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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1890, p. 8

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TRUY HE ORDI OVEI' br1ranch of iidustry semins to e 0nakirîg rapid strides and(1 rone miorf, ,so îimuffictureofo ,.~. ~' irciîdto blieo they have now reachod nearJy pefecio . 'fh rijst (ettcrs ettnuot tel[ ttho ready-roatde froni the bot ordereid work.' alle VUIu a vietw 09'o tc.. fie gm'ê'atsutuf nîIOwt0( wCuarltilke 1 prite p~~bc -idreds of t>hese suits are now in wear iniI section and cc-re ýgiving entire satisfaction. NOT-1BIJY BEFOR" 0PEYO1T SEE iJL-ïTEl East Shop Neads' Block. MAN v PAIt$.. tur upolit ay oven- &»EBFLVU 'i J1~ urus A., A. mii4~ii~1I vln r sugnatt4 irofthe ltev. A. A. Jjrinmoed, of! iowItI, wtwue(lniutl i adpteil by tho 41 ry {b~y. TL niay be uf inter. ot ht il ianyu>' tindswllo a-0re rcidorg uf o'ur vpuor. IL. .0 Coaivoler et (Jaittco. U ~n.ntnhuthu e Rigaiît(Ian of Mr. This week. we wis uttention 1(.)a 4'uw FIp wo]e ocu ~Ired at and iitend 1givlag o thQo benio ,of Clio Hsun lI-WQ bave Hiti in lad eau d t<) câa l iiuai npacetin g of tllo abovocl'is- as heid (m \Wcdnuadauy and Thuris- ein tho MtilodiBt oburch Orunlo. or H .Matthows prosidud w iL' Ual abi.ity. RvVMOnt au v d uearütatry. Noarly ail ilhu miniz- id lay repreiientativos wcro pruimnt. piual socrutiluy ivla iad Liu tu thio tur of tho iiwniisturo and prwilcurb, lie riiLhiful poforlaliua of Choir ILud lait WeOrO OUnIdtu bu blttMU- Mr- J. J. Aahtin, B. A., ti]rbat- ni twa yoûrm, wa ;caxuion1dta [»iifcrcnciu ta bu cvatiinucd au tral ut ta rucîvo É I 11ap)iilikmuîit s 10 Cali siuhili sttdikse lluClio fi. mree, Ar, A'. 13H~. ndormu», wlio Ad ta buo ntintied oautrial, isud îîler- 1ta attend college. Mhlr. H. J. mou, K3~ A., of Cairtwrighrt, wha nivurmity, and wh i inroputcd ta bo Mt*y acaocpLtabi as a priuhor, wafl rnundod ta tClio ColfurcaL)tabo ro- i n trial for Ltha odaiiutrýy. ,&Atiohr Sis Mr. NW. If. Moore, of lilip- rcuit, yi Va uehighlyourtlflod will imlqiltel o abo rucciw'cd au trial for iiitry. 11là Cl uanvrN[Lat l ailway totilg apout toilu utiw lu fituiJkilig -s iita Clio stito op tlho wiovk with- buualiidn of ho dIsVift. j i i ua ii rturns frorn the ciroui ts coIlxilrhuIbly good i n viiiw of tle liard , iialiy ai tho filfude 3bailigqultu in lou ofut Y aityar. Nut ilcircuit %Vau int iii winlstorias1 sitry. A Coli- btl Tiisîbor 4 ofaausworo in- (j. itud fnnxlild f ta lberal copon- , mliong athiers lyroiio chiircb, was )MI lit oa ciLof $8O() and J3iaok. piaTso2II4teoat f700. mis agreud ta rduomînlleuta t the roue11 ecierout of Lu ctruilteu aio theo QLLOu S t. eahurelh, 13winai. lr Ccnisai 1bomci tlir ,chuirqb frmiagc, Oethce ta bu Applid .du tho now chtirelih. Arcquuat fra i Pritiali ifortim Z\É.)Qllltil U kiiig iraýtianll uurgili gavurzurnunlt w- atioln au ta "cituEas uf riimu sudI( ofa riaformnis:ýorixiriiis," waiB aUîn- wvitii, lt waa re8oîvocdta iccoan- for the orienralconfuroou liia- tilit vh ie y rtoanaiu athau Il cnnijurconoo buc lectud by the :er]y Oillun oislrda sud uot by the et încstinu. A. ca:mitteu to coii- f ciinsu t ti f hodiatrict liiriie»int Lmry aud theo piar of chluch iIl .th() irincnal district, il bu liold ppi tut niake ii-ttiagümoita for lg al Uabbabh a cII(h ioal acili p wùian with tlut cliatriot Imeutillu. bituary roferrixig ta dia lifo, htbor briyaith() Il 1geRv. Paul :Rob- Our MIS ON YoUm M. J1M[OltY MHAT TOP.