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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 13

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,re sungi ýak. The1 Sby tell- .s meet- mbered. ies took It was [y meet- [rush up ýonations Church ind, The i Street e ofthe !n secur- îch was Carscad- Our an-, Çntre Closed for CRrisimas Holidays ThO visitons centre at the1'ean Station, announced Pickering Nuclean Power Sta- haliday closing and said ti@ii wlll be closcdfo th the centre would be opeý frtevisitons as usual, ail other Christma8s Halidays frani Dec- fnom 9:00 a.m. ta 4:00 p.r emrben 25 te December 28 in- Sehool groups and orgai chiive, and fromn January 1 tions arc Invited and 1970 ta January 4, 1970 indlu- make arrangements for g Sive. tours by caiiing in advanc Mn. J. A. Fulton, Public Toronto 282-5781 or Dun Relations Officer for the Nue- ton 839-1151. K EN1 DAL Clarke Library ta Have New Home 1that, en ta days M. nîza- May1 group ice tai ibar- The Sno-Pals Snowmobile! Town of Bethlehem, we club held their annual Christ-! interspersed with her ti mnas Party for members, and in roll eall was answered particular their children, on! ing of some Christma mec. 14th, 1969. The function'ing that you reme was well attended and thoselThen each of the ladi present took part In snowmo- part In the program. biiing, skating, tobogganing, 'decided te have a famil etc., and even had a visit f rom Iing In the church ta fi Santa Claus who had presents the year's work. D( for the children. lwere voted ta the Friday, December .th, was1 Board, the M and M fu Professional Development DayI Bible Society and ta for the teachers In Durham Haven. A white Bible and Northumberland. Theirevised edItion has beei teachers at Kendal school at-led. A very tasty lur tended the Educational Show-* provided by Mrs. J. euse in Exhibition Park in Tor- den and Mrs. Down. ofito. Here suppliers of educa-I preciation was exter tional equipment displayed them and aiso ta aur their goods. iMrs. H. Foster. Thursday evening, fathers,ý In the pioneer days tl as well as mothers and friends. family grew up Inl a sr attended the concert put on at cabin. Then they built the schaol by the grades one, i frame bouse with the two, three and four. The child- 1 the grown farnily. One ren were a credit ta their they married and left i. teachers, Miss Karen Brent- aid couple were alone neli and Miss Andrea Hughdie. big bouse. Today the Sânta Claus gave out the bags and hîs wife decide ta of candy, oranges, etc. that had farmn and retire in a nei been donated by the PTA. A onl the corner of the far great crawd of children attend- Planning Board says thi ed. There are about 60 in those must have a floar spac four grades besides ail the least 1200 square feel others who were present or eventually one partner unable ta attend. They are ex- alone. What would ane changing gifts Friday. lwant with eight raoms .The UCW met Wednesday ta mention the cast of mfternoon at the home of Mrs. the taxes, the cleani H. Foster with nine ladies pres- painting, etc? ent, with Miss C. W. Stewart The Sunday School presiding and Mrs. H. Faster is being held Dec. 22 filling in as Secretary. Mrs. T. p.m. in the church. Coi Stevens took the warship per- attend folks. lad. She read the story of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wise Men who came ta Herod af West HIi visited IV, fhquiring where the Christ Mrs. R. Batten Saturda' Child was bonn. Herod wanted noan. them ta came back ta tell him The Orangemen h but they went home a diffen- euchre party in thei ent way. Three Christmas Hall Satunday evening.1 gongs, 0 Came Ail Ye Faith- Lawery and Mns. R. fui, Sulent Night. and 0 Little received the door prizes ~nvtatt'on! 1 CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Ope£ O,~ lisLe on Saturday, December 27th 1:30 - 3:00 p.na. for those interested in viewing the building which is ta be refurnished for the library. The