- ~ . - .'LJ y-. '4'e-sn.m1 - a "Mr.O.aMIMi.m±.. U -.. %- 1? e g - ~LAM»,IMta l.ilUf, BowTn1vUe, LJeC. 7. *I~on D....i:.... eviws The Litftle Block Lamb1, Recrctio RevewsA STORT FOR CHIL IEN "" Tyke Noeker slst, Roc. Jukie cote goal and wtula Steve James had one as- by mimnie E. MeHoIm In te t. irtgae played on-Gord Wallis ma goal. For the sst. The Cus ol ee Oc ay ayyars age before the Christ was born Tuesday, EDcc. 2rst the Hornet& Baronslions goal it was Rick scored by Kerry Noble and' ~ deeatd Ua Crdialsby 4-2aln To Wolna whle ob ones There lived a Little village boy in very humble home. score. Thea Hmebt' goals wee In the third game tce Flyei s. picked up one assist. Hi ahrwsasehr n i aewsBnjamin 11 JmAored bY RwbdY Prout withIand Giarits piayed te a 1-1 tie.' In the third game the Panth- He kept a flock o! sheep and lambs not far from Bethlehemn. - tva' and WaYde Prestont and1 The Flycrs' geai wus scored by ci-rs defeated the Bruins by a Now, in these days the &i-st berri son received his father's E Stan Greenham mme ech.. ThejAfdy Jarvis while the Giants'; 5-3 score. The Panthers' goals naine *Cgrdinak goals were acued byfgoal waau ccrcd by Wayne!were scored by Dan Leddy oneBu htamxptis ig bifbhwe cldte Kevin Ward whila MurraylWhiteflafl assisted by E BillBr-land two assists. Pete Holkema Btwa i-pti ngtb fbt eecle h '1 ]Rddy picked up one assist. ikett- !and Ken Livingstone one goal saine. In the second cantest thei In the fourth encouniter the',and anc assist each, Dale Cowle, Se they shortened it to Benjie sometimes te "Little Ben". Indiana detcated the Blades by Bisons defeated the Raiders by 1one goal and Bill Preece anc Hew Benjie loved the summer when they camped eut in the a 5-2 coiint. The. Indians were a 3-1 counit. The. Bisons', geaisIgoal and twe assists. The'fed "lad by Denni&SoBbil wiUi three were scored by Joe Nowlan, fienlgoldsr soedb 90015l and Greg Brut, w< Doni Prout one goal and one, Paul Hart, Dennis Broorne.' And he could play the wbole day long among the sheep @ mlaad one asult. The assist. Gary Dusseidorp OflC'Gerry Masterson one geai and and lambs. Eaugoalns wcr scored y goal whiîe Jim Maguire pickedaone assist. Rick Thiele picked When summertirne was nearly gene and nights grcw long Carrthar whua Kein Up oneC assiat. The Raiders' lone!u n sit Noble ptcked Up oe ssst tally was scored by Ken Davi- In the final Bantam garne e odfo In thea frit gane played &ison assisted by John Labatt. ýthe day the Braves defeatcdý The shepherd led his ittle flock back to their winter feld,i 'ThurudaY, Der. 4th, the RoyaIl In the fifth gaine the Clip-, Uic Pee Wee Ail Stars by a Then Benjie helped bis father in the shed day after day. anid Steelers fought ta a 0-o pers edged the Rings by a i-0 4-2 count. The Braves goals, And etten cuddled down at nigbt with iambs uapen the hay in the second gaine tha Gu1!Iscored by Jim Pocack assistedisn,, anc goal and one assist.. n, a itelm a er ihca e ht u Arnericans deléated the Beomb-lby Mark Munday. :Joe Humenick two goals andý black. ars by a 4-0 score. The Amern-1 Pee Wee Hockey : Rus McQuaid one goal and two The rnother sbeep rejectcd it and always pushed it back cana w er a ucored by Keni In te fr3t garne playcd oni assists. The Stars' goals wcere Se then he teok the wee Lamib home and fed it with a speen. Co'wle with two. Doug GouldI Moerday, Dcc. lat, the Hawks scored by Kirk Kcmp and Ian An eysoitgwtobgt kpinhîrmalom onerand re Nihl an econsr defeated thse Kings by a 6-4 Wilcox one goal and anc assistAd rysoitge tebgtekpinhe rnîron Fran Nihll ad Lenardscore. The Hawks' goals %rere