ý (,S U CC'ES SORS TO TOJI .ýi3OS.,) WILL START A GENUINE BARGAIN THIRTY DAYS 1'Lat in, for 30 dym, tarting with Saliirdiiy, MsIy 17, to a~ It will psy you ta lirat inspout aur etock, and if prices tire not rlg1xb1 J n the paît, 6 wookeu a ave upoiiod out a stock oai *,000 %wurt (lnd,obugbit ab the vary ciasaut priasu, Ail vill i)u sld at Oo8t pri For Onnh. Natu thu foloi]oîvirhiez Mt culit pjanluosi: Dru..mm s(bMpol a ndi Ourtainsj, Parmoahç, 1Kid (havtis, Silk, Liii. udû'aVas(Àlaves, , ait(ios C'L11hm10ro 11080o, Lacesi, VarmoÉts, .tibbons. m bri uTab)loLini I9aoLtut4y Cottolus, Circulêr 1'ilmwy 9a, -1 Plain and Twillud Blum h)ulcsehd ihoobitj&z, 1rintis, hirtiriga, (Jattonnades, Oarpot Warp. Tweedsi- Thai iii whero wo ean givu you tspiaudid valuo, botth Ocai ported ods(. lthiug riadu by ait fràt.alamn tailot-, [IL11 z, uamïbor, ('Lmitsà' Whito Shirts, Coalara, O(lff, ratous, aui t oast 1>nLcofor Romomxbor for :10 ditys wa poitlivciy wiil sult Dry (ýou4s i thuuitj Salo ntartm aolf au Satiirdày, .J,7Lh May, oand continues umail tho 2LI * rQ2D & Wu bog Loa amnonouue hat our ncw stoa oDry GUoods and 1)()%V OTrpltc andl that we wi I begili il GREAT CLEARING- S. on S3ATI JRDAY, .A I'R1L 12. TIm abject iig (x) 1aise a J oi laf (, u inlaa mshordtillie, we wil U rouir Lest god ut 1 '20 to 25~ per cent for ecash. Wu mn biwiness, and wili f oflerinig 4,0(.18at tho iowest prices over &nlot Ba13win J~xLaorinèy ]argirsin P1,048 osaods, SiIIÇ8, riits.COLLi Twiýecdsq, lotlw, Carpets. jui-ains and (lutIhipj BOYS' AND M9EN'S SUITS A SEC Vii rut-elaqs Worvsed su its macle to order frein $3 to 841 es [AH lAhu primeio q uic.ldy, ai t3 priqcs w Cahwhlio sale conu Aruarm of past dhie liownt-itviUe(, a roaUl bitu. renureii liocaumeo ic (ifd u tho Jrobytry -t of tho chuiroh. A-riv1xug In thoepmrlng of 1817, Mr, iid for muro tbait tan yotts mpastor of FirAt Ohnrch 1fuloillw yovnsin iNartit from uiw ladIies' f111i sýo llaek cati 110140(f01-10c&S. a pair, (Qf CII WC have botter 1uai iLiem. We oi a fulli rieg, ail sizes, of ona lino cottan ribbud hio.o tliid wa tliii Tharu. B0119011 naino wil]1tlbia Yeur TIC and iitor, I'rS. vitit frtun4s 4inSb. antre thlb 0el urromted waL 'ïoCI .or gtcaing mhorme, rbo fvoum ]ooan ur scîtinlire11-0t a ftIrm e le aded urgo ; andJ ol nQar- edj hlm ta Cubourg MLfiD. ttce antd faiy tram Shure. vumn sna teschling the -en the art out ingilig a vory mUoCWEsfid weOlv - ftbuV tlnîty lield a meting aul dL Mr,.IT. Haker ibhy gavuinmoilt. Ï131 an Pluuttay aý d .by Ru~v. Coa11o. SruBuun(à tibu gib Wl hafu r. J'-- $bs.h ' - m1aro, until the ycar 1810,an sd Mulec( Oiat tlea ln N(4wtetttlo li al, lupWaDXu to .f2 yetirs. h ~ i~i p)iOupo4r lmIDltI7 and pruYtpM 1bpi-if ui ustiftl ileorgil l n ,h mtiilontiOlud, 'W wul ait lu tho duti( of ut tue prtaratta. Mit pitit li lwaIym beau1a0sOftPuW4r. Lsud 'wivlilliCCyfii. tihoe'e am caine nlY inoroau1ng £ojoy uDmisudnctionuln tbo do- clai,tjof utthe great trtiutthe (1oupi. "Nat lhesmwrthy of roocgnttcu havo benthe iserviccu of MXunrond ai; Olerk tif thlt lsrio4lyt(iry furthtt llaut 13 yuers. A diligenit amind accunate afilut'r, hM@ exttensive koldeut obch la w and formne, and lhiw pracLtiosi widdum, halive hwaoi! fensjt'nt ad- vlag, tou thaPrchbytory, %wba artt gratified ta Icnaw ltihobIisi"tiht