property is iocated at the corner o! Churcli and Centre Sts., Orono. (formerly Waddell property) The Board welcomnes ideas and proposais for the redevelopment of this property and will mneet with interested individuals or groups at 3:00 p.m., December 27th. THE CLARKfý PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Lloyd Ellis SI 49 KING ST. W. J~3U~UWEPOR CmLDREN'S FLEECE-LINED SNOW BOOTS $6.9- to $995 GREB KODIAK INSULATED BOOTS SI' BOOT $79 - ALSO - WITH STEEL TOB UN2SULATED BOOT $34.951 ie ol Thie abave flouse, centrally lacated l n Orono, is ta become the new home for hostess, the Clarke Public Library, The general publie is invited to inspect the premises on Dec. 27th. he large mail log Honor Former Librarian alarge___________________ help af in the untl heewHome of Clarke Twp. Library fanmer seil the ýw home iehueOpe n for Inspection on Dec. 27th e ai at tb. Then The Clarke Public LIbrary inspection an Saturday, Dec. alize their plans fan the build- 7is leit -persan Board on Monday evening, 27th irafl 1:30 ta 3:00 p.m. Ing. ;- not Dec. 8th, made arrangements Failowlng this Inspection the Messrs. Woadyard and Fan- heating, ta open their newiy acquired Library Board wlll meet with rester wene glven the author- rig and property ta the public. This al Interested parties ln the Ity ta dispose ai securities and mave was taken due ta mndi- Township Cauneil Chamber, make the down payment on concert viduals and groups who have Township Hall, Orono, ta ne- Dec. 15th. at8:0tnoeted that they are in- ceive ail suggestions and pro- In the librarian's report at at 800 eretedin the development posaIs ln the refurbishing ai the meeting a funther Increase me and of the praperty and assîsting the building. Everyone la In- ln neading was noted. Books otewIth program. vited to participate in this taken out an lban have In- d s T hepapryrncniypr meeting and ta, present their creased by some 200 froni fil. and hed roerty rs. tl prnid oas tawards the deveiop- November 1968 ta November y after- cWasdel ad ocated a hement af this pnoperty in the 1969. The manth af Octoben Waddll nd lcatd onthecentre ai Orono and Clarke saw a manthîy ail-time higli îeld a canner ai Chunch Street and Township. frboa tkn a on Orange eteSrewl eae o Roy Forrester, chairman of amountîng ta 1,850. Bate nee ece rcHvd.h the Library Board, stated that Fallawîng the meeting the -Mis Ladies High and Joe Jilisen a number ai pensons had ad- Board paid tnibute ta Mrs. -s the Men's High. Mrs. Jean vised they were lnterested in Gerald Robinson, a former Jilisen gat the law pnize fan assisting in the development libranlan, when she was pre- wome andEddi Cououx orai the librany praject and that sented wlth an engraved let- men andEder aucheprux In e feit these people and athers ter apenlng kit including a men.Anahercucre art isshould be given the oppon- letter opener, shears and an being held for the Orangemen tunîty ta vîew the building engraved leathen case. later this month. and present their proposaIs ta Roy Fonrester, speaklng on Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Roach the library board. He also behaif af the Lîbrany Board, visited with Mrs. W. Mercen sald that sanie could cantain stated the suecess ai a llbrary for a while Sunday on their financial aid. It was alsa stat- was due chiefly ta the way home fnom Campbellford. ed that it was a -community librarian and that Mis. Rob- Church was held as usual praecet and as such everyane Inson had greatiy advanced the Sunday marning at 11:15 in should be given the opPor- cause of the local llbrary dur. charge of the Rev. T. Snel- tumity ta view the premises ing her employmcent as Ilbrar- grave who spoke on 'Preparing and express thein wlshes and lan. He spake of her dedIca- for Christmas'. We need ta pre- suggestions. It was felt that tion and energy in her pro- pare ourselves bath marally sanie gaod Ideas wouid be ab- motion of library services at and physically. The