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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 1

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18 Pae*s ¼LL A, k4'J T zm" r affll 1 JPZEUEM 2, 1969 150 Per CoPY NT VOLUME 115 On Monday night, Bawmanville Kinsmen held everyone was waiting for their famnily Chrjstrnas party at Memnorial Park club- St. Nick did corne into sig house. During the early part of the evening, Lloyd skibaase af this snawmable McRobbie and his small banjo led the singing while oral John Bird at thecontri Post Offie Over 300 Happy Hours Aten Chisma Hiolidays Atn Chima The followingliours w~ilI be lu effect for the p oPostby C d .Office over the Christ-a-S-n--d y d and New Year Hlolidays: ;4 There is at least one man in Bowmnanvjlle who doesn't ag-ree with sending relief to Biafra. He is Ron Whyte who returned from Nigeria a few weeks ago and he sbould have some knowledge of the . . . .. .situation because lie and his family have lived in that -Ç~~ country since 1964. Mr. Whyte feels that the relief fliglits are only S prolonging the war, without the Biafrans having any , hope of winning. They are fighting a losing cause with most of the people ready to give up, but their Santa ta arrive. When aid leaders won't let them. In the meantime, these poor, ght, he was riding in the illiterate people are starving and conditions are with off duty Police Corp- really bad. If the relief fliglits were stopped, the war >os would Le over quickly and many ives would be saved, said Mr. White. IThere is a definite palitical the Nigerians are eiitl iirnaspect ta the situation that also1 beginning ta choose sides... C h i d re mus be considered, he declar- and the Russians are moving ed. As a resuit af the continued very quickly into Nigeria to relief Iliîghts under Canadian take advanage of the situatian.ý P a t and Unted States spnsorship,I < TURN TO PAGE TWO) P1art:' Excelsior Choir L* Leyion1 Office wil be closed ail day.NE HEADING 1 On Saturday ait ernoon 327 beautifully decorated in greený NEW happy youngsters enjayed the and silver by the auxiliary for dtch mail s. re 1pto Readers may notice there gala Children's Chrstmasý party the occasion. 0 f C hristm as M usic F o f desatc 0fmais.has been a change in what held by Branch 178 ai the! The program opened wîth~ Boxing Day, the P>ost 0f-, newspaper people eall the IRayai Canadian Legion in the twa motion pictures whlch hadi- -- The Christmas Concert b y * fice wiIl be coed aItdayet fag' or Statesman heading ILegion Hall. Special Eventsibeen obtained from the Mje~ .P the Excelsior Choir and the L LterBoxwillhecton Stret at the top of page one. ýChairman Edmund Majer was Laughlin Library Oshawa, by 0l fo Maple- Grave West Publie. F a is Leg ter3o: colecio trt After 115 years of usng fin charge of arrangements for, Comrade John Williams. These y 1 iin sS S - hide' Corh Ing at 3:00 p.m.the same old English type, Ithe successful event. Seth Huntlamusing cartoons delghted the1Ii th To r Hal A dtr m Despatch of Mails: West, we have just received the was the Ca-Chairman. young audience. ïWî Rii Il nStra veigwse- Aseil~~l 1:00 p.m.; East, 7:00 p.m. new ones in varlous size em1s fth owa- TURN TO PAGE TW) ýi n rease o audyeeIgwseýAseilCrs 5 e 1Mmbr o h joyed by a large audience. from verseas1' New Year's Day, thie Poýst and will be iising them in Iville Ladies Auxiliary to the, 'vu .u* Less ** OUT Mel McCoy, Director of the the amiîy for wb Office wlll be closed ail day. future. The old English type Royal Canadian Legion, Treas- SNASCOWE OT iAMIL 1 UIHel Excelsior Chai r, was the con- mean the most. JThere will be no reccipt or is stili there, but in a reverse ýurer Audrev Bateý and Sec-i While in rnost homes,1 desptchof mils f rm. uctr.Kinnear, who is despachofmails fon. _______________retary Florence Knight. twoý Santa will be long gone after The Post Office in Bow- The twa hour program was cre u "a". reeipast. presidents, Camnrades!' Christmas, this will not be I ianville sîîowed an n opened with the singing of Trixie Brown, Elleen Demeter, the case with The Statesman 'n o andmyRiot heD r a es IVU and Mary Gray, ushered and,ý because there are quite a few crease in the number of Canad iveRido er u. ham M s cgave festive paper hats to ail pictures of the jolly 'ho ho' mailings h a n d 1 e d this thfilre elnes Cwer ugb the chiidren. Twa taîl Christ-' old fellow that have been Christmas while Oshawa athen hide'vCoir ialone, mas tees parking wth bight heldoverunti nextandk.hen