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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 17

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< --~.s -' unree Ail I\ounu Cords a tSi Cou rtice '..,uloesSctt anid Mr. Mitchell) !The Canadian StatesmEwavUe e.2,16 Koundi-upn C rd a ltCooiee uiedge and Lawrence Cool-VitoswtM.Gan ede ah ae 1IerChrist- n7TiT7IrL 111mas" recitat ions. Prayer by1 e o r n z.Lw pMr. Mitchell closed this parti Santa Claus ajle nrneCrohn etnte Thors was a two car col- There was atwo-car colision aof the program. Burketon Saturday felo r n r.E.Eon lision last Wednesday even îat 4:30 p. m - Thursday on Ail the children sang *"Jinglei at the new Public Shc. Trno Ing at 9:20 o*clock at the Scugog Street at Mill Lane. Bells" and "Here Cornes Santa! Mrs. Hamblyn cf uktn M.adMs .ni .b corner of King and Scugog!The drivers involved ln this Claus". To the enjoyrnent of general store gave ti at iie nnai oot Streets. The drivers of the accident were Kris R. Baison, ail Santa arrived with his f~or the chiidren ofBk~ o ody cars Invoived were Gloria J. Hampton, and Frank A. Os1 jolly Ho! Ho! Ho! Me and ai wfth the help aoMf tn M.Dona d Sehno Mackenzie, 223 Athol Street, mond, 6 Ontario Street. Dam- number of helpers distri buted~ ley McCullough,Ms.Knpetudaa Ladl. Oshawa, and Kris R. Baison. age to Mr. Osmond's car gits to the children and to~ Vickery, Mrs. WilliamMne, Ms o stnh~be Hampton. Damage to the amounted to approxîmateiy somne of the aduits. The littieî Mrs. Wm. Beer aidMs .uedn oeUn nEw Mackenzie car amounted toi $200 and there was about $100 folk were delighted to sakel Pomery. Mr. A. C tpe-mnii lhbrmte h OPproximatelv $1Of) and there! damage to the Baison car. Gien hands with Santa and to tel so played Sanla vr-l ne .edco' as was about $35 damage to thC Buttery, 304 Scugog Street, hMr. y and Mr. esh rcent-borehan a50 c ilde eeGatsetTedyw Balson car. Corporal Ron a passenger ln Mr. Osmond's Mr. arnd Ms.f srom ctan n at ot ane50Mchcei aMs .Dvy Parker Investigated. car, sustained a minor injury. y arvd fo SctnIntedne.M On Thursday at 4:05 p.m .Corporal Tracy Davis Investi- were introduced and were~ due Mrs. Hambly frsatn two cars collided at the junn c gated. given Christmas parceis fromi this -very fine geur IfQJ'T tion of No. 2 Highway andi, Patricia Blake, age 18, 34' the ladies. In reply Mr. Welsh mnore citizens heip prasMNMNlA~ Solina Road. The drivers ofSret'ot ota said that they missed theirý rext Year this conbemai th"~ two vehicies were David IOii of e a tTulsRa n ol at home but he felt that1 S antaCaa aa ]Bellamy, age 16, Somervilie No. 2 Highway on Thursday they had now a second home taC;sPrd uha Drive, Orono, and Henry at 45 ..Tecrl h here and he expressed his andl i ag ete iePr R George Freeman, age 79, R.R. 4:55 eldpor.ten r o ft the h his wife's appreciation for'Pryo omnil 6. Bowmanvilie. Damage to; wav and sustained about $250 their kindne 1Teciirn Mr. and Mrs. LesleTyo the Belamy car amounted to damnage. Constable George were given treats from the'd forneeîd zCnsms A~) ~LD &bout $600 and there xvas p-MoOP.netiate.