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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 8

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9The Canaian Stateunian, Eowmianvife, Dee. 3, lm FRACTION 0F INCEES Undoubted]y the best bonspiel ta liii this area is the nmnth-leng Dunlop Invitational, which just completed its! fourth season of crowd-pleaslng action on Saturday night. 1__________ ____________ This year's Dunlop leatured an arnazing total of 14 former1 Biler akips in action and two former World Championship Ho o o ia J no n skips among the sftar-studded startmng entry of 64 rinks. 1 H n r S l éi J io a d Play began on Navember Rth and continued each of thei next two Saturdays and last Friday, wlth the eight undeleated1 rinks qualifying for the grand championship. In a bonspiel, cf thls calibre, of course smre top contenders are upset li the: early going.I Unfortunatcly, this year we werc unable to watch much of the Dunlop, however, the eid scribe managed to taise a few hours to sec the semi-finals. Saturday afternoon. at the Whitby 1 Curling Club. Along wtth this springs Canadian Championships held ini Osha*a. we contlnued ta be amazed at the shats we wit- nesscd. A gond reporter would undoubtedly knaw the length of a curling sheet, but not being ln that categGry, wc neglected ta :nquire. It's a fair distance nevertheless, and how these guys can make a stane curi right up t.o anather is almost unhellevable. They swcep, sometimes - and then at other Urnes they don't. but very few shots are missed. It must take a tremendous touch, the greatest in concentration. and nerves of steel Alie Philllps, former Canadian champion and World Cup competltor made one partlcularly sensational shot in the serni-finals ta count four as he went on ta defeat Bruce Munro 5-4. Meanwhile in thc other semi-final, Ken Puchan's defend-' ing Ontario champs, who had such a miserable time in the Canadiain Brier, ran ito a tough opponent. as Ted Brown's Kingston feursamne tocis their measure 8-6. Wlsh we had been able ta see the finals, but it just. wasn't possible. It was parent and son night at thc Legion1 Cub Pack d5aner, and speaking of sports, yau've just got ta! On Saturdav eveningf, t he Sauina Community Hall hand it ta those Leglonnaires, who have been givlng a tre- was the scene of celebrations as the Womnen's Institute mendous boosita Bowmanvllle's minor sports for many, many:served a deliciaus banquet for the two championship years.) !soccer teamns during their annual player award night. Bprnwx edged Phllhips 6-5, li what muet have been an !Member s of the Junior team that won the Darlington outstanding match. The victory gave the Kingston rink the championship trophy are shown above, front row, lef t first prize of a trip ta the Hec Gervais Bonspiel in Aiberta. to right, Gord Westlake, Phillip Broomne, Herb Tînk, The winners there receive new cars. t t t t t WILL IT LAST? A year ago at this Urne, Uic aId scribe would have been shuddering at the sight of ail that white stuff (snow - that îs) fluttcring down from tht skies on Sunday. Hawever. now we can't wait ta get out on the ski siopes, and the fates willlng, survive the seasan wiebout breaking a Limb. On Saturday we taak la aur first ever ski exchange, promoted by the Oshawa Ski Club. Let me tell you - this sport just has ta b. grawing