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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 8

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-'il1 i P The Canadian Statesman, Eowmnvfe, DMe 24, lmS SPORTopucsI By Frmnk Mohuus 62347234ý LEADING TE WAY lf Bebby Orr can reniamin healthy througheut Uic catire canipaigai, he la a certaInty te smash Uic assista and peints record fer detencemen. At asat look, Bobby had elght goals and 33 assista already, and if he continues his curreat pace, Uic ex Oshawa General star would finish with 107 points. As a matter of tact; Orr fi only 17 assista off the record 50 set last season by Pat Stapleton. It luiteresting te note that Frank Mahovlich la rightl Up there with a top league mark ot 15 geais se far, which is about a dozen more than he had at tbis Urne ast year. Bobby j Hull was the leader Iast Uie around with 21 at this stagt inl the going. Although missing many garnes due to Uhc contraci dispute, the golden jet la now up te seven. r UcPerhaps an indicator of how bad the Leafs are - or ti tewestern division la stili flot on a par with the east. Toronto, Who used te do fairly well in their own group and fall fiai agaInst the so-called easy touches, are barely over the .50 mark against expansion teas. Needless to say, I the eastern section their record la sad. Bowmanviile's Brent Hughes is becoming somewhat ofà badman, at least prior te Uic weekend's hostilities. Brent ha' logged 77 minutes I the sin bin over 24 games, tied for runner-up in the rough-neck honora with Earl Helakala of Philadeiphia. Leading the penalty parade is Carol Vadnais wlth 115 minutes. The eastern badman Io Orr, with 67 minutes at last count over 29 games. John Ferguson has served five fewer minutes, but big John has played il fewer encounters. Bernie Parent picked up another assist last week, his third of the season, te become the only active goal-tender in tV-N"L te gai-fer three I one campaign. PLENTY 0F SKIING! That wonderful world of snow th:t came tumbling down latThursday, wl certainly mk h skiera happy, particu- larly those on vacation during Christmas and New Years. With excellent skiing now i evidence at the Kirby Hills, Uic Oshawa Ski Club, after providing the past four days of j skiing (Saturday until Tuesday) will suspend operations for Wcdnesday and Christmas Day. Atter th at, the T-bar and rope tow wll be going full blasi jfrom December 26th right through to January 4th. That's 10 consecutive days! Cost to student members is two dollars for the T-bar and a dollar for the rope tow. Non-members pay $3.00 and $2.00 respectively. Unfortunately, we understand there will be no buses for Bownianville skiers. The sports editor wifl be away for a well-deserved Christ- mas vacation by the time you- are reading this column, and we hope to get in a bit of skllng, skating and relaxing by watchrng the NFL playoff s. But we're hoptng that the siopes will stiil have plenty of snow for next week, when we're planning to ski for live days at the Oshawa Ski Club over New Year's. In fact for the first time since television, we will likely pass Up ail of those bowl games, te take to the hilis. t. j. t t 1t LIVING IN THE PAST It really makes nie laugh, when you hear of Mr. Avery Brundage, 82-year-old president ot the International Olympic Committee, invoking the rule that ail players participating lI the World Tournarnent wlth professionals, wiil lose their amateur statua. For years now, Canada has been torred to cempete by -'e!ng "amateur" performers In the Olyniplcs, although we could employ a few re-instated pros for the world teurney. ThiasUie around, with the global title te be staged next March I Winnipeg andi Montreal, Bunny Ahearne, czar of the International Ice Hockey Federation, perniltted the poor old Canadians te use nine pros - providing they didn't play any games In the National Hockey League ts season. Now It seenis Uiat Canada won't be allowed te use any professionals, unles Uey have a chunk ot papers that quali- fies theni as re-lnst.ated. That weuld eliminate the plan where- by NHL teanis would ailow their top tarm club players te join thc Canadlan rester iUrne for Uic World championships. 