tr heirjones a" the C airns F P re e tedc by C h oirs ornaments dominated the! because of shortage of space. in the province so a de- f ainz :Dvodr staean te al hd ben Lokfo hm extwek. cras. nd Bo makle oftrmhandhe'sM esih Ad Te Cnda A t t. P uI's Chur h li M~ IEC Edido theta;th ere ma f0 U ntr s reba Ciids nation al ride, tha lat y ar. to m k f0 m adls si ah "An At larg coge a lonflle '~s rthtuwre .capella, §etr a oTh lr o h Lr" " h Cnda me id he ai ge ahadThou That Teiiest", and "For posedly a symbol St. Paui's United Church for vîihnist, and Ross Cotton, Ds pile up. wr hnsn eîcîey 'heiped divide Ca the wonderful Festival of baritone, bath of Oshawa. eg Sn ugefetveyI Carruthers (PC-r Christmas Music, The Rev.: Followîng the Cali to Wor-1 BUSINESS - An incomplete survey of several busi- Ulp to Dec. 22nd, the <TUflN TO PAGE TWO) ithe legislature WE Harold Turner presided. Theship and the Prayer of Invo-, ness establishments in Bowmanville indicates that mailing machine count was Speaking during Junior and Senior Chairs were'cation, the Junior Choir sangi 253,034 pieces of mail that ( I ~ ~ bt esi h directed by Ross Metealf, tebatfu yn ToBt- ost of them have been quite happy with the went through the Bowman- ba~uu~<wtethe ath A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M., the Orga1n- lehem" by L. Keating. This' Christmas business, with a day of last minute shop- ville office during the rush. Canadians anPh Ist and Choir Master. Theï (TURN To PAGE TWO) igsilt o h pe tre aeti er u There were 27 extra em- At this time, the Directors mission an bhumn pingstil t go.Thespre strte lae ths yarbut ployees on staff who put in af the Bowrnanvilie Chamber biculturalism, and picked up mamentum and remained steady. Biggest 10941,4 hours. Last year, the of Commerce would like ta tempts ta promote e rselling ýitems this year were snawmobiles and the count was 228,181 and the take this opportunity ta thank have actualiy bell Br p pas agic clothing and other equip ment that go with them. extra help put ln 1257% aIl the members of the Cham- Confederation. - - -hoiîrs. ber and citizens for their sup "Te present fl Postmaster Vice expres- port and encouragement on significance or m( BONUS - Statesman subscribers this year will ses appreciation to citizens the variaus projeets during the saîd. receive a bonus in the form of a 53rd issue in- here for helping to case the past year. We wouid further' "On s niany oc stead of 52 as usual; it works out that way now pressure by mailing early, like to extend a Christmasl tattered faded ba ".and then. Probably, that extra paper will ot buying stamps early and 1wish of happiness and pros- signifies the iack Le one of the igger ones becau'se it wiii have generally following t he perity for the coming year. pieand unity". 1.ý. .. LJL!...regulations regardint pro- Snýpp- ALL 1 WANT FOR CHRISTMAS 15 . .. .. .. .. .. .For B aw m anville M ayor Ivan H obbs, his w ish for Christmas was fulfilled a littie bit earlier this month. "What I wanted for Christmas I have already received in the mandate given me by the citizens oRIff rn nnwRmarpnvilW1.he...tem ayr f h - Insad He Bowaile," therfourtrfr mayoriofthes wiHe aflsosild banoters part isris otmas wish aos filh e uiiedablvoerswotn outht "at blltsion thec.ri uicialeeo, wi kfrth the election f acouncillIfe i ll wuok forth thapaeso. omnil ncnucinwt 'The area. hpflaotth uue"s Mamyorrhpeulabutth ftue, si IVAN HOBBS . . . Wish FuIfllled elena Gaughiam, 5, volunteered ta help The Great Dau-son with his magical tricks at the Honeywell Contrais Christnias party at Bowmanvilie Country Club on Sunday afterntoon. She was astonished when ,,uddeniy a beautiful white bird appeared in place of ,lered handkcrchief on her hand. The pragram in- cM1 dgifs for ail the over 100 chilciren and was uaIrU'ged by Don Gilhooiy, Paul Newhail, Denise Fry, Fààabeth Kazub, Cathy Bates, Martha Brown, Sandy Bothwell, Caleen Flynn, Penny Boisvert and Julie Bell. Santa arrived by snowmobile. drivinz up the ninth i fairway while the children watched thraugh the, windows#.4 toUne assernweI and iubuIlshed ini wo uaYs. The office and plant will Le closed from Wed- nesday at four until Monday morning at eight. Correspondents and advertisers are urged to have their copy in as early as possible next week because once again w~e shahL e pui)Iishing Tues- day evening. J . DEDICATION- On Boxîng Day, December 26th, the new Maranatha Christian Reformed Church will hoid a Dedication Service at eight p.m. and