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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 16

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Thé Canadian statesman. Eowmanvtle, De& 17, 109 Birthsf In Memoriamn Cards of Thanks Season's Greetings Articles for Sale1 Articles for Sale ~R LIS-David and Muriel BECKETT-In lovlng niemory I wish tan thank the nursçes wn o hn alm WTRfojae n dlvre._N__Si-)oIrilr.C ~eNuals) are pleased toý of a dear wife and niother,;on Mediral Floor, Dr. Mc- ICaîl Cliff Pethick. 623-2313.1728.07781 5- ~iuce the arrivai of Steven Edlth May. who passed away1 Kenzie and staff with friend- frlends and neighbore for the 2 -- .1--23 CONSOLE TV Ilke n"w d. 8 lbs 61/2 ozs., on December 18, 1956. iship aMdervin ron. rardq and gond wihes I have BARLEY, ni, raiadPon 233:4.S- mcrber 11, 1969, at Me- Treasured memnories keep you rcreivedBgond.q51-1î.y ha o on neOM 123-6:14, .11on-ydiln rial Hospital, Bowmanville near. - ----- - 98nd-5033. 4i14y. arness. $3jý:,, 2:147, 5 Pala A teunfolds another iWehwohld likesainxpress-:1ther DRT1 rthrfr 51* year. W ol etn xrs shrClysdale she ri, onefor pick- 1 CHRIISTMAS IIEES, pine! No ee fr ors ecet oio r sincere thanks ta nurses 51.1 cep or delivery cal Roh Cri r- dsrrc. 50 H-nrRey SI,. 1-utn ad îi ~ sy and staff of MemioriRI Hospital ruhI-6I-45.5.-ý ixe Gue.n are rt Stl vden sedinsfocar 1ndkîndnes, aIso- Iriihers 21-548.1sI-1 urie he arivi f I elveyd and msedi;forlrareand rlaiesfr 1a IT o aIl our relatives and STIJDEBAKER qservice. new'i TWO :snow Itires, 14x7.5 d. la c e ey a .and used parti. Graham 's m rirei n7îl . 35hn i Ê72 th Mie, Ia..3 sHvaYlse oing,,qand xr ioso nypathy frlends %we wish a Merry Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf 62;î-sci o î. 51-Ihon bornDecember 12th, 1969. Arerrembered bs' her husband'shomwn us on the loss of our Chîîa n rseosNwRYN rsligfurnil.e 5 51 i4tr o Sotan ical Oiernfmiy 5..brother. Vune1 19(38 SKî-DOO, Super 0,Y m. ~ste forScot an MihaelaOiye anddfmll. 51a Farro ea. or appliances. rail Elmer, pleIcii h.p. 'Ilflphone 0Orono EPeclal thanks ta Dr. E. L,.1I amtn uins 6-29-,tf' ewert and the Maternity Staff 1ELLIS-Ifl loving meniorv of1 The Bates 5apo:bsns 6-24 9'~659 arfr fi. 1- *f Memorial Hospital. 51-1' a dear husband and father. i F294teefC'ST Atres , r paLESos$1.t5ciner 85c' er, Charles F.. who passed away i od antepesoî ll choice, $1.00. Al1so white -,IP lomctrre 5 e OUC-Jm nd ShrrllDeemer27 167 tha nks te each and everynee-- ic os 8 igS.E aln W. T. Cox, North nef (nee Weekes) are proud ta In tears we saw you sinking,1 for visits. cards. flowers, dona- bic os 8 igS.E PineflRidge SShool. 5- #nnounce the safe arrivai of We watched you fade away . tions and kindness whileliTe wosld like to wlish alI oser -49-3 Mur son Brian James. 8 lbs. Our hearts were almost, Harvey was In hospital and 1 Friends and Relatives a S. F. WOODS winter wV.Igh3.