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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1969, p. 8

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.- #.* à; .ê' e ..-.-r--.w-,-~-. i"9- -. -. IBy Frank Mohun 6237234 B.TS 900 ARK jack Bond waa really scattering te pins ln mens Major League action a waek ago when h. camne up with ganes of 294, 334 and 276 for a big 904 triple. Jack la cuptain af the team on which the poor aid scribe, bowls, andleur success this year hasn't been ton gond - and that'à putting It mildly. 1 R-e ha. been threatening ta trade us for masS of the' mhedule. and about &Hl we can say Ia - theres no way we are likely ta match Shat 904, on perbaps we are on aur way out. However it appeara that Jack Io going ta b. &round for: quite some urnme, and Suis corner certainly daif s tite old hat ta Jack Bond lor à fine performance. t t t t. t DONOGRUE SCORES IN FIRST GAME Mike Donogitue mode quiSe a debut in his firat gamne as a Junior "A" player witit the Oshawa Generals, Sunday nigitt as the Generals downed Niagara Falls 7-5. Mike didn'ts taritaeake a regular turn un ii the latter part af the firat period, but In apte ci his short tenure on the ice, h. had alrcady impressed many of te knowiedgeablea, whe frequent the press lounge between periods. Donogitue oniy teok 30 secondsalate5r the second session goS underway, ta score bis first Jr. "A" goal, and only a couple di minutes laSer ha drew an assist on the third Generals> marker. Mike didn'S know until laSer Shat a goal had been scored, because as ha Louched the puck a thundering check sent humn crauhing te the ice. 1 guess you mlgitt aay that ha was rudely welcomed ta the Junior "A" O.H.A. Donogitue had one other great scoring chance when he broke ln aalone anly to fire wide of Ste net. Considering tbat Mike la way behind the reat aofte playera In skating and conditioning, alter having misaed pra-seasan practîce and~ aimait hall of the regular achedule, ha made a fine Juniori "A" debut. Anotiter graduate nf Bowmanville minor hockey ranks, Tommy Sinmpson, aimstned ln a fine performance, scoring once and earning a pair ai assisto. Tommy itas been seeîng plenty of action, net only t.aking à regular turn. but killIng off penalties and aiso performlIng en te powcr-play. NeedlesaSa say, now Shat Simpson has nailed dawn a definite spot on tite Generais' rosSer, the goals have begun te coma. Bath rightwingers, if Bowmanvilhe grads - Simpson! and Donogitua can continue ta colleet five points a gaine, they should really help te Generals' chances oi a playoif bertit. t t t t t I.L'ers "EDGE" LOCALS 14-6 Those N.H.L. Old-Timers sure were lucky an Sunday P$ternoon at the Memorial Arena. Oh sure they downed the hd'me sida 14-6, but don't forget they only held a 6-5 margin after twa periods of play, when our guys ran out of gas. Aft.er ail, as smre of the locals pointed out, foloewing the attraction, 15 was fer Lloyd Hamilton, Bill Cole, Dan Girardi, Bob Marjerrison, lrv GIU, Grant Flintoif. Bob and Ted Fairey, Don McMurter. Steve Burns and Bill Crossey - their second gaine of the day. They had already played in the Commercial League that marning - and those old N.H.ers were ail rested up for the titanie struggle. And thén we had some players wha hadn't been on skates In years. Raye "Gusty" West, squeezed his feet into his son's s kat.j-,i. tçnMake a one-shot comeback after an absence of three