while Gary Nemisz and Brian The father built a little pen wherc it ceuid lump and run. B~orie pcked Up oea assist. scorcd by Glen Martin with Martin each had one assist. There Benjie ted and tcndcd t for t became bis own Atom Hockey two and anc assist, Glenn Midget Hockey And when he said his daily prayers at merning, neen In thse firit encounter piaycd Johnson onc goal and anc as-I In thec fi-st game the Bantamn and night Baturday, Dec. Oth, thse RoyaIs sut. Dan-ch KKnox and Dan Cox AIl Stars defeated the Cornets' He always finlshcd with these words 'Please God, make vers led by Brad Gedfrey wit.h and Pete Wiaoughby onc goal by a 5 te 2 score. The Stars' four goals whlc Steve Green- each, while Doug Farrow pick- gaswr coe yRr.Dai-kie white"! grass and Ron Visser plcked cd up cric assiat. The Kings' Gibbs, Paul Fersey, And'y One night the shed was full et light and se he could net up cric assist cach. The Ram' goals wcre sconcd by Tom Mackenzic, Dennis Livingstone, sleep - onc goal was sconcd by HenryPountain cric goal. Rick Sweet- and Guy Johnson while Rollyl Fer strangers wandered in and eut disturbing ail the sbeep, In ueseonganethea nega adoe assis~t. Simpson and Boyd Knox cach Btwea lsh flalepehdalolyran I th seodgreteDon Childs ene goal and one ihad one assist. The Cornets' Btwe tls efI sle ehdalvl ra Penguine defeated Uic Barons asait while Jin Campbell, goals were scored by Terry! Of angels high up in the sky and beard a strange new i lby a 5 te 1 score. The Penguins plcked up anc assist. Baeoega adoea- mn. goalswcre scored by Frank In the second garne the sBak eoe gaiatsndone ga e as- , hv nbthl wk h er ay Leacis with thre and anc as- Beavers defeated te Flyers b ss.SeeWasnoegayTe alwenbtbl wkeb er a y r a 2 o iscoe. he eavrs"wbile Don Smith pickcd UPI And thought that serneone sweetly sangabbysllb. g oal 1wresco.dheBy bave ne assist.a bysllb. goal wer scoed b Rob In the second garne the' Then very slewly walked around te find a manger bcd Payne and Pete Demeter while Canucks deféatcd Piue Ridge Where sweet and warm in blankets soft a Little baby laid Tomn Nowlan scored the 'one Scheol by a 5-2 counit. The Sean Bene anid fis Little lamb played by the crib ail day 1IFlyers' goal. Cauucks' geais were scered by And ished the strangers in the shed wouid neyer go In the finst gaine piayed on Lai-ny Little with two, Rab * i)'lday Dec SUt theCanaiansWilson one, Morris Meadowsawy shutout the Leafs by a 2-0 ane goal and two assists. Mike' Thene carne a day when ail wene gene. ne baby there at ail count. The Canadians' geais O'Brien one goal and one as-, Ne mother singing lullaby's, ne donkey in the stal. werc scored by Paul Sobil and sLst mck Mornison. Ron Pipr But ln the manger snug and wanm aslcep upon th, hay,1 Mat Dillon, anc goal and one and Dave Eyman each had one assist each, while Dan Leaman assist. The Pine Ridge Schoolý He feund his pet ail sweet and white, the dark ail gene had oe assist. goals wenc scored by McInturei away. In the second gamne the with two while Trland, Baron$- _____ __ _____ i IusfW « tflmne tha« by a 10 teo 0ceunt. The Brutes ancaisech pced p werele Utc RbRngeer ss an LuhtsChristmnas Banquet wcreled y B Donghue Iu te final game of the day; f4OW chu*k with four goals and anc assist. the Generaîs cdgcd the Mt.' t L o s C n r VOUE' InMCSui'ao two assistas, Jef Romi anc geai Generals were led by Dave and one assist, Dave Brown cone Ormiston 'wlth thrions Rendr goal and Anthony Ten West- Allen two, whilc GlennRice !A petiodie check of YMG ercind anc goal while Curt picked up one geai and twe nuuaMPog s all a el had