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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 13

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VAN -RO PAINTERS PHONE 623-3075 ]BOWMANVILLE PROCLA 1 arn instructed by Municipality of the to dg Boxing Day, F 1969, a Pul &Jqnv,ta tior CLA PUBLIC LIBR) aire hoh Open Saturday, De' 1:30 - orý those interested in which is to be refurnisi RftLV_,,-jffte4 a, and Centre Sts., Orono. (formerly Wadde' The Board welcomes idg the redevelopment of ti meet with interested ind 3:00 p.m., December 27t1 THE C] PUBLI4 an ul m ei g o h n aroT eC'd a twm n B I= n il .D r.2 ,I Pbi ealth Association in Toronto. The Ontario Depart- ment of Health called a meet- ing which was attended a l M edical O fficers of H fealth.t A. ay n r e et .o d m Mrs. Frank Ardron, Mr. ing Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hard vi-1 hiswas eldprirtrk~e age ta his wellcusdfm Ala rio fTrna i n aiy, r dMs l-ited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc-! Ontario Public Health Asso- excavation In the Twal and Mrs. J. Madison Ardren,ier Mddleton and family, Osh-!Arthur, JoAnne, Brent and: ciation. ravelgpit.d The Inidet ;Jeffery, Gregory and Jo Ann awa, for several days. Barry, formerly of the Pi-es-1 Charloette Md.by he On.ai, of Burlington, visited theirý Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotteri tonvale district at their iohrlteM.Hner 1 01) Watereores Cmmisio icousins, Mi-. and Mrs. Horace'of Don Mils spent Wednesdayi oeo otrde tet r* BAM.D.,D... horro-tOfhf'twa ti * Best on Saturday afternoon. 'afternoon and evenlng of last Oshawa, an Sunday. Meia ficer 1 C township's i-esponibiy t ,Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Twee- week visiting several friends, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai- oweat.Ifel I Il'.' fi ayfrThe owein m u die of Locust Hill spent Sun- in Orono. Ilice and Denise spent Sunday i s a l Wt r Sr i e ylsrne-r day with Mr-. and Mrs. James Mr-. and Mrs. Gus Wilson, afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.bynurc.OooTin. E. Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartwig John Killeen. Rosemary and. Counicil of the Township of j presentative ta the Oshawa Sunn3ydene Estates L!mited for- _ _____ Mliss Catherine Power and attended the annual Christmas' John David, Bowmanville. Com meci al..O Clar-ke held their final meet- Area Planning and Develop- the sub-division drclnorth iMi. John Conforzi of Toronto dinnei- and dance held on. Mr. Elmer Middleton and Ing of the year on Monday,metSuyC mie. ro!fheOn eeey TW !were Sunday dinner guests of Tuesday evening of last week Debbie of Oshawa visited his Hy December 15th with Reeve ta this Clar-ke Township has sub-division has nowv been ' ckey j menteStuuntCymmltbe. Piorpofethe OMonoaCdmeter JaThi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Go-a teCutr lb Bw arns i- n rs ae Foster conducting his lastj been without a member an the given full and final approval . don owe. mnvilefortheempoyee ofE. iddeto onMonay.session. 'committee even though theyý The Orono Police Trustees W do n d rs. Frd Dyesof le rae ery. fE.Midd an Mrs nRpet yer e r In the correspondence coun- were withln the basic area of wei-e gîven approval to sigli SNestîcton, AIr. and Mrs. Regý Julie and Cindy Luxton of of Bowmanville, Mrs. Cecil 1 i a no-e fterp-- h td.Apitetb and initiate an agreement witli fiSutton were Sunday dinnerjBowmanville spent a few days Robinson were supper guests, vincial equalizing factor which the township Is ta be made Mai-shall and Jane Keast for;V guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Char-iof their sehool holidays with'of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson! by Bob HelIam ti erto u-hrda tteJnaymeig the entrance