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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1890, p. 3

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ýlr uraconc.Seo. êtmmrclti rjin 'emmpei A,4V. f1).t (%eM. Tr.iiiU o/r r, Mail. Cltogo, cr 0011, Jhykîu, Scrg., on] (1Â Woit« uio<ifiii it.4Joi. (impholl but taow tao% P l"lr0tuhovIitror - c it i r ti tefor lmtof biimg o!i aird h,1o u <(rt.o m a» itiofbd wil ibp ivrud mi t ILmirm Ilrtsu rq mornng ilder tlit orcderliofboo! the or cotIiiiiLildiig 1,u11 garrri «Min. ThtIo >111T' lo m iovnJ oaiu<nl ant1i the g(triIIconI mll be pimr<d ti i ou' .befcn iuc lumi r180 Lo «ou1t110 8UIl.eti3(O OI-'tOîL ihîti>Off<r dliroota itht >1ajlcêeoîtinamuLtg tbecrrtilîiaîy taeJt w LVOgrc>aâfi)e130011 i «itt oil o, anrd imjie wo F.b1lt g am fis ! y troop wve citlcdforith>rit (drty. 'lIc uoaaweî' pcmnoded ira diroW, md formled 1lut Il rec. a'dea aof i ol w i cui,1i1lie 1tIo1gi 1ièiwf rom 1 01o btha mul rib %%w1,o lta bu Idawirbohîg uItI .1 haico Il1o tit - rro ; tit 1ileu>o bft ouit> the oillxi Iý f ira aII (f hoirtoop, thtI buter y ý 41fo! <lii mtilltry, itire gtu< uîoing ),tleOIi crmoout, Mo Otiît I if meksoaaay t1lîy ir Mijit' rut.oaîl ioi., îrîd Ia aîîdaîo? IjIcîc(auî Io cn'iui ML; (Illtiîo rliglli wur aîmioiob h1. i o to> Ils.t. u- gilIlt 4 o cvîlry, 'ï',d% ivo of 1fut tircI t <sItvis îlot Ukciowuî batîbt h tîI Ir iliigit hau ioîmm tttctiiupt cut il, aoothe g tiis io! 111(1 ctrttlomrywelo oiîloti, tdoulel aurbtted wtt:Ji grupeu dth i t idt.rry and Ill. fcii.-Y Ilwi tiwîtirbiiiollmanc<d îoIaMiCeta itmît Ill olour wua hcurILbiol pIIigtg it DodMci Mcrehl, îtum hupîoca t olictril. Tlira primosauora Irutîcmhal uiîto 1,110 Iront cof Hieo two gurus ett ýthot>liuo o! tlho aîllrt, T 1c1nF, 11t ONMW l T 1t TCe IZ fr'on thî, tîi mt ue proceloiltuMigs, flnhîg, ud acîîtoîicoîo? (ho court, tgtrrwIt ir1 irpc in Iifud tiu g >ofmoneloc b y ho onli. îiieLltnlg C(lnd, woro roctd bY riîo fuitur- Trotilr tof ««t> he trnatuive roi'agimeits,I] 1îhtIl«h <tati Pocatu. "lime itortiproter watt 111 i11gltcdt oilo,, na tîelig 1cttchldto itoit ýSopo.y 'ogtureont. TI'J'e'OOIIIÈIiîîllg ol uctucgtt> tut' ordor tao ]eu.îîumî uiiuitrcdi<g ht>twc< guans to carry ont t utl omumc. 1I4ilr-0ti'iit ( tho îruIiona to tîhme lieciilvm iti th ir )tcm thp îizze o tgLuu. Stiti. ilig ip lbftllljt oledi i thit plimuir, <bouîi. s txftl3g(irgrhalîiuugpicotmi y 1cwedil ln cdll wlthr the rîimitî auorvico bui~rlk ohlurgo o? powdricr.A ropu imithonî jrmaud mi>uîcY tireirr hodlica,tire guiriora htLictli 1)L1,u onu- ti.luedil.liuit Jt cw i h 1)( io i Nit lîout luimury mnaummll r îuCIlTli i<utr 4adtua, ut t bu toilr~id l>y Jioaitocfii j iflidel N'tvtri, lu tuorîv yom is, o Lt>tIIILIdeutth. 