othe it.assiats. Wayne Seymour and ByBrownies, Guides ÙM I h h* ots h John Colweii eue assist each. y yor rteton~North Stars edged the Wings The Mt. Rayais' geals werei The lst Brownie Park and; Bethune, secretarv, read theý yor rôecio 8»Y by a close 2 te 1 score. The sconed by Fred Ryan with one,.1: tc 3rd Guide Company of minutes of the last Mothersý nac=Y M&DIt North Stars' goals werc scorcd Deug Cnogh two and twa as-ý Bowmanvilie met with the1 meeting. TeDsrc en tho risk andloneiag isby Eie Van e e ga i, Bob Spicher two goals, j Mothers' Group at the Lions missiener, Mrs. Meachin thenl md ue ssit, nteVanerbrgStephen Parker one assist, andi Centre on Wednesday evening. spOke briefly regarding sonel uamue lot S i~n 2 anc goal and John Turner anc Kreitis Swan oes assist. i Nov. 26th, for their annual changes for the Guide Ci- for a frcW y i£ y=~ assist. The Wings' goals were 'Christmnas banquet. The main pan v.i * medo.T~ . . ioa scored by Jo. Bennett asisted1 dining hall was niccly decor- 1 The rcst o! Uic evening wvas1 by Don Davison. I O IU R arefer the occasion and a given over to Mrs. Down fori Bantam Hockey O IU R lrebfe al a r lu ti. ritBanain ain ragedbufft tblewasan-a Brownie Enrolinent andl In te frztBanam ain ragedat the back of the Fy-up Ccrcmnry. The follow-' played ou Sat., Dec. 6th, the TALBOT LOVIRN HARNESS rnoem with a iovely arrange- iugnc Brwis eee- Piratas shutout Uic Huskies by Aften a liugering lunesa the iment o!fnfesh fruit as the role -S'rwiesGwre en-as,- a t Oscre Te irte wredeath o! Talbot Loi centrepiece. Those in charge Janice Wray, S":teWny gal d obe Sipeon With tw Hanness occurred lri Memonlal o! decenating were Mrs. Win. Diane McGregor, Sally Brad- goas m eu asiat Do Brd-Hospital, Bewnianvllle. Nov. Mlairs and Mrs. A. Brooks. le.PmaCttnLui STUA T 5 lcytwogoas. Gry ilisn ~ ~s At the head table werc Miss McQuarrlc, Chiristine Sellck, onie goal and two assists, while 'Sou of the late Thomas Lorry Joncs, Guide Lieuten- Tina Ganrts, Velvet Stedmnan, had one amit. Randy Baker, he attendcd Antlach Publiceber mother District Commis- beît, Andrea Blair. Six Gel. oe goal. School and lived lri the sur- sionen Mveachmn; R o s e in a r Y dem Ban badges were present-i In thc second gaine. Uic Fiy- roundlng neighborheod aillis Killeen and her mothen Presi-!cd te N'a ncy McGregor, Sari- 1 PGENEEAL IN$UNANCze rs defeated Uie Cubs by a 8-2 ife. He was a very success- dent Killeen; Mrs. Iris Down,tý drat McGregor, Ferri Sted-: ~ Kh ~. . ~counit. The Fiyers' goals wene fui farmer. His wif c Mar- Bnowm Owl; Mrs. Pat Potter,jIman, Cassiie Wilson, Cathyý 24 Kng t I Bewalaflescored by Marcel Belarigen garet Davidson predeceased Guide Captain; Miss Beverley Perfect, T arn mn y Cosgrove.1 officeIRasMe. with thi-ce anid onc assist, Ken hlm two years ago. Hearl, Tawny Owl, and Miss1 The Housekceper's Badge was1 428-5681 628-498s Fernis ane goal and crie assist, Surviving are four ions,i Christine Blanchard, Snowy 1 prcsanted to Cindy Hart, and Bob Luxton one goal and Larny Evsrett and Thomas o! Bow-1 Owl.I the Thrift Badge ta Resemnary Brunt anc goal and oesassîst, manville. Mervyn of Kitchen- Afeafwwode!w-Kîlr. at Antiech, two daughters.I corne by Mrs. Killeen, gracel The foilowing Brownies, Audrey (Mrs. Bihl Horner ofi' s sung, follewed by a toast; were liber presented with, Oshawa and Jean (Mrs. Ron te the Qucen with Mrs. E.Itheir Golden HandBde 'McLean) of Maple Grove. Also Rietmullen at te piano. and Bnownie Wings and wcreý NO ~sunvivlug are two brothers,! A most enjoyable mcmi foi- 1 then aceepted ie the Guide Dewey and James of