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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmnanvllle, Dec. 24, 1909 A Chrîs tmas Message From the Reevem-Elect As we approach the end of-in a country go fuil of appar-; to live here, we can be justly, 1969, 1 would like to take this tunities, riches and freedomn. proud of this our Country. In! oppor tt wish you ail a'And I feel it is part of my dutylother words, I feel we should' BlesedChrtstmas and a Happy ta sacrifice my free time and not just live hetre, with the at-ý New Year, and also to pause effort. ;titude of getting out of it what' a few minutes to look back It is well we pause for a we can, but it is aur Christian over the paut year - 1969. Itfew moments at this time and duty and abligatiant epr bas been a year of much acti-' look forward ta next May. 1970 Of aur Country adasacn vity wîth many things achlev- whien the anniversary af the tribute te it. ed anid many more contemplat- i It Is my sincere hope te be, ed, such as industrial develop- able ta fuill the large respon-I ment. housing development1 and sibility you, the citizens af regional gavernment, etc. Bow~manville, sa freely bestaw- Ini zy capacity as your reeve.:- , . ed upan me in the last elec- elect for the next three years .. tinae cit.orcni 1 hope to serve you wlth hion-j ~ ~ ~ ~ Id~1 o i h eto esty enid open mindedness and, wlll strive ta work for the bet * * he Seasan, terment of our country and the! oetDkta town of Bowmanville. During the past two weeksý one of aur neighboring news-. x e s o o apr carried a Christmnas E c lie i Wish every day from a per. son elther In gavernment, lead- er nunions, school board etc.e C homir 1 ftid it very interesting te AG N rlèad these. but a question rises Hnei sy. te my niind - What Is Christ- The second part of the pro-1 mnas??? (11t Is certainly being' gram was a change in format1 commercialized.) but was In keeping with the1 My wish wauld be- that Robert Dykstra iChristmas spirit. It lncludedl we unitedly strive ta preserve, adns"h evn the true meaning of Christmas,! liberation of Holland, whlch Hyens"heHavn re «Peace on earth, Goodwill to-!taok place 25 years aga.wîî felling". "Shepherd's Loud men." be clebraed. grea 1ma! Their Praises Singing", and ward aur fellow me. eclbae.Agetmn'Gesu Bambina" by Pietro As I have stated before, liv-ICanadians took part in the re- Yn Ing in this country brings with'lease of Holland fromn its bur- DungteierssoM. it certain obligations - flot'den af being occupied by an-, uigtenerssoM. just live, but also give or con- other nation. Many gave their'MCaOY ntroç[uced Robert tribute. 1 wauld like you ta lives, and many people here'Finlay, the manager of the knaw that in the past two. last their dear anes for the~ Lowery Organ Salon, Oshawa, Years I have realized that we sake of justice and freedom. wtht oa nstalle aofwte fa11 very short af this goal, and, To just say "thank youthemare forgan cort. Mrth this has urged me ta offer. seems se Inadequate. Personal- Finlay, forht the coince r again rny services ta you. I feel ly I feel we must contribute with an Interlude .o! organ very proud of the fact that Iý something af ourselves, espec- music, and afterwards Mr. arn a Canadian citizen, and ially since becoming a Cana- McCoy led a general singsang have the oppartunity ta live dian and having the freedom af carols. Part Tree af the Christmas éf~ Concert was opened with the T~singing of "Ye Soundless I D . EX.!Realms af Joy", followed by (3 24nst na ee1îizcs Handel's Allelujah. Next was a beautiful and reverent pre- sentation afi Suent Night by the Maple Grave West School SChoir, and "The Westminster and Carol" by bath the Excelsior Choir and the yaung Maple SGrave singers. Also greatly enjoyed were Bohemian and ~13 et ÇVtshes"Cantique de Noel". SThe next section af the con- Scert was devoted ta the sing- lor he ew Y a ring af three memorable spir- ituals. "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", "Kum HONEY FAMIY BaYah" (Came By Here, Intraducing the guest org- Anne, Russ, Risa and Romaine anlst and sololst, Bilan Jack- -~~sn tPeterboroIuagh, " ryBns. Mc- Co adthat Mr. Jackson is teconductar af the Peter- -oroug Symphony Orchestra, a lctueron music at Trent Tesiflcerest of University, organist of St. Geore's Anglican Church, GreeingsPeterborough, and has a CHEX Rdopragram. Mr. Jackson then played Bach's "Toccata and andFugue" as an organ solo, and received much applause. The flrst number in the B est \Vishes last part af the program was S"Watching Over Israel" from "Elijah". This was followed fo by a lovely rendition af the "Vesper Hymn" by Gibb. The concert concluded with the triumphant slnging of the Very errymajestic "Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel wIth Miss L. L. Bragg as