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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 17

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-r-- -~* .... enu then took their place nt i harged with assaulting à The Canadian Statuann omnie e.1,18 t.Uhe front of t.he churdt. Fol-! 0Ilpece fficer in theexecutin, .Ç la sifi d AUEU~ lowlng prayers and hymn1V oi c a of hi& duty, was represented1 luli>fild &s sngIng the conversation among r W1 W EbS' E. R. Lôvekin and pleaded, but found the Inetrcu- A -erodhabi. the Volce, the Questioner and P o nia or not guilty. teous and helpful.Teacu-ahrofsxhidena or W ned 1Noieste eleeraoue eey-ýed saidlie had drveatrctdhvngexlut Wanted Noties the Bellver arouse every- I~ OWmanViIIOn October 1Oth at 7 p.m. jup until four y&r g nwt alya-l il EXEREÇE sothnd Rd rosWokro Zosdone'e thoughts about Peace on'Inpede Fred Lowery waswsnwabs okrct rsle nteb-i ~ tYPIst seeks employment In 'Frtday, Dec. 26th and Friday. With subeequent duty a theen ern ting logs and loadigte onwowl ecadfrba prayers ~~~~~~ ~ ~ is taeoni Highway 401. wthhre rata-pbi gny nte o~ 512and the joining of teJno rc cddwt atews o.H de B o w m n vil e 6 3 .41 5 1-1 odnursp iuhC hor1u d er. e5uld-ce o M nday, D e cem ber liIth . 1949 stab le J. C h alm ers, O P P , es- guilty plea t oa a ch arg é o f 'T é d i e , F a c si ç hd s h i h eh!r w s Jalnur nd 1970 and wjthe Jun.t&trowprAiortlortmated damnai. kloadd Wikicatri W8S to Me ddedthatthe24- anlaides wth îcs Ch1~ Sor wll u Cenoi tsr., W. M Fedla theB.Bgtuudancede $80fadvtaMr k er ar i crel5 divigtlid ove- apreieded because of faulty bottle case had be u]sodslnl n t ChIýx tor wll e oen r#nis Mr Wr. . Fndly $0Mr.Judetlos erxpell's$1000O. ber 25th. Constable Chalmé vrsas. ht h ih_ýh osm CARPENTRy, ktchen cup- Monday. December_ 22. 51-1 andthe Congregation. In iflg- ne> K: StUbington, George that he waa fblowing a yel- nrnordonUcmi tee d t hmeanwethits: the 13consmedtebercuten mfopyhati blords,.antin, pe. oong.FYIG ar n Let IT e giPec n thPoilîtt acting &à Legal Aid low truck whiàh turned rightOf Orono ai a hih raté cdwIh neede dutrnet nwer nt foi th 3eptwotesoaberainanyxnlnte flo aitin, palirs, IG at n ltltbei ihdutY counsel 11abere were 195 inoHmtnGres nysed hsldt htebildnpetor Lr nge o thewa, Etc.,large adiorsa ive DUe". a Christmas meSseagé Of caesonth dcketofhc> ioH anito Gade s. lyspeed cliea lo ahiloclgaaeto- earnge for- Jth.,ylag c aîll50. G51-2 TCHMAN Peace was establlslied. 1V was then and too laie he sai Mr9sedchs ln Ochonski 1nTbuiîdîng w ____ij further strengthened b>' the :;ee crleedlig Couzeaux signalling thélf nkanênRa n bfc Meanwhile, a passerigerutiJnar13othpit SEPTIC T NK98U3-FC550e1.htg5n1h-2 court lastd until 6:30 Pmr. urn. The charge was dis- Leskard whnr the die n'i truck became very rie yM.Lvkna o OUET S aEC TA Kcnies represented J ess u w ni an>era e.- ure .aa oe the vhicle ad uiandnd began bera1ting: n8eco GoodNews Gret j>', Ylti laer dt~u. rnîsed fîe int th bus. L ~ Hkcould really b srbe d CAWASHadPSR $10 Chrimp GortaNtews,. Gree atPot reit CSSOGr antWil ton, L was1,fCn. -T«consclose Vo dan, ' p on the officer and hit pence officer. / \are BEE TMPIN S nyim14.fAl) the People, Peace and Jean Philippe Geffroy', 1881 eGro ant iton, ot 1,fCn-!"hi ore'saédMdgelviller. e na-~ag 9.S anAOII 69 ot iothésondtoFathe ch isoe oilrenh and Potiirough cd $100 and coats, or 10 days.1 gerous drivL.ng," satfJu9 him in the jaw and a couple MlvleaAFOX Caon lNe onillet 76-255 ing belis ail bowed their an Interprter Plead'ed guilty ace at e p.m. coe 14 da>'s". 