Celebrate Diamond Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen McMaster are shawn above with Rev. Harold 'Iurner as they sign the register foliowing their marriage in St. Paul's United Church, Bawmanvilie, on Saturday afternaon, Octaber 4, 1969, at 3:30 o'clock. Farmerly Miss Lala Thomison Patter, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Howard Patter of Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nicholas McMaster af Alberta, formerly of Newcastle. 1 MOMASTER - POTTER ciated and the wedding music Standards of white and was played by Mr. Ross Met- Yellow gladioli and 'munis caîf. formed an attractive setting The bride. who was given In St. Paul's United Church, in marriage by her father, Bowmanville, when Miss Lala wore a full-lengtlh white lace !'homison Potter, daughter of, gown- with satin trim at the Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Howard empire waïst which was ac- Patter of Bowmanville, andl cented by a saial front bow. Mr. Charles Allen McMaster, The above-the-elbow sleeves gon of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon had a deep lace ruffle andi Nicholas McMaster of Alberta. were aise adorned with a tiny formerly of Newcastle, were satin bew. A graceful lace married on Saturday after-1 train highlighted the gawn, noon, October 4th, 1969, at Her shoulder-length, threc- 3:30 o'clack. tier veil fell from a tiara of Rev. Harold A. Turner offi-j satin roses and white net petais, and her bridai bouquet was of pink roses, large white 'mums and dwarf 'murns. Mis Donna Woodward was DialA-Flwer maidsof honor and the brides- nu-aids wcrc Miss Gloria Con- nelly. Miss Nancy Junkin, (6235757 Miss Linda Woodward and Miss Kathy Potter. They worc for identically st ylied formai- CHRISMAS ength gawns. The maid o CHRITMAS honaor's gown ini yellow was WREATHS trimmed at tihe waistline wt Free DaIly Delivery a green satin sash and bow.j Bownanill -Oshawa with blue satin sashes and baws, and tlhe ather two were in yeilow with yellow satin __sashes and bows. They wore matching bow - headdresses FLOIST JJJJJ~and carried bouquets of, FLOPISTS NJRiERYMEN, mUmaS to match the goWn _____________________bows. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET VRSPECIALIZE IN: Fancy Fruit Baskets FUJLL LINE 0F : GROCERIES, CIGARETTES CHOCOLATES and CANDY Also Agents for FLOWERS BY JACKMAN PHONE 623-5674 E. BOWMANVILLE Mr. Robert McMaster was best man and ushering were Mr. Donald Potter, Mr. Doug Parkins, Mr. Roy Potter and Mr. Robert Whitcfield. A reception was held at Kingside Community Centre. Oshawa, where the hride's nother reccived wearing a browri lace dress with brown accessories and corsage of bronze and yellow 'mums. I The groom's sister, Mrs. Helen Sanderson, Regina, assisted ta receive. She wore a rose lace drcss with black accessarîca' and corsage of pink andà white 'muns. Before leaving on their wcddîng trip ta Eastern On- tario points, New York Statet and Niagara Falls. the bride1 donned for travelling a wine velvet dress wvith white lace callar a n d three - cilarter length sîceves triirned with frillcd lace cufis, black acces- sories. white gloves. and hcadpi ece of stephanotis. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster are res-id- ing in Bownianville. The bride attended school in Bowmanville arnd is em- ployed at Specialty Paper, and the groom. who is em. pioyed with Ontario Hydro, received his education ina Trenton. Ont. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Pickell Mr and Mrs. Wallace R.' room was enhanced by rnany ent, Frîends and relatives, over Pickell who were married at floral arrangements and gifts 200, gathercd fromn far and Hanmptoni in 1909, celcbrated ta the bride and groom af 60 near, Kingston, Ajax, Etobi- thcir 60th Anniversary by rec- years. The TJCW served the coke, Oshawa, Bowmanville eiving guests at the C.E Centre guests, and Miss Louise Os- and Napanee, ta make the oc- of Ebenezer 'United Church on borne. Bowmanville, passcd casion a happy and memorable Vlonday, November 24th. The the- wedding cake ta ail pres- event. Fo rthcoming Marriage Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Roger Lowe. Kathryn ,and Richard, Aurora, Ohio, arespendmng a few days with b er grandparents, Mr. and! The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, D)ee. 3. 