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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1969, p. 14

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r.The Orono News tham vis jted Mr. and Mrs. Ivisited her mother Mrs. Neil Gordon Jones at Markham onjPorter on Wednesday and Sunday. !Thursday of last week. Mrs. Harvey Branton and, A number of relatives and Mrs. G. Fitzgerald of Windsor'friends from Orono and dut- were Wednesday overnight ict paid their respects or at- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry tended the funeral ai the late Mercer. Mr. Norman S. McNally et Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willaw- Coiborne lait week. dale returned home on Satur- I day alter spen ding a few daysI with her sister, Mrs. Geô.Sriln Morton.' m ln Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther- lord and Douglas, were recent visitons of Mr. and Mrs. Johný Ch~ildren Killeen. Rosemary and Johný David, Bowmanville. What ls sweeter than a candy Mis. Cecil Robinson return- cane? ed home on Wednesday of lasti What is brighter than a week from visiting relatives Christmas tree' and friends ln Toronto and What welcomes mare warmly Agncourt. than a hoiiy wncath? Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- What remaina when Chrstmas terton, Mrs. 0. Chapman and, ends? Mr. Jack Chapmnan attended; The smlle of a chlld receiv- the 8th birthday party for' Ing a new tay and a stocking- Mrs. Howard McÇomb (neel fui af Chrstmas treats - pro- Edwards> on Saturday alter-' vided thnaugh The Salvation naon at the home of herý Army because ber parents daughter, Mrs. Grenville Wil-, could not afford them -I liams. Roxborough Street, in sweeter than any candy. Oshawa. The light shlning ln the eyes Mr. Norman Stewart Mc- of the ill and elderly - be- Nally of Coiborne and form-1 cause The Salvation Army re- trly of Blackstock. husband of j membered them - hs brighten Annle E. \inter Cornish Mc-:ý than the light.s twinkling on Nally. formerly of Orono and the tree. father of Verna (Mrs. Kenneth The sIncere "Merny Christ- Steele of Ottawa passed away: mas and Gad bless yau" ot aftc'r a lecthv illness on, Salvation Army officena who Wednesda.v. December 3rd at open the doors «f their centers th- Cobourg and District Hos- t h oeyan oeeai pitpl. a warmer welcome than the Rested ait the Evans Funeral'blggest holly wreath. Home, Colborne. Funeral serv- And, when ail the decora- ice was in the Coiborne United tions are packed away, the Church on Saturday afternoon. 1 faith, hope and love that Intermnent. Salem Cemetery,1 cornes- of sharlng wlth athers east of Coborne. Rev. R. W. remaîns ta strengtiien us for French officiated . the new year. Let us share Mr. Francis Hall of Agin- wîth the less fortunate of aur court visited Wedncsday to community by supparting The of'avn last week with Mr. Salvation Army se that It may and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and continue ta bning the joy and Mr.Cecil Robinson. true meanlng of Christmas ta -those ln need. Dial-A-Flower 623-5757 POINSETTIAS Free DaIiy Dellvery Bowmanville - Oshawa TO THE ELI 4,JE TOWNSHI ~ '.ay 1 use this mt nl th anks for you "on Dec. 1 st Seasons greetings ti j Eari RE SDENTIAL Pl REDUCTIONS Fi A Speci Tenant, T enants in apartment buildings should re- ceive a littie extra money this month under the Ontario Government's property tax reduction s ystem. The system eases the burden of municipal and school taxes on home- owners and tenants. In effect, the Province ispay- ing part of the property taxes for each eligible house and apartment. Tenants should receive their reductions on or be- fore December 31. Maný who vacated premnises earl year will have already rece reductions. Here is what should hap IF YOU AREA LANDLORD, You must pay the full rec tenants wh o have occu~ premnises throughoutle, ment must be made onc Decemnber3l, 1969. A tenant who moved ini di year and is stili occupy prermises mnust receivé on ofthte total reduction for eac of tenancy. It must be. pa before Decem ber 31. A tenant who moved out du year must receive a simile portionate amount within 3( the date he terminated his or on December 31, whicI earl ier. THE RESIDENTIJ PROPERTY Ti -REDUCTION ACT (196J (as ameowo MAPLE GROVE Sympathy of this commuai- ... i tv is extended ta- Mrs. James !Hart in the sudlden passing ai I ler husband last week mn Port Hope Hospital. Mn. Hart ---- worked with Mn. Harold Wat- son until just recently, when lie moved ta GanaioqeA huge "eye in the sky" balloon Wh ich will keep watch over Expo '70 in Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Osaka, Japan next year is depicted