Orann. Il owed with Mrs. A. irosCnpany by Mii. Pat Potier - and anc sister, Mrs. Ivan Far- as general converioran thi nd HrLs M hel row. Orono.i Guides assistiIig in îcrvingj Laurie Bethune, Kareni Allen,i The funenai service was'and clearing the tables. Sev.I Sandra Brooks, Bonne Mairs' largelly atteuded and was held, eral prizes wene awarded ta' and Lori Fraser. frein the Barlow Fuie raI lucyget an r.E M IL K Hie eB:iLncA. ________ te end ofthe eveltrnw D EHIoEYnues.wrev. aideLncn-Ars o uni a n cd anew * stedem srwice. thereasedCompany___________the_____ Mrooa t, ary Mercer, Gar-i î i relbry t Stomnilran u t H n r _ron. . Comiemopnyo ehl f tr11ý11fa. %3'araing St. E.,nOshawa i thnMtaes ri o u FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th Boxing Day - and - THURSDAY, JANUARY lst New Year's Day FRIDAY, JANUARY 2nd * * * NOW AVAILABLE FOR FESTIVE SEASON At Your Door or At Your Store ~1end 70 Saturday evenirg, Nov. 29th; JOHN 1. B. STARK C h ir o pur a cit i c ln thie Oono Odd Feîews Hall Faloin a lles, ft1e- G.EWI MNNr the Kendai Midget Basebal I moniha.the eat o! ohnI G.EDWN M 15,.C-. Club were honored wi th a1 moth, hedethofJon .Chiropracton banquet and presentation, hav- E. takR.. . ewenîieOffice: 1Iing carlier this year won the1 occrre atMemria Hopi-15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St.'Ortaria Championship ln their tai Bwmavile.onSatrdy, Phone 623-5509 : division. Parents and sup- November 29, 1969. He was in Office Heurs: By appointment porters of the teamn were bhis 56th year. Sonof he atelsac Sarkpresent te enjey the eveningl Son f th lae Isac Sarkand cengratulate the yeuthful and Ida White, he was born D e nl I a iathietes of the Kenidal district. at Starkville and reccived his education in Starkviile Public' DR. W. M. RUDELL, D D.S eA turkey banquet was serv-, edthe gathening wl ich a School and Oreno Continuation 75 Ring St. E. Bowmnanv1ie foiiowed bx' the presen"atio Schoel. On Jure 1. 1949, he: Office Hours:enai married the fermer Dorothy 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily ef the trophy' and the pres- Logan who survives., Closed Saturday and Suriday! entatino akets to the play- A truck driver, the deceased Office Phono - 623-5790 t ercachsadmaaer.r had 23 yeans service with tue DL C. F. CATTRAN, DDS. I rat adco Nwoni United Counties of Nothuin-iBowmanvilllsPrafessloalBl G ant a cairanf o th e- beland and Durham. lHe was 222 King St. . - Sute 204 ed auig rantr focrdthe ha a niember et Shiinh United l Office H ours: entabn wlch iced tMr. ard Church. Mr. Stark was keenlyý 9 a.ni. to 6 p.m. daily MtsblMw-ceHaIiowueli Mr. d interested in sparts as a spee- Closed Satundav ad u Ma rd.M. auiphaKenned, Mr., liater and was an enthusîastic Phone 623-5459 folowr fTAseal adEoc and Mns. Cecil Carveth, Mn. koley. o!bDsealSTndNhc-Y GERTZ and Mrs. Jîm Gilmen, Mn. and! kCY.67 Kinig St. E.. Bowmanville Mrs. Arnold Wade, 'Mr. and Surviving. besides his wife' Office Heurs:Mr.Jh Th psnad n. Dorathy, are two sons and aà9 arn.Jten6 p.m. TedaStaMr. daughter. Wayne, Terry qnd: Moriday through Thursday JmGleps rsdn Susa, Ase srviing a; 9 a.m. to 4 p.n. Friday iof the Eastern Ontario Base- brother and three sisters, Ja mes: Cloued Saturday and Sunday bail Association, cengratulat- Stark of NewtonvIlle, Mrs.ý Phone 623-7662 Border Kramp (Laureyne) o!