the pianlst and Mr. ChritmasJackson at the organ. a Relief HappyPirolongs New Year (FROM PAGE ONE) SThey are setting up new in- ~ ustries, teachlng the Niger- a ALEX CARRUTHERS, M.P.P. ians to operate sophisticated machinery and supplying them jrn A%," lmAMitLY wlth militarv eqiuipnent, in. re « 1 TO THE CE BOWMAI May this message convey to ail, our best m that wiil long be remembered, and bring you ini the New Year. luïs Worship Mayc and Mmnbersof Senior Citizens Taken on Tour of Decorations -More than 125 Senior Citizens greatly enjoyed thE Tour of Christmas Lights held for themn by the Bow. manville Kinsmen Club on Sunday evening. Aftera drive throughout the town ta view the attractive light- ed outdoor decorations the Senior Citizens were guestç of the Kinsmen Club at a deliciaus lunch served in Memorial Park Clubhouse by the Kinettes. Kinsme] President Don Masterson was in charge of arrange- ments for the Tour of Christmas Lights. A group of the Senior Citizens are pictured above during the lunch Honored at Sr. Citize Cai A lovely duet. "Sleep. Child Divine", w as expressiveiy sung by Miss Allison Welsh ~ and M iss Rosemary Kennedy. Next the Junior Choir pre- Y sented D. H. Williams' "While 10 Shepherds Watched", fallow- ed by a memarable rendition of "Hear the Belîs" (wit'n descant). The Junior and Senior Choirs changed places during the singing ai a ChristmasA Carol. Then Handel's "Pas-: .~trai Symphony" w~as played, on the vialin and organ before' Sthe Dedication of the Offering. The Senior Choir's first selection was the anthem "Jo. s m u .M ICelebration ai Christmas"."< The Ladies Chorus sang "Star:r eat Memorial Park Clubhouse. In the foreground leftl In The East" evocatively. y ta right are Mrs. Herb Gilmer and Mrs. Albert Cryder-' Then a solo "O Holy Night a man. At the long table Vice-President Walter Wooley, was radîantly sunig by Mrs. L-who presided in the absence of President Russell Gil- Rs aey ýs bert is seated by the attractive Yuletide centrepiece Teiyosathm "h " Also at this table from right ta left are: Mr. and Mrs. First Christmas Morn" sung W by the Senior Choir was fol-p " Harvey A. Hardy, Mrs. Walter Wooley, Mrs. Ernest lowed by a superb violin solo,!~ -Turney, Vice-President Wooley, Miss Agnes Scott, Mrs. «Celestial Melody" by Mr. y )f Fred J. Newman, Fred J. Newman, Mrs. G. W. Lee, Oscapella. In a dtiet Miss'X Wishing you the b.st of hi and Mrs. Howard Corden.' Cheryl Metcalf and Mrs. Dorjsý ______ - ~~~Welsh sang -Sleep, Little! eryhnatCism . Jesus" tenderly and wtitimeoand.always! Parti ~time since, she hag been great expression.,iui >,fl5 P rt teachlng ln an Indian school. For several years now shas; The anthem. 'It Came Upon~ / been at Kltkatla, on islandsý The Midnight Clear' was'i'eS off the coast af British Ca-heard in a brilliant sala by e lumbia, west ai Prince Rup-!Mr Cotton. Then Mrs. Wil-, ert. Qiten isolated from con-!sar* Pring effectively sang SA/I oS tact with the mainland eitheri"Gesu Bambino' as a solo. by water, air or even tele- To sl,"Fr eod r.&Ms. Lloyd Ellis phone, they lead a differentDakesSalCvrTeian Stf lue romthehecic usho! arth" and "The People Who ~ cities. She ýays their par-Waed i Da-os"fm B W AN LL ticular group of people are akdi anes frmM BWIN LE amused at the publicitv the lIne5Msih eesn Igg,. Indians are receiving in the by Mr. Cotton in hisspl i Duo news media. Mr. and Mis. Robert Hill.; Earl and Wendx' of Trentoni visited with E. Barrawclough's DELO ITTE, rLEN DER~K aritne. rheSenlr Chir' Festival lconcluding selection was a. del's magnificent chorus, The Glory of the Lard". P~.. ofMUSIidiction was given by- Mi. Turner. (FROM PAGE ONr.i , as followed by a Russian i V iroi, "The Angels Sing", ; ,4Ii 11 During the reception following the Senior Citizens tour of the colored light- ing on Sunday night, the Kinsmen and Kinettes, represented here by Kinette Registrar Mrs. Wayne Thertell and Kin President Don Masterson honored Mr. and Mrs. Aibin Clemens who recently celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. nfluence it bad because ai the dief flights. E L YIE Mr. Whvte fçeIls that thnose Over 300 (FROM PAGE ONFI jImany. T", west is losing any behind the relief flights are, There is still plenty ai snowî Sunday marning's church 14bigmisled by the Biafraniaround for the little folk out service saw the completion afi ýlaesfor their own purposes. ai schaol for the long hoiday, the lighting ai the Advent It is is, understanding that the ta enjoy their favorite winter candles, and their story. This relief agencies have ta pay ex- sparts. was done by Mark Bec, John orbitant landing fees for' every Wlth treats frorn their bus Irwin, Jenniier and Sandra plane that lands supplies in driver and the school Party Lord.' Special anthem by a Biafra. This moncy is paid into. the tykes fram kindergarten! ful('hoir was "The Fîrst Switzerland banks and then1 arc making an early start onl 1 Christmas Marn" and the1 .