- Sunday School. " Little a-o proimtel $00damgetoTown of Bethlehem" and "The afternoon. In attendac wn Mr. Freeman's car. Constable'O Thursday at 5:57 p.m. tyo ani n Sna R. A. Whiteiy, OPP, investi-, there was a collision at Court- rsNolwe tn sung. Mr. and Mrs. DouglsTyo gaed1ce Road and Highwav 401 Coffee and refreshments Bowmanville; Mfiss an gtd,,,,btaer.nTh car ada riven bv served ln the Sunday School Taylor,. Toronto; Mr3 oad ~ .5 trle.Tecrdie yroorn concluded a happy oc- Taylor,' Queens Uiest aama Eveyn ill Dwel, ae 5,1casion and a social ti!me was! Kingston, Miss KaX Co ïir P ~ HamptoWnls ewel , aboue$50,enioyed. ý tt dge, Oshawa; Mr. adM damag, bu thetractor-trailer r.LeadMsSctan W ,Qun i& M was ndaag.Cstbe all who helped are to be com-1 two younger brotherDu IUE G. Moon. OPP, investigated. mended for their efforts andi las and Murray fron do;jBx'3 A car driven by Dale Rich- a special "thank you" ta the Mr. and Mrs. FredTalrad 13D du .E.Wht ard Veinot. 62 Ontario Street, litte folk for their fine per- Derrick Scott fro m u dniio s W ity 8 33 5 y,'struck a parked car owned by formance. land, and Mr. Stanle alr I J ~Liberty Street South, that wasdagen ndL IA LT VL E parked ln front of Mr. John- Photo shows, left to right, Mrs. Donald Thompson, Ssn r.JmsLv n agtrJl n Capt. E IA E H IL son's house, at 6:10 p.m. on Susanhtr SiMly,.rsJamesLgeraLoveuhtandvlyJiliop Thursdav. Damage to Mr. an agtrSireMsJh egradduhe1Eey ihp On Saturday afternoon. miss: $1 n d th cre was abd o On Wednesday, Dec. l7th, er asked Capt. Bishop ta pin the Company gave a loud'from the Parent Committee Of' Joan Trew, daughte.raf Mr. Con200,ban the einot car.tFirst Courtice Comnpany honor- Susan*s card on for her. The "Bravo" for ail three girl.ipîop and ice creamn sundaes for!re aM.Wan eeao Costbl J. A. Clauston ln- e Jli an d evWlerl Sumsan mothers gav e their daughters1 A group af Guides working'ail the girls This was greatly Port Hope ia the church here.! hergae ato a c with gheir Ail Raund ordsthe Ail Rau nd pin. Mrs. Evelynifor their Hostess Badge enter ýenjoycd by al An exchangelAfterward the Sunday School' Thee ws tw cr cl-The grs mothers wrpýres- Reynolds, President of theitie with skits at thîs time. ai g îfts then the meeting and served b ot turkey dinnerl liinent ta pin the cords on their Parent Cornmittee presentedIThe Company then played party closed with prayer an d I asmn.Abu 10 p.m. at the corner of King daughters' shoulders. Mrs. Leg- ithe girls with a cake eacb and igames and sang ca rols. A treat Tp _____ O u nday chrc serv ices anLbet_ were hedrv O a Ga rdsrvi es, ers of the cars involved were 'bridge on Morgan's Corners Olsen, 201 Ontario Street, Cob- weeatGrdnHil Rv J Robert Warren Tysan, 556 Road, two miles north of No. i urg. The Lake car sustained I L ius A. Ramit spoke on "Christ- Wybwod Stee. shwa 2Hîghway. Damage ta Mr. appraximately $150 dam- u mas Witbout Christ". anRd 2.Evano.WllTh ee was Rusaw's car amounted ta ap- land there \vas about $100 dam-i Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Bea-IMrs. Clarence G nn. tion mee ta the intltad I but£5 dmget heT-praximately $90. Constable 'age ta the Olsen car. Constable cock enjoyed a pre-Christmas! Recent visitars with Mr. Chnrch Women. the foilowing sonca ad ppoxmaeî ,D. Martin, OPP, investigated. Harvey Cook, OPP, investigat- trip