0f course, apparently ater going along with the plan, now Russa and Sweden have stated their Intentions cf pull- ing eut if Canada uses any protessionals. Tt kind cf makes you wonder just Who constitutes an amateur. Certainly any athîcte capable of makig Canada', national rester. must hve been pald for playlng sormewhere along Uic Une. In tact, it was wldely publicized Uiat goal-tender Ken Dryden was offered more Ua just a tew bucks to Join thc Nats. And what about those Russlans? You can't cali them amateurs by any stretch et the Imagination. They do have very understàading employer$, to shlow thern theUicre off te travel ne~ extenslvely - Uic Soviet gevernment. I don' tUilnk we would be wrong I statlng that the comrades are actually more professions! than teamnihe i NHL. They tel us that the Russians are on skates longer than Uic NHL'ers, evea tote ietent of probably playîng mort games. as well Us practising their precision passing. We understand that they spend a seid month playing soccer, etc.,1 te get aI shape prier te the seasen. Needlesa te Say, they don't do it for aothing. Tt ls stl cur opinion that a game played strictly between Canada's beat and the Rusians' best, would be ne contest. Bobby Orr was sensational when he was la action against Uie Ruskies, as a mnember ot a Junior "ýA" Al-Star team. He was only about 16 att Uic Urne. Wonder what he weuld do now? t. t. t *t* j A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! HA.&PpY TOflPD. GEORGE'5E MU t mUI»WWEAt Men'ls Major Lge. e The tii-st schedule la over t and Larry Piper maintiained his 261 average te capture the at high average titlc. Clarence Oke finishcd second at 240. "Ken's Mcn's Wear won thc t fIrst schedufle wlth 32 pointa 0o witih Frank's Varicty ln* the runner-up spot with 28. Clarence Oke took the high single championshlp with his a big 393 game. Oke'a triple of ýd 917 went ah Uice way. Hîgh single team score for )r the tirsi haît went te the food 'f beys troni I.G.A. with 1406. is Frank's Variety had 3873 for high triple. This week Mike Murphy ,e took ail top honors, having shigh single 312 and high [s triple 827. n The directers et the Men's SM'ajor League would like to wishi everyone a Merry Christ- mas a'nd a better than average New Ycar. And a final note te Dear nBald- rnay the two bowling t he New Year. F'ollowlng Is a complete list et the first sehedule standing. Final Standing First Sehedule rAverage, ve tLarry Piper 48 261 Clarence Oke - 45 240 Jack Bond -- 48 239 rMike Murphy . 48 237 Ernie Perfect - 48 236 IlDon Oke -----__ 48 236 Brian Martyn - 48 234 *Russ Hately 48 232 Russ Oke _____ 45 232 'Doug Carter 45 231 Ed Lesilie __-_ 48 231 Hap Palmer ___ 48 231 *Ab Saman .___ 48 230 Walt Hately 48 228 Ruas Halîman 48 228 *Dave Reynolds - 39 228 r Howard Broedl 48 227 Murray Tighe - 48 226 Deug McKnight - 45 225 Ron Etcher -__ 48 225 Bob Lawton 45 224 Maurrice Richarde - 48 222 Maurice Annaert 48 220 Don Bagnell .-- 48 220 Dr. H. B. Ruaidle - 48 219 Randy Beeuprie 48 219 George Piper - 48 219 Bud Heainag -. 48 218 Karl Piper 48 218 Si Trewln -___ 48 217 Dick Perfect - 48 217 John Gould___ 48 215 Bihl Westlake 48 215 Elton Brock___ 45 214 George Stephen - 48 213 John Carter -- 45 212 Hareld Michelson - 48 212' Bob Smith . 48 212 Ted Bagaieli ___ 48 210 Bob Wlliams - 48 209 Bill Oke .___ 48 208 Frank Mehun - 45 208 Rely Coombes . 48 207 Jini McKnight 45 207 Loweil MacDougal. 45 206 Jini Bruten -__ 48 206 Luke Annaert - 48 206 Jack Lander ___ 48 205 Frank Semis 48 204 Deug Taylor 48 204 Art Rowe- __ 45 204 John VenDyk - 48 204 Bob Kent - --__ 48 203 rGeorge Bebee 42 203 I Karl_____l 45 202 i Bob Glanville - 45 202 Stan MeMurt.er - 48 201 Lou McFeeters 42 201 Ray VanMeer ~. 