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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 6

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oThe Caxiadian Statesinan, Eowmanvflle, Dec. 24, 198,1 I fkecreation (Çkeviews1 (Continued from last week) Wings shut out the Beavers Peee Hockey by a 2 tao0 score. The Wings In the ffrst game played onfoals were scored by flan Monday. Dec. 8th the Bri-i.±s av son and Ken MacGreg<or, whlpped the Leafs by an 11 while Kevin Simmons picked to 4 count. The Bruins goals up one assist. were ucored by Rob Donoghue In the fourth Pee Wee game, with tw" goals and two asslsts. the North Stars and Blades LarrY Reid one goal and one piayed to a 2-ail tie. The North aaaist. Gerald Brunt three Stars goals were scored by #-bals and twO assists, Pete Randy VanMeer and John KerwÔd.John Vandement Turner, whlle Eric Vanden- one goal each while Tony berg picked up one assist. The TenWest.eniend picked up three Blades goals were scored by gOals anid one assist. The Leafs Dan Traviss and Jim Lewis, g bals were scored by Bob assisted by Joseph Whyte. Shackleton, three goals and one 1 Bantam Hockey ands. Jmeefc one goal!t In the first game played on .ndoneasastwhile Kari Saturday, Dec. l3th, the Fly- Vyschaft had one assist. t crs defeated the Panthers by ,In the second game, the a 9 ta 4 count. The Flyers Pyere edged the Canadians by were led by Marcel Belanger a2 ta 1 score wlth Tom Now- with six goals while Larry Uan scoring both Flyers goals Brun t picked up three. Assists asassted by Neil Taylor andiwent to Ken Ferris with two, Day. MacDonald. ThedCan- Paul Jones two, Randy Phil- adiana goal was scored býy lips, Dennis Bamber and Tom Paul Sobil suisted by Stve Conahan with ane each. The Jeffreys. Panthers goals were scored by The Rangers defeated the RIch Hall with one goal and )ings In the 3rd ericounter by 1ane assist, Dan Leddy one goal a Cloue 2 ta 1 score. Thie1 and two assIsts, Pete Hoikem a Xàifgets goals were scored bylone goal and two assista, Bill Jôhn DeJager and Danny CoxjPreece one goal and Dave whlle Randy Hayes plcked up1 Cowle one tssist. one asslst. The Kings goal! The Pirates doubled the was scored by Donald Childs. soeo h risi h n Ithe fourth game, the contest with a 6 to 3 score à i ïà1-lmM-lq---- STUART R. JAMES GENERAL INSURANCE STU JAMES DOUG JAMES t BOWMANVILLE May this coming year be a time of happiness, joy and lasting peace for you F. A. Kramp Ltd. MR. and MRS. FRED KRAMP BOB LOCKHART CHESTER McQUINN 'o/, u5Le4 -. g 7avafta, Throes of A Triple Epi*demic Drugs, Booze, Crime * "Canada is In the throes of Ia triple epidemic - drug addic- tion, alcoholismn and crime," 'Commissioner Clarence D. jWiseman, National Comnmand- e r of The Salvation Army ln iThe Pirates goals were scored b y Martin Wind wlth two goals, Garry Milîson one goal and one assist, Rob Simpson one goal, Joe Hilîs one goal, IDon Bradley one goal and two iassists, Steve Hobbs and Randy iBaker one assist each. The Bruins goals were scored by iGerry Masterson, Rand'y Thiele and Dennis Broome. ln the final Bantam game, the Ail Stars defeated the Huskies by a 2 ta .0 score. The Stars goals were scored by Ralph Cryderman with one goal and one assist, Brad AI- Imond one goal and one assist, while Bill Leaman miade one jasait. Mldget Hockey In the first game, the Gen- erals defeated the Canucks by an 8 ta 5 score. The Génerals goals were scored by Randy Allen two, Mike Cornell thrée, Hôwie Ormiston anc goal and one assist, Jim Brooks one goal and one assist, Glenn Rice anc gôal and ane assist. AI Junkin two assista and Keith Kelly one. The Canucks goals were scored by Morris Meadôws ane gôal and anC Assist, Lance Livingetone, Rôn Piper. Paul Dillon and Rick Shackleton one goal each. Mike O'Brien, Rick Morrison. Gary Mur- Phy, one a9sist each while Larry Little picked up two assista. The Cornets ln the second contest swaniped the Pine Ridge School with a 12 ta 3 i win. The Cornets were led by Terry Baker and Don Smith with four goals and three as- sista each while Steve Watson had two goals and four as- sists, Steve Davey anc goal and ane assist, Len Huisman two assists, Dean Knox one goal, Barry McMahon ane goal and anc assist. The P.R.S. goals were scored by McQug- gan with two and M. McIntyre l one while Lindsay, Bar-ry and Thontan had anc assist each. Canada, stated recently. "'This triple epldemnic is fastered by the prevailing lilmate of per- missiveness that scoffs at re- straint and discipline and holds decency ln sllght re- gard". In bis Christmas message ta the people of Canada, Comn- nilasioner Wiseman calîs for renewed effort ta uphold Christian values ln govern- ment, bus9ness and day-to- day relationships not only by Uic Integrity o! their lives but also by their protesta against debasement af such values.