ýe h edlta o hi Kitchener, Mrs. Carl Tarnbiyn1 achievement tis year. He1 (Mary) n M.Godn ns rance was remlnded of the fact that Powcr (Gwen), both of Orono._______________Iehmelha sttdpay The luneral service was held DONALD A. MACGREGOR lng basebaltri Kendal and fEnthse MoiTis Funeral Cha. Lifo, 'Auto, Home that he ewed much te a num- BowuauvIfon uesday, Irsui'ance e !ledr nthat corn- and Hih hd prmoe ber Z1909e,an was 18 Division St.. Bowmanviliemuiy he ad pood odut4by X1e. T. atudl Phonie 623-5962 bail throughout the years. H @Mv. nU io w l Oen remindsd the players that thev UOMOI«Y.did carry a responsibiiity te Nun*io eMy ioral trfb. Op ta M e i r y Yourger lyr wh ofe utes '~ ydontion ta n'i L U ' ~ look>ed uri te them now ai n% o A.B -Vf. . teir Idois. theCu Soda x0owmanvie Arnold Wade presen.cd the 000-1=- Byappointisent to Bill Robinson. captain of wi Mugi.M-3ou 08252 the team whc lu turn'thanked Gut'Un Tdn Ab& - ('.Tes Thuns - Tri. the people o! Kendai, the Q% sMupY, S0sam. ta Sàp:M. Kendal Recrea tien Associa- Savcry a«*&rie I.Md Bat. -. 0 - là tien and the Clarke Townshipl unml"434 evening Recreation Association who. i th"ough their efforts an& sup- port had made It possible for the team ta :nter and succeed in their charnpionshlp bld for this year. The team present- cd their coaches and manager with gifts in appreciation of their work with te club dur- ing the season. Jim Glrer made the pres- entation of the 'jackets to the players and team officiais. Cecil Carveth followed by pre- senting the players with the Ontario Champlonship crcsts. Mr. Carveth also presented Steven West with the Most Valuable Player trophy which Steven had obtained tIn the ,Newcastle Civic Holiday base- bahl tournament. The evenlng was concluded with dancing.-Orono Times. In the Editor's Mail Sunderland, Ont.. Dec. 9th, 1969 Dear Sir: Last Jurie we again enjey- cd a visit te beautitul and hospitabie Britain. We did not go to any theatre, but idid vicw many broadcasts and 'shows'. almost aillef these were net cluttered up wi.th frequent and repe- titious corrmercials. That is a blessing wve cevet for Canada. British broadcast- Ing does net receive direct support. and se in reality dees the CBS. However, finances in our broadcast- ing seem te be spent on second-class films. horrors and low-brow stuff, in gen- eral. I get fed-up with hear- ing poer grammar. and die- tien, by speakers - the 'ums and ah-ahs. the 'you knows' etc.. just as i dislike the stale to naus eate (often cv- ier) tnîth-straining commer- diais intruding into shows. Such commercials ought te be staged at the start and end et the sport or show. 1 arn told that it Is more difficult to put on a screen- play with excellence. than te produce fer the live stage, and se we sbould be lenlent in evaluatien such as the recent "The Twelfth Night". It seems te me that we In Canada are net enter- tained by the best over the air. I think o! "The For- syte Saga. civilization and such. Yet. days corne and go and we look tIn vain for shows e! high culture. Such weuld draw cromwds as sure- ly as 'adults', violence and sex shows. tho' the ciientele might be different. The wishes of ahl whose taxes. etc.. finally finance shows. should be catered unto. I suggest that times and sta- tions ought to be set apart ifor higb class material. and with very few advertizing gaps. YoLirs. with the Season's Greetings, Fred J. Reed. i ! ife. beghnplng with summer aides I Waterloo. Dr. Tatham tesching ItNorwav Houseý a well known resident e 1 ~Indian residential ischool in! Listowel forwi decade. 13 th * northern Manitoba when he1 wife of the former publshe- was a student. He served of The Listowel Banndt. pastoral charges lntheUt On- George Tathamn. There e~ tarie communities of Sebright, three grandchildren. Kirimount. Hastings, Black-, O.P.ftstock and Kingston. Mr. Bell comblned an un- usual mechanical skill with his RT logcal abilities. Handicapped W qTthe Newcatle Detahten of unfailing courage warmed - b:ier durdn the o Novem 2t The funeral. at which Dr 196er 2rd eigaemb0acen 2tsFranklin Benister gave the N99in esonswere2 ciends. sermon, was arranged by Rev.