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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1890, p. 8

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E'very'branchi of industry j.' I4PLB GROVE. lyor,wifo sud son are visiting at vfulnaiy'sa. tmuei Snowdev Ilhaemadu ianother to his etook by a pair of pure ýlhire piga bou ht of Mr. Gr remont; alsio a orkolhire white stainton B. Conte., B. A., and wifa oeu'a Birthday st Mr. Thonia ieecms to b. nak-ing rapid strides and noileno rp mannuacture of H-IGH-CLAS.S OLOTHL We are incined to believe they have now reached iiearly perfection. The cutt&rs cannot teit the ready-înade from the best ordered work. They ar'e constructed on scientile prunciples, madie out ot good ni are mnade witl a vlew of proIuaciuig Ite greatesuit mt ot wvear aa prIce possible. Hundreds of t 'hese suits are now in wear section and are çiving entire satisfactil DO NOT BIJY BEFOIRE YOIJ SEE r onlo d Darlingt, e'a. McLeýod 1 l[ns. ç s u nt Cheapplo had hi jys ago in a stra Sili Ili homo frai vas vlutlng frion( p(alacoo ROI! hAvaricin hote ohape, bhestdoi the uppor s'oa sud paporud. Dent local talenit,1 o. A. Ganiasby,1 ut. vemnion, 18t1 rouis fienuaof re veny muoli1 rcoeoed as te hb il ovu ou Moi nie stucse ho wus Cîsaytonl, vite ef short illncss dio torred i -ii.heOr( day. Bbc leave (lst cf whleh Il ), te zuri lias' 1 1 ,,ioi f he McIntosh, barrisl vun roconitly. Ad Mr. T. , Bfeu iting fiendis in 0.1 .1v. 1i Thoa. B. Stratton hal bought the ut a photograpli business ef L. ýStcdharn. laa The annuel pieutecof St. ' regos'y's churoh viil o hld Dominion Day in br,~ A.r. Co . Il. R. telegrapli and leticket atgont, hanuosld eut to Jamots Mo- ed a Taggart. t of Mr. and Mn., Contint have just roceived freux Tokie, Ja an, a painting done on aur White silk, offtheirsouwho died l"b t l. Au A aorn et hall passid over tiie iowar part ofettIi twn, on tho 105h. The grotlud tas oovordwlth.thoÎlkrge pieceis B04til tilUla AThe Mthodist parisonago ban heen un- :n-te ortiredergoing otornai ropsirs. liien eccup- Mr'. . F. Lav, s former townsmnan, i puipiL ou Bus1- si3okng political honori n Bittlb Com- ,Oro dolightod i. Irae. Rov. Ms. Auvacho oxpets tLe bava for nt 6 vltibloIiisn n o ld et labor, Pilot Meunci, Mais. ita aiab o Iteb, thia iveeli., tninvinitiug Min.allien Law bas gono on a longth- Oû~ s oed vioiSto Ohicago vwhere lier brothera, tobt . suad Bd. roilide snd are ocoupy- han reeeverod fig lucrative pouiLloe.. ]ter. A. A. Dsrumiond, of Newoastle, ýiwn iasat olipseschled ât buth siervices lu the Preuiby- turion church, Sunday yack. Although is nm badly ia feoble beailh, ho doilvored two odity- w cutas'. log dîîacounsea. n Port Hlope, Conthlan Lrdge 1. O. 0. P. iuitlatad id. ix staiwart membors at laust meeting. or Fleur fer Tuls lodgeo la ncroasng at a grslifying rate and doservedly -oe. The.. nomboris el i boing put are venker ansd tho dogme teaam ransse bolnga cieaned îvth aiy lu the, province.' ia are bolug Oshawa hishoon undon a cioud. Saya tbe Vwd(icator - Ttlmi.about ime wu liad Monais. T. A. asea unshlmxo.Yen a month iLbas boos took partin othlug but cld north vinda, bluâtery Ps " s tonnis froni the ouit, nunil-west gaies, i matbaill toeme nssd dsiags'eoabie veathon Rou- fMr..ED. A. oraily. pl1essed te useo The 4nniveraary serviceis of Baisez e able te take Ledo, 'Sons uf Engisnd. Were hald on ndsy lout for f5nly. There was a very lare uru- taloniI~ woout from