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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 10

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10 The Canadhan Statesrnan. ]3wmanville, Dee llloetîculturïsts HoId Xmas S r -Ilwas airnast like Christ ma3 at the Orono Harticul turai Christmas Show, Thut-: daY, Decemnber 4, ln the mair beàll of the chut-ch. Nat onl3 Ivere there many -Cbnistmaý frrangernents lt- the show but )&Sa. Sanit.a Clans (in the pet- son O! Mrs. 0, Challt-e> was there antit-cati letters fror Sarnta anti tis,rbuted gifts to 1 arlous merbens. These bai ta be openeti anti neediess to sry createti great merniment L4 thie others present, sncb as the Pair of canes receiveti bv the Pire,,hdent (who hati a sore ankle) anti so diint wahii tée steady". More sulta bIc g1fts were presentedti ta Mrs. A. Van tien Heuvel ont- jutige iýr the evcnlng andt t Mrs. E. li-own for ber many musical cOntrlbutions ta aur'meetings. Mrs. E. Couytet- presenteti tiese gltts. -The Preesitient extentict thanks ta those w-ho bad dcc- Oratedtheta window in Dr. Mc- Kenzie's store in a Christmas themne, 50 be sure anti sec IL. -The Jannary meeting xcilh be a pot lut-k supper an Janu- IRry 22 anti also a musical ev- eting when yau will be in for- Ainne surprises. So keep that date open. st- Mrs. Chalt-e t-cati .- endi o! the Potisetti, s- Prize winnet-s ini n are as folIows: y Ciass 1. Ch-isrnas as Ftty-r . FZeget ut Little Town off Bethý r-Mrs. K. Scbaennnaker s ning ta Look LI.ke Cý n 3. Mrs. R. Chapman ao Ma ry* id Class 2 - Dining ýoMrs. E. Scbmii. 2o Sch,>enmraket Mi-s. C. ie Class .3 - Cift Box- ýe Schoenrnaker, Mrs. I 'M".s O.Chalice. k Ciass 4 - Place Ta.- eSchaenmaker, -Mrs. F. ;Miss Donna Challice. e Clairs 5 - Doar Dcc Mrs. k. Scbacnmaket. IWoodi. Mrs. E. Schmiti Ciass 6 - Cift Iteri tidrieti material.s.-i'ts. Ilrs. Schaenmake - Mn. anti M-s. R. C shoxcet i pctures of loc.- in winter, Santa Clans in rBowmanville, f 1Christmas shows. Rasý Parade in Califat-nia ai et-s. Mrs. Woodi anti ber cammirtec serveti tea lirions Chritmas t-o 00~ ~ ~ i~ai..f LTD.: occasions) . Sani do flOt help er W-Ould be mt-hcb asier to tried the 2 -5 m-ile Grand Prix' i è -~~~ > , t a support the church, butjget alo rg v wiýh_ T hese other cours e u o fi i l p ac î e I I ~they like toi use the churh1 things drive more awa-, ro T e i nofciav, ec mb r lu t. ane £ e t r t h 0 î o !hnteyhv bbe tib the womnen's groups than thev ere satisfied wth t po- Y * e t e s O i t ' . u f o rw h n h e h a e a b es ta be b rtn g in to it. B e fo re lo n iz te n tia l as a te st o f b o th m a n y '1W ~>t-baptlzed and daughters to bei they h-ont be able to get Iead- andi machbine.Y ;h w DerEditor and Readers 1 when sex was cansldered denated the land on whlch lTarried. and leave it ta a et-s at al, as the sarne ones are Top speeds ofup t . the Leg- of the Canadian Statesman: somethlng private and sacred., they stand. and many gave e tokpthcur gi n oi odotaltetrie p w Lpt S3y la. Tt Is recorded tln the Scrlp- but not any more as it is com- o ter im a elluodvees ee techachgan fotgin o o tai tettr phwre elced b- hay- il* Goorloves cheerfut ivee.a (1i larzer - engined sro w mobie s them 50o they .could have a freeyn aue He oniy expects us ta o e c t: twa ont ht nie y .. the show tures when God created the'mon every day talk nawadays chIrheta crshutin. s ther cad t *ur* h:.--------.