'T'ireoCuLIpritsi weoaîttonidod bly <t lot o! ]rirmîthîprins whv mcejupt oit obaîîltùîig aoillthing, In wlulcrh thoprliojit.umjoud, Iui 11 th11>ofistaniig1 ïwat Ill i oaîu, whlui thoy %w eutald 1<:'wt1tîirlm, R11ti [110m ofliour gltmve t010ue ootliiLarl iJh iI(<It (humt, <Id Il ,eLutuo co~milland ta'e 3<i ll iramliwtawtîrt>o lloiemmc <îd wi the nilîolco 11uim>d rwaty othlag wiLal kfi liut IL iia "of lic .1 thomtilis otltwo limuitar it 1a. AcvryF 1tLi Ia gi o lil <> um f tcriY lino 'aa <i wil t'rm tLm ý lo TIno ! Tm tvc apc.lit wolliIclv.c<hatl do it, <titi ,,luirly 11-1.c\ vî;îl tia hy my htuîil ihrir oIl L\orî l lumvu h Il hicwiîIîIIIIllv' Icit ldoi i ml I i 'IL1iixc so <m av dh Tft on 1.1iiiiindî i lf thoul. itmci irevocubly baot. radt, 89tIilown rom ail Çua-flu lo' r hef'Li lain lit t1le pritig or 18571 wliI I <cîîrLprod iith lu alt of 11 .IowI îtvi«l Ilut<y Irorirîa yil<g huyoncl . ,frt ofacr aune t' >o gLPM>L ..Scilto lIlItOll o! aol iiw Wlo< oualii o o buîy lilln oli pul -8? y I( 1't l-i-,(id fool t <mdtutI il IV Si 'it.îlragoon fl (J <tI h of Iui. Briurmîîîtc ~ ~1rjoî.y'«forcoH>, Imuid twc, rogillu'<ît<l of t'ýp )oyrl. 'I'îo nTh to iî lJo Ili, I ii i ,,ofLIcl grrtSopoy îîî utiuîiy 1Lad h(wliî lîî'îrd;i ho LN8 gîttrti«o'%. or tIl 1'l o oihn !thîgir riaoil , IlLi O kbuo ti lo[li (o ho i, iVo« mmïî tthm< nutivo Lgiuort ind iînoyucJl it to 101opu.11Ofrt.!ili.- gtrci'ioi, 1114ILd <t ahuri> lBWIttih wcw ukept oit ««iy umovunoutcm<g (tofthe lli ~sUfolu e«rîuiu aof IAJi .<o.rvoit Llt )m>o1v, gtio]IY fotlowod by the aia utbrocL4 uLt. ert >',Il 1,o uilurociits oroor i ctilt lolud a i Ri Ll %il rcieîlolit for pub itos ht dIt<îîo f titb, ,'mbiei k o Hc ood 0111. Thon uî(lailo 1t1o iuown thcmt tho uiuiLleerui 1,11rouigillc thoiuoîmpî>.oil.y of lue ( îurml lock CtOIIIîîîriî<, itvi oo Ilcrîîttdto uriticlita îd. %'IhwthIoiLlxIIy ttttoi<iit Ii<tvilng bl«oi îîîttîti ta poVOl th<iî, l<ttthî<iigl hooti WltfiIl i[. w J>iropoitn lforci) .tifflomlut eMNIorIIt, 1 m lES anîno îml.roottli wero ammtc I)olilît,whivil oocmrmtttid m01r o cti foi, il Ilotiltoi1 (In u, - <id woîrtd hmefîmloîîl to 1tho h<mîîdaor?1t bljtîu irbt thial. IL yolaug Licltellarnt or Idod ()tiiitiî<l, ti lwyR h<o i ti Ult o tj1llO<li 1roaa iom wholrtc eho d i» theOci <<iiiio :tf wulhrho cma'.pud Ionctlho Meorl t oad Iummî ws nirl-d -11y)tllo 1ti0l, blt iuothtmmg NYLLIIovoe>'Ihwjrd uf lm ii tom Ltoi Ect Jalt 1ldil ýy of Coll) iliy mvo ilîî« lwtdîw o naliviorI, lrgc n:. 1tîic 11ru w<w <tLittivo of B13u4h, <tc1. bd lil I i c iloilbleîrtu ilt)ewriter cof tht. citrti. tf fl L hovomly plrof î!Jua tlhe Em11iraOpo rcî' tion of the Sietdkotogîtmlt ,'ttkri cîorw.c th jouoforeI1,ti, mt 4lad ouil orgcmlzod undorIý 01klit oan'<îîc a!Brig GOI). CUtluiwhrLriuta Ib( alty. OIc11d Il TI 1ho [ tiiijiicm uvtLe(ourî,"J' -ty objeot betuig di tharo forua of Supaj(ya m IIIrd utho T'l1eti fl rv( Y<>t 11011 rofil mnatrcilngto DlIhiI. ýVo jculicd tt1lt, calimnn tctAnurk- iO (lù du ilt, idd omrauetof the KInlscm armily a4od