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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 14

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........................r 14 The Canadian Statesran, Bownmnvle, Dec. 24, 1989 'Geflerals defeâted th Canucks'Ih 14by a 9 to 2 count The Gen- My ChAP iîw ..drs1a eral goals were scored bv iej r r m O t w 0Mike Corneil with tour goals IV and one assist, Wayne Sev- niI Recreation Reviews if our ogal. DGle riStaning By Rssl rConey, M.P.ha four aone s.Gol eritwo KUSSeII L. 1 *"NOR HOCKEY ond game. The Barons goals assists. The Canucks zoals[ This week the Hotise of Commons passage, for shps of ail Nations, throuch Crsna Tyke League wStanrdbiTng elyIweesordhvPu Dlo Committee )n Indian Affairs the waters of the Canadian Arctic Arch- As a Nex pca it In hefirt ameplyedo'and Rick Bain white paul wlth twoan Morris Meadows Dec. 16th the GuIf AmnerIcans Hodgson and Darryl Williams two asîsts and Northern Development gave ipelago is compatible w'. th the protec- Sshutout the Blades by a 2 t. each had one assist Th ne Please Note: strong lead to the Canadian Govern- on earth weescored The ecns çoale Bih Bktt a crd' There will be no Atnm. Ban-' ment on the matter of sovereignty in ti -on of fundamental and essential Cana- That war cloudsmihbert tBiolldg t oc ey ths an da A ctc.d.an nterests in her A rtic w aters. and Scott Sellers while Len In the third gamne the Royals i oming Saturday. Dec. 27th. The Report exprésscd concern over 'llowever". said the Committee, "anv If I could have wa ol gAHone picked up one asslst. , shutout the Kings by a 7 to 0 o teMde n Jien - l a The second game went tolscore. The Royals were ledi du,evthe nmdient duen- the danger of pollution inherent in any passage which poses a danger to Car- lk the Steelers who defeated the, by Brad Godfrey with six 1 e Hoceo urF' a rent hn hed n riday. December2th maritime traffic throuph arctic watesaaweerhsdngakshe form Thnpnopne woul b ed Bombers by a 1 to O score on goals, while Gord McNah had, Saturday. December 27th and and said. "Your Committee is convinc- of a threat of pollution or otherwise, is n ooewud ehrecç a olb rhrBn. oeal and Ron Visser one! Sunday, December 28th. ed that the safeguards and pollution not innocent." Wit n pac t In the first gamne played ~onega sit hura rbemteGvrnetIdwihta AThu.rsdav, Dec. 18th the, The fourth game saw the; Men's Swim and Gym Clas! otosncsavt rtc aas herapobmteGovnenti wi'Sh thiatndmîg a ea- Indians defeated the Cardinals, Raiders defeat the Penguinsi The Men's Swirn and Gym Aretic envirpnment and ecology will bas. . . and it is not an easyon- isSfeigadpn by a .5 Io O counit. The mndi-! by a 5 to 3 count. The Raid- Class held at the Pine Ridge neither be pbssible nor enforceable %, hether or not the Arctic sea bevond So that. the sick adwa ans were led by Greg Brunt r eeldb er agn1cOlfnse nFawtot an effective exercise of Cana- the internationallv recognized three oe with four goals and Mike Jani- son wlth four goals whleDec. ]9th and will reopen on, '5to ~ cotes theRober-t. Burns had one and Monday, January 5th, 1970. dian control over the waters and the mile limit is "internai" waters. If thev Would grow, quie elaar Inth scndcotstth.Ken Davison had three assîst.s, ships using the wvaters of Canada's Arc- are flot "internai waters" the concept 'On Christmas dai'lieo g Hornets dupllcated the flrst Scott Jackson fwo and Bill i rhpII. fincn asg osntapvad fn '~ gme sore y deeat-Irvine one.