's w -i. 'Hockey s The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanffme, »Dm. 17, IMO Teeny Boppers Ought to Have More Fun by LAYTON DODGE, Sports Editor (Cobourg Sentinel Star) 1 feel a littie sorry for today's young hockey players. They are too pampered for their own good. They have leagues that are organized down to the most minute detail They have professionally scaled uniforms, rigid schedules and playing areas that are replicas of those used by big leaguers. About the Inly thing they don't have is as much fnas they should. After years of personal observation, I've corne to the conclusion that there's too much regimentation of youngsters under the age of 11, too much pressure, too rnany tournaments, too much bickering and just top inuch expected of them, particularly at the ail-star level. In short, lim convinced aduits are giving mites and novices far too much, far too soon. If you're not careful, the end resuit can be a spoiled brat who's been everywhere, and had everything bef or. hes passed out of grammar school. During my career as a sportswriter, I've seen a fair piece of the world of minor sport. In fact, it has been virtually my one world since I graduated from I SPORTopucsý SKIING UNDERWAY It was a pleasant surprise for the aid sports editor when we learned that there would be skiing over the past weekend at the Oshawa Ski Club. As we looked aut through the office, wmndow Friday afternoon, there sure wasn't much snow ln evdence, but things can be far different on the ski slopes. Skiing officially got underway at 1:30 on Saturday after- noan - and we were there. Yessir, it sure -feit good to be back ln (if you'll pardon the expression) harness again. Makes us sound like a veteran skier, but the fact is - we haven't even marked our first annlversary of donning the barrel staves yet. We wondered if we could still negotiate the his, and by golly we managed to get through about eight hours of weekend skilng wlthout even falling. 0f course we were in slow motion ail the time. But even the way we do it - skiing is still an exhflarating sport! t ti t t1' t BACK FROM FREEPORT A fabulous week of 80 degree weather and unbelievable happenings lu the way golf pro Dave Zlnk describes the trip ho, Ken Nlcks, Don MacGregor and Jim Cruickshank of Pick- ering returned tram on Sunday. They were the Bowmanvilie Country Club pro-amateur golf team, taking part in the Cana- dlan-Grand Bahamna Annuai Invitationai Tearn Tournamentc and, from ail reports, flot only had a good time, but dld wel in the competitions. The first day they finlshed in third place out of the 40 Ontario teams taking part, but fell apart after that. Dave Zlnk was playing his best golf and finished third in the pro tournament, behind Jerry Magee of St. George's a nd AI Baiding, of Toronto, the well-known veteran of the ,,!ýU.S. tour. In the pro best bail, Dave and Ernie Nerlich of ornt finished second, behind the sarne pair, Balding and, Magee. But, the sidelights were what made the trip exceptionai. Zink and Nicks had their room robbed including wallets con- taining monev. credit cards. etc. Fortunately. the hotel clerk high school. I love it, respect it and VUi do anything in my power to defend it, providing I think it's in the right. Yet, in ail honesty, ib is a grossly imperfect world - and the players are not to blame in mrost instances. You can probably naine a tiny tot who pinys along at the rink, not because h. wants t., but because he's been rushed into it by parents or talked into it by his sports-oriented companions. That's just a sample of the injustices which exist. Sitting at rinkside night after night makes one realize that many well-meaning aduits have last their sense of values and acbuaily are doing these cherubs a dissrevice. Listen ta a dcmanding coach giving a nine-year-old the dcvil for getting caught up the ice, an impatient father scolding his son for going off side, and an irate mother shrieking