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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1969, p. 5

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~& P Women's Cl.%ub Holds, ftirthda.y Complet i On Thurýsday. Nov, 20th. 17 members of the Bouwmanville Business & Profes-,ional Wo- rnen's Club, and 21 guests cele- brated the 19th birthdiy of the local club. A delicious dinner '-as serv- ed by the laçies of St. An- drew's Church Auxiliary lu the Sunday School roomn. As the lovely candle-lit cake was brought lu. everyane jined in a chorus of 'Happy Birthday". followed by another chorus of the same greetinf- as Auna Watson. who hari recentlv- celebrated her irthday. wvas presented with a miniature birtbday cake. On behaîf of the club. Betty Wessell- pre. sented Mrs, Watzon. a charter r-rnber. with a cup and sauc- e r. HHEUMATIC, PAIN? Rumacaps capsules give proven relief!1 Rumnacapu are specially formu-i Iated ta give you fast relief-the very first day-from nagging rheumatic pains and aches. Also ý Proven effective for relievng lum- bago, sciatica, headache and neurtic pains. Ask for new Rumacaps-a distinctive blLJO ancd white capsule of soothini Comfrt-at vour local druggist's. Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort! Our She Set Up for Free delivery daily tn ( Hwy. No. 2, 623- Part y . to Mark 9olvgte Introuconday's l ?orfr ofteguests everyone took. Mn. Kennedys talk was fol-ý in asiugsou, le bylowed by a question peniod.ý par and a spiited discussion took Trudy Garrnd. accompanied place. not only lu rega:-d to by Mrs. Jas. Bell at the piano, second caneers. but also lun e- In honar of the occasion. spect ta students' choosing Marian *Jeffery nead an oig-. their first cancers. Marilyný inal poem whlch was much!Coty thankcd the guest speak-ý noyed by 'aIl. er for bis informative andj Florence Tomlnson intro- 1 timeiy talk. and presented hlm duced the guest speaker, Chas. wit' a token of appreciation Kennedy. BA., M.Pd., Guid- on behaif of the club. ance Caunsellor ai. Bowman- The meeting adjourned after ville High School. Mr. 'Ken- a bief business ses-ion was nedY chose as hlm; subject *'The1 conducted by the President, Second Career" as be felt thîs who also neminded the mem- xvould be of prime Interest ta bers that the Christmas meet- his audience. Leaflets outlin- lng has been advanced one ing vaiaus careers were dis-I week ta Thursday. Dec. llth. tributed. and Mn. Kennedylat whlch time each member gave a xery intenestiug pres-IwIlII brlng a smali mechanical ertation of the position of the , toy ta be given ta a needy mature mannîed woman lu ta- ichiid ai. Christmas time. NESTLETON Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary Congratulations to Mr. andý say, was Tuesday nverinig'ot, ~Irs. Clarke Williams who re- and Wednesday guest withi ceived their many friends and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glasber-ý relatives on the occasion of gen. Mr. John Glasbergen,'! their Golden Wedding anni- Mr. Case Glashergen and fri- versary at the Masonic Tem- end, Orono. were Saturday pie, Port Perry, Saturday af- visitors. ternoon and evening, Decem- Mr. and Mrs. Wrn Johns.I P ber 6th. Their family enter-!Harlow and Ian, Markham tained them for evening din- were Sunday dinner guests ner at the home of their sonl witlh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and daughter-in-law. Mr. and George Johns... ýMrs. Arnold Williams.Mr ad Mr. Kneh... .. Sincere sympathy is extend- Lamb, Oakville, eniovyed Suin- I rd to Mr. Herb Hooey and day mid-day dinner with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Harnden family on the death of Mrs. and Mrs. Ceci] Wilson, Mr.,! Hooey i.n Port Perry Hospital, and Mrs. Norman Lyoos. Lori.