ý SAND FILL W-ozs. on December 1, 99 broken. after bis passing. SpeCIAlI MERRY CHRISTMVAS AND sleeping hag. $35. used once, - Pt run, Cernent (iravel gt Memoirial Hospital In Bow- You fought so hard ta say. thanks tai Dr. McKenzie. nurts- A HAPPY~ NEWV YEAR Brc Sn.-(li zan'vlle.5-1 But when we saw you sleeping; es and staff. Morris Funeral 51rik-1n (I _____________________So peacefully, free from pain Chapel and Res'. Gracie for Ch li anON 7 ft. pool table wl'th ac- A L G We oud lo wsb oubak bs words oef sympathy, also cesories; one 40-key electric ______________ To suffer that again. tIhe Masonic Lodge for thei~- Ethel Mutton cîonorn.bthlkne Phone 623-79 OWN-A Oshwa Geeral-Sadly missed by wlfe Millie service ai the chapel. Thank 5l 2128,s- 9t toptlon Thursday, I ydffiiy 2 ' o'.rsin mich adfml. o sr~ adNih GOOD quality rodcrn, $32.50'ALplqisfrm 3.5 Led 80 years, beloved wife GLASS-mn loving memory nf 51-1~atn oso oedlvr televisînen lampls, $3.49; tahle' Luther Brown, R.R. 1 ordear parents. Mother. whn 1 ho riengod sh for cid. rcdinFam rnlamps from $4.95; 3-pce. bed-ý rono, dear mother of Reta idled Derember 20. 1965; Fath-1 os ier odwse o iPoe9356. -1 5-t rOOm su;Lite fr'om $129; 2-pce.i rs. Andrew Umbel). Aud-ler, December 16. 1Q61. : Words cannot express my Ia Happy Holiday geason. FRESII cggs daily, fille dozen. chester field fmomn $1.39; 1_- y(Mrs. Ln Fowler), Lou- Their s m il1i n g ways and heartfelt. appreciation for al No Strnday sale. John FaYc'n, position rerliners, $89; RI a (Mrs. Sam Seymour) and! pleasant faces . the cards. gifts. flowers. visitsl John and 1 mile north. I mile east Ptne pictures ha] f pnice. Murphy ive (Mrs. George LaIng).I Are a pleasure to recal and acts of kindness dIuring Ridge School, 623-2059. 50-2 Furniture. King W., 623-3781 rvlce was held In the Morrisi They had a kindly word fnr Im ta nhsia.Seclal Xilma Scott NF.W- 40 ft. heavy rduty TV- 51-1* neral Chapel. Bowmanvlle., each thanks to Rexv. Smith. N w-. î t w c a nl nt na ntled Saturday at 2 o'clock. And died beloved by ali castle UnIted. Pastor Parker. Execuline ntn I.4lld emporary interment Lang: Some day, we hope to nmeet 1 Newcast.le Baptist and Pastor--$8.Anna n. install- ~leOoo 11 teGro e omnil.A'o M.an r. e.$70 hn 2.2.Ofc untr o So m a, Mrwad rknow ne uritretthanks for the excellent came -29-tf.Rna HADA ero-a os-To wendl. ekwn gîven me by the staff of Me- Walter Vaneyk DRIED shelied corn, also:Rna - Lease - Purchase ~ta Ewmnvlle o Saur caspthirhans n hemorial Hospital and Drs, Hu.b- i sila,2e. Phione to arrarii,e Plans y, December 13. 1969. Paula i better land. bard and Sprou.le. The kjnd- w haI teikFiedsan or delivery, Bowview, Telephorie 987-4715 hard, aged two yeairs and ý Never to part again ness and help shown niy fam-j Neighbors a FarmF, Newcastle, 987-4474. fNWATE OTRÇ Ily by- neighbors and friends MRYC-RSMS3141 months. beloved dlar.gh- i-Ever remembered by the and a - 12-tf rfGog r n et<aly îî will long be remembered. _______ __liergJ. n Mrs. Lois Huber. 