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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1890, p. 4

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WALL Papers« fr.oml 9-9 cenats. Your jCeilings. It will cost no more to hitave your room)s tastefuLlly papered and decorftted thuai spoiled. P. Trebilcock. JBoWUJENVILLE J ON M 4, 1890. A. tAST WORD. cuiu if <Jdori9rs to huh' dil y to) luZ(VWMI(M. Lliitt every Rofort voVo; ib ploUd aud QIQs 1clry. Çkut i IIIImY VOLOB i iwi IIlo poTX44*4 14i oinO Pie~0 opwt 1in4Lgll1ouL file1Provinloo iks llmi Ilop3iu1l to Mr., Mt>wit, I*wd vwt uarilwitjy 'vote n it)1 t1)viulory iii ourst. W? suiiýii. tt4 wooh ~ iL rviofth IIùaI1Y grezii bellofit4 l'ho>Mowt b ovor'n- In4I11 11118 oireor't on 0OxLI~Iîo. Mr. MovlitIiimoVer buil fnit1l o 1ju t>in- ILAYQrt OcT a riO. db lut g lri bilh1 >rli ILm t dIitne9bya liver Mcwvat. aLs Th.e MDowc ilt With Its IL 10111 jllvomtu ýizolc, 4urii nLii iuripl lh4~~f 8u,4ý yWhat bas the Mowat Governm«ent Doue for the A~dministration L Of justice? R fi, 111j>ý ivon ili1U ) t i dical'lim0 Àot 1V Illiti ivoli us tht> Div ïi;j o iolirl, ML, ILb 1015givoil 118 1(wo i'tvimioitii of tht> Whu.t bu4he Mowat Governmeut Doue for Educantion ? IV itsoxp>xîod$8,418,828 dm1104 yieiu rel î11on d>ni. la ounfxtniby o t adilo of tht>laVel <f Ilýication) it puSthIo 1uatwVor i4duuatioi± unuor th> ific m<Ui ron ble 9çO?1frol of'il Miis or of Llîu Orown. It 1I1oef«vd a usofuil îIdM illnpOrt4tilt 00on- molidifion o(f 1,11(jProvincial schooAlIbiaw. i t lQ11 improvwl the mcsooul 1yliom n 1 Mi<Vtt>î i.sL tilUt liilaw<, llittIdlTgi t Ltut> it compoj>to ilid <fIboIivo (if anly il)i]LI yti- tori ili tlo %world., IL iiiii idoio inucli 11) rlrilgorJd ti;uaaio» i i lo C .ologon and L1 v>riy .1 l11W uxpoîîdud <m lar'go Bliniroi, ' ti tLis tibiIIlt id eutuipUIilolit of <tIschoolt of L rtoial tcioo SI'uiuîuglisti.ubsArCt ichooifi, 'Jmxo' tL".unlchîand (Jormitil Subouls, kupirato Holiuolia otl iw lUi o k <.4 What has t he Mowat Goviérnment Done for Temperance ? trifflie 11, lins giveil s ti Lh (Crockm AcV wbicli liasotiocoIllth111111)(m.r o ioîs frotoi 18)i 1,4iil7Ui') Io 2 in î1888-9. 'IL hiit in ' -i ht oldrovuo (Nu- Ildciptili.dgt Provicil1'l frp cei8c îour $1,22,809 in 1888-9,. t lam moi lutIle >growti lî o!il' (ellio'1L09t> sentimnt, tby înorus'uu îttlogimiion. II hîtwts :<>litfrrd IId uwwsof il local OpLiont. lav, in»IaUI oalia a norw ILIplivittionis unIdor io aînmnsoS'l890. ),I ThliliAij Prollii1u koht sdo of Luoxiutinig liqyîoa' Olk -votiolm invigrilitig li Ll acLi mi 'ivgors o?' lio Provini; Ilici-QaKeR 1t1(o ago of 'iur"front to u poultiy thoso %Uwhio sol iq uori o Pùr- a vifs Lpllaly whoo Iilîjuor la sup. plimI. Co iiuy porminudrtlot- yoliLs, in 1rospouotto w]o ioLeo icclV- ing4 lium houa givOIl, [)Uolnbftiiing sucît 11- vionsoul v iffua1Iur lta moi]or tail1)y liquoor .Ad iv8grontor tt I o msoruli iqýlEi'1prumilaos i al"ioit III mu Il-Iier tibn& rromIt poa~ous fotiiI.on sld ~> ~ ~What hpas the Mowat Govement Dolori p lie line of Publio dt>no (vi., t>glgt- Workrs and BiiilngFi? vom *r oabilnot IL itti e<»ifttlud 'S'Ikt0(il0O on Publie nd1 or anyor tte oi'lwto>1872. mans itu le an. IV Linowpliuîti11miîîg tCh>o meoofo