-ery mieetslboreJi t et Tod Bros.' ýcÔUY obstinete case, if taken )UGHI B&LSAM bas stood tial. DlT<41 TIALSAII ean bel SmuaU- Price, 25 CENTS: H OUaT1 T FADE OUT 1 m for trength,(L, oonne clOess. 1=7cthCDro b thi maItt ,1it ntter h - t her SI y e . !ZLr!Or D70, 1C ctff li4U St. Paul Street, Montrel. ' Card anid B,01- 'lntratIon y-Thanks. Fur mît found-a nman's. lInquire tt STÂTE5MAN Office. Mr. S. Cotton ba3t severaý,l notes by the iburnuingl of his houso recently. See Tod Bros.' new stock of fiennels and blankets-ail ai cost pnice. Solid silverwatcbes from two dollars upwards ai John J, MNssou's new store. Chas. Gilchrist, Esq., Fishenries' Over- seer, was guest of Gordon D. Flotcher. Jas. Elliott attended the funeral of his unclo, Cepi. W. Breunid, Port Hope, Sundlay. Wanted, an epprentice ta the Jewelry businsies. Apply at once to MA&YNAILD, TmIEJEWELLER. A very large and cholce stock of new tweeds and wýonateds just opened out et Couch, Johnson & Crydermeni's. Nover bad a botter run of wetch and dlock repeiring than sinco moving to tho new store, so savs Jno. J. Meson. M. A. JýýarES Will meke it worth your while to order ehl the pepers you went for 1890 fromn him. Big reductions for clubs. In our report of Fermers, Institute the name of Mr. F. A. Wright, vice-presi- dent, for Cartwrig-ht, iras inadvertantly omitted. 1Darlington Township Agricultural So- ciety's annuel meeting, in Counicil Chamt- ber, Thursday this week. Speciai roquost for membors ta attend at 1 p. m. The splendid Dominion Lino steamer "Sarnia" seils froni Fllifax Jan. 18 for Liverpool. Interm-ediate tickets $2b; steerage $20. M. A. James, agent. Tait's Photo Gallery is again open and reedy for business. Entrance through H. C. Brittain's Jewollry Store-the former entrance to the gehlery. TAIT & Co., Photo Artis'cs. 1-tf. -1- A special offer for the holiday trade- gont's gohdfilhed watches from $20 up- ladies' solid gold and sijver watches keDt in stock ai equally low prices. Chains of al descriptions. H. C. Bittain. Subsoiptions talcen et Tuit STATESMAN office for Waekhy Globe, Mýail, Empire, Witnass, Famihy Herald, Stock Journal, and 2,599 other papers et lowast rates. Balance of 1889 free on ntost of LUIm. Dr. Ltzoich's diphihonia cure : For child 1 yr. aid giveinternally every two bours, nair. bauzonia pur. 5. O soir. in aq. dillet eq. meuth. piper. add. 40 O syr. aur. 10.0. Incroase in proportion to ega. Prof. Lolseot&s Memory System is cre- ating greeater interest than over ïu ahi parts of the country, and pensons wishing ta improve their memory should send for hie prospectus free as edvGrtîmed in ana thor îaade.' onl11Y ad ies' Co baud et Couch, Johuston & 's a fiue range of ladies' and itrs and shiort jackets, Germnan ieir goo)ds are cut and made up 'ermans cen cut and make up sB. g, V. S., Boirmanville, bas ýnted local agent for the On- ,ai Lira Stocki Insurance Cont. rties desirous of insuning stock atit from. any cause, will do suit Mr. Young. )s Gi2z, rfather ofConeuillor offce fon ot of Whitby, young and vin. 1Looa lu. reti. V. Massey, bho lbas beer F il in Lomel, Mass, lbas reacb. r's home in Toronto in safety. u have pictures ta frinte tak Henry, ho wilh frame themhbette mper then any ailier hanse ii moomcraf t receivoti a yary band lis' companion mn plush from lie n the ast day of sechoul bofore th ng ta bav ring brin hem don ollege rmnor 1 112ti nDsf s, 111 C-ived a Io front Il hol.M h also r ,pupihe. on. TL lis col- .n Mer, MiNllel copy a ared ,a rui ,, WhIe , s oclic5y. McMurtry; 0g, Naonti andi Bessie SAdair ; Ferrier McArthur, Helen Beitb, Maggie Maosf, Winnie and Etina Field- ing, Grece and Jessie Laing, a~nd Jonnie 9-Fraser. s- Sendt ta9 Adehaide St., West, Toronto, for a Free Sample Copy of the Firosido n Weekhy, a finely ilusteteti and initeresi- - ing story pape, andi so roalize what an extraordinary offer we are meking wben e we agree ta send i bath the STATESMÂ-N an~d r Firoside Weekly for $2. 