tO cet1t1ol' in Ui dt.tcm aitthu Olrlhp. ,,It ih I escurpccjtf stnic tiuntthe 'rm bytory t1aut the mxxirtA utof fliviv rs broffier hityol O-eau t'Yru.Cy ceuclzril by tha Ob11uhi C0JU, it, ha haviiig lboùu for 7 yvarm (ilork (a liVti>r btcy f Bra L '11 i UJlhot Prasiytvrniwi ChiiurclihMudoautar of thaIl T. I jl, yioud bt-fero the îlion f 1861, of iwrd tho e *yned o! of xîid1o f lim Cîwo. e ';ulytorlimu Oburch, itA d .111 agatni, siter thou unton of!'185, a u y of! "uta nd tLîtn .., Tho IPreublyttcuy, dsivolutly tjrsnkful Lu titi Gýre t a4t s tof 111oClorch 1for bis iung, liiboiîwiiW an utu lmlrinmt'Y fY oVaUtly prwy tliftt tlîin rbraLiberTolly l'oMic iatl ariad ta renidu' V11lîUdL i ervicu suloi ale sy 01vr btratu fit 4it hm4t uinepta the Ligh!' jnys ad labar. ut4the uppaiir ksêne* tititi Y. voit by OHALLENGBQdl. eruiali- 1 i hreby ahaUsungo T. . JMeMurtry ta savdtrot Frailk.Riltbcillan agailist 8tl3anaSk s; OVen- ]Boy on Whàlky rruk tiînù af exlibitian, atlig ft »ile hstsi; batl thrcu in live, tur $009 ,y iibne .1. Put ii or ulaiit up. o10 havo mnv 26 1890. 13. (. Va. 8showi in lfl laiflftlJl.Xou cal ~earo1ytuiliL ro asherealil at vury Iow pnieus onsidering Ch, Qd.- -W. ewore ferlutt e endu 1161g to ioclr tw ]i,&o ots of' i'ût 1a1 tiL-y thant iiwe]Lad tosohe-ri Che uiial. pricos >fi wol dtitý about 8 yeai-s to msou Lhem ou~t, bu at thoc priceos wc tire selling tbem: thoy aire going Hai fbtb hat ti scmerite theowl)olo stock wtli i cloeared oi Lby Li-e iddlq cf 01 LJ sumer, Yoitwill.ilitk a1 e. nmistako if you do net eau anil ge oil a very large o coeand ai ver, 01W pnicos. .Blacek and coloreî long hanidies and i shet haili lui-goe parasoli and Sinal~l parasolF ail jdndc iS aidil prices te iu cvery'body. N o Vnuwish teO say lit Ci public willifl mitamiar af1vottiis unent will of1Ibakdpwb tboy ciil st our store. Sçom e .)a voiti.46 big thi-ipbut if You i 4 feor tChobargain4, thoi q. arc it Wtt havoe- yth4ng w verLi, ani carry out çvory w JOHN J. MSI" iDr Goods and Je lr tr rutit, willh wbioir li asdisl- Jus daip thile liît) Q .1. STE WAR{T ]2ailQr andCi utter, )WMAENVILLE, ilitotdal umade 1.c1as~i style andi 4U-.-J.y~. ?~be lul si for 0a ida. 26 l. . . lotow exii hât bu ntanby uhlniogma ll Flik ly.' ll ho lu b m Sarps- or aptirel Al c......................... uipertor facilttUuufor mu1sra lil cr1th e woodparte ons Kinds of" Au the S8hurtout No~tice Vi that siuporior iHty1o of clobing stitll contine ciu a goud l4tWiig coat ard vo4L And ithotio thuat reaUy ppreeiaW a s upeilb jin N, esas utIl y knuL, w Ilitt L i1o placo tio got to noever fltS and iH boLched ililtho ila zingan $ W. Il. IVES, ES(Q., (311711, BOWIMLnIM10. ,yair .Lfl waid m '~a~ ail \y rU MRl. W. Lit. IVEIS, 13mwniativilie, fur yapr 1'artaloon kSyâtom n 1 %wantt gaud lhfttiug pair oaimbsan tteo xiuyouq lu ,rndylv 'cm,'. trile. xotor. Mil. IVEVS Dvmt. I$L- i want yoiu ta 2011(1u1110tho I)Vraf ai you crin. Jiiavu sitartud buiinaiiosfr uîyautt haro nuw And 1 ivant itc giva thum uoine af ivoaspante il J.1u. Thore haa b( la muo 1,lbt if 1 ILII i gvuithem au f iiee I>auto Uai hou 44<1 Jwili hava sm spiendid cuat and veat tsyutuna. but w y panat net ms yaur synteEn i uht along, and Luend 11ru,10(h o muald J wili se roturu aofnmait. Yours truly, lima U, THE CI Saturtl mum 'LASS CLOTI-II1ý,,e

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