Jni'y Oovcrnnmni I710W tid conuodjoum .1Il 41ntJIiId- wh141h t tenliiwod l es. and a lifl! yutkxt>) IV t t>peotediîtarly $2,500,000 on Danaian~ Vo- lh>orV on uand improvt>lio ïià asylinna fne Mu diname M andIdote U hlis cOxncnud lnutbriv aOo.ooo m tht> :ýmulicipttl Lom <l, ?J,084,705i people> noclou u < durilig igliteun >ura.L oxoitru 7,ofi2. MoQwat Gq"Vern nint inmuiilijti? s tllo ilnest 4olppiot and Ii i d Hkit hl naW () kt n<yp44P Tl)4s 1aw 1111)ro oillii, u i lt> b3il ofi' gx lng Tht>o±alslmIVof jattustrinl fitrinfi ud Jkçiiit o! elio ,5ugtra»lili tradoi-8. Fa,ýi u4)g tit p UVleICIabolition It bu~ 4stiLrilmtaç1 ,447,525 ho xiiioi(i- paltiosti ndr tlintMimiçiplal Luan 1'i.nc. Ibii rpsted $1,084,705 iiiudrainagt> do- THID L Dilioi l SMo 1tils0 Fub. 1887: No. , Wot Ward, mou ( l .... .52 11 il oU rtVl. ... [M> 3, Norl Wiard, IsoulVh. ...7 '4, il i nortH..67 r, sotVh Wîu'd, soutia .... 54 24 1 Mllioril'y foriIltc- 87. NM. 7, Providouco, 1 1 i ,8, Vorow, ........... .97 91 ChMpl ovo ........ 73, H10 Ialtl2Von ».....1 W "13, 3rêley'HS . Il....1130 705 17 J5 oii(auu........ 18 lNajoriby fori' .o<tok222. No. 18, Nutnil....... 11'2 19, l tro Iw IIIi'N'. .11...... 2 20, VLiloriel ..........7 '2 2, <Kro.1t(l 1...........539 213, I~7G '-"I, Motfid 'HS . 11,. ù NoP. 2\iatWt'.........34 î< <1 WuV ar........509 MîtjoiVy for. losok.8 Lr> ilIktj,'ii l' or lflali.-Il(; . A iifdsoine Jloc. (h'eit mrvmtt d xns pnairs it i pajlt bhern nIliaolu tht>à bottom BIoukIcwhioh irw s Kfrontagu foot on King strett nd extond Qutton. Tho> frot otf tho bllock hai pftinted inf) trario olorai, 11)( dlirectionof Mr'. John BPoufflir, (If! iiii, iwho tinisad ai chargocf Cho>cix tor work onuiho tîîsii.lu. Tho i docoration aRcLps.iItutillg is t[l i hêu of Mr.TIhorna. Woobf, of this toivw PLowdfl>'. 1im 5 ft o niy rolinit!î 4L1 LrvNo1,4 A Fooi,'x >SAJa Marty natilr o rstrî ritllih, Trut> uaib.. iire wiill aid, 1but '110,inumLalim o bs idlot j tlle by 13udock I3iood BTîtors, troui 1 ro 2 Li iiI )ttlieb of W e1 i 4 l Hulioutt o <uro imay ordlîîary' o4o f ilmpu ii.,vdcontitipa' ion, ds opihvi' complitin , h lduloy comtphiiiinîfiti on'. 610 4128 111 nepi-aîdn .goo()dýi nre rîîalrkod jin lui jfig- ti nres. ýý3Il es wo Jiro v e l' 635 39 careftl aboîtf. biyiuigoug ds g ettinrig nsiiug0 ugood gools. ~l3We soînie,i areIll()able ici, huy ntila grtat redutioii fi)elear 8.cwrtaîii lies of goods. ý,7 Wc!have beesu furîrti en- 7-1 Oigli lu seciurc*, Jatd i(VIll be i ablu to seloilhem li~t W hoI*-$alet rhces, Il liri, of partwiOJs, joi.. 88 se abecoymitn ovr 8(; Curttiiii. Qwk, g10vs, Ilioisi'y, Iùnivinlier fth , ii: filit1v iN 1 li- :sited and 11hc~y re goiliîg verly 'l gOod IU'Q 513 1012 Saturday, June 7. A villiety c t'antwiil beý Il Voffcred and îw11(y WiLbte SOld 1312 &iiap. Cone ilid 8C0 or 1 , t I f,1111.