in this artist's sketch. Built by Goodyear Aero- Mrs. H. R. Foley wene Satur- space Corporation of Akron, Ohio the 82-foot-diameter balloon which will be day evening guesti of M ns. fle Everett Hoar, alang with som ed with 300,000 cubic feet of heliumn and be capable of lifting 19,000 pounds, of the former Solina residents, will float over the Ricoh Pavilion, created by the Ricoh Camera Company Group to. see the pictunes taken at of Japan. Attached to the battomn of the balloon, (in its exterior, will be a series the gathering at Solîna last of mirrars arranged to look like a huge eyeball. They will refleet fairgoers and suxamen. tefigonsblw Mr. and Mns. Raymondteagrudblw. __ __ Clapp of Hampton were S i urday evening visitons at thli p itn e t D e l home of Mn. and Mrs. Everett D ~at e t D e î r Mr.RS F and Mrs. H. G. Fee- To Receive Extra Cash i man had as their Saturdayî1 evening suppen guests Mn. Ontario apartment dwellers entiflement should contact his1 and Mrs. Denis Piekard, Mr. should receive a littie extra former landiord immdaey IP OF CLARKE and Mrs. Moraley Flinteff, Mr. cash from their landlords this labc sure the landlord knows edium to express my manville, Mr. and Mri. Ernest Christmas. MVr. McKeough said that 1Gilbank, Orono, Mr. and 1'4xs. The extra cash is a beriefiti tenants who moved out aver r vote of confidence PosaAllin, Newcastle. Tihe ta which virtually ail home-11 30 davs ago and have flot ne- occaionwasMns. Fneenian's ownens and tenants are en-1 Civcd their 1969 entitlement birthday that day. titIed under the Ontario Gov-I after advising their landiard Will the women of thelernment's two-year-old pro-,of thcir inw address should community rememben th el perty tax reduction system. I contact the Subsidies Branchi joint Potluck suppen (Insti- The system was establishedI Of the Dc paniment af Munici- o al.tute and U.C.W.) ta, be held by the Province Ia'st vear as' pal Affairs for assistance ai in the C. E. Hall on Thunsdey a means of easing the'burden~ 801 Bay -Street, or telephone, nt 6:30 p.m. Ail ladies wel- of murÀcipal and school taxes. Toronto 36.3-7.501. lA I..corne. In effect, the Province paysi Mr. McKeough said land- VVaIketDon't fonget the Maple part of the praperty taxes on lords cannai withhold the taxi y Grave - Ebenezer teenagers, each eligible ho u s e and, reduction fromn a tenant ta pageant "No Room in the!I apartment. compensate for ceai or alleged Inn" on Sunday evening, Dec. Under Provincial law, apari- damages or losses. However, ment landiords or their agents f a tenant is in arrears on musi pass an the tax reduc- hîs rent, the tax reduction tion ta tenants on or beforeimay be deducied from the ROPERTY TAX December 31, 1969 . (Home -larrears, he added. owners should have already, Generally tenants ai separ- OR 1969 received thein reductions.) ately assessed residential pro- The system wonks this way: perties, such as duplexes and The landlord receives the apartment buildings, are ehi- redutionfro hismunii-ýgible for the tax reduction, redutio frm hi muici1 but tenants in flats and base- pality and is required ta pass' on the fuil amoui of the ne- ,ment apariments in houses la i N o tic e to ýduction on or before Dcr-myntqaf.Roes iand I nd lords Tenatsgho hvenoved' OBITUARXr Ing the ya r aiv nly po 3.ELIZABETHSTVN If a tenant is in arrears, portionate amounts. thé tax réduction*may be A tenant who moved iota A fier a short llness ho Me. déductéd from such ar- an apartnieni during the year' marial Haspital, Bawmanvîîîe, rears. However, thé reduc. and is aili occupying the1 deaih came ta M. Elizabeth pnemises should receive one'-! Stevens on Tuesday, Oct. 2lst, tion must flot be withheld twelfth of the total reductiani 1969. She was honlier 89th beca use of damages or for each month ai tenancy. year, lasses. This neduction should be paid Dauighter of the laie Mn. by ue anior onorbefneand Mrs. Edward White of by he anlor o, o bfor jKenilworlh. Ont.. she was IF YOU ARE A TENANT.. December 3 1.n iFrwih ntHn 'You should receive your I A tenant who moved ot1 nt atFrwcOtHr rédctin fomyou prs- durîng the year should re- on County, where she attend- redutio f rm yur pes.ed Public Sehool and later ai ent landlord on or before aie aus ii3propotionk Kenilxvorih. after whhch she December3l, 1969. aeaanwihi 0dy ixent ta Arthur Eigh School.j a the date lie terminated his' On September 9ih, 1903, shel Ifyou moved out of an ltenancy or on December 3lst,i was uniled hn marriage ta Wm. apartment during the year 1 whicheven is earlier. 