at the top of her lungs for her pride and joy to pass the puck - and you soon begin ta wonder what the worid's came ta. I've alimost reached the point where 1 believe we would have happier, healthier kids - and eventualiy better hockey players - ýif minor hockey organizations reverted to throwing a puck out on the ice and encouraged a horde of kids to go to it in a game of good old-fashioned pond shinny - minus ail the outside interference and red tape. What l'mn trying to say in so many words is that I'm neot so sure that coaches, referees, scor- ers, governors and three-minute buzzers are ail that necessary during a boy's first years in hockey. My major objection to over-organized, over-con- trolled leagues at so early an age is that kids can't be kids any more. They must conform to specifications, be little men before they're ready for it. Often, they are examined, screened and sched- uled, almost like soldiers. They can b. acqufred, traded and farmed out. They're equipped te the eyebrows, staffed by doting coaches and supported by pushy parents. Maybe these ideas seem a little radical, particu- larly from a guy who~s so involved in minor sport. But it seems to me that kids' games are becoming too com- plex. They are so over-organized that they tend to exelude the kid. The kid is there, sure, but he's a sta- tistic and more stress is placed on his performance than on his enjoyment. l'in obviously in the minority but I happen te believe that kids are more important than the games they play. Correct me if I'm wrong, but teeny boppers are highly sensitive and impression- able people, not robots that can be programmed te react the same way in a given situation. For this A Minor League Coach Replies by Brian Purdy, Minor Hockey League Coach After having read the article written by Layton Dodge. 1 feel compcllcd ta write somcthing in answcr ta him. Frankiy, I have ta admit that I do agree with him ta a great extent, but there are a few points I do disagrcc with. First of ail Mr. Dodge mentions the fact the kids have organizcd leagues, uniforms and prof essional-size ice surface. What's wrong with this? The boys wouldn't want it any other way. They want ta be like the pros. Regarding regimentation of youngsters, I think most of the boys corne ta respect this rather than resent it. In -ases, the only strict discipline the boys reccîve 19 at the rink from their hockey coach. Tourna- ments are something that I have ta agree have becorne events that arc marrcd constantly by bickering aduits, accusations regarding illegal use of players and a fair amount of just poor sportsmanship. By the same token there are tournaments that are organized by the small- er hockey centres that are terrifie if that the boys are treated like royalty, the ruies are strictly adhered ta by officiais who in turn make sure the coaches of the different teams are being honcst in their actions. It's too bad, but it takes oniy anc or two tournaments out of many ta make people feel they are ail run poorly. In Bowmanville we have tried just throwing a puck into a horde of hockey players and letting them go ta it. The boys don't want this. They want ta be on tcarns and in a icague with team standings and referces and ail the r-est that go along with the wonderful game of hockey. As for travelling by the ahl-star teams, I feel this is a wonderful experience for a boy who is fortunate enough ta be able ta go aiong. Thcy go on Ju vs Add Two Victories Scoring Six Goals in Each by Harvey Webster - - -tetie n gabdhi eor ecol etaa. Six seemed ta be tl spobedbbcthif ad gabbd hm bfar hecoud gt aay.figure for the Juvenile The police lacked blrn up but wouldn't return the wallets me. last week as the: until after bis trial. There were other Incidents that read like two games. scoring six fiction, but apparently were ail too truc. No doubb bhey wiU iln each. These boys si be dscusedmor throuhlyat the club, ta brlghten any be settling down and 