chair sang tained thraugh the public Clarke and that her contribu- Sulent Night with Mrs. A. vlewing and meeting. tion while librarian added Foster piaying the argan. The It was reported that cansld- greatly to the successe of the White Gift service is ta be enabie intetrest did appear ta libra.ry. held the Sunday after Christ- exist In the refurbishing of the Mrs. Robinson replied that mas, December 28th. The Sun- building ta maintain Its pres- she had enjayed her work at day Schaol concert is being Cnt and former chanacter. The the Clarke Libnary and was held at the church Monday Board will receive a modest stili clasely cannected with It evening, December 22nd. provincial grant an expendi- through hen present position tures for the punchase and im- as librar.n at the Orono Pub- Guests with Mr. and Mns. pravements to the building, lie Sehool. She moist capably Hateher Fasten and Tom Sun- of 10 per cent. It appears that thanked the Board for their day were Mr. and Mrs. Bob the Board Is Interested In lavely gigft. Carnuthers and famlly, Mr. maintaining the building In- Foilowing the presentation, and Mrs. Wayne Foster, and Its present character. Mrs. O. Beauehamp and Mrg. Mr. and Mns. Jack Fonk and Fallawing the public meet- Rabert Johnson served lunch famiy. They enjoyed their Ing an December 27tih, the of sandwiches, pastnIes, cookies snowmobiles down in the park. Board will commence ta fin. and tea.-Orono Times. Quite a riumber of the snow -_________________________ mobile folks were back ta Joe I Smith's (pneviously Cecil Teb- i bles) and an Into the Gana-C u c l naska. There seemed to be lots i1 M anvers Cin i af naw back there. We had a fail af snow in Kendal that The regular December meet- porters gave their trne free of enabled the snawmnobiles ta ing of Manvers Couricil was charge ta erect a fine hall in travel oun front street. held on December 9ti'r with the village of Betfiany. Much The Recreatianal Comrnittee aIl membens prescrit except credit is due toalal those who is holding a euchre party and CournciUaor Richardson. The have assisted In any way. draw in the sehool.- Reeve, Wilson Heasiip pre- The following accounts were sided. autihorized ta be pald: Blewett Commnicaions recevedPrinting Co. for electioii pro- and read included a state-ý clamations $21.76; Clerk of Iiio e sment afi receipts and dishurse- the Peae, for cetifying votera ments of the Janétvile Fine lit $3.00; Royal Canadian Dep. fr 169 Det. i uni- Legion. flowcns for Cenotaph BOMAVILEcipal A f 1a ir à; Assesanient $13.75, Wilson & Wilson, ad. BOWMAVILLE Equalization factaors for mu- re posting ai voters list $7.00; nîcipalities in Ontario for Ontaio HYdro for township 1970 grants and $ChOOl levY hall $18.46; Insulin supplies hasis; Counties Clerk re Auc- $3.26, Municipal World $13.32:1 i~7~7 tioneers' licences; Interim Insurance on Janetviîle hall'1 t~L IJHighway Subsîdy ini the $93.48; Ontaria Hydro for amaunt of $14,312.48; Dept. af pontypool line hall $9.75; flaire eea cons $34,758.35; W. H. Horner for A new by-Iaw No. 1482 was garbage contrai $67.50; Ex- pass-ed amending by-iaw Na. penses for Bethany Fire Hall: 1467. Overhead Door Ca. af Peter- In refernce ta a survev borough $620.00, Les French DuiS made by the Dept. of High- $5.67, Bernard Neais instail- Li iways Régional traffic Engin- ing furnace $498.75, Ryley & eer, the township council con- Son $320.12; Russell Kerr Il ~cur in their proposai ta ex- $653.70, Beaver Lumber Ca. 16-9-5tend the zone bath east and Ltd. $2556.92, Kesco Eleetric west in the village cf Bethany $68.42; Council Administra- for the redueed speed area, tian for bahf year's salany ELLS î'but the cauncil are not in *1325.00; * RYleY & Son for agreement ta increase the tOwrJiiP hall supplies $35.23; [AN speed liniit tn 40 mil"s per John RsYmond for tax reiund hour as praposed, they wlsh $13-20, United Counties 1969 ta retain a 10 mil.e per hour levy $37.060.21;, Northuxnber. speed luit in the said village. land & Durham Board cf Ed- A ltte islo e frwrded ucatiOn. balance of 1989 levy 12 95_ thetter s ta be ra f$39,3 86.0n; Leonard Fowlen, Offlie asking that a ne canctaken cf township hall Pet e esgnte fr$142.00;, Manvens Municipal the Bethany arca. Telephorie SYstemn for 1969 toUls $112,70; Ganaraska RCA. A capital boan of $160n.