ý Bowmanville Legion Hall Lockhart, Toronto, sister 01 and ta Mrs. Ted Gibson onl Anne and Kevin, Uxbridge, was the setting for the 5th Elgie Harnden, and Mrs. Cleve1 the death of Mr. Gibson, also were evenîng dinner guetsj-Wpdrd10g Annix'ersary ceîebrat McMann. OshaWa. sister ofi in Port Perry Hospital. Wilson Rodman, Little Bri- Mrs. Elgie Harnden. Guestsý Friends are pleased that tain. is spending a fewi dav,; cd by Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Harn- were served lunch by grand-1 Mrs. Lee Shaw and Mr. John1 with his gracndparents, th e rin on Sunday. November l6th. daughters of the happy couple.1 Reynolds are home from hos-i Wilsons. Ox-er 80 relatives and friends Mr. Glen Virtue and Mr.( pital. Sorry to report Mrs.1 Mr, and Mrs. Bruce sa~iîgnc'd the Golden AnniversaryA1vin (Paddy) Welsh enter-1 David Johns is a patient in~ enjoyed Sunday evening duo- liook. Guests were welcomedltained with memorable remin-i Port Perry Hospital, Mr. 0cr ner with Mr. and Mrs. Don'by Col. and Mrs. Wm. Brownliscent songs of 50 years ago.i 'Vennîng and Mn. Kitchener Frew and Virginia M r. andi Mrs. P. Tullock. MiAog h1ay ad n Burtn i BowanvlleHos- Mos Cal Eljoi, h an sd Mrs. Douglas Harnden and! gifts received were congratu-~ ni'tal. dMeii-td oda nt i c id Mrs. Wmn. Harnden.1latory messages from the Prime; Miss Bonnie Campbell. Thnd- parents, Mr. and Mca. Richard Tra was scrved by Mrs. James;Ministen's «Office, Gov. Generali( Da vison. Court Lady Snnwbird e IIICourt Lady Soowhnrd. Cail-1 adian Order of ForesterE, hc1rlýNW TN )P istfneir monthly meeting Wed-! nesday eveoing in the hall.:Mr, andi Mrs. Harry Stew-,Bowmanvllle, and Mn. andi President Sr. Marc, Lee open- art and Tracy, Kingston, spent'Mrs. Launie Stapleton, Bevecly th ed the meeting. Manv topics the v-eekend with ber parents. and Ricky, Ajax. were discussed. The ch ildren's Mr. andi Mrs. George Staple- l Mr. C. M. Jones was in Co- Christm as.! in the hall on Dc. 23rd. on Sa turday evening were Mn. jury duty. SnawiIl be therc. children. A. A. Martin. Port Credit; Mrs. L. Todd was able to, Te meeting was rsei Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, leave Memorial Hospital early through as it was election: last week, and is staying with night. 1 lTTT P Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton Chrîst es low: PastPresicdeot, Sr. Marg' Lee; Presîdent, Sr. Marilyn 3MRS. MABEL 0. JEWISON The municipal elections are Cooledge: ie Pe. r'oe for another year, and W reaths Cacol Doyle; Recording Sec- The death occurrpd Monday, while those who won are, of retary, Sr. Jean Bolan: Fnan- ne. . 1969. at teOhw course ob ogauae cialSecrtary Sr.r1,)o c;cGercral Hospital, of Mrs. Mab- we shauld loik t ps cilSertay S.Dooh e ,eisnof10 ye along a word of praise for a Lee; Chaplain. Sr. Mr ]l Cre, . Oshawa. She had been loser, in the persan of our kin: ardn.Sr IrneTran~seioilv sick for the past local teacher, Mr. J. Veldbuis. Conducton, Sr. Shirley.f@c.k-ýsimnI h a e 0hFranwoe oti ra sion; InnOer Guard, Sr. AMilLea hIle certainly showed courage Robrr: utenGuad. r. An yar and Initiative, and may well S Lee; Trustees, Srs. Marg Lee, A daughter of the late Mr. be proud of the fact that he 1 Ann Lee1 andiSr. Marilyn andi Mrs. Robent Wood, the led the poils in votes here in // -' Coolidge; Auditors, Srs. Margide(ceaseri was born April 8, tbe village. Notbing daunted Lee and Jean Bolan; Press1 1880. ini South Monagban Twp.,ý at his defeat be says he is ai- reporter, Sr. Jean Bolan. Dcle- Northurnherland County and1 ready preparing for next time. gates to District Couincil. Mrs. was marnmed March 21, 1906, at and as one person was \beard Carol Doyle, Mary Wilkins Bailiehoro. She was the last to remark, "How we wisb we and Millie Rohren. memiber of a famlly of il11 afwmoelk l! Congratulations toe nwchlre Sympathy of the communty officers and good luck in the 1 A resident of Oshawa for 41 is expressed tai members of Icomîng term of office. Thanklyetrs, Mrs. Jewison was a the Wade family on the deathi you was expressed to the omt- memben of Kingsview United of their step-brother, George, gaing officers. Many thanks Church and was formerly very in Port Hope Hospital last Poin ettio I res. Sr. Marg Lee for aactive in the work of the week. The son of the late Poisetia job well done in teps year. church. She was a life mem- John and Alberta Wade, he Installation of officens il;to ber of the United Church was born and brougbt up an be held on Jan.