'éd hi8 balancé, st-cabledK. to nd, O? CaliColect 7-t YOU FA ILY hens I silnt rhead o a hnreslident pray1er. t anatcdeatoohargey relaidJmesOctober7 otlo3thh.ihpa INSURANCE MAN 1 The service losed with thé At 9 P.m. Constable J. A. Le-40t o n acdeton Hagswinregwo r aeser, 157 Ouiab onShutzh hig h l- Con- hewineraedrn of401, fouvstgte n eia.Hi nd stiasio eUnthri yofCraenToronto stabe e hui hdaprhn(d.,ig h iews$0addu~ REFINISH ATB IF I e nedction and note acf gate, OorPP, lnv.s!tigaiedoran D daw AUT - IFEthnksto Ilconerred gi- acienton dgway401atvealed tkiat Mr. Wilson, wesi- dent, was flned $50 and $38 Observlng thé commotion heý Lloyd Wbjttaker22Gb ae oar faOiepeeo s O rA e? Cali* e en b 'Rcv. George K.r. Mill Street, Newcastle, where Meabers of théoH-Cegroup fifvu cars weorenCalieme!Dam- und, atiempt.ed to pass a costs, or 10 days, foUcowlng came over but net before Mr. bon Street, Oshawa adhs 018furitue Rfinshe DIK B INK AN ho aer fed wé re Da vcars werte vcisIe orDae-transport, lbt control and ran conviction for careless driv- Shields was observéd carrying fine of $50 and coas olw ) Chritmas523-021 R cuog R . - .R.îrayhamshrod, reDoad acimavida$0 50 ie to te rear dual wheels. lng August 31st. Alex Schil- a part casé of béer to thé rear' ing his guiity plea o aag ou Christma - Cali $23-362 - Scugo St. - .R.1ura cingnooffDooalardlthés eanmtwestbo$0nd $50 bounghw offofothd tbuildingwsandunhiningghwt ointhabudodrgonndLhbeni it Straéet. on t. Orono 983-5596 BOWMAN VILLE Watson. Dianne Metcalf, Mur- $50 $2000 and $500. This was shouldér and into thé médian. 7A stopped ai the stop aigri b> a fence. South. ConstableSmhwaLMTE 48- ______ 5-1vester and Charles Stevens. in heavy Thankgilving week- Thé car following, aIsO in- at Hlghway 35, waiting for Thé driver told thé courticalled te thé resdec hn ________________ ________________end traffle ourta h éinle nding.- VO, pass, was brakéd thé northbound car to go by. hée was transporting cattle Whittaken caméeneflo-to 3 S LNCraction of i-car end collisions. hrd an d ended up in thé It dropped off onto the eas from Tweed to a destination n i ing a doméstic subl.38Dnd S.E.Wt> CONSTRCTION HARMAC MAPLEGROVE ien Mr Géffry cameaîong~médian. shoulden, spraying gravel. Mr. Western Ontario and that heiDamage of $10 te h o o e on Wlty8-35 PEEaOWM PL R Vhn Mr.ldGetfopcamushing1 hre fcrlsadiigSchll]ai, sure thé car would realized thé_lights were poon ihas repaid. Brick - Block - Stoe 222Kingr St. E., Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Crydér-1 thé others aIl together aga'n lidJ1 BsigintJlkli hm bodad.stré and Fireplaces man and daught,ér Susan,i Thé fine $100 and costs, or loi1 Davé>' was dismissed becausei forwand but the réar end was Phn 2-76HOLIDAY HOURS Guelph. spént thé »wéekend davs. the Crown witnessés weré not struck resulting In $240 dam- 8 hn Baba- 3S-2756nvle loe wlth his parents Mn. and Mr 1K08t uclghm présent. A imilar disposition agé.I 40-raS.,Bwmnif CosdAl ,Iyoward Cr>denman and fam-,LnhSret eak rverws noted in thé charge