1 be dscusedmor bhrouhlygaad hockey and pulli: duil evenings that may came aiong. gether as a team. To sbart the tbip off in a happy moad, word was received Last Saturday thi just before they left bore that the Liquor Contrai Board had Mary's Cement sponsore grate th cub it lquo lcene.No onerwil terebesomon played hast to gratedth clb b. iqur icece Nolonerwil terebe borougb City Juvenile inuch confusion over obtainlng banquet permits for bonspiels, Set them back 6-3 W dances and the rest, when the price of the refreshments had strong skating perfari ta be-lncluded in the price of the ticket. Now. bbe club wilî The boys are getting ex goal-tendlng from Bol: have some control aver the situation and be able ta enforce laughby and Wayne Iý such thingi as bobbies In lackers, and In golf bags on tbe erts ta give tbc tearn a course. All round, lb sbould make for a muchbebtter operation rieeded boost. bot fo th clb ad te mmbes.Congratulations ta owner The goal-scorers wer, bathforbbc lubandthe embrs.spread out wlth Harr; Bob MacDonald who bas worked bard and long ta overcome îougbby. Ken Tabb, the difficulties and meet bhe rigid inspection requirernents. Allun, Bill Godfrey, Jim and Don Huttan ah jy j. t. j jt t.up singles. Witb severa' ers on a team iwbo ari JUNIOR "C" 'S WIN 7TH STRAIGHT able of putting the pi the net. Coach Bob J Bowmanville Cabie TV's cantinued their winning ways sbould ho mare relieveè over tbc weckend. by swecping a doubie-header over Lindsay Mondav night ln Whil locals withstood a third Cleaners. Sunday's 12-5 decision ran bbc locals' vicbory streak four-goal barrage by bhg ta seven consecutive games, and moved them Into secondiSeals ta came bornev place ln the Suburban Junior "C" Eastern division. 6-4 victory. Randy : Newarkt laduwih 2 ponta wth owmnvile potted twa. with G( Newmrke leas wth 2 pontswit Bowanvllefive Simpson. Tabb and Allir off the pace. The Cable TV entry bas a four point margîn Ing up singles. over Ajax, whIle Lindsay la fourth witb 16 points. Part Hope Hockey Hi.ghlighti holds dawn bhe cellar. It is a credit t beha te sucb capable miner1 During the seven game aplurge, Bowmanville bas averag- teams while at tbe sami cd nine goals each ime out for a total of 63, whiie holding baving a Junior C entr Uic opposition ta a total ai 18. Is definitelv holding Its IA lot of credIt goes t Larry Devitt leads bbe Cable TV crew with 39 sconing Jwbo are willlng ta givE points, wibh Steve West's 36 point total, giving him second time ta those boys andE place. tbem Into keen, cager. Albhough coach Ray Preston bas the team playing excel- players. A lot of credi gos to the boys who pi lent hockey, few people have been taking in the action at the diligentiy and give 100 Memorial Arena. the tee. Fnliday nigbb, iln Lindsay, over 600 fans were in attend- ance, while bore Sunday aternoon oniy 120 paid admissions Saw the game. one wouid tbink that a Junior "C" team, particularly a club that i. playing well, wouid be able te draw a decent crowd out of a town the size of Bowmanville. As wc wrote in lasb week's calumn, admIttedly bhe Arena ta coid, and certainly there are other attractions - but there Mzust ho plenty of sports fans who probably couid support the Cabie TV club, lb just takes a lIttle effort - and the chances are good that you wiUl sec a mighty fine hockey game. Net oniy is it bard on bbc players ta sec bbc other teams supported at home, wbile thcy play before only a handful of faithful fans in Bowmanvllle. - But what about bbc people who unsintlngly give their tixne and efforts ta keep hockey at the midget. juvenile and junior level alive? You couldn't blame them if they were ta callb quits. But these people aren't made that way. If tbcy were - we, wauldn't have hockey pasb the recroational miner set-up. Wei owe tbem a vote of gratitude, and certainly there 18 no betteri way ta show lb than by supporting Bowmanville hockey1 play.ng 1. New'ville - Starkville Bowling League Thursday, Dcc. il Averages Gall Milîson -- - 201 Dorts Tompkins 1941 Marlene Stacey 190 Dorotby Stark -____179, BernIce Henderson- 1781 Marie Tnim -______168, Grace Farrow ______16R Olive Henderson ____167 EMaine Marchant ____161 Rorie Woods loi___ 6 Marie Gable ______158 Jean Pollard _____156 ,Shirley Martel_____1561 ,bale Foran , - ___151 Penny Boisvert_____10 Lynda Wllsher 11_'41B' 141 Donilda McCarron 1471 200 Games1 teams. G. Milîson-____ 251.. In an effort ta promote Junior "1C" hockey, don't ho sur'D- -Stark -___ nWSdIl omeone knocks at youi, dcor tht. week, reprcsenting D. 