() 1969 levy $334.00; Ontario Hy- wiil be made ta the Janetviile dro - Bethany street llghts Comm unity Centre Board fer $538-52, Janetviile strne et a 3 year limit at the prevail- llghts $143.00, Pentypool Street ing bank rate af intereet ta îîghts $710-84, John Mlangan, ;Tthe municipality. canetaker of Pontypool fine î Lewis MeGili wau appoint- hall $96.00; Merrili Brown, ..$1 1-95 to $13.95 ed to represent Manvens slieep dlaim $140.00;, Oscar $1 1.95 to $1995 townk'-hip for a further terni Beuhier, sheep dlaim $285.00. an the Ganaraska R.C.A. The meeting adjournied un. ..$1 1.95 to $17.95 The Betihany Fine Brigade tii Dec. 29th, 1969 at 8 p.m. ..$1995 t. $29.95 tunned aven the balance cf-_ _________ tes ~ ~ >b~~,e v fuds o~n hn collected GlC iiT<a Township of Manvens ini the >IFf amnount af $900.00. 'Mle said For OIdAppliances 5* ........$19 brigade had purchaied a fine $1 .95 truck and fine equipment earlien iin the year. A total tlureugh 12 .. $14.95 & $17.95 of $4,265.00 w:s callected by 9 T A T E 9 M A Nq id CHILDREN'S Volunteen Brigade and iner-ASIVED MTS ested supporters. The Pire Phono 623433 'Bigade and other area aup41 RNw Marie C WINTEI SNOW Bg Sizes 5 -1 $9.95 to $ SNO -Bi by KAUF1M Wemnen's Sizes FULL LINE 0F O' Winter $2,5,951Footwe r, SKATES by DOUS MIS.SES WHITE FIGURE SKATES . ........ WOMAEN'S WHITE FIGURE SKATES ........ BOYS' HOCKEY SKATES................... MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES ......................... Trade-ins Accepted on New Ski SNOWMOBILE BOC M&%ES'1.4 ............$ 9.45 BOYS' 2 WOMEN'S ..............$16.95 MEN'S6 - COMPLETE UINE 0F MEN'S - WOMEN"S anq SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIF I *1 I I 7-FLAVOURS GUESTIME INSTANT Pkg. of 12 Cocktail Mixes 89C1 BRIGHT'S FANCY 48-ou. Tin To mato Juice 3 fo $1 18" ALCAN Foi IWrap COROINATION - RED MARASCHINO Cherries MAPLE LEAF Mincemeat ORANGE ONTARIO WAXED Turnips 9 b The Canad!an Stateian, gowmiînv, Dg,!e& 17, 198 - 13 Young 6 - 16 lb, 491b Young 20 lb. Up 42Pc Young 6 - 16 lb. 44c Young 20 lb. Up 36 lb FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROASI 491b MEATY Blade Steaks 69lb DOMINION'S OWN WIENERS ilb. 55c 1 DOhMION'S PURE Pork Sausage 1I L 69C GREEN GIANT Corn 2-b. Dag 59C DOMINO FANCY 15-oz. Pkg. Strawberry Halves 49C M« m- %Ztpm# 19-o&. Tin 35C 18-ou. Pkg. 35C -12-om.Tin. 5 for $1 79c 79di CALIFORNIA. GROWN Brussel Sprouts 291'k - r :~r GRAND PRIx Beverages BICK'S - Plain - Garlic Dilis 6for BICK'S Baby DiliS MRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing Richmello CH RISTMAS FRUIT CAKE 1lb...................... 69c 2 lb --1.... .... 35 3 b ..................lg 10-ox. Tin 53 C 32-oz. Jar 55C 24-oz. Jar 55C 32-os. Jar 59C MAPLE LEAP lb. Tin, Ca nned Ham $l.99 HOFFBANS - SHRIMP 8-ou. jar Seafood Sauce 55c 8-os. Pkg. 41c 13-ou. Jar 49( PAXO Stuffing GATTUSO - ONIONS9 Gherkins 'TIL 9 P.M. FREE PARKING Al Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Cloulng, Saturday, Dec. 20, 1969 W. Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities *j~j~ -k KING ST. and SIMPSON AV& (Hwy. No. 2 East) Ca,~ada ~ç O&tî4~,r4 d9mt. 4~ OMINIGI m Peas 25-FT. PKG. 75C 12-au. Jar 59C 28-ou. Tin 69r~ DOMINO CHOICE Fruit Cocktail MONARCH Pie Crust YORK FANCY Kernel Corn CALIFORNIA NAVEL - 72's OPEN TIIURS. and FR1. NIGHTS p q FESTIVE FEATU m Mým, , - - m ONLY AT DOMINION Deluxe Golden Bird Grade "A" Eviscerated TURKEYS Deluxe Golden Bird Grade "A" Eviscerated TURKEYS Grade "A" Eviscerated TURKEYS Grade "A" Eviscerated TURKEYS Ç,Y~

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