t , > m 0, Ettatu lady à vory mi. V. giiippe has ieft topio of itlà victima ý9t4e, very ouvero couAh. Mira. 4. 1-1. Gamby lis vidting 0 ILR I . . . .ýÀ me§, jno, Worry lisa prénienteri lier lu Millbrook. M huýbartd with a flue baby boy. Nits Ada Trull, LcâlaWEI, iz a W. W. Trullg. vit inst Satur4'ay, Lilly DI. Berry, dangh. ter o(jas. Berry, Bel., died from diph- « W QV A T h e 1 1 ue rc h a n tË Mm Cobblediok in viniting lier. th' 'a alter à few des, a illness, at Exeter, Ont. 14tois faisson, of Millinvers, la TisItîiyg, 4t , A short time ago a couple of sportaraon E. garted a fox, the chazo which wais cri B ut F avorable to T he B uy ers. J. P. Williameon 0. eight luted a fow houaa whon the game No 1 - Otiras OAt#rrh gono teJý'i Mr. Wm. Henry, jr., hao ûný1Ée race. Iýry O"or. Royia ronto to cook a situation. lot Donfnogo-mll ofily m 111111011,111,11 LUt Fri &Y evéning a largo nuinber of n1lII1IotIý: cure ewnnhllrlg ft= Fxanoi8,4wde, blaukamibli, la 1t1ýâu1 & tlie thodilit congregation haro assem- nt his trade in Sb. George. Jin Ik pot t bfoifl, or arq ble.4 ut the residance of Mais- J. B. Cole, dUikidcd by ouillinrit pll>qjclan, un 111, Min Moore, Starkviue, wan a g,*iý çlf qqq Ming E, Clarke over Suzday. for tho grpoze ofpeecouting Mie% Cala Cole. W 0 bas filled the poaibïan otorgau- AsthmAi coris4niptIen - Au lncjini*rRbw Ming Mary Fligg, of Peterbîtîi,ý.-.:1W Lot in the church for severai yearu and rwilmy 1 11qillé ne Metoly clop a (Oligil, blit grifflicinon viniting t Mx. 3ohu L. Rowe'a. who is nop lo&ying te furtlwr bar studios tfin 41hýute laziu üueiiglbolim thil, lunau ür.il rumtorcà witutud, in mupic at Toronto, with bomo token of No. 8-Rhouniati8ml Gaut-A dlillTiý[illiolul nnd si' rejaa £oz the services %ho hadbtwnyb 60 iffl. ab the Normal,,$Qhoul In Toronto. cihisirfnUy tender-cd, The I)roxontatiou M. 4ý-LIvor And I(Idn(jy.à, Cyqý,lýpeilà, In 40îl, was made by Mr. W. J. 11cy and oc)nni-àt. tlon and coliatipatlon-,%rý,,, maker, contemplâtes moving to To ko linifflilefMi ed of a hàndsomuýy bouud 'bible. ladies' (illii(,ký1ýC 11114 pil-1 ewrnAlý thiiiiVj, Mre. XÎrklarid and dnu hter are companion, gald Uouà and ouff buttons, and all kiads of No. 5-Faver and Agtlo, Dumb Aguo, Malar a prolongea vizit ab E brt of navrent dedion, witha purme conthtniDg $4, acoompriuied by la vicay worded ad- Il,î ttealod t'à Igý4kIc ltilti'tin, goiim. Edward and Peter Buvg or (bons, Her brother, J. U. R. Cole, te. Ne. 0 -- Fenialo Weaknoce [rPogmIarltIqjo, El les, are gueste ait Mr. D, M&' Pli- lieid in zré nent speech thatildng the donor4 "W ïÉter Goodse "Pe' thi, c hýo'â, îer dI* Ilibladcome gift. À fow roinarki ýaVç&ûwjdrt U Mr. JaH. pollard le lye are plonqîg tû front otliaru preoent tollowed aftor which No 7 -.1-Inaith, Form ràndý Futnnc2- All Re om ical Buyers should leam, alowly recovering from bin se;àomis aupper W&# cerved rktid, the remainder of umt 1111, jw-r flu là. the eveniug dellghtful.]y ogont. eo. S-Nervout Debility, Lon% of Powillr, 1heý l_, ýn l_, ýnnn l_, ýn The influenzà opidemio la otill eoyal- p"t" nce-", wIll Il a garill, nee OUr ont-a nuinber of our olderly oi"=,4tW, QSRA unn q r oufféring from its effects. ciru ..IV id NT. A. Amnie cold au entire colt the dm L Mtc hori ]il, The merolianta of Opono hava 89MÊ4 te other de for fflo. 1 rie close thoir places of buoiue,&s levery evon- lt*v. Father Rana, the new Pariah TO Bi! HAD OF ALL DRUGGIST8., ing ab oight o'olook aharp. &,;à u Priellit, of 0ahillwa, arriud lut wook. ila,,Iblnu itý Dlmu&u W4ý Mr. sua Mye. Sione, Rochestee.