5I-I HAPPY NEW YEAR Bet'aiy.5-- RECONDITIONED TV--owr Alldread) Chard. Newcastle,! ________________51.1 and rotors (trade-Ins), 40, âo0 1'OURLOCAL âear sister of Donald. Service GRAY-In lovng memor3Y of11 and 60 foot structures; all In M C L O G aheld In the Morris Fun-!I our dear Mother. Ella. whn, .oming .Lvents We ivish excellent condition. Oshawa aChapel, Bowmanvflle. on; passed away December 18., TV Supply- Linilted, 723-8131. Lonayat2:0.Intrmnt198.New Years Ev'e Dance atSe on Greng50f CHAIN SA\A Lo God gave30usInouremother8.Bow-manville Lions Club. Tlck- - - - - SALES ad SERVIC frn eAnr. 11Gd gHe utrle t ear ets available, $15 per couple. to aIl USED washer parts, motors, j AE n EVC Ande 63-H64 - ___ied Or Fieds ndfairborsSinipliclty, Hoover and Moffat L ODDS-Suddenly. In BurI- 1And when he gave us ours Phoea63p3ia.ncesOur natîonndaîîy adver-G EGO Wgtorx, Monday, Dec. 15th 1Wc got more than our share. Friday and Saturday. Dec. Bill and Dorothy tised line of furniture Paddy'sl: HARDWARE U9, Elsie Lennard Dodds, bel Although He taok her back '19 and 20. best entertainment, Market, apo,2324. hn 2-,4 ve wferfiva. dear imoth-;,One ye.ar ago today, CutyadWsenMseJeweland f amily .St,-Hapton,2632241 Phoe 62-2 1 L~~~~~~~~~~ fBianNaclvg Weaesgrtflfr In Castle Hotel. 51-l* 51-1 MEN only! Christmas sew-_ tughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. '! The ycars He let her stav. i- _____ - --__ 9t hmas Lennard, Newcastle, '--Remenibercd always. s'on' Old Time Dance, Tyrone I ing machine sale. autama tic W d'sister of Irene. Ethel. Min- Creightan, daughter--in-làw, Hall, December 20. Music by A. and zig-zag. free lessons and ~ TR NAJ ÇdadBb uea a alnGado evin. Bob Burton and the Band. M rr Chita service. Wite Elna Sewing LIVESTOCK SUPPLEMENTS nBurlington on Wed- i 11,Everyonewelcome. 51-1 entred3a Boa.St.W.,- O hag aryadBefCt ay, December l7th,l 1969.1j Special -- Every Saturday Hg DiyaHaef ate 51-f RIFINIn ovng emrynlght, alI the Fish and Chips', p Ne ea INSYiLATION, blowing metb-, FZRPOi T of aur dear son and brother. you can eat for 99C at The in Neighhoi-s. Friends and od with Rock Wool. Work- FZRP DUT NOUND, Florence Maud-1 Reginald R. Griffin. who Acres Restauran t,. ano Relatives manship guaranteed., f r ee Terrayi Cube adaway at Hlllsdale Man- asdaa udnyDcm Road. 50-tfAb and Anne Piper' estimates. Harry L. Wade, at New Low Price Oshawa. on Saturday. ber 25, 1958. Enn1skienC.G.I.T.spon sors~ ecsl 987-4531. 41-tf BISHOPS SEEDS LTD. ember 13, 1969. Florence, Lovtng memories sillntly kcpt..a Musical Evening Concert, 81Jh H UPRDRSIpoe a n id Edger. in her 8:th year, No need fer words, we shal cîrrîs:;:s 22, Enniskillen Mrrhr mTOaHIp N T Ue E RP IESIpoe n Eoved wife of the late'Mc: i neyer forget. Cpm., j al Aut $.5 We %vould like to wlsh friends, Rupp Snowmobiles, 18 h.p. to Pasture Mixtures enale penon,1 in gj-Sadîy missed by Moni. Dad CmuiyHl.Aut 15 neighbors and relatives 'a40 h.p. Special price on GT ther of Mrs. Cecil Lloyd! and famiîy. 