through Orillia, NI i iland Mis. Clarke Wiiliamsý officers were elected: Presi- $100 damage ta the Newell At 8:57 p.m. on Tbursday, 'cd. St. Louis, Hillsdale an~d hlm- weî e Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cor-1 dent, Mrs. K. Greer;, Vice- - : car. Corporal Tracy Davis la- Arthur Fiom, age 41, Wil]ov-ý At 11:15 on Sunday a car vale. The scenery wa most nish Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. President, Mrs, K. Trew, Sec- vsiad.dale, lost contrai af the st.ake driven by Patricia Ruth Pear- captivating with the ever- Laverne Heaslîp, T r e n t a a, retary, Mrs. W. Bannister; Thrdyatruck he was driving weSt- cey, 262 Dalhousie Street, et greens overbung with thel MichiganUS.A. Mr. and Treasurer, Mrs. C. Bell; Pro- At 7:19 p.m. on hrsawa bound on 401 Highway, and erborongh, went ont ai contra heavy snow. ýMis Bert McMullen, Janet- gram, Citizenship, SocialAc car driven by Gary Rsw the vehicle went off the road on Na. 35 Highway at the junc- j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas-xii ran r.E ag 1, .. . oione wfl.and suitained about $3500 tion of No. 2 Highway. Damage~ bergen Senior and son John McGil Janetville, and their Eucation, Mrs. M. McAllister, OPP, was the investigating ta approximateiy $500 and witb Mr. and Mrs. Fr ank Glas- sy, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis,lBristow;, Press, Mrs. H. Thick- officer. three Department oa igha egnJno.GeLwec n al son; lwrMs .Wie Mav we take this op- RESU.LTS COUNTI Twa* cars collilded on Court- guide posts were also damaged. Mrs. Ivan Proutt spent thei Bowmanville. ui,. .C Mre;As- portunity ta tbank aur Cnuta eie a l ce Road atthe Fourth Cances- Constable Rospond, OPP, In augbe-n- iawth .adMr'avd ad rmsLakdl.upi N.We ar neG: friends and customers for sion of Dariingtaa 'Township vestigated. Mon-uweeer-nlw n sonai n ýiLakdl, uPy a it nt, Mrs. ardiers.G their loyal patronage. at Il ar..an Friday. The At 12 o'ciack noan on Mn Don Proutt, Scarborough. were Sunday dinner guests Morris, Literature and Com- idrivers af the cars invoived day a car driven by Richard Mr. and Mrs. Morley Mit- with her parents,' Mr. andlmunications, Mrs. H. White, IIUHttN> L J 33. R.R. 1, Hampton, andNectew tauaicnrlvaio attir escte Friends are pleased that ing, Mrs. M. Gardiner. I iiiSWerlliHs MaCe, ags ew.carst, get 18,of nR.R. vcaion arepedlng seten ivs' Mrs. RichredDVieson l M.and ScFiedhnad ii-Wilasaiuae59 John i uiepsQn ouaomsanh Lkha Ms-iiedVn asal n adMs Jh un a n d it g ui e p st o N o 2 o m es at h e L k eh ad .trili an d iam iiy , L o n d o n , are Han Sor MLTPL LITIG ERIC fa R.R. 1, Hampton. There Highway at the junaction of Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers taO return framn Bowmanville MULTPLELISINGSERICEwas about $250 damage ta the No. 35 Highway. Damage to~ Collingwood, were TUesday Hospital an Manday. She is spending the hoiidays in the Oshawa StDrstric Cowles car and approximateiy the Parsons car was appraxi- dinner guests with ber father, convalescing at the ho me ofai r andMs acsn $300VLL e E tteB aramosabge ohnth aiumerately $25 and there was $10 Mr. Ehi Mairs. Mr. Sellers ber parents Mr. and Mrs. r.adJO flaksnPe- Bamage to the1guide.pCststabolbasobeen