- lth unless!Wmn the family homestead near otherwise reporteri. Peeesr u.,14,b Port Granby. Surviving fam- The ladies then went t PeeeaelAg 1,14,b ily rnembers are Harry, Jack Port Penry and had a îoveîY lier huisband, Hector David and Jean (Cochrane) of New- dinner at Conway Gardlens. 'Jewison, the deceased is sur- castle, and Arnold of Newtan- SCourt Lady Snowbird wishes vi Verdby a daughter, Mrs. ville. ta extend Season's DonldCule (Enagad Callers wlth Mrs. Agnes lie t ailr.tigson, Vincent, both of Oshawa. Burley last week were Mr. ~NURS R ~ 00 C.0.F. District Couneil * chilnlren, David Cutler, Brenda Mr. and Mrs. KibBre Meeting Jwîonan rs JdihLag ndfmiyCoorg M. în NURSERYMEN The Canadian Order of For-',eio n r.Jdt agadfmlCbug r n esters' District Counicul meet-and a great-gnandchild, Ste- Mrs. E. McEwen. Peterbor- ing was held at Gondon.<;Plen Lang. 1 ough. Restaurant in Nestîcton on. The memonual service was Mn. and Mrs Don Vinkle Oshawa and Bowxnanville Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. Twenty- held at the Armstrong FuIneral went ta Sharbot Lake on Bowmanville one members attended in spitelHome, Oshawa, at 1:30 p.m.,IThursday ta attend a churcb Sof miserable weather. This1 Thuirsday., Dec. 4. Interment service In memory of his 1-5757 41being the Christmas meeting,was in Bailieboro Cemetery.1 cousin, Derwood Warren, who àgl business was settled hurried- Rev. L, W. Herbent conducted, was drowned in a Sk:-doo ac- ,,L >i iL ~ lyand gifts were exchangcd.ý the mýervice. cident on that lake. The body 1 Mres. Sid tacey uudwen SAVE $20 CileaP SAVE 20(kr *10.00 each) Ç,,/£(RAND PRIX chooso from icolours for ladies- 2 colours for men's E LADIES' WEEKEND AND MEN'S SHORTRIP At $3950 each they're a great buy... ca $2950% eah theylre a mSt. (o op e r's Yfe telle rs £cl Phone 623-5747 4King St. E. Bowmanville *.at U rsia says ail the things you forgot f0 Say al year long! For Ctvistma and forever,.- 4rtearvedc A triu.mph of modern diaunond ring design'Thins totallY different solitaire style spankles more trom every anole. Resmst it - i! you ean. Its the biggest style bit qt L- Christas- * * OPEN 'TIL 9 EVERY NITE Mon. to Fr1. ai ar, Aj Roland Mîchener, Mr. Russell E Honey, QC, MP, Mr. Alex Car- b. ruthers, MPP, presented themn with a wall plaque from the Si Province -of Ontario. Beautiful l bouquets of flowers were nec- t eived fnom the Town of Bow-l manville and from the Bow- le manville Leglon Ladies Aux- e iliary. Telegrams wene necesv- ar ed fnom granddaughters resid- cl, ing in Calgary. The afternoon w:~ reception was enjoyed by ai everyone. s F1LL E Mn. and Mns. Gerald Russet., Wellman's Corners. Bob Henderson was home fnom Western UnIversity aven the weekend. Flowers ai. the altan, Sun- day mornlng, were ln memony o! the late John Stark, whose funeral took place on Tuesd-ay wlth Interment ai. Orono Cerne- tery. Sympathy Is extended ta his widow and family members. Mn. and Mns. Fred Hender- son witb Mn. and Mrs. C. Brown o! Newcastle, were visitons ai. Bronte on Sunday, Bi t ste ai pa ne bo lai Si' irýl ini thi 51 Pa at Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen's. The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Dec. 10, 19895 Mina Betty Skeldlig and tos ve hewekndwih PON TYiPOO L 1&- and Mns. M. Porter ln Detroit. The bingo sponsored by the lngs the second week lIl au local Chamber of