--* world He created m-an tln His- hr twosiinashe! Our grandparents experienc- cring to haît ve have - He t'le cars that usuallv compete ::. Carl o 0wn mag . anandfemleas w-e have developed a one- lite centred around the chut-ch. dt-aChstianîty in their knows how- much we can at osport. highest speeds j- -s O ndnotunil heyat ofJ~ trck mi. Most young Now they are being fat-ced to day in these lovely aid chui-ch-: afford. m-ere attained on the short Y --~--- lehem-.0 orandn ruit Ithe aden tepeople are told about it-when sit back and see the Windows e.W aerlgo oayi'TeeaeravLt i astraightawa; froncorner I:1 ilehm. . frbidenfrut l th Gadenthe propet- timne cornes ta do boarded up and the doors oùr modern churches, this is this world we the ir'habitaî'ts to corner 4. The cars usttall ,.- ..Begin-, of Eden did they know good ItL Ail this pu blicity has locked. somte are belng tor. a forrn of Christianitv that have the Dower to moderni'ze bit their best speeds on th'e Genitleterwrenke. the wdaroused s0 much curiosity in dlow-n and --omne are being used allows you to go along wtth: with the changing tirnes. bLit long Mat-jo Andretti straigh fig eavs tgeter nd adethe minds of the yaung' for other things flot pertain-lalmost anyting and still cal we just dont have anything awa;-. Atog vr400 ~ Table- apro s t caerthern ae people, w-e can see w-hat is lng to Christianity, ail hO-!yout-selt a Chris,,tian. Many toi do about modet-nizin, ft. long, because the Andretti XeE Table-K ans Wee to e h aeiosthappening. If w-e could get: cause of lack of interest of of our churches of today have Christianit'. to go with tho straight is uphili the shorte- Y Wtso .ns. a Ga-gen pride land people as stirreti up and con- this generation. become more of a social club tirne-, as God i h 7m crer3' taih i asr WasoK.thm oral respect t h an d as'cerned about the low moral These dear old folk are not, as they are more lntet-ested vesterday today andi forever. for snaowmyobiles. Drivers p- li.gvnt u i-tprns tnad - aestaon on apl prosta ri h oilatvte faMn hrhsaetvn edc hti cui taigVI Adamn and Eve. as aur moral oryugpal ddosm0s irl runeia hi htC Tewmnctrt oit to holti the interest af conditions 100 mph speed-, -Mrs. K. standards at-e right dawn on thing ta get themn back up age toaiatend a chut-ch several big banquets of aIl kinds. andi this generation when votu reati will ho reached.W Zegrs te bttrnrun o te ddr:w'here they belongr the sex miles away. andi can w-e biame thyaealgpaie to or see s-orne of thepeftrn ca1gLmc oe h problem would look afterî them. We are losing them to smoke at these banquets, ances that are part ut sortie tTh test daor v the ew r1970 Dration- that., there lis so much wickcd - -I iasdt iîotfo h ht-hadwecntantisome are even boltienough chut-ch srvco>adv a msackitest for the ntar1970 V ton rnuch of a problem. Get afford ta. as their faith is as îta corne, under the Influence; yau wonder ivhat thev are g-Otro~ Mrs. W. ness and violence In the the hemlUne of the dresses, fit-m and strong as the foun-lo din.Thisi ut -: gtotyn. Snowrnobile Racing Federation Y n. ome l eaytrmod. I af aur-i cown w-here they belang, and dation on which they built rnackery ta the church and Tt Is tirne the\- trieti Cod -.isarLninshîp SersTde lo Zegrso rtea gada rent, eve r m ban ail the scanty attire w-arn these lovely aid churches what it stand-, for. When and gave Hlm back Ris right-bc1 aetw da r, Ms. bt-ktheyw-aud tlnk heon the streets and ti public m.aný, eat-s ago. The;- drove God gave us churches He bless-uIpaenth ch-c.bn 11kDrvtMoorishe% r, Mr . bac the wouI thin the ý pla es. C ean p tod y's' horetand bugnyor c ttecembandra2ci.iThehem weeon another pianet as pae. Cen u otasahreadbggercte dadsaci t hr,~ bac hegoti aI gospel thar second winter event sanctioned *4 1wereie novels anti magazines1 several miles ta attend chu rch are ta keep thern holv unto ackv the go -Mac hapman, thev lived pretty close toithe tam'ae, -erthtse s:i tew-as. uda cho Hngood enough for Gt-andpa. bv h SRY- ~Y ,ai areas Golden Rule. 