IDénnis Willig, Pontypoo, __________ - ThurdayDecmber25th Mn. nd Ms. lliei Brwn. f th forth éhicé, ws aginstRobrt ElioRobager4, pladed guil>' o dri3ng Do ros&Sn Friday, December 26th Hamilton; Miss Marion Snow- as ind$00adcoi.o counsel was E. J. Brogdený suspension Augusi 2nd. Con- Don Brooksembr 2t& Son or10owdays.dayand invesiigating officén Con- stable T. Holdaway, OPP, in-' 320 - -Suay Dcebe 28h evenlng callers on their cou,,-' William Babr,2 otbeT. Holdaway, OPP. Helvestigated an accident In 623-2301 - 72R-6o 76lSlng. sudec mr2th s, Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Free- Street, Toronto, was finedý found that thé Elliott vehicle,' which Mr. Willis' car, north- Ail Typ els, Cuords. t hu ndsy sur man. the samé amount following'westbound on Highway 7A in1bound on a back rond in All Tpes loor, Cuboar________________ay Is conviction. Constable Kozak, beavy, fog, crossed Hi ghway Cartwright Township, smash-, Etc.i 51-2 OPP, found thé vehicle on the 35 and collided with a car left éd into two treés and a CARPENTRY AT ITS BEST! -R CR A I N o~rthd shulder of he ws- ake teeya Général' hrc.Te a asaw Ite-Ma~piedLefSere' tyl 49-* AR ERSHOPS E R A I N fcn atNvme 1hedyoSre REUPHOLSTER OF His explanation was that hé1 Street, Oshawa, was finéd, George Pollitifothé c ine a s ( YOUR CHESTERFIELD BOWMANVILLER VIW agdanswnt0ncl $100 and cests, or 10 days, as usd satdtfnt n.W1ls- H m OR CHAIRS - FreBARBERCLOSE Country & Western Jamboree Gary Robert Stainton, 72 Septemben 10th by Constablej thast ewastein tttxiémle1.2,. A O Esiat VILL BE te hulérad et hércutofa hrg aid' ewas n t niin ai t lim Ai audience of 206 were Duké Street, Bowmanvillé, Kozak, OP'P. Hé found hI$rvé1ha0n2o9ispssn 6235252-25 - 28 DECEMBER o hand ai thé Bow manville was finéd thé semé following Miller véhicle, éastbound ongn a1tknté he 9 Wht' paseyDepaitmént of Reeneation an accident on Octobér l5th Highway 2, failél to, négotiate ge bim btaeforéth ent. <l Sliced or b>' lb.Pice) 55Kig t.E Bwmnvli B O E Country' and Western Jam- on thé third concession o01 a cunve and skidded into a omé,,yi nigt i 65_Kng_ S. E32-oif ile W B PN boree, held In thé Town Hall, Danlingion. Constablé J. A. inée. Iea d yté oices iagt isté- RSI R _____ - _______ ld Snda' eénig. égae, PPfoud té vhi- Bonis Ritchie, 96 Mernill Crown. "Two ef the passen- MON. and TUES. Guesi AtisI Le Cuntin, clé proceeding wes't camée te1 Avenue, East, Tononto, wes ACKE MAN aking his finst eppéarancé a T-inténséction, s kide i a similan amount.'Th gers ai thé scène seid M.Feh-La T AI 3 ecTUnie9 Wlllis was net drlving.I EXC VATNGn th a uene as hé' - 1and thedTcownd mb on arage wes laid Novémnber hospital thé>' both uaici hé ICEL RYTOATMAT EXCAVAOpen X cl Unt l ve y6h udec, sh >dth ichadinoa18th b>' Constablé J. Schultz, was. Bring 1h cm in and they E F LOADING *1TENCHarG'e.tomerd0 nn S t- c. OPP. Mn. Ritchie's car, west- will be chargéd with obstrue- Sand, Gravel, Top Sou sund i~9atsto éodns John Saltys, R.R. 3, Orné- boond on thé service read tien." F111 Délivered Thé Jamboree féatured a mée, réceived thé same pen- south of Highway 401 at Conviction brougiht a fine' 2.