1E Ihelberi Stevens of Ennis- - -- Jand have flot y et received' Municipal Affairs Minister killen. Thev reshded ai Ken- your share o f the reduc. Darcy MeKeougli, w hase De-I llxvrth for a litile aven two tenats ionyouhoud cntatyorfomer partment admi'nisters the' taxi ya' before going ta Hal- y teant tin, yu soul cotactyou fomer reduction system said today stein. In Nov. 1906, they came lier in thé landiord immediately ta make sure that the bulk ai the' inquiries ta Darlington Township, Lai ived their hé knows where ta send your pay- bigcevdseangf014Co. 6, where they lived ment. tenants who rnoved eanlier in for 32 *years, hefore Lhey 'pen: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ennsiaarmnbudiRS ceived their payments. n-1at Hamnpton 31years ago. such as duplexes and highrises are I"We suggest ihat a tenant,; Ais, Stevens was a memben uscton t tioî>4lisibo for thé tax reduc- 'who lias maved duying the af the United Church. She tin.Teans flats or basément year and ias net received is' was also a memben af Keni- xoed ur apartments in houses may flot quai.- worth Choir and Sunday l69. ray* sfy because the promises thé y rént l14th nt 7:30 p.m. in Ehenezer, Echool teacher at Kenilwonth. or befo r r ltsprteyassé.Fr C. E. Hall. ýAfier comhng to Hampton rO ae nt searaely ssesed.ForThe U.C.W. met in the she xvas a member ai the W. example, roomers are flot éligible. church hall on Novem ber 20. M.S and the W.I. until she uring thé If you are unsure of your status or Twenty-îwo m em be rsand, lost lier sight about seven iîng your eligibility, contact your municipal three guests answvered the roll yer go- uvie y ie-télft ta offce.from thie different committfees her husband. She waS pre- lch month dt'ceast'd li two sIsters, Mrs. id on or IF YOU ENCOUINTER PROBLEMS.. were given. They showed that ila at(agntie You should aither lelephone Toron s wesfhavea a epn busyandoaPalmerston, and Mrs. Her- sucemfl yarheLingtaberi Stevens (Mabel), Vhc- the sidie or write the Municipal Sub- fur-lier th1e wark of the chur mli taria. B.C. uring te sde Branch, Depariment of Municipal in Maple Grave and iMS- Funeral services wene con- lay pro- Affairs, $01 Day Street, Toon«?tois81. an relief work averseas. The ducted on Thursday, Oct. 23 woe-ship service was given by by thie Rev. A. E. Cnesswell 0 days of Officiais are available ta assist you. Irmna Morion, Ruth Wood, ofHmtnfomteNrh tenancy Pamphils out/ining dotai/s of the Judy James, Myrtle Bradley!' Hnpa rmteNnh _cuit Ellioti Funeral Home, hever lis 1969 tax reduction system can b. ob- I1hda i hm Sez h'Bwavle Many lovely i fainod on requesi. i Day". The guest speaker was 1flora1 tnibutes and donations Mrs. Peter Feddema whoi ta, the lnd attested ta the' uLi TE E .RT EN O showed slides ai Karea and esieem ho which tle decessed' tald of the experiences heri was held.i Ix MUNICIPAL ArrrnRS farnily 3haned while working The pailbeaners were nehgh-1 ~ in a mission there. Lunch'bars Harold Perrett. Allan ;)Hm W. uq u.C RoIgk, Mlulstv was. served- by the committee Macklin. Laverne Clepmeas »'anvUe, Der. in, 199 1 , ,ard winnens shauld be îded la this week's time, please sign lme ta the letter. We bush ananymous let- Wj7ben but yours gave oppontunlty to point the difflculties that ibyare not understood pny parents of gradu. cSw* i.es m Ma-. frf- bc 9VAIETIS- JELLY" POWDERS lic FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 o 1o)0 [I' AINY EAUS FTHEVAT Boneless Round Steak or Roast l 91b Easy to Carve Full CuL Rump Roast 89Pb Lambin aBasket 291L i i i IERRY. CE JEILLIRD m OCEAN i (RANI SAUI Dominion Famous Trfim SIRLOIN- WING T-SONE Steak or Roast,,ýl. 1.18 Choice Imported Frozen Lamb Three Meal Varety - Roast Ci " "s tew Fresh Seasonal Produce- Fresh Froni Florida - Fancy Grade Corn m on m Cob 5 for 49c Ontario Grown - Canada Fancy Grade Red Maclntosh Apples 5 IL bag5 9c Arizona Grown Garden Fresh Green Onions bunches 29c pkg.15c -- = :~tu-"~-- LOOK Roasting Film Fresh From New Fields In Florida - Large Hfead 29C Easy to Peel- Fresh from Florida - Sizo 1790& Tangarlines doz 49c 0 Turkish Figs 150-Inch Pkg. ROYAL PRINCE 59c Fancy Yams RICHMELLO il-or. jar ST. LAWRENCE (o ffee (reamer 69c Corn Ol!l MONARCH POUCH PACK il-o,. Pkt. MPLE LEAF Brownie or a A Gingerbrea dli x 5for $1 ivuncemeat 18-o.. Tin 39 C 45C 28-... Tb& WHITE Pkg. of 250'8 IMMLO - Pla. inppi r Pimuet"&oi Rte Serviettes 59C (heese Slïces 3 for $1 omiNuN iLLED OPEN TiJURS. and FIU. NIGHTS 'TML 9 P.DL FREE PARKING AUl Merchandis. Io Guarante.d To 01v. 100% oSatWsactum Puices Effective Until Closig, Saturday, D«c. 1MU _ W. Reserve the Right to Limit Quantit.. .* ~ *. ~ KING ST. and SIMPSN AVE& t- '..(Hwy. No. 2EnAt) *> a <16s.g )oMNO 4~ - s, '4 '.4 .4 44 j. -i a 1 8 c91b 85C

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