'i udertathtpakub le oar that e str i h eainund av Soo int hes holtHall ndude heGrandrna, Ma andi Pa, and -S 'ui~ Parade thjnk w-bat lt is going ta beowpbcdoai.ftrineadbkorhe Suday ShL Hl adEd.better be gooti enough for tîù- A feature of the Mac's Derbvy o r rn e r like when ail aur dear olderý Today's acceptance of casuai Sundav ev.ening service. Thev aionlCet-easteyh ;Bowl folk of todav have gone on sexual encauniters is cheat- aIso ibad mrid-week praye. been dedicated tat i odtbev gni eie tio . Rnthe Bjblp v ci thetactthat t-aiîtg no j HLIAY RETIGS ndoh-ad rnsre tey rus ngar ongpopeunesmeeting. Quire a difference are ta ho used for God's own l ie antiop run o indot- nd1 m ur tey mut ngou vun pope nlssenlng service sorte coocid libiesad ,onpa?1d o wontier tono when thev see they change their current frorn todav. We have nice work. The chut-ch ls the oniv:y h vig te pj,, pr';50 c o idte lunch sarne of the things goîng on attitude enougb ta search for w-atrn, fast' cars ta tra;e e are lc -ehv nte yn iýtn.te ~ sot 30arst it h and de- arounti thern. and find the kinti of love that' yet rnanv neyer make It Out face of this earth and if we bending instead of sa rnuch dition ta the 2.5 mile Grand etFRO.Mý ALL 0F USAT makes a mat-nage wonderful ta chut-ch. Many parents take' allow ail these ather woridlv, lo e . g ndbni-Prlix course, a short 1ile Iokies.- Some rnav sav w e are living at ie e t elma-their cbildren 'ta Sunda-;peste agaulv lo ednat doiin'C c k - t- nvelai lq~, n a different age. flot the ig creeucesae ,tP aver backxvatts t ig alta- xîib adotui ~ ~ a À ba-se nd bggydavs I kow ig. ome hurces ae a- School but the;- seidorn a'- in. soon the chut-ch 'will be these other activities tha a.1, tzo h GatiPixcus.- his isand u.gp- aYse 1tabe hevocating pte-marital sex an a tend clintch (oniy on special no different than anv other a higta do v.-ith Clsi p~-aasit the 2,500 seat Ji -Mvar EdctdAe9Wa ot trial basis (ta cut down on place of entertaînimeni Sore ne t hr oe i hr AIl uctseduation ct oindt:'dothe divorce rate, rhev cdaim, YA burches are even gaîng 50 rather than goivin' rnonc-- grantistant ill ii e able ta se 19~ If ,e arne non uldnchar- taIbe useti sodnie flot suited with IL? ost 0f ar Uni- od shoe tht xou bae tiretand tances as a rneans of Ifbno-aneaefiî teahcruts s IL H a t r a d s l-e p c a go 't can ho discardeti like an -0 acr# À P a 1 .i liritt wr outet vof. This would-be atiuitrv and I raceste art. anweex the chut-ch.fot Can ueUni--Vmavbe this ionu letter bas bee!i Satutdav antiid .Jancîaî-v gereatiesm e o a ut od contrat-ytta the teacbings off y p ect Godti t sanction and bless, worth the effott ourage 3rd and 4th. Daiiy $2.00 tick- Aanti Creation bave verv ittlee Cati.iHo as cauveti anx- couplereH A part in these sare cniversi- ev r fni L-e h p n ss fctvte ik ths a pat s ce a d Lm r bs ak n o et -ea ilbe t M cs i k v ~ tcs ta av E ucaio wtb eVer hant keeto nesske if i- is work - anti there are ail W ie j. a a e dteI r trs A n C t r o u e a n t o n l r i nth v ha d s e l o n s e - -,y 4 t h e o t h e r m o n e v r a k i n g a c - b e a D a n i e l a n t i -ý p e a k a u r_ _ _ _ g s A A tîvtttes.w-here yon canhbuv about rnan v th n s that shan ýî vout fetomGeae otoIdh ls hptr0 ro- e antiny 'Aat eiamotavbn.Te be of interest ta n1anv patents,; on A Âad.el los nyhgT ~i n nthe scriptures. where there verbs. verse 10, we can t-cati:y anvLm Goiee show d sitar a part m;sl. a"dV dsA nger in the scrîptnres is fnii rtybr oaL A! is little knawletige of Cati, wbo can finti a vittuons wo- a hi He overthrew the tables t-aise a farnilvints aad pepe -u ild. How true! man for ber price is fat above whn