00 when the Fire- in sidealaone is $2 a yeer. Now is the tinte ta subscribe andi receive the banefit of tbis ~.great offer. if r TllE DOMýIN-,ION Liîn.-On eccount of e the ver y large number of ocean steant- sbip ticke~ts sold in 1889 by MI. A. Jantes ýa for the Dominion Line, the Company hias in givon it arn agency for Bowmanvillo. ýHo will now bave a supply of ticketq andi frowa bis knowledge of oceen travling- haliving crosed seven timefs-end of Liver- vesition ta girTe information of gcroat impor. -1g tance ta perdons iutending ta tako e voy- e ga ta the 0ýd Coutries3. Ptansons in eny part of Cavada liwîshing ta setid for 0, frianids in the, Olti Co)uinties or ta visit Ds the Olt W orhd wilh find i t greatiy ta their i, adrvautageý, ta procure tick.ets froin M. A. irJneBownmanvifle. 'THANItS To) APUoNs,-Tstn STATESMAÂN Carriers in town desiýre ta express their [ithanksini ibis paper ta their patrons for hthe iberai donations they receivedl on a presentiig their New Yeers' Address. It sB mas a surprise ta some thlat sncb a- fine 0- pioce of prnting couildbe exetein this town as the filrst page of our Carrier'î4 o.addrcess, 'but if auy person is suffiiently $interested iiin fine pinting ta cab. et tida -office, Mn. Siti. A. Jeweih, aur foremian, t; wiii te pleasur,, in showing suporior o, kamiplos of ertistic priniting wicbha bas w; dioue. Wben faucy pr.iting ms weied, er thora is no, need of gîgta the- city for 't. The STÂTESMNAN Job Ravins lias long ,r taken the first plaecefon finle work. sa A MOatuNT o! yur tue, reeder, ntey t-perbapa be profitebly devototi ta the foi- ne- iowng ;-Thase ivho taice an agency for a be reieible enterprisioug bouse, learuth leir py business and ïtick ta ii;, "get on" in the ny world. People wha have any idea of on- 'e gagling in any canras,4ing buiness il do in w.eýll taw;rite GoreStiuoon& Co., s3 Porilaii Maine-th gea art andc genl- ci eeh puabishiers. Th ý-y th Ie most ex- o-, ceptionel edvanteges ta those who are e- suffic.iouthy etorprisiug ta be williug ta sii mnake a push in order ta botter thehr con- w. diuiou. It caste nothîng ta try. Wo. mienen make successful ceuvasDsers. as mehi r. aS nIaUit. Fullpatcoa wîi lbo sent ta dy those who addre.s the firm; thir ful ad dr.O Ù9 giren ebove, Due bils taken saieeas cash ai Tod l3ros. givingy-up-biBiness-sale. A cood] fur coat ut$2 and over forty to select from at Centrel Blouse. Our niotto--anall profits and quick re- turns-we fid pays-H. C. Brittain. FIRE, MITE, ACCIDEN-,T Insurance. RonrB. VIRTruE, Agent, Bowmauville. tf. A very lar~ge stock of mantie and ~ulster cloths ai Jno. J. Mason's big non store. Ladies if you went a cheep, fashionable bat cail at Mrs. Dingmnus. Selinig ai heif-price. Straw and felt bats re-sbaped. The Bystander for January je to hand and is a very interesting number. Al Canadiens should subsoribe fa it.