Whibby, I3ewînuavilo, sud W. T. Ja lifarapton. Tho preccoasion marchod te i W.T. Jck-Modesîf St. Chiuroli vhoeeun eloquont Da ou mondaLy amo n as nohed by 11ev. Geo. Wob- euen é0etu arbr. Tho churcli was haudsomoly dcccx- ois titre. chid- istodl with fluware. Tho. vioiting hrathreu in about ninle vexe takon te the Quoee's hero they au- o. .4 umi- joyed s suimotuoum nopuit. Tbo'Sonset or faniAly iv are J!nglsnd is nnetfthe strongeast lodges in ,11 IýwCçï1t)41tovu. Ur. Jcaon la Olat d onutablo Moutben, of Whitby, Ato te ir aor- pald Raglani a viit May 9, to arreat Wat. ig he' fineri sMon [lodgeon on s charge Qofasait on ispathy fl u l hi. brother Christephor. It appeaus that avemnt. Wtitse sud Robert, flodgson objocbte of this town, the mianagemrent cf thoir mothor'sotate )aBsud awuY tt by Chriatophar sand thought a, hamenling Bars. -HO bals vould improve matons. )wuhaip uO5iuIy Mr. J. W. IllgginibothaM, eux former long yesira ha volii.kuown druggist vue han beau rav- ive mumbor (if eting for the vholosala drug 1km ut b, aud vbon Evana & Sono, Montreai and Toronto, Mothodiait do-ba oulthLb.businesis cf Mr. I. A. ore sud gronod Sott, ut tîzhis town, sud vil tako passeis- are~ ~ lo aofruse ut ILnouJ une lot. We veleome Mr. piresimais I3 Biogiabotham on hls rotuxu Lu Lbthetown id highly ne- as s permanent rosidauit, sud îîopo ho îuiay -vice yvas con. nrab by 11ev. popr l th remin8 On Tüesday, May 20th, thon. mot at r, Tb.efureral Lbhomoann (ifMra..Mary Dearborn, ho. ïvià. Liveon 50 sund 60 invittd gueiâst Lu ce- brato lier 80th birth-day. lier ehildxani, grand.ciîildren sud great-graid childrn weva jproment, oo isfiton, Mri. AIma- st, ÀIstovoîl, bury, frein Cobourg, agod 82, tegothor * ith tIroir istop-meotbor, Mr$. Dioktie, vue Qu, Of Toronto, is 86. Thù aftertnooin vas hied avsy hava and 1'tow- %ith fanily gxutings suad social chat. stTho euntng wd-go f complalut. that --o 1 . mnav unve fatal il. otten a sligbL cld. f Raines carrnaue vork. Irthiday ab Mr. S. Snow. V. nowdon. r of our siports ispent tho of Orangeilllo, fa visit. Rev. Jas. Liddy at the and misa B3rown, of pont a day or two abtMr. been au)pinjtod ton divifi oi eo VJohin Dryden, arie ujl hoid 'a 30tora lnx the 13ous' ýturday 8lti May ody shiould boas oretecd quite çan of hi.s place of .ça- threuRh 0seoding. Y, of Oehatwa, ha. taken .adicol for the balance of' Quade lin~u iovod Into the idby 33,re. Ww. Douglas. llin, et Gaorgetown, la n thiiJ locality ... . Mr'. J. Starliville, w.. In town f ruew building, are bocbg aipai boille Wnx. Bown's abouta bl00o e vt .... hiard at vorli on the new nage. oy, who ha. worked on e for a nlurber ofyears to the London yard te NM On Board the S. S. Sardinlan. Atlantic Oceani, Fnldiay Misy 10. Du a B .-Upon reaching B imiouaki on Thuraday Mgy 8 about 11.30 p.m. we took on tihe rmiailsd a couple of paEis- engors snd the pilot loft tus.. I W0 agree- ably aurprlsed tLu lld a STATJCHMÂN haro. About 4.30 on Ptiday va lotSighit of land on tho south, tho aIsat Peint Viaible being Cape Qampe. Saturday xuorning Capo Raýy wus in stght towaxde the norili, but vas lopt to our vlew about 8, a. Dnrigthe afttrnoon the Islands of Havlng' paased Cap e s cduring: Saturn? day night, tIrs lut nuamod islands was thcà laut land aeon by us on the Weatss'ii side cf the Atiantio. On Saturday a number of eux pussongors voe.quite icir, but seau recovored. Suuiday mnorning af 1cr partaklng ot a breakfast coialsting et f rled rnont sud