years. Harvey "Slip" Rowe allowed as to how it felt good to get back Into the fray again. He hasn't played In a long time, and it's been a while since Dean and Junior West, along witi Don Mercer have seen hockey action as well. Fred 4"Buck" Cowle and Alex Wiseman dug their blades éut, ni retirement, while Doug *"Smokey" Hayes came froni school ai Guelph ta replace Injured Vince Vanstone. The goal- tending chores were shared by Grant Wright, Hayes and Rowe. The N.H.L.ers usually play along wlth their opposition for the first period, and then pile in a comfortabie margin in the middle session, but Grant Wright, between the pipes for th. second period, played Horatio at the Bridge, holding the vtsitors to a single goal. The play that brought back memories for us, saw Raye West deke Rob Goldhamn on a classic inove, only ta hit the post. "Gusty" tald us alter the gaine that ha was laughing so bard that he could hardly even get a shot away. Speaking aofniemories, II; wan nice tLnae Junior and Dean back in action. Along with Don Mercer and "Hammy" they still. looked capable of playing pretty gond hockey. And "Buck" Cowle nmade a few moyeu that reminded us that he bad been quite a hockey player. The only member af the N.H.L.'ers who didn't get in ont the point total waa goal-tender Ivan Wal.msley. He almast did. lugging the puck froin his own end laie in the gaine, end arriving aut in front In time to receive 'a return pass. Walmsley let a drive go, but "Smokey" Hayes rose ta the occasion. Ivan Irwin, nlot as "terrible" as when he tolled with New York, stll found turne to get in a little extra activity, high- lighted when ha grabbed Dean West by the scruff of the pants. "Wiener" was still digging - but goingnowhere fast. "Jackie" Hamilton, who must weigh 100 pounds more than when he played with the Leafs, wants everyone ta know that he "scored" the final goal af th. game on a dazzlng unassisted effort. It was an entertaining attraction, played before tbe largest erowd to wîtness a hockey gaine since the St. Mary's Redmen won the Ontario Juvenile Cbampionship. However, 15 wasn't te turn-out you wouid have tbought. Gane are those days when you could draw good crowds toaa coid arena. There are too many other attractions.,rnainly television, and te only way local teams are likely to receive more support Shan they do - is ta heat the arena. Tbis corner isn't blaming anyone, because we mus admit that we don't frequent the local ice palace, neariy as olten as we formerly did, cither. But you would have thaught that a drawing card such as te N.H.L. Old-Timers, and many af the Bowmnanvtlle- Orono formner stars would have filled the arena, Instead ail Juat drawlng a decent audjience. SNOWMOBULE SPECIALS 1970 Arctic Cats ............onIy $89500 1970 Delux. Sno-j.ts ............. 649.00 1970 Doluxe Ski.Do<'s ..............649.o0 1969 Nordic 18" Track ............749.0 Snowmobile cover 'Nordic............ 18.95 Snowmobile Boots 1zippers, .......... 12.95 Trailicr H. Duty Galv. Tilt and sW l tradlers ............ 