$l0 a year. Hunter, Rose &, Co., are the publishiers. SOClETY NEWS. Dr. . Snipon. of R-ingston, lias been s p endi ng afan d ay s i at o wn. The Misses Bunting, Pickering, irere 1 guesta ai the Church-st. Pensonago. MNiss Dot Rogers igavea every nico Party to lier young friends lest ireeli. Thoy lied a marry trne. The Misses McGili and Messîs. Harry and Bernes McGill spant Christma;s ai the Ontario Bank. Mr. Geo. W. Tyler, of the Holmas Electria Protection Co., Toronto, iras home on a riait this week. Mater Fred Jonie3se gave e large perty ai Retreat Dairy the other evening w hien about 40 young folks spent a joliy aven- ivg. Mr, and Mrs. Chasý. Rogers and family spenti Christmas Day t Grendpa Eford'e Hemtpton, where th2y lied a very pleasanl. tim e. tsaie S-"TILL OGOES ON.ý T'he Great Rush stili Continues! --0- Greater Reduction Than Evear for the Next Week. Wall Paper fron. Sohool Books at Picture Framese Lawrence's Gele« Miss Mosette endl Master Je8sse james t. %1 . -- - III gaev:a partîy toabo1,ut 30 of their comaAnl v ly-oc in tLomne Villa Friday eveuing. il A lo e y & c c music, gantes and plays a very eujoýyable . io I ,z r, o eveingwasspent. A s a o s o Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Edsell bad a famnihy T i.. party et their fine residence "The E ver- .EJm2J.2BLook&s,ICl greens" Christmas Day. Present Mrsr. Edsil suad Mrs, Hunt, , L. A, ev ry description Smith, Miss Ruby Smith, of Pr Hope; Mrs. Chirysler, of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs, 7indosv Rlinds Garratand Mr. Frank Garrait, of Trou- tont; Mr. J. Garratt, of Omaha, Neb. Reinember the plE Thero was e family gathering tM A. James', Lamie Villa, New Year'si Day. Presenit: Mlr. and Mrs. John Jamies sen.,Mr. a' dl Mrs. 'W. Werry Pnd deugh- ter, Mrs. Mary 0. Bond, Mr. and Mrsr. S. Bray, Mr. and Mns. Thos. F. James, INom ONLY FOR MAN-I cen say that Miss E tien J. James, Dr. and Mrs. Jas. your Hagyards Yellow Oil is the beat Bray, Mr. and Mrs. John H-. James and thing I eaver saw for croup, cougbs, colde, daugter.cuis or burns, and it is good for mi-an or beana. Miss E M. Hopkins, Ciaremont, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Ont. Yellow Oiu cures rbeutnatism, neuralgia and alI pain. Carreetdby J. Ilellurtry, avery Tuesday ROOMS TO LET.-Paýrlor and Bed. FLoVt, IP 100 Ibm ........ $2 30 ta $3 00 R room». seperete or together. ADppy to WHEÂm, Faîl, r bush. O .0 0 11O 87 IMia. SrTN. KIn1g St. 't 'i prng,".......O Q t O80C'EDAR POSTS FOR SALE. Apy BÂRLEY, ýV bUSh, NO. 1.... 0 40 0 00OOc te WM. WADDEL.L. Orono, Ont. 2,tif Il n n2....O038 ;0 00 n n n3.... 0 33 0 00 ]R~OQMS TO LET,-Two cbeerfuan tA......... 2nO0 (0 Blk fronting onrKig 8rectO . o OÂTS, n.......... .O( 25 tOO offices._ Apply ta M. A. JAMES, 4-tf. PuAs, Blackeye, e bush... O 67, il )7 0 Il Small, n . 0 tilQ056 IG STRAY.-Stryed from. loi 2,1 nBIue . O6 OtO00 0P4, DarlUngton. a black eow with wIrite '0' () ed wire ring iunase. Information. BUTTRni, best table, P 1b ... 0 15"::O0 15 of ber vhereabouts wilîibc îheuklfuily roceiv- E,(8 do ............O( 19 11 0 20) ed by ELAS BERR, Orono. tf T uh.......030;,0000 ]ORSA1ýY-TýDR,.TýSl 9oàËb 1' wt ...........5 50 1 0 00 J cad10 o -tilisior es HAIY, Ul ton..... ........7î 00 il 8 0 being Buthe falf lot 16, and south-west quarter 1 o~........0 08 ()qo09f lot 15, in the 7111 con, Tenders will bc ne- DUoKS.......... 9, 0cived b h3'te uudersigned up ta Jeul. 20th. 0 Ù9 10 1890, for the rnirchase of aboya property. W GEESE ..................O0 09 O 10 JSir.o~s, lPort Penny; JNo. SyLvyEsTIrn, En. TuRKnys................0 10 n o1 inlskilljn' Executors. ________________ Dec. 19 1889. Mtiees or Birthls andl Deathas, 25 cents M arsIag S' 50 Cents. BIRTHBS. E EZZELWVOoD.