an Open House on Saturday afternoan. The general public is cordially invited to attend bath occasions. FROSTY - Stinday' %vas the shortest da-y of the year. Now, the daylight hours should gradually l)ecollle lon-er anîd lon-er, Lut don't expeet bliat Spring is just around the corner,.ifIv as quite çhilly on Mondas' night and isn't expected to warnî Up too much today. That 10 Lelow zero weatber certainly discourages anyone from trotting around outside in shirt sleeves. TOO EARLV - Because of the c'arl ' publication date this week. severa] regular columns, such asý- Provincial Court news, xvilot appear until ncext week. Prababiy just as weli. The day before Christmas is flot quite the nicest time to be sitting in court wondering what that kindlv Judge on the bench wili do ta you . .. and what the papers will sav about it after\vards. We're guessing there were quite a few remands at court, sa those charged wouid be able ta spend Christmas with their families and have same money ta buv food and gifts. Also at this marnent it appears that several pictures taken at Christmas parties in the area wilil be held over for next week. NEW TREND - Twice this Christmnas season, Santa Claus bas abandoned lis reindeer and arrived at local parties Ly snowmobile, setting a new. trend that may result in the reindeers' union staging a protest strike. For as long as we can remember, these animais have lad a mono- poly se, far as pulling Santa's sled across the sky is concerned, but times are making their jobs obsolete ... and our uhderstanding is that they aren't covered Ly unemployment insurance or a guaranteed annual wage. So. it's welfare for them, this Christmxas ! Seems a shame to ses Rudolph go, but that's the way it is. per addressing. etc. Bob ;Lawton, res. (TURN TO PAGE Fire Consumes Large Home in Clarke stma MaoMe iSoldier in Cyprus stmas message second term with the Cana- mas gifts ta take to the hos. bombed" for dian Pence Keeping Forces af pital that evening, Elva waa jhom it would the United Nations in Cyprus, also busy shopping, and Mr. Cpi. Ritson was one ai those selected ta Kinnear was performing a sserving is send Greetings ta Canada. kindiy deed by driving a Unfortunately, bis parents patient to the Prncess Mar- LA Pand sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- garet Hospital, Toronto. mV. P.P bert Kinnear and EIva, King Neediess ta say the famufly St. West, were not at home at was sarrowfuliy disappolntedl the time of the broadcast over to miss hearing thie voJce o~f Flag CFRB n Monday. Mrs. Ki- their son and brother wbo la ina w51soppig fo-Chrit-9staraway ifiag, sup- 1ao unity and 'anada, Alex Durham) tald ednesday. R e ig budget de- etrrnginqgfrom Work ýflag, along ny of Young W . ýeRoyal Com-EuS t onn igualism and llrySft m r7#j d federal at-1 te unity that 1 Kenneth (Jim) Niekerson, 1 16, his house keys and hft [ped destroy age 46, 10 Albert Street, on car keys. Mr. Nickerson was his way home from work, knocked to the ground by lag bas littie was rohbed and assaulted' bis assailants. He lost li ieaning," he, at three o'clock on Satur- cigarette lighter hn the tual. xaias hi day morning in front of his sle. wcaios hishoe.Three men approach- Corporal Tracy Davis la )anner onlyI ed Mr. Niekerson and start- lnvestigating the attack, ai national ed ta ask directions when and Police anticipate that suddenly aIl three grabbed the three robhers who at- said the B and heid him while the tacked Mr. Niekeruon wl!! SE TWO) stole his wallet containing soon be arrested. dTownship on Saturday Ahternoon f Orano and Newcastle fire departments did their utmost ta save Jerome Raynard and their hired mnan lost most of their posseuno this home on the sixth line of Clarke Township on Saturday af ter- other than sorne furniture that was carre ut o he house. The# noon,~~~~~~~~~~~~ bu1h lmshdgie o ul eda ab tpe Red Cross las already arranged other accommodation for them in This, plus the fact that they had ta shuttle back and forth ta their Bowmanville, and Newcastle. The owner of the house is Walter home stations ta bring more water, ieft themn at a considerable dis- Lechowicz, R.R. 2, Vanessa. It is understood there was some advantage in overcoming the wind-whipped flames. Mr. and Mrs. insurance. t m - £ «rwa DUWMANVILLE, O.NTARIO. WEDNEýqDAV 'JA lftà!n 'Rell*ef Prnlnnnc_ Ràlef$Vrie% Ufà%ipfý i Christmaq Dav ti,ý P..f -- uy )Fi-uuu wirn ronce rroieciion Arrivinc kw ç Chri5 wodi idudi e

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