ilifmfloir Rumm1etiigli. Thrawro ivo ro- I0Âi Imioni.ta of . op<>y i itudtwa oofîirtivo ovmr Plei ( mmu.irq too îuctI îllorly î Irlo[]a iLrv4, oulne Si1lh who lahov b mu tilitLd ln - li oî~ocf Lti op >Y rtogtmiuts pývoi,) to 1.11llctiliI tmoaaloitl mure looti thoxIle ilîu t tbry <ollr ta i uulio to l)ull invm - ' tgtilnwtaardorad u.rjd il, '<ritafoul thmtI Cw of Uollcor, i id îiltm<ucd, 'ThoY .wort ilCapttirod by smooo!f atoeli'i mldCm Jrpirn1 ammPt lim]md brotiglit bp.lc l)ta io to II a yr Gbwidoroedc trrn uîdcourt inr-l otfonibic for titeir t rflu>.Tho Wovri occ<votod of c! n oitirnu' IIl '10HI-tili t s urtculol tdtbo bt . i>oo hqmibala cRIo<,PeLlover mrr4 wç obirrin the @Ip~tr, tu au onu shu m<rrlkout ihe saint .îio <imdcrmcio'scd b mjolx emiloi I mu woittai <viaL )(1 i d IbriliiLtir1' muterprimo, anmd wortby of tra o CCcmS urowci lime Ilnaritot, Eatmoh mabiurdly el( ýO aura* or'01y lit. fra aortel otio. mubla jwil bm wi.Alî rcliotirom i<coi ind[ uirla cctaîei nia, d pai lot 0, r'elmdy, but a lilat o! r'umcîdtoli,t .rllrioh b>lea lotil for ia «bugle dliaol tuu 010 r'ocirfionfhtton of liatvini orýicm Ot o~b]c tireo ld omatni 1,fLýýIIIIIyoduciitý( eni iw ýîtmidirrg in1ruropu,widuI whosi patron .0 puy frein $25 L $000 teOomu< 4uooa.TJhis le the grntolit dop kno'<vn to nmorrimomdilo. To wvlirci haro aold li Drio êetU ooliar Innumlmur, mpdiovr tho ollowLîmg cii 'io. 1, OCaltrrhi, .frLim <uvmr It(J o 1, J, PJiioasea of jthoIiungs, Cuu Hiro1ah!tiG and t i umixtl(. 1q I.trnrlllitism an(d - , o. 4 y tmt<lgcelin, j4Ivor 0and1 idnoys. LFaor and .&guc>, Dumub .guo, Noio ýo. 0 oiao ]Yomnluio uakra, Iiiouec ýrrrcguIaiîticia. No,7, S y tem Tex of oVoiopîittrnt o! Porm egolden reîuitodly kfo frr-oti »ms U QUid ac1m j i u d ritdig the chovo di ind trimtmlenh on roolpt of liatktutI ro (Ji an bbcmall o crnIy di-iggi yauir drîmlggtst doos neit koeicp tilaizt Pi'icot teis ar ol si l'Ai iti iiatoirm to1101,ittri .ITnrcdý5 Cori tI8Wogt Kin~g S.A cçli1 Jnadi Buffalo lu Ailatralia. mno rio, <Jaxtîrd uacald rIVFibcu ll oim L irntng 1t) bimlittA ie aghit4ir,"do pnlit 1mgo outin Um hoat wjth meo to- 'l'h <lUit i III milooth l ar IM48 iL« 011 wo lin o l oliglil wenh (I ol' 1 4> tl ýtt. 1,l Wfi nl 1 lit îm>oc>rit h n 'Ilp iy %vlNy 1 glidùcng oîil. L nthuil. S~4 lhe COUîtll c>w too, uîd Iluci iplpilc<oi c ul t-Il wlth btfatho i, bil oil lii h Ii it lo e«cilor. 'T Ii m îr - owêvo« dîuîood .fOlfitlitto«UNiO of lijy kJ>u14P oil i tl[. t rtou S Idtoî l Jo IL i p rt(ýuiî,t *uh udlîr TJioru wutc oerubod thon 1,11o kiung wonî îymp<cctputtudi4blovo thu . lhor oi i i lo ho ori d ligI'il, , yon 1 ooon ono o or o oilîîrnîîccof xmy orym. il-ie ilurdor ico 1m ter <pdlucîu mua LýjILo 0 Nvvï't,0 %wfth £rIiht ; but hbar v D l4iglci<adtui od, <Awy wth il ili f Io l> ott kuow 1mw mdymîr l îQs >n o-a >v 1 o11LlJ l thL il9 tll( .1 L-,OLt wly 1ww.Ilg 111 thciugry