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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1890, p. 4

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UAL isortment of WALL PAPER' in til lat e stdsg~ BSro n ze Papers from 20 'Cents. JDecorate Your, Peilings. I1t wifl cont no more to have your rooms tastefully papered and decorated than spoiled. P. Trebilcock. ]BOW3[ÂNVILLE, MATy 28, 1890. POLITXO.AL MEETINGS. ,Vublic incetiniis wll bu bold lin1the u torst f Mr. W, T. Lockhitrt on Lite dates iNu4 at tho pJJt4cs nTtamd te wiichLohail omt- eo tücoxdl*y iiviItd. Theoiffloien who wlfl delilvr addremses are good spealc- 'ýcsadqu o ompuenett to dual wth LVhe .Yery queutiin on011wlich the o loctorii wishi to bu litfornmoê. Ruforrnershitvitu your coij&evativu iieighibors to acontipany Yeu Tili >Uii KTUOS '1 0 ICi UJLi) .X.i. J ln A. larron, M. P., of Lindsay, ieill atdrle8ii s nto neVlngs of thao leotors la~ t&o Tovn IHa , Bowianillo, on TliurB- dity 2ûdh-NouinnttioV Day-ait 2 axtd 8p, m. and ont riay ut »1aclketoAk at 2 p. m. and Tyrone t 7:30 p).111. . " r. Jobti Thryden, oex-M. P. P., of 13rooldin, will spuabk at N~owonvllo oit ý Friay ut 2. p. n., and nt Orçrno nt 8 p. e. and on iaturday ut Courbice ut 12 p. .gosa inu~e oinhg iii b. io own Hail, flôwinaivillo, ont Wodnesd&v iitht J une AS u 1 banve a very .OVATION TO MOWAT. ~Lut Thurmday nigliL Lieo itiaonm of To- ronit ýo avei ef1o ovation Lu lion. 0. Moewat Jiiite ?vilion wluch %yak; pack- more Lhan a fifew ilmoets. f110vas ru- ceivod with a perfect urni of itpplause as ho0 aLeppOed to tho àfront of the plat! orw, mld it waR sovoral minutes beforo lie wae able te coramonce hin rernarksm. As 5Qoo as ho wets able W Vounho proccuded au follows:- Mr. Ohairinimu, L a nd ,îlonn -1 amn eorry that 1 aIÙ not ablo tu apeak tu you long te-igit or loud eoeugli, 1 foar, tu bu hourd ini this pavillon; but ab aUI eveuts 1 have voicouonuugh o express xny gratitude urovtheu khd thingu wltioh you, Mr. Olmuan, have said il n no'uuc. ing mile, Alla for Vite kind way in which your observations woro reoived, and the enthusûastic roeptioîîI1 have j usit recoiveci ut your hands, (AplýlILau). That rocop- tien ha# beun alM the mure gratifying, bu- cause 1 percoulvd yuur kùinese wa sitar- ud by ho ladies lit the gallury as wülI i by te mon on theu lioor bolow. (itetewoed Applause.) I nuln glad alsio tu porcuive thât hit t»is grout assemiblage 1thore In a sprinll&g cf censerva&ives lflcowlae, and I think 1 saw nmoin f thn joining in te kîid Nl ave Ini wltioli you lave all beon reiving mue to-nlght. (Loud apjplause) You are largoly oomposed. o! Protestantea, but there in a large number of Roman OUthiolîla lore likoiviso, and 1I know that upoî t his ocoaion Protesttants and Uo - mal Cathlios aliku have baen ]du(! in their ruceptluît uf nme. 1i kuew what this rauatns. Iknew that yen Protestats Wknow taL 1 liko yoursolvoe amn a truc Trotent- ant. (Loud appllause.,) You know thut thunoe oak falmoly who have ascribed to m i io lety tu te ohurcli ialoili i1t»0 eduoated front xey childhoed and Lu whioh 1 au% mure anad more attached thu loinger 1 live. (Loud applauso.) Yeu ail kiaow that Protcst.antioîrs te vury laeL tlinhg that 1 would, front poitical or any oLhor motive (Io anytbing te ljuro. (1tonowed applause.) 