Commerce ary. Mrs. Bea Jones vlsited her was well ettended on Friday. Sunday mornlng ai. 2 a.m. brother Mr. Wallace Merrlll The big wlnner of the evening we reached another era when ai. Warkworth, Sunday, ac- was Master Ray Arsenauli. the Manvers Municipal Tele- companied by hier daughter, who won the full card and phone Association was taken Mmr. C. Cornish of Orono. $25 in the last gaine. The over by the Bell Telephone. Later the Cornish family wer samne Chamber sponsored a This was weil covered by the supper guests with Mrs. Jones- dance Saturday night wlth Bethany correspondent lasi. -Faye Adams Orchestra in at- week. Many operators through- tendance. out the years have cheerfully W ESLEYIVILLE The Hi-C also sponsored a assisted us ini receiving calls dance on Friday night ini the that brought us messages of -The ioveiy bright weatiier Orange Hall which was well joy, gladness, sorrow, romance, and cean -snow of the past attended. Another church finance, good and poor elec- week changed greatiy dunlng group that deserves your sup- tion results. We stili have 'a the weekend when Sunday port is your local Tyro Boys couple of hundred Christn)as nlght's high wtnds and rain who are having a Pop Bottle trees and here's hoping that taok much of the snow and Drive, Saturday, Dec. 13 ta the Bell wiU bing more better made - driving difficuit for raise funds for uniforms. Just news. cars. Snowmobiles were not notify your minister Rev. We read ln luti week's much ln evidence. Northey or Mr. Laverne Finny Statesman o! the Awards' and the boys will be glad ta Nlght held at the Kemptville M.rs. Gebi. Tufford has been remove your pop bottles. College of Agriculture Tech.. in Port Hope for the past Our hockey team won an- nology. Among the bursaries week with her father, Mr. W. other gamne Sunday, defeating scholarships and awards we Sanguin who has returned Caesarea 7-3. Keep her up, were very pleased ta ses.-the home from a short time ln boys. name o! a local boy, Donald Port Hope hospital. We are glad ta report that Brown, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Truman Austin was taken to Mn. Deiberi. Bowins is Im- Lloyd Brown. Donnie won Port Hope Hospital on Sun- proving but still conflned to the third Leeds Co-operative day morning, by ambulance his home. Medical Services Award. Our where he Is under treatment Witb two bands, many heartlest congratulations. for sudden îîîness. floats, etc., a mammoth Santa Due ta bad weathen and Claus Parade was sponsoned ln roads- the members of the During the visit of Mn. and Mllbrook, Saturday, by the Official Board of the United Mns. Jas. Munroe o-f Ottawa Ladies' Auxiiiary ta the Royal Church had to cancel their '~with Mn. and Mrs. Murray Canadian Legion. Several meeting on Sunday evening. Payne on the weekend of Nov. hundned children r e c e i v e d Renovations ta the pansanage ,30, Mr. Munroe was tiaken ta goodies from Santa. ln Bethany will be under dis- a Peterborough hospital with Manvers TownshiD Council cussion. This meeting wns sudden and utiknown Illnes. held their final meeting for postponed ta Sunday, Dec. 14 The cause was not known un,' 1969 on Tuesday. They have ai. 8 p.m. There wlll be a tii late ln the week when aIl been returned by acclama- White Gift Service on Sunday severe Infection was discovr tion and will star. 1970 meet- morning. A U -. leaven- md ut Is hoped will soon be abe ta return ta Ottawa. His Iiany friends wisbhlhm a peedy recovery. Jim llved ln le community sb)me years to while working on en ýgricultur4l Scbolarship fronu Ungland and since has had a îccessful career in field hus- >andry. 