mrtzurýlul-lg orhrc igotu pf liorttLiiio tftcir t1hs, fgrc><i. foati w w ntIM VilluLgu nour ,1 01 Ut. dIrvm4çd ili Il hre<toloithom% wî 1.o jolliho (Itooop anboln«; itli-oPiy heur t, ho mollnduIl or îoIIwNc miud a?,- mo0 thlti duuLolg On tlrîcvi11ntgo gi-mm. m> <Vim idlug tth, «0iLly flh4tiO liot Il woliuu oarrt.1yillg ILboasilf ilIblboua iticwa yw>~olgohmlg, 1tttbm girl V' «ho fi-Lu lI y y m y. t> to villa<ge"roli<u, "do youi uty doi.y ol<leur Qh4Lt< addthp fold wo- "i havo jupIt. oilu 9fvruplt tirevillctu. he«ro otit ,1o iiLcfi(cu8avaco udwith Lbuu«n, trti ou haveo naa;', ie.rt id nd yeor lii arl. iot, «ho meaoeteoi riglîm, oými. 115 it tliiabuti yotmrwttiit,<'811o "<mUld t o u wil buo 4r> uv$ of cI.II volid iiul . rfiLiu rio geot a an foioffor lowod thou OH waîiwu tt it>tho rlbbouc r. it ii Im t «ho tured to 1a i<rk ho 1, «h attw ir[li 11wo a i woini with th') t, but tht>o wigry '<vtote kl fowih< ibor. ALîa vrouwth fr'I11It, tit LAr1,1111 wIIf yý ; Lut theking o t 111 hl is oizoil her- by tho tomr ryig : w 1 li<vo cuouglibyou ;andm.ui ia<ll tûttcmoh Ectrti o hrîcck fny williow m d lth1oci i o! mOfull. (oiu )t Ru imI1 over, Mii nyoilmr littic bou.t to Juijilro my Id pullcc> wlth yau' ran rui tdder." ti Ui tr i c<mlud alond for miep); 1but1 C hourLId hOr, Ilti ho wcVM ildrIggOd îmwcrty 0 itiigy ki il . Sliri d lacporr d n VIitiJr ILud fo 10l ïlfl W I'fliFitr a « t1lo v idmotlie]r. mtod crandwItL01ic(dl n 1 r1 thei.î Lrn o fi e OL e<tr dtgiltOr. tire dom, a! tira dark digrr on nti iJ.1tnetlhil buoi i Vhown iby liot'oriol MURDOCH Chi na B OWMAN VILLE, Headquarters in West Durh<au FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, Crockery, Hall, Parlor and Hand Lý Fanicy Oups, 'Sauors, Vases, OULTR F. A ftffrT IY8TCL <r, Of~o. o. bIISSIONÂRY bXÂCKAY'S DEATH Illrei 4«<mItIliéî hul J <cow<t l I l AIWlIn WorkJ. iho liiglitliCh ~iuroh %11.4r4oitry Soetai.y 71ou114wQOkM <ga eovd< tmoin mor 'lctuid hir ururcnnoliigtht> dormth un"" lo ver of Mr, A. M. M Iroky. 1lt w<ca "IL tinu c> i' Muokay, whoin loho l', "Y 1 FIl Ltv1,iuglitone <mmmLd NMoltLm, tluit .% tuluy wvrole froin fla,"TI'lomc> 1r11mmirry sooiiuorm llall' >ortivu taroduolllci ex- 1114rtimauy nimY Mr. A. M11 Mîtukci wwicîo oiLIL(lemg>'rlLtu, .<nyH«i: tuePcu . 111001"uito tîglir inoat ,pouplo wt11tul Iiiii m'ooird lbut wqa t1.,e moisi.t utcab (If lity workora. 11e wmiti forty yotrsr r!ofi,(, anîd trot tîry-w a, owing to him youth fil[ lpertro<ui (our 'y, Stilcyauj'juiied [>rabtortu eLrgyrliItrî, %whoito inire iiifit' mlili[lr t4 cMhoiboya lui 1,11o iuillitoro!fMI kIty'U Thogr pbm.' 