n hs a at îthis is todav, flot onlv ln aur rubies: verse 28, he* . chie ronevchy Ilsi the e. ia pea s n 1ingten ock y V ~ If we older folk take a gonti eti er busband to. We are Mtbw2.vre 21,cnent bu hn.at Cbpupr RYocî ma,- say tbev were cheat- arn not t-;%_t11 to 1krac-kn- " g look arounti us we will sealso being tLd averma Lig - tersos nsm hîcbstht it s ai-s Y - - ventes Ibe or ar uni ur yo ng rgh t bea a v ff C Mis ing. Dont yo n think we ae ch tc, as ry l e ce rs 9peanvingtaitepare rev --l onecuce ha tl l cbeating ln Catis sight, when 1araundti he chut-,c-h.It is trie Ibe-fron u orc, ihom bakanm nts f don z iwe tia so ranx- of these activities that ;ve bave ailo%%-y didnt make the sexy mavies, Love anti moderation. But P oe-aigatvte.~ cdt .k vrsnecuce A Or one crime ati saii thou sah flotanti y ** A t or te oes ilId %vithcrie Gd sad tou hal no an W iAtet-e are people in business that I finti impossible ta go ant '-olece tht tex-ca Hesaii i yu lxe e vnA who pay a sales tax ta do along witb. sce on the television, or at will keep mv commantiments.msad ontfre th _ tbe movies: tbev ditin't write We dont stratitle the fence lot~ a ntidot atce the beeae ri lonivinge.erav ti and the S athe books on these tblngs that with Cati,%vie are either forA In the fait of the year there shut-ins anti this -,vili help ta tbey tan buýn n most stores, Hlm or agalnst Him, no baîf y* *, are the big fowlI suppers in make vont- Newv Year btighter and thev ditin't have a vote. Wall. The commantiments W some chut-ches where yau can anti their-s ton. Sincet-el-:, V " gertcvthe.drk-thextg: bev nOnbeont tenmoftcrato saer SeX-'sgo ta see how much yau can Mrs, Davidi Gtav . R. 21, " -a get e,-Ihet ens o:parets' as nthe strngs0f at sate. feat. This Is gluttanons, anc " cn gt-i beaue prens,ýasthestrngsofhabt ae YA0f the seven tieadlv sins that ;ewceastle, Ontario. Ahave gone ont anti voteti yes j ften too weak ta be felt un il Greetings A Cati bas noaLise for, anti there ' , ~ on liquor votes, so that thev: thev are ton strong ta be A are little chiltiren starving A thernseives conîti have mare broken. Tt is quite exident Y You and Yours & ta death in the wor-lt totiay. N n I f liquor ontiets ta satisfy their that the more liberal t-man lif w-e go ta these suppers toi S o m bile own desit-es. Now tbcy bave becornes ln bis tbinktng anti Wp h hrc ubetrw avoteti for more. As the Editorî belie;-ing as ta the scriptnt-es.HLIA Hgo ~bcpthechutch ont. bete Race Asali. vhat tow-nsbip wonld be the less liberal be bccomes in m Aacer th' h ode-Y next? Yet they are consitier- bis giving back to Cati,-and ù# Closed AUl Day moes uste doandth od ex- 111MU lng iowcring the vating age lis lnterest ln the chut-ch- eebr 5h '6h 4pctabgfedlk hi nr- o p r rnEa HI11k ta 18,. once we hase our sinceritv . Deebe 5t, 6hl ec 'f tra big feci lenthisf gnde > or rc A nypaet -h anci~ gradnaily drift away. y 27th, 28th and AChtutn T ee sipletfoot sie oigfor sncb a thlng How manv recalreading y Jnir s.hati in ont- churches ax-et-a Snow;mobile raers ot thetr CrJniayI Anld a -,er U inÀere LanULLI n s isnot thinkIng off the yonng, the lvl btsdpoem 'The 4cp1 nt ih -fteh i-t niai -~~~~~~~~~~ dienpt hvwr hyEnpvCu-h yMni c ments or the congregational 1Ont iospot before the bigc lf~ Awotin't cc-en vote for It ini Holm that appeareti in a ne- iv CLINsuqppr we- e a- o asMl nxmbî eb A the fitst place. P arents fa îL'cent e ition f this paper . yc a -g n o ev h s on v a ua y 3 t t-d 4hVh t h A o sngestal t wpaetsareat ýi h dara Id h urcn hs d r n dnc P H A R M A C Y A' S C H OCK LTD ta eal ze jns w b t ti ng is sat t at n t is day ani m aking activities are just an 2.5 m le track %vas penetid until it Is to ate, I