-Hour WATER SERVICE LI Ifewv néwcoméns and thév are: alty. On Octeben 151h, Con- Counticé Road, failed t enof e $200 and costs, or 30 days, l Reasonable Raies Show De lin e singer Gary Couturé, Bl stable Whiteley, OPP, wes gotiate a curve. wént down an and a funther six months' 7 623-5756 - BOWMÉANVILLE Lyndé a fiddlen and female calléd te a two-car accident émbankmént and it a ditch. suspension of license. Invocellat, Caroly: Gorra d on Highway 35 sooth of En- James W. Hale, age 16, R.R. Rae Trégoma, charged with 2 JACK B RGESS eacriers TéMrrs térprise Hill. Mn. Seltys, driv- 1, Orono, was fined thé seme spééding on Highway 115 ai JA KB R ESTeHoedownens o PéGrcy mig a Vobks.wagén, had beén olwn conviction for a100 miles per heur in a six- w, DIL BURNERS - FURNACE C leg slloît, edbWso ad-i southboond and failed te sée charge laid Novémbér Ist. Me year-old car, was finéd $1201 No. 1 FANCYSNK T CEND ESAt llotHeliWaso ad Vl a school bus siopped ai thé was défénded b>' E. R. Love- and coats, n our dasanNeiNVE PLMIGREPAIES Mlleér, subbing for Bill Coeé, bottom ef thé bill wlth an-jkin.biS lién urédd fora30TOKAY Lelsifiure sow dél aturéd a number of hoé- thérivébîcle behind IL. He renl At 2 p.m. John Siatér, who a s lCnste stsendor 30 PH3[A11~1TON in thé number o! studénts aI ows ndréls ie thé car. lives on thé north sidé o! thé laid thé change foIlowýing ai M 2il 3-215s 1 Ontenio's Techérs' Collèges Thé Jamboree negulers of Harold Lauder Bell, Bab- Fountih Concession o! Clarke, chasé north from thé joniction, i Mail Box43- owmnvs. but tbère is an increasé in thé Ted Halîman and Ivan Wanna- caygéon, représenîed b>' Rus- was drawing manuré from bis o!Eigwa 3 an 15 t :3 3.!numbén o! students et Ont-' maken sang a numbér of top séil Murphy, pléadéd not barn ntoi a field whén héeoli- p.m. Seplémber 27th. A ____________________ eio's Collèges but Ibère is an western bits and Hénli Wasson guîlly following an accident sérved Roy' Simpson's bal! Tuesday, December 16th, 1969 ý Inceas inth nuberofstu plyeda ew ultr nstu- ovebe 20h. rs Dona ontruk bck utof is wn Jude R B.Baterpreid! 2 Ilb 4 5 SPRAY PAINTING dents holding dégréé. enas. Ceuzeaux, éastbound on Taon- drivéwa>' and tomn west aîong éd witjb Assistant Crown At- 2 Barns - lieuses - Garages, Etc. Total énrolmént et thé 13 Master of Cérémonies j. C. ton Road et 5:30 p.m., was in- thé 4th Concession. At thé borne>' K. Stubington, M. Kelly! at7 hl AlsoCollèges is 7,896, a decréasé ot: Coylé képi thé show moving ténding to turn nortb taward Siater gale it apperéd ta acting as dut>' counsel for TrVai-Fnc Stuart House Also ~~1,381 oven last yéan. But 7541 at e fast pace and ennounced Hampton. Shé put on ber left stop and thén stent fonwerd Legal Aid. TiVle ac GENERL CARENTRY o! ibs yéa's stdéntsbold thth nexi show wlll bé signal when ber car wes again. It was struck from '1 lnig rthr h Oag uieAlerFny 2 GEERL ARENRY ofths ea'sstdniveod AItht h dridgaseotchears FritCoktil FOIL WRAPorGenPa k eer erean lncesé o! 346 o~ver helIn Sonde>' Januen>' 111h, strck r te rearby onehidya ew truck dbie-Ia adasa hre FutCcti _______ ____________ a-againsl Michael Donegbue, - oe623-3984 Enrolment bas increased at - -e vehIcle. requésléd that thé>' be wiih- 1 in 9 co cJie32-s67 < P on 14tfthé Collèges o! Education. This O BMr.U A bckdouSimsnivéwa he idrawngé Grapefruit year a total o! 2,874 studéntsO B I U A R Ybkeou idrvwyle Grg Edmondson, age 51, 2 Tinsoll saw thé tow truck ceming ae59 