by leaps and baunds. There were a few hundred people la attendance. and while we've neyer attended a ladies department store bargain sale - this must be quite sirnilar. Do yeu suppose the snow wiil last? The best way cf lad- lng eut what Is going on at the Oshawa Ski Club is ta tele- phone 723-5249 for Information. The ski tape is ln almost continuous operation. t t t t t CURLING The Bowmanvllle Curling Club hosted their second bon- apiel cf tht younig season on Saturday, Nov. 22nd, a mens optn event that was won by a rink froin Port Perry. The Ice la the best we can remember in several seasoas, which certainly adds to the enjoyment cf tht sport. Tht aid acibe has been eut several Urnes. and it is a real pleasure ta participate, Net oniy la the ice excellent, but as we heard several memnbers of vimitiag ninks remark an Saturday, tht' . . 111.. :1 i stones are, "about tht best we've ever curled wth" Sauina Seniors are shown here with their array of -trophies, front row, left ta right, Henry Schoonderbeek, < John Werrx-, Ron Broomne, Rick Rundie, Larry Broome,1 YOUT BOW ING Bob Biackburn, Glenn Werry; back raw, Coach Daug- 1 atmGrsHihTil B o 3,las Flett, Brian Howells, Ken Ashton, Neil Tink, Roni Spencer 3. Perfeet 2; Tay- V. Hogervorat 601, C. CookýBaker, Alan Westlake, 'Murray Flett, Harold Yellow- lor 5, Harris 0; Gray 5 , Mit- 584. lees and CoachPerc._Westlake; absent, Edgar Werry chell 0. Junior Boys Team, Standling Vani'rrl 5, Carter 2;1Iowf Le____ __________ Mitchell 36 Coonibes 5. Brunt 2; Roberts ___ _______ _ Gray 4,Jensen 3.__ Spencer_____23Com~bes Stn5gopr9fii fr .6 Jensen ~- 6"HoesSilSr High Single - D. WlIyte 179,Bua -39! C. Mitchell 154, S. Bond 154, VanDniel 26i X. Whyte 152. Roberts --- - 25i Hih oule- . uxoCarter. D sp te Scr15s 291,S. Sd 53,C. Mitchell High Single - G. Coombes Bantam Boys Reynolds 5. Jeffreys Chow 5. Lavaige 0; Whbite Fallis 2. Teani Standing Chow _______ 'Wlte ________ Falli ______ Reynolds Jeffreys Lavigne--- Broks935...W... 230 GI tvas decided ta tAke a JBroosn247, . Tessen230, G.littie power away from lin-: Jese W.7,Co.ombess 03. hteaten Hoolper's Jewellery ý,and 3.28 help third place Coronation High Triple - G. Thiesîsea1 Cafe priot- ta last Tuesday's' 640. J. Stephens 620, G.I Men's Town Basketball Lea- 41 1 Çoibes 558-. gue action at the High School .41 Senior Mixed League ! gymnasium. 25 Burley 5, Holroyd 2; Brad-ý To accornplish this, big Bill 22> ley 7, Edmoadson 0; Preece 4,1 Scribe w a., transferred t 0 4 Can 3; -Mountjoy 7, Terry o;JCoronationi and he immediate- 14'i Goodwin 7, Bouwmetster 0. ly peured in a season's high and Rager McQuaid. Gord Ferguson alsa presented the Sr. Most Valuable Player Award ta Rick Rundie. League President Gord Lowerx- presented the teara trophies and Rev. A. E. Cresseli addressed the gather- ing and presented the individual trophies ta the play- ers. Chairman for the evening was Glenn Werry. i Dng rrans fer rolling along as they downed: turned the nigl Stephen Fuels 29-20 tn extend' route as Coi-or their unbcaten strcak ta five bn 31 points in tC games. In the opener. Hoop- ;ta ten by tht er's out-scored tht Fuels 19-8:who went down in the second hall ta break up, consecutive loss. the close contest., Wayne Burgess Don Degazia led the win-j for the winnet ners with Il points, Bob Beam aotched fo Souch addîng six and Jim