- Ur. Mrs. W, Newton died Jan. '2115t, aged and Ming Stone, Oshsiwa, were V at 40. Her prolonged oufferingo wore borne Mr. A. A. Gamiby'ii recel with Christian rosignation. Icyolir Druct 'l- not ko p thý Re.101M ,S.crament wan dlepeneed in tlidî*th- 110v. A. U Domill mheu in Toronto illit "0 Ijjd, W for best poids. We are oblift-d to make ORONTOXW6 111 lut and Preubyteriau -un' recently had an acoidontal fall and lamea day morning ta good congregatiodl< 1. bis n1îoulder, Etc lie now about agAin, A. Illi'rroN 11torý 1,10om for our large spring pur- Rov. Wmýt Farnconibe, Bobeeg 1, Col. Ditulligan'a friouds rolpopt bis hav- -Chaises. N'o reasonable oû-er a i5lissionary sermon ip,%10 ing led tu the liynaone&l alter, à Mien churoh punday laut toý*Êcld Satoll, of Drowden. Tho Col. in quite, a congregation. galleint offloor. re-fused foi» any of our Tho majortty of the dologate . a AevoPt" M'il. J. Dryden, M. P. p attenaed the heavy W hiter Goods4 cd by the différent achoelmi of the fflage meeting of the Exeautive 'hl attended the aun ual convention ùt ]Bow. Amarioan Shropshire RogiFit )ara of the 0 ýR ' A T G L E A ýR z1 N c S ýA L119- büy uow manvjlle lailt wook. tien hold In Detcoit on the 284h nit. ýAT- Revs. H. S. Matthewe and pirriployeo in the Mo- Oullpoh willl proach ocitmiitipugl Rumens a Co's Futory, loatthe, sy lu the Nothodint church Sguday !liýib ait 4econd la loft hand by a mis- M O.N- Lu'uihlin taken blo, wlÎli a filedgei'hammer lest' A Y 10.80 and 6ý?0 reqpç0tàvo1yý ilpIger 0 Il iat largyq a; tien week. It liq aistotiiishing wli 1 tî 02 mo lu 1 X . M, ayer's FI ur Storeï of gouda arnAll numu Il 'Pu"* Jçihu Oo»le ai well known cattlo dealer geinq fornnrýy of Oshawa, in Writing an 11114- Suits to order at reduce(l prices. *ase ab bila groat ilearinglitio no 012 at'the Corner Store, oeono. mato blond haro, informe-him that ho ia We hope the ro&Jdent% of Miser 10.4mue doiji» a, latier buâlucifs than ever with Bargaine in Fur Ooats. will adhore to the advigo gLven ihy the iumiaidng aucune. Nows and obell. out for once in the W. Bambridge has 'ust comploted a Our W atch and Jew ellry of holping thome, of the avenue 11411) "0 combWation, wagon aM sleigh fur Mx, Bargains lu Boas of aill kindS. in diâtrellie 15roDICg, w4lie'h will bo U404 by Wm A Call Ulve ll,,hionabie party was. glWen by pu blio convayapço to çarry pagaongora OU4 r hi 'ter Ba, gains in Seal Muffs, Oaps and Coll, palVing 1s still Boom ing. r. = Mrs. Wm. »Iîý'f4ter, Thuýe 97,ý ove of lut nufflbe, M, t, -q eàrgains in Gent's Furnishîngs, and in faç -vin-ce that ths CO 41S IC I - 1 1 1 P, a %Dà <:n set MAINS IN EVri RYTHIN11 60 a. For ara ýea11 Aia inspeat the goods as t to W noticad on out otroctis 1 ý.bJ heicl g polioy on hiB life in the utu. Everything cheap for cash. > entral block, Bou, m anville, th,.o'titurdy reprenantabivoq 01 t 0 low al Ig Clarke pl surviviu r -ii, pas- Uziderwood, Br., Thoii, Pattorop , Sr.. Éli,00 gg bà lut ad8wbument, The f and B ugll Jcn»iugB, all 100king> We and made aý-phoàtlon for pu G rain, licarty, and oueLug thrce iloozq rffl, j'DY and Was refugea . 'Sou r vi, - H îzhest Prices paîd for R aw The matte wu tches, with considerable buoyancy.