51-If christmnsSac. a1-1 ' 370, 20 h.p., 1 full year guar- Discount for EaryOrr ofOhw.Ms lrsmsDance, Saturday. New Year. ne and 2 fulîl yeams on the Warwi ck - Pride- United I -h 'oss1ey (Doroth y) of! HOLLAND-In memnory of a 'December 20, Legion Hall.,~ a track. Bradley's, Pontypool, !tYRJJSEDCR o-Virice Crad- 1Ifrien Bert Hlland who pass Bowmanvilîe, 9- 12:30. Royal Mr*n * ,hn 2727.AraCd HBI)SFDCR ock e) of Oshawa, cd away December 2lst. 1966.masdr.Br rze.Ens n p r bl(odeof-Ever enmrlbya $3.00 a couple. 50-2' -an Gil Give Vour Frlend a Pack of SEASON'S le orida; Mrs. Sud-1friend, Annie Joncas. 51-i1*1- Halh ivGiFRrlsPLE ey(Madge) of i 1 Excelsior Choir under di- Si-i1 nHQal; i ity MRSHACPS, R E IG aw, Clair Allen 1 HOLROYD-.In lovîng nie-'rection of Mel McCoy wlll pre- acQultMASGR EI S elyn) of Bowxnanvllle andWilimh -isent their annual Christmas . IELICIOUS, RLJSSETS T L ndear sister of Leand ewîth Jesus on Decembtroi, ber 20 In the Town Hall. adF gerf elîb Adlt $,0,1s5dnt Sc.Happy New Year Fred's Fruit Mark eti .A R SV R Pete6 rorouh. sr - 1968 toboy so wailan oe r r-1Hihway 115, South of Orono'n. R S V A vedby 6 ganchldre Alitie oy a wee an darK - -Neighbors, Friends and - .50-3~ BOWMANVILLE R.R. 1 d10 great-grandchild.ren. Sent here but for a while ' Relatives NWHLAN P.0 2-09 s nd t the MeIntosh-And- Another flower was nceded MONSTER BINGO F.G n rc NER - MIXER itsi263--19 nFuneral Home. Oshawa, So God took hlm with a F.UR.DandN!GHT, 8 o'eloc- MIiEh Atach51en1 heefuneral service was SmIle. TlRD NG ,8o'ok Corn-Sheller Atcmn iIn the chapel on Tuesday, -Always remcmbercd bv i Sponsorcd by the Junior Smith 1CHRISTMAS TREES ember l6th. Interment1 Nana Holroyd. 51-1i Chamber of Commerce 51 -1f 2-ton Mixer, 13' Feed Azr uonCemnetery, Oshawa. 1il JUDILEE PAVILlON 'Baggring Attachment, Loading HEY KIDS!1t _____________________i OLVER-.In loving memory __ O SH A WA 8tf Sincere thanks to voters ss'ho' Auger, in zood condition. lTou can have the fun of pick. 0f ea prensfaherSaue Bring the farnily and snow-i elected me to Clarke Township DO SALERR1,OoO ing ont vour very own Christ- .rerson..u Olver, passed away June 21., oil1oa reda nrCaîl 983-5557 .50-29ma Tr 1965, and mother, Violet. who l nSomobile Hilîseeda oni Council. I take this oppor- j----- - - ma re again this year. -i'GIENC Supplies-(Rubber passed away Deceniý2,1Stray eeber 20;3 I la i o wshnzeeron Bring along Mom and Dad and: ds> mailed postpaid un 1965. CHaudyRDcIeS2;cfe Itnt f ihn veyn ~ TMAS T'ZXS Ini sealcd envelope wit hvlf sqîîy served. Follow new 57 High- MERRY CHRISTMAS LÂJiJ.YLiJI1L~$150 clst. S aples 2c Thier thoughts unknown, 1wayr to 9th Con. Darllngton., and the Very Best for the CIT YOI;R OWN frtete o aabîgj7 cses $.00. xail e ut25es mmoMernberships available. 51-1 NEW YEAR SPRI'CE AND PINE i for tise re- own ansb r: Pt T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. We are proud ta <,n. Concession 9, 2 miles West of one will be provided. 191. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 iSa treasure themn Lord SUNNYSIDE PARK o CavtMOPR -WEKNS In your garden of resti, MONSTER BINGO RodCa.ethWOSHRTE WEKEN BuiesFor when on erath 23 10 They were two of the best. Thursday Nih would like to take this i 49- i' ~ A 4 ppysI tLL4iLy -Always remembercd by OW AtVILLe RT SPARE TIE INCOME daughter Pansy, Doug. Noreen 7:45 opportunity to wlsh my Rela RWAVLE OT Y 51-1 RED ARNtives and Frlends in New- T URK E YS CLUB CHRISTMAS TREE efllhIng and collectlng money and familles.R DB R ate rn n Bwa-FEHYKLE N PLANTATION which is lo- ce mNopWrTEd d huispner n L 0I ovn 8mry ~H A W A cate rn ndBwa- FEHL ILDAD cled on Concession 9, forth B mno e a e NEW T PE hl h- uallt RUND ________ - - ___r ville, a very DRESSED TURKEYS of TYRONE. Fo Ilow Rotary ~a1ify you must have c eeph s ho 95ss.daway Centennial Hall, Q( n tee.and araCosllg o0 ear hu sba d dfter]e6ea' v ance. MERRY CH'ITMS for Christnmas and New Year's'gis- tirences, $0 o 290cash' 1 bem 2rlst, 1954. -11Bownranville. BiîlCatr AP E ERCal W H E N F~or Rent__ WILCOX-In loving eov IURISHD ro niwi t h0fNorman R. Wiîcox wh*o *'idgc. 623-7148 after 3 p.m. passed away December 18, _______ s-1îb 1966. - ----December b[rIngis bac k r RNISHED bedroom, priv-' niemories 4'entrance, gentleman pre- I 0f a dear one gone to rest, rred. 623-236,1.--- 51-1 Those who think of him todav Ebedroomn apartiment.. up-I Are the ones who loved hlm j.s, $85 monthly. Avallablei hesti. *w. Caîl 623-5012. 5i-1 -Sadly missed. alway's re- membered by his lovlng wife 0W room bachelor apart- Rhoda, daughter Norma, son ent wlth stove and frldge. Don, daughter-In-law Anna1 3-3835 after 6 pm. 51-1 and grandchildren. 51-1 E roomn apartment. con-- niences. main street. Orono. A Lasting Tribute session January lst. Tele- one 983-5631. . 11-i' For Permanence and Dianlîr 0 apartments, equipped we sutieut : thi fride and stave. Adults Mount Lawn ly. Available Immediately, e oilP r ppySaeman Office,6 e o alP r g W 51 -tf Bronze Memorials RNISIJED h o u s e kccping Fe orten die l ms for i-cnt by the month, oreu avcpem thi, shower. Cable TV. Tele- viit the Park Office ne 623-3373, Flylng Dutch- 723-2633 motur hp. 46-tf _______ IRON 0 Pets Pow mmNG PUREREDBorder CoUice Pstwo months old. Cal 983-5764, Orono. 5 - SIAMESE kitten, purebred »" t-On,8wekvr ole il u ib hl o Crsms Next Monday 7:45 P.M. RED BARN 0- 8H--A W-A--ý- COLMER TOUR to FLORIDA A1AR. 21 - APRIL 11, 1970 "An Excellent Tour" Phone or Write 623-3265 - 623-3093 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMANVILLE Christmas Lights Tour CITIZENS 0F 50 WMA NVILLE Please tui-n yôur Christmas llghts on for the Senior Citla- ens's Tour ot the Llghts, on Sunday, Dec. 21 Any Senior CiUuenu of Boy- manville whe have net been contactei &bout the Tour and wouîd; Ilkt s5 e em sohe 623-NOS6 or 623-SMOu belone VMsai aO:.09p.M. Chsrch, the Beehive Rebekah! Lodge. the Legion Ladies'. Auxiliary and to ail my rela-ý tives and friends 1I would: thank you onie and aIl for your kindness to me. Also, to. wish you ail aI VERI' MERRY CHRISTMTAS' and a HAPPY AND) 11FALTHY NEIV YEAR Lily King Merry Christmc and a Happy New Ye, b ail My Friends and Relative Cho( Hivy. SAT For ~a alo the Staff of Strathaven Nursing Home Mrs. 1. J. Bell Wanted Dead or Crippieu Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephne Colbet 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farni UCOeIIsNo. 