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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 18

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The CÈnaRdian Stateffman, Bowmanvllle, Der. 24, 1969 the door to the packages under! Ir. lenderson, were Mr. and uIisHptaInben-oHsialAmitrosI, sie ogIln.NFelowship, which cornes afterDsod f - 9 IS Whins flP A Igll er eri, n rda dvn____Yrk Anm orated windows of stores tolnight, and Mr. and Mrs. Bey. v n e The Colle ge Is recognized ln further besting and seven more'Sl ____ tic manger scenes ln the Henderson and Elaine, Bow- the United States and Canada -Yeia a of experience ln a hos-edfo ra II churches, the customs 0f! manville, on Saturday night. a i edn rfsinlpîtal.Obevto Christmas contribute to the Several froni here atteuided Organization of hospItal ad- Coplins trc. 2 meanlng of the Day-just as the Pioncer Girls' Christmas nistrators. Membership is early Christian leaders meant ýsrvc at the Baptlst Church, grnted only after extensive Detol icenceept. . thet holiday custonms should. Nwate nSudyeeig ral and written examina- ~#jSodfrCh10. When Christmnas first be- IANewcasteSdacnit«n. ionswiheaut h o-l e ordiordn gan to be observ'cd on Dccem- hA od tie dT. ongrvegan. Ins wich evalae ilm-Reprort DPudFe 30 ber 25th, churchmen wcîcom- hadRv .Se grocgve hospital situations. In ad- cd the Idea of incorporating a fine sermon Sunday mnorn- dition to the examinations, November, 1969 Bouhtin----- ceremonies and traditions from ing on the meaning of Christ- rheoùght n 10 ut9otrVeileAciens14iPcedU baration. TesIthouh th at Aanis "Santique de Noel" have been a nominee for two No. of persons injured 6,lReturned to peaolewoud eci doser totewtBT Laeakg thatAam'ycars and have eàther six years! Charges under Criminal Code1 Owners5 -Sumne sd peopl woud fee cloer t the ith arryLane akin theof experlence ln hospital ad- 5, Charges under Liquor Con- 1-_ ncw religion If former ways flrst part, with the altos. ministration or a niaster's dc-Itrol Act 10, Charges underi and rituals wcre not abolish- Christmas meeting of the grec ln hospital administra- Highway Traffic Act 5, Tags ' 7 d, but instead united with U.C.W. was held in the Sun- tion and two years of x- issud for Meter Violatios s n bth 0f Cris t I r heday eveninolDec.l on, weeperience ln a hospital. 188, Complaints Investigatedj' ea biThoaf n C rh vristnc tables wnger. set, dereMr. Cramp Is also a mcm- 276, Man Hours Utilized1 Toda, ne ar 1y evryoe tble wer se, dcortedber of the American Public 1497.25, Summonses Servcd for! celebrates Christmas because with Christmas covers and Hcalth Association, the Amer- other Forces 10, Premises, Christmas belongs to every- candies, adjoining the festive Ican Hospital Association, the Found Insecure 2, Unoccupied! one. tree. Unit Leader Mrs. Mar- American Heart Association House Checks 4, Shopbreaking' Since the Wise Men gave lene Stacey welcomed every- and Is a member of the board Occurences 3, Thefts 7. value of their treasures to the Christ one, and secrctary Mrs. Shir- o directors of the Hcart As- of propcrty stolen $386.00. Child. givtng has been part lcy Martell called the roll. As sociation. He Is also a mcm- value of propedty recovcred If of the tradition of Christmas. ecd member responded to ber of the Hospital Executives' $40.00. The idea of gifts as bornage her name, she hung the orna- Club of New York, the Na- Personnel dates from even earlicr times, ment she had brought, on the tional Exch'angc Club, serves Days absent through vaca- when klngs demanded special tree and took ber place at the as a preceptor for the Co- tion period 14, days. absent tribute from their subjccts table where a turkey supper lýumbia University School of through Illness 1, total over-, during holiday seasons. Thus was enjoyed, following the Public Health and Adminis- time accumulated (Hours)i' the Wise Men, ln offerlng singing of grace. It was un- trative Medicine and Is a dele- 2074, total court time accumu- prectous gtfts of gold. frank- fortunate that President Mrs.j Donald A. Cramp gate to the New York State lated ('hours) 209.5, miles trav- Incense and myrrh. expressd Marjory Caswell was unable F Heart Asscmbly. elled by police cruisers-Lic.