eggm, ptatoas, bresd, butter, b nanud oofoo and troiing uon the dock for a short Lima, vo ail assombi. ed la the saloon vhore aà(Ihurals et Eug- land service vwas oonducted b! Is Ro. M r. Bridger, oneofe our prasengers. W. liced tho service vary vuil. WOe enjoyod a good dinnov et potatees, messt, carrots, brea~d sud buno viLli a dessert ef pluns pudding, appieg dates sud oranges. W. apent Lbe a1torxiiBn luwiking the dock, talking aud s'eadirîg. Af ter tam vo vont dowu te the teorage departinout te a service conducod b y a Proibyterian minister vhbch wa aLOo very imach on- joyed. Mouday mnorning on rietng vo wora gxeted by the atiosphere o0 ce- bergs, we a 1w overai durlng tha day, soreaof thoinsquite largo sud othors very sinail. Prlday Mey IO.-.-Durilng the last taw days netiîing worthy of note haïs hap- panud b ut we have kopt etoadily ou eur course. Wa oxpeot te 500 theo ocat of Ireland oeotine te day or early to-mer- rewv morning. Tho feiboving La i a dis. tanaea txavellod osch day aïs given us: Tliuruday frein Queboo down - Fniday '3; Baturday 293; Suniday 290; kionday '264; Tuesday CO8; Wudnesday 300; Thursday 310; Friday 290. ]3'sther anld I are boh very weli and have enjoyad the voyage thus far. Rev. J. H. Blynof'E Wo clip the follitg rnoet non onitastod viii Case, frôlan .Fre Jirê,gs:-Many Alln Wlli John Down wv3s au acition by ofet L. 1 Jhn 11,ylon f Darlringbon, vitediod iu O Roy. Mr. Binnie precohed ta a large congrogatbon ln Couter',s hall, Sundsy The annivirary ut Eidad 01n Sundsly )Lait vs. vuit attiodcd eouidaring tho weather. Itev. Geo. Edwards praaehed two excellent germnonsaappropriate te tho occasion. Tho tea on Motiday vas a grand enucelis. Viitora:-Mism Blertha Coleman, ef Arthur; Mr. (Cao. Walterns, Ouhawa, and Ospt. Rt. L. WVerry and vife, Trenton. Moo$rîl. E. (1. Piacoes. John Clarke and lia eut 3., evauirig June Oth. A great ime la ex- poctud. One et our censaorvativefrinedstoid s Lhreushor hon. receutly that if ho did not support Proven st theo oming eleation ho would naL geL hie tihreahlng nextafuli. You Crau do wthout i, John! HAMP-TONW. Mr. A. T. ElliotL ntunned frein te City lait veîk. Meusra. 0. Ruse sud J. Ruse suad tami- ly, Toronto, are visitiug frionds bora. A& largo numbof et5h. BonsetfEngiand veut te iowmsnvilia Bunday. Thts poling division iiL give Mn. Lo4hant a good maajenity. Mra, M. B. Crydermnlias beon indis- posad for a low day.. Mie. Aggle Wilson et Demi'a Colloge apeut Stnnday at tho parsunago. Mns. W. Scott vas takea Esoriousiy Mi at Bowmanvillo lut eck. Mr. John Colo huit a valuabie mareansd colt dia rocatly. 11ev. Gao. Edwando, Orono, preached haoesuuidfly mrning. The Saof et Euglaud vili attend ehunali lu a body boxe noxb Bunduy ttarnioun. Dr. R. J. Niddory returued fruni To- rouLe lait volv Wu congratulais Lb.e duter on bie having se succzasfily pas.- cd thlî Counecil'a sevexe xanstien. The nmemberti ef the. HomeoCircle leld hen '"At loiume" o a turdsy eveuing, May 2'th sud a very oenjoyrahls Lime Wb$ spent. The. prograux onsnôteofet paeahea vocal sud instrumnental mutio. The apraad va. eue et the bhastthat han been aenved up inl thiâ village for somne ime. At tha ,)1o00 ot tho prognirnthio Coaipaly ifl jegin- Bowmanvltie. tlnsa MJr. undor the fondant, f propenloty' lfllig G Who died iJ ail tha pre marriago,t sud datai Osier. Q.L Coulina cfo vituasaon osier .,aikc hlm latex lit lordolh a conterau copronile A Cui ,commond ihac -Assasament ef ao iu