2ci-C-es ?(MAS THEES 1' Il 1-f r ve right to the field BUY THEM THERE? .- ose and Cut Your Own So you can select the best L2 4 - 12 ft. possible tree for your home and at the same time assist P $ 1.00 each the Bowmanville Rotary Club TI in their sale of trees. The er Fa1t to2 'y ' miles proceeds of which are used I ,as, 2mils Nrth for community service work.!9 URDAY and SUNDAY If you can't make it to the ý-- 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. plantation and want a tree.,, Information telephone gel them atI our lot between the BEAVER LUMBER CO. R( 623-2102 ADMDCI ULIG r BOWMANVILLE and aIl the DISCOUNT FURN- Bo )roo 93.~849 ITURE BARN on No. 35 Hwy.,'e ____________ 49-314-3d SKI-DOO DISCOUNT Genuine Ski-Doo Mîtts........... 4.95 SPECIAL Covers.................... 15.00 TNT Oil, quart..................... .98 Block Rocig Sui Full Helmets.................. 12.95 Racing Jackets. Boot....................... 12.95 Genuine Zero-Zon SHOP FOR YOUR LOWEST PRICE ON A NEW SKI-DOO AND BRING Il TO DAVIS ... 0 WE WILL SELL FOR LES * 728-5565 728-5681 M ARINE M -L',ly-i llkq Articles for Sale Real Estate for SalelI! _ Estatefor Sale A Rt c 11,T C C a t Snnwmnhle PRTVATE Sale: 3 bedroomi sales sand Service, nnw avail- jhnuse with Pive appliances, nt .1-Mar Equdtipment, Co.,Ilot 50' x IRO; asking $27.000' W Ji134 King Si, F., 13owrylanvhîîp 1with substantial down pay Pilori(! (23-5689, Open Frîday mennt. Immediate possessio)n F u velug 51 -I Phone 263-2755. 51- FR N C r fo ae TWO Bowmanville- homne.z:__________ Cars or S le fPrince Street, 7 roomed brick 58 FORD1)Con.,il sîsation wa_ with attached garage and on. riais Igod. s$50 a î1lnîshed recreation room; also 432.3-2285. odr duplex. centraily located on large lot with nearly new func. Cal] Audrey Plain. I Livetock F r Sale 623-3563, Keith Peter,% RealtyOrn 51 -1l La rge 7 roomn home In centre PUREBRED Holstein, 3 years,- ftw.Coeosrosan d fue ln Jantjary, sharp, dairv' shopn. Cloedta edoln 30 Ater howls for pressur hpig eue price. f:sYstem. Phone 62.1-3000 _______________ 350 on SI-I - eNewtonvllle Duplex HEREFORD stock calves andiOl,430donfrti I '/2-year-old steers and hel[-,income property. Large front. age on No. 2 Highway. Just ers. Sold privatoly everv - - listed at $14.000. Satuirda.v. George A. Mc -_______________ Gowan 778-221,3 Havelnck. We: omnil 411-11 6232503Building lot on Liberty Street, Ideal for smnall bun. 100 WESTERN and Ontario ~ o galow. Only $6,000. isinekcrs, sold prIvatelv everv 576-8090 Thursday, (anytime by ap. Osha %v'a poIntnentî Iva n Johnson, 4 Bedroom Home Four years oid. Beautiful South Monaghan, Baillehoro1 2 storry houise hping com- ravine lot with small creek at ý9.39-6855, 15 miles north of l 1ted i, mile off Taunton rear. Walk out basemnent. Port Hope on Highway 28, 2 Rd. Tu' o haths and hroad- Finished recreation r o o m. miles past. Il-tf loomn thrnughout.1 Bultln stove. oven. dishwash. 