Youngsters Enjoy FoL jWomen's institutesI The Bowmianville Womnen's of the Christmas carols and' [nstitute held their Christmas they xwere sung in unison. A' .<meeting on December 4th at skît Nobody Here But Us, ¶t.he Memorlal Park Clubhouse, Turkeys' was presented by! The meeting apened in the W.I. members. Mesdames Dow-ý usual way. The business was'ney. Park. Sumersford andý conducted by President Mrs. C. Wiseman. Mrs. S. Buttery gave Dony rSer Mrs. I. Munday. ago n idChrstms eAsn Doey as I nd cay-Tras- a aped on chstms yArsg The sponsorshlp of a child and pantomime entitled "Hard-ý la ta be continued. The Kopper rock, Koko and Joe" was gîven. Karnival Is to be March 12th Mrs. E. Twist was the sololstk with the following Conveners: the three elves Mesdames Tickets, Mrs. M. Flintoif; Gifts, 'Fiintoff. S. Buttery and Pat- Mr-s I. Munday, Home Baking, field and Santa Claus, Mrs. E. U Mrs. E. Twist; Candy, Mrs. S. Perfect. Corden and Mrs. G. Richards; Mrs. H. Couch, Mrs. S Cor- Tea Room, Mrs. M. Wiseman den and Mrs. M. Flintoi wereï and Mrs. H. Sumersford. in charge of the exchange of A splendid report of the rec- gifts. Santa Claus and elvesb ent Area Convention In Tor- helped distribute these. Gifts onto was given by the delegate were given to the oldest mem-11 Mrs. E. Twist. The roll caîl was ber present Mrs. A. H. Clem- answered by a Christmas verre en.',. the one with the closesti and canned goods were brought anniversary, Mrs. C. Johns and' for the Salvation Army Christ-,the one with the closest blrth- mnas hampers. day, Mrs. 1. Munday and Happy! Mrs. C. Downey acted asiBirthday was sung ta her, A Chairman for the Christmas' gamie was conductçd by Mrs.r program. Mrs. T. Buttery gaveIC. Downey. Mrs. O. Bragg was the motto "Changes in the at-I the pianist for the singing., titudes and approaches to Meeting closed with God Save Christmas." She asked how do the Queen. we celebrate Christmas and The members were served a went on to explain various very delicious turkey cinner' On Decemnber 6th, at Memoriai Park Clubhouse, ways. She wondered how by the Memoriai Park Ladies severàl of our younger citizeens becan thcir Christmas many of us would walk any Auxiliary. Mrs. S. Buttery ex-Ifestivities by attending the Bow'manvýiljc Foundry distance to pay their yeanly tended a vote of thanks to Union Christmas Party. From the smiles which they tax. themn for eatering. Wishingý Mrs. 1. Munday gave theýeach other seasonal greetngs,are showing, it would appear that thev cn.joyed themi history of the writîng of some members departed for home. selves. Those taking par-t are as follows: fr-ont row, A Bit of Hîstory Village of Bethany "We have Zion ta the Soutb, brook Into Emlly Township Ebenezer ta the East, Mount: circled into Manvers Town-i Horeb and Bethel ta the North slip ivith stations at Bethany, and West, let us caîl this 'Brunswick anri Franklin. place Bethany in accordance wlth ail the ather Biblicali The crossing an the conces-' s fr I la apropiat sion road between C 7 and ong wooded hilil I C 8 (new Highway 7A) on Onto the others".