48 196 Stev. Oke.___ 48 195 Bob Konopaki 48 194 Garf Clarke 48 193 Ron Carter____ 48 192 Bruce Milaie 45 191 Bruce Adams 39 188 John Ingrtam 48 187 Bon MeLcan 45 186 Harold Bennett 48 185 Bill Luxton -__ 47 182. Fred Cole -____ 45 176' Fr'ank Elunt-------- 21 16.5 Team Standing TeOM w L Ps& IKen's Men's. Wear 32 16 32 Frank's Varletz 28 20 28 Lovell 26 22 26 Pepai Cola - 28 22 26 Food 25 23 25 Sehby Grant Heating - 23% 2414 23 % I. G.A. 23 25 23 Nels Osborne Insuranee - 22% 22% 22% New'ville. Starkville Bowling League Thursday. Dec. 1Mt Averages Grail Milîson ____ 202 Doris Tompklas 196 Dorothy Stark . 181 Beraice Henderson- 178 Marie Trini - ---_-_ 168 Olive Henderion- 167 Vaine Marchaat . 160 morte Woa150 J'un Poliod 1561 Penny x*vup1 153, Bouk# * 16, k151 P. 2151 rc ptxek-202 AMEN 38 -'--~tel The Bowmanville Ladies Auxiliary te the Royal Canadian Legion last week donated $1,065 te Mernorial Hospital for the purchase of a pulsemeter, a haemo- graph-oscillator, a junior size suction pump, and an overhead projector. President Rena Bathgate is pic- tured above presenting the cheque for the auxiliary's contribution to Rex Walters, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Memorial Hospital. Standing next to Muxed Major League December, lsth really under pressure Monday One ef our Legion Chefs, evening? 745 (306) - alce Eraie Perfefct, net only cok-ç bowling, George. cd up a storm but really roll- Congratulations te, Doris cd up a storm te, the tune of Joli who took honora for Bow- 854 for high triple, aise high manville when she placed 2aid single of 359. Our supper for the ladies lai the East- must have 'agreed with you,1 West Tournarnent and who Ernie. Helen Reynolds after. will represent us for the Can- keen competition on Sunday r adian Championship. * Tourna- rolled a very nice 768. ýment Doris rolled 727 (308) George Shelby Grant Bebee Mvonday evening. 753 (314), George Charland, _ Barb Sweetheart on Parade SPORTS, CYCLE MMULTTS& TOYS Mel and Jack McNulty BOWMANVILLE ~~~q UIUI ----------e-- »"N»-iuaooei Our service station and towing service will be open bath Christmas Day and New Year' Day for your motoring convenlence. H. W. Knapp Autos Ltd. Herb Kuapp and Staff a"£ EnuN 13OWNANVILLE1 W ¶ Board Chairman Walters on the left is Hospital" Administrator R. E. Elston, and Treasurer Audrey Bate, a past president of the auxiliary, is with Presi- dent Bathgate. The other two memnbers of the commit- e tee in charge of arrangements for the auxiliary's dona-' tien were First Vice-President Hilda Humphrey and Comrade Dorothy Richards, a past president. Buttenshaw 721. Our ownH Queen Bec' Bernice BudayHo pt lB w lli who really buzzed up a storm o pia B wln~ rolled 717. Lasi but net least - the oaiîy High single, M. Burgess 257, only Mike Mike Murphy, 711. high triple, M. Vanstone 686; Frank Eccles and Bernice high average, B. Brown 207. Buday still holding high av- High single. R. Rabbins 251; erage, Frank with 247, Ber- high triple, R. Robbins 617; nice 244. high average, D. McKnight Tearn standings wIll be a 225. fight te the finish as Reynolds High Pins: Team No. 7, has 29 points, Dunai 281'/2 pts., Freak-Outs, 2610.I Wright 27 pts. Over 200 Game9 The Executive wlshes all Ladies-L. Connors 225-207, ou.r bowlers Season's Greet- A. R-owe 238-214, M. Van- ngs. stone 227-251-208, D. Ogden A special thanks te Mr. 203, A. Fredrlcks 217, B. James, Mr. Mohun, aise the Brown 213-223, M. Burgess i Statesmaai Staff for their 257, A. Tice 229. A. Stephens vcry efficient coverage ot our 207, K. Ormiston 205, Anne! bowling this schedule. It has Rowe 205, R. Cuhly 224, P. been a pleasure. Jeffery 205. Lorraine and Denise. F.' Stubbert 210-208, R. Rob- Attention, Bowlcrs - Mixed biais 210-251. Major League Christmas Party Teani Standing