ý their reverence for the new- to attend due to illness. Fol F Donald A. Cramp, graduatel The ncxt level of member- L35-653 - 24,262; Lic. L35-670 born King of mankind. lowing thc clearing of'tables o0f Bowmanville High School; 1ship_in the American College 8,484. Giving ta celebrate a happy and dishwashing. the meeting University of Western On- tirnp was a familiar part of opened with Mrs, Stacey read-itarlo, London. and Columbia The Romaan fsthonres at-ng "Chri'stmnas Blessing" and!University, New York, has . 40 urTheigoofarctue prayer. Mrs. Gladys Brown' been advanced ta full mcmn- lwit iter festival calle read the story of the Birth of brhpi heAeia o te aurai. Drn thsChrist. Christmas carols were lege of Hospital Adminis- W'.s joosfat hvexchanged sung. and this part of the, trators. He is presently serv-1W reseeding ,~' '~., When these pagan cutoms were radby MrsuMareessagef11of S .of exchanging gifts were and reportq of finances given Pianist, Mrs. V. M. Gilmer; ormsag fe transferred to the celebrationiby Mrs. Mary Vinkle and Mrs.1 Assis't.,- Mrs. Jessie Best;wti of te bith f Chistchuch V Giler.A git ws giený rou LeaersMesamws thldhi-testng leaders added a new Idea, Mrs.. Brown. recentl'v moved1 Margaret Elliott. Wainda Kim-' selfless giving. Through the away, after which the report' bail, Bernice Henderson, Jes-l ags iigt il h eso h oiaigCommittee Sie Best, Mary Skelding, Ivai ta friends far ,go ~~ fortunate has been a special! was read by Mrs. Mary Wae Farrow, Inez Boughen, Mar- We e s p yyhako. t r a d i t i o n o f C h r i s t m a s . c o p e e e x e t f r h m 1 l e n e S t a c e y , O l i v e a k ( h i o r t u i e s n c r c Burning the Log portant office of President. iEileen Stapleton. and near. Happy friends and eto rsfrhirlylptoa. From a miraculous Star ta ýAfter some discussion, and' An expression of apprecia- We wili contineogieyutesm quly a tlnv candle, gleaming lights! more persuasion, this position tion was given Unit Leaderivhd t o 1 have cast a glow over holiday1 was f illed, with a change ori Mrs. Stacey for the supper,:?ia . nor service in the uue fesivtis orceituries. tw ntefrmer arrange- and she in turn t'hanked her Pagan sun-vvorshippers lit: ment, and Rev. T. Snelgrovej group for their assistance.'ý9 candies and kindled fires at, installed the new slate of- offi-! Gifts from the tree were giv- i.K se s winter festevals ta help thelcers as follows: President,leii ont, according to the num-Ru s l returnlng suni gain strength.1 Mrs. Shirley Marteil; 1,-t Vice,. bers drawn, and ail joined inim Can d a Statesinan S n c evc Traitinalforbat lihtlMrs. Margaret Wade: 2nd~ wishes for a happy and suc-.ta înDRCRSEL 4TF and wartistebangVc, Mrs. Bea Jones; Secre-11cessful year ta one and aIl. CRIRBY N IL Yule log. Like a]l "Christ-i'tary. Mrs. Amelia Lancastcr;i The meeting was then disARIRis-SANDGILS96 KN T mas lights." lt has bath a i'e- Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Vinkle: sed with the Bendictin ligious and a festive signifi-' __ __ cance in holiday lore. __ Dave Turney, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Turney, 85 ecause legend says that a the Christ Cbild was washcdl, 1%fhrd