Gibbon Street, Osbawa, AE9 AE1eSV 8 FRANK BRINK are énnoléd et thé four Col- Dr. G. EMore Remenn, édu- bechelor o! pedagogy fnom bang way'away. Hé pnocéedéd SAVE 9nod b'ST.V. Klly SEPTIC TANK qoemfiéd eîecFrnh abnaecéducation1ro6 Ceréli Uni-noaicédthé t C nviton a fin.elly,______sRol4-o.Tn legs omard e ,16 es1 etr ndhistonical wnîter, Queén's University', Kingston, west intending te tom mbnt Q.C., pleaded guili>' o! cane-1 Trenching yéan. Thé nombén e! teachers~ died suddénly Sonda>', Déc. and a docter o! pbllosophy In thé Siater driveway when hé lsse driving Ociober 17tb.' CA PA ToCovctoronte fneo' AWvLéOS INSTALLATION eléméntary scbooiu aise in- aftèn iendffng et thé oonovrslty. Ithaca, N.Y., In 1920. close bebind thet hée spééded sîoo and cosis, or 10 deys.i R.R. 6, BOWrmANVILLE créaséd ibis >'ean witb 405 International Airpont. He was Hé m'arnicd thé fermer up to gel oui of thé wey. Hé Constable G. Brunton, OPP,!MAXELL OUS NO SUNDAY CALLS téachéns qualfiéd cempared to 8o.1 Flore Josephine Green in 1914. was struck fnom thé reer, bis investigaléd s fatal accident i - r L 637037 atya.Dr. Reamen, of 288 Albert Hé bégan bis téacblng truck rolled aven completel>' at thé intersection of thé Dur-1 CO rMALE EAESUC St., Waterloo, wes ré unning1 careér et Moase Jaw Coléegé, and endéd up on thé nortb ham-Ontario County line and ICM fnom delivéning a speech at Sask., In 1913 and taugbt for benk against thé Slatér fence Taunton Roed. Mr. Edmond- 1hi rJle thé National Huguenot So- two years at, Woodtock Col- witb thé ren whéels in h onbon n the town- I PHIL VO'WLES rnt (GIT ciel>' In New York. Hé wes a legé untIl 1917. sic.CntleG rn on n rtod onedtestop et AND SERVICE teHgeotScey of Ca lén, o fr héaseducrotio OPP, was investigeting affi'- Taunton and was struck b>' 89 1 6bT4 2 ~5 c HEATINGSPECIAISTs C nductsServic da. YCA forfour >'ears and an M1an> lègse senieus chargesanesbudcri 011 sud GasInstallatins He wde. hononed wlth e doc- éditer for McMilhen Pubuli- wrWhillidfneaipme.CrsènMillan, 288 Kaiser! Save 200 Oilan Ga istalaiHé wrwesad ab inethposd.CfecetOshawa,onNv Plumbing Repairs >u a vnig 0no! o laws dégre y th ing Co. or two years. Hazél Mary Austin, R.R. 3, 18th, pleaded guii>' and wa ..--------- . SS n a V enn University' o! Waterloo, Oct. In 1925 hée foondéd thée Boys' î h 17 Liberty St. N., Bowmaniville 241o i otiuin eTnmlgSboacreto-Pon typoa. peae net guîly found guilt>' o! fraud. Ong Phn 2-51 Peace, thé thème o! Tninil>' aI Institution, In Bowman- o! impeired driving, August Jul> 2, Robert Stevens High FRYU H PIN OVNEC 50t - .G.I.. Candleligbt vle 23rd. Walter Yarema, soutb-1 way 2, bougbt a swlmmlng pool Serv Uiewssggsé b'aSeven >'éars iatèr, hé wes a bound on North Street. New- OPEN Pankay Poos. Th Candenrii riigfudrad ia rnia wsdiiceg undestd y r é hèu h tndrd ipa' ECETSAPoDEolsh.ndW D. DC.2thh16 ILocalII Reres l 63511MUTPELSTN EVCEjeaentatvs iwsnathO! h ntlsiH alscoerganîzed thé uni- quarter. Five houra later Ed I Leas es Owmné63511MLIPELSIN EVIEIeAgrimntai té nario versiiy's marketing semlnars ward Cherry reported ha car of ~ W pcaîe I Ares Office: I * Agnicubtural ~~Collège, Guelph, fan businessmen.soinHéhlramtetaiALEEFesofA otd Nrb41PrRdCoerelOshawa & District fo, man>' yéans and more ré- HéeVies a mnembér and eIder h a tuk3mtigo M«anager -Frank Smith. Rcl ction a irthéUnrsîtofWte Fboo. United Cbunch, mis new IH Casual-Airo ihae5m rvnofo R D A lt Oshaw IO'!hawahé5h76s9uck30metheg o Estate Board dcén t th niersi f aterswate rOrpelient jacket and Hth conce5sindrodwee toffURKoY Osas5603. _____________Waterloo. HL, was aise founder and matchung I ree with aur new teLocesonua Meats RA E 1T RK Y Thrée o! thé bélier known pasi président of thé Péninsvh- Red Jacket Speclal offor. This caugbt fine. He abandoned boksamnghi or tanvalaGrmn olloe bousYo'I gtwhn ouhaethé véhicie and reported It aise Fresb o I k a ong bi re i t he iese nta n o lk o e S - a kand cthareOne e tra solen. Th é fine w as $35 and T I K F If A ft I IcungTrail o-h ic treGnooiclScé>. your tractor ovorhauled 'in aur cOsîs, or five days. l A AGRICULTUKAL pulctosiehsois lt> !Otnoad::O-bs oi ge tmwhn.yoo hae URKET ..and uCAPOsoNeaChes a~uuouWali ncuingThé wrkisa de- Hé a lofone fthe SrieDprrot ao~ Wihbent Marshall, R.R., Sun-' 1 rptin o Pénsyvene Gm-Watrlo - elhngin banb od look st your tracter. s3 t derlend, pheaded guili>' o!f HI a séritlofment inatè Gr-oaroof héEnglllshgSperakng flJsty? le the paint faded? lu t dniving with a lb.d averhang. CI KENS Made e you CUSTOM WORK Inwhich hé trled ta show thé' Union. lHe was a Ille mémber tgvi nget hfull drCreain imorethan ive feeî Te finHMeD C S E pcfiai oniisTi-ne n.aflbw o! t Ihis generous affer. was $50 and cosa, or tive- tcIdafePris "*LUGIG DISCING * SPRAYING Trares. elowo tedays. MS-D C -Ec PLUHIG"Hé was a dédicatéd ama- London, England, Huguenot Constable B. Tihîson, OP?, ATTRACTIVELY P Rg---tI CULTIVATING* GRAIN SOWING 1téin historien," said a Uni- Society' and thé Cari Schunz .1 7:15 p.m. November l2thPRCD______________ versit>' e! Waerloo professer. Mémorial Foundation o! Penn-a ldt nacieta "CORN PLANTING *BALING * MOWING 'Hé !ollowéd that wib Treil sylvania. théintere tion acciantont of thé Huguenots and Trail o! Hé recently ésteblished ta n rscgegnRofau.ntMan *RAKING *COMBINING thé Iroquais Indiens. andbohanships t thé un.vers. iHé recénil>' publisbedi a tics of Guelph and Waterloo.I shahl, southbound on Scugog, *GRAIN and CORN DRYING Histor>' e! Agriculture in On- I Sorviving besides bis w1~fe wreed s oto taud no CORN PICKING and SHELLING 1 taio, commissioned by théelig one daughtér, Elaine, o! Y K S T R A 'Sto saledan provincial govénrnent. Hé Watecrloo. Hé tg thé last sur- left hlm in thé intersection. jsi comphéted another cr- iYnKeme a isfmî>. A cO- ivngmebe o hs aml..Hé révensud, trying ta back(OM 0FQAT) e. baByn issioned work, Hislony of, Thé body rested et thé Ed- away, Gar>' VanCamp. Poni>'- Vau Bynt~ghan TownshlOt ward R. Good Fumerai Home, J AR pool. eestiiound on Taunton,, HM FQAIY Bon nCocr !d ntJuY aero, ntlWensdytbinking thé vehicle was mev- .A~~ ~~~so 22. 1889, hé recelved bis Thé funeral was conduct.ed b>' E0.PM T o ngz forward. awung around F v>rrci W OMNIL ~~WW.U ~~bachelor's dégrée from thé' Rév. R. H. MrCoil at thé ;uu beîn ilmd en uneFO:i 163.2301 263-8438 University' of Toronto in 1911. Finsi United Church. Burts! 3 ingS.E omnl nverhanging load resuiting In mastes dérées rornTorontol wai in Mapis Cemetei->, $1500 damage ln bis new car.j1 and M1cMatr universlties, aiMapie, OUi.I John 8IiiéId. Actinolté

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