~ The Penguins LOGS LT jtcAcilao" sdofnoetpsagdosotppynd in gae co"e by deea- oaswee coedbyRo LNG AU TThe Commutter' adtatwtr ships of ail nations may use the waters, The gift of hrotheho igteRoyals 5 to 0. The Igoals werteeIlad osceoredc s o byh, Ronan Hornets ying beteen theIsland o thekArcic as oIrigatd Frsuantto international That fear, and hodhd Hrandv Potsw sordWaye'Leach one. white Howard We aIl welcorne Mr. a ni Archipelago have heen, and are, suh- 1law. would not be ~ #1 r sonStan Greenham ne St.ackawaruch a in d P e t e r Mrs. Lepard Into the comn-Onsi hrC Preston ~~munity. They rccentlv nio- jct to Canadian sovereignty historical- M guFss, based on the Report and O o hr hitoc goal. RonBrwonmiaad Whyte one assist each.hueIV egahclyadro,-iIItebsvtonofhePmMitr. stood. 1rw oeioa n ed into their lovely npw hue v egahclyad elgclv h bevton fteFieMnse.1 AIwo assist.s, whlle Mi e But- In the final Atom game the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson "ýYour.Committee rejects the suggestion is that the Goverriment will introduce dlkbkowhtwîeie Atonshaw had one asslst. Rams and Bisons played to a i Iiid th Mr.adM -J ' ie oko% EVEY GOOD WISH AAomeae 2-ail tie. The Bisons gasvt l r n r that an international waterway exists legisiation shortiv to assert Canada',; Once more beslds mne Intefrt aepae :We'-e scored by Jim Magulre 1R akno ndfm1 truhth aainAci Archipe- sovereigntv, parti cularlv in the area of içnelt FOR.THE HOLIDAYS à Sathay e rsthme lipd onwlth t.wo. whlle Joe Nowlan n. orie nStra vn lago'. the Report said. pollution control, and 'general user of And that ther orh%%e ~ X pesa tou Dethth l es Cl ip-and Ron Kubes each had one M .ad M s.M Luhîngh o m teesae h t n oetA cl w tr.Jesus there 1 6 to o count. The Clippers ____ _Te__s ol wr iWtou tog CHIL UD A goals were scred by Bob scored by AI Visser and Henrv and Joe-Anne Haley spent Kocz lab wlth two and ui~ V yschaft. w hile Brian D e nnisi the w eekend \vith -M î-. ~ 8a w ' s o t r c hit atm ' H s ih Aassist, Ai Brunt two goals and, had one asslst. Johnston. takin- bei- b Toron- I4 . Bethlehem. ~ Ladies' W ear A three asslsts. Rich Krakenberg Pe We1LeMu Jonstn t. eavnodt.Sini ysi5er jTo ]rad tmen to t h i~ A, one goal and two asslsts, Rayý In the first game played on' Hospital. GIad. to saY -Mr. lAnking othewom nrflv. Marion & Jack Childs à' Dallas one gaol and Ted Ab- Monday, De. l5th, the Blades Johnston f, coming aong veryL JI I A Sig ' a im Thlm Bnntt~ bott one assist. defeated the Rangers by a 4 favorably. J i. With joy and z]dieocm,ý 9 The Barons edged the Glants ito 1 score. The Blades goals Wudlkeiiar hso- o t P e - H o id y ins .hatnly Christ cr rn.~' a t 1 U D -. b y a 2 t o 1 m a r g i n i n t h eer o e y J h n A a r W u d l k e b t k b s o i I c I L G -T h a t s w h R t T d h k o ithJsc- Lewis, Joe Whyte andi portunity to wish Mr. Jameisi hita Riark rn GleJames ack- adian Statesman and al] by ,îi Clarke Hockey play last Tburidav. fromn his mates, but came up More than arïb. ý BWMNVLL ark n Gen amseahreaders Compliments of the MNlv Sports and Coun- 11lght., The openlng came saw Witb some clutrh saves when- -Aiîbu nko ihad one goal. The Rangers Season trom y-our South LUne tY Chir-vslcr, posted pre-bolidav rmsFritr.lpdeeree ims etdhm e1- goal was scored by John Lane Crepodn. îtr si en nn g.m the basement. droppung a K<elly in Ký'ramips, cage %as y The Atons defeated th The late contest saw Couny on fie held the Furniture -4i J ~ ., AD1 igsbyatieIoon oui Chrysler strengthen their 2rip crew in the game on numerousYAJ lfI Intesecond game. The Stars !