Rick Biîinski Xri.cht and John Rundît four ci-s' best with Il' apîcce. Team Sta htcapi n ation1 te secai Men's ita thei s nette ns, and 'ur. was fth 13 points Hîgh Single - R. Chow 183- emSadn !f31 points to lead the Cafe Dave Chatfield was the big W 156, P. Lavigne 159. Burley ~ - ---- 601 crew to a resounding 47-20 gun for Stephen's with eight,: Hooper's J. 5 C High Double - R. Chow 339, Mountjoy__- 56' victory aver hapless Ken's while Don Martin cxdlected Stephen Fuels 3 2 S. Jeffreys 276. Preece - ____Men's Wear. five.: Coronation Cafe 2 3 Junior Girls Goodwin39 Meanwhile Iiooper*s kept Scribe's scoring__hle r o i ce s Ken's5 Men's W. 0 5 Sellers 7. Martyn 0; Morris Holroydi 33: 7. Whitehead 0; Carter 7, Cain .. 31'I Qes ta Russ and Ch Maynes 0. Bradley Ok1 e 2 l1 0ln the loss of theirf Me4 imaAver aes Team Standi.ng Edmondson - - .S Mjor4 A ver.. aes Morris - ---------- 61 Bouwmeester---------- -20i- ipr3 Carter . - .------------ 45 Terry -- ---- --- 2 Whitehead------ 3 6 High Single - B. Burley 366, Jack Bond. known for hîi> Fraik's Varietv teaiLi. This I, Jack Bond 3 Martyn----------------------- --- 29i N. Groodwin 287, G. Edmond- training abilitv, had the pins an average of 265 per man Brian Martyn --- 39 Sellers - - ------- 24 son 267, G. Palmner 266, D. doing tricks for hin a.s he for 15 garnies. Frank's boys Clarence Oke ------36( Haynes-------------- 13 Bradley 26.5, S. Cain 252, j. carne up with a 904 triple. also had high single 1323. Al Osborne .1- 9 HWh i Snge -B. o 201- Patfield 250, T. Broek 250. The nId Backup BaIl Artist Larry Piper iocreased hîs Don ke Mrh 39 265-265. C. Coake 251, S. Yeo High Triple - B. Burley 8,39. had garnies of 294. 276 and the, average fram 257 to 2,59 ta: E ronie Pret39 213, J. MershelU 212. J. Carter G. Palmer 719, D. Bradle'! high single of the night. 334. still lead ln the averages. We D iePrfct 3 210, V. Hogervorat 208, S. 7n7, S. Camn 683, N. Goodwin' Yes, sir, Bandv Boy a tl hv hrewekst oaug Cart.er 39 Morris 2M3. 893, J, Patield 653. i his finest. an Wednesday night. but can Just. about pl ac.Lt Hael 39 _________________________________________ Congratulations. Piper's name ln the records RatHtey3 Four other bawlers crashed' as having won the first sched Rus- Hailman 39 Uice 800 mark. Ab Saman,!uIt. Jack Bond maved lnioa, Hately 39 king of the tobacca field, had runoer-up position with 240,iRon Etcher 39 857 (220-317-320). The mightyi Bilan Martyn and ClarencelIAh Saman - .39. A mssage from Mike Murphy had 843 (266- Oke are tled at 238 for third Hap Palmer ----39 2829,Lry Ni Pprposition. Russ Oke - 36 298-79),Larv "Np" PperDoug McKnight . 39 yoi neighbourhood 8.14 (3100-259-275) and the aIdr Ken's Men's Wear are 4JMurray Tlghe . 39 smoothie Bave "W Reynolds points out In fr-ont for first Dave Reynolds 30 832 (302-2.14-296). place in the team standing with! Howard Bromell 39 B rew ers R etailt the700,26 point. Frank's Valety;Dr. H.B. Rundle 39 This in aiways a buzy uâme Ron "Fats" Etcher 763 (325).; The syipathy of the league! Don Bagnel --- 39 George "Snub" Piper 754 John Gould 39 of the y«r. ~(265-275). Steven Oke 742 Gog Ppr3 ter(253), Hap Palmer 727 (293- George Piperawlo 39 You can ayoUdédlaye by 260), Wild Bill Oke 725 (318), Billic Cat lake 39 Firanis Sarit 728 (264), AI Randy Beaupnie -39 shoppWng Md erda"~g « l. "G lOose"Qborne 1715 (252), Snownmn>ie John carter --36 fa.Doug Taylor 709 (287). Kart Bob Smith --- - 39 -14ckell 716 (M~-277), Don SALES auid SERVICE SI Trewin . 