1 krnow Lia what Io due the lcind reuptVion whiçit 1 have had front yen Romaun Catholics alise. Yeu know that it bas buent the înaxim of iny publie life inue 1 bhromePimier of this Province Vu ba fair Lu Roman Oatholîos as vol afi tuPro- tentante. '(Olteers.) 1 have ruceguized te duty of! boing fair te mon of ail coudo a o aeI~s to mon of my own croud, and 1 il lioi ad Yl coi ard, -01- Mrý. Mowat suld: As te dict4fflon by YYiLri RZoman Cathollo bishopa, if th iti e auî4bt frers,11 ail attempt or a cdaim teo tabçI, Wk041d loy by. t biave be iütosetosdby us. iut titeeXoh t obillo buen nothing of te hiln4 Vo resont. If 1 l'10 Pl itad lailisitinor adiittidil t agahstOr yiold te 'dictatWs and oid8 titiat pe o llg (on L ef whtvr oni CaLtio orç fel u- for a mn port te Liberati party reoived ,jýV vt ornînlent vould have conte to auend Ii doublehac Mince0. 1"111l 'lot itold office oll"b' blod no suait tarins. But if 1 vere seo ons4titd vas brcl ias o brook dictation froiliVit0 Romniqullodl Catitçlie Uloxrareity qor!fciw 9Qy othor o ~quartor, tho Goverirnent vould still hnvo!of11 corne) toti ndlonig ago; for its lQi1g OX.- d'cadfi t imbonce bals Iensuit fr(:ui jOur freeonjçmt otnlu1854, counider 111(1 doilka ai l itings 'what, i~ n u- rbtuli< judIgiinenL, luon the wholo rigit btiuXI in cf duty, tue genervid iterest. îand tu- SONS QOF' ENGLANt) AT MELMNoa, iRIUUMU) DYD IKV. Ilt. S. IL£IT. TOT' 9ItU3l 2NO.19, SO P ¶ I (q- LAND, IN JI*U5ltUlCl UN MUNDY, MY 5,'9. Tuxt.-"Keeop titereforo and do tbiau; for tiiiluyour %wtsdçoiiiand yçour ubader- standing li thoeslt of tbh e xitilona, vhi i italîtoan all Q10e0a abutevs, ad Bay, sUtrely tiisgruait ntiole awlsi a id Uatdor8tmidlng pol."Du.iv. (; The tezb whaeh wu baive citoscai for tiis occasioln JPrSenlts us vith 01itef cet ilag the~ grotues. of natiolns due08net ooiasi~t ti Via. oxLent of empire poseseeed r li blave anniuleuzcd te covicton ilo ttee ia T oxico vhieh i stroltgly canturtain thatti à A.'ÂILL-MINDE Ra)1IOTIITA4T J'IWLýt. et01 eanu bofuir tVo Roman Cateulles vithtout an iunfatithifplatess Le lis cvIi L uroit. R- 'R( nuwd cteos.)Aud 1I muet scy furtiter de th1,a 'Y u ruio emiAt to )( lrn rmior tmenv outittry iur ancient or tmccodrix in to siehsublâiehuiglittslu traduI tmuerceus site. A.nd yuL lier coin- 1 mconducly mi vaut volume uor ,'O nlot te uldtrlyiig ce o! ofier )BR. is not irêli er («rnîbj îînd mj. arutly tholiglifit sataliviasboci1-0, o UV uvry fiold o! bttieluhtlchiL1 t4tl patrt. tVmartial bcatri»ig, in of ahm and iîavi>îclblo Courage, lst Nlbi>olüiI on Muila, hhat ', te ineyer