- "The day has came for Christians ta be vocal, ta stop sitting on the fence on vital Issues, ta apeak Up even if in the minority". The Commissioner states that this Is exactly what God did at Christmas. He came down frorn high Heaven, as it werc, Into the midst of the human muddle, ta Identify Himseîf with man's strugglc for decency, and ta show through the Ilfe and sacrifice a! Jesus the way of Salvation. There are two major de- fects ln modern thinking. the National Leader suggeats, which arc as far remnovecd fram the Inner meaning o! Christ- mas as anything could posslbly be. "The first major defect Is the rejection of absolutes ln the realm a! marais. No langer la there absolute right or wrong, truth or falschood. What we do depends on the situation, and how we are feel- ing at the moment, rather than on-any permanent system of values. Thus marais have became highly subjective, roated ln man lnstead of God. This way lcads to decadence and disintegration. "The second major defect Is the worship o!frnaterlal things. Anything that cannat be seen, felt, measured or predicted is not worthy a! human consid- cration. Thus spiritual values are ruled out altagether, and man becomes Impri'soned with- ln the walls of his awn limit- ed senses. This Ia the way ta pygmy living and stymied sauls" Commissioner Wiseman chal-! lenges Salvationists particu-! larly to get into the places whcre people are with the Christian witness, which in- valves not only testimony ta their religiaus faith, but prac- tical expression of their Christian love, and their sense of responsibility for the xvell- being of the whole world. OBITUARY MRS. THOMAS ADAIR A former principal of the Glenholme School for Retard- cd Children, Oshawa, Mrs. Thomas Adair died suddenly Tuesday, December 16, 1969, at 168 Antrim Street, Peter- borough, following a one-day slckness. The deceased, who formerly lived at 99 Mc- Laughlin Blvd., Oshawa, was ln her 82nd year. The former Sara Gertrude Whitfleld, the deccased was a daughtcr of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Whitfleld. Born at Cavan, Ont., she received her education there and at the Millbrook Normal School. She was marrled at Cavan. Mrs. Adair served as princi- pal of Glenholme School for a number of years prior ta her retirement ln 1966. She was a member of Simcoe Street United Ohurch where she was active ln the work of the Women's Mlssionary Society and later the United Church Women. Since moving ta Peterborough two years ago she had been a member of Business Directory Accouniancy_ 1 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvllle, Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephane 725-6539 ~C hir opracfi C G. EDWIN MANN, D. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. v ~ Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment DR. W. M. RUDELL, DUDS. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturdal and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DR. C. F. CA'IT, D.S. Bowmnanville Professianal Bldg. 222 King St. E. - Suite 204 Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-5459 DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 King St. E.. Bowrnanville office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday g a.m. ta 4 p.m. Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-7662 Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Insurance 16 Division St., Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 Optfom e fr y KEYTH A. DILLETT. O.D. Optanietrlst 143 King St. E. - Bownianville OMMe Hours: By appointment Telephon. 623-3252 mon..