'ompk ___-_ 2.15 q loca tearn. They are offerlng complirnenbary passes for B. Henderson____ " lSunday's garne, when Streeavlfle will ho in for a 1:30 M. Stacey encounter. Gamet Won It in hoped that people will use their frece tickets for this lrraz1ls ______ contest, and in bbc future continue ta wabcb Bowmanville's:Pecans _______ Junwo "C" entry. _________ ý217 246 i236 242 218 213 Bob Willoughby has been ater the up-front duties. turning ln outstanding efforts Randy Rogers, Bruce Simp- ln goal as he bas proved ln son, Larry Allun, Jim Noble bbe past he can. Keep up the and Don Huttan ail turned ln good efforts Bob and the team steady efforts ln defeating the and brother Harry will look AAA Club ln Whitby. SNOWMOBILE SPECIALS 1970 1970 Arctic Cats ..............only Deluxe Sno-Jets .............. 1970 Deluxe Ski-Doo's .............. 1969 Nordic 18"" Track ............ Snowmobile cover 'Nordic ......... Snowmobile Boots 'Zippers' ........ Trailcar H. Duty GaIv. Tilt and swivel. trailers .............. $895.0 649.00 649.00 749.00 18.95 12.95 139.00 ONTARIO SPORTS Hwy. 115, Orono Open evenings and '1%, 983-5444 kJREETINGS'... V. sent right don, your dey, with R vihes for t&0 merint of holidaysl Lc LIBERTY BOWL LTD. T BASE LUNEB Alicys availabie during festive scason P for Open Bowling (day or night) 0. H. PHONE 623-5663C For Reservations for Your Party Bowling N AL. OSBORNE, Manager W- sidc-trips that are educational and a lot of fun, and they meet many boys their awn ages and many friend- ships dcvelop over the ycars of playing against each other as they move up ta the different levels of play. Some boys wouldn't have much opportunity ta travel if it wasn't for hockey. As for a coach yelling at a player for gctting caught up the ice or any other thing in his game that needs improving, well that's part of learning to play the game. The boys want ta learn and they might as weli learn it correctly. I yell at the boys on my teams myscîf as do other coaches, and I don'b feel the boys mind. In fact, the boys at thc ages of seven, eight and nine go right back on the ice and bry their besbta do as their coach tells them. Thcy mig ht not do it corrcctly but they keep trying. It's truc the boys are scrcened and examined close- ly but thîs is an honcst effort by the coaches and league officiais to make the teams as closely matched as pos- sible. It doesn't always work as wcll as it should, but then you neyer know the abihities cf some of these young lads until mid-way through the schcdulc. Summing up, I think the coaching staff in thej local minar hockey set-up have the boys' intercsts at heart or they wouldn't spcnd the amaunt cf time withI them that's needed ta coach thcm. Thcy are a great1 bunch cf guys and I'm proud ta be one of thcm. If I didn't think the boys on my tearns weren't enjoying themsclves, I'd quit coaching in a minute. Most cf them cat, slccp and breathe hockey ail winterj long because they lave it.1 -Coach of Gulf Americans, Tyke League Consumers' Oas Tyke Ahl-Starsý reason alone, hockey should b. a game, not a crisis. It makes me bail when I sce a litie gaffer crying because he's iasb a game. Why shouid he be crying over a game that was meant to be piayed for fun and exercise? There's pienty of time in his laber years to take the game seriously. Only the other day I heard a coach blasting an eight-year-oid