kneilw 'whe, ý1ty vero do- Il Do uogo Lu Crecy 1 Wo tind. il 11. with abot L 0,Û0Otroope tifed by Iiilip, %with Fronoh, (kir- id uiLan treopq f te Vienumbor of 0. lood illid carnage held 11101 I1 and when 1.1o(111diand dulit of 11ic %vieOvnir, tLre %vuro jI-'Oof imy lying dond on the f0CLd thau d'fi Glitiro urîny. Do we viuw loo 7 AU earoînid, righit, bf t, ba- 'he re i sec of battki 1huavos n ld Butif look 1I Ttnxil) 4i'i mAgval- ,bay- dei und Jut<e gave taieo ei' long twlinohu, vitea ohelier tltcy vent at t te fou. Europe ite balances trom- 5pover cf lNupolon Iry entpilletoly van- cd peaco for forty tL attention to thte ii f Alnia, it e sevori- InkerainanLL, and 1L11e tnoble six huiidred ' ress8icît of the J.xdimat knLiow biItthte 131111e niination li ite hoat1 Midc defonco c0?D of (lofui<a. Thotnavy of Groieib rtain is strungor titan t.ho cornibiniod navies cfi Franco antd (I riimyi or aipari frein Vlitei of Vlioe ombineul navivs o!f te w nu ad Cht tren t h1conduces te bCliopouco o! "Yeotoirinors o! leiglaîad ictaL tguard our native suars, Whouso llug Ibas bruved aoet , nd iiiilyoiars Clioebatie l iteio brooza." 1,110 IIIavy tiat %vas crowneod vit-iit la- nai lforyforClpth t4i.liVak n lutlxido- fitucïon ô th 8)itiiliArinada ; tho battIeo!of Copeihatgui, of theliay of Alexandriai,litand the greatuet naval bittie tita bit te iorl fb s ever seen, tha !', 1 ' a faligr, told o! thio love o!fiet uLt Birlisl breiiit, und tiLat love of liburtLy ýut vorlc llriLt4is atbs ie'or shatia anteo, genereun fiante, eo and thy reloivul. ,i ruothe vave, ýver bo slaive." ~! ~-- )Itovi-borii rigbit î Tht. effort put forth by un iiiscru)tiloun occluisiasticul establiah- ment teià in tlitat direction. liucorpor- ation, WiLlit asydLVi ofciovil 1) lity1aud. recuivl1 sçps bout of the publie o l o xpegietey, Canunet til tO Pro- nMet rancOur bigotry anad oppro~isBio. "lite Il oble hlirtouen,, 'it, in the o lo e! Oounions, tCood by thir lpriiieipl0dinl reslstixtgthe Joe,îit hitwatesil, desurvo 'wll at theiebande 8of ail levers of civil and religjoue iberty. A rock lun mld ecui, daelted and bouten by te taveni yot re- me in iru111*111its place, timoing Lbite rgn illows indignanitly bric, ile c silt %Vei wertl i ifl(ng te troaohieroie clop to buse. But a body o!fi]nen ilniyll4ng iu ,rtuei'î catuse, tjtcughBstandinig aleno, re- islstin~g Ron-ilhbla ann n Part ony ie is a far nobler rspectacle, vand 'lla f ertlt a ie e!fmoral eiiiotioini wltich rno phytBiclo e lletutl power can plir 'flc tiiroui oulitw e ehrluect lnthe ltarb of ever patriot. i, Your excelent Coutittion teleu,ù Cltasc , titat te meinbersbip ilpuat cou- ait of persons boriilin Englaîtd or Nvitono ftutiir rbern l itand aud aititat they mueit bu 1Protetnts, ThBli as the righat ring. lt lu Protestant ln priln<oplu ani practice, aid 1buti yen witiî dp- lighb mi biti yenQod spoed, au one of! te bulwarkrs ofte land, in prventLing Pp aggresien, and demand iîag eqîta rigti uýnd riilegotifor aIl. 3.