ta and the pump- g lie Andrews, Jr.. Prince Albert, thei- giandiparents, Mi-. and on Wednesday, December l7th.f On Sunday, Dec. 21, the tai e-cn.Ti steo- eiinwa eevdb n fa xsigwh ntesi ta a11tedd h hita& p aryMre..est f c en t. his Unite lw eiinwsrcie yln fa xsigwl nte !.an atendd te Crism-a'Mr. HrryMerer.Mr-. and Mrs. Brian D. Commercial Hockey League! ties of Northumberland and cunlrt e pesn te ihn 17su- a roet. Mi-ad M09s.0 Keast service at Prince Albert Unit- ýMi-. Douglas Moffat of: Priestley and daughters, now 1 played their last hockey games1 Durham. peiisin ethefOconski subs- aetthatb pai $30900. It I ed Chrch.Guelph University, is at homeof Arnham Street, Oshawa, 0f 1.969.* In the fi-st gameï A letter was received fror ivgtins tlaion s of rn wrqet- e that by taktne water a reomn Nfand Mrs. Dave Ferrier wîth hîs parents, Mr-. and Mrs.'formerly of British Couba rsnsSoe Sop wnhe Presbytery of the Presby-Iservices to their homes. It be lowered congiderably In of Bolton spent the weekend John Moffat, Blain and Ian, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil their second game of the year terian Church of Canada In was pointed out that water. In the area of Church Street with her parents, Mr-. and Mrs. for ttre Christmas holidays. Jones and family on Sunday.! as they trounced the haplessf which they agreed ta terms wells was lowering, causing North. Orville Challice and family. Mr.'and Mrs. Ted Wilson Mi-. Priestley xvas recently pr- -i Walter Frank team by a con-o!steenasotndbyoepibes.Te eitn A AiMrs. John Eddyvean spent and childi-en are now re.siding moted to the IBM Head Office,' vincing 7-4 score. In the first the township . solicitor for is belng referred ta the Orono e u f$.5.6cnet IFriday in Bowmanvilie visit- In the Brimacombe house on Toronto.i period Jim Coyle and Gai-y turning ovei- the Newtonville Police Trustees. ed %vth the village road work 1 ing her sister, Mrs. Alfred,!Church Street North. i Mr-. and Mrs. Han-y Mercer.Akey scored for- Bryson's and Cemetery to the Township of Seven building permîts werej has been held over for pay- Prescott of Hampton, who was Mr-. Clîfford Bruton received'entertained 34 members ofAi-chie Crossey with his first1 lik.Telte ttdta sudi oebrwt ment until 1970 when It wili a patient in the Memorial Ho.,- a long distance phone call fi-omj their family at their home on of three goals made it 2-1 they agreed ta turn over a total value of $58,800. Dur. then be Included in the yearli pitl ad asocald o Ms.Vncove- Jlan, .C.to i1 Sunday, to their annual Christ- Bryson's. sm of $2,000.00 on settlement1 ing the 11 months of 99ara ylw Arthîr aunerso! Wvery hm tat win augter wee ias prtyanddiner.In the second peiiod Don sf the transfer. The writer total1o! 120 permits have been Road. born on W ednesday of iast! Miss Sally Staples o! Aima; sae h tle c ud n t un rIsC é ih a v l e o SMrs. O. Chapman returned week to his daughter Joan and College, St. Thomas, is with MMre n TryCre ~ oeonMnayatr ii oni awSreatad r e prns i.an1ls scored unanswered goals for I rtand w.hy this turnover had $1,482,172,00, home o Monda aftervisit-son-inIaw, Srgeantand MBryson'srcrta. openndthe, gapsn'sdtaogeedteonaforldsuch aonflonguhMa .o.VeitriVe submittedted to Philip Trofimuk, sisters for Donald Staples and famiil' for 4-1 at the end of two pe-iods. time. The letter was tabled' council a 24-lot subdivision M ERR Y Maryanne and Michael. the Chistmas holidavs. ' a i h tid perodGodwith a copy being sent toaE. plan for an area east of Mill Mr. and Mi-s Tom Hardy, SEASON'S GREETINGS"i Rundie sconed his first and.1 R. Lovekin. Street in the north-east sec- pFî~ MATION 1 second. goals of the year to The resignation of Carlos~ ton o! the Village of Orono. XMÏ the Cou6-c1. cf tue Crossey'.;Tamblyn ta the Memonial