39 Bagnell 707 (272)., Ted "Pap- r Bud Hennlng 39 "- agn.fl 06 <247). I ~Dick Perfect -39 Snapp Martyn lb.d a 280 il - AgarE Karl Piper ---- 39 ___________________________single garne. Roly Colme Elton Brock ------ 36 'v 276, Bruce Mias 71, George E UlMOl I * Harold Michelson . 39 pu Td B anell ------39 RoaeLan 3, Urie SCWt«M Ca' e 261. -George Stephen .-395 'Me big nqws this Wft Dw savfJ Luke Annaert - 39 Jim Bruton Art Rowe Frank Samis- Bob Williams -- John VanDyk Jack Lander- RoIv Coombes Daug Taylor Bill Oke Lau McFeeters Karl Bickell Bob Kent inoa a _ýýcc poured Team md haîf Team Wear,,Ken'.q ir fifthý Men's ear Fra n k's Ld ten, VarictY d Jim, Pepsi Cola Jury & he las-; Lovell L Dykstra's Food pts. Nels Osborne 10 Insurance 2 61.G. A. 3 Selby Grant 5 01Heating& G ould arneBeaver ldLIiet. Liirnber Ave. ùne 259 Real Estâte 16 2:3 16 1240 Hardwar-iie 15 2 15 2.38 918 ,~RECREATION 32 REVIEWS 231 TYKE LEAGUE 2111 In tht first gamne the Steelersi 2.1 !and Indians faught ta a 0.all 231 tic 2,10 in the second contest the 2281Cardinals defeated the Royals 927 yw a 2 ta 1 score. Tht Cardin- 226,, ais goals were scored by Bill 95Wright and Kevin Ward. The 7 RayaIs goal was scored by 22, Darrell Goudeý,. M2 ln tht third game thel1 290 Bomnbers defeated tht Blades 2ý!ya 2 ta 1 court. The Bombers 220 goals were scored by Rab 219 Turner and Ran King while 218 Steve Frank picked up anc 2 18 assist. The Blades goal was 217; scored by Ivan Cu¶ningham. 217 JoI the final Tyke game thc 216iGulf Americans defeated the 216 Hornets by an 8 ta 3 caunit. 21.5 The Americans were led by 215 ! Ken Cowle w1th six goals 214 while Scott Sellers picked Up 214 two goals and Francis Nihil, 212! Len Hone and Dale Broomne 212 ieach had ane assist. The Horn- 210 ets goals were scored by Wayde 210 Preston, Randy Prout and Ron 2 10 rBrown. 209: ATOM LEAGIUE j 2081 In the fiat gaine played on! 39 -..36 -39 --39 - -39 -39 39 39 39 33 39 36 iStanding w L Pts. 26 22 22 21 20 in9'i 19 18 l' 18 17 13 17 17 18 19 19 ' 17 2() 20 22 22 22 21 20 19 18 18 17 Senor So ce Ch mp on fSat., Nov. 22nd, the Kings1 Seni r So cer hamponsdefeated the Raiders by a 3 ta :0 score. The Kingg goalm were scored by Don Cawle with three while Tam Fowler had two assists and Rich Cayley twa assistq. The second game the RnyaIs swamped the Barons hv a 7 ta 2 count. The Rayais were led by Brad Godfrey with three- goals and ont assist, Mike Sadler one goal and two a,%- sists, Steve Greengrass ont and one, Ed Visser ont goal, Terry Sarginson one goal while Bill Ervine had one assist. The Barons goals welre scored hy Rick Bain with anc and nc assist, Brad James anc goal and John Hill ont assist. Tht third game tht Bison%, edged the Giants by a 2 ta I caunt. The Bisons goals were, scored by Sarne Elliott and Joey Nowlan while Don Prout picked up one assist. The Giants goal was scoredc by Greg RBalson assisted hy Randy Van JHeiningeo. In tht fourth encounter thpt !Flyers and Penzuins foug;ht to a 1-1 tic. The Fîyers goal was scortd bY Larry Watson while tht Penguins goal was scored by Jerry Johnston assisted by Dan Pascoe.y Tom angaid Boy Knx ad DenisBrome;back Jo I the final Atom game of Tam angaidBoy Knx an Denîs rooe; ht day the Clippers