~.A ("I used by the Biafrans ta buy !: fsiite.quartette. Messrs. Ken Sym-i IUIIUarms on the free market. Ac- The Welcome Sunday School: Mons, John Groeneveld, Lloyd, I(lI\cording to Mr. Whyte, the Biaf- had a very successfi pot li.ck !Kellogg and Lavergn Farrow I\JI\>ran leader Ojuku. a graduate supper on Friday night when sang "O Haly Nlght". ai Sandhurst and Cambridge children and parents met ta- Rev. J. A. Ramjlt's serm- in England, also will not agree gte for an end ai the year a n on God's greatest git ta caus li wats o bingln'avetheir minister Rev. JA.bgnning of Christmas week. foetr.up The scarcity ai animal tracksi food.Follwingthis, twa films ta be seen in the new snaw is 1 eeshown; Santa Claus ar-acnrstadyshnthe Tr he'inein, ave n t isrbu the pres- was greater variety. At thei ___ r. yt e's opinsibl oh a ir1e from the Christmas tree. East Durham Historical meet- - evrytingpasibleto e iirThis had been there since the ing in Port Hope last week with the Biafrans or- Ibos while White Gift service, pracured oea h aiswr spr understandably doing t heir ut-1 by the Intermediate class [oefthlaiswraspt __________ - wht aotitsi b er costume, a mufi of wild1 mtoa supess w Teyhav t auts1mink caught in Port Britain et ebewllotn. The he sti creek by the awner's familyl ed they wonc eur ther lhomesl vlatu and which was made ln Port tn lalm ocoente a is oeri Hope befare 1920 hy the Gor-1 fond willposasiompnsaoteinthei don iamul.y. G r gtir possessio os l bthe D v* aes It is good ta report thel fihtng Bttanoavil1tesprlously 111 people tram theI I Biairan leaders refuse ta ac-1 9FOM PAGE ÔNE) Icmulyaea h ed cept anything but secession' and B commission, set up ta. Truman Austin is slawly lm- I froin Nigeria and this the gov- create a new spirit ai co-aper- proving ln Part Hope hospital, ernment wlll not permit. ation between English- and also Mrs. W. E. Nichais. James'i The biggest question about1 French - speaking Canadians,, Munroe ln a Petcrborough bas- the entîre catastrophe is whe- accompllshed nothing positive.'pital had a grave relapse last] ther it will ever be possible Instead it became a main week but is again gainlng.i for the two warring peoples ta source of dissension ln Canada Mr. Munroe, a one time resu- H lever live together again in that led ta results such as the dn. ecm suely 1 peace, there bas been so much recent Quebec Language BUi. j whlle visitlng ln the cam- bitterness and hatred engen- Similarly, the Company af munlty some weeks ago. dered by the war.1 Young Canadians had be- 'Sharon Thorndyke Is home TIE S FMr. Whyte and bis famiiy corne a vehicle for subversive iram Scarborough for the ITIZE S OFwent to Nigeria in î964ad fre that have "acted as a Christmas holiday but Linda set up a furniture manufactur- catalystln farming the flames still has work dlays ta put In MILElng plant ln conjuniction wlthofdseinad revoit ln this at Queen's, Kingston, beiore VILLEe adfthrs rh country". she cames home. This term's &nagemkothr ri a htesaoren The Conservative member work will then be campleted MisinhelnWht pHvend w'rned that Quebec separa- and she wIll begin anate Theplat poviedtism la nat a passing phase' erm of study at Waterloo:I mishes for a Christmas support for the orphanage and that can be treated lightly but Iafter the holiday. tght building akilla ta the bas, verY serlous overtanes": Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashby ui peace aM ',Éappiness peup1e ai the area. lHe return- that could lead ta disaster. rerndasot ie ag ad to Bowmanville ln October "Let us flot forget that Hit-1 from their annual holiday in! following a strike of bis 54 r and Mussolini came ta Florida.1 employees. The strike vm n power on the wlngs af discon-1 One of the happy parts aof tiç nmain reassa for his retursi. tent, and there is a danger Christmas Season is bearing ,or Ivan M. Hobbs Rarlier, he b.ad sustained peu'. that the separatist movement: îrom absent fienls ai other marient lung damage in a car will veer mare and mare to!years. among them former accident and cauld no longer thbe right." ho said. miisters' familles and teach- f Toyn Cou ü Xe In the tropical atmopre "History records that raclet,1ers. One o! tbese from this Mo.s mother and fathe are political parties generally use cammunity is Margaret Hodg- throperating te 0orh- a faqcist system o! govern- 'ms who taught schol here b r ZM entthe 1940's. Almost the ecoUre HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWVA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., RIA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728 -7527 Le~ * I

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