139.00 ONTARIO SPORTS Hwy. 115, Orono Opm aevenàpg and Sundays 983-5444 t ~~~~1~~ - -- -~ j N.H.L. Oldtimers Stili Move Pretty Wel h î *ti4 Z< -'t ~~t- s * 'st"'...,'t't...... jBowling League St. Joseph's Mixed Noveniber 20, 1969 Teams Spartans ---- Presdential --- Alley Cats -- Hard Luckers Try Harda men's High Single Jack Brown- Men's 111gh Triple Jack Brown Ladies' Migh Single Betty Charland Ladies' 111gb Triple Betty Charland-, Pt$. Pins 54 35212 51 MOI9 48 .14807l 47 3.1676 42 3372.1 29 33582 200 Games and Betty Cbarland Jack Brown Bill Wilks Gary Lane - Teresa Rivera ----- Gary Conway -- Jim Fair ---------- Allen Maclean .... Stew Chisholin ----- Pat Walker Lionel Hickey Banner Passant Dave Orme - Tony Horstman- Kathy Skribe - Elleen Hickey----- Mike Kennedy Arnold Brinklow Averages d Over ---- 304 258-285 -206-266 ---- 256 256 -213-239 ------ 237 209-232 ---- - 230 -206-229 - 209-225 205-220 200-208-209 - - 206 ----- - 206 --205 203-204 ------- 203 Jim Fair - ----------- Gary Conwav.----- -- Mike Kennedy ..---.------. Bill Wilks ---- - Jack Brown..........-- Allen Maclean----- Arnold Brinklow -.------- Elleen Hickey --------- Dave Orme -- ---------- Lionel Hickey ------ Kathy Skrlbe - ------ Gerry Dwyer.........-------- Clarence Rivera--- -- --- Banner Passant-------- Betty Charland .- -- - ---- Bill Skribe - - ---- ----- Paul Laprade ----- Teresa Rivera.........------ Stew Chisholm ý---------- Jim Jeffreys .------------ Mary Chisbolm -------- Dot Passant..........---- Molly Horstman---- Gary Lane -------- - ---- Mary Lane ---------- Tony Horstman -------- Pat W aiker ------- ------ Carroie Orme ---- Rose Marie Conway Agnes Maclean ------------ Mary Brinklow --------- Doris Holroyd---- Dot Fair --------------- Donna Kennedy - --- Doris Jeffreys ---------- Isabel Laprade ----7- -b------h-----------hm u~~img- --------- -- - r- m- *s Last Sunday, .Lecernoer 7tn, the towmanville Watson, Bob Goldham, Jackie H-amilton and Danny * Gradiiate OMTHA Ail Stars hockey teani in their at- Lewicki, not in photo: Bob Robertson. Members of. the" '1tempt to oust the NHL Oldtimers were sho\vfl that in Bowmanville squadron are front row, left to right, o ie fcr& ediig. Ispite of the cobwcbs on their skates the oldtimers stili Grant Flinz,-f', Bill Crossey, Dean West, Grant Wright, t ie fcrfe rvn can move around well cnough to hand therni an embar- Smokey Hayes, Slip Rowe, Steve Burns, Ted Fairey* hrassing defeat. Members or the oidslers are f rom and Gusty West. Back row, left bo right, Irv Gi, Lloyd . nbottom row, left to right, Wali.y Staniowski, Murray Hamilton, Bill Cole, Dan Girardi, Alex Wiseman, Ray 4* ~ f -Henderson, Ivan Walmsley, Cal Garclner and Sid Crombie, Don Mercer, Bob Marjerrison, Don McMurter, e!Smith; top row, left to rghPet Coitacher, Ivani Bob Fairey, Junior West and Fred 'Buck' Cowle. Irwin, John IICîmeBtian ?vacFairlane, Harry e ht -----3 AT WHOLESALE PRICES'1 ,County Chrysiqer Takes 3 Pt. Lead efryW..------------1 HOMEOFTES EYCA Lavigne - ----- .. 14 22-POINT MECHANICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE High Single - K. Farrow SUPPLIED WITH EACH VEHICLE ;1,M. Reynolds 203. ýWhen McNultys Surprise Lockes 1î {igh Double- M. Reynolds__A LE NWO N ei371, G. Fallis 319, K. FarrowC bv Jim Clarke 1f mn g a\c n erous of-:cd to get an attack brcwin 35.J.Jese_31 Ch d fens,'v thrt ite TV outfit scored thel Junior Girls N AHNEE itie C raty hn romfrom a It îvas one of ttc Iinfrequent. only goals in the middleý Morris 7, Haynes 0; Carter NOCS jEE their first place don-ain. foi- - ,;itit axv Kranp's Icaà- frame, halfing the lead on{ 5, Martyn 2; Sellers 7, White-IfYuQaiy. MsPepeD uih\n g scori ng ace, Ted Fiarey. couinters by Steve Burns, hi< head 0. lowing las. .nursûay boilled îîp and heid pointiessý,ilfith and 17th this year. Leel Tean