6 4 %Mortzge :er. broadloom partial. Only Help antedbd orge $29.500. Immediate possession. 1 bedroom brick bungalow rn BABYSITrER iwith Hollywood k i t c h e ni.'Ooi Broidloom. Located ln village, Handriman special. Large Live iu hahvsitter t-equired.' near Rnwmanville. Caîl for 9 roomn home ln centre of vil- one pre-s('hool cid ih'ifrain lage. Large lot wvith terms. housckceping. Private room, 1P!$14p000 iOttawa a r e a. References.. omnil Wr-ite: Mrs. M. Lefebvre, 16 10 ACRE LOT WITH POND.!Bwanil Woodview Cres., Ottawa 15, Facing on two roads. Asking Six rfom renovated home Ont. 48.4 $6,800.wt ne uac, plumbing, wlringr. Large lot zoned corn- MATHEMATICAL mn i n cl e d' T3rone Ares mercia] on Highwav No. 2. man to assist, ln the prepari- I 13m, your building lot now Only $21.000. Terms. tion of Incorne Tax Returus F before' prices Increase for, for farmers. Excellent re- sp)rinzr 150' x 250' lot close to 1 izhway No. 115 muneration and expenses paid. paver] highway. Asklng $5.500i 80 acres of hlgh rolling land, car supplied iIf necessary. with haîf cdown, partly covered with Scotch Please write. H. W. Smith.' Pines and mlxed bush. Te'-. Canadian Tax Service, 255,Nwtnlîerifle investment fronting on Division St., Cobourg, Ont. 1-.400 sq. ft. brick bungalow, highway. Only $21,900. Terms. ,51____-1.îon scenir 10 acre lot. 640l rn _:- frontage on paved road. Cal' on GET VOUR for inspection. Asking $271500.. 100 acres of sandy loam BAN EI HTernis. 'usteas of village. Good RAW EIG Bukeon ond on property. Great Burketonview. Excellent building site. CATALOGUE NOIV 25 acres of eleared land oni$30.000. Ternis. and information howv to make excellent road, Asklng $11,40n.1 money' selling Rawleigh Pro-, Terms., Afier 9 p.m. cal duets. finit or part time. Write511 Paul Peterson 723-8322, ____ _____Norm Wetherup - 723 4809 RAWLEIGHI Bet L10-Cal Estate Frank Simpson - 725-9638 Dep. L140FCW anted Joe Barnoski 723-5787 4005 Richelieu St. i__Pst yeo - 623-3077 Montreal 207, Que. LO wtJauidin piviegs i - . 623-2319 wlthin comm-uting distance ofý 51.1Oshawa. 82 Private. 728-8832'fanc Found . e 623-3965 51-1 Kay Brown - - 62.1-3150 CARETAKER__ Roy Foster- Orono 983-5801 Applications xvill be t-eceiv-l - sortgages Andy Sutch Orono 983-9119 cd for a caretaker for Mpe Grove East Elementary Schoolý until 5:00 p.m. Friday, Decem-i M O R TG A G E _ ber 19. 1969. Apply in writ- I lng stating experience and! M O N EY JOHN F quaifi a .ons o d If you have lnvested m oney n , M. A.Nlaceoda home it is probably the best' Business Administrator collateral you have. For Car- and Treasurer ample, by using this equity at Northumberland and Durham Seaboard Finance most home- County Board of Education, owners can obtain a îower 14 Frank St. - Bowmanvill. P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. interest rate than is possible Phone 623-3111 - -- - -_1-1on a personal loan. And at Seaboard you eau borrow ui S - AST 0F' NEWTON- $ 