-Tue. - Thurs. - ri. 9 arn. ta 5 p.m. FVd and Sat - 9 l Thursday evenings Q/ha 1 George Street United Church. She was a member of the Senior Citizens' Club. Predeceased by her husband' ln 1964, Mrs. Adair Is surviv- cd by two daughters, Mrs. Russell Halîman (Gertrude) of Bowmanville and Mrs.ý Harry Dick (Mary) of Osha-1 wa and a son, John Adair of Hampton. Also surviving are two sist- crs, Mrs. Glen Piper (L4azel) of Ajax and Mrs. Norman Fee (Mary) of Peterborough; a brother, Erie Whitfield of Toronto; nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by two sisters and two brothers. The funeal service was held at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home, Oshawa, at 1:30 p.m., Frlday, Dec. 19 and was conducted by Rev. Allan Lavis, minister of Simcoe Street United Church. Inter- ment was ln Groveside Cerne- tery. Bowmanvillle (a). 10 WMAN VILLE Foodliner * iSaIvation Army Message. ? tui %Iqmb ir--Canada in May the holidays shine brightly with good cheer, good health, and good fortune for ail our wonderful friends and patrons! As we gather with our loved ones around the Christmas tree, we'1l be thinking of you and wishing you the very bestl qknda 0ai'tq lMcLaughln Plane tarium V 1 Be gins Ifs Second Year WIeth- Special Showîing A special Christmas show,year-old Mr. McLaughlin gave1 Admission ta a Planetarium Star of Bethlehem, is the feat- $2.250,000 to build and equîp show is $1.00 for adults, 50 ure at the Theatre of the Stars ýthe domcd building. then estab-, cents for children 8-14. Young. as Teonta's McLaughlin Plan-ilished a $1,000,000 trust fund sters under eight are not ad. etarium swings into ita second'ta develop its programme. !mitted ta the theatre but they ycar of operation.i In its first ycar the Planet- may visit with an adult the Since Its public opening Nov. arium presented six public spectacular exhibit areas of the 2, 1968, the Planetarîum, partshows: Venture into Space;ibuilding. Advance tickets may of the Royal Ontario Museum, The Ways of the Planets; Be- be obtained from the Planetar. has become onc of the city's tween the Stars; Mars, Planet'ium Box Office, 100 Queen's major attractions. In its firstof Mystery; Some Famous Park (immediately south of the full year, It rccorded a totalStars: and The World of theMuseum) eithcr In persan or of 404,826 visitors. 0f these, Moon. by mail. _________ 248,285 attcnded public shows;;,..N- ---:- ------wq in Ita 355-seat Theatre of the' w Stars while the remainder en- tered the building ta sec its , elaborate astronomical displays or ta attend school shows. Aý total of 99,252 youngsters and teachers saw the sealchool shows Ini the first year. %D.~' The Star of Bethlehem show, continuing ta Jan. 11, re- creates the stars and planets as thcy appearcd on that first Christmias almost 2,000 years Z ago. It poses and attempts ta answer the question: which was the bright star that the Bible says guided the Wise Men ta the stable in Bethle- hem. The show is presented Tues- day through Friday at 3:30 and1 8:00 p.m. On Saturdays thereV are five shows and on Sundays . four. Durlng the holidays, the, Plnetarium's theatre is closed-i 'Dec. 25, 26 and Jan. 1 but there are thrcc shows daily Dec. 23,1 24, 30, 31 and Jan. 2 with i regular weekend shows Dec.W e. 27-28 and Jan. 3-4. The Planetarium was a gift ta the ROM and the people o!f To ail our patrons . .. frorn !Ontario from R. S. McLaugh- ýtesain ta evsSua lin, of Oshawa, who was chair-:Vftesainta evsSna man of the board o! Gencral Closed Ail Day Christmas and New Year's Motos o Caada.The98-Closed 6 p.nî. Christmîas Eve and BURKETON New Year's Eve OPEN BOXING DAY Mrs, Fred Tabb returnedý from Memorial Hospital, Bow-1 manville, Monday afternooni. She was honored on Mondav B ROCK'S M SERVICE ta celebrate her birthday. Mrs. AI Swain supplied a birthday I GnrlRpisTwn evc cake for the occasion and GnrlRpisTwn evc Mrs. John Roth oalled to celc- Lawn Boy Sales & Service brate the event. Snow Cruiser Sales & Service Mr. Fred Tabb has been 20 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE very busy selling Christmasi trees for Mr. Pniauskas. blx------b » - ----- - w-ý

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