on Jan. 10/70, Memorlal Park, 3eat-Me-Nots 83 7:30. Sec Berailce. Indians ____73i Over 300 Games Slow-Pokes -______59 Ernie Perfect 359, George Klod-Hoppers -____58 3ebee 314, Doris Joli 308, Freak-Outs - 53 eorge Charlaaid 306. Apollo ---_____42'! Over 250 Gaines Honky-Tonks ____40 Helen -Reynolds -276-251, Brown-Eyes -4011,- 40 c I c nErnîe rerfect 276, M1ike Murphy 275-259, Hilda Slm- nick 270, Russ Halîman 269, Bernice Buday 265-256, Maur-ý Ice Annaert 265, Don Wright 264, Bai-b Buttonshaw 258, Hector Ballantine 2956, VI Coole 256, 0111e Patfield 254- 252, June Baker 251. Averages Franik Eccles 247, Bernice Buday 244, Ernie Perfect 242, Doris Joîl 238, Howard Brom- mell 231, Mîke Murphy 230, Helen Reynolds 229, Maurice Annacri 226, Pete Dobbins 226 (36), Bryan Martyn 225 (42). Rusa Hately 224, Dave Reynolds 224 (33), Ross Wright 222, Albert, Sarnian 218, Don Wright 218 (36), George Be- bee 216, Leon Ceaimera 216, Rues Hailman 216, Peggy Hayncs 213, Hector Ballan- tUne 210, 0111e Patfild 209 (39), Jim Bruton 208, Barb Butteaishaw 208, VI Coole 207 (42), Joan Sutcliffe 205, Don Bîshop 205 (42), Dot Collins 203, Helen Dunai 203 (39), George Charland 202,r Bill Joli 202. Lola Wright 2021 (42), Jim Murphy 201, Norm McKecai 200. Liberty Belles High Siaigle-H. Reynolds 274 High Double-H. Reynolds 498 H. Reynolds 274-224, L., Cole 256-234, B. Stephens 262- 209, M. Leaman 234-236. C. Roberts 239-228, M. Kirkten 220-215, 0. Patfleld 225-210, B. Kennedy 258, W. Combes 247, S. Nicholson 240, B. Locke 214, M. McDeaiald 212, A. Wilson 210, H. Sheehan 209, M. Horstman 201. Reyniolds 25431 221/2 Colville ____ 24882 20 Combes____ 24431 17 Locke _____ 24361 17 Gibson -___ 24599 16 Shackelton - 23600 14% Bate -_____ 24208 12 Leaman _____24387 il Blunt __-____23871 11 Patfleld . 23567 10 Averages 0. Patfleld 212, H. Reynold' 212, L. Cale 207, B. Stephens 205, J. Alexander 201, C. Roberts 197, N. Evans 195, M. Gibabn 191, M. Kirkt.an 191, W. Combes 189, M. Leanian 184, M. McDonald 179. F Ailai 78,S.Nicholson 175, A: Wilsoan 174,F. Steadman 173, S. Young 17 1. M. Colville 171 M. Horsiman 170, B. Locke 170, S. Duetta 169, M. Chîs- hoîni 186, L. Renaud 166,A. Bate 165, V. Muler 162: C: Wray 162, Y. Osborne 162, M. Lane 162. Mf. Sheehan 162, E. Brunt 160. New bowlers needed, secondJ shedule. Anyone wishgto join Our league please Phone 623-5178 as mseaa possible! Tuuday atternooaa Nig ht Hawks 12.0.lln Decmbe luhope to see you aU ba the Newv Year, Jan. 7, 8: Teamn Standing Bowiers needed, please con. J. Mairs ____ 45 tact J. Mairs 263-2968. F. Bruce 36'1- A. Bons 32 J. Rowe - 27 K. Campbell 23 C. Bruce .--- -- - - ------- 16 High Single-J. Baker 273; HI1gh Triple--J. Baker 627 Over 225 J. Baker 273. K. Campbelli 265, 1. Wrig-ht 236. Averages J. Baker 199, M. Smith 195,, K. Campbell 192. J. Mairs 190, F. Brucec 188. C. Bruce 187,m 1. Wright 186, C. Ritter 185, B. Wllbur 182, A. Bons 179, J. Roe 7, .Bagnll 74, L. '5 A ! E. Mitchell 169.,M Ovenden 168, D. Cochrane 167, L.' Coombes 167. A. Larusso 165,A F. Lad16,P.Booe16j BY A M L. Burgess 151, G. Down1eyv PLUMBING & HEATING 151. E. Coombr.s 149, D. D~ PHONE 263-2650 Vos 148, A. Perfect 148, B. Nimigon 145, T. Maynard 1-17: Tyrone, Ontario E. Deboo 135, M._Fowle r 127, ISNOWMOBILE SPECIALS 1970 Arctic Cats ..............only 1970 Deluxe Sno-Jets ............. 1970 Deluxe Ski-Doo's .............. 1969 Nordic 18"" Track ............. Snowmobile cover 'Nordic .......-. Snowmobile Boots 'Zippers' .. . Trailcar H. Duty Galv. Tilt and swivel trailers .... $895.00 649.00 649.00 749.00 18.95 12.95 139.00 ONTARIO SPORTS llwy. 115, Orono Open evenings and Sundays 983-5444 mmgood fln'es! good chocere - i9 at Chr±ias! To our very W *bWF %0IO. ý.àfl- best wishes for the holiday season Jean and AI. Boyd and Staff Legion Ladies Donate $1,065 to Memorial Hospital cnx*wx«-tm

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