- the hilI at Lot 24 became the f er 1856. site for Bethany station and t Hpe-loday eri village., Messrs. Byers and t Hpe-inday ec-Wilson surveyed and divlded * e Port Hope-Lind-: ieir property loto village eavertan RailwaYlots and Bethany rapidly took d) was c fompMIe,_d shape. The usual stores and - l i~ute romMihhotels and in 1859 the Post 2 i Office and the blacksmith 2 I shops were qulckly establisl- V. ed. Stoves, harness and wag- ans were manufactured. The grist mill (1863) was built ta wI the xest of the village on the W Pigeon Creek. The Canadian Pacifie Rail- wa y was canstructed through Bethany in 1912 and with two stations and about 500 popu- 69 &M~ *, lation the village becamne an important shipping centre for grain. cattie, hogs, turkeys and the gond quallty pine and V hardwood fram Manvers. village had a flourishing Or- ange Lodge. The Presbyterlans, ~New Methodists and Anglicans A M had large cangregations and churches. There were the VHATN Or a nge, Temperance and NG & rETN Township Halls. With the erection of the latter the coun- V OINE 263-2610 cil seat was moved from Lif- one, Ontario fard ta Bethany. -Dr. 0. B. Dickinson. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET WEI SPECIALIZE IN- Fancy Fruit BasketsI FULL LINE 0F: GROCERIES, CIGARETTES CHOCOLATES and CANDY Also Agents for FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Nestieton Couoie Hot Mr. and Mr,-, Clar-ke Xil- Perr- '. wrîi-ghit Town 1hip lîams, Nestleton, celebrated The hiride and groomn of WO The family receîvcd morre their Golden Wedding Ani- yeai-s. \vei- mar-îcd in Ponty-i thari 250 friends and rltxe versary on Saturday, bec. 6ih pool in 1919 and have livedlfroi-n neai- and far. it thc MasonieTemple, Port mosbt of their inv- bCaît-iPhoto i-our-te- Port F'cîxy Stai BETHANY Mi, -;orzc WaddeiJ is agaiin n the Suudiray Si-hoo!lai OPEN EVENINGS a p~aticnt ini Port Perry HsPr5dnMr,-,,Hirh Coppîns pita icoirnetedon r\venis of li99 'TIL 9P.M. ~sperî , "Vhîte Gift,,so- "Onc of the yar;greafpeat v-il, wanhsct-\-d in the :evcntS was thnj and oiVMari : M ori ig iiiwh i-h mobcr,,of! miracle Of alil tir as Ille the Stindas Si-l! ook Of Jeslis h \010 i h SThe Jui- l'rchoir san 'QoGod walkcd on Eartlî at)d io- King Winiciasa d lie' Sen- tir'i cd hi- quuî0iîîg a pooi ior choir "The Kinrdomn Is At "God's". t'.nd" wîith Mus. Howardi Mis. Clarecec Rowaii rd ýRowan as orgaiist. Miss Phyx--the worship service .%,ih the li Yôuingman told th- child-'therne "The Hea-l of' Chr'ist- lrius .-torY, "The ýMeceting of rmas ". Mrs. lo(,nr.v Jakrniai th'le Trocs'. 'lue lissc7 Wendly read ;a;poem Ke,(piiigChrît ý 1/Prestoni and Delibie Ker e- in Chitma' and Mr7, T. J. ccîved the offering. 'The Pcv. Jackson aponeni "No Boomn iDavîid Noîrthey gzave the ser-' Reportsý were heard froni al] mon.a rommittees noting a srcs in10Civic Hospital, Peterboi-- The following officrz-swrre ougli. elected for 1970. Prpeýîdcnt. Mi-. and Mr.q. Gordono Sm-ith Mrs Herb Coppiii, Seçcrctarv., iPritertairi'd the M a n v e r s Archivist and Liîeraîiîre Se(, I Municipal Tclophîoîe Opera-. retarx-, Mrs, Thomas Tennin,-z ioon,,,alurda '-vuizht, fol- Treasurer, Mr.3. RaY Portrnu.., ý0 i, Ct I rOirg cf thc local Auditors, Mi 1ssDx'do telephonen office. Commission- and Mrs. liarriy RN-le'\7 Groîip ci- Lewis McGill pî-esented Leaders. Mrs. Frank W'hiir, fb h.Opr.