-notiter Jestion i.ii hebuilding np )of a nationtal sottintent under Ciospel influ- onces. It à obniont,,d that vou tire eectlinal. la 010eJ. JI Mut OQoelte iman Who ixgmlain iu TuroitW liIrse rauing and Mr. 1>vewor, yen Iiilhai moral statndi Will iL bue$odlerE - more; t showe tat iiicoimnon vwî iit bite -otiter nations ndna4ps Thuv a, Mgrat ttijorWty of 9 eoploof thi roi- govurnumalita 'wuir ling o Oit iday, iio 5. -ince oyou recognize biat te rocord of! tho ferc-11or' gOernil orybody voto for W. T.,Lockiart. Ontarie (lovernment, ha a record îvith i e u imesneee Tht viekecLytuerio, bj wvhich LthQ peoplo tuglt Vo ho and are 1nt,0O41 ol octlpy tiie 'i ad(ofeat of Mr. mevt'm govoemumenolt ioliod, (Applamus.) 1 a sorry fio)say 1Ioo! maniteýilr orsbl 1 i th iapintroduiction of Jtykorb amia f raid 1. italatot bu ablo te continue. livine (locd. Tioy ode in te zInanageauenit of Oitario'ati baILve u nwuet'of clxLs tiat i1 alould as inuaujftoired Vo tu h ~ and 1ne law but te ____________________ ty f (oalng itroagor titan ite' wili bt fndtht lr iy Y 7OICG Î&tlitj groat moral obl Justice M11111 lfot is ciod ~tab ouiVe J;Qîpire 0V 1it St$fy itit li eahlig te Mail araitor t1î)(Cani- -nas toe Jlpire r in'adu a state- âit CIVuLd jueti? SEd'wVard l3lko vii ulpeaid the r at Milurity Bay, 'JLading Liber- ,to titot LIan angonun ên a9 isbeen 5d witereby hao wileT081111b6ta leaci- ofa! ieparty lwtte HouoIext Lies. luvo of Mr. Diir 3o 1873 the Brlu tint ho ies'rea O n1, $432,24te56,427,202. luite mat ich tie o çb ()[ LhoDominion hha aud roin Ol 3. 778,098 tO e87,722,- e8 Lt4Qoïud y tie publici accoaut5. la-g tho roýu1ts if 'Reformii-md Toy srB il if-d ;eu ia ve foil- i fÇOnario te scurces itud 'te Mr. lty- Aue brigade. utampeigtlia 3fs!l nilsm a euL titan O rjoice iu Vite convition Otie1 vltilo wvoacu olttgucd vitit ltomfliby te Lite ga-at princilioe!tquai riglita, whlit you ail know and 1 ltîtow lins always beoit Vit political dcVrino o!fte Itufrrixs of! 0i tarie, you knoîw antd 1 knov tlitatVite On-1 tenu io everttiaucitL, asroprosemnbtvû of taLt party, liave ;Llways been faiLla! tl tV tat prlotiffle, allia tvu ha'voisupport-' tai 'witlevea alci sfor civil atidreligiouî lbcrLy durig LVitevitale ime ttWCvahave 1d offile. lai conncctlon t vi lbhtoso pmmnipos tuvalisse givel yen ite obeet prac±icablo lcvs IitliLhorV, Lad WC iit te C acontiue givitag yon the. boBet ppîetioable lawvs for to future, bue e ostIa)ticable adnwaitration of thoiie lave1z, idtlius a- cordlpg tu î1ur u~~Wii~andi oua pcv- ers, te lroflote by te best poisiblu ntecn5 alad o te grotebot î,emiblo ùxLtnt,110<woli bolng iof te tu olu coomiixiibiy, Protestaunt aid Cathfolio. IL ie tupo~n titeso groundsl tlitat wu 11oV appol Lite po p le of te P'rovince, atmil1p. 1nu ~qega-pluada tliti4 wo c ukan for a c<mltnumceco! Ihe coni- lldelino vilbfor su aaltany yeai's they have uxtùc3i.tde o ui. (Ljoud and