-W t siIIhae rplatg s o ftwecd,, anid wor- tuattly. Thiero is a novr batà roomn moeooid liwr, mald tht> saitary ai menolt3arcm in1 CO arr celonil gihien aro boiuîg î>iohtl ind laorn piêQG11 for (li r îretioll. Tho gclorillIy lias beon311 Pstiilte&d, ro anid r>tii>dwhle a great fin ment iq Lh itptitig in o ,anmri.Lon jlawt§ ovcr tht> badroorn dQoor. Th otho atraosar tl>f bott fi,0a Mr, . JJibtmtho proprietor b.j cominndedfor his einttrprlseo. Ltio inauugoitiont of Biesjas.801n sonus, tht.. hoVol lhno boumictht>1 A. Fr'e Trip to EurXope eJ' p bl",Y, !tu O w crtoi>î dioprven 1n cfLotl'Lut>S will givû M freut>rip to E"urcpo for tht illin(I anud Dflf. <ntn ing thieiu theo largost lit has Hoxpolidcd< gVor i$75),00 pîî iu- ordii ct>ntr<tiod lfront, letb buildilipIi tlia nsnmiroof tLir ,,we ickîse Prizeks cooibtIig ocf 81[ver Tou Wliat hasthe Mowa.t Goverumient Waît>se, CVhlna )itnlr Sut Doue for the F4armers? uurtai»n< klk »essoil, N L1 -. and ituly cher ueeful atnd vu Lt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ee liso aî4dciaî uca(lycw cowill bit ahmo iawirdoe4t Turit. Websbt>rs ULinbriâgod ridon ian Agricultural(Xid ~t.te bouaod am authority in d( P. haitfa1lia o >holdilng o!f1larb)r Conto8t. Timis i.a popo.lw es' LbwiibUVoit. troidloixig il popluar publilati IL wIoVu ccratýo itgrlîturc utILati'w o <I (1.uurdhîî u <t 111hor l wct'ds willI rcolvo 1 pa mn 1, bans givonl liboral ICran1t» Vo edoctoral 13 2o. stanipa fer cistae disticttowrslii agreulu l t cri prononts an d Iliret>înonimtr~ i tuu va iociotiit>, ti-<il1 i itg $1 118, 42 L tiell ho TUR IIIO. Ad é kiii100 t~t ISDA rlaToront, ILt bu givon llupral griwltît h>heap Travel Via t1le . 'PTo Fruit (I owers' itsî,iiciioiai. rîlîît> »alryliioi'tiAsso.il»tion. lo Tht oyal Mail steaio.hip Thî o valorioti o>tî~. htu Alli ie toolc out on Tho roniMontroal Oa largo iirt>l Tht>Ifnomoogiixl8~aotï *ntormediibte iaud stcGago 'lThu Poultry AiuatNn nany of thoum fronm Torout T1( Iliokccp1rs' Asoiaio. >biia accomuiloat,(inol lu1n alibatorized 1townshl îulipl-berth rooite is oegaged for Ii tics, %î1rndcortin lcns'1itiolim l'o bocrr'w J une '26. Thore 1. pItuy of river, for ilinedfiLLO <md tnonoy frontti Uto itli(;ovoniusieit <ageri, sud ti us eriei)r, co audiaoln it tafr W o naL iîtbluora,10111 jS eile ffred 1tuent> wilI riodoec tilodrai thur lad.t>mipleitiiut arried. Tht cul tIL drmaainrut, rqirg lan. n th irouuniltin, J une 4; Poly 1h ~jslneituod ~ 4ros. p'c~agn>d. 18- and àai l ie nmalit toauimshl) 4t bit. acdi tht> î>untof 'Mi tiiâter "stt r rdçdh * of AgriuILLiro tc ilit) aiio.Moutreai htu Liverpool, ri.d IL luw granLud 82,J14,5578 t»ndcr - t>n d $Il1û roturn. lioado! "Agrlcultitro an ria" dunýiiug lassyyuaw ta ~tiîoîawV18 yars.in Tira STÂrlusarA14 when wi Wb,t hs the MowatGoveruiient IDone for the Laboring Qia8sesi t pazewaddhe ~cais 4uA L. J amo t putscd t ilt 3îpqoj'Ji.111ilty A cL. 1tpimud d io ]autçrY 4eV. Iwt3iid Ldiu lt% tqy AQioiiiteACo. 1,~~~<c puto 4pLf.t1 int TLtlio! of Co- opow~tivo A mociaitio&ws. WItlbLAM WA1l.1IN TKUILL, Muy 1MOIh 180). PITCHINO MACHINE Iror tinloak1lng hiV iwd ulM liltd iio u grain. or irltboeut 8îalicabit> t>t( Pul4ap. rus. <SitUa- cliig on mir adveî Advertiluomnts roc for Daily and W llipWeù and auy otil "110l v lure A - Lifter '11 fil in AiNTED nIUmo to 0 0 ' wa Illie, JOSErr IA OSHAIW. Tin ho min o1x R. RWOON 90,AgOe A Good Supplyc PURE WHITE PURE INSIIOT PO Fresb. froau th~e M CILEMISTS ffas bocQIXW the inost faxnous Myaobi MoOOtIIR OS. & You i ali 0Y 011it, We SMoQOII Reinowned1 Is at the hiewd for JKnu ýQj .0 -L-L' -Lýà«j2j£:

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