Hos- 1The la ssbmitted t he Norhum erlnd & D rha scon gol f te gmemadlpiaiBoad ws cceted Ilanning Badfrtercon-i Townhip f Clrkeit 6-2 but Don McMurter Council was informed by j sideration. TwspcfCak u * m .scored is second o f th-e letter that they were now en-j Counicil signed the final y ýeclare Helta h U. nit ot game to make it 7-2. A-chie titied to appoint anelected ____ubdvison_ areeent__t riday, Dec. 26 Report for October 1969 plea3ed te have -Dr. F., J. ENNISKILLEN ~Iu Hlidy.Communicable Disease Bowerman, oculist from Osh-ý O! 75 diseases repoi-ted dur-j iwame a ton tem ts taffeh Remembei- the annual C.G. ing dinner guests of Mr. and mind n h ot,4 e e et igion. problsoin hd-W ne u bre~ ing the monh, 48 ererens isin W aN hd an I. T. Vesper Çandle-highting Mrs. Grant Werry. iç" H.DWTmumps, 13 infectious hepa-' ntrstnghu1 he0M.G. Sei-vice at 7:30 p.m. in the Mr- and Mrs. Herman Haasss Clr.titis, and the balance cem; N.MacLeod spoke about hurh n Snda, ec,28ti ndfaly, Bowmaniie, sC ofhtIob ____________posed of ehickenpox, saimonchge in poohin Mi-. and Mi-s. Bey. Veale weeSndysprgesso __________________ ellosis, scarlet fever and 1 edcto.1, and David, Murdochville, Que., M- n Mrs. Keith McGill. dysentery. dcto were weekend guests with M- Mr. and Ms S. Lamb and Threwee abd niai: At anothei- staff meeting, V and Mrs. Ted Werry and Mr'. M . ad Mrs. . PEad sen 2 skunks, 2 canine, 1 feline Ms ao evetadMs1F. W.Werry. Before Mr-. and 1Satiurday evening with Mr. AR EY i HYX' and 1 bovine. Four o! thesel June Murphy, public healthiiMs. Veale returned home a and Mrs.Fred Holnoyd, Hm-E s A T E P O S were in Cartwright,, Clarke, nurses on staff at Whitby 11711'-'istmas gathei-ing was held ton. and Hope Townships in Dur- Psychiatric Hospital, spoke toi .~~J at Mi-. and Mrs. Ted Weri-y's. Mn. and Mns. Elwyn Dickey ORONO 983-5206BO M N IL LRKE 1Vcta Countyand 2eue ofl tai Health. CmuiyMn Jackie Veale, AWoren' Col- Sunday tea guests wthMr.ES OM ETSEVC contact with animaIs found to. Miss K. Trotter, Depant- O lege Hospital, Toronto; Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton. -A~EWU ~\R B JL D eabdtrepron -e et !Rhaiitto Md-Doris Camenon, Bowmanville: Mi-. and Mns. Keith Cryd.. AR O A Dreevd aie a cine , also addnessed the staff! iD Mi-. F. W. Wei-ry, Mi-. and erman and girls, Zion; Mi- Tueclsson speech pnoblems in schooli ' )7f.jMi-s. Bev. Veale and David. Tom Hockin, Port Per-y; Miss ding anTurcossfgrsae lt childi-en. Mrs. Maynes, SpeechljG V Miss Jackie Veale returned Gall Stainton, Scarborougb Completefiue ar nt Colrectionist fnom the Nor-, home with hei- parents for Hospital, were Sunday visi- available yet for Victoria and thumberland - Durham Board' Christmas hoildays. tors at L. Staintan's. ~j 5~ O I F t ( u s eHaliburton Cuf e.Atsof 3~ Education ws reen a iss Dois Stainton, Barrie, Vei-Y soi-y toreport Mrs. w~ ~ 4~ enprofteDsrc,94Th w stf meetings were, w h ber parents, Mr. anà fali in hei- livingroom and has pensons eeived chest x-ray. held in Octobcn as, in the Mrs. L. Stainton. injured her hip; she is In the F ive new ctive cases wei'e winter, it may be difficuit for WMi-. and Mi-s. Ralph La mb Oshawa Hospital. We wishi er ited aan atiumntstend.se from Halîbui'tonto and Lesley wex-e caliers at Mn. Jessi e a quick recovery. k1 ceeamte asaaoim ted and Mi-s. Francis Hummel's, Mr. an d Mrs. Wallace Gi-........ Ce b r 2 t Three o! these wene in ane Severai nurses attended a ilbok fin. Heather and Dale wr ember 7tIirinPeerori r ndMrs. Lloyd Slemon, 0f Mns. C. olacutt Bow- 3:00 p.m inetd wugilrn h on woriçing with fami- I Susan and Fred, Haydon; Mr-. manvîie. shows the nced for ail elderly lies of and Mrs. EarThirewoursDoreen Mi-. and Mrs. Ted er ~ ~ persans to be examined regu- e !aiooac.Tiscus vxwngte uldn lrY. Foho-up o! these per- was sponsored by the Depart- ,S" and Donald, were Sunday din- and family are leavng on6 he moetentray o! Addiction Studies,! ner guests with Mrs. F. Tuesday by car ta spend. t he fornte ra hrch lns ic H elNreandtheiub-Peterborough Civic Hosia.Toms. Christmas with Mi-. and Mrs. contact5ofll be exa ine v i-. N. Maciven, p ychologist i fo urfm[ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Row Bey. Veale and famiiy at c27na ets wi erexagie o! from .t«he Ontario Hospita,ý l ands: Scarborough; Miss Clara Murdochvlie, Queb. Coboug, vsitettheHsa-hJweo y gr fmiluPage, Toronto, were visitai-s Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ax«- il roprty whch wee psitve.nit on two occasions with-W with Mrs. E. Page. ford, Hampton, entertaincd 4 Immunzation th e students o! the two-yean Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp their parents and familles ta a / e , , leas and proposais for With Hcaîth Unit office course for Mental Retandation na and girls were Sunday dinner pre-Christmas gathering on his property and wvi1l clinics and the school immu- Certificate. They wene inter- A ~I Dguests o! Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Sunday evcning. dividuals or groups at nization programme, a total ested in the role o! the Health AshtMr., adonr. HrbT Li h e .CW din e mteothe . ho! 71 clinics were field during Unit in the pr-ogranmme fox-UCW wudlket hn the m-onth. At these, there the mentally retarded. Thyy and Staff tan, Bowmanville; Mi-. and ail those who have helped in' LARE en 8 pima-yvaciaton wee ddesedbyDr.C.M.WIn-. eslie Leighton and fa-aywy towards the dinners ai-id 101 ri-e-vaccinations 1wHre dr, Medcal DffiC.e o! SUNOCO SERVICE ilsh a;M- an Mrs. we have catered ta durlng the C LIBRARY BOARD children compieted the initial Health, and by Miss E. Flax- Eougtcceweil and aiy ye Or Cuc ulei n pi-oteets against dîphtheria, Nursing. i Bw avleCutcw r u dye e - u-Cuc ultn o ihoyiis n d mugeanses; 1 taf members attended the--- Crosscy and Ron Simpson then Inspîrîng end encouraging 1 scored for Frank's ta make It printed message fnom oui- compeitedQu and 32 had; 1 7-4. Jae Balson for Brysan's minister. A second message M anagement and C4..U copee ud n 2hdhdavery good day as hie came ta the 'congregation atî~* UI~~ U ,,îrIIama reinfoi-cing dose o! Quad, picked up foui- assists. Winny the morning service whih whiic 68 had a reinforcing _Vanstone h hree assistsfor,, , ..-.~~ r j DI Ctbritmai, IUt uw prap for ptace VIorth cuti Ellioti -Funeral Home VISION ST. ROWM.ANVILLE jFashions BOWMANVILLE 1 ra~ Wal-er Frank. apins entitlecid h Waiti- Fank.FearThatBanishes Fear"'. In the second game Brook'sl The chow1iand leader, iooking Supentcst won thein ninth festv ih thein Christmas game o! the year as they corsagesandl bautonnieres add- trimmed Mutton & Gould 8-5. c da muical touch to the4 Mutton & Gould took a 2-01 senvicle with two anthems:, lead In the first peniod as Irv "Emman el" wlth a dciight- Gill and Ted Fairey put goals fiat solo by Miss Sheryl -V Past Grant Wright. Steve As;hton aid "The Sng of the ! Burns replied for Brooks to Angels" which included ai narnow It ta 2-1 es the first plcasing duet by Mesdames! pcrlad ended. The still un-* McGiil and Sharp. dcfeated Brooks outscorcd Mr-. and Mns. R. Howe and Mutton & Gouid thi-ce goals to family weire Sunday visitai-s one, as Steve Burns, George et the home of Mrs. Howe's Salnsbury and Lai-iy Chant parents, Mi-. and Mrs. T. scored for Books and Bob Dickson, Bewdley. Others Hclam replied for Mutton & present for the Christmas Gou!d. The second peniod festivities were Mr-. and Mx-s. ended 4-3. Lai-iy Perris and D. Tordif! and Mai-cie, Osha- George Sainsbury made It 6-3 wa, and Mi-. an-d Mns. J. Dlck. for Brooks very carly in the son and famly Beaverton. th.ird. Ray