for daring to, &mile after an oppon- ent scored a goal. Is this a terrible crime? Is minor hockey so serjous a business now that a smile is frowned upon?f Amn I against organized children's sports? Abso- Iubèly not! But I wish we could remove some of the abuses and the excesses : the tension created by adults more intcrestcd in champianships than children, and the attitude that kids must play their hearts out and win at any cost. Rather, since a boy is oniy young once, Nd 11ke to sec him be aliowed ta, enjoy it ta, the fullest. Matter-of-factly, contrary to the direction in which minor hockey is headed today, I'd prefer that adult supervision for the five ta 1l-year-olds bc reduced ta a minimum and more attention be paid to the teen- agers. Thcy, nat the teeny boppers, are the ones who need most of the guidance and leadership. Mens' Town League Hockey Lockes Crush Kramps 9m5 Counfy Nips McNultys 4m.3', by .im Clarke scoresiheet, Perris was sailing, 1 ha. become an obvious, twe Locke's TV bolstered their1 particularly in the game's lat-: divisional race, with County' firmgrap o secnd lac inter stages, but just coulin't! Chrysler and Locke's holding firmgrap o secnd lac ina wide lead over McNulty's Men's Town League Hockey put, to quote the late Rex and Kramp's who busy them. happnins b c ru singStimners, "the biscuit into the: selves attempting to evade Kap unit ure 9-5 in gastbasket". ithe basernent. Kram's Frniure -5 n lat !MeNulty's drew five of the Thursday evening's openingi fine penalties by the referees. game. n the second contest,!Bath teamns cashed in on pow- I ilA r o e maintained their two pointI Green's winner coming withl edge over Locke's by nipp)ingiMcNulty's McDcmald sitting' McNulty Sports 4-. out a hooking call. Along withl6 35 7 th Green's outstanding offe623-575 Dave Green's goal was tework, ljoug James checkcdfo winner, climaxing a oome-Idillgently up front.fo back for Chrysler, at 17:22 ofi the final period. McNulty's,j This Thursday evening, theý performing stronger ini recent fnal week of play until POINSETTIAS games, held a 3-2 lead over Thursday, January &th. hs Ie lIyDJvr the f irst 40o inte , 0McNulty's and Kranip's tuss Ho s'ianvifle - O"uha Somer-scales, Steve Burns and' ling at 7 p.m., whiie the bat- Gary Wilson ail played major tIc for top spot receives at-.U res in powering the TV tention in the 8:30 match ~~ troop to their win over fourth when Caunty Chrysier and place Kramp'É, in the even- Locke's TV meet. The four W I* ing's first action. The two1 clubs, deep int regular sea- FtisnI LJJ1 NW~MI clubs shared single rnarkers son play, have now played Yý in the opening period, withine games and the league, Murray Taylor putting the't iiiI Furniture crew ini front 1-0 et 11:41. The goal came whe Taylor, stepping out of the For His Clmrstmm' neaÂyfltv n. ok V . q * a *frn - - " O Ted Fairey and hustled in ta LADIE 'f M JOR last the puck through goalie Leo Kelly'5 pads, from close December 8th in.~ Standings The Locke teamn tied the Onie Etcher ___ 28 count just 70 seconds later Olive Patfleld . 28 when Somerscales connected MVarg King 25 for his first of four goal, in Dayle WolnIk_____ 22 the game at the 12:51 mark. Ena Etcher --_---- _- 22 His second taily at 7:08 of the Barb Buttonshaw -___ 21 middle period shoved Locke's Theinia Forrester____ 18 In front 2-1. At 7:36, with Helhen Depew - 17 Locke's Playing a man short, Shirley Davis- - 16 FaireY evened thc score, with Helen Reynolds 16 Sam Thompson and Bob Linda Crossey 11 i Thompson drawing assists. Viabel Lewis - -10 Th Fuiteouitek High Single-En-a Etcher 21 The lead for e seonU rne Hlgh Triple-Ena Etcher 721tela o h eodtm Averages 74 in the gaine when their most Onie Etcher 223. Olive Pat- effective for w ard, Samn field 218. Helen Reynolds 214. Thompsan, scored hi. first 01 Dayle Wolntk 21.3, Shirley two goals, at 10:16. Locke's Davis 213, Barb Buttonshaw scoring punch proved heady 213. Merrldy Hately 