#rmc 13in charsnwere lind. andJohn Klassen of St. Margaret's T o IT ER, 13 cargs wee lid.Church and the officiaIs of the'~ Aise nvestigated were 51 Kingston Presbytery of the_____- general occurrences in the, United Church. and was con- same perlod of time. Eleven of ducted November 19, rmS.- these occurrences resulted in Margaret's Church. Intermenti .lf'5' loss of personal property by!was at Cataraqui Cemetery. theft. Two persons have been The deceased is survived bv charged with Impaired Driv- his wife. formerly Margaret ing. Olive Deck. and two chlldren. B3 y A M Chritma Drvin Sugesionboth graduates of Queen's Uni- versity. Rev. Dr. J. Milton PU BN ETN Christmas is a tine for giv- Bell Is minister of Central PHONE 263-26-30 lng. Let's give early this year. i Brick Presbyterjan Church in We ask each driver to give a East Orange. New Jersey, and Tyrone, Ontario little extra care, patience and! Dr. Ruth (Bell) Tatham re -______________ itrne. Also. courteous and go humored driver-, will assist in preventing needless tragedy on, our highways over the festive season. -OBITUARY * REV. H. J. BELL On Monday. November 17,ý 1969, Rev. Harold James Bell, j M .A., B.D.. died peacefully, after a sertes of lînessei, the' eid a t' last of whlch confIned hlm te Kingston General Hospital. A resident of Kingston forI ad ii mmmolli. 30 years. Mr. Bell devoted an aggregate of decades of bis life te executive positions for1 jKingston Presbytery of the United Church of Canada and the Kingston Mînisterial As- sociation. He served as past- or of Zion United Church ln Kingston fromn July, 1939, un- Our professional counsel cani quickly put your til his retirement fromn the minlstry tI September. 1958. affairs in good order. Followlng this he and Mrs. There is no obligation to investigate this prompt Bell jolned t.he congregation of St. Margaret's United confidential service with us. Church. for which he served as an active eider until pre- vented by ill-health. Born ln Beaverton, Ontario. on September 11, 1890, he re- ceived bis primary education'4 ln the Peterborough area. N Atter working ln the PrairiesRU T as a stationary engineer, Mr. STERLING TRU T Bell returned to Ontario and CORz z 7I ! attended Albert College in iqm Belleville. A graduate ef Victoria Col- TORONTO - 372 Say Street lege of the University o! BARRIE - 35 DunlIop StresS Toronto, he was widely-rec- ORILLIA - 73 Missisffla SUtres.Eat ognized as a scholar cf He- brew and Greek. He was aiso ewrCW OO nwm opmi fluent ti German and Gaelic, Mm.~Cnd aoi ns'aeCesas and bis linguistie bent served hlm reoeatedly throughout his WIs sOnandAl ff~S~ Christmas - d*e*I 1~ ~ ...~*~ .~ . . . . . . . . .l LOIN LAi CNPS :2 4j9 MARGARINE 3 .9 IGA PURE SHORIENINO 2 .9 VANILIA WHIP TOPPINO u 9 .IGA 6offIej IGA JUICES~-3 ORANGES 21044941 CRANBERRIES 2 me5~ ICA OLIVESM&'ni79 G inger Aie -- Pepsi Seven-up-Orange 5/89C IRoot Beer Plus dep. LGrapefruit &Lemon j I YOUNG CANADA CBE A EVICEATED gmrnsc <(Muimw Ki9La.36 c SANK ee~ Bowmanvillle (E1) 10 WMAN VILLE PARTY CRACKERS nZ39, mimawur unDD' coois I49, ICA MINTS 3 1 CHIPS W5 FRENCH FRIES FARIMHGUSE APPLE PIE 49* LDeFIROSEVE COOL WHIP 1fS RaWS COIFFERICN 114l' NMMPURS Vint49' CAUUFLOW!M.m u 3mm r MMS BRECK IR SPRAY 678 ORMOOSELTIER .énm sr )MUGNS LOTION "k'S Foodliner4 y t' 192 I .1 -4 '.1 r