Lb. asaessed mu - w e on SATURD&Y, APRIL 12. The objeet being tor of nxonoy ini a short timo, wo will op'er otir hast goo 20 to 25 per cent for cu.h. Wo moan businose, oand offering goods at the lowest prices ever ocen in Extraordinary Bargains in Dress Ooods, Silks, Pin Tweoedsi, Oloths, Carpets, Ourtains andC BOYS" AND MEN'S SUITS A Mist-class Wortsed Suits mnade to order from $83 to price.. W.A.s the primo object of this C q ikly, anid as pricoH will b. remarkai aish whie the Hale continues, but ail di .rrearH of pas t duo accounts mnust 1 I3owmanville, April 8th, 1890. Sale 1OARRIAGE8) -Doube Cvered Carriagez ....... ............................... V150U single Ph.tetong . ............ ............................... loi Openi Buggy .............................................1.........70 Iaunber agolm..................................................55 Llght Wagon .....-............................... ......... 40 E&xpreJsO w agon...........................-....... 1 GklOtOU .................................. . ............... à sulky............................ .................... 40 poesceslnw ouvertor facllttiez for manufaoturtng earriagcosIintond te misu very op or approved orodit ed b doin? 1 hovo teo miryinoroaeco ynuxnbor oaiont mëâtio oodpara olyor the gearinas af bnuwleou roned, Ail Kinds of Vehieles Repaî ,&t the Shorteat Notice, Painted and Trlxnmed If Deaired. A% the yacory 1 &acedo Plaflinit Matohtng. Turning an4 kSavtng with Otrceé *sa a ud Pre arc a» kindi oÏ umber for ourpenterii nd ethora for bidng <rn=nll anad Plain Picots for funcos in evorY style recutrod. mnade TAI LOR INO. àuPER1 IL J. STEWART .Tailor anud Cutter, B OW1VIN VILLE, 1*' Bhop on Becond Fleor et Contrai lolck, aven J. J. Maaou's Store, ide. Butranca tram Street. G entlomen'e own matorial mnade and triimmed in first-olass style and good fits guaranteed. THE WONDER OF THE AQEI Eg. W. = (ML e Simcous BS. Lt. tiADiody TRIS ON YOUJR MEMOIW THAT TOD (SIJOCESSORS TO TOL BRtOS.,) WILL START A GENUINE BAIRGAIN THIRTY DAYS' That 'al for 80O days, starting 'wIth gatuday, May 17, te Bat. June pogitively oi gouda at conat price, flot oniy one lino but al liEnos of now D It will pay you to'firat inapeet our stock, and if prices are not right ther In the pat. 6 weeks vo have opened out aàntookc of 96,000 worth of Goodo, bought at th~e very loacat primes. Ail viii bo sold ab Ooat price for cash. IÏoto the following linuu at cont pricca: Drous Goodae (blaok and col( Curtains, Parasols, Kid Gloveas, Silk, Lislo and Taffeta Glovos, Ladies' and Oashmere Nose, Laces, Cormeta, flibbons. Emliroiderlosu, Table Linonl, FJactory Cottons, Ofroular PiIlo Cotton, 9-4 Plain saud Twiliod llaohi bleached Shoetinge, Prit, 1Shirtinge, Cottoniadoa, Carpot Wtarp. Tweeds- That Ja where voe an give you splendid value, both Canadio ~ortod gouda. lothing mnade by a firot.olans tailor, and, rouirnber, at1 Gente' White Shirts, Coliars, Cuffs, Braces, ail at Cofit Prie. for 30d Remember fer 30 daya we pouîtivoely wîlIl mal Dry Goode wlthout prof Sale rturta off on Saturday, 17th May, and continues until the 2lat o TcX1D <&mC ELI LISON & uCO DRY, 0OODS AND CLOT'[H] Wo bog to anzýounce that our new sitock of Dry Qoods and Cl IIQW complote 831d thait we will beLrin a GREAT CLEARING SA 'R ULY -THE WORLD MOVES! OlohiLgStc East Shop Neads' Block. T. EOFMASO (>IWRC>. uaa t Onhi ge a. nL It wouli ýiiis remedy

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