12,000 IS to 80% of the value of your VILLE: Hobby retreat or e property. or ln somne cases even tirement home on 3 acres. NOT TOO NIUCH more. Sec us for cash today. Barn, etc. Price $20,300. Manager~ BUILDING LOT ln thé for man over 40, wlth carM m sX. lc country wlth terrifie view. to ak shrtaut tipstocon 1Size 132 x 165'. Asking :o akeshot atotris t co- 1 King St. East $5.900. Low down paymnent. tact customers in the1 P. 0. Box 177 NEWTONVILLE: Beautiful. Bo m n ileae OIMANVILLE, ONTARIO i13 hedroon brick bungalow ~ aea Phone: wIth 100 sq. ft. living space. Air Mail L2 b 623-3326 Ol eaed 623-332Living and dining room. Stone President, Dept. EB, P.O. Box S E A B 0 A R D fireplace. 70, Station R, Toronto 17, NEWCASTLE: New 3 bcd. Ontario F INA N C E roomn brick bungalow, with 51II CO M P ANY heated,a 4-pce. bath. Attached YOUN TIG'SO0 CANADA LIMITED garage. Price $24600. YOUN TI ERS51-11 3.9 ACRE PARCEL: with, OF BUSINESS large streani. Mostly wooded. Auction Sae Asking $16.500. W. D. Renn Enterprises, re- 100 ACRE CORNER FARM: cently featured ln NATION &I WEEKLY wlth excellent and profitable BIUSINESS MAGAZINE as thejTrIYr'rrrOr1 SALES business. Closely connected "YoingTiersof usnes",to farm industry. Remark- 'Yong iges o Buines",at Durham County Sales Arena, ably well equipped for Its H as Openingis Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. purpose. 4 sources of in- ln the Bowmanvllle Area for1 Selling Horses, Cattle, Swine, corne, ýALt ~dishes, -glassware, -oùI lamps,' B OWMAN VIL LE: Lovely shavng ugs soe huseoldcompletely renovated 3 bed- I DISCOUNTS ON Items and other articles still 1ronhm.Nwwrn n iT CLOTHING being brought ln. Roger room home. Nw lrnoden uits............. 27.95 Bannister, auctioneer. 51-1 lumbin.et. FAh mdem et .23.95 raI location. ne Suris, from ... . 18.95 Auction sale of modern and IýTV Nrwl(-)Nv lllt:i 3JVU I U[i antique fumniture, property 0f 11/-storey home with 3-pce. Mrs. Stiver, Uxbrldge, ta be bath. Low taxes. Asking held at Stirtevant's Auction $450 Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Saturday. Decemnber 20 at After Houri Please Cali: Il a.m. Admirai refrigerator. electrie stove, wa-ghing ma- Phylli Meîobble 623-7159 chine, chrome suite. television. Sid Osinta - 623-2401 pool table 4 x 8 plus balla and Gary Hancock 98, 1- 15 eues, covcred comport. cruet:lBarriy Coutts; -n72 9 set. Victorian love seat, plat- form rockers. dressers, wash- George Vanflyk -623-Ti1 stand, goblet. bed-chester- Jan Oudshooru 623-2 4 field. trunks, antique glasBarry Voerman 987-4287 pole lamp. Many moi-e articles i noj Davidmon - Bethany 3012 ton numerous ta mention. Terme. cash. Myles King, auc- 1 Bill Rae - Little Britain 20134 tioneer, 723-0501. 51-11 Wesley Auderi - .849-2669 OSHAWA 617 KING ST. E. Betwleen Wilson & Harmony "#l IN SALES BECAUSE WE'RE ~ IN SERVICE" k DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIl Tuesday, 4:30 e .m ir mp IE peme S 4 e t-. 4 t ài -1 - 1

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