empioved*i'1George Bawers. Mr. Ors Ven-' cock< and boys, Kapuskasing, J h 1OPP. 3 Cag ndOPP ad e avi-Cnstable Tilîson, OPP, investi- Ireland fnr the îast five' n5i tur nd Mta bih enerehmfotehiasad dent. ac gated. months, brought Mr, Mai s atdya ndM.Kthnr Al aur teachers are spend-' REA ES TELD A 1:0p.m. an Saturdav At 12:40 arn. on Monday al miniature Irish Sbillelah andi Burton is hoping to leave hos- ing mast of their halidays at AG I U TU A here was a three-vehicle cof- car driven by George Tantau-,eprhan On Sunday Mr. pital on Tuesday and wlltberes-pectiMve.homLes t-.D TF Road ai Manvers Township, strnck a guide post on 401 iwrtues ta Stouflville ta visit adMs ae an nTr1hue pn udywt h f'UITflh IAIlDU< three miles east ai No. 35 Higbway near Newtonviile, andwt Mr. and Mrs. George onta. Ms;s. David Johns is still Westheusers et Sbiioh when 14 FRANK ST.BO M N1L- ' - STOM fl W ORK~U Highway. The drivers iavolv- went into the ditch. Damage Windsor. inPort Perry Hospital. they held thein Christmas. ed er SanLawrence, age ta the car amounted ta about Ms. and Mss. Norman Mais MssKrnCapel Missý r n r.A hme-H N * POU HIN *DICIN *SPAYIG 3,Toronto, who was driving $150. Constable Schultz, Opp. spent the' weekead witb her Bannie Malcolmi, both afiei-, land moved Into their new PLOU HING DISCNG *SPRA ING a 3snawmobile; Thos. Ibronyi, învestigated. parents, Msr.and Mrs. Walter toria Coilege, Toronto, Miss home. * C LTVA IN * RAN OWNG Wllowdale, and Ciaytan S. John Martin Coalahan, age Kent, Sundridge. Dennise Malcolm, Peterbos-- MagliagI67 Jnetili.GRAiiNSt etSotb ew Miss Helen Parker lef t frm m gh Teachers' College. Mr. CORN PLANTING * BALING * MOWING Damage te the Ibronyi car castle, was charged with care- Matnn athrdarenfo r . a- tloLaree, U ynrstyai arnounted te appraximately less driving aiter his car went cto ihhrprnsM aelo r oiaiga *RAKING* COMBINING $500. Tbere was about $350 out ai contrai, leit the road and Mss. Vernon Parker in their respective homes.~ damge othe Magili cas, and and bit a hydro pale an Mill Cheshire, England. jMr. and Mss. A. W. frvine, *,GRAIN and CORN DRYING approxiffiately $150 damage Street South at 3:32 arn. on Mr. and Mss. Russel Las-I Janet and Bill, Bowmanviile L CORNPICKNG ad SH LLIN tothe snowmobile. Sunday. There was approxi- mier, Cadmus, visited Satur- Ms. and Mss. Larry Jamieson, * OR PCKNGmdSH LLN car driven by Tehobald mately $600 damage ta the day evening with Ms. and Oshawa. were Sunday visitons Sterner, age 36, Taronto, went Coolahan car and $100 damage weit . an Ms Brc Robt. ryantont ai contrai on the Faurth ta the hydro paie. Constable Rob. B yan . Concession Road, Darllngton Melmre, OPP, was the Investi- Sunday ervices~ S n$150 damage ai 7:15 p.m. on This marniag. Tuesday, at nbase Mr.h Mormesyag Monthe BUS.Saturday. Constable' Robent 2:40 o'clack, a car driven by EALT'O hismssag -e on th B6-2US.6-838Whtey OPP, investigated. Patrick G. Leanon, age 23, o ChristChîld n the it Ralph Jones, R.R. 2, New- Wilwdi.wetot icn- fCAWA OFFICE time of Christmas festivities In homes spread fan and wide acros castle, bast contrai of the car trol an 401 Highway at Hait VMI' EkL58QS0 d otfre heGeto he was driving on the Faurth Raad, and lef t the soad. Dam- m