î A on lirst spot. by bombing occasions. JAjIf goals were scored by John 4Lockes TV 10-2. Wblle Perris was in higb t: Conboy. Bob Bickle. Gerald ' The four clubs aie now idie -ear, cavorting up front for, Y Moriso oe gal woneeonogeotelrisma anlNw te wnnrs.Gay AevtibFaronhrdioesoalansY and j YNrewoidaseit pay es-tw astssGary cai or- , IwlI1affl I neasts, ary Petn reluming on Thursday, January horse on the defence. AlongY i asslst, Wayne Johnson and A I8th. McNultys improved play with old celiable Dan Girardi, Y Brent Badour two assis ts each. X VAl continued in last week's game,' Akey bhas turned into one of leiThe Kings goal wa s scored by , in whicb Larry Perris collect- the leagues finest defencemen. ' Ma\' the heartftg os Don Chllds assisted by Joey & ed tbrec goals. witb singles Thucsday night b, e was espec-1 1 Bun e iSgoirig to McDonald and "Woo- ially outstanding. blockîng , f h Crsta sao Inj efis, am f rda, dtinto lugging, ui nyu eoyi In the first gae <if11ciday, d Lee Gene Balson and Ted shots. in addto u n S.iDer. l9th. theCauaian sP0hut- e shiFairn .,rer score TheCanadians goals frmBlo YtteSot-mv vrteps he r were scou'ed by Dan Leaman you fr yos 1~.. . with wo, Norbert Visser one' n ~rîg~A v e,1goal and one asslst. Steve SHOPpnn tesoiga o iigayclbara u Jeffrey one goalRwhit Ric Andrews and Paul Sobil each! ol nls hntremn goaltsin ess tIn theein-as heanighregular edule. sa SaF to ERVICE -AieNul. moed itnMaN1-1 t rvcibl e cond asaed. The second gaLncthe TVer10-2. eed taokseriodsourthelgaTh Icad. Kram an esig ithe Cwasle fr sgarbspwih C.fC cease, Fa ineyal ca ekiaft er ldng arctoppsiedg e cohe wn- L à . . . n e rsss co ai n g ara l a n c h e bbg a M e s . a n q q , p : D e f b i g /,t.'with Il fou goals w hile D ave onld' s hbr va af ter m p l r em bL ock eaT V2 10 of he t rd k 3 £ GlennMarei 19:28hrputndMdi ultvs gandForend e 1902 afrthevm AMacDonaldical C' IeuiiKnoxgae he RednrAppyed for theancoring.i Ce asuprt as wroihdCef-. y U uick (entree asig:dete The y Msgals a VDENO wnlr~kdu~e iietga.edn n a 6 Tee Jorkoski Twom Roln a1- LE1RC1:1NTACORouthythe rfecleres. ansone ing fcom thevalchser gan a 1 As n wo J e en et o e oadYi n t e n ol ' r tse ns ay con e ai tr u ig ut T:2 ir df t ence of Y lysUNDR oiY a o als, wne HloDaBttvae er4Sweulter19:n8tmarkCout MCNryler Johd n dPd 9. ScttEer he oneDgoald ad crieassist ug ABOinNVILo~nt c -2 an od Lsppot tire. codstnix urariedn $O MAVIanLed Wyncrie ol Lex Go.oesi hampcue Lokes esrtsring . i ~'nMeGrgorand heRediph Zlywih iOesnd 's ace.Po1ad.wfioth. Theuthd ci sitec, DnCrsîr' as thierd and w atY old'f i ig ThWinal efeete garte~ h ...Aternoon U ipoed toeteiin goal sY BrinuefaedtekothY Cl1ecio Zo Curhhedthi wsa rilan efniv erA Lei ya 4 te 0 scun. Te B RT ON The A Cclstm s peetinuInthe ~fer o ony odW Stars b m e m be s '~ na gged a pairex ofln Y k -IVT A V 'Brins goals were scored bv Y oom wth o27enlie and - . oas s MV RTm ob Dooghuwoth.tree and EECR'AL visîT otors therere. a atn asIn tfoc the Cwlergaing~R~ son woJoeBenettonegoa 1 n th Snrtsen' ne, n thouBob Faire icamef wih bisy iand oemessWyeHlry et enttcre assst. TelqAa mainy tays for tChr-l w adeedaY 1oeaoLad o nert Sas sshopp et rin" ansuprt1oh asad thn t ch goals scorGS.W.eWIAVLL edy an g aMe oe. i, BIVIANILLEjuo MtiAtDatan re, bsaesntmhrinad, ýReerato Lockee oksbstsoirý Y VanDam an tid addd wat Baisntamw eague ..,... AAlerUEdvtotae 'brfo xe o h ni estgoau, Y j nThe fir a e c ec "o ohe The U Wb. nteresi n Dtg Tae n F Brte iras defeated the Cuosrth sor ison regrds hdddto gal.Fr nce CH.I TMA'AN St'sby a to cort.The li-tmas eetinterpere bvS.I Id r frNEW YEARord'S ateis goals were scred by n 'erone iing In7hebsiand scon ag e aroeveoals n RbraDley ewlt th ree and isbvmprsnt n sý;sfrtewnes hl 1G ýAnthoy TenWstenend nnofrsueMbatiful and Bihe !!0 done iry am w titi h !galst and onaker two _ jwand onetiJsaohn oArne again ofthya Menls-*!!19 andemtw onslstsrisonThetmee. O utte T only0f1wnLage phnay resumeen .' son had crie aslstaand Wor d". a me Uf o n ritmas BR o riled hrycgse nd I? ,~JP D SLmon No theCbs goal ws y shoMpdnig" Clanr"d"Atiel rm83,Lcks tise WtFRPOPCOREU EVC K escred by nyKaerrNbefi iii -ieam fGlr"d Lokeanps err itmas ta e wlhtoand te ean oe . ,5aiII/Albîebertd a.chre eevov Inhte Chrs Taer ofner.tc20N AUof#jthe Fokshb igbItet" ing - FC'.~ - . I In the second ame ther a tionvcceptetand dedcatJd.n Bh ra defeated the Huss Miues ccad.regawds te It dasndDuJme hI i'by ea 3 to 2 score. The r - n 1 h t au y s a ke eîri gomlswereesccredsbpRrckd bbeadded topurcoass.bFonkets .L'hiele with thee, wble _ersyorîngforeade'ss relie OBhers g H ses goals w ere score by o Yv r o e j i i g i h in l B l a e y c u i -d Ba leA ire hpondndeo ece andndetbanknthyouen is o and aercwog o s k. neAten rare ilta o I I asdsî assts, GayYlsnte -va.eoTo nL au lyrsre ni Tne gFlyiersPsaulped i- Be ' athnleemt...gDe. lo to the, a.Rh ihMNly et Brso b al np it. -Acourit n UL SE V C ST T O fam o a no -i e cserl Y nass lst . T e m sBr a m roals - v teu- A ne Re ied an C bris - Twom C onehaR n cri e goalan '[ and d'e~ F llon e e cous lunch' E 7I 1 InI ltheh cri e galai d t. wý c Q a ls&sa ys uft f ro a bea tlfll Ca ecri Crigito cie golyd eco'ate tabl e i h oassist, hear ves goals ' A' 1pno uItsenceda bouneous w R and dhelicluncheon, r.Cinh I the Cial Dasn one gal' N<e r. A durayschocî cowm wltl jdtePnhrsb o2 seemed an fdeal place foc thisý the Pe W~e Al Starldefea- c ume expansion bas be-ý score. The Stars were Iedhby A ecessary, 50 morc Brad Almond w1th two goals, ii j'Canadec factorles will be iln Sandy Kemp and Briari Mar.- Aý tý w tyri cre goal each, Inn Wilccx - ,Arduton i aaa crie goal anid two assists, Ted .(was mcst lnteresting. We A eelbaeteb Puk onie assist and John Hate- theri mcved to the Upper'Auw lertlb bfh.1 h na t mei wishes for a merry 1'adGr elsoes!t. Room whlere the business ses- Kginit let us rededicateou eve th Ralph Crydermari . ssitsSion tokplace. The Nom- Kp ~hrifmazourThe Parithers goals were scor- 'Inatirig Ccmmlttee gave their o 10 m Ioyou cudfi l e!bY Pete Koikema and Ken report, as dld the treasurer, m Livingst.one. bath bringlig ln splendid ce- and laIthe a.fro ailnthhe co tuWe were reminded again. te, IIwào n T on. à" wned»--the UL.Royaia by a ..coninue savlng C.P. labels So0*M Te retWson.and stamps off envelopes. *ffl0«'d byStee 1;ï 'Clcsed the meeting with ontwjt Pa everycrie singlng "We Wish fil #,rndd"az-Ycu a Merry Christmas" folh Jneffrry s lowed:e~ssu ~bythe Mlzpah Bene- for teir atroage.Editor and his staff for the ém1Printing of our, notes andi TED MORRIS DNMRI $Wê ,news, and may the coming NearWoiM U' D R 'Syea brig terngaed health BO W M ANVILLE ~~an rid t happiness. contain- B B W L I M A Y C N A BOWMANVLLE Pdin the seasonal wish-A UL Merry Christmas and a Happy M New Yea.r.

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