prolongud elteering.) te aldience evideunt1lyf ot t1itthbue Pro- n,,Aim hiA aenu.. l tui-roo-----*or i it 1.'fore t o lotors ii t i oither withî iis atidreis.) onediit nov auy ço! lii»followerii or- - îood Vo Sepavtuteu choolhsor te Tivo mentit. ago New Brunswiock eleet- tg ()f 'F reuchi u ViePublic ecitools ions teck place. Thoite ~ralii won. ig as i te Janadian cenuLitueit- O eiedyt 1onSoinoo),cn ug~h un Prescobla, tuieil, anti Zýçcwbit tolk placo. ThoUorr )oi returnudtiTory iniomibrs t bthoOn- Onse wok £rom oua rvte nai ýogSijjaJurc. Toalvu pplpaild eti ietions take place. Andt biteLburalti Lncr Wlr a i ouiâtîjg aB a vili vin. rw f U. Mredt, lie midati Mn. Moat bpgilibte Contest vitit e ite tit usointly iii tbiteFrortcitlan- uiajoa-iLy o! 24 on hiiji do e. H. y even . BV ut sctonr idt otte l'vecli inca-case tlhiiVlaro uajovlby. leur loot RJioveineru tit Mr. Mev "lTite (ritsare ounte vun 1 'in 4usd iliaulira e 'wer of '4goco bi a-o- And inlutrutti1 i# gain8t thon). Whliu ieligc-at r au rofuise to condueinu sncb con- AS AN AblD to internaul renie dta for sk daji4b! 4si-'i h ulph r a p pr8oveâ tîtat wue havo a grolît inavy. un lied iyr. dit o it hve acemiliolited ttatesiueit, se htad fla-ecuo; tait wu have vat p ossesd- siiin, se lied Lauprial Roattu ; but their giory liaisgotne und ilLhat a l lftLV oVel o! tlair priltoelylspind>ru, are utuounideo! ourliha aîad brokeat coluilnîts, Su loilj las Lile Jliaiiilî poo3plu iYera ulwîirt VW oë huy werça dlijvured fron i teir f4os, ud se loaag as Groat Briiadki à l ficJ, tmad truc WLe lir (God, wvihi site beproteted aîîd WhîaL hlis etsed iho enviable position o! Oreat Britain, tw greatesîs and glorýy of Vlite Eraîire. but (Jirlstiaix nrineluleq tlitiono andi consftitu ilte( loti us ga-aefully ucknow',yl etinesa Lu Qed fer tV it 11 iiu l blosi5iingo tl1u t Lut roiL empire, mau mmit don or topt by IlkOOeplaý mueita5," Vitit va maly colt tieni and eise HOand ti pi. TI, it rsi4 'u a imj tanse f a tcderst«? il Kop titersoaoaia 1(eep wbtai, Ïanido vit iadi jud mnts of (loti< Menti op(,<od imueit bu e0 ,Divine nulu closely folio' govormttienit Nould be Lui 00 t~ and Vit0 adutinititî ulnder 11' hîe Iiitluitt antibp andi vhaL Vihe uon~tr t gvoatlss, po.wer it lor: Bil ibite anlighLst 011 (. at uearly Vite Word idi(reront eo 101 isi aions ite -io lnLat.,Lvu mi auo4 io Vt mli'd Luiwgo Iail e! i 011s biý itA io and 1lea dlnt'gteVe chkeul Shelha. ber tal Bible Society, eus- 0,000 pur yeaa, anid Cond, in wlnlo u art- mItit liter s ll b -lul ýpressa-vu th ite saneiLy ry. 