St, is the wxnner of the South Pacific $10 award' and dressed baside an ash; for designlng the winning programn cover. He is a Grade Iwood fire, the people of carlv '12 tudnt t Bwmavile TIh Shoo i ecetlyEngland always had Yulc logs ,2sueta omnil igh colWho rI a fy ash wood. Ash had a prac-4 dcesigned the sets for the BHS plays and plans to attend 1 ticral aspect. too, because 1t - Art College in Toronto when bis schooling here isi was- the only green wood icornpleted. The South Pacifie musical wilI be presentediwhich would hum J here by a hard-working cast that wiIl be in rehearsal ~ The Yule log of England and continental Europe w as often ail during the holiday season, It is a combined effort believed to have mystical pow j by the Recreation Dept., the Rotary Club and the ers ta protect the home. To Draina Workshop. F ,ive this protection, the Yuie ______________________________log had ta, be kcpt bumning C L L.DL F1 n 1 E)E> Ill through the 12 days of Christmnas. was primarily assaciated witi s Ringing BeIls ~ 'i Inchurches and homes, ln Throughout this community,! Arong the merrv sights and t'4,~ stet nctrs casadided throughout ail thej soundis of Christmas, none Is ,"" the countryside....he spirit af cormmunities xvhere Christmas1 merrier than the ringing af Christmas spreads its jay and is celebrated, the spirit af the' belis"'Y Its contentment. Soon now, seasan finds'expression ini in-; Since earliest tîmes, the thc last-rninute hustle andi numerable says-amang them, pealing af belîs has announced hgstmmnsohodajteme ienaipristeansa.Tefrtueabeîbustle will give way to the1 the gladness of gift-giving, important events,. bath happvj "' . celebration. It's a time forj happiness af hearth and home rta caîl Christians ta worship ....... fun and feasting. a time for and. above ahl, the solemn hush took place, 1t's believed, at Uht-hearted laughtem a n d o f midnight, traditionaily the Christmas in Italy, about 400 heartfcit prayer, a tim hns boi time for hcralding 'A.D. " fendships are ewen] he Birth af Christ. Tradition once held that' ami1y ties are strengthened. From the hollv wreath on' Christ was born exactly atý midnight. In medievalB- Stain, chumch belîs tolled adYI Sduring the hour before mid-l night on Christmas Eve. Onýe-ýM the stroke of 12, ajoyous ..- e Christmnas. th Mraio NE WTON VILLE ... . ...... ........ r Most of aur local people Shave eturned home from hos-.ý ig, NewcasftlP.and M..î ae4 I /rLf ,adMriý 0/ Bijr(iue7 wîth M. and Mrs, tnk.I~a. . . u ~ /r~t a A and nboys.It costs nothiîîg, but cî'eates much. ( laY, with Màss Minnie Ran- It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. Ale r m an v friends In thi4 None are so rich they can get along without it, and none are so poor but are richet' for its benefits A at rs. Cpe cl Riisf~ on ofit creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersignl of friends. A ceey hll taeah a yu fom ~ Othrthd a iatin edn1 It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and nature's best antidote for trouble. eThe i3urlev famil.v wil I be Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody unil ti ie w A e a d p r t n o m n i y n d 'fan tert vm i u e a t o e vi nc u t m r s r tCg d e l , anme t i g caun iv r e a l n e o t e l Hall, Tus. J nlrv ne seemed too tired or too busy to give you a smile, may we ask that you return to leave us one of yours. uRter ý.Ms.Ja Snel- ntns sDending Christmas with hisI For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give! g9row SlNagara Falls. Mivregor narawar, ebitwlîî be à'qaet hrtaaDy"TH E HAPPY GA NG" Iwith X.mW aoi. Lo.L KING St. w. MaCUUNALII (Oshawa 1968) LimIc p 1 - l FORD SALES

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