212. Ena stuff as they rattied home Etcher 211, Dot Brooks 21(). goals between 11:08 and 15:48 vlarllyn Cale 201. Marg King by Burns, Wilson. Burns and 201, Joyce Tennant 200, Linda Wilson again, as they moved Cole 200. intio a 5-2 second period iead. Over 220 C.ames The winners outsoored the Helen Depew 221, Betty pip- opposition 3-2 in the last er 235-223. Eva Whitehead trame in posting the Win. 251, Onie Etcher 284, Marilyn Bath "Corky" Burgess of Cole 255, Carolyn Bruce 257, Locke's and Kelly Of Kramp's Hlda SimnIck 289, Merridy caetru ih mornedsf {atly 66.Lina Cossy 26,fionît stops, as the offensiv Olive Patfleld 232, Thelrna suasofbthtans p rery 26. 49-56, Bernice ticularly Torres26,t anc EvanF 28.K Locke's, dorninated ~~o1 Brooks Nancy th up svno Do ros221. Laura Hazel- spicked den 266. Donna King 22.,te dozen penalties flaggcdi Joyce Tennant 258. Jean Harn- down by cooler caps Dougl es, 256. Lynn Piper 278, Marg aknndJeK nt.Bo King 241-2-5. Shirley Davis Sleep, having a fine year on 223-235, Florence Draper 2,50, the TV club's defence. turned DaYle Wolnik 244, Marlon in another good nlght's wcrk, W.iseman 239. Elleen Moore aiong with Warren Townsley. 226. Linda Cale 227, Barb The lineups of both clubs 3uttonshaw 249-261, Marg suffered from shift work PerrIq 242. Ena Etcher 291-246. problems, with Lockes hav- THather Moore 230, Mabel ing only seven players suited Lewis 238. Up, ta nine by Krarnp's. The game wa-s the first net-mind- ig job for Burgess in seiveral Liberty Belles weeks and he rsoddi i usuai dependable f a shi1on. Sam Thompson was far and H11gb Singles away the lasers' most effi- W., Coombes -,- .- 244j cient performer, with his Y. Alexa d oble tihree goal output and shawed Alead er 200.-. 440: lots of skate throughout the Game.Over200 match. W. Coombes _____244, YAlexander _____ 243' The nights late encounter Y. Osborne ____ 242', saw MICNuitY Sports heading 3Nicholson ____ _241 taward their second straight. W. Kirkton ______ 233 sclueaker victory in as many q. Reynolds______ 223 weeks, only ta have league- 9Coombes _____ 21p leading County Chrysier yank SDuetta_______ 212i out a last period triumph. 1MeLean 2111 As in the openîng garne,1 Wilson_______ 210 neither clubs bench stent '. Eans _______2111 was averpowering. with the' KBlanchard _____2n9 winners using an eight man' 1. Patfleld_____ 206 lineup, opposed to McNulty'sq ï. Shechan ____ 205-203 nine man unit. Dave Green, W. Leaman ______204 who nailcd down thc winnlng'1 e.Miller -- 2011tally late in the third period, Fty Teams Standing. also added two others for enolds -_ _231823 21'Chrysier and continued hi. olville _____2310g1 19,potent scoring this season. ýocke -_____ 22737 16 Don MeMurter's goal at 7:45 -'ibson 22934 15jof thc third enabled County oo0mbePs ___ 2211 15 to knot thie gaine 3-3. ;hackeltan ____22058 14 eam1an_____ 22737 Il For McNulty'. much im- 3ate ______ 22454 Il p!'oved crew, the loss was a Ilunt _____ 22006 1ln maddening outcoene for the 5atfield .2 1737 9 third place teamn who hadi Averageg Over 180 overtaken thc winners to iead 1.Patfleld ____- 211 3-2 after two periOda. Briani 1Reynolds ______209 Bradley f Ir cd bufl's-eyes, rAlexander ______2n4 clicking for ail three af the "Robents __loi__ 93Sportsmen'. tallies and alon Evans ________ ORwith Larry Perrïzprsode 4. Gibson.________ 1 Chrysler goalie Ron Côakwell V. Coombps -1W__ with hi. hotteat moments 4. Kirktan -_____Igg' throughout thp game. E. Leamun 1801 Although blanked on theil PIPF I~~ to BRYSON'S S.oke Shop 31 KING ST. W. CHRISTMAS S A L E 20Vo OFF ALL HOCKEY STICKS 1Of/o OFF C. C.M. SKATES (ONE WEEK ONLY) Christmas Gift Feature 1 SKIS, BOOTS, POLES, SAFETY STRAP, PRESS Reg. $127,45 I< 10 (Limited Quantlty) 1 Oc/o OFF ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT MEN'S WATERPROOF - Reg. $39.95 SNO-SUITS - - M $34-95 WOMEN'S WATERPROOF - Reg. $37.9b 4SNO -SUITS - - - $32.95 PHONE C3-M42 67 KING ST. W. DO WMAN VILLE BOWMANMU 1