'iLha tliueeitaL it to g o!fte nit. iar-limol cfru8p(jutillur ) Sir R3obnt l"eeh, in m te stormwithitoL Divine favor %viLlitin. mü te nation te bu good for mon. e ard tu cv-.fo L 3sonas vu learai ri r4serenceVo titis ý, whlch it. e ltir te ; gm Vithaa ie rit o( great lakVo Viote Une lanineri vetlti inde, ylbu mc-iotl7 t vY lo ire b. Làa Ir asaa seceti amy, Vo Vlh <lot, andi impness iiaidonatamduig people. À lb i the impLIortance aliii vaiglous liberty t3pocial ativantages te croabing a national sont tii Dominion te freem Iu brue breLherlineesý amlinl view, and as ab tien atre deservlng o! t Youcare f or thaepsiok,t] pliaitsý.1tb hsa a Qd-] vidowa lu the r lonolitta li tei- dependonçu eni Caro. Luet yea yc anoiu t o *8,25 ; 04 218 and purgoens'( li it. llu nofioiary depai sseutiiii ireaobeud 4,8ý eiîitt yotire e! your ex ptid eut the picl uoitevolenqe. )iFiyae flourinlîlig conudition, 'Y in4luoioe i.i for juatico trtit. , Continue Vo ai] Uines., aud li aocordat cirues of tte Oosetsi 0 Orammatr, L4 gave tli ve Lit thbie prini provail. -An to sec the 'goods te. tl~ij? value. And rei our prices are always We i~rt direct frQnýI tre miai old country, and are ii in showinig you tl pet Btoom tit any are wantinig te teu: you tuie test'1 i. Ail other are brimful of »ew a -elspeOiali e Lac( aud Dres (ode Dol ipaI¶imeials JOHN J. M~ for teweuî coin Out your tiiwwwii. Jiu DRY 000DB AND ,5 fulthf iiW Vo Qd; %ctruc to mal), ud otiiLt yomtr waobobvouvoi b : " Our Got, our HOUSE Queun, ud our Counitrv." May 24th 1890 Notice to Oréd Quesa iVictoria vas 7. ystîvm olt nIn011 lv1, rymatter of .fiq Daa Saturday. Site vas bor-ai at JXe nslton %the Villauc of (horeo,int Palace Ma y 24 1819. Hua- unoe s WiIla t 1-iarix, Mrlnt IV., ductdJ uns 20, 1887, me tita t e il have aelgned 58 ycarm fif sit eige n- n' OTIOE le heroby givent otiter mentit. Site vit crovuet J une 28 ..~ naroe4 tromn n wlo 188, narh52eaas ao. rioe lb mtade an nualgontterine ofail1 188 ry 52yetr go. riceAler Bee slnitrust fer tcebeueflt o hs Queen'is busband caild Duc. 16, 1801, A notlnicli te Vastte of à over 28 yeua sago. ~They wüe a r i-ed ,Meülloo D.13 kouiadl!iut 1 Feb.10, 1840, and had nineoithildrntwa %¶o cCP l Ikte liio to of vitom ar e dt. The Prince o o! g eTuofaa, the ýw0nifioventl Dy vill bu 49 nuxit Jovenibor; his eldomt ao t teoor t tre o'cain uti for te apitxlibet of ZsitAle vas 20 lait Jattuaa-y Whou the Quesai Ilvlngofd'iructuona vithi iera dies te tknual holiday viii have tw b. Doon]hof lt aid .14 t Ail reditore of thù nld e"? t ta-au.! rted fa-cm May 4titte (ov 8. revliutro4te ille thcia-clia uts vit ago of Orono aforegaLd, (u dix Anothier ye.ar hue ppseti away, flovibee4Statptoa t Ontoi Chu The orth.gaii à geen;or bérfrta-ot eday et eneit meuel TheoaaVitagin e geen . lit ] 18,i aha Urooceo4te d41ri LLt al rejoiee vitit hearti and vooce; aate laavîng a-e adgulyt i "ana-rrai (*od miwsVte Qaeu." tIuchai(ibrae e ef,iad1lh penisiine a-for tee tlouof th t Lot ev'iy brus Canadien, part thereef to any,,pea-mn or p ntly _______ the lut M V,eo1i of talng tihir titIlt Lhcm 1 M for at puliticasi ago of iatolevrî M4oit le aibout the chiracter or ried Lo scitod1)i te Meredithitu taîin a policeia see that no pupi hii prayerboola toachor or sa0bli cf Frouclîl st o! te' .t'opcli

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