1969 Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr'. and Mrs. Maurice Pol- Bawins on Sunday. Lorne is lard and Randy were Sunday oe0 ee otsigfu vstr thM.adMrs. oeunci. seets in Miilbrook. m~ Ralph Lyons, Orangevîlle. M n r.Aci htK lE I U ii~ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry N.canMslc ied fr1-RH PAl N? attended the 5Mthweddin erewSasturday.td r anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. ends hr audy A N Hanson Richards, Oshawa, on The United Church was f111- Get fast relief Saturday evenmng. ed ta capacity on Monday af-th veyf stdy The 4-H Club for Drh ternoon when relatives and te eyisdy and Northumnberland met at friends f rom far and near the Solina Hall Saturday. were present ta pay their lasti uaaaaeseilyfru Specia thanks te the girls on tribute ta t.he grand old 1lad ated te give you fast relief-the their good work. known te ail as "Lii"I or -Mrs. very first day-from nagging Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp Jini"l. Rev. Northey eulogized rheumatic pains and aches. Ais were recent visitors of Mr. about the contribution that -proven effective for relieving lum- and Mrs. B. Wonnamaker, deceased through her musical bago, sciatica, headache and Seagrave. abiity had served ta ber neuritic pains. Ask for flow Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. church and community. Ser- Rumacaps-a distinctive blle KathY and Gardon. and Miss vice was in the local cerne- and white capsule of scothing Judy Virtue, Enniskillen, Mr. tery. The ladies of the cani- comf art-at your local druggista. and Ma-s. Howard Bradiey, munitY served refreshments Maple Grove, were Sunday to a large group of ftriends Rumacaps are capsules dinner guests of Mr~. and Mrs. after the interment. of saothing comfortl Wayne Beckett. Our hockey tcamn won Sun-, e Mr. and Mrs. Clarence day's game by dcfault. Stainton were Saturday even- Mrs. John Ailan, accam- ý- lng visitors at Mr. and Mrs. panied by her daughter fm S. Lamb's. West Hill, wcnt by plane to Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp had U.S.A. te attend her sister's Tuesday evenirng dînner with funcral. Mrs, D. B. Kay, Toronto. Our local saftball tean iwlll be interested in Millbrook municipal ciection as titis year's manager, Mr. Ken Ijm c o Dfl>3TYVDfLf Blair is a candidate for coun- Several irom rnis area at-' tended the Euchre held at Ballyduff Friday' evening. 1'rize winners were: Ladies' high, Mrs. Grace Fallis; sec- ond, Mrs. Gerald McGil; doar prize, Mrs. Russell Kerr; gent's high, Mr.Lconard Cain; second. Mr. John Payne. The ladies of Ballyduff church de- serve your support ta these semi-weekly cuchres. After a few days in Civic Hospital, Mr. Delbert Bowins has returned home. His trou- ble seems ta be with his bal- ance and it requires the aid of bis good wife and a cane ta walk. His friends will be hopîng ta sec hirn able soon ta travel without any assist- ance. We were sorry ta hear of the passing of Mýr. Ben White of Orono. Deceased had lived In this a-ca for several years and had been very active in Oddfellowshlp. We were very sorry ta hear of the passing af Mr. John Stark of Starkville. This Young man had been an cm- pioyene with the United Coun- tics for several years. To his widow and children we cx- tend our sympathy. Mrs. Stark is a daughtcr of Mr. Douglas Logan of Bethany. Pontypool U.C.W. has had a Keepsake Edition Cook Book camposed and editcd in a col- orful edition. It contais over 150 pages of recipes supplicd by many of the ladies in the area. It seils for $1.50. The U.C.W. hope that many cdi- tions will be sold for a war- thy cause. Ina spite of incierment wea- ther severai trucks of trees were ioaded for shipment over the %veekend. M.r. and Mrs, Lorne Farrow of Millbrook were vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Our, UCW had a very suc- cessful bazaar and afternaan tea last Wedncsday. We were pleased ta sec friends present frorn Oshawa, Enfield, Ennis- kilen, Tyrane and Bowmran- ville. Mrs. Everton White x'ery i capably apened the bazaar. A number of parents and pupIls attended the Cammence- ment at Bawmanville Htgh ~ ' '. Schaol last F'rirlay evening. ~.. Congratulations t.o those who rcceivcd diplomnas.Mr dMs.CaecR.D teofRgaSs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh were Mran y.CaecR.DlrofeiaSs, Friday supper guests of Mr. wish ta annaunce the farthcaming rnarriage of their and Mrs. Charles Taylor, anly daughter Linda Jean to R.C.M.P. Constable James Orono. On Sunday they wer& B.R. Kitney, son of Police Chief and Mrs. Bernard R. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs iK itney of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place L. McRobbie. Town, after the christening of their son Lanej at theLittie Flower Church, Regina, Sask,, on Decem-,! Christapher at Trinîty United, ber 27th, 1969, at six p.m.______ Church. Mr. and Mrs. Perey CowlingE Mu Miss, Janet Carruthers, Mrs. F gP4 I * K *L L EI Lloyd Ellis Shoes BOWMANVILLE - FOR - ~EIUflJJU3WEE ~WIP¶I5~U3 CHILDREN'S FLEECE-LINED SNOW BOOTS $6.95 to $9.9.5 GREB KODIAK INSIJLATED BOOTS S" BOOT $79 - ALSO - $34-95 Marie Cla ire WINTER SNOW BOOTS Sizes 5 - il $9.95 to $16-95 SNO - BELLS by KAUFMAN Women's Sizes 6 - il $9.95 to $12-95 FULL LINE 0F OTHER Winter $2,5-95 1 Footwear, SKATES by DOUST MISSES WHITE FIGURE SKATES .......... $11.95, ý'OMEN'S WHITE FIGURE SKATES..........$1 1.95 BO Y S H O CK EY SK A TES ...... ..... ........ $11.95 1 MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES ...........-.....-- $19.951 Trade-Ins Accepted on New Skates $13.95 $19.95 $17.95 $29.95 44 KING ST. 49 KING ST. W. WITH STEEL TOE UNINSULATED BOOT