for minor injur-e ies. Cosmotics Lights & Candies :A car driven hy An1dreas i Ho!ann, age 32, R.R. 1, Miltonl Mon s Household went out oi control on 401i - Highway east of Bowmanville1 ToiletriosAplq e ut 11 arn. on Sunday, and went . BIM - 'off bhe road. Damage to this Imens & nomens ac car amountcd to about $600.I hvr op Constable T'. Holdaway, OPP,, hvr op was the invesbigating officer. 1iht Harvey Parker, age 19, 186ý ilod 5 Huron St., Oshawa, lost control 1BSupplies o! the car lie xas driving onj No. 2 Highway at Courtice Rd.Drse tat 5:24 pi.. on SLinday,. Thei . Hair Brushos vehicie went off the road and;St sustained about $1,000 damage. Constable G. Bruton, OPP, in-1 e Cs asies' ,vestigatcd. Lightors Fte At 6:51 p.ni. Sunday there Fte ae was a two car collision on No. drivers o! the cars lnvoived & setters Sots were Douglas Foster. Beavpr, Streci, Newcastle, and Thomas: Watches &Pie Albert Drew. age 22, Scanhor- ie ough. Damisze to the two cars Clocks was approximateiv $600. Con- stable John Chalmers, OPP, CnisB y was the invcstigating officer.1 ft A car driven hy Lenore Dca.i ville, age 34, Lindsa 'v, and ai car driven by Laurent Goulet,~ age 29, Toronto, coilidcd on No. 35 Highway a quarter o! a mile ____________I______.0____ souh:!58 ry n urda a lTHES! ARE JUST A FEW 0f THE MANY GuIF IDEAS ATYOIJI GUAIDIAN PRU6 STORE1,SHOP NOW FOR A COMPLIE SELICTIONI Mn. Goulet, and Darcie Dea- ville, a passengen In the other e car were treated in the out- patient departmcnt o! Memor-- onialHptl forminor iniiur-. aM M 0% aa BHS Red Cross Youth Group Receives Parade Trophy_ PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION s': Prout Sharkelton

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