Rendeil blasted ~g one past Wright for Mutton & f Gouid and Ted Fair-ey tipped one In to make the score 6-5 for Brooks. Lai-iy Chant then scored bis second goal and Steve Burns scored bis third the asIsts and.StevBrosS tarr maeri 8-5.orBooksn Lary Perisad one goalurnds jwith his hat trick and one assist continue ta i-un one-two In the scoring race with Burns holding a two-point iead. EGrant Wright, playing In goal jfor Brooks, continues to lead goaltendens and has just about wrappped up the Vezina Trophy. Ted Fai-e was the big man fan Mutton & Gould as he scored twicc and assisted on two others. The Commercial Hockey League Is idie Dec. 28 but con- tinues Jan. 4 with Mutton & Gould playing Bryson's Smoke Shop at 9:30 a.m. At 10:45 ýBrooks Supertest rocet Walter IFrank Real Estate. The Executive a! the Com- mercial Hockey League wish- es ail its player, coaches and fans a Merny Christmas and a Happy New Yean Icese se by Kathy Mro IAil o' us at Clarke are veryl [hae)y now that. the exarns ai-el Thus, in the season's joyousi mnood, we hope your Christmas season is fliled with happiness; that every day In the coming, Chnistmas joy.gMa rai n o yer sar can rinM a erai n j ou &ad peace on earth. il sùngs be with you cr & Sons HEATING Bownianville - I KING KOIN LAUNDERETTE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY SAVE $ $ $ WITH OUR Dry Cleaning Service Done while you Shop MAY IT DWELL W1Tf YOU ATCBST3 COLLISS ELECTRIC I BOWMANVILLE a received measies vaccine. Publie Health Nursint As the school year has stantcd,. public hcalth nurses are again being called upon ta apndmore and Moi-e Urne ln the refenral and foilow-up o! cases o! leai-ning diffîculties iand behaviour problemns In schcoi childi-en. Assessment ciinics are hcld every manth by Peter-bor-ough Mental Health staff in Lind- say office on William Street. Serninars are held ln Belle-, ville Hospital with Dr. Conn and in Whitby Hospital withI Dr. Deadman. Staff from Peterborough Mental Health Clînic corne ta Campbell!ord and Cobour-g ta discuss refernais wîth public hea]th nurses. To Ail Our Frienî Audiometry fomth Hearing tests were conduct- fo h cd in Campbellford, Hastings,,~ Coboung, Port Hope nind Bailiebone, and in Haldimaind, L ini s lia Hope and Percy Townships.ý .51 Audiograms were made 103 KING ST. E. indicating that theî-e were e new de!ects, 3 retests wr. e normal, and 44 defects were stili present on retest. (li-e- ferrai from a physician wasîW _____________ normal). Environmenial Sanitation1 The usual late faîl rush by home-building contractai-s ta have private sewage disposai ______________ systemns installed pnio r toa.______i_ freeze-up necessitated 329 mn-j spections, 76 i-e-inspections ofi nstallations, and 215 iayouts, j* ' for proposed installations. The! 'Ui' constr-uction o! private scw- ige dispos.ai sYstemns is dis- couraged, for obvious i-casons, after the ground is frozen. The semni-annuai inspections of mnilk pasteurization plants vere carried out. Seven such ispections wene made. One damy nequired special atten- on referabie ta sanitation. Nuisances under the Public [ealth Act, such as accumula- 'ion, surfacing o! sewage, and others occupied a great Jeal o! the inspectai-s' time ,1 as 117 such compiaints were nvestigated an-d the neces- n-ry corrective mneasures werej irected to the parties con-! enri earsMay Christmas bIes, Mrs. S. Good, B.Sc.N., o!f, Velore jind hej wan lle office nunsing staff as ai art-tirne public health nurse. L . A. PrkE ie will be working in On. aro Street Sehool land ai-ca, PLUMBING & id in the Powmaoville High' 15Kng t.E TheO nursing staff were W*aa F- ---------- Il OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY Shirley and Jim Colliss and Staff

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