NLLIIR o fL40, _ p 33U D. o nfo retoote" e s t orln i aiad ilgt nadc 'f ~~Concession Road, Clarke Town- age ta the Lennon car was ap- 41- D ou.t ooftsen "Me is lTet arln nfamadvlaet9n îy ship, one mile west ai Craoked praximately $500. Ms. Lennon, quartette (Msrs. Scott, Mrss.V the story of the first Christmas is unfolding Creek on Saturday at 7:55 who suffered a head injnry and Direct Toronto Lne 922-7970 Visser, Mss. Giîlsan and Ms. p.m. The car went off the road abrasions ta bis leit leg, was Michl)-aoue .t to a. e.hnk . afnetmet.tak u PORK SALAMI oaf the half ton truck was charg- ~ ad Mthltuetmns ed witb imnpaired te, s aseraiceemnis PEPPERONI There was about $150 damage1 Iietended ater fweio es,ai Ac ar ibiv:hic]e.George Mowab, A sn ' en Ngt'.Welcorn- age 44. 714 Athol Street, Osh- : ng numbers were given by' "" Also Avilableawa, amounted ta appraximate-' ýMcalCoegDanl Large Selection of ly $300. Constable L. B. Tilison,. iv5eand hsnMCug OPP, investigated. Fi thndline U CHEESES RYE BREAD 1 Thene was a two cas collision ~ag "Christmas Treesan n Sndy t 710p.. t Kng V>1Christmas Babe". "Away ini q on:ndabry tre:1s due a theijg.,,goodwili to men. May tliis a Manger" was snng by the fprimarycas ebbie Lee i slippery condition af tbe road.1 ry las. The drivers iavalved were Dan- ChrIistmasI bring the peace that was beard Ia a recitation, tel G. Hughes, 252 King Street j "Beils". The Junior girlsj East, and Tony J. Honstman, 611 ail the world yearns for. with iighted candies. toak§ Liberty Street North. Damage1 part in "Miding the Lîght. 1 ~Children and ail sang "While bbcth Hughes car amoeunted9 ta approximately $1.000 and' SEASON'S GREETINGSi Sheitherds Watched Theicm i there was about $500 damage toalurfed ndbsesacanace Flocks". 'Me pnlmasy cLss W Ask About . .. PCK toithe Horstman car. Constable ta brfind n uiesacuitne ad an "Exercise in Numbers"AIkW W lanH. Wakely investigat- fa which spelled "Christmas".FR ASSORMENTPACK d. fom A Terrv McClurg gave a recita. ei Jack and Pearl Ricard tion "Christmas Dream" Jun- IL ML II already sliced on your At 9:46 p.m. on Sundav a casr !ora girls sang "Came ta Myir *L II plat ter, ready ta be put idriven by Frances Laird, R.R. I g eart"; "Jnst at Christmas" R*UMU on the table.',BwavlewtofN. Mac McDonald Graham Dallas Edwin Jeans was giveni by Mark Shaw; Brooks Chicken Farni, and sus-' Ja rlsiad sl yDnaLe"i Hiha noadthner IRu antRWant for Christmas"; "Christ- LU IE tained miner damage. Cons- I Wilf Hawke Helen McDonald KeinNcs mas Stars" by aine"girls; "0'RALO intgabedle. sodOPi slgbai.idVsej taleStnlyRopodOPi Wayne Marchant Lloyd Atchisan Corne Ail Ye Faithini" was D w on il DYkSTRA'S HighwayJ RICARDal. Sd ViRerAn-I 1King St. W. (HOME 0FQUALITY)There was a wa car collision M i drew Visser and Bnian Mc-1 - (OEO ULT)at 10:30 p.m. oÏn 401 JMLU'ê Ltd Clurg, with lange snow shov- 1 OFFICES IN: OSHAWA POT ERLND Y West ai Waverly Road. The' e tor els, enacbed "Clearing theý OTHP - BLEIL FO D MARKET w.10OWMANVILLE drvers involved were William, BOWMANVILLE Path., With Mrs. R. Davisen 1%rtbur Lake. age 1,R.R. 1, tth-ognm quree Streetai ~and William----------------------------->é thàngntrequr r

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