-At Raglan, on the ist ins.,, the w ife0of Mr. H. E. Hlezzelvvood, of twins, girls, MARRIED. Dominion Organ and - Piano Co. T HEArNUAL 'MEETIING of the shreoders of the Domùinion Organý and Piano Co. will be held et the o f fthe sid Comipany, in thle town of Bowmanvllle on Wednesday. the Twenty-secon4 day of Janu. Ton,-BtflDEN-in Oshawa, on Jan îst, by the arr inaxt. at thee ur -or Imo o'clocl Rerv J W Totten. Charles Tod, of Tod Bras. nfternoon, for the electien cf Directort marchants, Bowntanvilll0, ta Ide Louise, ensung year and for the transaction c second danghser of Samtuel Burden, Es.q, important buiness. Bowntanrille. Dated Ibis 7th day of January, 1890. PHIiLp-Po mE-Ou New Year's day et the 'JOHN WSe residauce of the bride's parents. by the Rer ___2 ___3___W___ Sel___ Jsp hiof Watfard, Mn J H Phiip B A.,AL matbhematcal teachor of Barrie Cal. Institute,AUTiN0 and Maggte G. daugliter of Juao L Power, Esq. UTq AEO WH'IITFIELI-HuGHEirs,-On Dec. 2Sthby Rer *G E W. Iener, et the residoence of tha bide's ~j. fether. AlrTeasdale Whiitfleld. jr,. to ii IOELA EUS BA Charlotte rsclaHilvlhes, both of Cart, ICLýIIGSLBA vîniI1t. BLAItE-MÂNNNOAtthe rCsidenceo!fthe O brilde's ruhar Il Quee3n, Park Toronto Dec The undersigned bas recelred mstý 80th by Rer GMAIWrong,lunie Blake barrnse oin am . F. <*ierson, Assignea of R.1 et Tronto ta Georgte Edua only surrlving Estate, ta offer for sale by Public Au daughter of Alexand~er Manning Esq. nF ia ,Jn 0 DIED. -t Wilson's Mtîsi lIiIÀna the Town cfC ts for the of otherj ,Letery n 3 cents a roll, up. half price. and Mouldings at a terrific sacrifice. ibrated Spectacles at one quarter Df Jewelry at haif price. )th Brushes,Combs,'BurshesBibles, ps and Saucers anid fancy goods of' at sweeping reductions. and Rollers at a sacrifice. ace. Tait's Qld Stand. J.e .L & IN Christmias at the Pharmacy. Ghemists and Drugg ists. Holiday Goods cheaper than ever. A big stock and a choice variety. Plush goods and'faucy articles to suit everybody. A FEW OF OUR LINES. Plush Dressing Cases. English, Frenchi and Plush Manicuire case4 ., Fne iai'rBr"1p Phish Glove and Gent/s 4oipanions, leather. 1Tandkerch'Lel Cases. Shaving Mugs and Brushes. Whisk Iflolders. j Cut Glass BottP. Our Perfumes are the Best. BOTTLED OR IN BULX. We also have a beau"tiful line of BASKET PER FUMES, just k thing for Christmnas Presents. J. HIGGINBOTHÂM & SON~. fiEIFER ASTRAY.-Cante on lot 2, con, 3, Darington, rising tbree yeans. The owner is requasted 10 prove property. pay expenses and take ber away. W, J - BR&GUo, oIemanrillo. 052-3,V ,STEER ASTRt£Y.- Cents ou lot 6, co.5, Denilugton. a Steer. niostly ?t rlsing tbree years. The owner is roquested to proro prapeniy. pay expeuses and lake hlm a-way. J. II. WmY, Tyronie. 17;3w, D RESSMýAKIÛÇG-Mrs. Ane Otton (forrwerly Mi.is Egan) bas resuddreml. miaking et Mn. Jua; UGlendenning's, Kin t, Newcastle. ~4~ H 017SE TO RENT.-That coirmo4i. OUIs dwe)llng house situeted on Ont Street, owDed b', Mrs. Chal. CýoiemLan, Ietely occupled by Mies Stein. Fe-r particui apply ta Coueli, JorýÇT0srorr& CEYaýR» Bowmaivle. oC Brick House and T»#re Acres of Land For Sale In DâWM anville. TLe undersigne .0 for sale6 that. deair>y vroportý ye]0Dgin e eÏiJt,Éaiesthe Richard Plneh. g of a om brick residene d three ecres of land i Seugog street ou 'ch are sable and dr-i' bouse. cow stable3, bard and Boft water urier cover and other couiveniencos, Iror fui! paýQ nier, applytalR, YeuwG, V. 8,, Exe,,,r BowmauvlUe. This Is e suitablo property M a s retiring farmier oY- other person wanniý few acres of gro and. 5 ýi