-lý(>Wn. thon plaaod in'couri, emd e camo to trieli L ow P rices for W a Ivieiou this 0elàk, whon Mille. PeaÎùond was no At the lut inqeting cd Orono D M. MAYER, Furri two initi - AND ýýtiQn» 40 ý numbor ouited. of propuaitions. Thimi aociety le p rinpor- ing rapidly la inemberobip and âPrl,,,C, The catt-lïQùéiii6n, ý,âougtlioyoung. Tlie4OthanniV*o,.iry R -"'"""ý0 K S F R of ita orgauization wlll bc hold m eob. 1 haee looked lu vain for an catimate goc>"Mý e'e"][ le£ 'DUR' EE1-,ý 26rh whün a good prograra will ho ron- oogt rzd prolit as 1 aéked for u fow weeks E o 1J is far below all coucipetitoris. mince on fat cattlb gent te >Motitroal, the TI-1Z RURAL CANADIAN for i8go, the leading Tho ofirly clooing movemont ninèpg our weight tu bc legs thail ton huti(Iracl pounds -THE POLLOWING FIGURES mai o( Canada, and your choice of a four of t ic f U iùé,ý NOTE oui 1 0 0ýy1n raQrohanto la prc)vjx,ýg a ftand euoçlisoa, W* and pricu 830 IIld loge as WO Cau 600 ïiuoh Lks for ONE DOLLAR: h? la cur tuwns peuple aud othera, ç)utîideý reporied almoot ovvry wuok. It le in my New Ladies' Gold Watob, Steiu Wind, warrantmi,... . ..from $15.00 up 1,3 ondoavk)r te do thoir ahopping dur. opinion imah, mon ne thosel who e[ell those x. Dr. Raincau. l'y 0torgen OlineL 51. Tý,o Tý1;,d or Thrce Llono. UX IL luggr> New Stem Wind Niokla Watcheri.... . ............... frolm 2.75 up ing proper bueizioas heurs Tho bugaitla low prioa cattle who ury the londent a. Lady Audloy'a SecraL Dy Minc BrRdion. Irig New 8 oz. Silver, StOM'Wind ........... ...... - . fr0m 15,00 UP M the CorAier at0±0 are go proùotiraoud t'Cattlo do net pay. " This 1 do net mn- 3.Thr#Toxixr'nlkvvonge, llyjtàlnmVcrne, 3a. Tlin Devillo Die. Dy Grant 411cin.< Silver Plate, Jewelry, Rings, Chains, etc,, at thut Maklai very littlebitne te buy LL hêap der at. 1 confus 1 am not Nveil propared .1. TI co.mno of Dr. jokyll & Mr. Hydo. 33-CICOPatm, of goodt§. to give a correct catimabu, yet 1 have Been B, R-býrI11fI,. Stel)liunmoii. 34. Derrick Vaushan, NDVOI12L zyBdnI0ý" 1 5. Tho Dcàth orIvan Ilutch. Ily CfAulitTçjj&tnL 33. A Çxoukod Path. Ily Miâý A]QxandQr,. "Ili clist çvûr pîtr town onough tu MaLhify nie it lu alwsiyïï âdmitted ByLliarloýtltcadç. 30-Mm=onçd, BylýV.Clarl£ltumâoll. 1,"!,.ý".,m-R EIVIEN D O 'US R E D U CTIO N S I 1olIýp "coin that it takuo a cortain Ltinount of food te laut suuat6y ove. by the nown 7. Totil Brown lit Rugby. I;YIIlolnuê; IluglàM 37. A Hardy Noreamân. );y Rdna LygIl, iitidduu bila 14nexpectud d.atb ýlf âar4lxo leceip the iiittolilnc runnirig whethor the 8. Tho Slictch Book. ily Witâhtnxtori irving. %9. Morleý@,ÇruacLdo, By lto#a N. Ceçy, Il -,ev animal grow 01 not, to jË thora le 011]Y y. The La2t ofthe molilcanti, 39. Ç,«ipet 4iRvenaçir, Dy 1Iý 1. willial)lol,' M. âwkavu. wife of Mr, IlormauDavie. Gall during next 304ays for Bargains. The documea had beau a zuffi3zer froin. la enuillih food to liupply the running, 0, i(x Widow Bodi>tt Pnpora. 4Q, Tho Beauty QI the RIng, 13y W iRpo and on Saburday wu attacked Wit], mach no annot throsh or the cattlo can. el. Xnlckerbookor'n Now York. By Warihing- il. MrN. Cniicllole Curtaln Leictureu. Dy nDe à violent headaohe for whiob eho juld net grow wlion the machine le Xiinuing, 1 ton Irving, BlEPATUING A SIP£rIALTY. taken twu morphine p1lle. Tho done wna hold It lis botter to supply a lifitlo more la. My nuaband and 1. Dy Canut Lycd TolutQL 43. batathiel - or tho WrLndering JqýV, 4 à, eh A, Sb Ab " r.1 th« n a il iii me ----- ---- ----- . ........... Moir- to 75Ë ftb" IhAlf, food iDr fuel and throuh whilo the macliine vol.