Standing 0Dy550WratonEgeadEti rî-LeSsem Men's Town League Hockr, 'v which i.s sidorn ac-complished. ,Sonierseales with a pair, and Morris -0Da-0-0W-----o-ngn adEnie rieL7eSytm) twin bill. A suirprise. (6-0 Bursadn t hr o h atr ---------50 '9PNICDmnt o 6 PO TA second game win bs.'McNilv The iah* game >aw one.of r addî11:32iofthed f the:Carter o '6 OTICDeosrao '6P.TA Sports over Loct-e TV, eotiplcd tic accu ou s. Most lcateil ,v-' game, t 11:21o th finl-Wi--e---- ----36 4-Dr. Sedan. Lic. L35509. V-8, automnatic, Parisienne 4-Dr. Hardtop. Lie. L30591. with Chrysiers 6-0 tritim-pio wagicrl sltniglics, wî,lh third' period, qho\,ed Lc in' Mart n -----_-------------. 31 custom radio, white walls V-8, automnatie, power steering, power against K ra m p3 'îîroîîiîc, l'MeilvSprin. bmp- fron-.T hef awhiy eNusàHvi eles 31 and wheel dises. brakes, radio, white walls, wheel dises. enbld hm o n1 l Lt'U V olit of a final gag-.Tcwnnssted an --1 WHOLESALE Local, one owner car in ealdte tr ara1vla determined finishing flurry l-igh Single - L.. WhiteheadImauaecnio. pointedge over Iockecs i t('1w ù lic vwillh a (1-5 enoques;i. W HOLESaLe condtion standings. l'rie XWwil -, nl..t- .tt hird!as Bob Denard ai 11:11 and 261. R. Martyn 200-214, S. 63 FORD $ 69 in igh otlil,- for. il, ý1a rry H-lllam with the win- Morris 215. .1. Carter 211, D. 163FR aCouinty Chr *ysier movcd 2 lput ogeter 0at 15:41, ended the ganme's Frercks205, D, Haynca 204, Fairlane «'500" 4-Dr. Sedn. ie.8462 '65 PONTIAC Hado.n hr A enstae aione.mand untl Ttc lW îr)('î itvn, eafi onEig hSMTrile74,L. Whithead brake, wite wlls and wheel dises. Matador Red with black bueket sats, j oend othe sgain. )ai 6:' rlrMeNiilt1\pll ,fth 5WS.Morir57, . aryn înshdofi lemlg Bac5wthfloor console, V-8, automnatic, power tpeed irthe ero, i 6 8 t î<<îî\.Munis d- ;fveof ue 5immaculate Red -interior. steering, power brakes, radio, white Ft ýih i firs peiod tiftiGrat Th i N n n n4-0 ci >pJ gatn- reveuin fractionsts ru]-l Junior Boys Real good vaine famiiy car.walla with special wheei disfl. Fli-,off withh îr idut i t tic n "niI t: . t 'ic7,iJensen 0;-gRinb-'car.9 year, and Doug Jamea puttlua \ wii RLut Sti!ý:t r.uîrî-iil- edoe rigSup wa Mcj obs 4 , enen : ab- 5, WHOLESALE .- ......Outstanding condition.A the other Chrysler taliv. Ili.,:and SeeBaîrlax îthe otîter. ut' o rdcru rn, ît ,Vnre ;Cre ,Lic. L37617. fifth. TeSot ooîopsres u the entire forward Unit: Brunt 2. '6 ODS BIEW LSL----- $1d497 A performed strongly. BarIa-,l7 Team StandingSAE ----------- Thl y enrPtade3:a56 o fuit ailsi off c' ist p,--(ontinued his solid Play, WhileiCoombes ---- -. 66 Cutiais 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, automlatic, '7CEVOE golbvGee t 356~~i<lo enile > okcsfit-newIV acquireci George Sains--lJensen _-,- ---------------46, radio, white walisanmd wheei dism. m dea peio d. lit iitl i t il. unt ------ --r--------tanot--n-the----r-t41 Finished In beautiful Canary Yelow Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan. Lic. K90281. V-8 Iea on Do M Mnter wîh ine. Dan G ir rdi, JohiiiV aDril ------- . 