w ald 'for everything csc that tese W K ing St. E.ate a -ry p o s bttte fr T p di rs rru at- m - R R. , B W m n il 23 8 5 sugs htprnsra h'da l hrhsthat ar - yrm. ,i~Chtistianit.v. or snawrnabiîe nianttifacrcit-ers LVSO KLD SProvincial Court ncws every grantiparents sacrificeti anti Y ii God mnst be -et-y disap-14 4wcek anti sec jnst how many: workcd 50 hat-t for, even pitdta ewl s h ýfi off ot- vung people arce - pond a t we wi H llotisente gcttlng inta trouble,bcas Snd-ScolHloretesT l s s lhesyforkthcrnto get e A thl c rvetservice anàtie,--- ~ - diodn.0f ur owhn s otieW iI imi-week prayer meeting hav'e i i ln the future, andti t thlnk '111 chut-ch neetis ts Prayer War- blyan matie It; so easy for them J jA riars. You may say where ai-c 1 oge L av fAu Idrwe gaing to get ail the moneyv people dont know how ta act requiret Int keep the chut-ch when thcy have been drink-' going. Thraugb aur frce-wciii fi ng, Sa how t-an we expeet a Yiig the wav Cati expccts A~ i oung persan off 18 te know' s -- o adIIA gb dn Sa many Innocent people are o providing ont- faith rncan., kiliet or crlppled every year enough tanus. as ont- full gospel becanse of drink, anti many churches are pt-oot that It t-an, .' ahomes anti hearts are broken. O f course JI, means sacrlficlng; this thev do. this Is anc reason Tther I s aost.lmn hepointy A they enjo- their falth lkethey, b a s g o t t e n t alm o t heI p o i nl ei o t s h n r e n i t e o go o t t anyth lng other y1 A t n t (-but-ch where there A spertedtri tercuc ~ jb;~; m ok ng ri kln ai a they haven't allow De îe arotnd y anrseIf y eo-' At t is h li s A tde-cpina d cr w çm oke y aurse. vdn't î s c and han ti sm ok e. v n a c-A o t b y te f o o lise them . anti IL Isnt ai l b"' A à ere IbIt'ty ch el ln a fin'-rë iyauing people who do IL.* Anti epni efn I;rl s p1 a lshom tansec te wv , ia few women do ail thi,;1T sma Y. pieIOf ku a nti gres vork for tewhnie congrega- rnn lok ore lkeor angtieni ta en jo. fhelds wihtheir long heards, athet-- y0f h asnge hsi I-~ look mot-e like females with i f .the t sn of th e Is i- i thW oghi re paiferent, as I spart o tewo- thelbt- m nhained npath yman's wcyrk fixing up the In nter yq n tegrshome se she wMil enjov oing: a hd hatm , nw l tibag h an t g -t th îs'. I l j st doesn't seem t ai ant waen lthtlgt, igh.Wmalter a teheati office ln jPanq or slacks w1th a zpper-I Toronto( how this moncv is Md fly rip the front like the matie, jueses long as IL h 0fn O e o the most fre- ke t c m n n a h esei f f o i a ciun tn questions asketi toatia on T v eartco iwamn.a the st-t-et is -- Ig it mal'el or e or: ~~~havhe rnd hiken ay yhesilonghoàca fernale, Anti the short plece tattheY wamdent' gronbt or mnater-liPlat Is supposedl te t conîtint iup juttaigadthey gl they jnst ont joy burn brightly ini you" 1 larn hor admre u e.sing ndgel lnvoived w'hen they have dain mea t n d m ore re waI yung chilren, anti there are - lmti 'n0 t am. children are In nowadays, that h m n ii o rn ar coujd V*re tat «M âe M.the mother ig expectedtietahelp Thenlà arit #th AYSwith that she Is on the go ail >YMthe time. The average math- 1 limi. 1 Jt n < " 'e Hope Your Holiday is a Driving Success et- ges enough tatering te do ar e-n'nU.t u l other caterng actlvtes: where < I I I w u r dr o e wt o t al tee~j JL d t go M cthey get so tireti sometimes i1 'tu *'u.Ingsfore s l ld o mthts a a Wo r d c s L JAM ES N IR spahi the cause they are work- un.lr ne BOWMANVIILE 1htter for dadte t give a litte !l J. C. FOUND, W. J. HENRY AND STAFF X tod lnthemore so that the women Chia,- wouidn't. hav'e ta do these things ln the church; ws rnot.- 'I MES 5 C AND STAFF ,c. 24, IMI;

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