'me childnen came ta church ;unday morning ai. Welcome aden wlth White Gifts for heJr service- on Sunday School ater ln the morning. The eond candie for Advent was ýplalned by Nancy Clarke rud lit by Aileen Wilson who .osed the short ceremony 'ith prayen., 'mis was done t the beglnning of cburch ;rvice. Rev. J. Ramjit's sec- non was on "Our Debt ta the i1ble", what we already owe outs teacbing and the con- tant revelation we receive -rin It with new values ne- ýe1ved from Its reading ln the igbt of ou - lives' experience tnd new histarical knowledge gained by researchers. In spite o! Christmas pre- )aratians' rush some o! the ieigbbons were quilting ai. the ioe o! Mrs. Harold Reeve ,st week. Mrs. Clarence Nichoa and ister Grace Anderson were n Ottawa and Westmeath, dur- ng the weekend attending le funeral o! an uncie. Gzloria Nichais of Toronto ipent the weekend wlth her Darents'Mn. and Mrs. Carroll WHE IN DOUBTG4IE/£A CERTI FICATE FROM J(UT 'N' J(URL BEAUTY SHOP for expert hairstyling by VIOLET COOK - JOAN WIIILLANS in a friendly atmosphere FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 623-5019 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVLLE I3ONVI~wUV1UiE 67 iW«i s'r. E. pno,4£623246 **SHOP NOW WHILE SELECTIONS ARE BEST * LITTLE MISS PIXIE GIFT SETS . surgery lu Memonlal Hospital, !Bowmanville, early lasi. week, whene Mr. Willis Farrow is also a patient. This week. thk- names of Mrs. Jim Cas- well and Mvrs. Don Owles are, added to the lisi. there. Fallowing a Ski-doa acci- dent Saturday eveniug, Mn. Bill Wade was taken ta Osha- wa Genenal Hospital where it was found he had suffened a broken aukle. Mns. Anthony iTon eutered the Oshawa Hos- pital ou Sunday, ta undergo au eye operatian. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer spent a couple of days .a ,Niagara Falls lasi. week. with jMns. M. Leushner. jMr, and Mrs, Reid W on and boys were among the l. family gatberlng attending i the tunkey supper ai. New-,I castle United Church. Thurs-, day evening in bonon o! the 40th Wedding A'nnivecsary of Mn. and Mns. Wilfred 'Wood of that village. Catening was1 doue by a U C.W. Unit and following the nepasi., ail the guests repained ta the Wood home where other relatives and friends jolned them for a social evenlng. About 50, In ail, enjoyed the happy oc- casion. .Mn. an-d Mrs Don Vlnkle1 spent the weekend wthMr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and son ai. Bethany. Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Jonesf and Mns. Bea Jones attendedî t.he funeral o! the late Mn. N. I IMcNally ai. Coîborne, Satur- Mrs. Wm. Stacey attendedi the fuaneral of ber uncle, Mn. Joseph Grills, ai. Englisbllne Cburch, Seymour Township, on Friday afternoon, aften which she wvith Evelyn and Il qDonald stayed overnlglit w.ithil CmILDREN'S LIQUID BUBBLE BATH LITTLE LADY "«MAGIC BOX" Bubble Bath Powder f rom $1.39 ~ Çf in Pla'stic DoIls & 10 «T 98C KODAK .0"*'W , -M POLAROID Instamatic 124 Prices . COLORPAK I TkBUon Flash CMR "TA BU"CAMERA KIT Buibs, CAHANLEN.A PerfUnies Special $21.95 only $34.88 GIFT SETS andStsFO OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. DAILY $9.50 to $1 3.00 GFO YOUR SHOPPING CON VENIENCE w. Closed Saturdays 6 p.m. w SPEIALFEATURE'SPECIAL- FOR CHRISTMAS ONLYSECA ~ 1.79rni/es nCkhacles $.9 i QanitesCELEBRITY ASSORTMENT Qatte Llmtte BIG 2-LB. BOX CHOCOLATES and CONFECTIONS Qsaîtte KINDNESS ~ 4-ROLL PACKCHITA Sets Ilair In Minutes >' FOIL GIFT WRAP DECORATIONS Reg. 14.95 Rg .0-Ol 12 REDUCEDI Special $12.95 Rg .0-OI 12 Save up to 25% OLD SPICE ELECTRIC MEN'S AFTER SHAVE SHAVERS GIFT SETS Reg. $1.75 at AT SPECIAL Special $1.39 DISCOUNT PRICES PRICES LADIES" GIFI SETS IT'S NEW! IT'S HERE! MORNY SOAPS by "*FOR MEN nit YARDLEY of LONDON SAftrShaEL- TALCUM POWDER f rom $1.95 Cologne - $4.00 from $1.50 SFREE FILM - FR11 FILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM, with every roil of Black and White or Kodacolor film left at M FR1 FRIDIRICK'S PHARMACY FLM LU for Dev.lopiag and Printing ÙFREFILM -FRE1 FILM -FREE FILM -FREE1 IL / %ýk iwo

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