shutout row, Coach Larry Welsh, Dean Knox, John Huggins,lthe Ramns 2 tao0 on goals hy Brian Pascoe, Steve Page, Pete Schaanderbeek, James Ray Dallas andi Bob Koczulab Baker, Ted Broamns, Brian Blackburn and Coach Ranoddile Rîck Kraknberg and Baker; absent, Ewart Werry. Herb Tink wan the Jr. aiTod aoe pce pa Most Valuable Player Award, danated by Gord Fergu- BANTAM son's Gulf Station. HOCKEY LEAGUE In the first game tht Panth- ers and Huskies played toaa .1-1 tic. The Panthers goal was, Iscored by Kerry Miloti- and' Bil Preece pickcd up ont as- sist. Tht Huskies goal was scored by Bill Reid. 1InJ tht second contest the Pirates defeated the Brav~es hY 5-3 count. The Pirates goalsý were scared by Randy Bakerr Iwith two, while Rab Simpson, Martin Wind and Don Bradlcyý had ont goal each while Steve I Noble had thrcc assists and Bryan HeIlamn and Paul Sar-r ginson ont assist each. Tht Braves goals wtre scored by, Russ McQuald with two, Rodl Sellers ane while Cliff Davi- son had two assists and Andy'ý VanGrootel one.1 In the final Bantamn gamne,j the Flyers__defeated tht Pee'l 1970 Arctic Cats ......... only 1970 Deluxe Sno-Jets...... 1970 Deluxe Ski-Doo's ........... 1969 Nordic 18" Track ............ Snowmobile caver 'Nordic ......... Traicar H. Duty GaIv. Tilt and swivel trailers . .... ..... 139.00 ONTARIO SPORTS $895.00 649.00 649.00 749.00 18.95 Hwy. 115, Orono Open evenings and Sundays m8.54 .hi Swa e 1969 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP (DEMO) V-8, autonîatic, power steening, white walI tires, wheel discs, veylwnlleage. Lic. L29053. 29 Was $3796.00 - CLEARING $2998.. 1969 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN (DEMO) V-8, automatic, radio, white wall tires, wheel dises, very Iow mileage. Lic. L35509. Was $3743.00 - CLEARING .. ...... $2969 BOTH CARRY BALANCE GM FACTORY, WARRANTY HOME 0F THE SAFETY CAR 22-POINT MECHAN~ICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE SUPPLIED WITH EACH VEHICLE SALE NOW NO CASH NEEDED If You Qualify . . . Most People Do 30-Day 50-50 Warranty on Engine and Entire Drive-Lin. Systemn 1967 BUICK Le.Sabre 4-Dr. Sedan. Lie. L3190, V-8, automnatie. power steerlng, power brakes. Balance cf GM factory warranty.-----$2096 1967 CHEV. Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan. Lie. K90281, V-8, automnatic, radio, white walls and wheel dises.---------- $1897 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne 4-Dr. Hardtop. Lic. L30591, V-8, autornatic, power steerlng, power brakes, radio, 4 ncw white walî tires. - $1888 1965 FORD %/-TON PICKUP Long 9 ff,. box, V-8, standard. Real sharp. Lic. 48352B,--- ---. $1379 196i RAMBLER Classie 4-Dr. Se.dan. Lic. L31413,1 automatic, radio. A real low mileage, ecoflony car.---------- 6 cyl., 1965 FORD Station Wagon. Lie. X24204, V-9. auto- matie, power uteerlng, power bruites, radio, white wals and wheel dises. . -..... ---$1394 1965 ENVOY EPIC Real sharp economy transportation. Lic. L32669. Here-. the family's second car,...............