ý h iethe i omorno111ratlng ( Lilb&%rÎy S~L uU mt, aWIt v theociu rpe. inb worahl) e Efrtp livored a brM faddron of congratulation tri whlhlie exprommod hie hiiglSi timtQnli 1111(i acquaintcd froin boyhood, und of Mrm.wh ih1, Murrie, anad thioià Mkled N(r. NI. A. J iires .W to rend tho folIowng addroiim, 10toci frîiwids liave ,anorbleil at >you4r coJfort. o tS. p orablo W4ù fa un to, The 1 13Y Lho Z Il., T3oI rhno wis 0. 01, o oliitattuyo UpUil 1uting thopori Vpu joi WLU in'l marriod life known au ?iirl WecdUng lie ruis'dedf 'mo alld towinsh you iily along yoar yot bu- tu 33owlylai ' 'ffore, Ibo happy maran union eit [bo se- umont, AK or'e ytrt WoVü al eskyuu w m upt this Mi-, MIMui te ilver servioe us a tol&e» <4of0Ourestemthe ldost1 8,and ixa mninituof tie jQyoui 5 evening, haB beixu el mod and wuear~neetly pray thait yoi uiiwy livo grom of t tJ o tQ amIebrato your goldeun wedd4lng. lu1840 o c(- Mr. Morrla is anad e ry happy rapliye yepoité ilit o blllfof hie "u l hit" grao- thuroWo tl i(hupl bIttiked ftioir f rionda for thoir 'kîud bOinlg Atilli woC do~s mtn tlio vory' hatilbndume lîvrer- r.Johi U M !a 'ioo wliioh thvy li tir ýv<,i. 1Mesers. 'F. trumitv.o, ic ,ithKiry ad Joaku .Ti effryrit th( prnpur tL-oIrtl ~timo poiientdCTra, Morr iffi t beaui. ion, 1UI, O fli 96 BiverImnico of sn ix ý lu- m' n mbof drirg hre a~'L in,. So bilso.livi A muer. Thire La ni ndA .Iaw,,mHIiai,r, Ih ijotices ii Oa1l'w vo, i',trtice, P. bi ; vr suet i:~ otii~ )any, par aillid 1 ('ý Ill