-îor with a bonus Mu-s. Clarence Rowan, Mnlr gitof $50MO. Carl Porleous, Mrs. Allan Mr. and Mi-F J. M. Smith Beer. Mrs. Addiz;on Scotbý hase purrhaspd bthe foi-nier, Social Convenor. Mrs. Roberi hn)mp nf Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Ryley: Worship prograni. Mns Munro. Clarence Rowari; W elf a r Mr. and Mrs. Fnank White' cammittee. Mrs. D o) n a I1-d visited w-ah his brother Frank Lowes. Mrs. Carl Po)rte<iîe, IWhite in Trenton during the. Mrs. James Fraser, Mrs. Wal- past week. On Saturday thev. ter Neals, Mrs. Hugh MciDn- attended the Golden Weddïng aid; Pianîst. press correspon- anniver-arv of Mr. and Mrs. dent and baby gifts. Mrs. Ros; Clarke Wîlliams o? Nestieton., Cari-: Flower eommîttpe, Mus. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowes.: John Neals, Mrs. Alian Been, Walter Mancrief and Missi Friendship and Visîting, Mrs. Olive Moncrief aiso attendedi Mildred Bristow and Mrs. teanniversarv. Herb Coppins; Nomina tingý Unfted Chui4b Women 'cotnmittee; Mrs. F'rank White. Betharn'- Tnitpd Chlnrh Wo Mrs. Add1îon Sott. Mrs , os The Canadian Statesmnan. &ownanville, Dec. 10, MI9 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN" IS AN EXCELLENT YEAR-ROIJND CHRISTMAS GIFT. ORDER A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO-DAY! SUBSCRIPTION RATES CANADA 12 MONTHS U.S.A. 12 MONTHS » -$8.00 P.O. BOX 190- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ---$6.00 Reports from ýS, PHONE 623-5674 44 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE thndry Christm as ha&rayij _ On FrIdaY nlght the 4-T-1 ympathles are extmlnded t during the past year and wel-1Isaucer shower for Miss Joan the death of her mother. Mr- comed several ladies from St. Trew who wlll be marrled in Carnie Begtty. Toronto Paul's Anglican church whoý the near future. The shower Monday. She had ;ufferw a were present. was at Mr. and Mrs. Ross.evecre strdke about a k Lunch was served by Mrs.'Beatty*'s home. A nice P.ssort- ago. Gervmn Mufligan, Mrs. Walteri ment of gifts receivd M .r, and Mrs. H. Thick"on Neals and Mrs. Addison Scott. short program ývas given and spcnt Tuesday In Toronto. lunch served. The Sunday Schooi are ME RY C RI TM S Mr. and MIrs. Don Whitbred holingl£ a service on Sund a~ MERR ? C RIST AS îand girls, Oshawa. were with Dec. 14 at .30 in the Eliza. Christmas can be a joyous' Mr. and Mrs. L. Muidrew and bct1wille Church. Rev E. time 0f year.went to the bush and cut their, Udell vi pa ou and a' It can cause happy wonder! own Christmas tree on Satur-: Ch.ristm-,s pirogram wlll b6 to shine In the eyes of a littie day. held -wit-h luinch after.------- boy or girl. It can bnlng~ _ great joy'into a chlld's ilfe ___ It can awaken falth. qqBut unfortunately for somne Fo HiChsta chiidren, Christmas this year' FoVi hita mal. be a disappointmient. It miay be iooking in store windows at toys their par-JP ES b 9 4% ents cant afford to buy - or1 suffeing for lack of adequate y periencîng a feeling of utter * alonieness. This need flot be; for The Salvation Army, on your be- hilf reaches out to such chlld-$7.3 i ren and makes possible for V them the gifts. the treat of enjoylng a Exctie 149 speclal holiday dinner. the DetT 23.00 warn, feeling of wearing new S Gr.ol . 