29 w Ith rAch black l terier. Only 19,000 auto mtati, radio, w hite w a ls Finished numb te rn fnd malègaïin, J )11 and Gary Akey form- oberts--------- 29 oritinal miles. In Satin Silver wlth spotiess duigtels 0neucý;o d a fairly stiff defensiveý Carter - -- 20 Lic. L11715. $1 9 matching Interlor. paduring te last 0 inutes,. of wC) a llfo N1ts High Single - J. Brooks 271, WBOLESALE --- $ 9 4 WROLESALE $1886 SO play. D!pt lyn eo RTCIA This Thursday evening, the M. Citc 4,M oet their customarv form. Chrys- pnnigm aChimSP 2525.J tephens49, 2.3-ob2rt 1er played thei .r extremnely ef- :openlA) i Aa iPm e"12-29 .Stpes2323 fective positional gamne and t te s3 ecootr a w obes21 , B. Caer21- _ýcaitaize on ram's-is-while te 8:30 n g rea,;! W. Loob 21 0, J. Cartr2.,C ee.Mckety! tngig ih (EARING AT WHOLESALE PRICESA captahzed on ram 's is-I C u ty anging W cagnette 208. Ron Coakwell, in the Ctrys- - ---Trile w..Robrt 1er cage, received stout aidCo.nîbes 580. 601, W. BRAN frrhs e 604s., J Clmbs . iStephenMS 601, A occasionally roaming from bis Y uh Bhlnallo iedLau N W6 checking safaris. Officials Bob, jooy 2; une 5, Mounetr-noec Hellam and Frank Mobun lbad Bnai ilsHoy 2;reec5, Mounet- -1 Buick 5 - P n i s 5 -Vaux h llVvas~ a beavy parade of bodies to - ~ Harris 5, Spencer 0; Mitchell 2; Edmondson 7, G'oodwin 0.Opon the cooler in this affair, a 5, Perfect 0; Taylor 3, Gray 2. Team Standing Choic. of Different Models, Colors,Opin clubsy drin ne enalte, . Mthl .-46onîo -58 withà the ames mtandinge- 3'BPree- .-.------ raus rit i n elenalte e Mteam Standing--- 11Býtunle'y - ---- 65 Visit Our Lot Today. . . Look Over Our Selection wihte.gm' otect-'l jNV is tGrayv .------------- 3j 0ce5 f Goodwill Us.d Cars ment eoming during Chr\vs,- 1a fi Taylor--------------------. --wi 3 ler's McMurtcr and Kram P' F ts Harris --------------- 311 Cadin ----39 UI~,sr Murray Taylor scrap at 16:19 Spencer . - -------- -----ade . ------- 2-1:6 ________ oftetidperiod. *Perfect - - .Holroyd------ - 35 ' w~AE± k The Furniture squad's rug- I -Higti Single P.Biock 176,, Edmoandson -3 1 - - - le eecea a ori fiia S. Bond 144, D. Harris 144. Bouwmeester --S2PO TAC£ S TD the losers' more energetic and! ~im nt(. L igh Double - 5P.Brork 291, Ter.v 13gle--A entusiastie workers through-ln o . rmll28 . od27. H h ige R. Westiake otit a rather uninspired con1-1 Bantam Boys 282, D. Sma.le 280, S. Cain f KIGS.EPH N 621 test. Keith Anderson gave ifi Sales & Service Fallis 3. Jeffreys 2; Rey- 276-253, D. Lewis 2775,A. Chit- X6 oaPes twPetoSlsM a strnshotut sthell fote 134 KING ST. E. nolds 5, Lavigne 0; White 3, tick 250-268, B. Burl'ey 250. RoeSwnayltag WinBr n loerbu tesmohr Chow 2. Hich Triple - A. Chittick oeSwnay ahnueednBon checking display by Counitv BOWMANVILLE Team Standing 737. D. Lewis "727, S. Cain 720,1 kept the Furnituxe club fro 'M u-, -------- ------- --i Chow _______ 43 L. Brunt 714, B. Burley M04. il --- save~ ON INCOME TAX pto $2,500 a year may be deduet- dbe for incomne tai puroesfroma your income if you invea ia REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN while you aluio guarantee yourself a monthly reirement incomne for 1f. Ask me for detail-l'm witb. S9un LAfe f Canada. AB. PASSANT, C.LU. 120 Duke st., Bowmanville Phone 623.3258- SUN LIFE 0F CANADA Jh efJaia/ Ç for thie étiti re Jarnt41! ski-dc VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODA' GOOD SELECTION 0F MODE * Olympie 12.3 h.p. * 18 h.p Plus the TNTs Available for Immediate Delive COMPETITIVE PRICES Join Your Friends on the Hills This Winter :LS *24 h.p. ary 174 Bowmanville and Area's Only 171 Authorized Dealer 170 168 or"bÈlIde,- 15 162 159 146 157 1350 132 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 7 Ili

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