$694 1965 GMC W *TON PICKUP Long box, 6 cyl., standard. Complete engine overbaul. Lic. 457378. . --- $1397 Visit Our Lot Today . . . Look Over Our SeIection 0f Goodwill Used Cars 166 KING ST. COWAN PO TA UC PID . Tom Cowvan, Pres. Roger Swan HONE 623.33e>j) Stew -Preston, Saies Mgr. Ray Lathangue Weldon Brown M .5 ~- ¾'r* s' - z SNOWMOBILE SPECIALS Wce AU stars by an a te! 2 count. The Flyors goals werel COFr uw ni scorcd by Marcel Belanger w with four goals while Ken f Ferris had two goals and one ITriday night saw assist. Larry Brunt one goal Brock's teem inove lntblut and three as.sists. Dennis Bam-i place by ti point. The top ber ane goal and two assistq.: thrce teams are separatcd bs The Stars goals were scoredi by Bill Leaman and Kirk ju't 112 poinlt. May Alldreaed Kcmp while Brad Almond andi took ladies' high triple with Garry Perfect had onc assist. 660 and Pat Poitter bowlýd MIDGET HOCKEY 289 for ladies' high sirgle. In hc lrs gae tt (en For the men, Jack Bond rof?. erals defeated the Cornet.g hlv ed 795 foir high triple and 208 a 7 ta 4 geore. Tht e rrls the higt single. were led by Mtke, Cornel wtth Over 260 Games three goals while Randy Allen P, Patter 2M9-201, G. Debnnis ne goal and one (;!t.Glnn 28P. .1. Bond 288-263-234, D. Rire, Wane 14Smour anc goal' Dennis 275. F. Potter 273, R. each, Dave Ormîstçonnont goal Ovendnn 265. M. Aldread 261. and ont assisc Kelth Kelly ind 21.1. D. Brawn '282, M. Me. Max Johnson, .1r)hn ('olwpll Keen 28f)-204. R. Wpstlak, nne t s.-t ench The 'm~s250-244. M. Rozpma 256. R. goals% were scormed hv flarr v Rrck 254-227-208, J. Robin- McMahon with two goals, Gaùsry son 253-2.31-206. C. Morgan Carter one and Dean Knnx, nt2N2-215. T AlIdread 250, S. goal Pach Rivk Vonahao, 1wo B rork 247, B. Marshall 244. assist.%, Steve Davev andl Don 203-200, F. Tippens 243, T). Sminth one goal each MeRechs)j 240-218. Roy Wood- In the se-cond garne th#* Mt ward 233, G. Smith 232-203, Royalkqdo-tentrM( the Pire Ridge G Prout 232. .1. Luffroan 230. School hv a 10 to- 2 scire. Thé 214%-211. D). Bond 228-212, Gea. Mt. Royals goals wer. ..'o(reld Marshall 224, N. MeKeen 221. hv~ Mikp Rirkett wilh Iwo R. Williams 221. K. Chipmari goals andi two asiEirtt.s Fred 218, M. Heath 217-205. P. G.yari two gojalh and two a@- Burnit 215, B. Burna 213. M. sists. Bruce (ibcir-oe two goal4, Dakin 212-21 1.210. W. Denn.i Arthur Doyle ont goýal, Doug 212-2(13, Geo. Potte- 212, ýA. Crough one goal and two as- Deboo, 211-200, Gea. Heath sists, Stephen Parker oe goal' 211, A. VanGoor 210, Ruby and one assi8t, Wayne Hairnes£ Woodward 209, A. Rrock 205. ,one goal, Keith Swan and H. fleddema 205, J. Rnzema Terry Rose picked tip one as- 204, P. Marshall 204, A. sons- sist. Th'le PRS goals werit scor- ma 203, N. Wc>odcoc-k 202. W. ed 1w clt an sd Cuthhert- Piersma 201. G. Ritter 201. E. son while Baconu and Arnour Deboo '-(0, C. Kos., 200. each had one assist. emtnit In the final gane of Ilie dav cmRadn- the Ali Star Bantams dief-ated Team No. Name Na. Pts. the Caoucks hb' a .5 to 3 eourt. 2. Rrsn Brock _---- - 61 li The Stars werp led by Dave 10. Glenn Prout . --- -61 Tabb with three and anc as-' P. Bah Marshall ---- 60 sist, Paul Forsev ron goal and! 1 . Shirley Brock ..48 thrve assists. Guv .Johnon, one 7. Jim Robinson 4R goal and two âssiFts. Thé Cao- 6. Gard Ritter 4f; uicks goals wvere scored by Rab 4. George Marshall ...48 Wilson with two and Ron 8. Pal Patter 42 Donoghue while Rick Shackle- 12. Betty Westlakf . 40 ton picked up two assists, and .1. Norm McKeen ---39 Lance Llvingstone aod Garry 5. Doug Nolan 34 1? Murphy one assist each. Il. Milt Dakin . 20 M 983-5444 ON Ir n IF. .

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