35.00 clothes. Er o wr w~'~P Yes, The Salvation Army tonýic e a nd ricedeai fo beginrwm knows many. many troubled - Tr .iurcd hy seocned srnnei. people, both young and old. It~ tries to make Christmas ~' m~C happy and meaningful hy pro-.Uim ~iif vlding frlendshlp and material B R SO S S4. S o at.e in communities - ail i across Canada - fathers who i 3 KING ST, W. BOMANVILLE j' left to right, MVarty Adcoek, Davey Adcock,, Joev will spend this Christmas be- 1IJà. hind orison bars - for moth-1>l»>1 Whyte, Hoidi Schrn'id, Charmaine Deroseher, Cornie ers whose cblidren lie 111 and__ Deroscher and Christine Hunt; back roNv, loft to right, cold in a substandard dweIl-VA Donna Adcock, Cindy Hart, Kim Whyte, Charlene: ing - for painridden hospitaliz-!-M Deroscher and Debbie Parkein. e eeas-frmn ed ______________ oungsters who know little Of MI A ________ -~Photo by Rehder cornfort and joy.IfR The Salvation Army has.44 1 and thanked the former nomi- been spreading- joy and hap-, Q no ed nating committee and a piness'at Ch'istmastime - and rU l TIL E n r dmenmbers for their co-opera-, throughout the year - for more U V FINE TUNESJ Mr,. Crl ortouswals the to kee0) on doing IL.- Moderator for~ a lofai *l~ Share YOUR b1esslngs Lhic ý Bark" program iii which Mr. hi stmas.L . 1 T. Jennings representend a cur- - i-cnt event. tuiai of the Evan gelical United Brcethrcn joîn-' ELIZABETH VILLE iv nwith the UnitedChr. An ohJect was comrnentcd on Church services were held by Mrs. Ross Carr, being a at Garden Hill for the North Bible ovcr 150 years old giveo1 Hope charge on Sunday. Rev , to the Siunday School by theIG. Ramjit spoke on "Mans ;19 late Miss Elsie Richardson Debt to the Bible". and stili in use. The Pcrson-: On Wednesday afternoonl4 CirT aiity xvas rcpresrnted by Mrs.i1 the Women's Institute met atj iClarence Rowan, being thiatI Mr. and Mrs. Don Horner's -Y of her hiî,band who liad beenlIhome. A good number attend-V a forme" rhurch organist forlI d. The President Mrs. H. over 10' years. Gxue,,ssing the!Quantrili preslded. The roll~ subjects correctly weeMs all was "The nicest Christ- Clarence'RwaMr.Gorge mas glft 1 have ever recelved" yé .1Waddell and Mrs. Gladys The minutes were read and Y IDa vidson y prvd We decided to The Pol] cal] was alisweredfoster the same child from V ~ship aprons. She sent us a Christmas card190RAV TR The sccretary road ltesand her mother sent a card, 90RA ITO of thanks from Ms. Josphtoo. CLRT Whitcside mnd George Wa- Mrs. A. Hughes spoke toi us C L RT dcli or snshie 1oe ýon the area convention. Our ceived aiid fronKog ~life memnber Mrs. T. Sowden -YU O AICFN UIN AI K won Yuk atteoded. A demnonstration on X Chun. thýý adpoted Koreani valblcake*, 2 ndA LWA child for her support and en Mrsak decorating was given by VI Avilab en t. 2 n ~ LW *closing lier picturc. r. Bev. Gray and Mrs. D. 9 25" ,eeen6 9 9 *00lO The financiai r rge Horner. Mrs. Clarence Beatty jiîst one of the reasons the carwas budet or daated a light fruit cake th erwsdiscussed. Ilivas wdch wandcorte a aVhy ynu'Il prefer agreed to senud s5.oo 1. Strectiwbirthda cak ad aesag IRCA Victor Color TV. w~ith Trade Toon o; b gve ai Happy Birthday to celebrate - D'p.m S e~ donation 1towards rompletionIMrs. L.Muldrew's blrthday. Rad o So the chirchý to give bags of onstration. Lunch was serv- YUwuSMvie candy btheii, Sundav ScehoolI ed, The next meeting wlll beSe ie pupils at their annwai supper iJan. 7 at Mrs C. Mercers 3S-vrS hoe633482 and concert to bce held Dec. 13. home. Gifts were gien to M.Copn, xp ed her Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Gray.~ ~b ~~nkgf# 5 tt~mn Mr. and NIrs. Clarke Williains SUBSCRIPTION RATES