'I3u fturo nrll8lOlatblmu %vms ûolcmateîl for, Cho pu'aoiolcam f aii l iî<îîtoIL rUîive'lly oouro rIL o trce1utn qmm 1li>oqucrtol.hat ),lrul o ibuddig ciel' y îmîîmîî or b prstr ouitto? i uEng, lui. -'o. wîim IL yoiitig iriiriî(if tiirkîmd îrllttnm Ný-t om aarî ooirIt'>d to Ltio I> hLIouf Il<illuhr umrtcmîrl cvigiuirig worka IL u an l. "lu iwîa lirý1oî iTIwmoVulltt, ld75wht>u Stkmlaiy'ti fillm uuu et<lttho oi/y T '-~ ip'am uppoý,lîrd, dlllhng1 t ueoIollrm with !mftolL, tthhaPionKimmg of lgauidm, <id <lýtio to tllllt oarccu1t'y. M ' cîY, tWUIîrYt.iX y;uîrî'so!ugo, bruriifuil of 1entlîmîatacrnî(Lod utc> bull o! pilrposet, utoaicrco'to Lt)the Chlirui sootiy wîriouh imd moçlyot £10,000 for, tire puu'pose Clfrloml w. 101 domoravoM cturi o lago n«tut. jîeBno cc 80V(ai otiir, ilirta tire ureait tf A>Icc.l plotogrcrph tunken accthle 4limartptfIift tîmndotîm.0 umud dlrîlîdFciL, wltl <vit dofluodrilitimt-uo, i. l gh forciiii dfroin irwli wîvlîg litit .l ela îiairo bmck, i'oacdato OY08 41m11d IL11, lru <outh, i itgbit troutu cvaI- Iig thü toppc<r ip. Not et trrcie cm!If<vhtskei 91I imoisu.h 'v tor0c tirai, bfft by tii ta tirune lite caprobttbly <boccdlike ( pi rL Stîîulit> luof rut nonî, titueeu yu<Lmgo, lhe 1ucVuIc01uo>lofri. Antcr lud o novor 10- tuumttml 11)t1t11o cot !Ilha. uillcxory o! thua uoi,momai. omet>u I, ii <lîcrti.o.Ur ofubai, liita biuor vury ~ FI'le a IlLict>e ou r w~bud 10W tiOrci b? ahmrlcuclarm omm ittîg 141muid îcd teo,ifw hi coupioi ons taprouecl.only la m euttla f<ttt iîy iiiucitui'u. Ami il u <«ui i'cîuavorofL ho~ prtahc>Il onit taUJandit, wt orrt ho libor- LAitlu loutou'îu ««bu . 110 , <t Itty. "Ats mprcmoicl oîmlgîmmu&r thilora wIma uothbtnp 1thnt loie oilddîlot, limrke wiLh hmhZIIi u tht> Wagaudctri. m'ded htuct <rus tî u lo wvd with 0extl'<t>'llîîrY jpoint Im au ii t h t tl>.oro, b (ho ht r t1,t11l(5 k atîuut h kp htuîr«lOlf <LrOÏL41, il.1ti t)a OILrdan u1'eViiW$ wlhich liccmu Ilti frieidod uî ilutii, <mc tnd bbcl botaiîois li loit>d i"oolliploto a kiowlu Igc of m<ocoruî tbolrglt u utctoy Is'li eor Woro it ilct for alihayIIIrpl.auna? of tho ro t>t ilitdltotiil poiwur wwioli hù IpomgtMeaa untiy roirdorî c>f lita lettois wu i hvo Hot b14u Ilwîî tla lui rt.i ctmt hum lir (ily ~<c<u Ilobor'nîwocl frur ire iovouibulary or toil tc «miforut> hi. m tgitr<itmrW mm1ii W h. <oiwaswb.e by Lho VArbilui probleur migit ho io1vodl. Strvli wtr thr e riIu iwho NCIra urly tMk ireh 0ditmt>o! blita xmrd.orod l Bluhop, and Lwlio bro 1 îcw foiloicmd bru a ir Gegttv. H OSPITAL. RENMDIES. Is always well si very best goods ,ays befo~und lo r lir you o ît il wiley to, wiu Ilvi> M-1trc Iliwr<r "nia> i Militi f fu.lt7 florra, tmvr '<'e ux .~ta Licght aOPfrw ld this W)ta iti m 80c1m0 diry T no rmwtL." I Ausitramin brîîded il muoc>tntbu B oWYUA where he keeps A. LARGIE & COMPLErt A: Coarse and 1 for Meil and Boys, WomeI and Rubbers, S1ippers, etc. Trunks, Ya1is( a CROOERY & F ]DI *MOPI Ufittil gritiba OT10l'EER F )Et .CO., Itepatred, lia. ~, s. (dowin stairs), Ym EN, L. D. a rai coboet Dent*ai .Hkig, » , WOIlteWABRJUiTED.-R ioffice. Dr. Rubtherford'a Oroura WLW

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